*saves gaming*

*saves gaming*

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's dead, senpai.

>The console is rumored to be always online and use voice control
can’t imagine a problem with this

>thinking streaming devices will be anything but godawful
lol cant wait for this thing to bomb


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if by save you mean creating console purposefully to lock it for players to stream on cancerTube

more like
*saves all the data related to you and gives it to the government*

Google is censored by chinks.
Enjoy the most censored games ever.


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>jumping into game streaming
>when you lied and couldn't deliver you fiber project
They expect peopple with data cap and 8000 ping to get their shit?

To be fair to Jewgle, they couldn't deliver the fibre project because of Time Warner and co. constantly suing them for "trespassing" on their territory.


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How does game streaming work?
Why does everyone call it shit?

Seems like a piss poor idea. Playstation Now still sucks ass.
MS has got the right idea with the gamepass thing, shame xbox has no exclusives.

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>Always online
>get banned and lose all games for saying gay
where the fuck can i sign???

with my last connection i would barely be able to 720p 30 fps on a 100 ms delay and middleground compression.

who wants this console and how many of those people have a first-world connection?what kind of fucking game will it run that won't be as good as on their phone or better on a fucking playstation or xbone?

Streaming shit out of my asshole

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Nope, I don’t want our leftist techlords stalking me.

pig disgusting.

meanwhile the rest of the world, africa and even europe enjoys super fast cheap fiber


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Its like Netflix but with video games. Except you know, video games require a lot more data than a video.

Im not buying Talmud Consoles get that shit out of here

You guys laugh but normalfags will eat this shit up just like the crap on the play store.


It's going to flop hard. Most people still got dumpster trash internet and game streaming is not going to get popular until that changes.

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A computer elsewhere actually runs the game, compresses it into a video and sends it to you. Your inputs are sent over the internet back to that computer.
The problem is lag. I will say that maybe a decade or two from now this might be viable but right now? No fucking way.

This is why we need the free market

It's not a problem when your game plays itself.

Is that why On Live was such a huge success?

Why not just watch a youtube playthrough?


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Why are companies trying to shill streaming game services with America's online infrastructure is fucking dogshit third world-tier? I get the best internet I can pay for and it's trash, I can only imagine the majority of everyone else get close to dial-up speeds

didn't they beta-test it with asscreed? did anyone try it?

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Most people said it was alright, the problem was the image quality. Didn't look too beautiful.

>How does game streaming work?

it's very fucking easy.the game is on a virtual machine on a google server the closest possible to your locations.the video output is compressed and sent to you. all your machine has to do is de-compress it and it's reasonable to assume that will be a few milliseconds if done with properly designed hardware.your machine sends the input from your controller back to google's server.
no game data and calculations will be done on your machine.it's little more than a fucking decoder.

>can afford graphics worth of a 2000$ PC with only a fucking 100$ box
>no dowload and install time.
>developers and google have complete control over your ownership of the game.this eliminates piracy, they can let you demo any game, even ones without demo, for a controllable amount of hours, let you purchase time-limited game offers for cheap. or they could let you play ALL the games for a monthly subscriptions like netflix and fairly retribute developers based on playtime.

>you better have a motherfucking good connection or
>gaming is limited to connection stability. internet down? no game. internet lags for 1 second every minute? you have the game freezing for 1 second each minute.
>resolution and frames per seconds limited by bandwith.so much for "graphics worthy of a 2000$ PC" when you either have low fps, blurry overcompressed video, or low resolution
>all your actions are delayed by the ping.even if everything goes right you are still gonna have1-2 frames of delay unless the server is in your fucking city.
>developers and google have complete control over your ownership of the game and your ability to play it.good luck entrusting google with that.

thread reminded me of upgrading to the 25€ deal of 200/200 fiber net. thanks OP

>Take on Playstation
Good luck with that

>30 second delay when watching live streams
>thinking this latency is a good thing for a vidya stream service

looking forward to the zoomer cope threads when they sub to that turkey.

