What is it with gamers harassing women in online games? It's almost like an instinct to them

What is it with gamers harassing women in online games? It's almost like an instinct to them.

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Other urls found in this thread:


women existing is propaganda

owo pls send feet pics naow

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This doesn't happen.

You've been told that it happens by Buzzfeed and The Huffington Post because gamers are the next thing that feminists want to worm their way into and take advantage of.

I have 6000 hours invested in TF2, 1000 in Overwatch and 2500 in World of Warcraft and not once (literally not once) have I ever witnessed this happen.

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>I have 6000 hours invested in TF2, 1000 in Overwatch and 2500 in World of Warcraft
I've got 6001 hours in TF2, 0 in Overwatch because I don't play bad games lmao, and 2700 in WoW and you're full of shit

What alternate reality do you live in? I've played TF2 and Overwatch and witnessed my fair share of sexism and derogatory remarks.

>things I dont notice, including private messages, dont exist

Not buying this feminazi BS.
"Sexism" isn't frequent at all. The % of douchebags in the gaming community is stupidly slim, and believing in a conspiracy against women means you're either delusional, lunatic, a feminazi, or just plain sterile white knight with a mindset programmed by others.

I wish swatting and streamsniping became more popular.

> (You)
What alternate reality do you live in? I've played TF2 and Overwatch and witnessed my fair share of sexism and derogatory remarks.
>thing isn't happening
>yes it is
Wow, that's a compelling argument.

The burden of proof is on you. Make an argument and I'll make a rebuttal

Shut the fuck up you pretentious mouthbreathing crow-magnon redditor.

They had the empathy numbed out of them and no longer remember how to care about other people nor have any interest in rekindling that skill because they've been convinced empathy is immasculating

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Also, these three replies in succession against is 100% the OP faking it.
Go back to tumblr, faggot

>"sexism don't exist because, uhhh, I never faced it."
>gets called out
>"wow, so much for free speech"
Shut up, incel.

>The % of douchebags in the gaming community is stupidly slim
The % of douchebags in the gaming community is very large

They just pick on people with a funny accent, people with a profile picture they don't like or people that are using a weapon they don't like. Or really anything under the infinite amount of characteristics that aren't having a vagina

Imagine being raised so badly that you take to the internet to prey on viewers by setting up your own virtual circus. Completely throwing away what little pride you have for cheap bucks.

>>"sexism don't exist because, uhhh, I never faced it."
>"sexism exists because, uhhh, I faced it."
"Exists" meaning what? Atleast 1 person on this planet of 7 billion people has experienced it?

I don't care if you're so impossibly stupid that you think the word "women" means "Everyone of the female gender that exists on Earth indiscriminately". I am not going to coddle your impossibly stupid reddit semantics where you force people to break the English language down to its inadequacies in order to have a useful conversation

>>gets called out
You didn't "call out" anything, you idiot. Somebody said "Something is true" and you said "No it isn't"

You're so sure that what you're saying is true that you should be able to make some kind of argument.
And I iterate, "argument" doesn't mean saying "This is true"

>>Shut up, incel.
>sexism is bad
>a canned insult against your masculinity is a rebuttal

I don't know or care how you found this website. Go sputter generic reddit platitudes through your roast beef flaps at someone else.

post more weird zoomer doge edits

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>The % of douchebags in the gaming community is stupidly slim,
Play literally any online game. It's not a conspiracy against anyone, people who play video games and interact with others online tend to be assholes. Look at Yea Forums, the same principles pretty much apply because you're still somewhat anonymous in games.

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>tfw she delivers

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>White knight imagining things

Christ how many times do we have to explain this. Holes do not matter on the internet.

my time to shine has come

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>And I iterate, "argument" doesn't mean saying "This is true"
That's literally what your argument was
>I've put 10,000 hours into these games and never seen it so it isn't true

what the fuck is up with these new ironic zoomer doge memes?

