What the hell is going on?
What the hell is going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying porn
Guess the internal conflict within valve reached a conclusion.
japanese porn games being on steam were an easy way to pirate them and not have to wait an eternity for a translation patch
It's just loli or low effort puzzle furfag shit.
Who cares.
VR Kanojo motherfucker.
Oh no vr kanojo what ever will I do without my trash vr hentai.
Fuck yourself look at the other shit you filthy pedo.
And nothing of value was lost
The girl's cute as hell and her pantyhose makes me cum hands free
>steam can do no wrong, all the banned game must have had loli
Except they didn't you dumbass.
just looks like the usual asset flip trash being removed
What the fuck is wrong with loli?
Didn't watched the links provided.
Gigbrainlet confirmed and probably a pedo in denial.
Kara no Shojo isn't an asset flip though
>all the bootlickers ITT
Literally what makes people justify this shit? Is there some kind of a brain parasite in the water
Fuck off pedo.
Contrarianism and desire for (You)s above all else.
> ok we will allow VNs on steam
> ok now we even allow pure porn
> ok now we SHUT IT DOWN
This isnt just "what the hell is going on", its simply retarded.
Btw avalanche of thousands of shitty noeffort games(in general, not only weeb shit) on steam is direct fault of visual novels.
If i remember correctly, when they had strict rules on allowing stuff on steam, they had doubts about anybody wanting to buy VNs. Then some of VNs got through and were quite successful. So people at steam realised they had no idea about what people wanted(and money is money) and opened the gates.
The only immediate losers here are pedos and weebs.
>buying porn games on steam
>buying porn games
>buying games at all
kys redditor tourist.
meanwhile monobeno and maitetsu still alive
>Sexy Furry Puzzle
>Trap Furry Puzzle
>HenTris 2: Shemales:
there are understandable but why VR Kanojo
Justify fucking what? People were pirating/buying porn games before Steam. Actually if you buying this stuff there you need to put a bullet into your head.
God I want her back
I don't buy hentai games but i also don't care if steam has them on the platform.
Why should I care if crappy illusion games get pulled?
Discord trannies
They probably don't want to scare parents off of steam, so they get rid of the games that only desperate neet virgins like you buy anyways.
fippy bippy
It's probably trannyera raiding time again. Not even redditors are stupid enough to defend this shit.
Back to cripplechan pedos.
When can we get a decentralized gaming client so that these fascist statists stop deciding what I can or cannot buy?
>Muh pedos
Fuck off
Why would trannies want to remove sexual content from steam when there's the chance a 9 year old could buy one of these games and grow to become a sexually confused tranny themselves?
>Why would they ban game that sexualizes literal child.
Gee, I wonder.
How's Kara no shoujo pedo.
> It's probably trannyera raiding time again
Yeah, but they are raiding not Yea Forums(or not only Yea Forums), but the steam itself. Trannies fucking hate the word "trap", and some games removed had it the names.
>I know nothing and must screech
Every fucking time.
Pretty weird that Kara no Shojo 2 is being banned, since first game got through fine. What gives, if anything the characters are even older in KnS2, so there shouldn't be any problems.
What is it about trannies that compels them to try to control people? They're worse than Jews in many regards.
You didn't even look at your own links, right?
Do elaborate how I was wrong in my assessment or the game.
The thread is about VR Kanojo though
kns2 is going to epic game store now
stay cucked steamfag
VR Kanojo's benchmark is still up too. This makes no sense.
Fuck off pedofile shitter.
>schoolgirl uniforms
>look barely 15
I don't know my fellow pedo total mental gymnastics.
This chick has a butt shot.
Well yeah, it is not pedo.
uh oh pedophile weebs, Sony doesn't want you, Steam doesn't want you, where will you vermin scurry off to next?
Another rogue sjw dev?
>just loli
Tastelet and brainlet detected
>sexy furry puzzle
lolwut? they aren't even using think of the children to justify the bans any more, they're just randomly banning any porn they see.
It's simple. They know that transgenderism is bullshit, but if they can force the world to believe 2+2=5 then they can pretend to actually be women. This is why they can't just live their lives, they need to push their sickness in sex ed and such.
...I own the game physically, why the fuck would I care what digital store it's available in? I'm just wondering why it's being denied from Steam.
Why should you care that a major platform is censoring more games? Justify how you shouldn't
Well boys, it looks like the r*dditor normalfags are here again. Do we need to scare them away with another cunny thread?
>He shitposts for (you)s
>It has a mature woman in the sea of underage girls so it's not pedo!
Everything? Look up the game, maybe then you'll realize it. which I know you won't since the mere possibility that you could realize that you're wrong frightens you to death.
the first schoolmate was the last game i truly enjoyed and came buckets to
This is what happens when you fire all of the white nerds from your company and hire a bunch of fresh liberal university grads.
>tfw drove tranny to suicide irl
I'm really proud of myself.
>it's another "trannies pretend that pixel are real people" episode
(((Who))) do you think helps them push their shit?
It's okay to like loli normalfags
absolutely based *dabs*
Yes I'm sure the fact that you can't buy them legally will lead to a great increase in those games available for pirating. The less demand there is, the bigger the supply, that's how it works right
Nice, so it's not a game about you peeking onto schoolgirls panties?
They're mentally ill and scared that someone will call them out. So they try to control as much as possible so it won't happen.
It's more okay if you go to jail for liking them too!
The first KnS has much more disturbing content than KnS2, although KnS2 has by far the most fucked ending I have ever seen
>Trannies fucking hate the word "trap"
It's kind of funny considering very few trannies could ever be considered a "trap" since they're mostly just swamp monsters. Maybe that's why they hate it?
That's not an argument since you can be at school at 18. You keep saying it as if it's an argument.
I don't think the characters in KnS2 are underage. The ones in first game weren't, and the sequel is set about year later.
>does it again
You're really not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh?
>alright guys we will allow unlimited porn
>holy shit people are uploading shitton of stuff and lolis
>abandon, ABANDON
Gaben never cease to amaze me.
> that compels them to try to control people?
> worse than Jews in many regards
A hated small group, which is repulsive to everyone else, a natural secret club of sorts. So only way to survive is being organised minority against disorganised majority and have your way through nepotism and scheming. They can not survive otherwise.
Well nobody wants you here and yet here you are.
Why are normalfaggots so guilty about how aroused anime makes them?
They are shitlib communists who are threatened by freedom of expression and beautiful women.
When will some company that is not based out of a fascist EU nation/USA make their own Steam that can be truly uncensored?
