Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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They would both be dead the nanosecond they started existing.

fire melts ice
ice turns into water
fire boils water
water turns into steam
half life 3 confirmed

>who wins?
The explosion that occurs when those two start fighting

what exactly makes -1,000,000 Celsius colder than -273 degrees celsius?

Ice knight because he's cooler.


Soul calibur is shite

Wrong. You obviously know NOTHING about temperature.

Fire faggot
His molecules can move, unlike stationary-man

dude it's obviously -999727 C colder

Wouldn't matter as the second they set foot on anything it'd be instantly destroyed.

Ice knight because he defies laws of nature while fire knight is just a bitchy hot head.

Would Ice Knight flashfreeze the universe with no survivors?

Based and Icepilled

That's impossible. The lowest possible temperature is −273.15° C, you can't go lower than that because at that temperature the atoms stop moving.

Attached: consider.jpg (600x600, 32K)

What happens to matter exposed to absolute zero? Or what are the popular theories?

>stop moving
as far as humans have recorded, there's no point in considering vibrations slimmer than those demonstrated at ~-273C but fuck if you think those sorts of numbers dont get thrown out the window every 50 years


Brainlet post. The atoms are still moving. At such low temps the relationship between classical motion and temperature isn’t as simple

>Ice Kike melts by just moving
>Fire Chad does a 360 and leaves

Attached: dabe.jpg (474x711, 34K)

>this is what flaming homos actually believe
Ice Chad flash freezes Fire Cuck so hard that everything even related to heat flash freezes too in an Instant before dabbing away

the dipshit not wearing a helmet

Once you get cold enough the atoms start moving backwards, this is how time travel is done

Now that my going into games machine is fixed I've done a lot of research on this


Attached: laffinatyou.jpg (240x240, 11K)

Molecules cant move past -273 degree Celsius, -10000 its as cold as -5000 or -273

SCIV Siegfried was so cool, I miss him

The guy in the right no doubt(Since the guy in the left would be an innmovable object)

They clash and fuse into a knight made of medium, at absolute 0 degrees Celsius

Finally some solid proof!

what if Knight made of ice is actually an int underflow and way hotter than Knight made of fire

Ice knight. He essentially stops existing at that temperature and is nowhere in the universe and yet its wave length would stretch accross the entire universe. He would be an all encompassing god of cold.

absolute zero means that all atomic movement has stopped, right?
so logically, if something goes below -273, its movement reverses in the opposite direction that it would've been going otherwise.

Based and cool Ice chad

Not solid. Gas

if the ice knight were actually -1mil degrees celsius cold he'd be colder than the absolute null point wich lies at -273 degrees so probarbly the ice knight

This, it's basically like trying to to go below 0, or to divide by 0.
It's an absolute impossibility.