Play Ace Combat 7 (2019) instead

Play Ace Combat 7 (2019) instead.

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Other urls found in this thread: to mph

But I've just closed the game my dude

No thanks, it's shit. No content and terrible weeb trash story.

>Israeli fighters attacking the USS Liberty (1967 colorized)

I just did. I need to rest. This game is incredible.

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>third person
what is this? starfox64?

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Unrealistic gameplay

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Is that it? Looks like every other AC?

Why did this take like 4 fucking years to come out?

It's a low bitrate webm..

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doesn't run on my toaster, heard it's pretty bad optimized.

Damn is that with all the MG upgrades? The dmg output just doesn't compare to tlsl.

What plane is that?

>not HDR
>not native 4k

No matter how many bits you add it's still gonna look as fucking bland mate

Go tell the devs to add Fortnite mechanics next then fucker

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is there a shock cone from breaking the sound barrier? I'm sure at least some of the planes are supersonic, it's the only thing I care about

Yeah maybe people would give a fuck about this dead boring series then

Zoomer absolutely seething that devs stuck by with their fans

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Why are you in this thread? Have you even ever played an AC game in your life?


Because you keep replying.

>looks like a generic flight simulator
>can't even do its own genre right
>third person
>50+ missiles


does this game require any kind of skill? You literally have infinite amount of homing missles. Just curious, no offense

>ace combat

arcade flight games have existed since atari.

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Play and find out.

Because I've watched as a new AC was hyped for like 4 fucking years and I want to see clips. And from what I've seen is the same as the other fucking games and I want to know why this one took so long

Won't lie, it looks fun.

I will replay it later to finish those Ace S ranks, just gotta play through this here five and then zero, finished 4 yesterday.

I feel like the spirit of Razgriz has overtaken me.

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yes, most enemies will dodge basic rockets unless you fire them from close range and from the back, game can be challenging unless you play on jurno mode.

I am, I have over 100 hours already and 900 EML kills online

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runs great on my toaster

OP, your webm sucks.

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Im dumb

>a laser
This game deserves all the hate it gets honestly.

Hahahaha holy shit






>he cares about story in a game about fighter jets
What a queer

It got a ton of praise though.

I pirated it because Ace Combat has been on the iffy side for a long time but now I bought it because I determined that I enjoyed it (though I think $60 is a bit high). I don't suppose it's possible to transfer the save? I think the save profile included was named CODEX kek

>the thing mr x did in a curscene is actually possible

Why does the camera take so long to refocus after the maneuver? Why isn't it almost instant?

What plane should I use in the Mission 8? , destroying the oil refineries and then looking through the sandstorm for the trucks is killing me, what plane is fast and has that ground and air combo?

This looks awesome. I haven't play AC since 2.

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I bought the game after pirating it. Unfortunately it seems copy-pasting save file doesn't work. I'm just finishing up on my pirated version instead.

Dog, that isn't even the craziest post-stall maneuver people have pulled in this game.

Because that maneuver is used to do a full loop
He stopped halfway so the camera has to catch up

Gripen with Cruise Missiles.

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No, it doesn't.

>That fucking track on that map

Dare I say it..?

Ace Combat's back, baby!

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>no content

guess you got all those aces and finished the game on ace with 100 multiplayer wins, faggot

I mean, you're watching somebody who is absolutely garbage at the game whilst he gun pods a ship at minimum speed.

>weeb trash story

War drama is the peak of kino.

You, solitary, now!

leave then faggot

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because all everyone ever wanted was more Ace Combat on modern platforms, PC and a modern engine?

What did you want?

Highest selling Ace Combat game of all time with universal acclaim, friend.

>needs to rest after playing a video game
Do you even realize how pathetic that statement is you fat fuck?

Please stop respond to bait.

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are controls good on pc?
and what controls looks like? You tilt plane by moving your mouse left and right and pulling up nose by moving mouse down?

While I imagine the game is probably 100% hot trash, I didn't see anything anime related in the webm. If anything it looked like CoD with planes. Learn what weeb means newfag

I'm fit as fuck. This game is exhausting because I'm so tensed up playing it. Deal with it nigger

post more webms, AC's UI looks so sexy

You plug in a controller, that's how.

But I'm already playing Ace Combat 10 (2026).

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Game is boring garbage.

oh good, you're retarded, twice.
game is amazing, plot is extremely anime inspired (directly inspired by Macross, in fact)
kill yourself.

I'm poor so I can't afford it. But I have played ACZ again and it's just as good as the first time I've played it.

but flying with mouse was ok in battlefields

1 playthrough in first person for full immersion
1 playthrough in third person to ogle the planes

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It's sold more than 2.6 million copies already?

I've been looking at reviews and they're giving it nothing higher than 7. It's around the 5-7/10 range.

>game forces its terrible story on you at every turn

yeah just gimme a second i need to replay Zero again Buddy then i'll play it for the 10th time

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Yeah, no way it's the highest selling one, I think they celebrated 500k copies recently.

