What's your favorite enchanted item in any rpg?

What's your favorite enchanted item in any rpg?
yes, I consider souls games to be a branch of the rpg family tree

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What the fuck did you need to add that for? Dark Souls is an RPG every way.

Crissaegrim from SOTN
not even because it's broken, it's just stupid fun and looks awesome.

Autists think that games need to have role-playing mechanics for a game to be considered an RPG, though there's hardly any video game RPG that actually does this

Planescape: Torment has my favorite ones. Too many to list.

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>can't lockpick
>can't haggle
>no speech checks
>no skills used to complete quests
>no quests
Why do autists keep calling Dark Souls an rpg?

I don't know, theres a lot of fucking RPG's that dont have any of those.

And, dark souls has quests and skills to complete quests.
master key bruv

play dark souls next time

Great Magic Weapon
Dark Souls
The animation is so fucking cool, and you get to use magic without being a sissy mage throwing shit from far away

>no quests
This was the only even fucking remotely convincing one, and it's false. There are quests, you just don't get a "quest log". But other than that, literally none of these things have to be present for something to be an RPG.

>master key bruv
So you're saying Doom is an RPG because it has key cards?

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Shako from diablo 2

that item makes me wet

The railgun in Metro Exodus.

Is the game a lot like that with items and background lore? I thought it was just that the dialogue was a lot.

I might pick it up if it has a lot background stuff

Ring of Happiness and Dawnfang/Duskfang from Oblivion

Actually a role playing game has to heavily emphasize stats over physics, when Souls leans more towards the latter. So it's not an RPG in "every way," it's an action RPG, more action than RPG.

What is the malted liquor?
What, exactly, gets you drunker quicker?

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Celestial Fury in Baldrus Gate 2

>Opening a door with an alternative method than the main key

Souls is pretty much the only modern RPG that isn't some isometric indie crpg that lets you actually level-up individual stats and create unique builds anymore.

This differentiation is so uttely pointless and autistic, I literally don't know what the hell you posted for. Bottom line is it's still an RPG.

I fucking hate dark souls for making me glow stupidly when I pick any item giving me a stamina bonus like the grass shield.

that's your punishment for being a faggot

>Souls is pretty much the only modern RPG that isn't some isometric indie crpg that lets you actually level-up individual stats and create unique builds anymore.

You can level up individual stats in any Diablo clone or generic action-RPG.

The fuck you talking about?

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Gotta go fast

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Anything that grants Haste in Neverwinter Nights.

I adore that weapon, being able to one shot anything with cheap plentiful ammo was the best. Also makes the library easy peasy cuz you can OHK librarians with fully charged headshots.

ok what games?

This + vault 34 armor looks fucking gorgeous, I only replace it once i reach lonesome road for the duster set, because that shit looks too fucking good.

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>no quests
do you need a quest marker to follow?

Turbo plasma rifle in fallout 1. Holy shit clearing out a room was never so easy.

grim dawn
titan quest
anything based on diablo pretty much


Does btals count?

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You are like slow baby: Watch this!

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>words words words words

the rape amulet

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DaS1 is the closest the series has come to a full blown RPG and it's because its the easiest. You have to use much more specific builds in the latter game because Miyazaki is unable to design a game that accounts for any class other than "dodgedodgehithitman"

Using havels ring is a sign that you can't optimize armor correctly.

>no speech checks
I am carhillion of the fold, and I have no interest in the magic impaired.

Attached: Carhillion_of_the_Fold.png (653x767, 540K)

Ok but outside of isometric stuff this is pretty much non-existant in RPGs today except Souls which was my point.

>not playing Fashion Souls as well as Poise Souls
Havel's Ring lets you use a much wider variety of shit for maximum cool factor.
>inb4 he doesn't think looking cool is part of the gear optimization and wears a clownset

Fork of Horripilation

dark souls is a roguelike, provemewrongyoucan't

ITT: Peaople claiming RPGs aren't RPGs without lockpicking, apperantly a staple of the genre?

Pic related, because I'm very original
My nigga
Shame about the illiteracy user

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>DaS1 is the closest the series has come to a full blown RPG
That's DS2 because it had the sloppiest action gameplay and largest build variety.

Rougelite user

Rougelikes your lose all progress on death
Rougelite you keep levels and possibilt world progress but lose something like gold/experience

Okay that item was alright, but I will probably never actually play PT because it’s just too boring

Profaned Greatsword.. I just love the fire effect on the charged L2. Maybe Lorian's GS too.

>ITT: Peaople claiming RPGs aren't RPGs without lockpicking, apperantly a staple of the genre?

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In DaS 1 there's no reason not to use it because almost all the other rings are situational.

It's not even a roguelite, kill yourselves and never use the R word ever again

Everyone defines this stuff differently

>wearing armour

Why was Diablo 2's itemization so good, bros? And why can't modern ARPGs live up to it?

In Tactics Ogre, there's one spell you can get called Snapshot, if I'm remembering it right. What the spell does is take its caster and transforms them into an enchanted weapon based on that character's elemental affinity. So after acquiring it I took a trip to the recruiting office, hired a level 1 soldier that shared my hero's affinity, named him "iamasword", and proceeded to train him into a high level warlock for the sole purpose of converting his soul into my leader's primary weapon.

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This. It's why SL1 runs are just as easy as when you level up normally.

you're a retard

>Watch this!
>boots of BLINDING speed
actually laughed for real

My fave would be pic related, get that shit early and breeze through the entire game

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The sex-change coffin in DaS2.

>item makes your armor invisible so you can play while wearing normal clothes

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I wish every game had something like that.

I mean, you can barely role play in Dark Souls. Outside of combat your stads doesn’t matter. I don’t know why there’s a thief class if you can’t actually steal anything.