These are your Bungie writers. Say something nice about them

These are your Bungie writers. Say something nice about them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They're probably better human beings than OP and his kind.

So thats why bungie sucks.

no wonder anthem flopped

what happened to jonathon one?


What's the difference between a writer and a staff writer?

Yet, they both get more pussy than a Yea Forumsirgin. Weird...

I hope you're next after BioWare.

>They're probably better human beings
Are you implying they're some other species trying to pass as human beings?

>human beings

he said say something nice ya dingus

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all those two have to do to get pussy is look down

>Look at the top of his head!

Why are anyone other than white males writing my games?

I like Johnathon's jacket

Staff writers, at least in terms of TV, are entry-level writing positions. Being a staff writer means youre probably the newest at it.


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You literally have no way of knowing why even imply such a thing? These people could be scum of the earth or paragons dont judge people just based on how they look

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A staff writer is a permanent position. Freelancing is common in writing.

>Jonathan to writer

Is that like Boys to Men?

Those aren't humans. Those are some plastic alien creations here to mimic and learn how humans act, but they glitched out somehow and are snagging bits and pieces of a human identity and just mixing them all up to see what might work.

Shit like this is why I haven't bought a AAA game in years. Maybe I can get in to chess or something; hard to believe they could shit that up.

Ask Mallory. She used to be 100 lbs lighter.

Why is it always writers that completely ruin otherwise solid games?

It's like all other fields (programming, visuals, sound design) is in the hand of teams compensating each others weaknesses and getting to a better result. Just writers seem to singlehandedly ruin everything.

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>nicer humans
thats not why i would buy their game you fucking mongoloid


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imagine being a writer for a shitty mmo shooter looter

what? niggers?

the fuck is happening to this gay ass world? we are normalizing mental illness now

>you dont have to hide your adams apple if people cant see it

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Do you miss me?

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Ive actually met the guy on the right. Super chill, good dude.


>this world

it's only north murican cuntinent and central/northern europe.

sure feels good to be outside of those places, i can't understand at all why the brownies want so bad to get in.

>problem glasses
>evil clown lipstick
>pea-soup hair dye

There are writers working for Bungie ?!

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did you get to ask him if he'll ever consider getting an adult haircut

i'm in central europe (czech) and it isn't here, just say western europe.

I hope all of you realize that when you buy westacuck games you support these people. You are part of this problem. Just stop.

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i'm from a southern european country not affected by the brown floaters from africa and to be honest we get a lot of free stuff (even if not as good) as well and yet we don't have to deal with any of this alt-left bullcrap

that creatura on the right is a pencil necked insectoid

>waah, you're mentally sick if you follow a different kind of fashion than me

Thorn being back in Destiny is worse than any of these faggots.

Opinion discarded.

exactly. beanie, handkerchief around the neck, and a tee shirt. the epitome of taste.

>allah akbar cis scum
>Bruh look at this dude

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found the tranny

>western europe

Portugal here, can't get more western than this in europe and it isn't here either, i mean, maybe a few hipsters in Lisbon i guess.

I think spain is the same but i'm not sure.

I'm a big destiny fan and I actually said out loud "jesus christ...." when I saw them

spain has a lot of feminism afaik

Jonathan has a nice mohawk.

>buying games

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you're not exactly proving her wrong.

>mfw millennials

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is the guy on the right in cyberpunk 2077?

sure but feminists are everywhere, but i'm talking about these crazy trannies and their weird politics enforcement and fake nerd culture.


why do these types of cunts always have the same fucking face? I wanna punch the fucker

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I'm all for equality and tolerance and everything, but these two look like a pair of inbred hipster faggots. Honestly the one on the left looks like a chunky person that needs to go on a diet and why they fuck are you wearing a scarf? But Megamind over there on the right make the entire picture and makes her look even worse by association.

He looks like a cross between an anorexic who has been castrated and a cantaloupe who robbed a hobo of his clothes and threw on a bungie jacket after sucking the hobo off for "hair gel".

I can't speak to their character but they look hilariously bad.

Can't wake up

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>diversity hires on key things
Why the fuck would you do that? Why not just fill them up in your community management positions.

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>hard to believe they could shit that up

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agreed, that is a nice jacket

god i want to fuck this goblin

Think about it, who the hell writes for videogames?
Talented, respectable people?
No, it's hacks who fail at making it to movies or books, AKA stupid, Marvel movie-watching millennials.