Maybe fastest selling?


I got the game yesterday, never played ace combat series before

why didn't anyone tell me it's basically rogue squadron with fighter planes!?

It's worse than having two sticks.

No thank, I prefer HAWX.

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That's pretty good, but

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Because then you'd be having way too much fun.

No human being should suffer life after enjoying these highs.


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How do I do the flip? I've done it on accident multiple times.

Is there anything more kino than fighting Mihaly with his exact setup and first person only in AC7?

>The lead singer is actually Mobius 1

Best multiplayer in the genre.

I've seen people constantly compare it to StarFox and RS. It's just nobody takes the posts seriously.

I enjoyed AC7 but I had the feeling it was kinda lacking on something.

Just finished it and then kept replaying Joint Assault.

Get to 450km/h, hit both triggers at the same time to do a high-g turn. Your plane should start flipping much quicker than a normal high-g maneuver.

Joint assault had the most bare-bones missions, you're head isn't screwed on right.

Thx user

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I need to make more webms desu.

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I got to mission 15 and was just sick of all the scoring missions so I deleted it. It was fun for a while though.

The only reason I like it because it's moddable

>that Yukikaze mod

I unironically think AC3 is one of the best in the series. It has the most story content and animated cutscenes along with various branching missions. The mission variety ain't too bad either considering that you can go to space and duel in the electrosphere itself. AC4 seriously improved the actual gameplay and plane details, but it was more or less a powerpoint when it went into storytelling and the missions were score attacks. Not that SAs are bad things, but it's just funny to think about the direct downgrade in story from a PS1 to PS2 game.

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I still need to play 0 and 6 first.

for me gameplay comes first, so I'll always kinda snub AC3

AC3 has some of the worst gameplay.

I wish missiles were more of a threat. in AC7 they pretty much a joke thanks to the manueverability of your plane. In AC3 they were extremely lethal since your plane couldn't turn 180° just by pressing two buttons.. If you got locked on you needed to do some crazy ass maneuevers to dodge them especially on hard when you are constantly being locked on and shot at.

All rise for the greatest video game trailer ever created.

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Well I haven't played AC7, but in my personal favourite AC0 you can definitely die to missiles when you're fighting enemy squadrons.

So haven't even played it, is what I'm hearing?

No other AC game come close to the amount of scope of Electrosphere story wise

great, now i gotta listen to ZERO again and maybe the unsung war later

weeb ass game LOL you kids and your games.

>jealous his squad mates will never see him as literal satan


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what in utter fuck is that

damage control/cope

That is Ace Combat in a nutshell.
Here is more Ace Combat in a nutshell.

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Shit webm, this is how you destroy a ship with guns

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>finished 5 few days ago
>that feeling of emptiness

>tfw TLS will never be as good as it was in zero again
Why even live, bros? It takes at least four passes to kill one of those boats.

>that defense of Stonehenge climax
Holy shit

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Why play AC7 when I can play real life instead?

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Never forgetti

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I have about as much chance of passing a military psych eval as the average user does passing physical.

>Prefer a cheap Ubishit AC ripoff that's worse in literally every single way

Because only backwards religious fanatics acting completely against their survival instincts would dare fight against another country with a cutting edge air force. Hope you like bombing illiterate goat farmers over and over.

>comparing Ace Combat to real life
What do you think this game is, a simulator?

They needed to tone them down cause the drones cum missles at a rate of 10 a minute

>infinite gun ammo

Well you don't have to worry about it since Boeing will make you obsolete anyways

>worse in literally every single way
It has a better aircraft selection (despite fucking up some models) and FAR better multiplayer. AC needs a co-op campaign like HAWX did.

Read the image, AC7 is becoming real

i5 3.0
gtx 750ti
can I run it?

In AC5 Did they fucking leave the dog at Sand Island? At the end you see the island being taken by vegetation and animals and then the fucking dog appears
What the fuck, Pops

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I read your image and you're still retarded.

explain how to do that flip pls

Seems so

No it's not. People were talking about drones for a long ass time. However we're not going to get a space elevator anytime soon.

Is Project Aces doing anything about the hackers in the PC version?

You'll have to turn settings/res down a bit but it should work.

It was a crime against humanity how badly the english version was gutted


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Haha, no

electrosphere was poorly received in japan so they seriously cut back on the story elements after

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/r/ PCSX2 config for AC Zero

The plane selection doesn't mean shit when the devs are so lazy they reuse the same models for variants of an aircraft no matter how different they may be
Foe example, the F-15C and F-15E are identical, and the only difference between the F/A-18 RC and E is that the E has square intakes, nothing else is different
Not to mention the terrible 2D cockpits

>not wanting to stare at your plane's ass
what are you gay?