>women still can't get over the fact that people are assholes when they don't want to fuck you

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Neither do the opinions of insecure incels like yourself


>girl joins
>everyone pampers her and laughs at everything she says
i act like a dick to women online to be contrarian

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There are no women in online video games.

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>mfw I say the n-word over the mic

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>Respect my holes.
Like clockwork.

show feet pls

isn't Doge actuallly female?


>"I wasted literally a ten thousand hours of my life on multiplayer videogames and never once seen a single sexist comment"
uh-huh, yeah, sure.
the man, or rather incel, never seen a single sexist post, yet tries this hard to deny that sexism exists and goes on tangents to go "MUH LIBERALS".

deny harder, scum.

It's the rebuttal you get to an argument that is equally stupid
And it is the only argument that will you continue to get until you say something more interesting than that canned reddit platitude

The burden of proof is on you

You don't understand what an argument is. People in Ancient Greece did, so Google the Socratic method before trying to sound like a whipsmart sass machine

why is doge a thing again but this time ironically

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to trigger trannies like you

yes, Kabosu was a female.

>harassment never existed! you prove it does!!
fallacies and incels
name a better duo

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Oh no

now I'm triggered by your utterly insane conclusion that I was triggered before

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*fornite dances on you*


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Empathy turns you into a vegan.

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Man that's what i'm asking myself right now...

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>incels hate women
Is this what you think?
Is it really?

Or are you just trying to use "You don't have sex" as an insult against people you don't like, because you think saying "You aren't masculine in some way" is a rebuttal.
Sexism is bad, but a man not having sex means that his opinions are nullified.

The immediate inverse rebuttal to this is that you are an STD ridden thot getting your roastie in a twist because you can't comprehend that not everyone does everything because of their sexual insecurities.

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What is happening here

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jesus fucking christ

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I think you are talking about banter

if you consider harassment as banter, then you must be a really shitty person.

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hes a. trolling or b. a tourist
dont reply to him

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Have you ever gotten a female to send feet pics, Yea Forums?

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>imagine the smell

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well then what do you consider harassment?

>girl joins our group chat
>everyone stops talking because she's loud af
>I get fucked up and say "fuck me man"
>she giggles and says no thanks
>we sit in silence while she rattles on until she leaves
>everyone resumes talking

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haha faggot kys

Because they like it.

>fallacies and incels
The Socratic method is a "fallacy"

You heard it here first. The universal method of having a conversation that has existed since people were living in houses made of mortar has been dismantled by a 22 year old with a septum
that thinks posting a 2013 reddit meme is a rebuttal.

>lol free speech rite???
where did they say that?
you could probably get your points across better if you replied to the actual person rather than the version of them that only exists in your head

Holy shit


Good, women crave attention.

jesus christ i couldn't type a more incel reply if i tried

Good thing there's no such things as "ignore" or "mute" buttons.

daily reminder to report your local e-thot to the IRS

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"Harassment" is a malleable word that means literally whatever you want it to mean.

"Your post is harassment". There, I just called it

You can do 1 of 2 things:
1. Concede, and stop posting. Because "harassment" is ubiquitously bad no matter who says it or what's happening, all they have to do is call it "harassment"
2. Admit that calling it "harassment" doesn't automatically mean it's legitimate

This is one of the worst threads I have seen in a long time

when he tried to match the ranger with
the big iron on his hip

Everyone is getting harassed nowadays, every fucking time I check Yea Forums or a general kinda popular name I see and hear about cyberbullying shit. Fucking retards. Also what happened to that board? It's full of goddamn losers and faggot pussies. And not your typical loser pussies on Yea Forums.

t. 22 yo with a septum


>singular noun
>plural noun
aggressive pressure or intimidation.
"they face daily harassment and assault on the streets"
persecution, harrying, pestering, badgering, intimidation, bother, annoyance, aggravation, irritation, pressure, pressurization, force, coercion, molestation

they claim they never saw a single event of harassment against women while spending 10,000 hours on different multiplayer gmes
it's sheer incel ignorance

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t. 21 yo with two septums

>using the internet while having tissue paper thin skin
you deserve all of it faggot

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This isn't what (You) consider harassment but whatever
now what would you consider banter?

