Why does Yea Forums think that RE4 is the best Resident Evil game?

Why does Yea Forums think that RE4 is the best Resident Evil game?

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I never got why people liked it so much
It's too stupid and wacky
I quit after the castle with the midget

Best Resident Evil spinoff.

Because Yea ForumstendoGaf. Everyone knows it's the worst game and ruined the series.

Because they never played the RE1 remake.

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I never got the Yea Forumstendogaf meme
Yea Forums liked Nintendo before both reddit and Neogaf were even coded

This, it's good but it has too much stupid and whacky shit. Like that kick, the minute ypu kick a zombie you see how goofy this game is. A kick that makes zombies spin in the air like it is mortal kombat.

it's not. that's remake1

because it is

this game was ahead of it's time

I still remember when I played the demo in that shitty gamestop... probably 2004? this was 15 years ago, fuck

RE has never taken itself seriously.

Console war shit got bad during the Wii U era and the shitposting newfags that appeared never left.

it's because sonybros got bullied at ps3 launch by virtually everyone, went in to overdrive with obnoxious shitposting, and then cherrypicked mod cleanups to "prove" their point.
since then newfriends come along and think that's how it was and people perpetuate it.

RE1 did. The campy VOs were not deliberate. RE1 has virtually no camp aside from the VOs. It's straight up spoopy mansion tiem. Same shit with 2 and 3. 4 is where they started doing it consciously.

Because it is, you fucking subhuman, contrarian, meme thread starter, faggot?

You misspelled RE1 Remake, RE4 hits a high point with the beginning area, the village, and then coasts for the rest of the game in the castle and the island.

If you recently played RE1R and then 4 and still think this, you are a tasteless nigger faggot who is killing gaming.

I know, but in regards to the story, not the gameplay, in the first three, whenever you were playing, you felt tension. Now, a kick that makes zombies spin in the air is whacky as fuck if you xompare it to the first four RE , but i gotta say that re4 still has some of that tension.

>Jill Sandwhich
>Mr. X in general

We don't, it's just a few loud zoomers

the original games did take themselves seriously, they were just badly translated
RE4 and onwards just take a step towards wacky Japanese action game territory

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they dont . only retards think that

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One joke does not a self-aware camp-fest make. By that logic, the LOTR movies were less earnest than RE.

And Mr. X might be goofy, but I think that's retrospect. A lot of shit that would have flown in the 90s appears ridiculous to us today.

Go dilate your bunghole for your daily BLACKED session you rehash sucking stagnation worshipping nostalgia nigger

You may think that RE4 was a fun game, and I don't mind that, but it is the single pivotal point that turned the franchise to shit.
Capcom just clearly didn't know what to do with it after 3. the fact the original RE4 got thrown in the recycle bin is telling. The direction it took was damaging. I'm glad it looks like shit will be taken back on track now in terms of gameplay, though the overall story may be irreparable.

t. some retard who prefers 4 to 1R

the castle is the most detailed and the longest part of the game. the village is comfy but it rarely makes you feel any kind of tension or creepiness.

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The Island is good.

>village is comfy but it rarely makes you feel any kind of tension or creepiness.
literally the opposite of the truth

I always thought Yea Forums's hivemind preferred REmake over 4

Because it's the most fun and reward accurate shooting.

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That's why it's great. It's fucking bonkers

why do retards like rebecca?

I bet you're DMC fan and watch shounen anime

>muh taste>your taste
Get a girlfriend and stop polluting Yea Forums with your presence you living failure

why do retards like RE4?

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Could something like this be made today?

They don't. The inventory system and multiple mechanics hurts their brains. Patricians love RE4, but retards love Becca.

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>pretending that v isn't exclusively people shitting on each other's tastes and calling them subhumans for liking things
fuck off back to RE*ddit

>inventory management matters in RE4

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>The inventory system and multiple mechanics hurts their brains.

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>t. started browsing in 2009

You're fighting fucking zombies/infected. There's no way to "take them seriously" in this day and age, or even back when RE4 was made. They got burnt the fuck out. Go play Dying Light or Dead Island if you want to see how boring a zombie game can be if it thinks its serious business.

it needs a modern control overhaul (why they didnt do this for the HD release is beyond me.) The tank controls didnt age well and are fucking retarded.

