It's up

It's up

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hail jim sterling
king of the cucks

What is? His weight?

8ch*n confirmed for "worse version of Yea Forums"

Jim '300 pounds' Sterling making yet more hit pieces when the only thing he needs to hit is a treadmill.

He's taking THQ Nordic to the woodshed for their EightChan AMA.

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I don't even disagree with him. Guilt by association is wrong and anyone trying to put it on THQ deserves to get shot but you have to be fucking retarded to try and have an AMA on a fucking imageboard and not expect this outcome.

it's better that he doesn't
he'll be dead sooner.

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I thought that was Preston Lacey for a second

funny how you never post this image in giant bomb threads


He's a wrestler.

Cripplechan was always the janetty.

>"dumbest PR moves in video game history"
>got everyone talking about their company
No such thing as bad PR


Jim Stirling is a fucking bottom feeder


>it's up!

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Good. When the kiddie fucking accusations finally come out on this fat fuck this will be the first video that shows his huge double standards.

>le infinite chan is da evulz xD
they only have 2 relevant boards and both are more tame and on topic than the ones we have here

>No such thing as bad PR

guess thats why gamergate was so successful

>bad political joke at the start

I like how they skipped Yea Forums, at least here they would just get flooded with cunny

Why pay for marketing and advertising when you can have the constantly butthurt, leftwing morality police do it for you?


Using that logic what's the actual worst PR move in history?

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I don't get libtards. Half of them are Jim's viewers who yell about evil corporations, but the other half is bitching about evil pro consumerism and post shitty memes on GamingCirclejerk subreddit

it was for game journalists

on cripplechan they'd post real cheese pizza

Fuck THQ

Fuck off posting this fat white nazi dressed alt right prick

hes liberal

what the fuck is with the cosplay?

Whatever cost the most money to pull off but didn't get any attention/leave a mark

Worse, he's a commie

He actually explained exactly why that PR was bad.
>pissed off SJW faggots and stained the brand with a fabricated but still pedo-related scandal that could have been easily avoided
>pissed off people who hate SJWs and imageboard people by backpedalling, apologizing

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that's what they all say

>literally who

Based Jim triggering /pol/cels

Its not a bad PR move, because everyone outraged by this are people who never bought or cared about any of their games. If anything, they gained more followers by telling those people to fuck off

Jim Sterling is a fat obnoxious faggot and a shitty "journalist".
His takes are always either shitty or exactly what every other blue check mark is spewing.
You are a mongoloid.
Fuck off.

>HE'S ugly
I cant just look at his videos his terrible way of dressing is unbearable, and his emphasis on words like AAA is so forceful, he have no right to critise others.

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>dresses like a nazi
>pontificates on a podium in front of a clearly nazi eque color schemed spread eagle background

not videogames

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a commie posing as a liberal. Note how he says people FOR freedom of speech as if he's not.

It's always been a containment site for the worst kind of edgy retards.

Give me the quick rundown on what happened on 8ch

SJWs are the new nazis, I agree, though way less cooler.

>piss off the two very small extreme groups
>in exchange for getting the vast majority talking about you
I don't know, sounds kinda worth

But then lost them by saying "sorry, we made a mistake and shouldn't have done that" instead of being muh based and muh redpilled.

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He's full sjw cuck #metoo #censor anime tiddies communist. He's trying to look society union

a Q&A and people not willing to go their assumed what happened

>associating yourself with any chan

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These two groups are the only ones who are going to give a fuck about those news. Everyone else will AT BEST just scroll past that and at worst will just eat the pedo narrative up without going in depth.

what the fuck were they thinking
everyone can make their own board and I'm pretty sure there's some borderline cunny stuff in there

>it's le up xD

Jim Sterling is pretty based tbqh.

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2(4+4)/2 chan is known for having CP posted regularly
So much that it's been de-listed from a lot of search engines
Nobody knows much about it outside of chans
THQ decides that this would be the perfect website to do an AMA on
Everyone that's not a dumb incel/pedo gets mad at THQ for having an AMA on a literal pedo website
Then incels/pedos and /pol/tards get butthurt that THQ decided to backpedal because apparently owning the libs and triggering them is more important than anything else

Applying descriptive nouns you don't like isn't "repeating phrases"

THQ decided to do an AMA there. That was a bad idea, for obvious reasons.