They think this is what the average Gamer wants/is.
Like fuck... just nuke humanity 1000x over.

sometimes the cup runneth over

I know some good women and trans programmers. hell, the best programmer i met was trans. but the few that exist know that gaming is a ripoff industry and they stay in contracting positions. whats left over is liberal artists and fanfiction writers.

>The queen was originally the counsellor or prime minister or vizier (Sanskrit mantri, Persian farzīn, Arabic firzān or firz). Initially its only move was one square diagonally.
>Historian Marilyn Yalom proposes that the prominence of medieval queens such as Eleanor of Aquitaine and Blanche of Castile and Isabella I of Castile, the cult of the Virgin Mary,[4] and the power ascribed to women in the troubadour tradition of courtly love, might have been partly responsible for influencing the piece towards its identity as a queen and later its modern great power on the board, as might the medieval popularity of chess as a game particularly suitable for women to play on equal terms with men.
You faggots never stood a chance lmao

>the best programmer i met was trans


There's a difference between the average gamer, and the average person who unironically works on videogames.
It's like other weird jobs like special forces, only weirdos go there.

They look like they're dressed up for a comedy skit. This doesn't look like something these people would actually do every day. They look too old to be dressed like retards.

my fucking god.........

Suicide probably

the brown resetera trannies are at it again!

>ITT: Murican gaming culture

truly the land of the free to cut their dicks off

woman on the left looks like a Sam Hyde character

>the rest of the staff shown in the trailer are nice looking beefy men
>nobody gives a shit
>they show 2 sjw-looking writers for a coupe of seconds
>Yea Forums goes ballistic

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tranny cope

How can they dress so outlandishly but still look boring as fuck??

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>a nigger and a tranny
>human beings

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how to spot the r*dditor: ctrl + f and look for anyone complaining about "weeb"

I know its joke but she went on to have a different job that pays way better and is more prestigious. I keep contact just to check in now and then and as a means of networking. She gets actual joy from programming which is something i wish i had desu. Im so uninterested in my own code.

>Yea Forums makes a joke

Fuck off back to your safe space faggot

if they would fight each other to death, one of them would win their first fight

Found you.

>the plate has really normal looking food
>nobody gives a shit
>they put two fresh human turds in there
>client goes ballistic

you hate food analogies because they actually work

you dont need to be from reddit to know that weebs are cancer and should all die

why do zoomers go out of their way to look unique and standout from the crowd? what's wrong with wearing a nice button up polo, some slacks and keeping your hair natural colored with a standard haircut?

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Nobody asked or cares about indulging you in your lies, user.

The only place who goes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is Yea Forums right now. You are the only one who is throwing a tantrum, sissy.

They make a beautiful couple

>Your ancestors died for this

You're on an anime imageboard, user...

Basically this. The two writers weren't even bad offenders compared to some of the other devs I've seen posted on this board.

To be honest, they showed both turds in the toilet, away from the plates.

thanks for the reaction image

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well mallory isn't dressed outlandishly, but they both just look really bored

I wanna fuck that homely girl!

Clean that first before showing it

It's the mutation of "geek chic," no wonder they want to get rid of bullying so badly

>You just repeated what I said but back at me.

Imagine being so mad that you can't form your own words.

>the fuck is happening to this gay ass world?

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because if you look normal then you will be judged according to your skills and work.

It's a way to bypass any sort of skill requirement.

it was quick and i just got home from a 12 hour shift, ill clean it up after.

>Imagine being so mad that you can't form your own words
Basically you right now, seething tranny.

okay what actually is resetera I see this shit posted here constantly

This is the cyberpunk future all you retards kept pining for. You wanted a dystopia full of weirdos. Now you're actually living it. So what's your fucking problem? You wanted this.

I miss him a lot today...

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>Did it again

This is why you need a collective identity, your faggoty ass has never had an original thought. Keep trying, I'm sure your next "no u" will utterly destroy me.

yes, immeasurably
Here is a full video where these two are featured.

The new guns and armor look pretty slick. I'm just worried that they haven't learned anything from the disaster that is Competitive when it comes to Gambit Prime.

>implying I wanted a cyberpunk future


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tranny forum

I am a white male so no

fuck i missed a bit
fuck it im going to bed

so video games amirite guys?

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>you wanted this
No I didn't. Cyberpunk is retarded and overrated, and this is not even cyberpunk

you missed some spots

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right has a powerful brain....

>your faggoty ass has never had an original thought
All of your posts were "lol u so mad", is this what originality means? I think "no u" response is appropriate.

you do understand that at this moment just playing videogames means you're chosing the sjw side by default and eating all they give you, right?

