Sekiro: shadows die twice is now only 14 days from release. have you preordered it yet?

sekiro: shadows die twice is now only 14 days from release. have you preordered it yet?

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Nah, might pirate though.

3 days!

Still amazed that they didn't use the Japanese artwork for the international release (though a stripped down version is on the steelbook), honestly.

Activision might be wary having artwork of an overtly Asian lead on the cover? Who knows.

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>pirate a ps4 exclusive
good luck with that, thief.

This is the case with all from games

But it's a multiplat.

Coming out in the same month as DMC 5, with about a quarter of the marketing. No one gives a shit.

>Ps4 exclusive


based snoytard


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I have preordered both. I dont even care they come out so close to eacother. March will be best gaming month this year

Best feeling in the world.

It comes out on the 22nd
DMCfags grossly overestimate the series' popularity. It'll do well, but it's not like it's going to make huge waves in terms of sales.

I thought it wasn't out until 22nd?

I typically wait a few days before release if I want to preorder.

>two weeks
what the fuck there was barely any promotions for the game and i clearly forgot about the game release let alone it's existence

two good games coming out at once and I can only care about one oh shit oh fuck

getting it as a Souls fan

looks great for Tenchu fans as well


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>not written by miyazaki
bit worried to be honest...

DMC sucks

he's the director isn't he

Never ever.
Not even from FROM.

>after kingdom hearts 3


Lol no

I pre-ordered it for my xbone

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write what?
theres like 10 lines of dialog in his games

I'll wait until I can see unfiltered final gameplay.

Fuck off

>ahh.. so it is... the sekiro will die yet twice and unto him shalt the prince giveth his mantle... of course, thee should knowest, the journey may corrupteth even the bravest of noble warriors... mmhahahah hahah.. hahaaahhhh....

theres your dialogue bro

reddit isn't working for me anyone else?

fucking BTFO by polacks

Isn’t it only coming out March 22?

pfff hahaha nice

>March 22
>14 days
Are you ok user?

No preorders. Buying it day 1 sure but I don't see any point to preordering since I'll be picking up a physical copy.

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How will v/ react when info comes ot that it’s 14 hours long to complete?

How are you not banned yet?

it says 22nd of March right there

Friendly reminder that ENBposter

>actually keeps a picture of ENB's sister in his wallet and tells people it's his gf
>writes erotic fanfiction about ENB and his sister where he self-inserts as ENB
>stalked Quelaag and her bf IRL and drove her off YouTube

>initial release date: march 14, 2019
here's your (you)

Don't you want that sweet letter opener?

will probably pirate and if it's good, I'll buy

Who ENB? Is that the cake faced roastie he keeps posting?

Guys, it's gonna be comfy as fuck when the game releases, and everyone gets a taste of it.
I can't wait for all the threads we gonna have about the game.

I just hope it lives up to my expectations.

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I'll be excited because I'll finally replay one of those games again.

Who gives a fuck about who's writing it? How about some good gameplay for once, to difference from Dark Souls?

I'm going to be staying away from Yea Forums as soon as spoilers start dropping because there's always assholes who'll ruin stuff

EpicNameBro, one of the early Souls YouTubers. Said user is some mentally ill faggot that's been avatarfagging with photos of his sister for a good 4-5 years.

Read the actual description you mong. There are 2 release dates there.

Waiting for a discount. GMG's is only at 6%.

Used to
Used to
That's false I had nothing to do with Quelaag.

Nah man. I can get feelies and such after release from people selling theirs if I really wanted to but can't really justify getting any more expensive edition than the standard one for now.

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gameplay vids look kind of boriong desu.

Boiler-plate Souls with jumping, and apparently less RPG elements.

My only intrest in it is that its a non-bamco funded Souls game, so it might actually be finished, like Demons Souls or Bloodborne.

I hate that it releases the same month as DMC.

I want to play the new DMC for as long as possible, but how can I if everyone will switch to Sekiro???

I know the games are different, but it'll obviously steal all the attention

You're a degenerate

Seek help.

>No Bamco
it’ll have even less content

jesus christ, why do i keep coming to this site

Don’t worry, people will stop talking about DMC even before Sekiro comes out. They revealed everything with the final trailer already.