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GDC is 18 days away... :)

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Streaming games is actually pretty decent having tried it on my Shield and same with most people i've talked to about OnLive.
But it's still not ready for mass use

Fuck corporations

worst case scenario is it's totally shit and no-one buys it - in which case who cares
best case scenario is that it's still total shit, but they come up with a couple of neat but underdeveloped ideas that get stolen by sony/microsoft

>bro xbone is like controlled with your voice bro itll be so cool this is the future

Did they forget that someone already tried this and it didn't fucking work?

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This time the botnet comes with games!

>Always online
>Has a mic on it
Looks like a hit to me,don't really see anything wrong here.

Haha, all the fucking scaredy cats. Watch when Google comes out with exclusives that are actually fun.


>Critics praised the Chromecast's simplicity and potential for future app support. The Google Cast SDK was released on February 3, 2014, allowing third parties to modify their software to work with Chromecast and other Cast receivers. According to Google, over 20,000 Google Cast–ready apps are available, as of May 2015. Over 30 million units have sold globally since launch, making the Chromecast the best-selling streaming device in the United States in 2014, according to NPD Group. From Chromecast's launch to May 2015, it handled more than 1.5 billion stream requests.

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Nigger are you serious? You are comparing a literal who company to fucking google?

I played it, it was alright. I did feel input lag a bit but they knew that Assassin's Creed had floaty as fuck movement anyway so it didn't feel too bad.

Why do you fucking morons think Google is going to launch a service that has bad input lag?

Obviously they will work out the issues with bad latency and other factors before launching a new product. This is fucking Google. Why are you stupid fucking idiots talking about Ouya and Onlive?

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>Retard contrians on here will support this bastard of a console
You people are so fucking retarded

isnt this how xbone failed?

with joogle's history of failed products/services, i look forward to seeing this flop


>console reports you to the police if you use anti-semitic, anti-women, anti-homosexuals or anti-basketball americans slurs while playing video games

> joogle's history of failed products/services

Name all their failed products and services.
>Google Glass lmfao!!!
Which never released.

Released products and services, that failed, please.

Latency is and always will be garbage plus lack of ownership to the max. Shit will be overpriced too like all things gaming. Don't expect Netflix prices

>le streaming greentext : ^ )

I am already using Geforce Now since summer. Totally playable with most games, like Vermintide 2, and I only have some average shitty connection, but I suppose these services and the quality ISPs can offer would only improve with time.

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Yeah, their brand recognition really helped Google+ become the premier social networking site... OH WAIT.



>fourth competitor



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game streaming only works best if you have a wired connection

where are you experiencing 30s delay?
where are you located, how good is your internet?

If Google can get latency to 200ms then that will eliminate most input lag you idiots seem to be bitching about.

Retards don't know about 5g and less than a millisecond ping

Even if Streaming was perfect, the fact that you can't pirate instantly makes Yea Forums hate it.

google glass
google fiber
google plus
google allo
google music
google wave
google buzz

>making it literally impossible to pirate
Lmao no. Now fuck off poorfag.

Guys did you hear Google gathers all our data
They use it to sell me products
Can you believe that I willingly go out and buy producs because of google

They also film me naked in my room and use it for their robots to analyze my dna
so they can sell me dna products

i cant believe we're all willingly being recorded. they now know I make soup at 6 pm, post on Yea Forums and then play video games at night

it's over

whoops I just told my whole ngihtly routine online DELETE THIS QUICK FUCK MY PRIVACY

What about anti-cuck?

>30s ad before and after every cutscene

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Will I be ok guys?

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Never got commercial release.

Rolling out all over the USA. It has not failed.

Correct, failed service, they tried!

lmao, please, nigger

This has not failed and is cheap and used all over

That was an experimental program that was never fully released

I dunno what this even is but I recall it being a precursor to google plus

Retard don't know about burgerland and its horrendrous internet infrastructure.

Unless its like phone games then streaming simply won't work, not with how shitty American internet is.

