Which video game has the best cheese burgers?

Which video game has the best cheese burgers?

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Frigg off Randy, I got work to do


Metal Gear Solid V

Phoenix Wright

Hamburgers are overrated
American BBQ is what burgers should actually be proud of

very very very very very very good!
very very very very very very good!

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Fuck off Randy

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greasy mustard tiger


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What the fuck are you doing Phil?

the actor must've been lifting like hell, you can see the muscle underneath
bet he had the cut of a lifetime

Order UP

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I got my boys and my burgers and that's all I got

What games let you mow the air?

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I'm going to fap to that picture

season 1
>introducing the goofy characters and their antics
>writers still getting a feel for the characters
Season 2
>Show is more settled it
>characters more refined
>show is really hitting its stride now
Season 3
>show hits its peak
>peak canadian comedy
Season 4,5,6....
>original writers retire to smoke weed
>series is milking the fanboys and band wagoners who are hoping for more like season 3

I'm eating a cheeseburger pizza right now and don't know if it's disgusting or delicious but I'm still eating it

you're gonna eat that dirty old blue jay burger?

Nothing's perfect user
at least 4,5,6,and even 7 are still enjoyable
appreciate what we have and be thankful we got as much quality from the show as we did

Battlefield hardline

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>Kaz didn't actually make any burgers that you could take into the field and use to restore health
So many disappointments in that game.

It looks like something has started growing on it.

Why is there a condom next to that burger? What was happening there?

Amerifats *really* like food.

No animals to eat either.
It feels like all the effort went into guns and sneaking.

The only season I'd call outright bad is the Snoop one. What the fuck happened there?

>no side-ops to hunt down exotic animals for Kaz to cook up
>instead you hunt down animals to put them on a zoo in the middle of the ocean

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That one is bad as well as the most recent on netflix. Julian basically turning into a bad guy who is an utter douche and doesn't give two shits about the park is an arc that makes absolutely no sense considering his character was built on being the tough guy with the heart of gold. Now he's just the tough guy who's a massive prick.

damn, the left really can't meme

"You've finally come out of your cave, son. go ahead and grab some food"

GTA, you really need an iron stomach for those.

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