He's the one who always comes forward and says that it doesn't matter what is on steam as long as it's not against US law.
I swear all this shit started after they aquired the Camp Santo devs, wouldn't be suprised if it's one of them shitting around.
> tfw drove tranny to suicide irl
It is like saying you made the snow melt away in spring.
oh no no no no no
Steam should just accept Shota at this rate.
>literally screeching with caps lock on
>pretending that his opposition is the one screeching
I repeat, what is the name of the brain parasite that causes this
>I don't think the characters in KnS2 are underage.
they hate anime and prefer real ones
Honestly I'd rather not see porn games on Steam. Especially Japanese ones. It's a never ending target of prudes and various agenda pushing groups. Much better to keep them off the normie radar as much as possible. That aside, who in their right even buys these on Steam to begin with? You play porn games privately. Not showing to all your friends you're playing Fapping Simulator XxXtreme!
>I alawys liked girls/woman who were closer to my age
Even in my 20s that hasn't really changed...
I'm all for the removing of low effort trash but c'mon this is just ridiculous
What's stopping them from having an "Adult" section or some adult content filter that's on by default?
When it comes to h-games people will only buy from those who they can recognize so even if loads and loads of shovelware gets uploaded to an adult section people still won't have trouble finding the game they want
Anything but that!
Valve already said they're removing video content that's unrelated to vidya
But user, loli isn't illegal unless you're in a police state like south korea or burgerland
That one KaraFag must be having a meltdown right now.
Loli is 100% legal in America.
Technically all porn is illegal in America under obscenity laws, but they are not prosecuted for obvious reasons
>Blizzard bans people from their games for wrongthink or playing a wrong class
>Valve bans games from their store
Buncha bloody hypocrites. Either they're a corporation who has the freedom to do what they want on their private property, or they have to bend to your whim. Stop picking and choosing between them.
> my 17 year and 11 months old underage! damn pedophiles!
This makes perfect sense. They screech the hardest against it, yet time and time again it turns out that they're the real pedos, trying to appear holier than thou to defelct from themselves.
So? People are at school when they're 18
Don't worry guys, the greatest porn game of all time is releasing on Steam in just few hours!
Lolicon is only banned in some states
If you live in an anti-statist utopia like New Hampshire or Alaska, you can do whatever you want
If only you could actually argue against it, but you can't.
> Valve already said they're removing video content that's unrelated to vidya
Why did they start an anime store then?
>have students who are 20 in my classes
You're not doing yourself any favors.
I wanted more Illusion games on Steam. Not less. They are doing everything backwards.
If you think that's bannable, don't you think this filth should be banned?
Have you thought that maybe it's not the same people saying those things?
based brainlet
>What's stopping them from [improving anything]
Laziness and complacency.
>Every BL and Otome game features at least one deranged psychopath dude who kills/enslaves/tortures/etc. the protagonist
Is this what fujos really like?
they thought it was a good idea initially
Because that was a while ago and they've changed their minds now
>argue against a made up argument
>when simply looking it up is enough
Yeah, that's not even baiting anymore, you're legit retarded.
It doesn't matter much since it is backed up by a fairly reputable publisher, I'm sure they will sort it out.
Long ago. I remember whole Steam store's main page being about Crunchyroll coming to Steam.
It's set in post-war Japan, school uniforms even in higher education were pretty common.
>Make a bait thread
>Hope no one is around
>Raid to push your agenda until real users come
>get BTFO and leave
>Rinse and repeat
Why is this allowed
They removed fucking VR Kanojo???
Question: does anyone have the pictures from the 2 furry porn game that get deleted for research purposes?
>KnS2 is out
What the fuck?
Why doesn't GoG start allowing adults-only stuff? It would probably be enough to save them.
I wonder how long resetera fags will keep doing their discord invasions. They don't realize we're here forever.
In this one it's the protag who rapes and enslaves the other characters.
>literal verbal diarrhoea
Sorry, but only if you couldn't argue.
I bet you're into handholding.
Sick fuck.
It has been out in English for quite a while now.
...Unless you mean on Steam, no. MG submitted it to Steam for review, didn't hear back for months, and now it was banned. Pretty amazing, since first game got through very painlessly.
Look at all this pedos coping, they're clearly under 15.
This is the only way I will move to another launcher. Mangagamer needs their own service or fucking something.
Are they black
And it's absolute best trait about fujos and legbeards
Formerly hentai games
>no data
>not only retarded but illiterate as well
KnS had straight up guro in it, the death scenes in KnS2 are tame by comparison. Weird.
Yeah I mean out as in removed.
>quadrupling down
If only, you could argue.
>they're clearly under 15
So should MGS be banned? You didn't answer. This schoolgirl was raped and her vagina literally blew up on camera.
Between cunny and the cock, which is more powerful?
No, I'm in yurop so we have more browns then blacks. But they drop out earlier, so it is mostly whites who have to repeat one or two years.
You just want to keep the thread alive, don't you
Was he right?
Because Poles are so retarded that if word got in that they allow schoolgirl porn the shitstorm would be unbelieveable. When local publisher licensed NGNL light novels and censored some Shiro illustrations almost everyone applauded them for it and if you said they shouldn't censor stuff (especially without telling you about it in advance) you were called pedo, disgusting, etc. I don't like loli shit myself but I'll never agree that it's child porn or whatever.
The trannies fucking won bros.
This is a good image. Assuming the data is accurate but I'm too much of a lazy fag to check.
>proves me right again
I would've given you the benefit of the doubt that english simply isn't your first language but not even changs are as stupid as you.
Of course it should be banned. In land of the free, only real life children should be sexualized.
The west's double standard over sexuality is the worst thing to happen to the modern world
>KnS 2
>no steambucks for 3 translation
One fucking job Valve.
No you didn't, you're the only one left in the thread, you discord friends are already board. That's the difference. You will leave, we won't
How do I get into the mindset of wanting it to be harder for other people to buy stuff they like, even though it affects me in no way? Is it just something you need to be born with? Can you train yourself?
>funded by the taxpayer
>t. ESLnigger
Steam needs to just make up their mind with this stuff. It’s clear some of their staff aren’t okay with it and should probably be working under clear rules on what is and isn’t allowed.
If only, you could argue.
More of a game than most VR "experiences"
It's a mental illness.
>t-there will be no slippery slope! It's just your sick loli games that gets banned!
Watch how next year you won't even see a single game with actually appealing female characters allowed on Steam.
It's a recent, Jewish thing.
They wanted more consumers, and sex & relationships interfere with young girls' career training. It was relatively easy to stage a corporate takeover of feminism.