You forgot a major disadvantage.
>Can't mod or modify your games in anyway possible.

included in anti-homosexual slurs because you have to be a huge faggot to be a cuck

google is the future. give up and embrace the botnet

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You may as well have mentioned Duo and Hangouts too. As if a fucking messaging app can be considered a huge service failure.


>Rolling out all over the USA
>real fiber is only in place in some parts of 11 cities

the rest of your comment is zoomer tier ignorance

>say macdonalds to end the commercial
>it doesn't say nothing about standing up while saying it

Seething, lmao.

retards dont know about the speed of light in copper

Hahaha our ISPs can barely handle Netflix as is, no way this is gonna work out

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it was too ahead of its time

so is google though. unless 100mb streaming becomes accessible to 90% of america, this won't take off. and then you have to convince people that its better to take a sacrifice in terms of input and graphical fidelity vs a monster computer

don't forget

>completely pulling out of Louisville


Google? More like POOGLE amirite? ahaha oh man

When things aren't used by anyone that's called a flop. Google has a bunch of shovelware you've never heard of. This streaming shit will be in that category

>take on playstation and xbox
Why do they always ignore nintendo? :(

Fuck this company, fuck streaming, fuck you, fuck everything, FUCK.

oh boy, i do love some tachyon memes

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>Please drink verification can

You have to know your place. Google is alright for information search, mapping, app centralizing, web-based Office and spying on users. Everything else they do is horrendous.


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Nintendo is one league above, you can't even touch them.

>Streaming video games

>man in suit
>'its totally the same as streaming tv shows and movies right'

It's not as bad once you resign user. Try it. Your problem is that you still have hope.

Based Google shill

That sounds fucking horrible.

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>The console is rumored to be always online and use voice control

Can't wait for the Google Botnet!

Where are they in Canada? someone needs to save us from Bell and Rogers spitroasting the entire country with price fixing shenanigans

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Videos actually run worse than games


Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo should close ranks and shit all over Google.

And yes I know Microsoft and to a lesser extent Sony are big shitty conglomerates but Google is a Disney/Rothschilds-tier leviathan that's ruining global commerce and culture.

lmao google keeps everything it "beta" until it makes a ton of money. Gmail was in "beta" for half a fucking decade.

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What is Google's killer game gonna be? if it doesn't have any games, no one is gonna bother.


> 2016+3
> still using copper
Get fucked boomer

They'll shill it to death and do something insane like acquire Ubisoft or some shit to guarantee they ruin vidya like they've ruined tech more broadly.

>give the corporation complete control over access to media
>you can't trade, sell, collect, preserve, or modify any game
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this future.

Our internet infrastructure is only problem because our country isn't small, you Euro trash mother fucker. We could fit your whole country inside of Texas.

Sure can't wait for an already shitty company to fuck up gaming even more.

so now you're comparing google and facebook to a literal who company.

Its like China but in console form.

enjoy not even being able to pretend you own your games anymore

even if all internet was lightspeed, streaming would not be ok

Facebook was also a literal who (compared to Myspace) when it was made you dingus.

neither does the majority of google's target audience, nor will they ever

It would absolutely kill people's control over their own games and it would also require constantly perfect internet even for singleplayer vidya.

Fuck any attempts at pushing the streaming garbage desu. Thankfully the kikery of the major ISPs with sub par service and data caps is holding back this thing which is even worse for the future of videogames.

>Obviously they will work out the issues with bad latency
You mean the laws of physics that put a hard cap on the speed at which data can traverse?

did you even read what I was replying to? what does your reply have to do with anything

have fun with cancer nigger

>hey here's an idea, let's turn home consoles into arcade machines. you pay to play the games, but never own them. and since the game never goes public, and only sits on a corporate server somewhere, you can't pirate them to fight back either. EA stock is no longer dependent on a bunch of angry nerds mad at lootboxes. now the game is a lootbox.
>saves gaming

Does every company have an army of shills nowadays?