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some neogaf moderators were outed as pedophiles so some offended neogaffers made a new hellhole for themselves and named it "resetera"
now, the big question is, what will happen when some resetera moderators get outed as pedophiles? will they simply migrate again? will they migrate BACK?! the entire world is sitting on the edge of their seat waiting to see what will happen


Are these guys even a real thing anymore? Because I just see this term used on edgy bois nowadays.

>alt right

same exact shit different coat of shit colored paint.

Back to retardera with you, faggot.

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what if this fellow doesn't buy video games

weird because to sjw's anyone who doesn't agree with them is alt-right.

Fuck no. The original destiny script is the most dull and unimaginative pile of shit i'd ever heard
Staten got fired for a fucking reason, and it's because he's shit.

Insecurity/ a lack of physical attractiveness. Big muscles on a guy or an hourglass figure on a woman would attract attention naturally but that requires effort

Jonathan To where though?

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then he's alt-right because by not buying these modern videogames with progressive views means he isn't supporting progressive views and therefore is a nazi.

They're not actual punks if they're working for corporations/government you dipshit. What we're living in is every cyberpunk's nightmare scenario.

>this peacock is reading your emails

No wonder they went to shit

Done it right

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You came to complain that people here were complaining, and you got triggered when I called you out. I'll say it once, I'll say it again. Stop being a butthurt faggot, user. You can turn this around, just stop being such a fucking poof.

Just drive.

You keep using that word, user...

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It's not "fashionable" to ever cut your dick off
or to graze skin off your thighs to attach an inanimate slab of meat to your groin area
That's mental illness

>Ugly people can't make stuff
Lol who cares? Half of the people on this board look just as much the hill troll that these people do.
Who am I kidding I know this is just shitposting to justify shitting on the worldview we're all assuming they have because of the way they dress.

>want to play games without stupid sex fanservice shoved in my face constantly
>get called a tranny SJW

>want to play games that have actual gameplay and aren't just walking simulators that talk about white privilege and the wage gap
>get called alt-right nazi bigot

The radical centrist strikes again.

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that's not a double chin, that's a pouch she uses to store her food for the winter

i hate how those strips of hair look,literally unmemebale, delet

>You came to complain
No, I just pointed out that only two of the actual fags are shown in the trailer. The rest of the staff were looking normal aside of one more woman who just looks shitty, but not femtard-like.
>you got triggered when I called you out
I'm not triggered or butthurt over anything, user. And wasn't in the first place.

You seem like a faggot.
Stop with this whole "Aren't both sides bad?" faggoty act. Nobody cares about the alt-right, they have no power and they've never been relevant. SJW's on the other hand, I can't turn on Netflix without being recommended a show that is pure leftist propaganda.

Largely because in AAA there's no room made for them.
Great game stories only come from auteurs who write, and direct their projects.

You can't hire someone to make a good story and inject it into something else. Story comes from soul.

a centrist is simply someone who has a mind of their own instead of following others blindly for the sake of belonging to a herd of drones.

i actually like the sexy stuff in games and hate the alt-left bullshit while being a centrist in politics. it's probably too hard to understand this concept on your tiny black and white brain though ;)

See? Now you're not being a faggot. Well done, user. You salvaged it. I'm proud of you.

>I can't turn on Netflix
Why ever bother watching this shit? The company is to blame if it allowed itself to be overrun by this plague.

>i actually like the sexy stuff
I don't mind it myself as long as it's not retarded trash like Bayonetta or Senran Kagura or Dead or Alive.

>dude let's look at this 5 hour long cutscene of a character showing off her tits, that'll be 60 dollars pls

The difference between you and them is that they worked hard in college and they were able to apply to big name video game companies.

Why aren't you working hard and following your dream user instead of making fun of them on the Internet?

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Centrists have found themselves repeatedly being BTFO by both extremist sides throughout history, at some point you're gonna have to pick a fucking side.

you will never be a woman


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>retarded trash like Bayonetta or Senran Kagura or Dead or Alive.
don't be an sjw faggot or a /pol/tard and whine when something you don't like comes out, and we're cool.
buy what you like.
don't make your purchases your identity.

>implying you can't do both
sounds like someone needs to figure out time management


>ends justify the means
kill yourself.

if they worked so hard how come their work is so bad?
look at the inferior work from nu-bioware
truth is, they never worked, they wormed their way in through HR bullshit and now they shit out failure after failure

I believe all games deserve the right to exist, but that doesn't excuse them from criticism.

