What is this forced diversity token minority shit in TF2? Valve are SJWs!
What is this forced diversity token minority shit in TF2? Valve are SJWs!
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I cant believe these feminists are trying to force their agenda down our throat. I thought Volvo was based.
I will always like TF2 demoman until they come out and say he's gay for progressive reasons.
How do you think he lost an eye?
I get it. The joke that OP is attempting to convey upon us anonymous posters is one in which he applies the current standards and common complaints given to video games of the current generation to those of previous generations. This is quite humorous as these complaints were not popular at the time of release for both of these titles. Overall I can give OP's jokes an objective 7/10.
Begone zoomer
>flawed self loathing drunk
>cool, calm, strong intelligent leader-type
>muh strong womyn dont need no man
im sick of this sjw crap!
>forced diversity
How did Valve get away with this?
>every black scotsman is a loud mouthed drunk that plays the bagpipes terribly
There is no way you could spin this character into being some forced diversity SJW push
Demo has the best ingame lines hands down. No other class comes close
It is funny and points out the stupidity of our current time, to be fair.
>demonan is a nigger now
when will they stop pushing their agenda on us Yea Forums? we gaymers must not stand for this anymore !
Why are you trying this hard to be unfunny?
As said
yeah imagine a game with 9 characters. all male, 8 white, 1 black
valve would be crucified for this today
Go drown in a puddle, I like him.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Can Scottish people even be black?
Tomb raider would cause an assblast amongst vpol users if released today
Of course, another nigger.
To be fair Demo gets a free pass he's fucking hillarious to hear and a blast to play
'DOMINATED!... 'nd I have been shaggin' yor wife'
You can be black and born in Scotland sure.
Cos EA did it earlier.
>not posting HL2 which had actual instances of forced diversity
>You didn't realize what evil was in the past
>Therefore you're stupid for calling evil for what it is only now
OP is a faggot
To be fair all the characters in TF2 are based.
As if that weren't "progressive" enough, they made a main character a racemixed mutt! And it doesmt show her as a deformed low IQ goblino like a real mutt. Valve is promoting racemixing and white genocide!
But Classic and TF2 Demoman are different people?
Know your lore sweetie
At least he's funny and not trying to make me feel bad for being a FUCKING WHITE MALE
Reddit-Life 2 did have multiculti propaganda but at least it wasn't the actual focus of the characters like nugames do.
I mean gotta say he looked better in classic. Way more badass.
Demoman is an example of a black character done right
> Making Demoman black was evil
It was literally because they were afraid of people calling him a ripoff of Groundskeeper Willie
>breaking stalemates
>not causing them
This shitpost works on multiple layers.
Have you guys seriously never played Half-Life 1 and Counter-Strike 1?
>were not popular at the time of release for both of these titles.
t. Was sucking on a pacifier at that time
Alyx would have fucked off with Gman and leave you to die in the borealis self destruct
I'm kinda glad Episode III didn't happened.
>actual focus of the characters like nugames do.
Name 10 nugames where its the focus of the characters
user, TF2 already has the most homosexual OTP ever to grace the medium of video games
Name 100 nucharacters with personality of any kind.
Actually I'm okay with that
The original Demoman was black, and so was Heavy and Pyro.
TF1 was soul, TF2 is soulless reddit pixar shit
>8 white
That doesn't make sense, because I was told there were no minorities in video games until now.
>the joke
>your head
For those curious on the state of the final comic
Look at this sjw diversity! A subhuman negroid could never be a scientist! The negro brain is incapable of comprehending advanced scientific concepts!
>he deleted his post out of embarrassment
Has always been a male, the shitty girl and unicorn memes only happened post-release.
Not canon
>"OIM A BLACK SCO'ISH CYCLOPSE *drinks from grenade*"
>Naughty Dog
>"Excuse me, sir, we'll have none of this tomfoolery today, especially not in 2019. We demand an apology."
t. revisionist
>Not even working on it
>Maybe someday
I expected nothing and I'm still let down
Funnily enough TF2 has had some attempts at forced diversity, for example one of the writers randomly said that Pauling was a lesbian on twitter just to virtue signal.
Purest form of love
Do you only play ctf maps or something?
wtf is this shit
fucking feminist nonsense >female soldiers lmao
god damn sjws are trying to ruin vidya
russians are white, yes?
nuValve got pozzed a while ago, them hiring the Firewatch team was the final nail in the coffin.