>sage in name field
hows it going, fenceshitter?

I mean they do the same to kids so get over yourself.
They do it to each other to but that gets ignored

Dictionary result for banter
noun: banter

the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
"there was much good-natured banter"


exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way.
"the men bantered with the waitresses"

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>you need to be a fat incel virgin NEET who rolls in filth in order to use the internet

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I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.

>mfw thinking about you hurting

I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.

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>they claim they never saw a single event of harassment against women while spending 10,000 hours on different multiplayer gmes
>it's sheer incel ignorance
so what does that have to do with "DAE FREEZE PEACH LMAO" like you mentioned earlier? stay consistent

>hey guise
>did u know
>i have a vagina
>shower me with praise UwU

gee i fucking wonder

Awww, that's pretty cute and sad. Unironically

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again, this isn't what (You) personally consider it but whatever
So if 2 people are exchanging remarks that can be seen as harassment but in a playful way (meaning there's no ill will, both parties know the other is joking) does that not become banter?

Because for women games become a social experience since they're being targeted by lonely men who want some pussy and that's why they'll never invest their lives in games, unlike men. Also most women are more focused on their studies/work and getting a boyfriend than playing videogames. So, the reason why we harass women is simple: THEY FUCKING SUCK, THEY PLAY HEALERS BECAUSE THEY CAN'T DO DPS, THEY DON'T COMMIT TO THE GAME LIKE MEN DO, THEY FUCKING DRAW FANFICTION, THEY DO COSPLAY INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME.

but that doesn't happen, moronic incel.
just having a feminine gamertag is enough to send insecure manchildren like you on a nerd rage.

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>ive played as a girl in mmos literally to get showered with praise and free shit

i know how this shit works m8

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depends on what you mean by female

neo doge is a treasure

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>play WoW
>claim you're girl
>thirsty fuccbois buy you everything
Such oppression much wow


It's all part of the game bro. It's fun

This is about the 12th time I've heard "incel" in this thread.

You think incels hate women and harass them over voice communication in video games?

Is this really what you think? Is this an original thought? Or have you just heard it from Polygon

And what is your connection to Trump in this?

Trump supporters are neckbeards? And neckbeards are virgins? And virgins hate women?

Do you actually believe that this schizophrenic mishmash of insults against republicans and the male gender is a sensible rebuttal, and that it just happens to benefit the people that created it?

I'm glad that you feel validated in not being a beta male like these "incels" by facelessly doing the bidding of women because they made a sarcastic comment about people like you on the internet.

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no, you don't.
just killing a man in a multiplayer while having a feminine gamertag or profile picture is enough to have the harassments started.

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>top text
>bottom text
>unironically in 2019

(big iron on his hiiiip)

Are you people just AI bots or is this what real humans talk about now?

In awe at the size of this lad

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It's funny because the hatless one was the original so it's actually the other way around.

No, but I once traded my own feet pics for a video game.

>all these absolutely seething replies

This is my favorite one

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I Carly actress

Dan Schneider, the guy responsible for iCarly, has an enormous fetish for underage feet.

He had her go barefoot for a scene? Why?

Because he's a fucking pedo

>a scene
>A scene

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What a scumbag


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how come I never noticed this?

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Because it's your first day here

Why are people spamming reddit dog again?

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Good ol' Dan "get in the van" Schneider is too slick for most people.


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I am the one who sends feet pics

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For people paying attention to this thread, here's the rundown of the exchange that has happened:

>women are harassed in video-games
>no they aren't
>yes they are
>the burden of proof is on you
>the burden of proof is for incels
>why is "incel" an argument? All you did was insult my masculinity. You seem to think that "sexism" is bad, but saying "you aren't masculine in some way" is an argument
>you're an incel

These people have no argument.