>pick a side
>side wins
>divisions within side becomes the focus
>have to pick sides again
>meanwhile overton window keeps lurching into obscenity
>repeat ad nauseum for the entirety of human history
Of course for a hyper-tribalistic goldfish this is paradise

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I am a writer, and I don't look anything like that. Every single last time a writer gets shown anywhere, it's some purple-haired faggot or some landwhale with tumblr glasses. Why must my kind be cursed like this?

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centrists are free to pick whichever side they feel is right at that time, therefore your statement is incredibly useless and only shows your incapacity of thinking for yourself, hence the need to pick a side.

I know. I just felt like clarifying

if you misgender at work, thats a good way to lose your job. plus I personally dont care that much to use the pronouns people want as long as its not xe/xir bullshit. I once met a girl who had a different gender everyday and that drove me nuts. i just avoided her because i knew upsetting her would cause me reputation problems. this was back in college though.


user, these people are not writers, they are pretend writers

Extremists have been BTFO repeatedly through history, moreso than centrists. I don't get your point, it just mean that you're a violent retard.

>if they worked so hard how come their work is so bad?

Haha another lazy genius who thinks he's so smart and better than them without even putting fourth the effort. All talk no action Yea Forums babby

vidya writer or writer writer? scripts or journals?
whyd you start writing? 90% of vidya writers i met started from gay fanfiction

>at some point you're gonna have to pick a fucking side
Because of course you need a faggot or a retard to tell you what is right and what is wrong.

play mass effect andromeda and tell me it's good

This is why the gaming industry will die. Whatever happened to the jap game creators in slick business attire. These niggas look like their about to make every game about oppression.

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Based and redpilled
all those Yea Forumsermin replies btfo

I write my own text-based videogame for a living. It currently has over 550 000 words of content.

>Whatever happened to the jap game creators in slick business attire
Most of the jap creators wear whatever the fuck they want. Only nintendo has this style.

>the fucking light bro
>the traveler
>it uses traveler light bro
>it’s fucking mysterious
>it’s all nonsensical shit? It’s fucking called WORLD BUILDING

That's correct, just like you'll never be a man, you little DYEL manlet turbofag

for a living? how do you make money?

the centrists are the true chads.

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Whether or not the writing is bad is not the point. The point is only the people who are consistent in writing and actually put out work without stopping midway through is how you get the job. Yes, a lot of shitty writers exist but the only way they scored big-time jobs is because they put in the effort and action into it. They're different than you because they don't just talk about it online. They actually do. Big difference. I know it's sad to say but if people think they can write better go fucking work it and prove that you're a better writter. There's too many shitty vidya writers out there solely because they put in the effort. Please user don't be that lazy faggot genius, thanks.

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Patreon and soon merch.

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oh my rubber nen bungeee gum.. fuck this and fuck that and fuck all of it

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they were probably selected for: public image, talked the best, were actually free to do it at the time, whatever else practical reason
and this applies to any field, also pic related exists

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>Whether or not the writing is bad is not the point.
Yes it IS the fucking point you fucking donkey.
You don't get a gold star effort, you tried award for pulling out shit out of your ass, you waste of space.

Why do people dress like this? Do they wanna be stared at for looking like fucking parrots or something?

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This has to be a parody

Too bad you didn't criticize those games at all.

>Whether or not the writing is bad is not the point.
it's precisely the point
everything else you said is fluff

looks like andy dick is doing a bit.

>go fucking work it and prove that you're a better writter.
unless you're problematic, then you don't get to work

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I criticized them for being poorly made fap fuel with terrible gameplay.

>inb4 that doesn't count
I don't recall you being the arbiter of what counts as criticism.

>ranking Bayonetta beside SK or DoA
Are you dumb?


>go fucking work it and prove that you're a better writer.
go back to tumblr, faggot.

this is why we deserve to suffer under Chinese tyranny.

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>n-no, you see she only does it IRONICALLY, that makes it okay


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Which are you???

>i can't understand at all why the brownies want so bad to get in.

Not so much anymore.

well, as long as the dollar is worth 10 times more than the peso you'll get poor people willing to do anything for easy money.

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This is your new pvp meta for this season.
Say something nice about her.

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Ironic or not, you’re actually just an insecure fag if a side shot of a giraffe with telescope legs makes you so uncomfortable that it takes you out of kicking the shit out of demons.

what a baby you are.

Dude that was 4 years ago, before we reached peak insanity

Wtf this nigga doin? Breaking up the last piece of concrete?

This is how low IQ cattle thinks.

