Just killed anubis in a Fenrir reclamation mission, are they pulling a Tales of Abyss with that ending but not really thing? Or is it really going to be easygoing missions now?
God eater 3 thread i guess.
God Eater
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Just enjoy the post game and wait for the DLC.
Meaning there is nothing really meaningful story wise until DLC/burst version?
We won't get story content until the second update. The first update will add new "challenging" missions and a little daughteru doll to put on your head.
I can live with that.
How much behind Japan are we in updates? I read somewhere that 1.20 is supposed to make parry windows longer, unless only steam is behind on updates, game tells me i am on 1.11
I love phym
i want to spoil her
1.20 is the next update, it's supposed to be released "early spring". It will also bring another balancer update for weapons and aragamis. Full list on the link below.
Thanks user, you are a godsend.
Back to devouring aragamis then.
Also Lulu a cute.
I wanna prank Claire and hide her backpack somewhere in camp
I still haven't finished it. Everyone was talking about predator styles and I ended up giving Resurrection a go.
Sliding and devouring fuckers around is so fucking fun, now I don't want to go back to burst arts anymore.
Basically, this game was pretty rushed.
If this is Your first Anubis then story dont end yet.
Yup first, narration by Ein just ended, month long time skip happened and i am back to doing rank 6 missions.
I kinda see why Bamco decided to postpone releasing Code Vein now.
First Anubis is on tier 5 mission, story ends on 6, continue playing this is not end yet.
Final boss is Odin If You beat that then is realy end of the story, still You get tier 7 missions but all optional.
>Yup first, narration by Ein just ended, month long time skip happened and i am back to doing rank 6 missions.
then you are not done. Once you hit rank 7 missions, then you are in the post-game
Onwards to devouring aragamis then.
>1.20 is supposed to make parry windows longer
So bucklers are going to become completely useless?
kys shitou
>want to make the party member's gear for the "have 1 type of rank 7 gear" trophy
>everything needs 1 item at 3% drop rate IF I beat it under 10 min
>Ashborn + fodder
fuck me
Bucklers are pretty useless already. Even tower shields got stupid fast in this game for some reason.