Are you saying that nine-month-pregnant women didn't fight in special forces units in WWII? Were you there?
Of course she's a lesbian.
No straight woman would reject Scout's strong, manly, fried-chicken-having charm.
>counter: none
>not pyro
I airblast their shit everytime
Profoundly cursed
I just finished reading the BPRD books and a lot of the characters have most of these characteristics.
Hellboy in particular has all of them (though I guess he's a leader for reasons other than intelligence).
t. Wasn't alive then but pretends to know what it was like
All I remember is people bragging about how amazing HL2's graphics were and how bad they wanted to bang Alyx.
You have to be 18 to post here
This isn't Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
So why are you here?
valve is shit though
This is the lefty equivalent of the EPIC Ben Shapiro DESTROYING libtards with FACTS and LOGIC, except you can’t even create an ironic meme from it
I just want to know what happens, this is going to end up like half life 2 and just be a blog post 10 years from now isn't it
the purse in the locker has been there since the beta, and his description has always included the >"Either way, he's a fearsome, inscrutable, on-fire Frankenstein of a man - if he even is a man."
Pauling was a mistake
Mostly to laugh at you, obviously. You'll never show proof that people were outraged at any of the shit you claim people were, you'll just talk about how I'm a crybaby or some shit.
Maybe in the Soviet army.
Then you’ve fabricated an argument in your brainlet mind in order to win said argument that nobody else is participating in. Also called a “strawman”. On the off chance you’re not merely pretending to be retarded, the difference between “then” and “now” is that Demoman didn’t scream “YAAAASSSS QUEEN SLAY” and have 97% of his dialogue be about how evil whitey is.
>Why are lesbians bad diversity
Ironic you faggots got mad over TLOU for that
>tfw you will never be one of Scout's fired chicken tramps
>expiration date was 5 years ago
Her entire character is about her being a woman. No pretending men and women are equal here
I'm pretty sure it's was mostly (((something))) else. Also cinematic games suck
The Scottish guy being black is meant to be a joke. SJWs would be pretty upset about that. However, Valve are shitlibs. They love (((Noam Chomsky))) and they shove a mystery meat chick into all of their games.
>this is going to end up like half life 2 and just be a blog post 10 years from now isn't it
Most likely
To appease my penis.
Time to fap again.
Why would SJWs be upset about a black Scotsman?
I only even open these threads anymore so I can see speculation posts about the final comic, I wish they would just post what happens. Even if it's a big dumb joke cop out I want to know how it ends.
fried chicken tramp is a FAT SLUT
Do people jerk off to this shit?
Why the demoman is black;
>At this point, the 3D model for the Demoman was being built and we were preparing to move on. However, there were still some who didn't think he was quite there. A nagging feeling that perhaps the embracing of the archetype was a little to generic. Perhaps a little too much like a groundskeeper in Springfield. We needed a twist to make him more interesting. We didn't want to lose his personality but felt like visually he needed something that broke the cliche. A suggestion was made to have him of African descent and we ran with it.
Imagine the shitstorm if TF2 was released in today's climate
>all characters are white males except for one black male
To be fair, people will jerk off to anything.
I think he's too much of an oddball character for anyone to care, technically he's the token black guy but he just acts like an angry scotsman.
Since you've demonstrated that you don't understand why things get called SJW, I'll give you a very simple test.
If something is SJW, then a "diverse" change will be a primary marketing point about the piece of media. Demoman was not a primary marketing point, and as such isn't SJW.
Indeed, he was a character swap done right, because it wasn't done to "stick it" to anybody.
OP, you don’t have a problem with the “black token demoman”, you have an issue with the direction valve took TF2 artistically. It’s a valid complaint. TF2, the demoman and most of the tf2 crew are very well done, but that doesn’t mean you have to think it was a good fit for the predecessor to TFC
Soldier definitely counters Engineer.
To be fair, that's more gman than her, it's not like she asked for it or had a choice not to go.
Another episode of the left can't meme cause they don't understand why people are sick of this shit. If I was given an apple once a month 10 years ago I wouldn't care. If I was given an apple every day and was told if I don't eat it I'm a bad person I would get sick of it.
For normal people, that would be fine. For the mentally ill liberals, it would be unforgivable. They'd make riots and demand every character be a black gay trans person, and the single white person must be a woman and she must also be gay.You know, for gameplay purposes.
>this is what we could've had but Valve had to pander to diversity instead
Valve cucks need to be gassed, they are responsible for cinematic snoozefests and lootboxes too
They would have more issues with lack of women than lack of blacks user.