Shittiest women imaginable, roasties with insane standarts.
A fuckton of undercover fags because most of the chinks will never have a gf or a wife.

That's just Europe.

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not an argument, you waste of oxygen.
These people should stop looking for gold stars, and actually fucking create something fucking GOOD for once. These writers fucking suck. If they get canned, good - about time someone stops coddling them.
It'll motivate their ass to actually make something good.

Because video game companies are retarded and place their office in California.

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this was a thing, those colored hair things are childs play

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Destiny had writers?

based slavs with negative living needs

t. reddit

I came here to post exactly this image.

And no beta orbiters to provide for them

stop posting same shit here and /dg/
absolute state of

>cutting my dick off

BASED fucking ACfag telling it like it is
get their asses

>mfw I could easily get fired just for my attitude.

I can only hope that they end up firing all their real talent and never become capable of making anything decent because all their diversity only knows how to get by in life through complaining.

it's hardly as if destiny's current state isn't a puddle of piss, though, is it

Name me five (5) actually good western vidya of 2018.

You know what takes me out of kicking demons to death? quick time events and mindless button mashing. The stupid fanservice was just the cherry ontop of the fecal sundae.

Staten didn't get fired, he quit.

you ever wonder why triggrered lil white bitches post on the internet all day

oh right cuz they cant fit into society at all


This shit is why my company rules it's HR with an Iron Fist

Makes them actually work and they rarely last over a year as a result.

Oh nevermind, you’re ACfag.


Is he not aware that none of his hits can connect even if they're not blocked because he's OUT OF FUCKING RANGE?

Is it the same people that wrote he book of sorrows?
Destiny's grimoire and lore books are actually good

you ever wonder why writers work in the video game industry and not a more respectable medium

oh right cuz they're shit and have to be bottom of the barrel-tier instead

>lose argument
>"uh you're actually this boogeyman, hah I win"


Sorry ACfag, you can’t scream “I don’t like movies” in response to every game that isn’t Metroid Prime.

>t. unkempt 19 year old wearing the blue jeans and Supercuts his mother bought him

ACfag what's your opinion on Nioh 2, Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima?

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Destiny's in-game writing tends to be pretty bland but stuff like the Book of Sorrows and the recent Forsaken entries are pretty good.

I think that was Seth Dickinson.

And you can't claim that your game is 10/10 perfection because it has a waifu in it.

They're okay I guess.

I don’t claim Bayo is prefection but your autistic tyrades sure don’t make me dislike it more.

>They're okay I guess.
Even QTE filled GoT?

Destiny is not solid, and because AAA are made to have plot injected into them, rather than as part of the whole picture from the beginning. The only reason the grimoire cards in Destiny 1 were good was because they took every scrap they could from what Staten had written before he left.

>ZeRo in drag
>Rejected muppet design
You're favorite vidya franchise is getting a new game and you HAVE to pick one of them to write it. Which do you choose?

He’s my biggest inspiration for writing.

HAHAH no wonder bungie sucks today

I just couldn't be bothered to give them any more attention ever since the funny flute man revealed it at E3. Unless I'm thinking of another game.

>I don’t claim Bayo is prefection
You should see Yea Forums jerk it off then.

Who thought it would be a good idea to bring Borderlands characters to life?


I think you overstate just how attached Yea Forums is to bayo, but then again you are loterally autistic, fixating on things is kind of unavoidable.

Not that guy but Bayo is a great stylish action game. Only rivaled by DMC when it comes to this genre.

Name me a better stylish action game other than DMC, Bayo or other Platinum games.


>Not that guy but Bayo is a great stylish action game
>button mashing cinematic action finishers
>quick time events
>2+ hours of cutscenes

And I thought Bungie was incompetent when making games!


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This happened to every city-based society in history, but before it goes this crazy a tide of barbarians sweeps away everything and the culture resets.

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Don't engage ACfag.
You will know his autism by his inability to leave his hatred of fan service and bayo out of completely unrelated conversations

>clicked the downvote button

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Bro you can skip cutscenes and get to gameplay right away.
Also QTEs are honestly minimal and do not detract from the core mechanics which are again: the top of this genre. This genre already being more complex and elevated from normal action games.
Also mashers are fine. They're reminiscent of old time beat 'em ups. Where you stun a guy and as a reward you get to mash him up. Same thing with God Hand. It's a reward/IFrame dodge tactic. DMC does similar thing too with its million stab and other mash button after delay type combos.