UK numbers don't include the various grooming gang that fucked freely around since those were never reported as sexual assault so it should be even higher.
Brain parasites
If only, you could argue.
>If only, you could argue.
Ah yes, because japs totally didn't set the age of consent to 13 so that pedos can get away with it or outlawed child porn in 2014 very fair comparison!
Are you implying this was a bad thing? Retard.
looks like developer changes on the back end.
>Jewish thing
>Literally posts an image that says "Christian feminist reform groups"
Why should anyone who doesn't play these kinds of non-games care? It's not their problem?
If only, you could argue.
The stats are sourcable, but crime in Japan is very under-reported. I don't mean this as in "EVERY THIRD WOMAN IN JAPAN GETS GROPED IN TRAIN" kind of way, but crims in general are either not reported or investigated further. There's a neighborhood in Osaka where muggings and drug-trade are common, police might label case where somebody died of stab wound to back as suicide, girls do get kidnapped...
Compared to almost any other country it is very safe, but with the amount of people squeezed into one island lots of crime does happen.
Yeah, how dare them. Meanwhile girls born in 2005 in Europe fuck somalians openly.
Extreme insecurity. Fuck up your life so much you have nothing left but bring other people down with you.
Something, something, Japanese HONOR.
Even if you tripled the number, it would still really low in comparison.
It's a good thing if you're a corporation and get to enjoy a doubled number of worker-consumers. If you're a human it's bad no matter who you are. All measures of human happiness among women are down HARD since the 50s when they were housewives under loving husbands rather than wageslaves under corporate bosses.
The effective AoC in Japan is like 18, kys yourself.
Why would you post in this thread if you don't care?
Good. Purge the faggot ass furry lolicon pedo shit. Anyone that bought this shit ought to be on a list somewhere.
People who are vocial against loli are usually pedos themselves.
Oh look, another zealot trying to attack Japan for no reason. Go back to /pol/ faggot.
There's a difference between including themes like child abuse in the story and making it for the sole purpose to wank your dick.
Nice try pedo.
Can't be that. My life can't get fucked any harder, and yet I just want people to be happy and for me to die in peace.
>The best available UN crime statistics must be flawed in exactly the direction that benefits my argument.
every single time without fail
like cockwork
>Drug-trade under-reported
And here I thought drug crime was worse than murder over there
No actually they didn't. Look into it instead of parroting shit you heard on resetera you fucking retard.
Reminder that in the UK, you can get arrested for trying to protect your children from actual rapists.
>every erotic games feature lolis
Look at this duuuude HAHAHAHA
>If only, you could argue.
Christianity is a Jewish religion in which Jews are, per the holy text, God's chosen people.
Feminism is a movement that was hijacked by the wealthy elites (most of whom are Jews) and guided to a corporate destination.
I hope this helps
Why exactly do you care about what other people are wanking to?
>Is there some kind of a brain parasite in the water
Yes, and you got it, you schizo nigger.
>Pedos are trying to look like normal people
>They usually over correct
>If you are against pedos you are pedo
Wait a second, hold up, something ain't right here.
Ah yes because it's not like Britain is known for conspiracy to cover up child rape or anything.
Okay, now read the NEW testament.
Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as adults rated them highly.
Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as teens rated them lowly and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.
>Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. In addition, the study found that the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible -- a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan.
>The research results are published online in Springer's journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.
>The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children. While the authors do not approve of the use of real children in the production or distribution of child pornography, they say that artificially produced materials might serve a purpose.
>every person that is against loli and pedo is really for it!!! I KNOW!!!! CHECK MY CONFORMATION BIASED FROM ONE DUDE!!!
It's actually perfectly right. Virtue signlalers always without fail have something they feel guilty about
>one dude
Oof you poor pedo.
The new testament in which the messiah is a Jew, king of the Jews in fact, and repeatedly tells destitute goyim that he cannot help them because they are not Jews.
Yes, looks like I was correct in saying Christianity is a Jewish-made religion. This is no secret.
It says most prefectures make it illegal to fuck under 16 unless you're in a "sincere romantic relationship"
Honestly, that's a really good system. Japan gets things right.
I'm not that faggot but in most asian countries, getting caught selling drugs is an automatic death sentence.
Indonesia in particular doesn't give a fuck, they will kill you before you even have the time to say "I have diplomatic immunity".
Good, you posted a picture, now read what it says.
What the fuck is up with you guys and calling anybody who doesn't immediately agree with you a a tranny or /pol/ poster? Not everything is fucking black and white, even though Japanese create tons of things that I enjoy, the country has its flaws.
Do I need to post my porn game and doujinshi collection to make you believe that I'm into this stuff too?
It happens pretty commonly in Nishinari in Osaka. If you ever have chance to visit Japan, and are in Kyoto/Osaka, I suggest going there. It's quite a shithole.
People don't mentally develop at the same rate. There are 25 year old dunces who don't understand sex or its consequences, and 13 year old prodigies who absolutely do.
The age of consent should be tied to a competency test.
>The amount of 50s
Why do ya'll want to fuck your grandmas?
I think it's more about normalfags trying to elevate themselves as morally superior to increase their social standing. It's strange to see the same behavior on Yea Forums where everyone is anonymous though.
loli remains the best way to out normalfags
>The Age of Consent in Japan is 13 years old.
>reading the first sentece is too diffilcult for the pedo
Not even suprised.
Just because pedos virtue signal doesn't mean that being pedo isn't wrong and that everyone who is disgusted by pedos is themselves a pedo.
Did these games have lewd patches or were they just literally porn games on the store?
It should be tied to the objective biological parameter. In men it's when you can create sperm, in women it's when you bleed. That is literally how nature intended it to be.
user after Jesus Jews became Christians, the current jews are people who rejected Jesus and by holy text all of them will go to hell.
That's not pedophilia. Pedophilia is attraction for people younger than 13.
Yes now read the part that says that prefectures set their own local ages and in Tokyo it's 18
Do read more than first two words, like really read the whole thing.
My favorite dumb American thing is when you show them statistics about Japan and they just go into complete denial.
>Japan is full of pedophile rapists because of that pedo anime loli shit! We need to nuke those bastards!
>oh, but american, here are these UN stats that indicate japan has a rate of rape and sexual assault that is 40 times lower than yours
>P-please stop comparing the American quality of life to the obviously superior Japanese quality of life! Japan is a wage slave country that works its people to the bone!