That was way ahead of the virulent trend we see today. That was more of a "defensive" diversity strategy to not get backlash than an actual activist position.
For instance, TF2 would be 100% white men, that's why they had to make demo black. Same for Half life 2; the main story would be 100% white, so they made so the black scientist from hl1 is still alive and somehow made a half-asian daughter mixing with a non-asian person for the sake of not being targeted as being a game that is too racial.
>tfw Gchad steals your Alyxfu
in all fairness the drawing is good, the model is fucking rubbish
based and RED pilled, as opposed to these faggots, who are cringe and BLU pilled
>breaking stalemates
I mean, they're not as to deal with as engineers, but it it a defensive class regardless of what the game tells you.
Yes, there are absurdly good sniper players that can essentially play it like an attack class (and succeed), but they've also played sniper for 10000+ hours.
Yeah kiddo no one, no racists or sexists or politics existed back then
The gaming community changed for the worst. No one gave a shit about this crap in the 90s and 00s
You know it, buddy.
That's not half life, portal, or team fortress. Kill yourself
>False Equivalence: the Thread
Nice revisionism
thats just concept art, demo was white at first
>Nintendo is a piece of right wing garbage
This man was ahead of his time.
>no one cared about that stuff back then!
>actually did
>wait uhh you must meet my arbitrary rules where it appeals to only certain games
I miss it bros.
I always wear a kilt, because I'm Celtic, I'm French, and I was born in Brittany.
Imagine if equality was your personality
If we didn't have the demoman we all know and love, I would've been down for that Demo granny that the concept artist drew for "What if the classes were females".
>reading comprehension
Reading is hard, I get it.
>not medic and soldier
are you retarded?
Imagine giving a shit about politics outside of voting. Fucking pathetic.
>Vote Labour
Out of everything on that laptop that is the worst. Literal commies as the head of the committees
>Valve are SJWs!
They always were but it was tolerated because it wasn't too pushy and they still made good games. Turns out that makes all the difference!
>that man jaw
>respects local culture and acts accordingly
I take these larping nignogs over the gangbang niggers and mudslimes.
>all these shit skins and women
what the fuck bros? fighting is a white mans sport
he says, posting a manjaw
At least im not delusional to think people crying about politics is new
If politics are a part of your identity or something you care about and discuss often then you're pathetic. End of story.
demowoman a cute
This is my line. Anything past this is manjaw.
Nintendo is pandering the same way they pander to children
I like character development
scots aren't minorities
Its not the community, it's the mouth breathing retards obsessed with forcing politics and identity in literally everything that need to manipulate and conjure up stories about why something is the way it is because of race/relgion/sexuality.
God fuckin forbid it's just because he's black. No, we need a feel good story about how Valve caved into to enormous pressure on the front of BLACK GAMERS to bring forward a diverse and fair pick for them to play as.
No one who actually plays video games has any opinion other than keep that shit away from muh vidya.
And the best part is, the guys on Yea Forums will fall for this as some sort of attack on their precious games when in reality we all used to laugh at the TF2 crowd for being a bunch of cancerous children. I literally give 0 fucks about this game in the first place other than an enormous time waster
Demoman literally cucked medic and fucked his wife with his BBC so he's not gay
it's very difficult to imagine what femoman would even sound like
I still can't believe this is a thing.
Just how innocent do you have to be to make an image of a bunch of monkeys eating and dancing around bananas and link it to the topic of black history, and can't think of a single problem with posting this on the official nintendo twitter?
TF2 is a fictional cartoon universe, faggot. It never advertised itself as depicting history.
Scottsmans wife from samurai jack
Pyro is Polish confirmed
sniper is supposed to provide suport
the one tha break stalemates is the medic
>if you let diversity and political correctness fester, it will simply get worse and engulf your entire society
We could have stopped it bros...
Even saying this makes you more pathetic. Lmaoing at you right now. You're probably too young to vote too.
You just have to not be a unhealthily guilt ridden amerimutt.
He shagged medic's wife though
>Gets constantly fucked over by the german and the russian
Sounds about right.
You have to be 18 to post here
Were talking about videogame diversity and not presidential elections, stop assuming everyone who denies you is a lefty
Those 2 look like black people.
I hope they come out and confirm he's gay just to spite you
Whoops, meant for
She's asian why do you care?
Is this the perfect girlfriend for leafyishere?