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go spend $800 on some new sounds that you can play the same boring 'dynamic' missions with your selection of one plane

Reminder that Long Caster is canonically a talking sandwich

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That's a hamburger, idiot.

What's your fetish Yea Forums?

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thoughts on railguns?

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>A hamburger is not a sandwich
Next you'll say a poptart isn't a sandwich

>Ridge Racer is canon in the Ace Combat Universe and Nagase's sister is a race queen.

I prefer pulse lasers

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Yes, I did mention that they fucked up some models. But by plane selection, I'm talking about planes like the Harrier, Jaguar, A-12, F-111, and several others that just aren't in AC.
Best music tracks of their respective games.

>Score doesn't increase

I agree, i was hyped to start unlocking all the planes and upgrades, only to find out there is fuck all jets / upgrades and split into MP upgrades

I swear, Ace Combat 7 is just three steps away from being a full on Macross game.

It actually does, but it's delayed

Dig dug and galaga too!

>not Liberation of Gracemeria
posting my contender

Unsung War is overrated. Briefing 2 is the good shit.

And AC7 may have teased the next RR game

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It actually isn't canon to AC. There are some references, but it's still separate. Reiko is her "sister" in a symbolic way rather than a literal one.

I already finished it, on all difficulties.
My wish is for the next game/expansion to be all about just the experimental strangereal planes that appear through out the whole series

It took me a while to warm up to Briefing 2 but it is the good shit.

Not my favourite, but damn good.

Funny way of spelling Reprisal.

Wow, I've never seen this trailer before. MGSV's reveal trailer basically ripped the formatting of this one scene for scene.

How is Sky Crawlers?

>some models
They fucked up all of the models, there's not a single plane that looks like it wasn't based off of a matchbox toy
I'll give you that HAWX has a larger quantity of planes, but I don't consider that to be a plus over AC when every plane looks and feels exactly the same (the A-10 honestly had the same turning radius to the F-15 ACTIVE)

about as good as JA or AHL

In AC2's promotional material they straight up say Kei is Reiko's "hotter" sister. AC2 was overwritten by Cross Rumble though, so take that as you will (though Cross Rumble also has a Kei Nagase)

>Hearing Briefing 2 for the first time
Nothing will ever top that moment.
>Filed under what the fuck were they thinking with those lyrics.

Be honest. Did you see the 8492 twist coming? It took me by surprise.

I would if they hadn't pulled inexcusable console bullshit with the joystick support on PC.

Reminder that Belka is responsible for everything in some way.

>Ace Combat Infinity Tokyo flashbacks on this.

Fuck me I2 for PS4 and Xbone, when?

Not endgame enough for me, I wanted there to be more OP weapons you could use at the end of the game.

Hello Belkan Internet Defense Force.

Post a picture of your stomach, Mr. "Fit as Fuck"

The "Japanese devs trying to cater their games to Americans" during the 360/ps3 era was one of the worst things to happen to gaming.
I'm so glad things seem to be turning around now.

Oy vey, remember the 6 gorillon when we used our Sampson Protocol.

What twist?
feed me spoilers

Have you danced with the angels today?

AC2 was also made before they decided to set AC in an alternate Earth. Ridge Racer games make references to real countries.

Ace Combat 5 is where the >belka is behind everything meme comes from.

>Be Erusean
>Get shot

For some reason 7 didn't give the same "feeling" from the ps2 ones.

>Story which is hype as fuck
>Hype as fuck fighter jet fucking in the air
what's not to like?

Ace Combat 2 did establish Strangereal, but only Usea and nothing else. So they were already leaning into an alternate Earth

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How do you get more money to use in campaign after beating it? I don't even have half the planes unlocked.

you say that like it's a bad thing

>playing on normal

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It established a single fictional continent. The rest of the world was unknown, but presumably just the same as the real world.

Play the campaign again in Ace mode, S-rank everything, spawn and destroy all the secret aces, and do the medals (guns only, no damage, 4 hour speedrun, all the mission-specific challenges)

20k is easy
25k is normal

...creating an entire fictitious continent isn't considered "alternate" enough to be alternate Earth?

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I didn't expect that they were belkan, but Blind Spot makes it super obvious that they are bad guys.

I mean an entirely alternate Earth like AC has now. I don't like the word "Strangereal" so I avoid using it whenever possible.

>try to do this
>drop spaghetti and crash in there

At least I wasn't streaming

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There's more to it than that. They also ambush you just before you can liberate the Yuktobanian capital, revealing that they've infiltrated both governments to initiate and prolong the war and allow Belka to take advantage of weakened enemies.

Is the X-02 the best plane in the game for campaign on ace?

No Content 7

Why does AC 7 have so many annihilation missions? I just want to dogfight man

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Sorry, I thought you were the other guy.

Yeah they're obviously bad guys but how exactly it turned out was still a surprise.

>So many
>Literally 3
>Compared to AC4's 8

F-22 for multirole
Su-57 with PLSL for score missions and arsonal bird
YF-23 for ground bombing

After playing flight sims, this series pisses me off.