They aren't smart, conversation-savvy, whipsmart individuals that are just so confident in what they're saying that they only reply in ambiguous insults.
They have no argument.
And the second they're actually confronted with any kind of reply, they completely break down and become a fireworks display of embarrassing stupidity. It could only possibly not look incriminating if the people looking at the conversation have no interest in seeing who makes a compelling argument and are just there with a vested interest to demand that people think that the woman is right.

You don't even need to make an "argument". Just repeat what they say, and observe how it doesn't add up.

>the royal family needs to be murdered, children and all for the great socialist revolution
>we also must keep this a secret
based fucking commies

post em nig

What's his name again?

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>get told to kms because I suck
>ignore the faggot and keep playing
>chick gets told to khs
>massive outrage

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If you think that's how it goes down you're sorely mistaken. It drags on for way too long, it's not just a single sentence or statement.
Now shut up and post more doge memes.

cuck, women just can't handle a man's world of competition

>someone calls you gay online
>start a campaign on twitter
>press a thing that literally removes the problem, takes 2 seconds

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Go outside

how about you prove your statement and handle the man's world of my dick

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More doge for my collection


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How are women harassed online with such veracity when most games are anonymous or played through avatars? Studies have shown that men curb their language in the presence of women, so what's really happening online is that under anonymity women are held to and treated to the same standard as men. Which for groups of sheltered and privileged women feels like oppression. I can't count the number of times i've been called a cunt online but when it happens to women its news, almost likes there's an expected different standard of treatment. or as they say "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

>stonecel trying to lose virginity

Wouldn’t you rather fix the problem than put a bandaid on it? Or do you think there’s nothing with sexism in society?

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This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in this thread. When people talk about women being harassed online, they’re not talking about playing a game anonymously, they’re talking about when they use voice chat.

resetera I dont know what you get out of coming here

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You're never gonna fix it. People are assholes, that's never going to change. Just use the mute button and you don't have a problem.

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>Sexism in society

women are literally get showered with free items and praise all the time
what are you talking about tranny?
pic releated
average player became pro when he pretended he was a woman.

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And what's wrong with that?

Really high iq take there my dude, it’s not like we’ve made monumental progress towards equal rights in the past 50 years or anything. Your completely right, it’s impossible to make it better.

Except this narrative has persisted well before the ubiquity of voice chat. You've heard this narrative about both League and WoW etc. I mean i've played Overwatch for probably 100 hours and never heard a word from a teammate.

>average player
Why do incels try to spread false narratives?

This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in this thread.
>Studies have shown that men curb their language in the presence of women, so what's really happening online is that under anonymity women are held to and treated to the same standard as men. Which for groups of sheltered and privileged women feels like oppression. I can't count the number of times i've been called a cunt online but when it happens to women its news, almost likes there's an expected different standard of treatment.

Its like you can't read

Except he's right, there was a recent study that showed as sexism (objectively) decreased, peoples perceptions of sexism stayed the same. So you end up with an ever decreasing threshold of what sexism is, i mean we're at a point where sitting with your legs open is misogynistic.

she cute

Prove that its false, tranny.
And don't talk about spreading false narratives, libtard.

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>doge memes
fuck off back to 9gag if you want spam dead memes from 2012

>average player became pro when he pretended he was a woman.
That's not what happened at all, the organization set up that she was the one playing when in reality she was literally boosted by a man.

it must be such a shock to them getting treated like a man when they take their sex out of the conversation


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It’s almost as if these massively multiplayer games have ways to talk to your teammates or guild using third party software like discord. It’s almost as if these games have streamers that are watched by thousands.
>I mean i've played Overwatch for probably 100 hours and never heard a word from a teammate.
Here’s a cool test to do, group up with a female friend and play ranked with her using voice chat and see often people make remarks about her being a girl.

yeah exactly, posting dead memes is cringe, thanks for agreeing.

