he's right, you know.
He's right, you know
That's why you get the switch and support nintendo games.
considering the state of Yea Forums it is hard to disagree
he is
selling ultra violent R rated games to little kids is warping their minds
we should really make sure retailers and parents are held responsible for buying their children these inappropriate games.
It’s like we need to have a rating system like movies so kids don’t accidentally get r rated games.
Oh wait.
Videogames are more violent than movies, you are exposed to 60 hours of violnet gorey combat in most games. If someone sat for 60 hours watching only slashers and gorn films you'd probably think they were unhinged but were not supposed to think the same for someone playing games?
if only the columbine shooters didn't play so much doom, huh
gossip gossip nigga just stop it everybody knows im a motherfucking monster
would die for it
would you rather he support some dirty muslims instead?
agreed and the age to play video games should unironically be set at 21
>If someone sat for 60 hours watching only slashers and gorn films you'd probably think they were unhinged
Why would I think that?
Muh muafuhking presidant!
I'd take less violence and more tiddies any day.
that would defeat the purpose of video games since they're for children
>Implying you're forced to support one side
Who would win in a new Israeli-Palestine mass scale conflict? The world
>no more gays or lgbt pride parades
I'd think they were a sad edgelord who wants people to believe they're unhinged cause they think it's cool
The joker is their favorite comic book character
Not an argument, faggot.
Daily reminder that america is slave of Israel and Americans do absolute nothing about it, they know it and they love it
if i were forced to pick than yes unironically. at least muslims have their own oil so they don't have to beg for money. imagine where we would be if gave kikes 0 cents for the past 50 years.
>faggots on Yea Forums unironically agree with faggots like Jack Thompson now
Daily reminder that this opinion is illegal
>60 hours of violnet gorey combat
God i wish for a game with 60 hours of non stop violent gory murder
Most shooters last at most a dozen hours, modern ones barely reach 6 hours
And those long ass rpg have a pacing that fills over half of the time with non violent plot, exploration and world building
Only in the land of the free
How fucking BASED can one man be?
I would think they were just a fan of grindhouse movies.
ya'll are wildin
You don't like trannies?
sure. dying for Allah sure beats dying for israel. at least i get my 72 waifus.
>But it's cold outside!
I'm so glad burgers managed to elect him, the best lolcow in a decade
I hope they manage to get him the seat once again in 2020, or elect an even bigger clown
He knows what he's talking about.
Getting fucked over by lag or uncontrollable bullshit would make anyone rage. Even if they're playing FIFA.
seeing as the most violent people on the planet have never played a game in their life....i think you are wrong there pal
I'm sure it's that and not the relentless bullying, apathetic teachers, terrible mental healthcare, and easy access to weapons
>record heatwave wipes out a third of all bats in australia a few month ago
>its cold in the winter lol global warming is fake
I hate jews slightly more than i hate niggers.
and that's saying something.
>60 hours of bloody movies
So like, 30-40 movies give or take? I'd think they were just a fan of movies. I watch like 1-4 a week. 60 hours is nothing.
Someone said 26 out of 27 mass shooters came from single mother homes.
9/11 enablers
I second this.
That's a really odd sample. There were more shootings than that. Why did 'someone' pick 27 in particular? That'd be a very obvious way to try to deceive through statistics
>Donald deports my favorite Latin whore
Miss you jaunita.
If you see two roaches in your house squabbling over a scrap of food, do you pick a side and help one roach or do you simply stomp them both?
>easy access to weapons
Nah, it's mental issues. I've been for 6 months on erasmus in Cech republic, basically every barman had a glock, almost bought an RPK for 80€ on a local facebook group for buying/selling used shit.
They don't have problems with kids fucking up the place, blame your fucked up society
what kind of a fucking sample size is that? With the number of mass shooting that have happend throughout time there's no reason the sample should be that small.
how will /polv/ ever recover
lots of people do that shit. my girlfriend is a die hard horror fan, it's all she watches. It's a huge community, they have festivals for the shit
>mfw Trump rage-quits his meeting with Kim Jong Un so that he can rush home because one of his underlings is ratting him out in front of the entire country
Poland has all those same issues but no access to weapons, and school shootings don't happen
26/27 = 260/270 = 2600/2700
That's ~96%, basically any sample can give you an approx like that
nobody cares about your nanny state
Not even close to what is happening. Stop watching cnn for 10 fucking minutes
I don't think video games make people more likely to commit acts of violence but just far more desensitized to it.
