This is the most shilled game since Borderlands...

This is the most shilled game since Borderlands. How are you guys defending yourself against the blind horde of fanboys defending this garbage?

Fucking FFXV was better

Attached: dmc502-800x526[1].jpg (800x526, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Did you get an early copy or something?

I'm super excited but I'm still not getting it until I've seen enough reviews. I'm sorry Capcom I love you but I still can't trust you again yet...

If they can bring back RE this well then they can do the same for DMC. They have my trust despite how poorly they handled MHW

You're not the real XV-kun.

I know they can. But will they?

>the game is so universally well-liked by Yea Forums that shitposters are literally crying about their hurt feelings in designated cuck shed threads

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Smash shills are worse.

Because it is being released on PC so PCfags won't shitpost the game like they do with every other release. So it looks like it being shilled because there is barely any shitpost

Holy shit.



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Smash shills and to an extent, kingdom hearts shills are far worse.
Also, RE2 shills are more abundant, but aren't paid shills, and are mostly just waifufags. So I'm unsure if they count or not.


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Hang yourself




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Difference is Resident Evil used to be amazing & had 5 great games in a row before it went to shit. Whereas DMC has always been objectively garbage

Reminder that XV-kun is falseflagging KH and DMC threads. Also, it's been a day and he still hasn't proven that he SS-Ranked all the stages of DMC3 in DMD difficulty.


doesn't matter, we're turning his shitpost thread into a legit one

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>that new Dante sword that comes in package with summoned swords

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I love the games but Devil May Cry fans are almost as bad as souls fans.

>Fucking FFXV was better

How can an unfinished game that is literally be Hold O to win be "better" than anything.

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That new trailer was kino.

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based and triggerpilled

eh, Souls fans don't shill microtransactions at least, so they can hardly be worse

It's out?

no one on DMC fanbase defends them because they're as useless as DMC4:SE ones

Said the DMC fan, defending microtransactions...

Whatever helps you sleep, its already too late for shitposting

DMC threads couldn't even be deleted by mods due to the sheer volume of motivation. see you faggots later

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>shits pants and bails
You are indeed a DMC fan

I was pretty sure it was good but the demo just confirmed it.

>samefagging your own thread
fuck yes seething more fucking niggers

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Looks good, but has some minor problems. The jump/platforming still feels weird, the colors are a bit too dark, Nero always looks confused, Lady has a man jaw, and Trish looks straight shit, and I want a little more than a 15 hour story and bloody palace. The content is solid but I need more of it. I would personally pay 30-50 dollars for the deluxe addition

>want a little more than a 15 hour story and bloody palace
What more could you realistically want out of a DMC game?
>I would personally pay 30-50 for the deluxe addition
That's 30-50 too much for a game with F2P monetization



>kingdom hearts
keep that mickey mouse clubhouse shit away from dmc

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Literally no one wanted this, and the board gets suddenly flooded with threads about this "game" the second it was announced
Never since I came to this website in 2016 I have seen such blatant shilling

to be fair the FFXV shitposter pretended to be a KH fanboy in DMC threads just to get the DMC fanbase to hate the KH fanbase.

It failed.

You folks sure love your quirky conspiracy theories, that much is evident.

t. paid DmC shill

>You folks sure love your quirky conspiracy theories

except that actually happened

A lot of it is genuine, but a good fucking portion of these people are reddit and discord tourists who take absurd amounts of pride in doing Capcom PR work for them. I'd know, since I recognize a good portion of these mongs

>defending yourself against the blind horde of fanboys
by waiting for the CPY version and laughing as beta cuckboys cry out "GOOD GAMES DESERVE TO BE BOUGHT"

It sure did, champ. It sure did.

big DMCfag here. Who the fuck actually cares if the game is being pirated?

It's the last DMC game, they already said they don't plan on any DLC. And it's selling like hot cakes anyways. Who gives a shit? Just play it and enjoy it.

That said, already preordered.

Attached: dante.jpg (1277x725, 390K)

Sad cunt

Itsuno san promised it would be good

Attached: Dmc man.jpg (225x225, 9K)

devs say that their games are good but how any have actually followed up with their word?

it's fun, get over it

It would be very dishonurable if he were to break his promise user

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Kek why are nintenshills shitting on Capcom games now? Just because those games won't come to switch? Should I remind you how inferior and easier bayonetta 2 is compared toto bayonetta 1?

Can someone tell me why this game is getting so much hate? I thought /vl loved DMC.

shitposters like

Attached: 1551377967948.gif (814x1554, 3.96M)

>This is the most shilled game since Borderlands
You're just going into the threads to get mad, it's just one or two threads in the catalog.

