File name thread?
File name thread?
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Is it actually him?
Resonance of Fate would've been better for this one
never played it, i heard it was pretty bad.
brb, gotta try something.
god damn
No retard
who's in the middle?
Common ground.
Not nearly enough attachments
Resonance of Fate is great but the learning curve is steep.
I meant who COULD be in the middle
I'd say Guts but he's not an incel
How would you crack a coconut in a kitchen anyway?
Guts had sex.
hang on I'm gonna go... origami and fuck a rubber glove...
but "Donte" dante did have sex. he crushed puss on the reg.
Names are for friends.
>resonance of fate.jpg
Gets me every time.
>Holden Rodeo
That's the most American name I have ever heard.
Funny because it's a Aus and NZ vehicle.
I just can't fucking stand that DLC, maybe it doesn't help that I started playing it only recently and I know almost nothing of the mechanics, but the fact that the stress is healed less in the city, along with the monsters that gives you the course is too punitive
you husk it first which usually you do by hand then theres a sweet spot you have to hit
they are about to fuck aren't they?
They sell it (or at least used to sell it) as a rebadge in the US, but they call it the Isuzu Rodeo
t. PS3 owner
You enjoying Ricky Bobby there, lad?
This always makes me so angry.
Why the fuck didn't they donate it to a museum
underrated post
>post made two minutes before yours
you dumb fucking redditor, go back
No museum would want a bunch of racist rubbish like that
love that video
>Rock smash
Only the live ammunition was destroyed. They wouldn't blow up uniforms and harmless stuff because that's retarded.
Sakurai sends Gordon Freeman to the shadow realm.webm
nah its pretty rad
>doesn't even fuck trannies that look like women
inb4 animal faggots start defending the lives of shitty fucking mice and rats of all things. By the time they type that there's already a thousand more. And they're already in the crops for their soi lattés.
>because that's retarded
Welcome to Great Britain, America's senile father.
Playstation 3 has a moment of self reflection
you seem very angry at a hypothetical situation m8
Because it's not the first time for that to happen.
that expansion ruined the game
kiryu never killed any demons
comedy gold
Just napalm the entire area.webm
I don't get it
It's just a little underage pussy, nothing to tell the mods about.
That's metal as hell.
Holy shit been laughing for a solid minute
>show foot
>written by Dan Schneider
there you go lad
Damn turtles are pretty fucking brutal
That is quite good
I think it's been disproved that goldfish have short memories, so the fish are probably sick as hell of seeing that stupid tank.
Just Googled it. Had no idea.
(Also, is it just me or does Lena Paul look like Jeannette McCurdy?)
Even if not those are betta fish which definitely have decent memory spans as all of the ones i owned recognized me when i would approach their tank.
why are there so many fucking snakes right there
>not calling it "what do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord"
as a bong, i am very much looking forward to more pokemon memes.
holy shit
whats that smokey thing at the end?
i get it just never played it, googled it and i see there is supposed to be a remake on the ps4 or something
despite it being repetitive, it kept me coming back
>have to pay $200 for slightly being above speed limit
I love being mugged by thugs who pretend to be a "public servant"
I'm pretty impressed by how long that rat could hold it's breath under a lot of pain and violently trashing at the same time
damn this is so old, i remember seeing this shit in like 2006 Yea Forums
Air escaping lungs
That's not the one with half a mouse with its guts hanging out trying to swim for its life. Snapping turtles are fucking scary.
... I would.
Did you not read the text under the image
Took me a second
its soul, probably
Play Bleed by meshuggah while watching this.
Wrong world war, zoomer tranny.
took me a while
What kind of turtle is that? I thought snapping turtles were larger.
Looks like EvaXephon
What the hell did I just saw?
please explain, still not getting it
>John Wick 2 Ending .webm
Virgin archer
Chad archer
the joke is that usually when a fleshpound spawns you would try to break line of sight to avoid angering it but sometimes people would accidentally open the chat while backing away so they would type ASDASDDADSDASDA before dying do the flesh pound
That's the snakes' hibernation area and the hibernation period just ended
This is Ben Drowned, isn’t it?
What's the source on this? It looks fun.
I need that webm of those 3 black guys pretending to be animatronics and pulling it off perfectly
This Yea Forums. Go to reddit if you want source
Is that basedmilk I hope
holy shit
Damn that's clever
A shitty King Arthur moive that came out last year
The best part was that it finally gave us a full version of the song from the ODST live action trailer
Watch Excalibur (1981) instead: it's cheesiness and camp comes off as fun and rather sincere
>Those physics
I will never understand how can people take CS seriously
>implying any of those three are involuntary virgins
Yeah, no (you) for faggots who use the word 'incel'.