They just took the 27 deadliest ones and found out that 26 of them didn't grow up with a dad.
So is the EU.
not an argument nigger
literal fucking nanny state. your gov treats you like children
Video game violence is closer to dancing than it is to actual violence.
I used to practice capoeira, which is an afro-brazilian "martial art". The way it is practiced today is based on looking cool instead of actually fighting. It is no coincidence that we say "play capoeira" instead of "fighting".
>Not even close to what is happening.
Trump literally left before they could even have lunch
It must be really serious if he skipped a chance to eat food
>people only hate Trump because CNN told them to!
Imagine actually being stupid enough to believe this
>all those same issues
That's hard to estimate, and the "no access to weapons" is bullshit. Anybody can get a sport license for a gun in any EU country, and any kid could steal it from the parents.
It's a different mindset
>blame the video games, not the consumer
typical burgerland policies
>the government controls the weather
>Anybody can get a sport license for a gun in any EU country, and any kid could steal it from the parents.
Not minors, and not in a short term. You can get weapons in Europe, but it's gonna take you a long while unless you know the chief of police personally.
>26/27 = 260/270 = 2600/2700
You can't always extrapolate like that. There's a reason a larger sample size is better.
Through your logic I can look at you and I, see that you're retarded, and then claim that 50% of all people are mentally retarded, which you and I know is not true.
what did you except from the country that banned kinder surprise?
god he's r*tarded
So where are all the monsters? Vidya has been around for decades.
why won't wagie linda just throw away the piss jugs? how else are you supposed to marathon games
to be fair the kinder surprise was banned purely on a technicality, based on an FDA law that says you can't sell food with inedible material inside it.
This lad needs to hydrate.
based and redpilled.
You wanted this /pol/, and you got it!
The libs are totally seething now!
you can call people retarded here m8 this aint twitter.
First thought
>gotta pour out your piss jugs eventually
second thought
>lmao fucking weak woman cant lift a bottle of piss
fr*ck off
>cause your
He's right, I don't blame the video games though, I blame the parents for being shitty parents. Why would you give a violent game to an impressionable little kid? Of course it's going to fuck him up during the most vulnerable years of his development.
> The biblethumping "think of the children" faggots are now coming back in a space already teaming with SJWs
It just gets worse and worse.
But you really shouldn't. It's a word that's demeaning of the disabled.
Israel's puppet.
Someone post that pic of him solemnly standing there by the jewish wall, like the good goy he was.
>Not minors
>Implying a teenager can't manage to steal it
All the law requires you to do is to keep the gun locked with a key, a 16 years old is capable of stealing a key. Also, are minors allowed to buy firearms in the US? Weird
>but it's gonna take you a long while unless you know the chief of police personally.
Bullshit. Are you even European or you're bullshitting?
To get mine i got a sport licence, passed a 2 hours long course and spent 250€ total.
After 2 weeks i was allowed to buy, sell and own firearms , several for each category
You can hate the president and be demeaning to the disabled at the same time, senpai
stop thinking in black and white.
9/11 has beenproven to be an inside job
just shut the fuck up, libfag. go cry on reddit moar
go back to Yea Forums
At least the EU openly condened their continuously illegal expansion of settlements
People use the "games don't cause violence" argument against the SJW's "games are sexist" thing. How can games cause sexism if they don't cause violence?
That's why SJWs are attacking this. No fun allowed faggots can go into the trash no matter what side they're on.
>went to north korea to broker a deal
>came home empty handed
Because gamers were so adamant about how violence doesn't affect people that they raged at any mention of the idea. If violent games don't affect kids, why keep violent games from children? Thus, we are here now.
Though that begs the question: What happened to make him say this? Or is he just trying to get attention off of himself for a moment.