You still didn't answer my question. Name me a better stylish action game with as deep mechanics as Bayo or DMC. You can't. This is the purest vidya genre right next to fighting games.


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I miss 2006, that song brings me 2006 ptsd

Like it or not, this is what peak gamer looks like

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No joke, I thought that was Bulk and Skull at first.

>Bro you can skip cutscenes
They're still there, thus being a detriment to the game. A game should never require me to skip anything. Every single last moment should be good and enjoyable. It's like a game with poor balance and there's this easily attainable weapon that breaks the entire game. Sure, I can NOT use it, but why is it there in the first place? For the stupid casuals? I don't want them playing my game. Get theme out of here.

>Also QTEs are honestly minimal and do not detract from the core mechanics which are again: the top of this genre
Cannot disagree more. The entire game is built on button mashing with absolutely no thought put into it. If it was so good it wouldn't have any of these moments. It wouldn't need "over the top wacky action scenes". The good gameplay would be able to pull it through with shining colors. My playthrough of it just made me hate the game intensely because every other moment was casual pandering.

>Also mashers are fine

>Name me a better stylish action game with as deep mechanics as Bayo or DMC.
I can't, because the entire genre is trash. Tell me why they have cutscenes and QTEs and sex fanservice if they're supposedly so good. They're crutches and deserve to be shamed for using them.

This guy looks like the nerdy, lame kid in school you want to bully even if you are bullied too.

I want her to spit in my mouth and call me a nerd!


Imagine living in a society where you need to look like that to conform

That person on the left is an objectively bad human being.
>"B.. b.. but you can't judge a person j.. just based on looks"
Yes you can.

>They're still there, thus being a detriment to the game.
No, they're optional. You can skip them.

>A game should never require me to skip anything.
It doesn't require anything. You're free to do it if you don't like cutscenes.

>It's like a game with poor balance and there's this easily attainable weapon that breaks the entire game
No that's a retarded comparison. Cutscenes don't make the game easier. They're not affecting the core mechanics. Bad comparison. Disingenuous.

Yes. It's just an input. It's like saying guns are shit in FPS because you need to mash your mouse. Fucking dumb as a brick.

>I can't, because the entire genre is trash.
Most complex action game mechanics bro. These are facts.

>why they have cutscenes
Presentation. Shiny bells and whistles are there to sell the game and get more money to make more games.

Again, kept at a minimum and many of them are integrated masher moves. Not cutscenes with inputs.

>sex fanservice
Bells and whistles. See the first point.

>They're crutches
Your complaints are but but specs of dust trying to bring down the solid, unrivaled gameplay mechanics that you STILL cannot name me a better alternative to. Step up.

This picture is real-life satire, my sides.

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Noice wan

>No, they're optional. You can skip them.
Doesn't matter. As long as they exist, they are a detriment. I don't want that filth in my video games. There is no excuse for it.

>Cutscenes don't make the game easier.
They're literally segments where the game is playing itself because the devs were retards who couldn't incorporate the plot directly into the gameplay.

>Yes. It's just an input.
An input that requires no thought. Which describes the whole game really.

>Most complex action game mechanics bro. These are facts.
The fact that game journalists liked the second one kind of makes that laughable. Anything they like is pure trash, at least when it comes to AA and AAA games.

>Shiny bells and whistles are there to sell the game and get more money to make more games.
That's a bad thing. I don't want sales and popularity. If you can't make the game for free, then don't make it at all. Games should be about passion, not profit.

>Again, kept at a minimum
Even 0.000001% QTEs is game ruining. You cannot ever tolerate such cancer. The moment you do, the very microsecond that you try and justify it, they immediately take advantage of it.

>Bells and whistles. See the first point.
attracting casuals and waifu fans to the game, objectively a bad thing. Next point.

>Your complaints are but but specs of dust
You've yet to even explain why I should tolerate any of these things, and why it's somehow better than every other game in existence? How is it better than Tetris or Pong, for example? Those games don't need to rely on cutscenes or quick time events, so they're better by default.

It's not your fault Activision fucked up your chance at a series with a lot of potential.

I was a complete Bungie drone from the days of Myth up until Destiny, but if you really think it wasn't largely Bungie who dropped the ball with Destiny and instead scapegoat it onto Activision, you're out of your mind

>He expects the creatives in any industry to be boring white men with the same haircut


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who is the man and who the girl?

Why the fuck is the gaming industry plagued with SJWs?

What happened???

I refuse to believe these are real people
they look like actors playing a part for a fake interview

Tell me Doctor Freeman what exactly is it that you have created?

