GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Smash Ultimate (yes...

GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Smash Ultimate (yes, THE Smash Ultimate in the Smash Bros Series) getting in EVO 2019! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighting Game Tournament when Smash Ultimate walks into the spotlight!

>b-but Melee has a huge fanbase. Th-they got to be there

Sorry Melee fags, but the REAL Smash game is taken by yours truly! Why would Nintendo & EVO choose a dead game over the marketing potential of the highest Smash game of the 21st century? The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years for Melee tournaments are going to be subverted, with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do people hate Melee, or is just the fans they hate?


Smash isnt a fighting game and animevo is always better than evo mainstage

A combination of both

Get out Steve you have nothing to do with this

The fans. I hate them so much, seeing Melee being BTFO makes me extremely happy.


Melee's fanbase is obnoxious. They like to boo any game that takes a bit too long to finish(despite taking even longer themselves)
Many Melee fans are claiming that EVO is noting without them and that they're the TRUE community driven fanbase.

I like Melee, but I fucking despise the elitist fanbase.

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The fans

imagine actually playing fighting "games"

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The fans. The game was fun when it game out. That was years ago now. I got second place in a tournament in Vancouver before the game even released - it was a marketing thing. cheers

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enjoy your vacation

Enjoy your snorefest I guess

extremely fucking based

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The game is dope. Excellent game to play casually with your bros. The problem is that guy who practices wavedashes every day just so he can body his casual playgroup. It's the fighting game equivalent of twinking in an mmo.

someone tell me what he did in the vocaroo, i can't open this shit at the moment but i'm assuming it's funny

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Melee is hated because of its fanbase.
I don't blame people for hating a game associated with a bunch of autistic self-centered entitled manbabies that are rude to the rest of fighting game community, think they are entitled to having more time to play than anyone else, are the only community that refuse to move on to newer games because they don’t want to adapt or learn new shit, demand retarded autistic shit that result into a logistical nightmare such as playing with a 1/1000000 rare controller with a factory error so they can exploit a game bug and other shit ton of other things.

>EVO 2019
Who cares?

>it's another thinly veiled stevefag thread
Nobody wants or cares about your bland autism simulator

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I did not fucking expect this.

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Both. Both mostly the players. All melee player think they are better and smarter than everyone and would spit in your moms face if given the opportunity. Fuck melee players, may they all kill themselves and relive their families of the burden they are.

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Steve is going to be a top tier character when he gets annouced. He's going to be winning all those huge tournaments including EVO.

Keep lying little blockhead, you can't run away from the truth. Stop inserting yourself in like you are already in the roster, no one wants you, no one likes you.

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Not funny. Just really really reeeeally unironically based

please tell me

what the fuck did he say

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absolutely based

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pic related

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wakey wakey

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Truly we live in the best timeline.





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Bookmark the link or copy and paste it somewhere. Its just to based to tell you here

This picture needs more stink-lines coming off of the Melee player, haha

Day of the deodorant is coming for you too. We got rid of one stinky game, we can get rid of ultimate as well.

Not gonna lie, I'm really looking forward to Steve now.

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Well, at least its not another steve thread.


Sorry buddy
Ultimate is 100% confirmed chads

there is absolutely no way this isn't a widespread meme, i bet most of you dont even know how melee works or know more than 3 professional players

literally the FGC is dying and is pretty much on life support but somehow the entire board rallied around this particular aspect

It better be the fans. I still love Melee, fun to play every now and then.

i enjoy doing casual runs in classic and adventure. it's the turbo autists that ruin the game for everyone else and seeing it getting cut from evo was the best thing that's happened since simon in smash but to answer your question. both

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Fucking based quads confirm Steve is coming to Smash

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Take a shower stinky


Fuck you Melee haters, do you honestly think your shitty port will get rid of Melee? It's been decades and we are still at the top

> b-but not at EVO
So? Melee has a shit ton of content that Ultimate doesn't have, including Unique trophies, Unique break the targets, a good adventure mode, Poke Floats and a lot more.