>actually, american, here are some UN stats that indicate japanese people work less hours than americans
Being anti-loli is like being vehemently anti-homosexual. Both counts make you look like you're overcompensating to hide the truth.
Doesn't change that the AoC is 13 which gets used in statitics, but don't worry that you're not getting it, you've already shown that reading let alone understanding is far beyond your mental capabilties.
>sincere romantic relationship"
Everyone knows pedos manipulate immature childs to do and say things they don't want, witch it makes a great defence for that sincere and romantic relationship clause of yours.
mangagamer gets fucked with by valve all the time
It says they can still have sex with 13 year olds if it's in a "sincere romantic relationship" though. So not really an AoC of 18 after all.
If Mexico works that much why is it still such a corrupt shithole
A while ago Valve made decision that no external patches were required, and games could be shipped with pornographic content freely available.
The ones with DLSite links in the news post were straight up porn, Kara no Shoujo was not released yet, and Sexy Furry Puzzle was asset flipper just like everything after it.
Because it's a corrupt shithole.
All that work goes to enriching the crime syndicates and the corrupt politicians who are owned by the crime syndicates.
Yes keep reading, it also says "parental consent". I'm sure that happens a lot
HAHAHAHAH, get fucked pedoshits!
>I swear all this shit started after they acquired the Camp Santo devs, wouldn't be surprised if it's one of them shitting around.
It is, that company was full of SJWs, and it is quit clear they don't give a shit about what gaben, also was it me or did artifact get announced after Camp Santo got acquired.
>entire threads get deleted over someone posting Unteralterbach screenshots or saying c u n n y
No other fetish can compete desu
So every normal person is a pedo because they are clearly anti pedo when asked?
It says "usually determined by"
Anyway, I don't think that matters, the point is teens can still have sex with adults if they're in a legitimate relationship (which is how it should be IMO)
They always seem to meme their way back, they got plenty of actual lewd games up.
Every normal person is a pedo (by the societal definition of pedo anyway) because, well, we did the science and it turns out normal people want to fuck teenagers.
having a fetish so niche I have to pay artists to create content.
existence is pain
it's a Yea Forums-approved company doing it instead of sony.
Nothing new, already happenend in the past and the police concluded that he was trying to use animu as a scapegoat.
Still got fucked in the ass.
Definitely trying to use it as a scapegoat, especially considering that child beauty pageant are aired on TV there.
KNS2 has been in stream approval limbo for awhile now. Guess it failed.
No clue about VR Kanjoo, but it's been up for awhile now, with seemingly no issues.
Late Night Nurse Call was supposed to come out on the 16th, it never did. Guess it failed the approval process.
Everything else was cheapo DLSite garbage and asset flips.
If pregnancy wasn't such a high-risking issue for younger girls, I bet people would be more fine with this.
Half the second years and all the third years, are 18 years old.
Even the girls that are 17 do not make it pedo because they're fucking 17.
most of these are fairly bullshit except kara no shoujo 2, which is 100% bullshit. however, that game wasn't even released on steam yet so i wonder if it getting removed was even related to the rest of them.
Has Mangagamer said anything about it?
>they're clearly under 15
But you're wrong.
Nope, and if they do. It'll be the usual "We don't know anything", because Valve never tells them shit.
Reminder that in the US, its perfectly legal to fuck people under 18 in most places.
Don't let California stop you from getting that QT HS GF, Yea Forums, despite you being a wizard!
14-17 year old girls have higher survival rates for pregnancy than 30+ women, and they produce vastly healthier babies.
Women only get one set of eggs and they degrade over the span of their life, leading to lower IQ and increased incidence of genetic illness in the child.
>Downs syndrome incidence organized by mother's age
>At age 16, 1 in 2,843
>At age 20, 1 in 1,441
>At age 40, 1 in 84
A normal person looking at a 3DPD CP will find it disgusting as it should be.
A normal person looking a loli will say "disgusting" but go no further because you know, it's a fucking drawing.
Being obsessed with how loli may turn people into pedo and screaming each time loli is mentionned however is suspicious.
The issue here is that you already equated 3D with 2D when you had to prove the equivalence first.
Which is why the analogy with (virtual) violence is so common when talking about this subject.
Retard, you try to keep them on stream so that you can pirate the english translation.
I live in russia and it's 16 here, which is nice. Most teens also are interested in older men due to alcoholism and dead fathers (so-called daddy issues)
I go to cosplay conventions and more often can hook up with a young girl. Anyway, I can tell you if you actually could court young girls in america you would realize there's nothing wrong with it, they are about as aware as any adult except much more willing.
You realize that unpaid OT is by definition not measured in statistics right? Obviously that work both ways both in the US and Japan, but stats based on employment duration are flawed in countries where employees are known to do a lot of unpaid/undeclared OT and that's the case in Japan even for jobs that gets paid hourly.
A lot of extra "tasks" are also not accounted for because they're supposed to be "fun :^)". Like your company asking you to come on a Sunday in order to help some local charity. It's for good PR after all. You're not forced to come by law but you know your colleagues/boss will hate you for it if you don't. So you come, you lose your Sunday and none of that is accounted for under "work". Late night drinking is the same. That extra 30 minutes cleaning duty at the end of your shift is the same. Those 3 weekly recurring late-night meetings, same etc.
The removal just happened 3 hours ago.
They are based in Japan so they are sleeping right now and probably don't even know about it.
>buying porn
aside, isnt this just a recurring issue that valve refuses to fix?
>guys porn is allowed
>okay wait nevermind
>no wait yeah porn is allowed
>nope we changed our mind
>nah we changed out mind again and its allowed again
>no wait never mind
is it just some rouge employees fucking everything up or something? i swear i see this shit happening every two weeks
Can they ban neptunia as well
>>The best available UN statistics must be flawed in exactly the direction that benefits my argument.
every time
As far as the history has shown, BL/Yaoi focus more on eccentric violence and fetishes, while Bara focus more on vanilla romance and (mostly) normal sex.
They have to try and decide what is an actual game people have put effort into and what is just asset flip shit. Sometimes things get caught in the crossfire.
Showing pedobait and calling it a research it's not a proof that people wants to fuck underage girls.
It's literally all peer reviewed research. I guess you have to retreat into delusion and denial to avoid the facts.
Imagine the day Steam bans the Nep games.
Yea Forums would never be the same.
I'm curious to hear how the UN measure non-declared hours, especially when those hours are often done completely illegally (above weekly cap). I'll wait user.
I want all normies to leave.
Aren't both of those censored?