Don't worry he'll be back to North Korea soon to seek political asylum from Mueller.
it's an old tweet from 2012
What i meant was that the original sample size might've been bigger, and got reduced to 26/27
>actually defending a russian backed kike
idc about global warming mate. your country is such a fucking nanny state. it's disgusting
what a hypocrite.
Ultra based
theres more evidence that bigfoot exists than theres evidence 9/11 was an inside job
>You can get weapons in Europe, but it's gonna take you a long while unless you know the chief of police personally.
No it doesn't retard. Not every nation in Europe has UK-tier or German laws.
Polish. It's not as easy to get firearms here. Pretty sure this isn't dictated by EU law, or at the very least that Polish law works around and in compliance with it.
yeah, i'm sure he's changed his stance by no-
What they hell is hard to understand about global warming? The temperature on average is getting hotter across the globe, this is 100% true. Whether or not you believe it's man made, I guess it's up to what studies you believe. Like they even had to change the name from global warming to climate change for you retards and you still don't understand it. The weather outside does not matter when it comes to the global average.
oy vey
burgers, everyone
I'm not American. You said "Europe" here Go plumb a toilet you useless Slav retard. Stay out of my country.
Unironically yes
>absence of racial supremacy in philosophy
>militarist and lawful lifestyle
>put women in their place
>massive and successful history of conquest generating automatic cultural pride
Truly NWO tier
make no mistake I loath the guy, just pointing out the tweet wasn't some diversionary tactic
wtf, why aren't there any mass shootings in switzerland?
>nothing I’m saying is proven in anyway
wow, the left really can’t meme
>Trump lets KJU off the hook for murdering an American
>Trump leaves in the middle of his summit with KJU without reaching a deal
>Trump's long-time fixer testified against him before Congress
>pointing out these facts makes you a "libtard"
But it's cold outside now
don't worry i don't plan on visiting libya anytime soon
The only wall he really cares about.
Because we have a functioning mental healthcare system.
Yes, in response to a post about the EU. Learn to read.
>haha we'll support drumpf for the lulz
>*3 months later*
>you know it does make a lot of sense to me to build a wall and to put hillary in jail and it will totally happen if we become unironic political activists for this clown so let's do that!
>*election comes and goes, hillary free as a bird, wall never ever*
>w-well it was just for the lulz you know! owning the libs and all!
Prove any of this happened the way you say it did. You can’t. Stop being a faggot
>slav subhumans still come to my nation for jobs and economic opportunities
Please stay in your shithole. My country has lax laws and a lower homicide rate than your shithole.
Oh my bad.
I guess I was the 1 retard out of 2
>almost 20 years ago
>Prove any of this happened the way you say it did.
Please, tell me the way it happened in MAGA-land, because the way I described it is the way it happened in reality
Then say the "EU". Stop interchanging the EU with Europe.
You are an excellent goy.
I'm gonna come over and fuck your girlfriend and there's nothing you can do about it
Games aren't violent enough. Stop sucking orange dick and start sucking mine.
I wonder how many mass murders your country has had since then.
denial is not healthy
why do they call it climate change now instead of global warming like they were for decades?
what changed?
The guy thinks vaccines cause autism, how can he understand what global warming is?
Hi Discord Trannies.
So I would be old enough to enlist and die for Israel but not old enough to play video games?
They're just civilized European citizens, user
I'd rather he kept that annual $3bn of aid for use inside his own country
You should get informed, what you're describing is the permit for the personal defence, which requires a valid reason.
There must be a sport license that allows you to shoot on your property and at the shooting range, and a hunting one that extends this to shooting in hunt zones during hunt season.
If it doesn't work like this you're really unlucky because i've met many firearm owners from the whole continent and the regulations differ mostly on the ammo limit and magazine capacity
but it is a little fishy.
Someone got fucking TRIGGERED.
Because all of your women go to the UK and France to fuck muslims and niggers. Interracial marriage rates amongst Polish women in the UK are the highest.
we don't get them in this shithole
>Trump will be in prison this time
>Trump colluded with Russia
What happened with that. Oh wait it was a false flag to prevent everyone from looking into your Hillary Clinton colluding with the DNC to fuck over Sanders.