I sincerely don't understand who these companies are addressing when they put out tweets and ads about their fighter jets/drones. Are they hoping some kind of rich saudi magnate or euro defense official is seeing it and going "aw yeah, way better tagline than LockMart's shit, lemme order 100 of these bad bitches."

Nothing is stopping you from trying to shoot down the aerial reinforcements. Planes/Drones give you points too.

I find most anime grating, childish garbage, but have no problem with wacky bullshit in the gameplay. This looks fast and fun though, how does it run? Could one reasonably expect that I could stomach this game for the gameplay?

It's called good pr.
People like hearing about cool new technology.

Why F-22 over X-02? QAAM and 8AAM?

>-14 myopia
>can't do LASIK because thing corneas
>no point in doing PRK only to still wear glasses
I'm pretty sure the military counts me as disabled

You can skip the whole story and it takes nothing away from the gameplay.

>no flight stick support

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If you can't stand the cutscenes feel free to skip them, but the briefings are essential for understanding how to tackle a certain mission.

I don't like anime and I loved it.
It's very optimized for a Japanese port. Just pirate it and buy it if you like it.

It runs surprisingly well for a Jap console game ported to the PC. You can run it max at 1080 with no frame drops if you have a 480/580 or 1060.

Next game should be about an aerobatics team that's forced into combat

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The XSDB is like a 4AGM with more ammo

8AAMs shine in mission 19


Sweet, thanks for validating my want to buy the game you sweet little faggots. Come get a kiss on the mouth.

FYI theres no content

The gameplay is fantastic. Just be aware that if you're the kind of person that plays a game once and shelves it, you probably won't think it's worth the money. The campaign is like 5-8 hours long and is meant to be replayed several times on alternate difficulties, trying out different planes, completing secret objectives to unlock new skins, etc.

Fuck off tripfag

QAAM are very good for air targets. Their homing is very good.
XSDB is arguably the best weapon for ground targets in the game.

>playing the same 10 minute missions over and over constitutes as content
how about no faggot

>no content
Nice meme.
I haven't even played online.

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>critiques game
>doesn't even know the genre

sims are just as inaccurate as ace combat except also boring as hell

I wish the pulse lasers did more damage so they were actually viable in online

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what is this in mph?!?!

>do mission with A10
>mission goes on and find friendlies
>8492 appears out of nowhere
>mfw going through that friendly squad convo everytime because I didn't want to do the other mission again with a better plane
>had to cheese and hit max altitude so their missiles wont hit me and neither could they reach me
Funny thing is that they spawned right in front of me then bounced back to a lower altitude

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Trying to unlock the whole aircraft tree san the multiplayer parts would take you 2-3 full campaign runs.

You get more MRP by doing that instead of repeating a mission in free mode.

wtf is up with them hitboxes?

It's not hitboxes, it's just good leading
The lasers have to be lead like bullets do

I used unguided rockets for that mission which was pretty effective and very fun.

The lasers have a travel time, so they're shooting at where the F15 is going to be.

>including multiplayer as a fascet of completion

damn much skill. for some reason I thought they would be hit scan like a dumbass.

Much like in any shooter that isn't CoD as well as in real life, bullets take time to travel and are effected by gravity and wind speed/direction.

I love the shades of Electrosphere's music style you hear in some of the tracks.
I really hope the DLC is a bridge between AC7 and 3

brake to 400, let go of triggers, at 500 pull up and use g-turn. Not all planes can do it, even some of the high tiers can't, and the ones that can not all of them can do 180+ degrees. Oversight of the devs.

Is this game worth 60 bucks or should I wait?

unguided bombs

The PLSL is one of the most satisfying weapons to use and once you work out how to lead with it then it can be very powerful, especially in single player.

I love the pak50... just to fuck around with... and this is why.

Depends on how much you enjoy these games and how much value you get out of replay value. There are more economic ways to spend your money.

>Asking fans of a video game if it's worth it

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This. Fuck quick maneuver missile shit... the few planes you'd need them for are basically impervious anyhow... but not to PLSL.

Once I realized I could lead them way far out...

The core development team for AC7 was 10-15 people, everything else was outsourced

t. never played a sim

Enjoy wasting 60 bucks on a planefag game

Who would win in a fight? Cutting edge laser technology or one puffy boi?

>buy the preorder bundle
>playing through AC5
>still haven't touched AC7

Please go download DCS and play it, please. Then come back and say that here with a straight face

It's fantastic at the 2000-4000 range where you have plenty of time to line up a shot.

I guess you could say this is quite the Skies unknown huh?

Have you ever played metal gear? It's anime insofar as that series.

>ac babbies

Are there other games like AC and HAWX?
I've played AC1, 2(3DS version), 3(with the translation patch), HAWX1+2 and Top Gun Hardlock.

