Game's great, but

my plane is still bigger than most buildings, and about the same size of trees. I thought I would be dogfighting in between skyscrapers by now, but I guess not. I mean, I understand this being the case in previous entries, but, don't we have the technology to make scale and proportions right nowadays? Lower your altitude enough and everything looks like crap, just like in PS2 days.

Attached: ac7.jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

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Planes are big, but yes they still cheat on the scale to save on the performance and not bother with the level of details the stuff on the ground would require if everything was scaled properly.
It's still better here than the PS3/360 games although Assault Horizon had proper scale sometimes

How close was I to beating Defend Stonehenge? The base died right after I downed the choppers.

Attached: 1549986833988.jpg (334x322, 7K)

you were within 60 seconds of the next checkpoint. engage the bombers as soon as possible. they're the biggest issue.

"Stick with Trigger and you'll make it."

Attached: 1463295969516.jpg (633x758, 59K)

One solution to this would be making flying space vary depending on the mission. For instance, some missions could be set way high above, sacrificing ground textures and structures, while others focusing on ground.

>"Stick with Trigger, he's the only one putting actual effort into this"

I am honestly amazed at how solid each mission is in this game. It's like watching a film unfold every mission.

Yes, AC7 has the best missions, and also the best mission variety.

Don't say that. It's my first AC and I was planning on going through the PS2 trilogy after this.

And the best music

And that's why I haven't bought Ace Combat for years. They need to try way harder.

This game is like a non-stop adrenaline rush. I haven't enjoyed a game like this in years.

Do it. They're all great in different ways. To me, AC5 has the most memorable story and characters, AC4 will give you feels. Also, play AC3 (Japanese ver with translation patch)

how big do you think planes are IRL?

0 is still great. I wouldn't call 5 a masterpiece, but it's fine too. 4 is pretty weak t bh, I should have started with it instead of 5 and then 0, now it just feels like ass.

6 has the best missions

5 is a masterpiece though

Attached: thumbs.png (583x720, 273K)

Not larger than the hangars they store them in.

4 still has the best written plot, so just play it for that and nothing else. To this day I'm pretty amazed at how well the localization team did with the script.

What I want to know is who the fuck thought AC0's weird "live-action/ADR" cutscenes weren't uncanny as hell.

Attached: ac4still.png (998x586, 791K)

Aircraft aren't small, user.

Attached: pilot-inspects-f15e-1800.jpg (621x414, 26K)

>4 is pretty weak t bh
Only when compared to 5 and 0, but the style of its narrative is pretty unique. Gameplay-wise is superior and more dynamic than 3.
Personal taste aside, It's safe to say there's no bad mainline AC.

>4 is pretty weak t bh
Stonehenge, Megalith and the Yellow Squadron plot disagrees

Are you anons mentally disabled?

>dogfighting in between skyscrapers
AC:AH was made for you