What does other people switching to senior have to do with you playing dmc?

I won't be coming here till I beat the thing, also this

let's not pretend people actually care about DMC's story;

it's combo vids that I want to see

No because chinks cannot into anti-piracy protection and Sekiro has no online features.
Looking forward to my free SoulsLite though.

okay, you're right
it's just that I hate that there have been zero games (that I like) on PC for several months and then two games that I might fall in love with come out at the same time

like why? couldn't they wait for another month or release it a month earlier?

I'm just 23, and already feel too old for the teenage angst and muh epic radical wahoo from DMC, besides the demo proved it's yet another attack button spammer
meanwhile sekiro has a great setting without emo characters trying too hard to be funny and appealing to teens
also sekiro has actual depth and spamming a button will get you killed in seconds
might be fun if you're 14 and think metal is cool because mom thinks it's spooky

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FromSoft releases their games at roughly the same time of the year because that's when their fiscal year ends.

Oh I know. But I've stopped caring.

You do know that ENB and his sister know about your antics and hate you, right

>Choosing one or the other


>besides the demo proved it's yet another attack button spammer

why did you even post this if you can't comprehend how DMC works

>posts a nocturne picture
>too old for teenage angst


That cover looks badass. What's the US one like?

you should play any platinum or from game sometime
then you might comprehend how real action games work and how outdated and bland DMC is

This is the international cover.

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people would compare it to kingdom come too much

I don't like that it might be 30 fps on console, and people say consoles are just not powerful enough when there's DMC that comes out the same month

Are (You) ready bros?

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I don't know if they know about me but I guess they wouldn't be happy about it. I did feel really bad about it but I stopped obsessing over them and I haven't really given either of them much thought. I got somewhat intrigued with Lobos' private life and his ex-fiancee Fieldy and his current girlfriend a bit. I don't have the same level of obsession with them as I had with enb and his sis but I've definitely been having fantasies about them.

>like Demon's Souls
DeS literally had an entire world cut from it because it wasn't finished. Bloodborne has less stuff that was obviously rushed but I think it's more that DeS / BB had content cut in it's entirety instead of shittily made content being left as clear signs of rushed production.

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That's going to be the Japanese one, like what happens with all FROM games

So, if you don't want to be spoiled, avoid this place of a a week and a half

absolutely not interested in it after dark souls 3

Never played a DMC game in my life and I don't intend to.

Sekiro is the only game I'm looking forward to this year.

why not?

Different guy but I don't give two shits about Sekiro's plot. Just gonna avoid looking at any Sekiro threads or gameplay footage and I'm good. No need to completely exile myself like I did with RDR2.

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and is this one also japanese? something is different but i cant put my finger on it

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I'm waiting till a few weeks after release to see if it's worth buying. I'm still hesitant on this game.

If I buy it I'll have to get a job sooner, I'll shill it to one of my mates and when he drops it because it's too hard I swoop in for a free game

It's alright. It has a soulsy vibe which i guess is their best chance to market it in the west

Any news on alt outfits?

not happening sweatie

No, but I fucking hope we at least change our outfit.

would be cool if the outfit changes slightly as you progress through the game like in RE2, i liked that feature

This is far better. Also, the closeup cover is basically a KCD cover ripoff, though I guess Kingdom Come didnt come out in gookland or something, so noone cares.

>Sekiro and DMC5 basically come out within two weeks of each other
>march is crunch time for my uni, all the big essays are due and midterms happen

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I love this shit. Sands of Time and the Arkham games also did it

Aren't you a little old to be playing DMC? manchild incel.

Day one pirate - fromsoft have fucked up every PC release from DS1 being buggy, to DS2 at 60FPS with the durability bug to DS3 being broken in windowed mode to "lol fuck keyboard + mouse"

So I'll pirate it, beat it and then get it from G2A for 4.99 for online after a few months like their other titles

If we only have one outfit Fromsoft better hope there won't be clipping errors.

If you're that much older than me then you've got too little time left to be posting on a board like this user

go do ur homework child

It's done for today, grandpa
Maybe you should take a nap...