As much as I love the WW2 flying games, I want something modern.

You've missed out the best AC games. AC4, 5, 0, 6 and X are the best in the franchise and most of them are pretty accessible as well.

Heatseeker on the PS2 was a decent arcade-style flying game.

Are you implying DCS is fun for anyone but loser dads trying to live their failed dreams

Play something good instead, DCS.

But it's actually full-on anime unlike Ace Combat.

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Fuck y'all dcs fags, real men play Strike Fighters 2

i identify as an attack helicopter

Guys, what if belka isnt behind whatever happens in AC8?

Comparing DCS with Ace Combat is like comparing Assetto Corsa with Ridge Racer. They have nothing in common apart from taking place in a certain kind of vehicle.

>playing Zero
>check Assault Records
>one pilot started working as automobile salesman and is a ordinary citizen
Fucking loving it
>tfw pilot was KIA

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You might as well play the rest of AC. But I don't know of any AC-likes personally

Then it's gonna be the russians and asshorizon 2

Does anyone know if gunpod kills with the mig21 counts towards the guns only medal? Or are they counted as special weapon kills?

It feels so much more because of how ass those annihilation missions are compared to every other one.


>DCSfag is STILL assblasted over AC7 1 month after release

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I did this, it does count as guns only if you use the gunpod.

go back to playing your VN's faggot.

Yes. Pretty sure everyone uses it in a gun only run.


How do I get special squads to spawn? I just killed a Mig named 'Jester' (mission 02) but nothing seemed to happen.

There's a whole guide for that alone.

Airforce Delta

You get a sick skin that looks like Mihaly's for killing all the aces.

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>he even took damage in a non-critical area
Show me how to do that when we get back to base.

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That's actually a fucking excellent premise for a game, use a country like yuktobania for that, since they're quite soviet and bombastic with the propaganda

>Flight Sim

You guys are like fucking vegans. Do you go to FPS threads and tell people to play ARMA too?

Nah, gonna pass on this arcadey physics ignoring trash


>Line up a great shot
>Start firing
>Target flies into a cloud at just the right time to make your shots worthless

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One guy goes to work at an insurance company.

Damn. Can you perform these sorts of tricks in older AC games? I'm playing Zero atm, and I'm new to the series.

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Post-stall manoeuvres are a new addition in AC7.

God fucking damn it when Zero remake when? I just want to dogfight while spanish guitars are blazing in the background.

That's kind of unfortunate. I wonder how well optimized the PC port is. I was thinking of buying it eventually, but I'm not sure if an RX570 would be good enough, and its size is fucking huge and that alone puts me off of pirating it.

>Last mission boss are 2 drones
Why they do this? The fight againts Mihaly was much better. It's like 5 were the final boss was a piece of junk.

Should've targeted the VLS cells for maximum recreation but OK

Because drones are the future.

So wait im confused. In the mission where Mihaly first shows up, does he shoot brownie down? Or does she just panic and crash?

It isn't even the craziest one

Oh my fucking sides

Mihaly shot brownie down

If you count Farbanti and Lighthouse it's 5, but Farbanti is fun because you can choose which fronts and Lighthouse is pure A2A

Not so tough when you can't break physics, are you Mister X?

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But that's wrong

so that enough narrative time could be passed between mihaly and the destroy all drones. It'd be silly otherwise. There's no other boss character..

>playing a flying game in 3rd person
jesus fuck no taste

Those baby R60 missiles barely look like they could swat a fly.

Even a 1060 can easily run this.

this looks like exactly like Ace Combat 3,4,5,6,0 and other

Is there any jet customization? Never played an AC and 7 looks good.

You can put on parts to boost your manoeuvrability or firepower. There are also different skins and emblems.

Why not enjoy both, some people recreates AC on flight sims for fun. Oh wait, fun is illegal apparently on this mongolian basket weaving forum.

Attached: Trigger you dumbass.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

They are literally developing airborne lasers right now. The F-35 will be getting one first probably.

Attached: apache laser cannon.jpg (1200x660, 89K)

>no HOTAS support
>no head tracker support
>no VR support
>no ultra wide support

Namco hasn't botched a PC port this bad since Dark Souls 1.

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Stop fighting retards. All flying games are fun.
It makes me happy to see people posting my OC.

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>All flying games are fun.
No they are not.


I am still upset about the 444 squad being so unused. I get why, but you dont really connect with your squad in this game like you do in 5 and 0. I wanted to see High Roller "make one final bet" then do some crazy stunt to save the squad and survive it.

I heard they went full Ace combat with the final boss, it sounds crazy for a squad that coexists with Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell

>not playing them exclusively in 3rd person for best situational awareness and unobstructed view

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Project Wingman, it's literally AC made by one person (excluding music)


>shit gets completely fucked
>have one great mission capitalizing on the confusion caused by it
>next one sort of kind of not really makes good use of it
>then it's irrelevant
That part was definitely rushed.

