Miriam is for daughteru'ing,
it still looks like shit
slightly disagree
well maybe you should tell your daughter to stop dressing like a whore if you don't want my dick to point at her like the fucking millenium ring from yu-gi-oh
That's nice. Animations are still bad.
>that English dubs
That game tricked backers into thinking was gonna have 2D graphics. Not 3D souless shit.
You may have forgotten but I did not.
No, reading the Kickstarter campaign page, they made it clear from the beginning that they would be doing 3D graphics.
This isn't like Mighty No. 9 where it actually was misleading.
i like her design, kinda disappointing she probably dies after this fight
>Got conned of his money because he can't read
God, what a retard.
it only tricked backers who are too braindead to read the text right there at the bottom of the image you just posted, if your IQ is that low you deserve to get mugged anyway
I didn't back it.
Only game I've ever backed is Code Hardcore
>backing a kikestarter
>not being able to tell those are 3D models in your pic
You are either blind, retarded, or both.
Who cares - imagine the porn
Concept art heavily implies 2D graphics, you can't deny that.
I thought this game looked like shit the first few times i'd seen it but its really coming into its own.
>tfw you didn't backed Bloodstained
Nothing to apologise for, I'm really looking forward to this
>dude wtf they said it was gonna look exactly like this i got tricked
Only when Curse of the Moon 2 is announced.
Read the FAQ, it's in there.
It's amazing how wrong that sinking ship comic was. Retards thought this would be any different from any other cashgrab kikestarter. This looks terrible.
please explain your reasoning
Did you expect the concept art to be in 3D?
>Building out the custom shaders that will define this game's visual style will take some time, so we can't show you in-game screenshots just yet. We've put this concept art together just to give you a general idea of the game's feel and layout.
>We'll be talking to backers all through the development process, and showing you the progress we're making. Using UE4 allows us a great deal of flexibility, and Inti Creates can't wait to show you just what they can wring out of it.
That doesn't imply 3D graphics at all. You can make 2D graphics games with UE4.
check the FAQ.
>Will the game look exactly like that concept art?
>Building out the custom shaders that will define this game's visual style will take some time, so we can't show you in-game screenshots just yet. We've put this concept art together just to give you a general idea of the game's feel and layout.
>We'll be talking to backers all through the development process, and showing you the progress we're making. Using UE4 allows us a great deal of flexibility, and Inti Creates can't wait to show you just what they can wring out of it.
added on May 2015
do you know what shaders are?
Neat. Too bad we will never have another CotM. Igavanias are okay but CotM was my favorite in the series.
That last comparison shot is such a relief, my biggest issue with the visuals before was the lack of detail on the walls and floor. Looks really good now.
great reference
Scroll down, dumbass.
>Inti Creates can't wait to show you just what they can wring out of it.
This sounds almost sarcastic now.
i will dogeza in public if the gameplay actually turns out to be good
I still don't like how plain the stage looks but it is a vast improvement. They really have tried to improve it, just a shame it went from bad to passable instead of amazing
im amped for this game. the soundtrack is going to be great.
is this shit ever going to release? I really wanna play it but this is taking forever
no. it'll be the star citizen of its genre.
>those english voices
This shit is gonna have dual audio right? Jesus Christ.
>Launching Summer 2019!
or so they say
The new release window is summer, but I honestly wouldn't hold your breath. And also kinda hope it gets delayed cause each time the visual do improve an noticeable amount
>if the gameplay actually turns out to be good
It did, backer demos showed it plays just as well as the DS Castlevanias.
Confirmed for this summer.
Curse of the Moon should have least convinced you to give this a chance.
Pirate it if you must but don't write it off dammit.
No playing castlevania with horrorible English voice acting. Why even bother playing bloodstained if you don’t want the castlevania experience?
That concept art is a fucking mess. If the game actually looked like that, it'd look way fucking worse you retard.
So then every game that shows its concept art before release is a scam because it implies the game is gonna be 2D. This is your logic. You're retarded.