>Can't even change graphics settings
I avoided everything that didn't let me take off motion blur, shit makes me fucking sick.

>always online
>voice control
Great, can't wait for google to spy on me some more. As if they aren't already listening in, the fucking faggots. This is like the trinity of fucking cancer.

If OnLive's streaming product was good, it wouldn't have mattered that they were a literal who.

Google's streaming product will be bad, and as such it won't matter that they aren't a literal who, it will still fail.

Consoles put this on almost every game they can to distract you from the fps going under 30. It makes me sick too

5G is getting ready to rollout in large cities. It'll be at least 10 years before it reaches rural areas. Rural US doesn't even have fiber yet, it barely has DSL. And now fiber is out because it's less expensive to build a tower than bury fiber cables. The internet infrastructure won't support streaming everything yet. The ISPs are fucking over content carriers and will continue to do so until they make the most money.

>always online and listening to whatever you say

Not to mention the benefits are much larger to the people who can't afford stronger connections.

>this is average
the fuck?
my internet is half this speed and the only thing i can find to validate having such high speeds is downloading and patching games in minutes

you guys just dont realize it, but its just the start. first, they will take turn based games, including vn and other not demanding games like sims. once they establish their place, they will switch to shit like fps. you cant stop it, and it will eat you up before you realize it. its too late to stop i

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You do realize the suburbs just barely have like 1-3MB down WITH downstreaming, right? We don't even have fiber and you think we're going to have 5g everywhere? Cities are like the only place with fiber outside of Google's few zones where they were allowed to set up.


I told you. I told you guys about consoles.

>Rolling out all over the USA. It has not failed.
It totally failed that's why they're moving to 5G.

How can a company predict the internet connection of third worlders?

Isn't this what hurt the Xbox One back when it was revealed?

>The company that ruined Youtube
>Saving anything
Sure sure.

Pretending to like google as a company, or being excited for this is definitely the weakest fucking contrarian shit I've seen on the board in ages.

Nintendo is japanese, unlike Xbox and Sony.

>his Botnet 10 PC is any better


Games Done Cuick?

I look forward to Google losing a billion dollars trying to force an even worse version of the very thing that almost killed Xbox as a brand.

>implying I'm gonna buy that google shit

Streaming is the future no matter how much you faggots cry about it.

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Yes! but it's okay when Google does it, senpie

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since its Google, ok seems like pirate fags will get BTFO

>google has a better chance of making it work because they have way more money and resources unlike onlive
>google failing to be the #1 social media networking site was because they went against facebook who wasnt a literal who company at the time.

thats what I meant. you mixed up subjects/replies. not saying google is gonna hit the jackpot. just saying that your comparisons were way off. assuming you're the guy who replied to all those posts

how much do you make per shill post

Yes, the FUTURE.
The infrastructure isn't there to make this shit work right now. It will fail.


At least there are options. With consoles you're stuck with whatever they decide to shove down your throat.

Maybe those chucklefucks should outjew lobbiers and bring Google Fiber to my fucking city already. We're basically right next to the headquarters.


so googles going to go out and improve all of the existing infrastructure to make this streaming console viable?

well, sort of average
costs around 10 USD a month
supposedly it's 1 GB/s, but I assume the router can't squeeze that much through or my flatmate is taking the other half. Don't know, never been too good with this stuff

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did i miss something
is africa getting good internet? how long till we get african shitposters on Yea Forums

the majority of americans will find it terrible due to shitty infrastructure and companies like comcast who are greedy shits

>jews protecting us from even worse Jews with their Jewry.
Its like poetry.


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no, they just have a better chance than onlive, a literal who company. thats all I'm saying. jesus user.

>costs around 10 USD a month
fuck I'm jealous I pay like $55 for my speeds

>Streaming is the future for [us the privileged] no matter how much you faggots cry about it.


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Jesus, my internet is like 70$ a month for 10 MB/s.

>streaming only
>always online
ouya 2.0

where do u live?