>Not spending five minutes meticulously organizing the items in your case.

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>deliberately picks two shitty games made by the same people
TLOU takes itself pretty fucking seriously. You may hate it for being a movie game, but it doesn't come off as anything but serious and isn't boring.

This, you can play it today and it still feels totally fine. The controls arent even wonky they're the best of the original style of RE controls.
Was also the perfect blend of campy and scary, yeah the midget was meme worthy but that heavy breathing sound of the regenerators still haunts me....

Resident Evil has always been stupid and wacky, right from the first game which had a literal Indiana Jones style boulder scene. Why do people pretend RE was always serious in tone?
For that matter, why do people even care about story in RE? It's always been hamfisted, over-the-top schlock whether it's trying to be horror or action. It's dumb and it doesn't pretend to be anything more and that's why I love it

aside from the house defense scene with luis, there's not much in the village that really gets the juices flowing for me. i always enjoyed just walking around and admiring the scenery and ghost town atmosphere.

It wasn't always until fucking eternal summerfags like you jumped onboard the endless shitposting train.

I played it recently and it's good, but still aged badly. RE1R was a better experience. I played that even more recently.

because it would break the game? just like the first 3 RE's the difficulty and tension come from the perspective and camera angle

the fact you can never see behind you means you have to choose wether to knife that cunt on the ground as quickly as you can and risk getting hit from behind or turn around, no ones there and lose a chance to knife him

TLOU is going for something completely different from any RE. It's one of those "humans are the real monster" stories that the walking dead started, the infected are just a plot point and relegated to the background. Not at all what an RE game should be like.

The village, especially during nighttime, was always the scariest RE4 location to me. Something about autumn in a hostile rural area is just the perfect blend of spooky/comfy.

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why bother

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Cause you won't be able to fit a fish inside your inventory if you don't.

I threw up

Attache case was God tier best inventory system in VG history, those clicks were just so satisfying.

This. Is there a mod that fixes RE4's shitty tank controls?

"stop playing Resident Evil 4"

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Based. Fuck neat freaks

You're as retarded as the people who whine that REmake needs an over-the-shoulder mod.

>HD release
>why didn't they rework the control mechanics?
>doesn't like tank controls
it writes itself

I played RE Zero, REmake1, REmake2, and I'm about to play RE4 now. How scary is RE4 compared with the other Resident Evil games I mentioned?


Because you said that I actually literally just turned it on to see since it's been a little while and imo they still feel fine, I dont know if it's because I just expect it to play the way that it does or what but I couldnt see it controlling any other way, if anything just make transitions a little smoother

It's the same as every RE game, by the end you've got so much ammo and weapons that it's not scary anymore.

>For that matter, why do people even care about story in RE?
if you dont enjoy the narrative in a typical console action adventure you're not going to enjoy the game, the gameplay is never anything to write home about

Not at all.
It's more about tension in combat.
Also lower your expectations. It's good, but overrated as fuck.

This. The only problem with the controls is that the animations are from yesteryear and don't 'flow' into one another very well. The actual act of controlling Leon is perfect and it's the only game that does an escort mission successfully.

I didnt really mean control wise.

Not him but I didn't mind fixed camera angles and tank controls in Zero, REmake1, RE2, RE3, and Dino Crisis games. Tank controls just suck for RE4.

>Also lower your expectations. It's good, but overrated as fuck.
This. RE4 is a great game but it's not the enlightening experience lots of people make it out to be. It's just really fucking fun.

Don't know about Yea Forums but I like it because it's got really fun satisfying combat with a lot of little details to discover that make it more fun and really good enemy/level design fitting for the combat mechanics. But I also prefer action games, RE1/REmake have some good non linear level design and exploration but you need to do multiple playthroughs to get anything out of it and by then it completely loses its tense "survival" elements and becomes just kind of a slog to play.

>How scary is RE4 compared with the other Resident Evil
early RE ~7/10
4 - 6 RE ~3/10
at one point you literally get chased by a giant animated stone statue of a midget with a napoleon complex

>the animations are from yesteryear and don't 'flow' into one another very well
Good, snappy animations are based and responsive with none of those retarded in between states adding lag or worse yet magnetism

Like RE3 without Nemesis

>by the end you've got so much ammo and weapons that it's not scary anymore.
How much weapons and ammo you have is not the issue. I mean the surroundings, enemies, and the overall atmosphere.