Honestly though, pretending not to care about politics is just a brainlet cope. The truth is you wish you could but you're just not smart enough. Feel free to say I'm projecting or go "n-no u" if it will make you feel better.
How annoying, I don't even live in the United States
This thread could use some fun.
sniper shot his scrumpy and it flew into his eye
>Aye ffreeman, wanna, come with me
>Throws you in the middle of a support meeting for the families of aliens you killed
>Freeman, you are coming with me
>Vortigaunts save your ass
>Gets butthurt and sends the advisors to kill your father in law
Gman is a cunt
I'm aware. Doesn't mean you are though.
Doing your research before an election is the adult way of caring about politics. Being a retard and making it your whole life is for teens.
Smexuals are fun.
>black irish cyclops with a drinking problem
This is the complete opposite of SJW.
Skimming headlines isn't "research" and you're confusing laziness for indifference. Nice false equivalence btw, if you educate yourself it's your whole life. Everyone who knows more than you is obsessed and everyone who knows less is a moron, you're the perfect one user, the kid who plays with children's toys all day.
>Politics are hard to understand
Also I closed the thread before you could respond. lol
Oh don't get me wrong, I don't give a fuck.
But this is the internet.
If something can be easily misconstrued or misinterpreted, intentionally or not, then it can and will be.
I do proper research about platforms before an election. The rest of the time is irrelevant.
Soldier because you don't have to be good with him to be good with him.
What is medic?
It's okay when nintendo does it!
My grandfather is Scottish and married a black woman, so my father is half Scottish half black technically with red hair.
Engineer's with brain damage maybe
But OP itself is a strawmen
>Black Scottish people (also referred to as the Afro-Scots or Black Scots) represent approximately 0.7 percent of the total population of Scotland.
I guess so
The idea is that Sniper can get a key pick in a stalemate so you can push.
>also a cyclops
>also a demolitions expert
>also an alchoholic
>also a knight
>also has a haunted eye socket
>also lives in a mansion with his blind mother and a haunted sword
demo is a bizarre combination of character traits, i think being black just adds to it so it's fine
>implying the spook and medieval stuff is canon
>Also embarrassed of only having 3 jobs
>having a job
more bizarre than being a demolition expert and a knight
Alyx was never good.
Actually yes, his haunted eye socket and the fact he owns a castle are canon.
Demoman was a goddamn masterpiece.
>he doesn't know
it actually is, the only shit that isn't canon is robotic boogaloo and end of the line
all the characters that OP tried to use to ridicule current outrage culture were characters done right, well except Rochelle from l4d2
Once I read the leaked script for HL3 I was glad they never did it.
medieval mode isn't canon but Demoman's family castle is
some halloween stuff is canon but only vaguely, remember the halloween events established Zepheniah, the Mann brothers, Hale and Helen's ancestors, etc
i never bothered reading it, how bad was it?
this is your average brony
What year is the cutoff point for "done right"? Is it the year you turned 15 by any chance?
>>cool, calm, strong intelligent leader-type
No he isn't he's just an energetic self loathing drunk.
>literal neanderthal
I'm so glad that's not canon
Gordon Freeman crashing a space-borne boat into a sun bad.
Didn't he wake himself up from a comma by distilling all the alcohol inside his bone marrow? He runs on alcohol.
Conclusion to the fucking story when
It's gonna be like HL3 isn't it? Never finished, never complete, leaving us hanging forever like Alex's dad in a fucking combine factory.
This is the least funny thread I've seen all day. I hope every single person itt dies in a horrible car accident.
It was actually pretty good
and it's literally just a few paragraphs read it you illiterate faggot.
Combine are literally unstoppable and what you see in game(including advisors) are the equivalent of below janitors.
they just came from a time when video game characters were well written
Rest in peace, user.
Ie. before you were old enough to realize they weren't.
tl;dr They bring the war to the Combine, they toy with them for a while and then push their shit in. G-Man appears, Freeman is dropped and Mary Sue becomes the new favorite of the G-Man, Freeman barely makes it out the combine area alive thanks to the vortigaunts. End.
Why does the spy have stink lines coming off of him?
>Strong womyn fights the system!
fuck, Ubishit, you are pathetic
Because he made sexual congress with the Eiffel Tower.
cigarette smoke
Nothing that happened in the TF2 lore after 2008 is cannon.
Sooprize buttseckz
None of them, there is only classes YOU suck at fighting.
That's why the car hit 'im. Cause he smells!