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How old are you that you dont know how the industry works? Worst case scenario is that its shit but you have to take it because all the other companies switch over too.

one of the few perks of living in a balkan shithole like Hungary

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First of all, the EU is an entire continent. Second, our internet infrastructure is also shit.


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Western PA.

The future is what we vote for with our wallets, fag.

>America has bad internet

Loving this new meme

no, i meant your literal address so i can come laugh at you personally

>the EU is an entire continent

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At the speed of light, it takes roughly 130 milliseconds to circumnavigate the earth. Given that data never goes in a straight line to your target and is slowed down by every piece of infrastructure in the way, the reality is going to be considerably worse than that. You can cut that down by moving data centers closer to the target consumer, but even "minor" hiccups quickly become miserably unplayable. The only practical method would be to have data centers less than a kilometer from your target, and then you're starting to talk about what's essentially an arcade without the social atmosphere. This, combined with the fact that they essentially have to build PCs capable of running and streaming and encoding games that still make their Return on Investment, means that this just will not be a practical business endeavor.

If Google were just planning to enter the console market, I'd be genuinely curious. But the streaming thing is a pipe dream for retarded CEOs who think pirates are the only thing standing between them and infinite economic growth.

we really do though.
The only good thing about it is our isps generally don't give us data caps

>The EU is the entire continent

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>streaming console

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i know someone who still has DSL and i dont mean dick sucking lips

>the EU is an entire continent

Is that the famous American education you often hear about?

>muh delay
It will be phone games tier "video games" full of microtransactions. An normies will gobble that shit.

youtu.be/mAR-8JTdcVw [Embed

youtu.be/3bUYx8h8TwA [Embed


>always online
Get fucked.

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it'd be more feasible to do a digital only console honestly

Idk I have fast internet with comcast

I'm not sure what a "digital only console" even means

Why? They already have phones to play phone games on.

yeah, no


no shit its going to be always online

A store. Like steam.

too bad 75% of americans have data caps

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Pretty much a steambox. Those things that valve put out that didn't catch on either.


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>Always online
It's going to fail.

Why would I buy some console only for it to be some streaming shitbox? Internet goes out and you can't play single player games. Company stops supporting the service, all your vidya disappears. Yeah fuck 'em.

What? No, almost no one in America has data caps, we just have shit speeds

Attached: Unacceptable.jpg (753x139, 19K)

Google has enough money to afford a tachyon converter array

Oh boy! This gen's TACHYONS!

Comcast, the largest broadband company in the U.S., has data caps in almost all marketse.

>streaming AND botnet
Great! Where do I sign up?

they had a beta not too long ago, got a free copy of ass creed odyssey for testing

dont forget the shitload of ads. google has to increase revenue every year so they experiment what parts of our lives they can intrude to serve us more ads. all while they cover their intentions with marketing lingo like "personalized experience". fuck google and every tranny and poo who works for them.

'good fuck maga country'

It's even worse than what xbone was pushing because of the input lag, but the sad thing is that it has a good chance of taking off because of likely cheap price, Google brand etc.

Stop living in Wyoming

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oh boy i love cancer

The can put targeted/personalized adds in you vidya. Sounds pretty distopyc, is cool.

>Giving Daddy Google more power, money, and information
Yeah, no thanks.

I actually live in the North West

are you a time traveller from 2025?

>This is fucking Google.
Ah yes, the company behind Glass, Plus, and Wave.

desu this could be possible with cloud file storage and only working with games that have official mod support

it would be a very interesting idea and probably only for beta and advanced users

>giving Google anything

Gonna have to give that a Yikes.

And it's Google.

Yeah I wouldn't buy this on these principle alone.

Stop living in Idaho

>voice control

Attached: 1477395699624.gif (800x430, 564K)

>data still limited by transmission medium
>transferred as light through fiber optics cable at about 65% of the speed of light in a vacuum
>has to pass through multiple backbone routers to and from destinations, adding latency
>it's not a big truck
Long distance streaming will literally never be good.

when are we getting fios here senpai?
>5g towers grow like trees dude

The future is fucking scary man. Employers are already putting chips in people, everybody is spying on you to sell you some garbage, the general public is dumb as hell and OKing everything, you get shamed and ruined for having the wrong opinion, etc.