I'm sure you thought of something that the Ph.D statisticians in charge of the surveys didn't.
if you masturabte to loli porn you may not act on real life girls but you have pedo tendencies. that is a fact.
Here I thought Dead or Alive were the only fuck ups to do this.
It seems to me that Valve has no fucking control over their Steam team and everytime Gabe has to come in and tell them to stop being retarded they listen for a while then go straight back to being retarded.
Flat Organization in a company that big is a fucking mistake.
I'm asking you, still waiting for that answer. Your job to back your numbers.
So what's the problem?
>Aren't both of those censored?
They are.
Fucking SP even fucked up the uncensor patch for Maitetsu so the only way to get it uncensored in english is to... pirate it.
This FAT and JEWISH piece of SHIT needs to go already
Recommend me some games on Steam with explicit sex before it gets removed.
Any tips?
Valve never responded to their mails why Maidens of Michael was removed and that was over 1 year ago. Don't expect anything more than: We honestly don't know why, Valve won't tell us.
i didn't say there was. but the people in this thread "no pedo no pedo youre the pedo" need to admit some stuff.
the worst thing is that Valve buying that company didn't add anything of value to them. the walking simulator fad is long over, and they haven't released any game besides Artifact.
He's not a Jew, but Jews shed a tear of admiration when they look at him.
It's 1000 monkeys typing at 1000 typewriters tier.
That sucks. Pirating isn't too much of a bother though.
Well, as we already established, virtually everyone is a pedophile in the way the word gets thrown around.
Everyone is attracted most of all to teenagers. See
When a graph says that 2- 9 year olds bodies cause intermediate arousal and that 9-12 are arousing you kinda question if the graph itself is made by an actual scientist or a pedo.
i'm not referring to the common usage of the term.
If you kill people in vidya, you may not act on real people but you have homicidal tendencies, that is a fact.
peer reviewed motherfucker, do you even know what this even mean?
All of the porn games I have bought (quite a little) are still available, from Kunoichi Botan to Angels with Scaly Wings. Guess I just have good taste.
Worst is that with how Valve lets employees do what ever they want, we are stuck with those two rouge employees from Camp Santo running steam until Gaben learns how to start firing people or that his way of running the company doesn't work anymore.
GTA 5 mod that replaces all the characters with lolis.
It's symbolic, an Illusion game getting banned means no one is safe anymore.
Even Sayori feared that her next game wouldn't manage to get on steam.
Of course he doesn't, feelsfags just go with their emotion. Thank god thought crimes aren't illegal yet.
You're telling me that half of the population finds 9 year olds arousing you pedo do you know what you post?
Also post proof that it's peer reviewed you faggot because the links of the posts you quoted brings to loopholes without information.
But he's the one that supports this shit. He's the one that allowed Hatred into Steam when the other fuckwad banned the game.
Given how much power they have, there's probably more than two, it just happen those two are the only one we know of.
What a bummer.
>go on Yea Forums in 2019
>Everything is about tranny boogeyMEN.
This is more retarded than thinking jews run everything.
That and someone had to be there to convice him to buy that studio.
regular loli is gross. kemololi is better
Kill all pedos
fuck someone buy me Evenicle before it gets removed
illusion actually made it into steam at one point?
fucking kek
Agreed, loli is based tho
>go on Yea Forums in 2019
>Everything is about tranny boogeyMEN.
>This is more retarded than thinking jews run everything.
The sad thing is that your sentiments are the vocal minority. Gamergate was a mistake.
>half of the population finds 9 year olds arousing
No, it's like 5-10%. See Keep in mind though, they would recognize they're looking at a 9 year old, while maybe they wouldn't recognize that it's a 14 year old.
And that might affect their response per
>You're telling me that half of the population finds 9 year olds arousing you pedo do you know what you post?
Pedophilia as a concept is rather recent, fucking children as soon as they could bleed was common in ancient times. Even the prophet of islam had a 9 y.o. wife and that's the fucking religion of peace.
So no, I don't find it all that shocking, if anything your (willfull?) ignorance of History and the way you overreact is suspicious.
>He doen't know
Brainlet test: if you reply
>formerly chuckville
you're 100% USDA brainlet.
No one likes fartboxing user
Heh, arachnophobia? You must want to fuck spiders.
gabe is the only one keeping steam mods somewhat in line. too bad he barely pays attention to anything any more.
>If nature didn’t get in the way of my degeneracy it’d be all fine
I don't buy hentai games on steam so it doesn't concern me.
The mistake was making the internet mainstream and allowing everyone to use it on their phones.
Gamergate was just an immune reaction to cronyism.
I'd rather deal with some Yea Forums shitposters than have my hobby mutate into some freak show like comics and tabletop.
Darn nature. We should burn nature, it does no good for any of us.
Well, in the end the responsibility falls on him. He needs to step up.
loli isn't banned anywhere in US because the first amendment exists
>Needing laws to realize something is sick.
Well that stinks. Guess they'll have to find other ways to accept American NEET bucks.
It probably would of happened regardless of your input desu.
No, I'm mocking you losers for this complete non-issue. Just go find your interactable porn else where and stop pretending this is some sort of human right's abuse issue.
>Only one set of eggs
What is this retarded pseudoscience
>paying for video games
It is correct. Women don't make more eggs.
That's why a clinic will pay a woman $300,000+ to harvest her eggs (more if she's genetically fit)
It's because she doesn't get any more.
>I don't like this so fuck you
yeah we know pretty much every thread on Yea Forums gets these posts
a company can dream
>half of the population
Was referring to >Keep in mind though, they would recognize they're looking at a 9 year old.
Obviously there may be parts who can be found arousing due to development of the kid and all, but that it's not proof that a normal person want's to secretly fuck her.
There's also the aspect of telling the subject that they're legal.
Pedofilia is not normal.
Well gosh user why isn’t every woman doing it then before they all dry up?
Attraction to 9 year olds is not normal, attraction to 13 year olds most definitely is. See
It's literally something you learn in highschool you underage.
Women get a limited number of ovum at birth and won't ever produce more.
In contrast, men will produce sperm for almost the entirety of their life.
I wish. Loli strippers would be the best thing.
Because, uhh, they can't have babies any more after they do it. You need an egg to make a child.
Older women might want to do it, but their eggs are worth much less because, well, they're old.
Children ain't cheap.
There is no need for porn games to be on steam.
They're all widely available and free on the internet.
Explain yourselves, why the fuck do you need this shit on steam ?
You can support the devs already.
Cease your faggotry
Good. Less porn in the world is always good.
If GoG hurries up and step in, they can make use of the moment.