>Cheesiness and camp
Did we watch the same movie?
To be fair Incineroar looks exactly like Tiger The Dark
>not Ace Combat Infinity Deathmatch
is this from the apprentice or something?
Shit this happened in my neighbourhood
that is fucking hilarious
Those fish are particularly miserable inside tiny containers.
pls report back user
>that board in there
This guy is awesome
Thank you for this
You win a pumpkin, you lucky bleeder.
Challenge it in court, I guarantee the fucker won't show up and it'll be thrown out.
>putin's face
Probably has dementia or something, poor old lady
You guys know the rules
You just KNOW
Or she is just a common woman. Women are as smart as children on average.
British Police deserve to be disemboweled with a butter knife
Barry Bonds.webm
I live on the same planet as these people
I think you're supposed to use the inside edge/corner of a knife to whack the blade into the husk, and then hit the top of the knife near the handle where the blade starts with something big and flat.
I don't fucking know but that's how I'd try to open it. The fact that anyone could fuck something up they don't understand in the day and age of the internet is incredible.
pedro spot would have been a subtler name, for the real pannen-heads
need this with sound, what happened after?
why exactly did he do this? Was the arm infected or something?
Bottom 2 are best
wouldnt a older model be worth more?
what the fuck is this
depending on the shape it's been kept in not necessarily.
There was an interview with him admitting he gets paid a shitload of money to do it. He said he used to care only about fucking girls but as time went on and he felt depression and lonelyness from not being able to get a wife and kids due to him being in the porn industry alot. So he finally said "fuck it" and went down a darker path.
with a machete in the cutting board
or in this case probably a cleaver
What the fuck
I'm glad I'm gay.
raw kino from the BBC. Approved by the Queen herself
>get down mr president!
>its to late sergei
>it was always too late
jesus fucking christ
it's a reality show where people pick someone to date based on their nude body. this is an actual show that airs on uk tv.
because we aren't scared of nudity like muricans
the speed up makes this look like an old timey comedy sketch
Relax, the show is about if a guy knows how his girlfriends body looks like.
>they add tattoos and other shit to mask the real girlfriend
>guy has to guess right on which pussy, ass or tits belong to his girlfriend.
>he gets it right he wins a prize
>gets it wrong usually the girlfriend dumps him
Truly kino
There's nudity and then there's degeneracy. That show would fall under the latter. Also, it's reality TV, which is always garbage. Neck yourself bong
Please delete this. Or at least post cunnies.
And they say dick size doesn't matter
>tfw 6.2 inches small
kill me
I'm not disgusted at the sight of nudity. I don't have problems with this. I'm disgusted at the vaginas, and it only reaffirms my decision to be gay.
That's why said nothing except "I'm glad I'm gay.".
Don't worry they have gay episodes too
i sure hope he isnt erect
Real tattoos? Sounds like a shit deal
So this is the power of a TV license?
Is it on super late at night or on an HBO equivalent or something?
I knew other parts of the world were less scared of in context nudity but this seems a little direct
Thought that was deep fried at first
sure m8, enjoy your child pageants
this is false. why would you lie?
This is the shit you have to get loicenses for?
That's really cool
Absolutely degenerate. Day of the rope when?
It's on Channel 4, and airs after watershed (which is 9pm in the UK)
Why do you think they're trying to push a porn loicense? how else are they gonna boost the ratings on this show?
I get a hard-on whenever someone who broke the rules gets caught. You are annoying to share the world with.
It already happened. There is no white left in the British Isle
Tried it, sucked. Glove holes too short, feels like fucking an insect
What's it called?
They better start showing some hardcore porn on TV if this porn control nonsense comes to fruition.
Who's that in the top right?
They have shown porn on TV for ages though.
They did this to themselves. I have no pity
It's called Naked Attraction
ther are still people who haven't seen this and I will always post it when relevant
thats not the whole "british isle"
So how badly did LA Beast fuck up his hand doing this?
Are you American?
>masturbation for 30 years
haha, yeah that's crazy alright, h-haha
Crab tried to eat a baby seagull, parents defended the chick and the crab ends with a broken arm
I mean this actually seems pretty accurately advertised
No, it's people trying to type 'fp' to alert their teammates to gather round and kill it. Except they fuck up and get stuck in chat.
everyone will get a turn,dont worry
>capital of the UK
>not represent of the country as a whole.
Fucking amazing. I used a pool cue in my playthrough. Poor Benny.
How the fuck was called that ancient game that was almost a Gun Simulator that never was completed? Had a dark aesthetic and flying drones attacked you.