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anyone who has used a steam link knows why this idea is stupid and gay

>google much like apple would create the worst band of faggots in the world.

Sony Fans will finally be not the worst fanbase if this is true.

google is just as incompetent at this point. they spend to much time pretending that having a relaxation hotel as a workplace improves the efficiency. and stuff like G+ and broken youtube is the result.

most twitch steams you see have 10-30 seconds delay. Now imagine that the servers will need not even to convert the video to stream format, but also to run thousands of virtual machines running PS4-level games in real time too.

>Rolling out all over the USA. It has not failed.
pffft hahahahaha

kid please this shit has been "the future" since 1998 and every time they set a "in 10 years" limits we ended up with 1% of the promises there and 80% of the project simply abandoned for not being viable.

Me neither, my fellow Google shill.

I want to actually own the parts that makes the PC perform. I don't want to have to rely on some server room thousands of miles away from here.
The problem I have isn't even the potential lag. Streaming is just lame as fuck.

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This is genius. Imagine all the AI programming they won't have to do in-house when you can just have gamers PAY you to feed a ton of data into an algorithm that is constantly feeding your AI Oracle that will be used in the future to predict and control human behavior.

>Rolling out all over the USA. It has not failed.
>Launched February 10, 2010; 9 years ago
>In February 2019 Google announced it would shut down service on April 15. Prior to departing, Google Fiber service was criticized for disruptive infrastructure installations and poor workmanship

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>You get into a laggy CoD game on the Yeti
>You call some dude a fag
>All your google accounts are cut off forever.
>Google tattles you to it's friends in CA, you are banned from Twitter, Paypal, and Facebook too.

The fuck is any of these things? Only one I heard about was Glass, and everyone knows that shit flopped.

Quantum internet

The jew you know is better than the jew you don't.

seconded, i've never heard of any of these except for glass
you'd think with google being such a fuckhuge company that these names would ring a bell but it doesn't

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google shills deserve to be torched, by far the worst disgusting breed of human on this earth

All you have to do is predict the prediction lines! If Google can predict your exact movements before you make them then it will feel like instant input.

Take this for what you will, but google has a fuckton of these projects due to an internal project program they run. If you bring forward any sort of plan or project that has the possibility to make massive profits they’ll provide you with funding to develop it. My brother worked for their self-driving car project before being poached by Lyft, said that about 90% of those projects tank and never even get revealed.

Something like this.

Attached: tachyons.jpg (1300x666, 79K)

4G still doesn't exist. Have you ever looked in the requirements for the protocol? They called it LTE because it didn't meet 4G standards.

Why can’t streaming be like RDP?
In RDP you aren’t streaming the actual desktop but just basic information like this window is such and such and your system renders it
Why can’t there be a smart division between low latency processing you do locally and heavier high latency processing on the server?
There has to be a way to do it that’s not just
>record the screen and send it over the network

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Is currently not an attractive option in Europe because China and the USA are fighting over it.

The Shield is streaming locally though, isn't it? That shouldn't add any more than a trivial amount of latency, if compression is done properly.

You can't say nigger on the Google console either.

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You laugh but machine learning can do this.

Maybe in 50 years.

The future is subscription services that let you download the games. You know how you pay for a subscription to access your digital games already? Well GamePass and PSnow already lets you DOWNLOAD the game files to your machine depending on the game instead of streaming them and I see Valve announcing something similar soon.

Look forward to be paying $30 a month to have access to all the new games.


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So are google running windows to stream the games or what???

You must live in the middle of nowhere or in some Detroit-tier ghetto. I live in Columbus, Ohio and my internet is fantastic.