What are the chances of RE4 getting a remake?

>you need to do multiple playthroughs to get anything out of it
this is retarded
you're saying you got NOTHING out of your first playthrough, when the game is by design the best when it's your first experience? You could say "to get the most out of," but to say "anything" is ludicrous. My first playthrough was nearly 20 hours and it was a 10/10. I've beaten it two more times and am on my 4th and while fun to speedrun/economize, it's nowhere near as epic as that first time when you know nothing.

But that's not true, though. Every time someone posts anything remotely positive about RE4, this user (and yes, it's always the same user) posts a "Becca_face_unimpressedX" pic as one of the first replies, serving as a prime example of the general hostility that this game generates on this day and age.

In relation to its level design and exploration, on your first playthrough that extra depth is mostly useless, if it isn't actively tedious as a result of you stumbling across the wrong item at the wrong time. I don't remember what my actual first playthrough of RE1 was like since I was a kid, REmake didn't do much for me though

Dead Island sucks but Dying Light is pretty solid.

Dead Island was a 6.5-7 for its day. It was the best zombie killing experience after L4D2 when it came out. I put like 50 hours into it. I couldn't put more than 5 into DL before putting it down forever. I wanna try it again, but now I gotta fork out more money for "muh enhanced edition"? Fuck that.

I tried to play it a couple of months ago. It aged like shit.

Wait until RE4 gets a remake, then everyone'll start shitting on the original RE4. It'll happen.

It wont get one, it's already been remastered for every console theres no incentive

All of the games play themselves straight. Just because you find them campy/humorous doesn't mean that isn't the case.

You can have snappy animations that flow into one another without those issues, retard. Fighting games do it all the time.

anyone who thinks RE4 was the start of action RE is just parroting memes.

the series turned into an action game at the second half of RE1 itself. and RE2 sealed the deal with its bountiful ammo supply.

Fighting games are the definition of snappy arcady animations where characters can instantly snap from one pose to another without the need of transitional frames and outright cancel animations with various moves the fuck are you talking about. Even ones with heavy blending just constantly cancel animations as needed

I mean, I know what you're saying with the hunters, but it was not even close to an action game just because some fast enemies showed up. It does feel like they ran out of ideas and just threw them in to mix it up.

I must disagree user. When the hunters turn up and the game slowly starts letting you have more ammo to handle them, the game absolutely shines.

The enemy variety in RE1/make was absolutely spot on. Almost everything worth doing with the series was done in the first game itself, they held nothing back.

not really an RE game
loot pinata inventory tetris game staring Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil series more like

Resident Evil has always been about shooting zombies/mutants to some degree, but you'd also be memeing if you claimed RE4 wasn't a major break from the formula of the earlier games and one aspect of that was the increased focus on action, part of the game's systems encouraging that being enemies actually dropping money and ammo, the enemies being generally less avoidable, the hordes of enemies, the entire atmosphere of Leon being some action star throwing out one-liners and jumping out of second story windows, new shooting mechanics (you can actually aim) etc. Part of action becoming the focus was also other areas becoming less developed. Just compare the linear path you follow in RE4 and its self-contained one room puzzles to navigating the mansion in RE1.

>OTS mod
I mean that'd be cool. But I wouldn't say its a NEED.

it's a physical impossibility.
you would need to remake the game from the ground up. I actually hope they do it ala RE2.

I dunno. I just find myself mindlessly shooting them with a magnum or shottie. Each shot stuns and sets them up for a follow up if it doesn't kill them in one shot. Didn't feel like it added much but a more twitchy element. Admittedly, they're scary as fuck at first. I wish there were more zombies, desu, esp after leaving the residence. I dunno. The hunters felt like variety for the sake of variety. Like Capcom was like "fuck we gotta add tougher enemies than slow zombies." They didn't fit the theme, though neither do giant spiders and sharks and shit.

>t.b.h is censored
srsly wtf is up with 4cham

youre a couple years late to complaining user