>set in the global center of the banking industry
>literal red shield
>Pokémon Rothschild
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Set in the global center of the banking industry
Are you retarded or just retarded?
I mean... maybe.
What the hell is this?
do /pol/tards make retarded posts like these because theyre retarded or because they vote trump?
>kikes infiltrate your vidya
Reminder exposure to pol makes you retarded
what's retarded is that some people take these posts seriously
when did left wingers stop caring about the rich exploiting the poor?
we still do, liberals don't
Pol posters should be permanently banned from Yea Forums.
Shills out in full force today
Funny, most self-proclaimed lefties I see are useful idiots.
That's not even close to how you pronounce the name
Fucking Boomers
It's red shield in German you fucking retard
Oy gevalt
Never. Class struggle is the center of all leftist ideology.
Someone should tell them that.
I actually believe 9/11 was inside job, and I have to tell you: You are paranoid.
But that'd be racis and we can't have none of that, oh no
>kikes continue to ruin american politics
trump barely does shit different, he's just a fresh coat of paint to pander to some retards. i bet the next president will satisfy the huge "liberal" outcry. and the same retarded wars will continue, and climate change will continue to fuck earth, and the ridiculously rich will continue to have even more ridiculous wealth and the poor get even poorer.
Now this is true power level
>Nintendo naming the jew
Can somebody give me a quick rundown
Do people really say his name funny?