SotN voice acting was funny, Bloodstained's dub is just bad.
And all the other games uses jap audio or at least have the option to change it.
>They tricked people by clearly explaining their intentions
>And all the other games uses jap audio or at least have the option to change it.
Pretty sure this has a Japanese dub as well
Yeah. The demo had Japanese voices so this one should too. I imagine english Castlevania fans will wanna hear Hayter and Belgrade but the rest of the cast are literally whos, while Ami Koshimizu and some Jojo actors are in the Japanese voices.
>And all the other games uses jap audio or at least have the option to change it.
Was it confirmed somewhere that Bloodstained won't let you do that?
No thanks I like having ears.
Just because something is funny bad doesn't excuse it from being bad.
It didnt ever say 2d it said side scrolling your fault for assuming 2d
I don't care for MGS or Hayter.
Glad the backgrounds are improved.
>ignores the question that literally asks Why 2.5D
based retard
This is one of those games that I'd enjoy much more on my Switch, but my autism always wants to get them on PC if available because of any potential mods.
Not that guy but when did it start meaning 3D games played on 2D plane? I remember the term meaning the opposite. 2D games that utilize depth. Like Fatal Fury Special.
No, it will allow it.
Also the Japanese cast is high tier.
>SotN voice acting was funny
SotN's VA work is still bad.
First of all,
>giving money to a kickstarter, ever
That being said
>I gave money before I completely understood the iclearly laid out intentions and am now angry that the game being made isn’t exactly what I wanted
This is a special kind of pathetic. I hope you get a lesson out of this at least
Since fucking always you fucking idiot.
>Explain that it's not the final look
No it didn't you fucking cocksucker. Even fucking wikipedia used the old definition
It was the hilarious kind of bad.
Unless you're talking about the PSP redub, that one just sucks.
Double dip, goy. I ended up choosing a the physical Switch version, since it would look nice alongside my GBA and DS Castlevania games, plus comfy portable metroidvania goodness, literally can't go wrong here.
Oh wait my bad. It never did mean 3D games on the 2D plane. It's just something you made-up. Wow, who could've guessed. It wasn't language evolving, it was just fucking retards using words they don't fucking understand. Wiw
>not playing SotN in japanese
>not blessing your ears with Norio Wakamoto
Not the other anons but 2.5D has been used to refer to 2D games with 3D everywhere else forever now.
LittleBigPlanet for ps3 was the prime example back when it was getting compared to New Mario Bros constantly
ok so they added some texture to this one scene but it doesnt look any better on a technical level
it still looks like shit
I leave that for Order of Ecclesia since Wakamoto also voices Rugal and Dracula starts doing Genocide Cutter kicks
>technical level
Elaborate. There is a clear difference in shading, for example. What technical aspect are you talking about?
I don't need to apologise, My friend backed the game earlier than me, gave me the old demo, and then I backed for €60.
Then the beta backer demo came out and I upgraded to the Alchemist Treasure Edition.
Not regretting the decision yet, but I hope the non-backer plebs can pay for the backer DLC.
Thank you for answering my question like a normal, thinking human being and not like a fucking bold monkey unlike the other user who sucks dick, is a prostitute and will get AIDS and die in the next 5 years.
Still shit
There has to be a catch, no way they improved everything that much in so little time without it suffering elsewhere
Eh, they added some textures and better lighting over their low poly ugly 3D models.
Congrats, it went from looking like a cheap mobile game to a middle tier mobile game.
Nice looking blood.
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but it was supposed to look cheap a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-and muh epic mighty no 9 faaaaaaaiilllll >:(
Yup, still ugly as fuck. It's nice that they're trying.
They brought Wayforward on board recently specifically so they can help out with visuals and bug fixes.
I think the game has been nearly done for a while, and this is basically just going over what they can. I expect some rooms won't get as much attention
From the update
>00:22 – Chandeliers did not move when Miriam walked on them, now they swing and react to her weight and movement, after a fan asked for that on Twitter.