Attached: HalfLife2_WallaceBreen.jpg (410x599, 37K)

They earn a lot of do$h.

final stages of the west, this is rome 2.0 we are about to get axed from the earth my friend, enjoy the ride



>As long as they exist, they are a detriment
Not really since once again they're optional.

>They're literally segments where the game is playing itself because the devs were retards who couldn't incorporate the plot directly into the gameplay.
Most cutscenes in Bayo is to set up the level/context. It's not really a plot heavy game.

>An input that requires no thought.
It grants you invincibility so there's some timing strategy involved in it.

>The fact that game journalists liked the second one kind of makes that laughable. Anything they like is pure trash
I wouldn't know. I don't follow gaming journos' opinions and I don't base my opinion on their reviews. Be they positive or negative.
This isn't an argument either. This is actually quite pathetic. Of you to bring in journos to bolster your hardcoar persona guy argument.
Again, you're yet to name a single action game with this depth and freedom of expression.

>If you can't make the game for free, then don't make it at all. Games should be about passion, not profit.
Are you twelve my dude? What the fuck is this twitter-tier idealistic virtue signaling garbage? Do you know how the world works?

>attracting casuals and waifu fans to the game
Bayo and DMC, especially on higher difficulty are far from casual. And these are single player games. The fanbase do not intrude on game's mechanics. Especially not when you have devs such as Itsuno or Kamiya who keep the cores of these games complex and rewarding for dedicated players.

>objectively a bad thing
Well no. It's not "objectively" a bad thing. Firstly you didn't even say why. You just presented your opinion as fact. And secondly these people bring in the money. And more money means more games in the series. Especially useful for such a deep and niche genre as stylish action.

>why it's somehow better than every other game in existence
Whoa buddy, who said that? I said it's the best in its subgenre. Rivaled only by DMC.

>Not really since once again they're optional.
I'll never agree with that. As long as I'm paying for the game, they're forced on me. If I can pay for a version without the cutscenes, then we'll talk.

>Most cutscenes in Bayo is to set up the level/context.
AKA sheer incompetence. These idiots can't do a setup naturally, so they rely on gimmicks.

>It grants you invincibility so there's some timing strategy involved in it.
timing? I never died once in the game and I was prone to button mashing. Some "timing" you got there.

>I wouldn't know. I don't follow gaming journos' opinions and I don't base my opinion on their reviews
That's a lie since this entire board was filled with people jerking off Bayo 2's metacritic score, back in 2014. It's disingenuous of you to conveniently forget that.

>What the fuck is this twitter-tier idealistic virtue signaling garbage?
It's called making games out of a love of the medium. Some devs literally release games for free, and then make years of free extra DLC for it. they don't have to water down their games for casuals or to attract a larger audience. What's kamiya's excuse?

>Bayo and DMC, especially on higher difficulty are far from casual.
You still button mash, regardless of difficulty. I've yet to see a single enemy even punish you for it. Maybe I'm just that good at the game, but either game I saw no reward whatsoever. Why do I care if I get a stone trophy? That's like asking me if I care about achievements.

>And secondly these people bring in the money.
Again sacrificing quality for sales. That's gonna be a yikes from me.

>Whoa buddy, who said that? I said it's the best in its subgenre. Rivaled only by DMC.
Against actual genres, like platforming and puzzles and shmups, it's painfully average.

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He's got a big brain lad

>hire a "writer"
>they remove 99% of the existing lore, retcon anything too complicated, and insert marvel tier quips to suck the tension out of every scene
I couldn't give less of a fuck about their personal appearance or opinions. The first game was rough as hell but had some interesting ideas playing around in the grimoire. The second game was an abortion on the writing front. That's what you should judge them on.

>Why do I care if I get a stone trophy?
So you never actually mastered the mechanics? You're just a braindead button masher? That's a pity. You're no better than a journalist.

>this entire board was filled with people jerking off Bayo 2's metacritic score
I honestly don't even remember the MC score for Bayo1. Or DMC4. Or DMC3. Or MGR. No idea.

>What's kamiya's excuse?
He needs an actual team to make a complex game like this in a timely manner. Frame data knowledge is hard my dude.
Also you're too naive and idealistic. Loony-tier.

>Again sacrificing quality for sales.
Cutscenes do not water down core gameplay mechanics, no matter what meme you try to push.

>Against actual genres
Do you know how genres and preferences work? Do you know why genres even exist?
Also, you outed yourself as a filthy casual. No wonder you can't appreciate this genre. You are an actual brainlet ideologue.