The man who gave the world DMC 2&4 and claimed purchasable red orbs are a good thing

I'm looking forward to 5 but the groupthink and shutdown of any and all critisism has been unreal. Expect a spate of backlash threads when the game invariably isn't perfect.

He makes good game end of story.

>Im a newfag and feel left out that people are excited for a game they've been waiting years for

Longtime fans don't often care about the complaints of nonfans. When I see someone make a post that makes it clear they've never played the series I couldn't care less what they have to say.

He is right though

Well, I did like Rival Schools. That was dope

by filtering them. unfortunately you didn't mention the actual game so I had to see this thread

How fucking new are you? Yea Forums has always gone nuts over DMC games.

>Stop talking about videogames on Yea Forums!
>UGH yet ANOTHER non-Smash thread! Better push it off by posting who I think should be in my toddler kiddy game!
>Go to /vg/! Smash should be allowed fifty threads despite having a general, though.

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Only switchtoddlers are crying

How was MHW poorly handled? Its the best selling Capcom game of all time

MHW was amazing and I've been a fan of that series longer than you.

>please don't support this vn/srpg that had two censored scenes in 50 hours of game! DON'T SUPPORT CENSORSHIP
>w-who cares if Xenoblade 2 censored dialogue?
>w-who cares if Smash censored Myhtra?
Nintendoshills I swear

Yeah he made DMC 2 and then right afterwards he made 3 so he redeemed himself. I have some faith in him.

It's also one of the few fanbases autistic enough to organize Yea Forums migrations in order to fake hype. Though I suppose it could be more common than I might think

More blunders than hits when it comes to DMC. This one might even the score, but that is yet to be seen. Funnily enough, the franchise would probably be in the better hands with Ninja Theory. Their first stab at the franchise was infinitely better than the bellends who took over from Hideki's team

>FFXV was better

Attached: 1426022497062.gif (394x394, 1.64M)

1, 3 and 4 are all amazing. Even as fucked up as it is 4 is it's still one of the best action games of all time.

Oh no! People enjoying a game not on nintendo! This thread was supposed to be for another xenoblade2 and smash funny meme XDD!

Yo can I get uhhhhhh some sauce on that image?

Do you not see the irony?

>This is the most shilled game since Borderlands
lmao do you only browse dmc threads? fuck off retard its not even out yet. I will admit the dmcfags are really cringey and easy to bait going off this thread.

I doubt the game is gonna be on the quality of 2 or the quantity of 4. We already have a demo to show that the gameplay is better than 3 and there's 3 playable characters (maybe 4?) with somewhat unique missions. That already makes it far longer than 4.

actually theres a dmc thread up right now. Why dont you guys shitpost in there instead of clogging up the catalog?

It's a 3 hour game (being generous) that's trying to pass off backtracking as content. That's inexcusable and what was there in terms of stages was mediocre. It's a good lab game but that's all I'll give it.

Also Nero was dumb. And still is

he salvaged the remnants of dmc2. he didnt make dmc2. When itsuno was brought onto the project it was 4 months before release, the only working attack was stinger, and not a single cutscene was shot.

Dmc games have never been about long story time you can beat 3 in like 5 hours.

No. Why should I value the opinions of people with no tie to the series.
And yet it remains one of the best action games of all time.


i wonder if op is using the hype of the new trailer to get a sense of importance through a lot of replies to his thread

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I'm buying this game day 1 even if reviews start coming out that say the game is 2 out of 10 on average. I simply do not give a shit how much money I waste on DMC5.

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)

The BANG BANG Dante model should be updated. DMC5 Dante is fucking handsome, and the E3 trailer gave the impression that he'd look like an old man.

Attached: Dante_closeup.jpg (500x450, 111K)

Not him but he's right.
Why should you care about the opinion of someone who never played that particular game / series? Like the people claiming that Nioh has forced grinding and that you can't beat the game without using Sloth.

Was that because DMC 2 was originally supposed to be a Tomb Raider rip off but someone repurposed it to be DMC? I remember reading that somewhere.

>oh nono no
>subjective views
>same webms that's been adressed thousand times already

>Could OP actually be a DMC fan that's pretending to REEEEE in order to circlejerk more about the game?
heaven's forbid.

What's worse: Barry or the unoriginal pathetic faggots trying to ride on his autistic coattails and copying him?