Seethe harder Ultimatecucks, your shitty game will die after the DLC is out. You will see.

spouting buzzwords doesnt help your case

Stevechads literally cannot stop winning

Good to know EVO 19 will have diapers for adults.

The absolute fucking state of stinkyfags


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Melee is sick and the greatest smash game ever made. The only problem is it can only get so old before needing to be laid to rest. Project M could've replaced it but it didn't for some reason. Smash Ultimate is fun for sitting down and playing a few 1v1 friendlies with friends but I'd never play it in tournament.


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He looks like he fucks black guys

mootykens was always up to no good

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Todays my birthday.

the fans, by far.

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So is Steve ever going to drink that dumbass wine or is he waiting for it to reach a new level of fermentation?

anyone have a similar voice to this:
and could read this based post and post he vocaroo?

bit of both, but mostly the latter
genuinely the most overrated game of all time except maybe last of us, or ocarina of time. still a great game though
fanbase is nothing but unbearable manchildren, and onions

Does Steve From Minecraft™ like Warhammer?

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I'm the faggot who did this voice. I'd be happy to do another

Also, here's the full one

Mostly the fans really.

thanks, user.

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nice false flag

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People always make fun of smelly melee players, but the new problem on the horizon would be smash ultimate. They're going to be the most entered event at EVO ever without a doubt. Not only that but it's mainly a combination of Smash 4 AND Melee players. Imagine the smell.

oh, the smell's definitely going to be brutal. evo needs to kick ultimate out next, it's not a fighting game either and has the same awful fanbase.

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I'm going to miss Melee, but it had a good run!

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Smash fans hate Melee fans in the same way that Chris-chan hates retarded people.

Fuck off anime feet poster, this is a Smash thread


based and blockpilled

someone need to remake this but with the meleefags getting btfo'd


Name of girl ?

I dislike melee as a competitive game, though it is still very fun as a casual experience, and naturally I hate the fanbase that treat it as the second coming of christ


pictures that didn't age well yet everyone tries to replicate

He's fucking in

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based holy shit
VORE animation when?

>mfw Meleetards will spend upwards of $100 for defective Gamecube controllers but won't spend $2 for a bar of soap

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>$100 for defective Gamecube controllers
what? redpill me on this, i've never heard of it

When is this getting a vocaroo?

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Pardon the Kotaku link

based belmont chads

there's two mechanics in melee that require your controller to have failed the nintendo quality check, shield dropping (falling through a platform while holding shield) and dashback

>Show up yearly with a Reddit army demanding to be treated like kings
>Ignore the spirit of the event as a celebration of fighting games and exposition of the genre's high level play, only cares about Melee being in because they want it taken seriously
>At this point their tournaments could just be 4 guys who each play Hbox once for the championship, and they would reach the same conclusion 99% of the time
>Act arrogant as fuck about how important Melee is to fighting games, the way they talk you'd think it was the highest watched event every year, which is simply not true
>Actual low-empathy autists who don't understand why this or that niche fighting game would be showcased over them, and can't understand why the organizers aren't chasing people who literally only watch their game and then disconnect
>Sees EVO as a cutthroat competition to "get in", exactly how they talk about the Smash roster, further demonstrating their absolute failure to comprehend why EVO exists and why they're no longer invited

This is...this is insane.
What the fuck is happening to this game?
What the fuck is wrong with melee players?
Has the smell just liquified their brains completely at this point?
If this was any other scene they'd be laughed out of the room and deemed as mentally ill spergs.

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>If this was any other scene they'd be laughed out of the room and deemed as mentally ill spergs.
Nah, they'd be welcomed in the Dota 2 scene, Dota players and Melee players overlap a lot

>they'd be welcomed in the Dota 2 scene
You're right, but that's a special case.
DOTA players do share their mental illness.