Tell me Yea Forums, if the demoman is so great, then how come he barely has any good cosmetics?
I understand OP complaint but i guess that the biggest fault here it's the tauma that gamergate left on the vidya community, when GG was going strong you had people screaming that there was no diversity or respect for womens (witch isn't true at all) wich lead to a state where people can't understand if some minority is being added to fill an agenda and basically being a propaganda tool or just because fuck it it fits, witch in return all of this lead to a state where vidya became creative bankrupt because you can't know if you're buying an videogame or an interactive course on social politics.
At the end of the day we should not immediatly jump to conclusions if we see a black character or a woman as a lead character but instead watch how the development team behave and what the game itself is trying to express.
>just rj away
>just use shotty
>just shoot at an angle impossible to reflect
>just fake a shot and force them to airblast prematurely
pyro only counters retards. but anyone can do that
Soldier doesn't want to sell stout shako.
valve's more concerned with adding fat faces and wojak memes than actually good cosmetics
also post based workshop cosmetics
Everything I love about the demoman can be summed up in this video.
He has some of the best cosmetics, the thing is that they need to have a theme to look good unlike other mercs. Pirate, EOD, knight, celtic, samurai, etc. Also the big ass flak vest doesn't help.
>scout counters demo
Cool strawman
Are we being serious or is this comedic sarcasm?
dios mio
This is the worst attempt at reverse false flagging I've ever seen. I can see the fine lines between each layer of irony in this post. I am sickened that it's gotten 254 posts.
Reminder the comic is NEVER gonna conclude.
What makes me a good demoman?
>classic: shit damage, great speed
>sequel: great damage, great speed
WTF valve??
Demo is a badass nigger though
more proof that gamers are the most oppressed people in history
There's no actual difference between the shades of nu-yuropoors.
he's a drunk, black, scottish cyclops, it's supposed to be a joke....unlike:
Demoman is fuckin Medic's wife no way hes gay
>shit damage
>with that precise shotgun and nailgun
>great speed
>ONLY great speed
>when he can bhop at 10 sanics per second and concjump across the map in the blink of an eye
are you out of your fucking mind my dude
>"Haha you think that making every protagonist black and gay with no personality is forced diversity? Well what about these beloved minority characters with actual personality, bet you feel pretty stupid now don't you"
CHAD Medic Vangard > Virgin Engee Camper
to be fair there are multiple ethnic group that exist within somalia
yeah, shit damage, compared to Medic's weapons which are (mostly) upgrades of both
it's basically like tickling people when you try to hurt a soldier or heavy with armor
and yeah, the speed's great, but med has conc too
Its clearly the Justin Trudeau school of countering where if they kill you, you win.
You guys like Demoman so much because he speaks and acts like a white scottish sterotype. If he spoke like an African or a black American you would hate his guts.
Yes, I agree. The fact that Demoman surpassed expectation makes him great. A black man who is a proud Scott and not afraid to identify as one.
Well compared to Medic yeah, the doc is almost a straightup upgrade, gotta give you that. Also in classic (but not in original or qwtf) there is no damage fall off
not informed by cancerous social justice politics and therefor not a problem
Well... yeah, people who integrate into the culture they are currently living in are more praised than ones that refuse to.
>If he spoke like an African or a black American you would hate his guts.
>ha! gotcha racists! you can't have preferences!
fuck off, diablo 3 witch doctor is a zulu witch doctor and he's cool
I love how every attempt to justify today's inserted politics with is met with concise reason. All these characters were developed as CHARACTERS without the need to defend them. Thus did not paint a negative light until they play the games and judge them on their own merits.
tell that to modern game devs
what's with his hair
that goes both ways
plus a good few classes have the shotgun
all that said, I still think Scout's fun and I like his playermodel because it's been changed the least, so it doesn't have the weird textures classes like soldier and sniper have
I had a friend that refused to play tf2 bc matpat said pyro was gay. That was his big reason.
>whites aren't diverse
again with that huh?
it's not
it's not shutting down!
Nothing wrong with forced diversity.
Nothing wrong with muh strong women.
It becomes (more) annoying when all media is pushing it as their central theme for a few years on end.
>Nothing wrong
you're a fucking idiot
As in contrived. You're not forced to watch/play anything you dumb piece of shit.
>retconning an entire conversation out of your ass to mame someone look foolish on an eastern childrens media forum
Because most normal people dont see donkey kong and immediately think he represents a black person
Forced literally means game devs created controversy and saying you have to accept it, or painting any criticism about it as sexist or racist. How hard is it for you libtards to understand?