Just mute. Why are you making this such a huge issue? Giving more attention to it is only gonna make it worse.

>Here’s a cool test to do, group up with a female friend and play ranked with her using voice chat and see often people make remarks about her being a girl.
The only people still playing overwatch are women and beta orbiters anyway.

This is literally not what happened. What you had was a guy playing with a female identity, then when people asked for proof or suspected he was faking, he had his girlfriend do voice comms for him. Read the Slasher tweet

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fucking this so much, there is a mute/ignore/bock button in most online games for a fucking reason, if someones being a fucktard on the mic then mute their ass don't argue with them because that's what they want


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thanks for proving my point.

The man was playing
He couldn't make it pro.
Then he played instead of ellie and was instantly accepted into a pro team.
This is female privilege

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You just reposted what he wrote.

>we’re at a point where sitting with your legs open is misogynistic
Oh man, if you’ve fallen so far down the rabbit hole that you unironically believe this is problem many people legitimately complain about I don’t think I can save you dude.

Imagine being so dense that you don’t even realize you’re doing the same thing as your pic. Ellie was played by grandmasters player who had been trying to go pro. As Ellie, he ended up peaking a lot higher than he ever did with his main getting into the top 10 at one point. You can easily find this with a google search, but I guess you’d rather just blindly believe whatever proganda you get spoonfed.

Le Scheffen plan has arrived

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I've played literally hundreds of hours of League, WoW and Overwatch with women and have never seen any gender based harassment. The most i see is generic shit like "Git gud", "You're shit" and "Kill yourself you degenerate fag with your pocket mercy". You see the fundamental difference isn't that men and women are harassed at different rates, it's that a) harassment of women is seen as more pernicious than men so it takes precedence and has higher social awareness because of such and b) women seem more likely to internalise harassment as based on gender (whether real or imagined). Check out the study bro

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>It’s only sexism, bro. Why are you making this such a huge issue?

>You just reposted what he wrote.

beacuse what he wrote disproves your shitty argument

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at last

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It's mostly virgins, they're not real people like you and me. They're malformed and unevolved. Like a caterpillar that never managed to become a butterfly.

>current year +8
>caring about sexism

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>believe this is problem many people legitimately complain about
The hundreds of articles and journal papers about it kind of disprove your point

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cringe thread

It’s because young men can’t say shit to women in person, so they do it online. If you are young, girls are scary because of hormones. If you are an adult, girls are scary because of HR

Is there anybody who doesn’t understand this?

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Women don't game, they just search for attention. Women who can't cook or clean are worthless.

woman are attention whores they love that shit

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Ok this is my response:
This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in this thread. When people talk about women being harassed online, they’re not talking about playing a game anonymously, they’re talking about when they use voice chat.

I’m calling bullshit dude. I’ve played with my gf many times and I’ve talked to many girls online who deal with the same shit anytime they turn on their mics. Also your study is talking about generic harassment, but we’re talking about treating girls differently online based on their gender.

Women are bad at video games and should not be playing them. Men realize this and attempt to forcibly make them stop so they can spend their time doing more productive things like taking dick and raising children.

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There are hundreds of articles and journal papers about manspreading? Ok dude, keep consuming incel propaganda like a drone.


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>Dudes harassing girls in games happens all the time
>Girls being attention whores and ruining entire clans happens all the time

We live in a frustrating world where both sexes can be trash and one side will completely ignore that the other side of a situation exists just to forward their goals

Fuck the retards on these sites that pretend girls being harassed on vidya don't exist and fuck journalists that encourage women to be egotistical psychopaths. You're all a bunch of fucking retards.

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>Also your study is talking about generic harassment
The study is talking about online harassment not generic harassment. The implication you're making is that the study is somehow incorrect because it doesn't reflect your biases but "harassment" as a category would also include gendered harassment wouldn't it? Your argument is that women are subject to specific forms of harassment but the study shows that men and women receive similar levels of harassment, so how does that logically follow. If women were subject to gender based harassment (which i assume you believe men aren't) wouldn't they be over represented by comparison.

