This is pretty sad.

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LoL constantly did this with Dota and LoL was never losing players to Dota
It's just similar games stealing good ideas from each other, it happens all the time

What's truly sad is how far behind Overwatch is at this point. It's communication system is garbage.

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It’s basically twitter/YouTube/Facebook/instagram/Snapchat ape-omg eachother.

>It's communication system is garbage.
Doesn't OW has voice communication?

How is adding features that the competition has to make your game better sad?

So do Fortnite and Apex. What's your point?


I never understood why people played that shitty game in the first place. Fortnite looks like ass, filled with faggotry and the most retarded building mechanics in a game ever.

isnt it sad that apex stole everything else from fortnite already

The fuck do you mean what?
All three games have microphone chat, but Overwatch's character voice cues and canned "communication wheel" are total shit. Not even in comparison to others; it's just shit.

>What's your point?
My point is that voice comms are a perfect communication system. How is voice not enough for OW?

Bought the game a week ago literally how can you ping enemies?I sometimes listen from other characters "look behind you" but how in the fuck can you do that?I'm playing support characters like Mercy and I'm constantly watching flankers pretty much destroy the entire backline and F does nothing.HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU DO THAT WITHOUT MIC.

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What'd they steal exactly? I can't really think of something exclusive to Fortnite that they've taken

Only thing they stole from Fortnite is the playerbase.

Fortnite had the 'ping' system before Apex was released.
Fucking hate women journalists. They take journalism to a whole 'nother level of shit

It had emotes, not full pings

Both stole from Minecraft hunger games.

Because it's free, I think

Can't spell Based without Fortnite in it.

i don't care if something is great i want to see it copied everywhere. It's efficient.
That being said, anyone playing BR games needs to be put on a list and culled

Just use your mic?
>complaining about the lack of communication in a game by ignoring the method of communication the game offers

Oh okay, so the entire genre?

No they had ping. In v6.31 on November 27, they added the ping mechanic

Why would I use a mic with randoms?Why wouldn't there be a simple ping system that simply says "watch your back" or "flanker close"
I've done 50 matches since I bought the games this week and not a single person has spoken into a mic

You've clearly never played an online team shooter if you haven't ran into the problem of people not fucking using their voice comms.

>people talk in overwatch
I'll continue picking non meta heroes in ranked just so I can here them talk shit.

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>Why would I use a mic with randoms?
Why wouldn't you?

It's obvious that you are complaining for the sake of it. If you want to communicate, do it, if you don't just don't. Don't act like a game is doing something wrong because it is not offering the exact same method of communication that you specifically want.

As opposed to no communication wheel? Retard.

It's offering no way to communicate outside of mic in a team-based game.No way to let anyone know there's an enemy behind us or close but there's a system that allows to spam "I need healing" constantly.How is that complaining for the sake of it?It's an obvious flaw of the game.It's embarrassing for a game based on teamwork

>It's offering no way to communicate outside of mic in a team-based game.
Lmao just read this a couple times and think about what you just said.

>there's a system that allows to spam "I need healing"
I might be mistaken but doesn't that system also shows the healing cross on whoever said it?

People not using voice chat in games are better off not playing said games because they are a detriment to the team. No other method of communication comes even close to it and that is an unarguable statement.
On top of that, games that offer alternatives more often than not see next to no use because it is faster to just write in chat.

what about on console

But... but what if they make fun of my voice?

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uhm doesnt fortnite already have most twitch views again?

and minecraft stole it from BATTLE ROYALE the japanese movie where the fucking term battle royale comes from

Wtf is a ping system?

>Patricia Hernandez

What about them.
I'm not a console guy but as far as I know consoles had access to voice communication since the PS3.

I'm talking about the text chat

t.assblasted smurf
bet you don't want a simple manual way to call after flanker so you can create your reddit clips
can't believe you would support a suboptimal pinging system otherwise
>bruh just use mic with random europeans what can go wrong
>just tell randoms to speak up
>theres definitely no reason to have any alternative to calling out apart from texting
Lmaoing atcu rite no

I guess consoles don't have a text chat to use but they do have voice communication so point still stands.
That said, I wouldn't touch a competitive team-game in console with a 10 foot pole so consoles could have absolutely no method of communication for all I care. I don't mean to offend or anything, it is just that I don't see the point in playing console games 'competitively'.

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Pretty sure Dota stole the ping system from LoL. And tower agro range/indicator, spell vamp, status resist, ability damage and so on. I guess League stole the concept first but what else since then

Stop posting. For life.

Apex is genuinely the better game but I really don't understand why these games are so popular in the first place. They're fun the first dozen times but get boring after that.

Remember when Valve drones thought Apex would kill Fortnite?

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Literally everyone asked for this, games using the good features of other games is good.

>I guess League stole the concept first but what else since then
The art style, the minion projectile effect, hero-themed ward skins, the ENTIRE alt-click system, the accept/decline buttons, pips on the HUD for ability levels, a refillable bottle item, spellsteal, crowdfunded tournament prize pools (after saying they weren't going to "beg the community for prize money" when asked about it before as a jab at dota, lmao), hero interaction voice clips, probably loads more I can't think of off the top of my head

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The ping system in dota is infinitely better than in lol, and this is coming from someone who prefers lol. The game is in dire need of voice chat, but riot are too scared that people might use it to say mean things and hurt other peoples feelings ;(

>The ping system in dota is infinitely better than in lol
I disagree, I'm a dota player and I think the ping wheel is the #1 thing I wish they'd steal from LoL. I know they added an "on the way" ping but it doesn't convey as much information as LoL's does.

Too bad they didn't steal a halfway decent client replays or the ability to actually leave 4v5s without penality

New season in Apex not launched yet tho

Awww look at this little retard who cant build, awwwwww

>I-i-it's just a new update
>A-a-apex's update isn't even out
Here's where Valve fanboys are
>A-a-apex's update wasn't even good
>T-t-the next season will kill Fortnite
This is where they'll be

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You can leave 4v5's if the player disconnected or afk'd before first blood. It's kind of frustrating in lol when you get a good start and the enemy surrenders at 3 mins.

Literally the bare minimum. If someone DCs then gets first blooded you're fucked. This wouldn't be a big issue if League didnt bug splat a fair bit

Im shocked the game has a draw distance as good as it does considering the way source engine renders rooms is fucking garbage.

It's not perfect, but the dota system works. Remakes are so frequent in lol and champ select + loading takes so long that I just get put off playing when they happen.

Also, fuck the new loading screen, you can't even see which shitter has the wooden pc anymore

Yeah that's the best part, other than alt-click they haven't stolen a single thing that actually fucking matters
What they really need to steal is proper ability tooltips that let you see what each levelup does