How is the Dota 2 scene even close?

You can shit on Ultimate all you want but at least Ultimate didn't get shafted for an anime fighter #43,632

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Hey now.
Us dotards are autists, not sociopaths.

Happy birthday

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Melee players are obese and smelly.

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Leffen had the fucking NERVE to imply that jank ass game was a better and more technically sound game was better than UNIST. Meleefags are a disease


happy birthday user i hope you have a good one

>How is the Dota 2 scene even close?
They share similar qualities
-Extreme autism
-Unwarranted elitism
-Top players are mostly the same people almost every year
-Poor personal hygiene
-Coasting along on nostalgia

Repeat after me:





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Why don't they just ban those methods so everyone is on an even playing field and not gated behind a fucking control? I mean they already ban shit like wobbling Shit like this is why I consider competitive melee a fucking joke

Leffen literally eats drama.
He's medically certified to sustain himself on drama and salt.
By caring about what he has to say about anything, you're playing right into his trap.
You should never take anything Leffen says seriously, there's not a single thing he has said in his entire life that wasn't specifically engineered to get a reaction out of people, it's his main source of income.

He's not really a smash player, his main job is to propagate drama so he can stay relevant forever.

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Because the truth is that Melee isn't designed to be a competitive game and can only be trated as such by imposing 60000 million retarded arbitrary limitations to contain the jank in a specific way that can allow it's players to pretend they're fighting something even remotely competitive.

That doesn't mean melee is a bad game, it just means it wasn't fundamentally designed to perform in the way the melee scene wants it to perform.
The competitive melee scene is the equivalent of a smelly toddler smashing a square peg into a round hole with their fists over and over until is sorta fits.
They'll never learn.
their entire scene is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what their own game is, it's a forceful take on it that was never intended by it's creator.

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based and redpilled

whats this about melee players not showering?

Countless reports both during EVO and in smaller avenues all over the world.
Every time melee players congregate anywhere, they're always the smelliest, with the most rancing BO.
If you want to get deeper into it, it probably has soemthing to do with smash attracting more autists/spergs, and melee attracting the most autistic/spergiest of them all.
Autists and spergs generally don't like washing, usually because they really hate the feeling of being wet.


sperg here, i love washing, do it twice a day
i also don't play smash though

No need to be a dick to the Melee fans. But I do agree it is time to finally move on. Ultimate is a deep and rich game worthy of even the most competitive players to invest their time and effort into.

Ultimatefans are way better than Meleefags, their OC are masterpieces

Sorry Stevefags, you got BTFO

>No need to be a dick to the Melee fans
It's the fanbase with the longest and most consistent history of being disruptive, smug, and a bunch of assholes in general.
Even for Yea Forums's standards they're completely unlikeable and will openly shit on other games for years and fuck up entire events if things don't go their way.

So yes, there is a need to be dicks to them.
A pretty big need.

Rhythm Heaven parodies?
In my Smash?


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I prefer going the bigger man route.

why won't the community just make/mod custom controllers that do whatever they want as long as it's not too cheaty for them?
Is any controller that wasn't made by Nintendo autobanned or what?

big facts, but this applies to all versions of smash, not just melee. if you're going to put competitive smash into actual fighting game tournaments, you might as well put in competitive pokemon as well.

>used to just like shitposting with the creepy-as-fuck model
>slowly evolved into legitimately wanting Steve in Smash
Anyone else know this feel?

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don't forget how their crt tvs are full of roaches because they're so disgusting and unsanitary.

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>Stevechads creating OC and being based as fuck
imagine my shock

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Sucks to say, but I think Steve is making more and more sense by the day. I so would prefer Banjo & Kazooie, but I think Microsoft is definitely going to get a fighter, and it ultimately just makes more sense to include the likes of a Minecraft fighter over Banjo, but then again the Smash team plays by their own rules, and doesn't always do what you expect or what the fans desire. Still, in a game with the likes of Mario, Pac Man, Mega Man, Sonic, etc, I can see how and why Steve would fit when you consider the importance of his game for video games on the whole.