>buy the same games you already bought just to play on a new device

I have the latest Skyrim on Switch, all my Wii U games, and gonna get Resident Evil 0,1, and 4 when they come out. Also thinking about getting FF7 and 9 again
So what is your point?

None of these megacorps want to be left behind for the next big thing, so they got to pump as much capital into it as they can.

apparently most European countries somehow have worse internet speeds, except for Scandinavia

You mean like people already do?

this is not how game streaming works you retard, you get a video feed of the game running in another location. It does require quite a bit more data than normal video if you don't want it to look like garbage compared to local play, but it's still a normal video feed.

>streaming console
The PS4 can already stream media. This is not a unique feature.
They can fuck right off with this always being online shit too.


Yeah and it sucks too. I can't even play Resident Evil CV with it because my internet provider is in the next fucking state over!

Speaking of game streaming how is PS Now? I'd really like to give Bloodborne a go one of these days.

The copper is not even the thing that is the limiter retard literally 95% the speed of light, it's all the switches between you and the server.

>Wanting to liquefy babies

>skyrim on my switch
You can't fool me Todd

So it's a whole console that's gonna be just like PSNow where you have to wait in a queue to play your games, have youtube artifacting, and get kicked off if your connection dips?

Attached: 1530103646972.jpg (1024x885, 40K)

This. Imagine playing a fighting game or Tetris on this shit. Awful

Quick question:
Why do you guys give a shit?

If it's a good platform and they pull off low latency, it sounds fine.

Comcast has a 1tb data cap and they're the de facto monopoly in the US. They also sued Google for trying to install Google Fiber in one of their home turfs (and won by bribing the governor because "it's not fair that they offer better services wahhhh." US internet is completely cucked.

And that's the problem.

Can someone smart answer this? There MUST be a way to some low latency stuff locally while leaving the heavy duty on the server

no really man, it is very cool. Playing Skyrim on the go is how the game was meant to be played. You will never go back to any other version.

>always online
>streaming games
haha no

>The console is rumored to be always online and use voice control
Hmm I wonder (((who))) could profit from this

Attached: 1477075370741.jpg (300x300, 86K)

>rumored to be always online and use voice control
OK Google, speedrun this bitch

*orders estrogen pills online and makes an appointment with a psychiatrist*

>for homeland security

>success of this service flies right in the face of what the cable companies want
>expect internet speed and infrastructure to be anywhere near good enough for streaming vidya when the very same companies prevented their multi-billion dollar company from ruining their monopoly
Yeah, nah.

>having online lag while playing single player games

Streaming is the next logical step of digital distribution. Anyone that has paid for digital distribution voted with their wallet for this.

Why are we assuming it will be successful? Google has serious problems seeing their projects through to the end

>always online
>voice control
Imagine being a consolecuck in the year of our lord 2019

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Uhh retard, Sony already has a streaming service anyway, it's called PS Now.

>buy yeti and some game
>vote for trump
>get banned and loss all your games
>reason:promoting bigotry and hatred by voting for trump

>don't properly worship transwomen of color
>google never let's you play your videogames ever again

Hard pass

more like kills gaming for good. Crash soon.

>buy yeti and some game
>targeted adds put trump propaganda in the games
>retards will support a stream service with huge delay because is "based and redpilled"
>meanwhile mr. goggleberg will rake on cash

>be in bay area
>literally 20 miles from a server
>still have 20ms ping to that server
>internet, being 300mb/s normally, still throttles to 2-5mb/s during peak hours
>playing anything but a turn-based game would be shit
>getting the verizon home 5g network soon
>gonna get cancer
>die of aids or avocado overdose first cuz lol bay area

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It'll kill off consoles and high end PC gaming, but PC gaming on indie level will survive.

The EU is not Europe you fuck.

>buy yeti
The user from tiebet or naples.

>I know nothing about technology but the advertising had pretty colors so it's TRUE
haha o YIKES

The EU was a mistake, that is why your internet sucks.

You're going to have to make a choice.