Irrelevant. If these women currently aren’t having children and have no plan to, why aren’t they selling their eggs for that fat stack of free money?
Because if steams takes off more games will be translated.
Same reason why most people don't sell one of their kidneys or a portion of their liver
roastie eggs are not in demand.
quite the opposite actually
Isn't that an easy way to get a lawsuit or sued. Because if someone births that kid with your eggs, the kid is technically yours to take care of.
You need your liver and kidneys to live. You don’t need your eggs or sperm
The only sad thing at this point is how shitty steam is at making up their mind. Originally we just had hentai games but no pussy, then we had no hentai games, then gabe newell came out of his golden cave and every hentau game came in fully uncensored, then they removed all hentai games with lolis or loli looking characters, now no hentai games again.
>more games will be translated*
AKA censored
they dont win they are constantly losing they just drag everyone else down into losing as well
>banning vr kanojo
So Valve has officially given up on the Vive now?
Surely they are aware that porn is one of the main reasons people invest in VR, right?
Very fair point. Eugh.
It probably is, or the eggs reject the host or something. My point is, if they can and only gain from it, why don’t they do it?
just a year ago i would have called you every name in the book but considering all the stuff that just happened this year alone i can only say, good job.
If you lose your fights you win. Dummy
Same company that tried to charge you for Mods. Are you really surprised they switched out?
Because they don't even know
Besides, there are actual screening procedures in place
Genetics are no joke
you don't need the game to be on steam to use vr with it you mouthbreathing retard
The egg/sperm of your average dude has no value and actually, you have to PAY if you want to stock your semen in a sperm bank.
For it to have any kind of value, you need to enter the realm of eugenism, meaning that unless you're a 2 meter tall chad fucking bitches all the time, sociable with a rock solid health and with an annual income of a million, in other words people who don't need to sell shit because money is not an issue, your sperm has no value.
Thats the easiest way to spot a newfag/outsider
Steam staff must be the Yea Forums mod team then
i'm bleeding from my mangina, making me the victor
No. But people buy Vives to play VR Kanojo.
Removing VR Kanojo from Steam means less VR Kanojo and thus fewer Vives.
by god
It’s hard to care when last year no porn was allowed on steam.
they are just banning all of the underage stuff, and yes that includes high school girls too. For some reason the left is now going hard on CP after defending it for decades.
So where do you guys get your h games? For me it's hentaibedta most of the time it has everything i am looking for.
VR Kanojo was showing what VR is actually capable of instead of being gimmicky shit. It had to be shut down.
cp irl is fine for the left
fake cp on the other hand, brings pleasure to "incels", it must be eradicated
> ban high school girls
> keep literal single digit old lolis
The steam version of Maitetsu is all ages only and even with the paid 18+ patch from Fakku is still contains censorship from the PS4 versions like towels in the bathing scenes.
there goes my sex life. thanks gaben.
It's the discord trannies and/or resetera invading. Report those undocumented faggots to ICE.
>people defending this
>but then snoy censorship is bad
Steamdrones are the worst kind of fanboys. Already exposed with all the epic drama
>Literally what makes people justify this shit?
Dude, you need to think of the children!
By this definition, every suicide bomber "won", you fucking retarded mouthbreather.
>What is this retarded pseudoscience
>look at me, I failed human biology, hard!
Jesus christ...
>unlike Valve, Blizzard makes and hosts the games.
Valve is just a store, has been like this since fucken 2012
They sure did user
>just a year ago
you are way too late there bucko
It's annoying as hell for sure. Valve is just far too chaotic.
The whole position Western and most of the world has about teenage sex and teenage pregnancy is retarded. Human females have evolved to give birth during their early to mid teens. That's their prime. And what are they forced to do in many countries? Waste their time to get a useless degree in university to get a job dowing powerpoint presentations and sucking their bosses dick for 60k a year. Meanwhile the society they live in would greatly benefit from teenage mothers and so would women themselves. They'd be happier doing what they were evolved to do. Most of STEM is men anyway and automation is going to decimate a lot of women dominated fields.
Instead natives like those in Europe now live in low fertility rate societies where their leaders feel like they have to bring in hordes of migrants, leading their countries to ethnic and cultural suicide.
The age of consent and marriage in Britain and the US was 12, not that long ago.
lol holy shit you're retarded.
The censoring and banning of stuff it's because lots of these companies are entering the Chinese market where they now have to walk on eggshells. There are conspiracy theories about this being the reason for governments and corporations pushing so hard on killing free speech and bandwagoning on political correctness. They are just taming the masses to not upset the Chinese.
This guy knows what's up.
Clearly you're not aware of that JP player who plays VR Kannojo and does dumb hilarious things like pull the chair out from under her and throw her glasses across the room.
>Meanwhile the society they live in would greatly benefit from teenage mothers and so would women themselves
But the corporations experience more short-term profits by leading women into wage slavery, so that's what we get.
Welcome to corporate-owned Earth
Debunked already, Epic store is owned by chink and steam got banned from china a few days ago.
And yaoi/gay is a way bigger taboo in china than anime girls, if the intent truly was to please china, the western gay daddy game should have been one of the first game to go.
It's like how all these catholic priests are all homos
VR Kanojo is literally the only game on that list which has a questionable ban.
Everything else is either bitcoin minor, a very cheap assetflip, a meme game or other garbage which is probably violating multiple other rules as well
KNS2 was looking pretty good, first game was great
Like lolicon i dont know how feel because i know some people that will fap to underage anime girls and be hypocrite about it and after say ughhhh lolis are disgusting,maybe is time that they feel too some of what we have passed.
In that list, 6 games are legit (including VR Kanojo), the other were obvious assetflips.
Jesus, never realized steam banned so much shit after release
If I liked Kara No Shojo will I enjoy the sequel?
VR Kanojo is getting ready for a Fakku store release.
Why do you /pol/fags have to make everything about politics?
KnS is a legit VN that just has porn in it
VR Kanojo is great, but Kara no Shoujo is honestly even more legitimate than it. It's genuine, fully fleshed and complete product with lots of time, talent, and pride put into it.
VR Kanojo for how cool it is, is still but a VR tech demo proof of concept for Illusion that they developed on the side of making VR compatible for their main titles.
Imagine working at Valve
Imagine your job being to test and play all those shitty garbage games people upload because your boss is a greedy fat bastard who allows everything on the store without a prior check
Imagine "testing" those shitty Unity/UE4/Gamemaker garbage titles and bricking your work PC with shitcoin miners every few weeks.