Imagine seeing this as a Superbowl half time show

Not even the best

Attached: dam son.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Yeah but damn is the mission fun

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>first mission is tutorial while doing acrobatics at an airshow
>since the team is unarmed, have to flee ala AC6 mission 1
>shortage of planes, you'll fly with the now armed acrobatic plane until replacement arrives

The VR isn't even allowed on PC until later this year or early next. Are you fucking retarded?

People actually play these games in 3rd person? What's the point? Just play Starfox instead.

So this is the skill of Mihaly Dumitru Margareta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas A. Shilage?

They should go full Macross already.
Seriously, Macross game by Project Aces when

They died for israels freedom. Hail the jew

It's a dumb escort mission.

I like actually seeing my plane among the scenery, makes me feel more immersed

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Perfect response hahaha

pffft it's gonna end up like Capcom and they won't even bother probably
Who gives a shit about 3 missions anyway

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Admit it, you want to stick your big, hot, missile and let it explode inside those juicy thrusters right?

replaying the same 20 missions over and over to collect skins that change nothing except the placement of a tiny ass emblem is not content.

Why are simfags the worst?

hear me out

Ace combat but


I really wish the replay feature was better to control.
Like having a rewind, pause, and a method to fix the camera angle so it won't swap automatically as soon as I don't touch the controller for a few seconds.

Otherwise it's so nice to just any and all dumbass stunts you managed to pull off.

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It's just one autist

why are these types of environments the fucking best?

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>skins are not content

They sure as fuck arent. And they are the most garbage implantation of skins I have ever seen. Every skin I have unlocked, 3-4 per plane doesnt even change the color of anything on the plane. Just moves an emblem.

>is there a shock cone from breaking the sound barrier?
No. I can't recall if any of the previous games did, maybe Ace Combat 6, unless I'm confusing it with Over G Fighters.

is that like smt if

AC5/AC0 had shock cones.

I love them when they have that whole environmental storytelling bit going on.
Like how you can see the Ulysses impact crater off to the left and how the destruction radiates off from it.

Did Erusea really make no effort to clean up the ruined parts of Farbanti since AC4? Why not at least demolish the ruins?


>tfw played through the game 5 times already
>only like halfway to that damn distance achievement

>Using a Sim stick
>In an arcade game
Shiggy, but also bummed because I wanted to use the one I had bought for dcs

looks cooler that way and they probably use them for military training

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>>tfw played through the game 5 times already

Is that worth it? Cause I'm at Mission 16 and still don't have the F22, F35 or YF-23 and by this point I'll only unlock them at the last mission if at all.

>unobstructed view
>your plane itself is literally blocking the view
>no artificial horizon
>flying through clouds not knowing which way is up or down or sideways
first person sans cockpit is objectively the best

Well given that it's been 20 years since the asteroid fell and during that time Erusea fought and lost one war with probable huge economic issues resulting, they probably didn't have the money or manpower to spare.
Not to mention they probably had to deal with constant bickering since we see how as soon as communication drops everyone and their grandmother starts declaring independence.


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>your plane itself is literally blocking the view

But it looks good doing it, just like when you're playing an RPG or TPS and can see your character doing cool things or looking cool, besides just move the camera if the plane is blocking

Fuck Cyberpunk 2077 for ignoring third person

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I really enjoy the game and love playing it over for the medals/aces and to try out different plane configs. If you really wanted one of the endgame planes, you should've plotted a path straight for it. I got my SU-47 by like mission 15-16. The last few missions give you an assload of points to buy shit though, and you get like 1 million for beating the game the first time.

It's not obstructing the view of the space around the aircraft, which is the point. It's a much wider field of vision overall.

Is the whole game playable in VR?

PS4 isn't nearly strong enough to do that and approach the quality they have otherwise. So you get 3 visually gimped missions instead.

>It's a much wider field of vision overall.

This, less claustrophobic, more open

Attached: Ace7Game_2019_02_21_20_25_42_218.jpg (1920x1080, 1.25M)

3 missions

But the whole game will be playable in VR on PC, right?

It has HOTAS support though, just with the new account combat brand sticks.

Probably not.
We'll find out in a year when the VR missions come to PC.

I thought those military laser projects were primarily missile defense/interception systems.

>All flying games are fun.
Fuck off Ass Horizon fan

Still have this old pile. Will it be any good for this?

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If it can shoot down a missile, it can shoot down a plane.

Does Pixy knows how to throw unguided bombs? Or is the AI stupid in this game?

I've played falcon BMS, its ok but still, boring as hell.
I've heard DCS is shit compared to BMS.

Post some first person cockpit webms so I can show to my brother.

Why not just use a gamepad? That's what Ace Combat is made for in mind.

I know, but it's still a flight game. Wouldn't a stick be more fun?

>People actually play these games in 3rd person? What's the point?
I like seeing the F-14's wings spread out while I do high-G turns and blast Danger Zone.