>00:46 – We want to make foliage in the back and foreground move / react to the boss battle / wind etc. (no promises!)
Can't fucking wait. This is my second most hype game behind DMC5. The backer demo was fun as shit and I grinded out all of the craftable weapons and upgradable shards just for fun.
I do hope they nerf the Arrow shard. That thing was OP as fuck once upgraded. I'm also hoping but doubtful that we'll get an offhand weapon or loadout swap. Having to go into a menu to switch to another weapon type or shard felt very antiquated compared to DoS and the like.
They also added hair physics for Miriam. It never bothered me but now that it's there I'm really happy it's a feature.
Yeah I agree, the game looked so fucking bad before, now it's looking great.
>That game tricked backers into thinking was gonna have 2D graphics
No it didn't
Jiggle physics when?
Were you born stupid or dropped on your head as a child?
>That scream he does when Drac dies in the SotN intro
The fucking picture straight up says it's concept art and not representative of the final game.
Them tiddies looks nice but I'm still not entirely sold. At least we get some nice models from the game though.
Look really good, but I still need to see their mouth flap animations when talking, those were the biggest issue of the demo
Now that the visuals are fixed I have no issues in saying that this game will be great.
Interesting style, but ultimately still soulless.
unga bunga new game bad old game good unga
why should I trust dracula
die monster
when they release this game, we will have actual virtual reality
what is a 3d game but a miserable pile of polygons?
Is the image on the right soulfull enough for you?
I fucked up.
Still looks mediocre glad I didn't back it
Believe whatever you want
"Reformed" Dracula, thank you
We'll have at them eventually
Yes, very good.
>open thread
>no aradia
>close thread
wait no, the one on the left, ON THE LEFT
Too late
they should show more of the customization options
that look like those cheap metroidvania games made in flash. kinda like aquaria
that looks pretty good
>everyone trying so hard to turn this into another Mighty No 9
>IGA blows them the fuck out by showing actual improvement with the delay while MN9 looked just as bad on release as it did during beta
Buy on switch, pirate on PC. Or don't I ain't your mother.
how much silicon?
I just wish it looked a little bit better. The game has come a long way now
delet this, her chest isn't that big
Can't fucking wait, bros.
The tub and boss look better now, but anyone else think the background looked better when it was darker? New version looks too bright.
the old shit is so embarrassingly bad
Who is cuter? Miriam or Shanoa?
Aradia. Miriam and Shanoa are sluts.
anything would've looked better
Reminder that Miriam is canon an anal slut.
Proving that games are always better if the main character is a big titted anal slut
>concept art is gameplay
where did you find this out? :O
This looks so much fucking better
I hope they fixed those idle animations and the mouths. Scarf physics are still bad.
I can actually read so I never expected that.
I am a backer at a high level, so I have insider info
thats like my dad works at nintendo shit but...
Shanoa is too autistic to be a slut.
>and the mouths
They did say they worked to improve those.
>On August 20, 2018, the team announced that the PlayStation Vita version of the game had been cancelled due to Sony dropping support for the system; backers that desired the Vita release were given the option of selecting the game for a different platform for free or assorted refund options.[42] In December 2018, the team announced that the planned macOS and Linux versions of the game had also been cancelled, citing "challenges of supporting middleware and online feature support".
>No bloodstained for the vita
I do feel bad for them having overpromised on platforms. They should have done some core platforms and added others as they were able.
Sucks for people who wanted it on Vita but I do see how that's more Sony's fault. I'm sure the number of Mac/Linux users is in the low double digits and almost certainly have an alternative platform so I'm less concerned about them.
They refunded the vitafags but why not the linus/macOSfags?
Linux/McOS is not a console.
it was the fault of whoever made the initial survey. They just said "Steam (PC/Linux/Mac)" as an option instead of differentiating between the backers, so they can't offer refunds to linux/macfags without offering refunds to all the PC people as well, which would lend itself to abuse.