At one point i would also just pull out the minigun and accidentaly nuke a few non-shit titles with it because fuck doing that shit one by one. Just automatically remove everything looking HENTAI or meme or TRUPFS
Try removing Tekken or DBFZ and see how it goes retard.
Discord trannies.
>My point is, if they can and only gain from it, why don’t they do it?
I don't fucking know. What is your point trying to prove?
Because they like roleplay.
"no atheists beyond this point"
>buying anything from jewcob
Uh, so what exactly is going on with VR Kanojo? Because I can still see and buy it off Steam.
>In land of the free, only real life children should be sexualized.
What the fuck, it's back?
What the absolute shit is Valve doing?
Hey guys... VR kanojo is back up on steam
looks like it was just put back up somehow, that's weird
What the fuck is Valve’s problem? I thought they decided they wouldn’t ban them and that it was final.
It's back up, it was removed though
did it have this in the description before? they might have had to clarify some stuff for the jews
>Buying it nukige from steam instead of directly from mangagamer or directly through other publishers(Fuck sekai project though)
>Wanting steam to get a cut
Probably the dev trying to get Valve to fuck off
Turns out that the employees from Camp Santo do not give a flying fuck about what Gaben says.
*resetera sonyfanboy tranny*
good, how these evil right-wing males likes females, they need to be shut down
Yup it was there before.
It was definitely gone for a bit today, how strange.
That's been there for awhile
>Accidentally removed game is already back
There you go. Proof the system works.
valve make up your goddamn fucking minds
i will eat a brick
Only VR Kanojo is back, the others are still banned.
Watch as this ends up being a whole load of fucking nothing.
Wanna bet this is some offshoot of the retarded youtube adpocalypse 2.0? Just because some random retard wanted to stir up some drama over nothing. Holy fucking shit.
Thanks, and have fun!
Reminder if you buy Japanese games, you're fucking pathetic.
And its nothing.
Where the fuck is GOG? Maybe they can try to get this market if Valve doesn’t want it.
steam has taken multiple games off of the store in waves multiple times, it's not nothing, if they didn't want the shit on there they could have just not accepted the game in the first place
They can't make up their minds because one half wants the hentai games and the other half wants to ban anything they hate.
Keep in mind that Maitetsu by itself doesn't even have any H-Scenes. You'd need a patch for that, and even so, it's not even a part of the main VN. Think of it as extra content, not even part of the main attraction
Speaking of the VN, it's boring as fuck unless you're a train otaku.
Do you like having to keep up with a dictionary full of convoluted boring outdated steam locomotive terminology? Then you'll probably enjoy Maitetsu.
I'm serious. Don't even bother with the garbage known as Maitetsu unless you like trains. I'm an avid VN reader and Maitetsu has got to be one of the most boring, most wordy VNs I have ever read. Don't do it.
Reminder that everyone that uses this site is already pathetic so it doesn't change much.
pathetic in what way exactly
gog's too busy moving offices to california, hiring more SJWs and ending pro-consumer initiatives because "muh devs" even though said devs have been treating gog customers like shit for years.
Looks like VR kanojo was too big and sold too well to be taken down, I doubt that Kara no Shojo will be restored. It's far too niche and unimportant.
VR Kanojo got reinstated unlike the asset flips because it's a fairly prolific title among the VR demographic and banning it would attract the attention of the VR scene to the whole issue, ergo Gaben, which they obviously do not want.
If I got paid as well as they do to test video games I’d be like a YouTuber without a camera and an actual living
I see VR Kanojo still on the Steam store.
Is this just a future thing?
KNS2 was never on the store to begin with, it got banned during the pre-approval process. Which it's been stuck in for several months now.
Valve will never tell them why, because they refuse to talk to anyone about anything.
It's a common swindling tactic valve is using, now people will think everything is well and good and lose interest, enabling them to ban even more game.
30 minutes ago I looked up VR Kanojo and it wasn't on Steam but the VR Kanojo benchmark was. I just looked it up again now the VR Kanojo title is back on the store.
steam didnt increase number of porn games. steam banning them wont decrease their numbers
Half of the list posted in the OP are not assets flip games.
I've seen some really fit 50 year olds who look better than women half their age because they took care of themselves and are in shape and healthy. I mean Julianne Moore is a woman who looks good for her age.
There people of valve here?
Because politically charged actions from corporations are political, I know shocking right.
Resetera invaded. Remember to call out these retards' bullshit before the rest feel at home.
steam has no impact on porn games. porn was, is and will exists no matter valve. you can shitpost all you want, while i will fap to my fav games
This is so true. Monobeno was in every way related to the story far superior. The setting was more interesting and fucking your underage sister was a significant part of the story as it should be.
It's not about the impact on the porn game industry, it's about steam being hypocrite and liar.
In hindsight, the whole "we're not the taste police" thing was free advertissement for steam in Asia.
who does this really affect? porn players? not really, they have their sources. new player? not really, normalfags dont play porn games. what are you even complaining about?
Almost certainly, ESL-kun
>Company says they won't do thing
>They go ahead and do thing
>Why would you criticize them for that?
More importantly, why are you defending them for free?
go to reddit third worlder ESL cumguzzler
>who does this really affect?
Every Steam user. It's an option that Valve explicitly pout on the table, then yanked away for no real reason.
Let me flip your question around: who does banning porn games benefit? Psychopathic prudes and no one else. The kind of people who think if they don't like a thing, no one should get the thing.
Literally reread my post.
It would be fine if valve straight out said "porn game not allowed, even if censored with patch", no one would complain.
Instead, they said everything was allowed but are banning game as they see fit with little to no justification.
People want more transparency from valve because it turns out liars are not really liked.
why did they do it? because world is made of sjw trannies. companies go down by releasing non tranny content. trannies hate porn, sjw hate porn. you dont gain anything by releasing porn on your platform. all you gain is hate from sjw trannies. porn players have their sources for such content. ask me why epic or gog doesnt release porn games, i dare you
You're thinking canada, not burgerland
>you dont gain anything by releasing porn on your platform.
Except money from the people that buy porn.
>trannies hate porn, sjw hate porn
And how much money do they spend on Steam? Specially compared to weebs?
>>Except money from the people that buy porn.
>They probably don't want to scare parents off of steam, so they get rid of the games that only desperate neet virgins like you buy anyways.
The AO don't even appear on Steam by default. You have to actively go out of you way and turn off the 'Adult Only' filter to even see them.
So they are not only banning loli if not all the young looking characters not? seems fair.
hate from sjw can lower your profit. money from people who "buy" porn can be not enough for that loss
>companies go down by releasing non tranny content
The opposite is happening actually.