And Banjroids said you couldn't remix Minecraft music for Smash, goes to show how closed minded they are which is probably why they've been able to rally behind a dead bear for so long

Vappa is gonna be so fucking mad when it turns out Sunday only has 4 games because the 5th is a paywall one like when Marvel got back in a final year.
is short but a good proof-of-concept

I mean Banjo is a more relevant gaming icon these days than say the Ice climbers are. Hell, if it weren't for Smash, they would literally have one claim to fame from back in the NES days, in a game that in all honesty was pretty bad. Clearly how "alive" or "dead" the franchise is has little to do with who can or can not make it in as a fighter.

What's this "controller defect" thing I'm hearing about? I thought the first run GCN controllers were the optimum model?

Holy shit boys we’re in

Ice Climbers were picked back when Smash was still in it's experimental stage. It wasn't this huge gaming crossover that it is right now.

Man fighting the ender dragon boss in smash in the day one patch was so much fun. And did you see the 2d zelda coming out with no ties to link's awakening!? Day one buy!

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>Yea Forums hates him
>reddit hates him
>KYM hates him

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

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>Countless reports
source: three screenshots of tweets that you've kept on your desktop for 4 years

Ice Climbers are retro reps sweetie, you're really doing yourself a disservice by pretending that these characters don't have an exception and weren't chosen specifically to represent the old era


Placed, redstoned and cute:
>Chad Bandicoots

Cringe, bluepilled and yikes:

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Look man I got Richter, K.Rool and Joker in. I'm set, what about you? Wouldn't you agree believing in "leaks" after being debunked could leave you looking Green in the face?

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Fuck melee players

Based Wayne


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please stop being so mean to steve he just wants to be included

Please stop being mean to pedosexuals too, they just want to form LGBTP!

SEETHING Banjoshitter

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The only Banjo-shitter would be Steve, if you catch my drift ;^)

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Hmph. Fine.

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Desprate leaktard, how's it feel bowing to vergensuck?

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I don't need to buy into Virginben's horseshit to know that this li'l cutie is in.

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nice post Salem sorry you lost your prefix

Oh darling, what a nonsense answer.

Weird I don't see him in. There's Ridley, K.rool, R.O.B and soon Joker. Huh

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good thread

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this thread is why the rest of the Smash shortbus babies need to be gone from EVO too

What is it about Smash that makes it a huge amalgamation of autism all colliding together?

For most people, including myself, it’s the meleefags. Anything that fucks them over is a-ok with me.

You see this, blockheads? That's the sight of your owner preferring a "dead franchise" over you. How does it feel getting cucked by an "irrelevant" video game bear and bird? You ain't got Vergeben to hide behind anymore. 5ch leak is dead. Your pathetic shitposting is why everyone hates you. Get Mii costumed, bitches

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go back

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can't believe I'm siding with a steve shitposter.
the fans that are turbo autist online or the ones that come to locals smelling like shit are the problem. The normal fans and the game are alright but I still do believe melee had enough time on the mainstage and it's time for it to move off regardless.

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>claim that snk and even FRENCHBREAD for buying their way into evo
i can't believe these retards have managed to survive to this day without getting bullied into suicide during highschool for being incomprehensibly stupid

Stinkyfags lost.

UltimateChads won.

Feels good man.

i am glad melee is dead it was such a bad game, why cant melee bros just play better games its so weird

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Why is it that Steve is the only consistent source of original content these days?

back to discord.


have you thanked your lord and savior Salem, Yea Forums?

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Postan in shitpost thread

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This is ops breakfast

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>Leffen says some stupid shit that gets people worked
>"Hahaha u mad bro zipboys big leff"
>Salem says some stupid shit that gets people worked especially Leffen
Smashfags, not even once

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I love waifumons

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Come at the king, you best not miss.

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