Either you play streaming blurry high latency triple A movie games like the rest of the retards on your TV/tablets, or you stay on comfy PC playing the Minecrafts, Kenshis, Mount and Blades of the future.

Yeah, it'll suck losing high end on PC but at least we'll have a scene quite similar to the 90's PC gaming.

Imagine believing this

Why would you need a console sitting next to your TV when a smart TV will eventually be powerful enough to run any of the OS and streaming programs your console would?

Cloud gaming on TVs will be as common as Netflix.

Once they go through with this garbage and it becomes 'mainstream' is the day I stop buying games. I'll just play ones I've missed or have already played.

*abandoned within a year like every other piece of craptech Google dabbles with*

More like puts the final nail in the coffin, at least for the core audience.(But we don't matter anymore.)

It's just a google shill. Let him be so he can fill his post quota

i can see it now.
>google makes games made by bots
>bots use serch engine algarythme to make games
>every game is women hating racist and triggers every SJW
>google gets set as anti semetic and google gets shut down

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I believe this, but only because people are that retarded to fall for the streaming meme.
Never underestimate them, just look at how Smartphone microtransactions are doing for pete's sake

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Good luck trying to play FPS games with that massive delay.

RPG's, routlikes, etc hell even some action games should be just fine though.

wish some one punched him when he said that

> but it's still a normal video feed.

Except you can't buffer it.

Try Blade Shadow and you'll see that streaming is actually good. But it's actual access to a high-powered PC that you can install any game onto. If they expect people to stream a limited selection of games, fuck that.


Literally not possible to play fighting games on it then, and for that matter anything competitive since streaming the game to a console sounds quite bad for input lag

HOWEVER, if developers instead designed games from the ground up (as in, 100% designed to stream from a dedicated building) then potentially they could sync the games locally then send it back to the players which might /potentially/ reduce lag, but it is 100000% objectively shit for offline and unless the game is designed for it there is 0 doubt in my mind it will lag to fuck and feel horrific

Attached: 1422752025183.png (600x400, 261K)

>However, some other platforms, such as Nvidia GeForce Now and PlayStation Now, have squeezed the latency down to acceptable levels these days and we'd expect Google to follow suit.

Sup guys. It's good enough for normalfags. Kiss traditional video games goodbye

>*saves gaming*

can't speedrun

Conspiracy incels are the saddest.

>If they expect people to stream a limited selection of games, fuck that.
Of course. Only (((approved))) games allowed.

Google shouldn't have fucked up their ISP if they wanted to do streaming. They half assed that shit in the cities they were allowed in.

This, streaming is ass to play.

>games as a service!

I can't wait to support Google, my favorite company! I hope they take over the world some day, I love being connected with everyone.

>he doesn't know that big wireless has been conspiring to put down any studies correlating wireless signal with cancer

The internet is shit here and has been for decades.

>free abortion!


My sides have engaged warp 9.35

>if i call it quantum it'll be able to bypass laws of physics because quantum physics are modern day's wizardry
>just snap your fingers and internet will becoome 10000000 times faster. it's quantum magic!

in this thread's case of consoles google is trying to go against sony, nintendo and microsoft. neither of the 3 are literal whos, some are larger than google.

in 5g's case it'll go against the monopolies holding usa's internet access in a deadlock. it'll go the same way fiber did. it'll die.

now they'll also have home consoles for that!


They wont stop trying this shit, and it will never work.
But they will stick to it eventually, like it or not.

Attached: 1200px-Sega_Channel.svg.png (1200x1102, 63K)

>Online game has 100+ ping
>wtf this shit is unplayable holy fuck
>Streaming console
>Wow, the savior of video games!

Yeah cause it worked so well with OnLive.

>service releases
>only $10 a month
>suddenly release Action Bundle
>now have to pay an additional $5 to play action games
>repeat for all genres
have fun

Ok google. Win the game.

Sega Channel wasn't a streaming service, it downloaded the entire game to your system.

Yeah, but in this case you run BOTH video AND the game.