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I got really bored of RDR it took too long to get anything done

The gameplay is also better

>I'm a sperg who has the attention span of a goldfish.

ADD is an evolutionary advantage.

Twlight Princess looked better than BOTW

Finally played BotW. It's shit.
>majority of world map is just empty space with nothing going on
>every hidden nook and secret place is exciting to discover at first, until you realize the only thing it contains is a fucking Korok seed
>LITERALLY the smallest number of enemy types in any fucking Zelda game, for how big this fucking game is (No tektites, wall masters, peahats, leevers, NO FUCKING DARKNUTS, dodongos, poes, etc. etc. etc. etc.)
>bullshit "minimalist" soundtrack

Seriously, it's a half baked pile of garbage.


get dunked on tendies

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How many trees in RDR2 can you cut down?
Can you climb all of those mountains with your bare hands?
>picture inside a desert cave compared to a wide open landscape
>bbbbruhshhs it loog differend....

shit taste

>being this insecure

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Why no giant horse? ;(

>beautiful hand drawn aesthetic vs dogshit tier polygonvomit "realism"

I wish I was a horse

Not even, it was just TOO cinematic for my tastes, it reached a point where I was like damn at this point I might as well just watch a movie. Weapon variety was dull (which to be fair would be expected for that time period so I cant complain too much) also didnt like the way that the game basically played itself for you, the auto aim was basically God mode and you could get on the horse and just let it ride itself, just let me fast travel or make me play the game dont give me this weird in between thing where I dont fast travel but I also dont play

Oh yeah wait how could I forget:
>NO fucking dungeons, just a bunch of busywork shrines that all look the fucking same
>Divine Beast fights are pathetically easy
>"b-b-but inside the DB is basically a dungeon!" Yeah another shrine-sized bullshit area that takes all of 5 minutes to clear, and all bosses can be easily cheesed with enough bomb arrows

Fuck this fucking game.

One of those is a fun game
The other isn't

>one of them is fun

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Both are fun, but the bottom poops.

botw looks bad, not just from a technical standpoint but from an aesthetic one as well. phew

Wait a minute....are you telling me...Yea Forums doesn't like Breath of the Wild?? I've never heard such an opinion be spoken on this website...

>hand drawn aesthetic

The biggest lie ever told is that BoTW is a beautiful game. The environment models are extremely chunky and primitive, barely qualifying as early 360 level of detail. The game does it's best to hide it's vacant, crude landscapes with flat colors and overly glossy shaders, but the end result is something that only looks good under very certain lighting conditions, and merely serviceable elsewhere.

While I think BoTW is the more fun game, RDR2 is a masterpiece of visual artistry in a way few other developers can even compare.

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There is a literal one second input delay in RDR2, it's the worse game by default.

Hold A/X while turning, stop parroting this non-sense.

why aren't they displaying the 20 rifles arthur is carrying on his horse?

>Comparing a cartoony game to a realistic one


RDR is about as graphically impressive as it is looking at a wallpaper.
You can't really compare those two games as BotW doesn't try to have detailed graphics.

Why aren't they displaying the 30 swords Link is carrying in his asshole?

As a white man who doesn't like being told by niggers that I'm oppressive and mean, Zelda is muuuch better.

one is praised for its realism while the other is not

remember when redner group shills got really mad when people said that they will only buy this game on sale, then the redner group shills responded by saying that that'll take like two years for the price to drop? it's already 35 on amazon now. it is still generally too expensive for a 7/10 game.


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And in ten years everyone will point out that RDR2 looks like ass while posting screenshots of "cartoony" games emulated at 8k and raving about how well they aged, just like every single fucking generation of games since 3D graphics became mainstream.
"Realistic" graphics only look good in comparison to worse "realistic" graphics so when they are surpassed they immediately become garbage while stylized games are timeless.
>but this time is different
Keep making that bet, maybe one decade you'll be right. But not this one.