Scrap Queen > Erusean Princess

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i want to lick her navel

idk, just don't give the game a bad review if it doesn't work.

Brainlets will never experience mental fatigue.

McOnie > Huxian > Princess Warcrime > Nagase who shows up for 5 seconds > Shit Queen

>tfw find navel and clavicle sexy as fuck
I don't understand this

The final "boss" was you shooting at the bad guy's house.
I'm dead serious, you fly under the radar alone while hearing news reports about why America is so great, then you target the bad terrorists compound and kill him in his sleep. Roll credits

Does anyone know if it has HOTAS support yet? I'd love to play it but I want to use my stick and throttle.

Not an argument, some of the best AC missions are escort missions, just look at The Inferno

Based and redpilled

Only four specific models; HORI Flightstick Ace Combat 7 edition (XB1 & PS4 versions), and the Thrustmaster T. Flight Hotas One/4 [Branded and non-branded versions]

>replaying Acecombat4
>getting hyped, fighting against yellow squadron after Stonehenge offensive
>combat starts
>lock on
>two missiles
>target destroyed
>mission acomplished

I remember this being harder, didn't had a chance to enjoy the music

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>implying AC has anything better to offer

4 is the most overrated game in the series

>I don't understand this
You live around fatties and thin traits are exotic to you.

Thats, oddly specific, I guess because consoles maybe?

Guess im waiting. Thanks for the reply friendo.

no, 3 is. The story does not make up for the shit controls (not designed for analogue stick)

I believe someone mentioned that they were considering adding more models, but the problem is they would do that on a model-by-model basis, which may have something to do with the fact that you cannot rebind any of the controls in the game.

Yes it does, it's called ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON

>valley of kings except its braindead easy and you have to watch CNN
Glad I skipped this game.

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>which may have something to do with the fact that you cannot rebind any of the controls in the game.

Im out.

God im on edge for buying that game but the last recommendations from Yea Forums that i bought were very good/shit/shit

>can't get any controller to work on any program in existence
activate those almonds

>challenge is in getting the aces to actually appear
>killing them is easy
total dogshit

The Journey Home is the best, fight me

It's garbage. Stay away.
Read this everyone who has yet to play Ace Combat.

Attached: shit combat.png (1044x2604, 527K)

Just pirate it. Seen quite some posts here that said they eventually bought it anyway after trying.

Why does CUM HISTORIA only kick in when you start engaging the SOLG? It should have played from the very beginning for maximum kino when fucking up Belkans.


Is it possible for you to suppress your autism for just one AC thread

You must be thinking about HAWX 2, where the final mission has you dodging orbital lasers and shooting down nuclear missiles before flying through a tunnel under a mountain to blow up the villain's command bunker.

Too bad literally every other part of that game was absolute shit even compared to the mediocre as hell first game.

Biplane Ace Combat when

>can't into clouds
>can't into mission 9
What a shitter.

>waaaah don't invade my safespace for my garbage game
Get shit on nostalgiafag

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Literally just git gud and not being a ADHD.

>final mission has you dodging orbital lasers and shooting down nuclear missiles before flying through a tunnel under a mountain to blow up the villain's command bunker.
You'd think it would be impossible for them to make something like that boring, but oh my god they did it
This game's pacing is slower than a snail

Rise of Flight. It's a sim, but WW1 biplanes are simple as shit and turn crazy tight anyway, so it might as well be a game.

How am I supposed tp PVP? My missiles never hit. I think I shot down one dude. It's kinda insane how easily they miss when the guy is barely moving. Ive played all these games and am quite good in SP

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Meant for

>Zero doesn't have a Kei Nagase
I bet it's actually Cipher.

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Yeah but i want WW1 anime plot

Chiper is cutest Ace

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oh welp, what else could have expected from that TC tag


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Trigger is actually a girl

Attached: l_5c41b366f38c1.jpg (426x640, 49K)

>never says a word

>that pic
damn that's low

She's special give her some space

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I really want that jacket. It's lowkey.

Bamco's not selling any merch, but at least the design is easy to replicate

Why are anti ship missions so fun bros?

Because you get to fly low and laugh at the shipfags pathetic ability to defend themselves.
>hearing naval officers panicking over the comms.

The sky and the sea is a comfy combination

You big pussy. Devs deserve it for being assholes to the buyers

That made me so happy

I really, really liked the first AH trailer

>He didn't feel bottomless despair when he saw the door gunner gameplay
Have you no soul

This. The fact that the "aces" were no challenge and only tried to immediately leave the combat area after spawning was retarded.

no fucking way!

Trigger is literally the Aerial Doomguy

Change my mind

That would be Cipher, since Trigger lets some dirty Belkans live

That's pretty much every AC protagonist user.

Cipher is a demon lord and Doomguy hunts demons

Is Mihaly actually on-screen during Two-Pronged Strategy? Brownie cries for us to help but like can we actually help?