Something's expanding alright
Yeah but how often do you see Gangbang MILF Sluts XII on BBC One?
dumb tudor poster
nope. although I am curious where that question came from.
>There is no white left in the British Isle
stop moving the goalposts
I can hear the pop
You're so painfully new you don't know that you're required to give a source if asked on some boards
There are boards for that. Go to /r/ or /wsr/ if you want to be spoon fed.
You mean CPU?
What the hell
Doesn't matter dude, just thinking about shit.
I remember when this always used to be called "The Dark Knight Rises premiere"
How fucking short is his attention span? Is this to do with it's breed or it's age or does that specific dog got a problem?
This movie was bad
the fact that he's using a right-handed rifle as a lefty annoys me, and I'm not really sure why
dogs are dumb and playful dude. especially when they're puppies. that's why people love them.
>big boss fucked at the end of mgs3
>even if dante hasn't fucked his office is full of nude girl magazines so he knows whats up
whoever makes shit like this needs to be put down
stop being a pussy and just get an onahole you horndogs
poor bettas
Eh, so he grows a new one in 5 days; no big deal
>only worth $50
the fuck kind of liquid is that?
Isn't it also implied he and The Boss fucked at some point?
>there are people who still haven't watched Planet Earth and all the spinoffs
imagine being this deprived of kino
poor doggo
Dan "The Man With a Plan (to rape)' Schneider
I thought it was great but that scene was very poorly done
open world games
sodium acetate
Dan "Hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider
I don't care how normalfag it is, I fucking love puppies
The sad part is Dan probably did this
I love that show
>t. Kaiserdickchugger
That's XCOM, baby!
Just buy a fleshlight you macgyver faggot
Oh fuck that got me
>because we aren't scared of nudity like muricans
Are you seriously bragging about showing disgusting genitals on television for entertainment? I don't use the term "degeneracy" often but this is it.
Well this guy does it well in a jungle.
I don't get it
I love when devs make meta jokes like this
it's literally the same fucking thing retard
desu i don't remember the original joke either I think it had something to do with motion controls.
The Blood Meridian adaptation is looking good.
>Matt Groening in the list
>this shit again
all he did was get wet
>cutscene where Eva and Snake discuss The Boss
>Goes out of his way to establish she was practically a mother to him
Are you retarded?
bretty gud
correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a survivor series where they split it into two teams for each gender and then they swapped one person from each teams for a week and the woman basically just sat on the beach and did nothing while the men actually built shelters and allocated jobs and the swapped woman had an eye opening about gender differences?
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
At first I thought he was going to create Pikachu.
Is this made by the Oogga artist???
Did a different dog come out?
Dr. Pepper desu
pretty good
Dan "Hymen Divider" Schneider
Zombies count in my book. Plus there were some demonic enemies as well.
is this a sex toy
Depends on the condition and the manufacturer.
saved for research
Guns from the Nile.
Receiver it was made by the overgrowth guys
poor ntr'd penguin...
>Super Smash Bros
Holly shit, thanks, I remeber that game being awesome but I always died really quick.
Why would you bother to measure flaccid?
holy jesus christ user you just brought back a flood of memories
My dad reading that book terrified me
name it
>Repent Sinner
>coca cola
>not a southern belle
What is that?
>press 'X' to dog
>Only the live ammunition was destroyed.
Spaceballs the Yea Forums post
That is a fantastic mustache on that negroid.
Spaceballs: The reply
Shit now I want to rewatch farscape ... Haven't seen that in a looooong time
Dude... Wow.
dead space would have also worked
Title of moving images?
Nothing permanent, not as bad as holding your hand into a fire, still hurts like hell tho.
I get it.
>that webm
its like a walking talking /k/
Doom guy is who he is because of the fact his son died
stupid fucking americans
i have a soft spot for badass pure boyz
basket starfish, I think
The school kids aren't actually being killed, right?
Don't just leave us here without a part 2.
Yes, they are.
Then this mother proceeds to murder the responding law enforcement.
where is this from?
No school children were harmed physically at least in the making of that anime.
Generation Kill
Good file name, I'm taking that one. Thanks
Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy.
Unironically b&r. Money is the only thing that matters in this world, so if sucking a few shriveled dicks and putting yours in some mentally ill ass gets you enough to live well then you're already more successful than 80% of the population.
I remember being a naive young man who though charity and autruism could heal the world. I even remember fighting Christians at fb beeing an atheist against racism and homophobia.
Boy, i was so wrong.
This gif is amazing
6.2 inches is solidly average. Why don't you just consider yourself 0.8 inches short of 7?
protip: the later in the day (and especially at night) it gets the longer you should wait before using the cross walk because dipshit motorists are more likely to run red lights when they think less people will be out and about.