>this thread denying women get harassed in online games

i make it a rule to mute the chat once I know there's a girl because it'll 9/10 devolve into some form of orbitting or negging (what's the difference lmao)

Don't you have a circle jerk on Reset Era to get back to?

>No one talking about this
>There are literally hundreds of articles
>lol incel
Look at how the numale recoils when contradicted. Don't be made because your side has moronic arguments that you are seemingly ashamed of lmao

literally everyone gets harassed to some extent but it sticks out more when it happens to women for some reason, either because of gendered insults or people complaining about that specifically.

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I too have played online games with my gf many times and nobody has ever given us shit for being women or lesbians lol. have you ever considered that you or the people you talk to are just being obnoxious and people are being mean to you for being obnoxious? just a thought

>play rb6s
>end up in a team of girls only who use team chat to talk to eachother

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>Hurrr durrr they're harassing me, pls help!

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Nice bait. It's obvious you're not a woman by the way.

It's almost like if videogames were played by real humans who could be dicks to each other, how strange!

If I see that fucking dog one more time

That's just how men talk. Deal with it or get back in the kitchen

No, if we’re talking about generic harassment, men are more likely to shit talk other men than women. But the conversation was never about harassment in general, it was about how women are treated differently from men online based on their gender.

so all you know how to do is assume shit about the people you're arguing with and then attack their character for it disregarding their arguments entirely?

>When people talk about women being harassed online, they’re not talking about playing a game anonymously, they’re talking about when they use voice chat.
>Studies have shown that men curb their language in the presence of women.

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based gamers

Sure mate, we can continue this if you want. Link 5 journal papers and 5 articles about how manspreading is misogynistic and I won’t think you’re a gullible drone who believes anything he sees in a YouTube video. I’ll wait, there should be literally hundreds right?

I suspect this is a regional and game specific thing. Nobody gives a fuck if you're a female playing Warhammer Vermintide in Australia.

>have you ever considered that you or the people you talk to are just being obnoxious and people are being mean to you for being obnoxious? just a thought
Nah, you're full of shit. I'm pretty shy so whenever I do talk on my mic I keep it strictly about tactical information or callouts, yet I still get harassed a bunch for just being a woman using voice chat.

Maybe you should finish reading the second half of that first sentence, user.

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fuck this ""harassment"" bullshit

post more dogs

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You're comparing your anecdotal evidence to an actual peer reviewed study?

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>real life woman acts like a stupid child
I put up with it because it gets me pussy.
>online girl acts like a tard
Your holes are no longer available to me therefore I will treat you the same way I treat men who act stupid.
Why is this such a complicated concept? Hell I’m even mean to girls IRL as well because they enjoy it.

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1 min in Google

that was easy

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why the FUCK are doge memes coming back?

Look at this absolute bro with the backup

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May you should read both sentences, user.
Women using voice chat get harssed less than people not using voice chat and men.

10 year cycle.



>Journal papers

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Women are physically and intellectually inferior to men, and everyone knows it.

Not all of these say manspreading is misogynistic and one of them is a blog post. Oh, and where are the journal papers you were talking about?

>literally all opinion pieces with no hard data in sight
Are you completely retarded?

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>Kairos A journal of critical symposium
>International Journal of Cultural studies
>Feminist Media Studies
Just take the L bro. This moving the goal post shit is weak as fuck. You said 10 you got 13 "b-b-b-but that doesn't count" lmaoooooo

Oh shit, if gender-focus.com says it’s a global issue then it’s gotta be.

men harass each other all the time.

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user...did you even look at these studies?
>feminist media studies
>In this paper, we explore new forms of networked feminist humor curated on Tumblr.

shoutout to the user who redrew this super thick doge

wtf bros this shouldn't be happenig to me