>trannies hate porn
They hate anime porn.
They love porn actually.
>you dont gain anything by releasing porn on your platform
So why even say you're allowing those in the first place?
>all you gain is hate from sjw trannies
They earned that hatred when Neptunia was released on steam and that's not even a porn game.
go choke on gaben's dick steam shill.
>hate can lower profit
Most of the time it just gives free publicity and raises sales, though. See Hatred as an example of a meh game that only sold well because of controversy.
>>The opposite is happening actually.
>They love porn actually.
no, they love cp. thats not the target audience valve is aiming at
>So why even say you're allowing those in the first place?
trial and error.. they tied and calculated its not worth it
>They earned that hatred when Neptunia was released on steam and that's not even a porn game.
its not a porn game, and it sold good enough.
porn is not for mainstream audience
Let's be honest here, a lot of the porn games that were ending up on steam were extremely low quality RPG Maker bullshit that nobody will miss. As long as it doesn't affect my VR Porn I don't care what Valve does, and even then if it's good enough I'll buy it somewhere else.
>cp accessible I’m Czech Republic
Like loli or actual cp?
Would you want to rely on a platform that might randomly pull out your game for no reason?
i dont buy such games in the first place. where did you buy porn games before steam?
>hate from sjw can lower your profit
Name three examples of this
Who’s to say what they’ll decide is inappropriate next?
i asked you a simple question, dont deflect now
>people mad about valve cracking down on the thousands of steam greenlight-tier copy-paste RPG Maker games that japan shits out on a near daily basis
This is a good thing, you fucking retards.
I'd rather see genuinely good H-games like Ayura Crisis, She Ill Server, Kurovadis, and Nights of Revenge instead of the same mundane CG-hunting shitshows that wind up on the Dlsite top-sellers list every single fucking week.
I asked you a question before that which you never answered.
>Weebs don't spend money on porn
Absolute retard. A porn RPGmaker game was on steam's top new releases if you didn't notice.
>hate from sjw can lower your profit. money from people who "buy" porn can be not enough for that loss
Source: my ass. Either prove that statement or get the fuck outta here.
A lot of recent game pandering to trannies failed or did under expectations.
>trial and error.. they tied and calculated its not worth it
My point still stand, they still have done nothing to clarify the situation.
>its not a porn game, and it sold good enough.
Missing the point once again, if being hated by sjw was something to avoid at all cost then they should remove neptunia too since it's also hated by sjw, at this point being porn or not is irrelevant to what sjw hate.
>porn is not for mainstream audience
Except porn as a whole IS mainstream, even the most conservative polls have numbers like 80% of young men fap to porn.
RPG maker game are literally most of the japanese output user, you're basically saying that you only want to play the equivalent of an AAA game in the hentai industry.
Also Yea Forums GOTY 2013 was a fucking RPG maker game ffs.
Every time these threads are made I go and look up all the big name eroges on Steam and they're still there. Meanwhile, none of you cared when Muslims got SonoHana removed last year because theyw ere offended by yuri. Degenerate retards, all of you.
Except they also delete stuff from devs that have been around for a while
>I'd rather see genuinely good H-games like Ayura Crisis, She Ill Server, Kurovadis, and Nights of Revenge
And why would devs release their games on a platform that bans similar products? Are you so dumb that you don't realize this has the opposite effect of what you want?
yuri is fucking garbage
New thread
literally steam, if it was profitable they would keep it. show me other store that sells porn games to mainstream. why do you think they took it away? because they hate money? lol no, its because it lowers their profit
ok trannyera
i complain every time a game is unjustly b&. i don't complain about that specific one any more because the guy people associate with it is some attention whore who didn't actually get it b& trying to ride on it for attention. he's probably in this thread right now.
>all those absolute madmen actually searching for preteen
hahahaha oh wow
That has nothing to do with sjw you retard, porn game are not allowed in most store because it's not something you show to children.
You still need to prove sjw hatred can fuck you up.
95% of those RPG Maker games are low effort garbage, and the 5% that are good get enough traction on message boards and Yea Forums that you'll hear about it regardless of attempted censorship.
>No source
Not really, you finish highschool at 17 unless you were held back a year.
Not that it matters cuz age of consent is 16
If that guy didnt get that game banned, then who did?
I cared.
I accepted the fact it's not going back to steam.
MG tried their hardest but it seems valve has an hateboner against them so there's not much they can do, even more so they just got yet another game banned.
New thread
Coolthread, now make it again without the blatant Epic Games shitposting.
sjw hates everything. sjw ruins everything. porn is against sjw. figure it out
what source do you need? show me other store that sells porn games to mainstream
and how much of this are muslims?
90% were Chinese.
8% were Russian and 2% were Japanese.
Interesting if true.
>what source do you need?
>>hate from sjw can lower your profit. money from people who "buy" porn can be not enough for that loss
Prove it, post a study that confirms it.
>show me other store that sells porn games to mainstream
No, stop moving the goalposts. I asked you for a source first, post it.
>figure it out
Ban everything and not just porn since they hate everything and porn is included in everything?
The more you speak, the less coherent your arguments are becoming.
isnt that what everyone is doing? why doesnt epic sell porn games?
because you cant
New thread
>I don't need to post a source but you do
Concession accepted
>isnt that what everyone is doing? why doesnt epic sell porn games?
Threre's a difference between not allowing something from the start and saying that you allow it before banning it for no reason.
Which is exactly the point I originally made but you're too dense to understand that. I'm still waiting an answer for those posts btw, it seems you avoided them on purpose you fucking shill.
Tell Jason and Arisa to kill themselves btw
looks like mods dont like you , chinks
its not sudden. porn had it time on steam, and it failed. porn doesnt sell, get over it
>purging degeneracy
Based Valve.
>Violence good
>lewds bad
It's just Muricah
>literally no reading comprehension
So why aren't they saying anything about it?
It's about transparency you fucking cretin, it's my second time saying it outright and I even exposed my point through several posts, if they don't want to sell porn anymore, why aren't they saying so?
>porn doesnt sell
Is this some kind of joke? All of humanity's technologies and initiatives were driven by pussy.
Boats, mermaid pussy
The discoveries, tanned wild pussy
Submarines, underwater pussy
Rocket ships, space pussy
The internet, porn
Smartphones, portable porn
Videogames, interactive porn
VR, interactive porn but without having to use your hands
yeah it is. porn hurts more than benefits them. are you too stupid to understand it?
How can one be so ignorant in this day and age.