>lets his wife get BLACKED

he lowkey defended Yea Forums
literally /ourguy/

Looks like a nazi=is a nazi.
Word about this ought to get out. How are people not noticing.

No he fucking didn't, shut the fuck up sterling. The only thing close to that was the reply saying Rei from Evangelion was best girl and I don't remember her being a loli.

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I mean, have you seen his wife?

is 8ch*n actually a blocked world or something?
edit: it is

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Jim Sterling alone is the reason why gamers deserve companies like EA and ActiBlizz.

The bloated fat idiot actually defended journalists too incompetent to play Cuphead. People who REVIEW AND SCORE games should be competent.

I expect nothing from the tub of lard.

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still better than this poor imitation of reddit of a site

Please understand that the definition of loli is very pliable with these people.

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fuck this fat bitch who's entire schtick is just endlessly hating on companies for his youtube payday, he doesn't even provide interesting analytical views or much journalistic information just GAMING COMPANY IS BAD! repeated for 10 minutes

I like how the sjws called him an alt-right conspiracy theorist after he said that Diablo Immortal is shit.

>youtube payday
as usual detractors don't know what they're talking about
none of his videos are monetized, he makes enough on his patreon

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Repeated for 10 years more like.

Why are leftist youtubers almost entirely effeminate british males?
>Jim Sterling
>Philosophy Tube
>Three Arrows

Can any bongs explain their countrymen's penchant for snarky socialism?

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Should've known you disgusting, empty deviants would defend 8ch, even if it's coming from a disgusting fat cuckold. Years of Yea Forums's memes and degeneracy has marinated its soot so deep into the furrows of your psyches that you don't even see how fucked you are. You don't know what the fuck is up and what the hell is down.

And once a certain level of dirt has embedded itself under the nail of society, it cannot be undone until it collapses.

holy shit my sides. Why the fuck did this made me laugh?

I mean... he promotes his patreon through youtube videos, so more views=more patreon bucks

>Stop calling me cuck!!!

If my wife was a landwhale with a kid thats is not mine, i'd also be sensible

that is his payday, lets see what his patreon well looks like if he doesn't upload anymore videos..

>sjw's upset
Steward, make a note of how much that concerns me.

Should a nig on Youtube/patreon really complain about another websites "Association" with CP and Racism?

Their only mistake was apologizing afterwards. They did nothing illegal and edginess brings sales better than wokeness.

Faggot americans lap it up.

All British males are effeminate and if they aren't effeminate they are dumb chav normalfag mutts, a people so cucked they pay taxes for sugar and extra rooms

How do we stop trannyera?

How can one man be so based yet so cringe all at once? I like when he talks about anti-corporate shit, and he's at least self-aware enough to try and hold back on politics, even if they do leak out once in a while. But when he goes SJW, it's pretty much unwatchable. I can't tell whether I should like this guy or not.

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>based jim sterling makes /pol/cels SEETHE again

Fuck, that's actually true

didn't this kid cummed on his own face and post pics? why tf he whining about infinity chan?

jim is in this purgatory where he says things that makes both sides hate him. i dont agree with a majority of views, but he seems like a guy who is unwilling to change his views on anything for anyone and i can respect that

>5G discord trannies STILL trying to astroturf here
nobody but clintontrash cares that they had an AMA on a free speech website

this is the future of gamedev, faggots. if you're left wing in 2019 you should be sterilized.

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so does he still care about workers rights of people working under rockstar or has he already abandoned that cause for the new hot take?

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why does everything have to be so fucking moralfaggy now

like why give a shit if THQ did an AMA on 11-3chan



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>it's all about those clicks
i'd say abandonware

He has a Tumblr whale as a wife so he has to kowtow the political line.

Why should you like a guy for parroting common sense?


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