So you're saying there is a problem.
Boy in retrospect I am glad we never got a female class
>he doesn't know
>Dominated! ...And I've been shaggin' yer wife! Hahah!
And my fave one
>Go to hell and tell the devil I'm comin' for him next!
>Implying he and soldier didn't fuck
No homo tho, laddie
nope, dead meme
Notice how people don't give a fuck about race or sexuality when the characters aren't paper thin? Jesus, I miss the days when progressives worked the fast food order windows instead of white collar jobs.
Valve doesn't make video games anymore.
There are no black people in Japan, so the types of common stereotypes that Americans and Europeans associate with black people would never even occur to the Japanese.
There's a bunch of them in Tokyo.
Braku beast...ooooooohhhhh.....
Wrong, there are a bunch in Roppongi
You mean the Christian holdout?
there are no black people in parts of europe still
>eating at fast food places
man, /pol/tards really are the lowest form of lifeform
how can black people be NOT niggas?
look at black EU's, holy shit, its like they are WHITE PEOPLE but blackface for real.
seriously, i could never call a EU black guy nigga, because he ain't one.
He smokes cigarettes
dude, no one here PLAYED fucking QWTF.
stop trying to explain true godhood BASICS to them...
fucking zoomers
Oh don’t worry there are people working round the clock to make that a thing of the past
Try working something outside of your shitty bottom feeder job. You'd find you don't have the time to sit down for meals any more during business hours. Most of those/pol/tards are the same kind of idiot that you are, just a different color.
>anyone cares
You sound like a projecting wagie
Sorry, I'm not obsessed with politics so I have plenty of time to cook my own food after leaving my salaried job instead of eating fake garbage.
So a bottom feeder.
He also has 3 jobs, more than any modern nigger
i have zero idea what this is trying to convey
try again, with words this time instead of a convoluted fucking image.
>uses "zoomer"
>pretends to be above anyone
Demo would have already cut the head of those red commies.
i did not expect this to appear
where did that audio come from
Why don't they stop fucking insulting us with this "someday" crap like they care.
If they cared they'd do it by now.
Either fucking bite the bullet and finish it, or just announce it canceled.
Maybe hand the script off the people who actually care, assholes.
what a retarded chart
who made this shit
>where did that audio come from
It's one of the voice lines from her radio messages in the Tough Break update (or the second update that had her give out contracts, whatever it was named).
One of the contract thingies during Tough Break. Were Pauling was on a forced vacation but still working and handing out contracts.
...yeah that was the weirdest one.
>bison sagat vega and balrog are all fuckin jumbled
i am because im fucking older than 99% of this fucking site. fuck you zoomer faggot, you didn't get to play the best games during the BEST era of gaming.
fucking /vr/ would back me up, as will shit tons of best of lists. you think fortnite will be #1 on 2020's greatest games list? FUCK NO!
I know Valve has been doing “LoL so random” humor with tf2 for a while now, but man is it getting stupid
please don't bomb my car Mr. IRA
You don't need to use so many words to fluff out the point you're trying to get a cross, you wont be graded higher for adding useless drivel.
you can make a shit ton of assumptions, but don't expect more than half of them to be accurate when the topic is a game from over two decades ago
that body type does things to me, man
if only fempyro wasn't associated with hyperfags and brapposting so often
lol the oxygen valve was set too high
All you faggots are proving is that we don't care when games don't push it for political reasons. We don't hate niggers and cunts. We just hate it when commies try to ram them down our throats like their big black dildoes.
half life team fortress is not classic team fortress
>implying you can’t fuck vaginas and still identify as a homosexual
Sometimes a pussy just needs a good plunging and anyone trying to stop you is a bigot.
A wizard gouged his eye out with magic for reading his spell book when he told him not to. That's why Medic can't grow it back. The magic kicks it out every time.
They were going with a Scottish look until they realised he looked too much like Groundskeeper Willie, that's why they made him black. If it was for diversity points (didn't exist to today's level in 07) they would have made him a straight up African
Having black skin also helped make him stand out visually which is what they wanted first and foremost in their cast design
blame ashley burch for getting to write dialogue instead of just using her awful voice
Your argument is built on incorrect information, you should care that you say and do things that make you look retarded
no dude im right and ur wrong
>posting fempyro
>not getting off to still-ambiguously gendered fatpyro