This guys hair makes him look like a fucking pumpkin or some kind of gourd

>So you never actually mastered the mechanics?
What incentive is there? For a high score? Might as well dangle achievements infront of me while you're at it.

>I honestly don't even remember
Very convenient.

>He needs an actual team to make a complex game like this in a timely manner
Then that's his fault for wasting money on graphics, voice acting, cutscenes, and trivial garbage.

>Cutscenes do not water down core gameplay mechanics,
Then why are they there? What kind of "hardcore gamer" actually defends segments where you DON'T play the game?

>Do you know how genres and preferences work?
Yes, and some are objectively better than others. Just how it works.

>Also, you outed yourself as a filthy casual.
If you look back, I'm not the one defending cutscenes and quick time events. So yeah.

intelligent design


Fun shitposting aside, there seems to be some buzz on twitter from the destiny “it’s GOOD” crowd.

Did the game get good and get actual new locations (or have back the other locations) or is it just more LIVE SERVICE crud like them WoW raids everyone loves so much
>Why do you Raid?
>to get better items
>and Why do you want better items?
>to raid more
I still don’t even know what the fuck a Gambit is.

Attached: 13AF3798-CF03-4300-AE5B-A406A7E66A8A.png (382x417, 325K)

the location - Dreaming City - added in Forsaken blows every other destination in the series out of the water; you're actually able to explore, and aren't totally stuck to corridor paths followed by a bubble. But ultimately, if the game didn't interest you before or you didn't like it, then that isn't going to have changed

Attached: destiny2_2018-09-07_17-13-25.jpg (2560x1440, 3.21M)

>What incentive is there?
To get good. Which is part of the fun. It's like saying "lol why should I defeat Zinaida with a PYTHON and a Moonlight when I can just slap dual two shell rifles on a medium built AC and cheese her?".

You're a casual. Embrace it.

>Very convenient.
It's true. I don't remember the last time I went to MC or Gamespot/IGN to look at scores. Grow a spine. Stop listening what Yea Forums likes and dislikes or what Reseteratrannies love or hate. Form your own opinion.

>Then why are they there?
Bells and whistles. And once I saw them I skipped them on repeat playthrough.

>Yes, and some are objectively better than others. Just how it works.
No. That's not how it works at all. Again, your opinions and outlooks on things are not objective at all. Especially because you don't even defend your positions. You're coming off as smug and now that you've outed yourself as a brainlet cashul you lose your previously larped hardcore gaymur persona.

I can't say that stylish action subgenre is better than a fighting game genre. And it's interchangeable, especially game by game basis. For example I freely admit that I'm not good at MOBAS or RTS. Can't wrap my brain around them. Couldn't even reach Silver in SC2. Yet I still held Genbu in T7. Completely different levels of expertise and preferences. Even still I would never shit on these genres. Not only because it's highly subjective and broad, with way too many variables but also because I'm not good enough at them to judge these games thoroughly.

But you've outed yourself as a filthy casual with a loud mouth and retarded, unsubstantiated opinions. Like a Smash player that can't even perform a quarter circle dragon punch yet still thinks his opinion on USFIV matters.

You're no better than a gaming journalist, ACfag.

points to an intelligent designer

That’s a real shame.

Oh well. Maybe destiny 3.

>To get good. Which is part of the fun
The game never gives me an incentive for it. It's fundamentally broken.

>It's like saying "lol why should I defeat Zinaida with a PYTHON and a Moonlight when I can just slap dual two shell rifles on a medium built AC and cheese her?".
That's a legitimate problem too. Harken back to my comment with broken or OP weapons taking alot of the fun out of the game. I was referring to AC in particular. Yes, I can choose NOT to use the weapons, but why aren't they balanced in the first place? From had 14 games to iron out this whole balance thing, and they still couldn't get it.

>Form your own opinion.
>but you have to listen to my opinion or else

>bells and whistles
in other words, clutter ruining the game. Thus why I hate it.

>No. That's not how it works at all.
Actually, it does work like that. A shmup doesn't need 500 billion hours of cutscenes or voice acting or graphics to sell, let alone be considered good. They're made on such a small budget, infact, that they can be released for free and still not hamper the company much. that means they can far more gameplay oriented without pandering to casuals.

The same cannot be said of DMC or Bayonetta. If the gameplay was so good, the devs would be more than competent enough to release them without all the bells and whistles. A few lost sales is nothing compared to maintaining your dignity.

>You're no better than a gaming journalist, ACfag.
Says the corporate apologist.