Yes, he's on screen. No, he's not targetable.

Mihaly is there but he doesn't have a box around him so you can't lock on with missiles. You can shoot him with your gun but he doesn't die.

The Strike Wyvern has to be cheating, 3400kph and turns on a dime.

That's just shitty localization, Cipher is a Kishi, not a Kinshi

Considering how fucking easy it was for bronze-age sandniggers to hack US drones a decade ago I'm really looking forward to these.


But that mission is kino, stop having ADD

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damn i used to play Blazing Angels 2 back in the day cant even rember if it was good or not though, but i remember doing this all the time fun stuff

Why? Getting S rank is hard but just beating it was fairly simple. I died once I think on my first playthrough on Hard. Use LAGMs/LACMs (have terrain following) and use your map screen to find valleys.

Holy shit they made AC7 real lmao

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>having to use the iwin plane
he was right to do that.

figuratively kill yourself you pleb

All I wanted was another Ace combat, I thought it would be bearable
It wasn't

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Anyone else fly an F-22 with level 2 qaam homing? I literally cannot stop winning now.

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Modern war is so boring.


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>slaps your ass from 10k away

psshh...nothin personnel, kid

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LAAM or SAAM? What's the max range for SAAM?


Holy shit is it just me or does the F22 Raptor fucking suck? Full maneuverability upgrades and it still compresses like fuck, barely turns and drops out of the sky like a rock. It's just not fun to fly.

Have you tried going fast? Up, over, and back down with the throttle wide open

Same, fun as shit to bitchslap those grandpa planes who think they're hot shit. Even better the yuropoors with their silly accents who sound like a dying animals when they attempt english.

Congrats, you invented modern air combat.

AC7’s wasn’t too bad either.

>wind blows you away from the cloud, delaying you enough to get hit by the missile
>clouds that are only 50 feet from the ground and have wind that blows you around in an already enclosed mountain space
>sometimes the missile decides to hit you anyway despite being deeply entrenched in a cloud, sometimes it loses you the second you touch a single water vapor
>not always enough time to turn around, have to take a blind leap over a mountain
>sometimes there are zero clouds anywhere near you after going over a mountain
I'm playing on ace difficulty guns only no damage and going for s rank. This mission simply isn't fun in the slightest and is a definite step down from every other mission, even pipeline destruction. Stop sucking japanese cock for once in your life.

The only nice thing I found in that whole thing is the music that plays when the Trinity missile is fired.

Did anyone ever have to go into a cloud to dodge a missile outside of multiplayer? Only time I've ever used a cloud was for that one mission with the scripted 100% hit rate missile that fires whenever you dip up from cloud cover. Otherwise I completely forget they exist.

A lot of the high tier planes feel sluggish as fuck. It's not like previous games where you'd unlock one of the best planes and have trouble controlling it because of how sensitive they were to input. to mph

The gameplay is so boring. There is absolutely no skill involved what so ever. Only retards who have trouble with spatial awareness had problems with the games.

Ace Combat is so easy you can literally tie a fucking rubberband around the thumbstick and just put the controller down and walk away.

>no room was found
ded game. I still have BR cheevos to do dammit

Can I play this game stand alone as my first in the series?

Just found 14 on Xbox.

Took 2 playthroughs to realise they can’t shoot through clouds

Starfox doesn't hold a candle to Ace Combat.

>sims are just as inaccurate as ace combat except also boring as hell

>t. non pilot

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PS4 or PC? I planned to buy PS+ to play COD4 a bit and thought about doing these trophies too. I hope MP is not dead yet.

Trigger, do everything and end war and solve human hunger

I can't believe Trigger saved the white race! I can't wait to tell my son about this.

Sure. The series is mostly standalone. It makes references to 4 and 5 but it sticks to it's own story.

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>l-let's leave this one to trigger, am-amirite guys?

Attached: Trigger.jpg (752x671, 264K)

I never did get around to playing these. For some reason the only flight combat game I played was Blazing Angels.

>I'm playing on ace difficulty guns only no damage and going for s rank.
Yeah, no wonder you're having no fun
ayylmao, just gitgud like that guy that managed to kill both Drones with UGBs

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Thanks mate.

I'm sorry Trigger but you are going to eliminate a hundred drones without the use of missiles and keep your altitude below 100 so your wings are barely touching the ground. Oh and I think there will be a thunderstorm, sorry no choice.

Good luck!



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>doing any arsenal bird mission on a zero damage run
I'm ready to die

DCS doesn't make you a pilot you sad LARPer

Nevermind fighting Sol squadron is cancer, they fly at like 200kph and flip around in maneuvers that are literally impossible to do as a player, boring as fuck having them constantly be slower than you despite being on the brink of stalling out your plane.

buy AC7 two more times

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I heard chinese hackers killed PC with infinite missiles and no cool down.