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haahahahaahhah holy shit imagine being this guy

how do I get a Dante bf

>DMCbro sees an anti-DMC5 thread
>doesn't give a shit and doesn't read through it because he's that MOTIVATED
>posts the EMBARASSING copypasta and leaves
based as fuck

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Imagine defending DmC in 2019

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They put some douche to direct the game and he fucked it up so much that they put Itsuno to try to save it. He did his best, redeemed his name with DMC3.

The fanbases tsundere relationship with DmC is downright adorable

there was a shitposter who shitposted about FFXV so much, anons call him XV-kun?

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>dante bf
Give up. You cannot fuck him. If Lucia couldn't do it, then you have zero chance.

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>I'm super excited but I'm still not getting it until I've seen enough reviews
But user, half of them will complain that it's not DmC2

>liking a game
imagine being this much of a bitter faggot.

I can't get over how ugly the characters are and how no one seems to care or even mention it. DMC1 Dante looks better than this shit.

Remember when we used to actually discuss games instead of just spamming shitty, unfunny shill memes over and over for the next AAA game? God I'm so fucking sick of you DMC fags and I can't wait to laugh in your retarded faces when the game turns out to be shit. Capcom died years ago and no amount of delusional hype will bring them back.

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>taking actual offense to being called a shill
might be something there to reflect on, big man.

It's not fun to play, but the memes are gold.

Attached: On The List.jpg (1272x738, 657K)

FFXV is on PC now and it still gets shitposted because its a shit game, same with KH3

those two both better be female (male)

>last DMC game
Source? I know they said no DLC outside of the planned, free BP update but I never heard anything about future titles

imagine unironically being ironic at shitposting
imagine pretending/copying Barry
imagine being the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to shitposting

Yea Forums always discussed games but also threw in some memes and image macros because memetic culture is deeprooted into the site's culture. DMC 5 is the first time in ages where people are actually discussing the games while also creating new shit.

what's to discuss, the game isn't even out yet

Which post was yours?

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Imagine being so butthurt about a game turning out to be shit that you try and make every other well-received game that's remotely similar to it look more shit to feel better about it. That's XV-kun. He's a special little boy and we all hope he gets better soon.

Imagine wanting games to be bad just so your ego meter can get full on a malasyian paper folding site.

>because memetic culture is deeprooted into the site's culture
you need to get deported back to /r/dmc

Well, I'm excited for it but I've avoided the threads because they were initially really cringe. If it really bothers you just filter it.

>many series were 'ruined' in Yea Forums eyes last years
>all these SJW/zoomer pandering/devs turned to shit/shills etc. complaints
>shit they should be right, so passionate and loving fans see their favorite series don't get new worthy games
>this gets announced
>changes are pretty visible, but mostly visually
>it's still DMC game
>all that shitstorm around jaws and hairs
>literally half of some threads were dedicated to some ridiculous shit
>despite the DmC had gameplay elements which made it not a DMC game first of all
>no, Nero is Donte, gameplay doesn't matter at this point
>all the whining repeats like in any other new game discussion

I refuse to believe sane people are doing this at their will.
You are literally sick, or blind, or baiting this hard, or something else.
You are the real shill or antishill, don't know how to call this form of retardation

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Are you seriously implying that Yea Forums, fucking Yea Forums, did not have a meme culture from the fucking inception of the site? It was made for anime discussion in the early 2000's for fuck sakes.

At least weeb game shills do it for free, actual marketers are fat worse

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how excited are you now that virgil is using green?

But it's a skilled game we like so its okay, what are you new?

>5 great games in a row before it went to shit
Hahaha, these delusions

Could you at least try to pretend to not be such a fucking tourist?

I'm all for hate boners but maybe you should hold off your massive one for capcom just a bit. Rere2 was good fight me

Attached: jfkadsjfldsajfsa.png (523x631, 377K)

Well tell me where I am wrong you fucking fag. Tell me where every discussion on Yea Forums was srs bsns

Attached: Cockmongler.jpg (600x791, 426K)

Kill yourself XV-kun. You're game was, is and always will be irredeemable trash.

Now, In XV's defense, shilling ramen is way better than shilling microtransactions

>doesnt get attention from his shitposting in the dmc thread
>w-well if i make a new thread theyll have to listen
you can dislike the game but thats embarrassing

On one side, I can see that DMC fans are excited, motivated and hyped that their franchise is back on track and they're finally getting their game after 11 years of waiting.

On the flip side, I can see how annoying it is for a Yea Forums goer (who doesn't want to use filters for some reason). There has been a DMC thread every hour on the hour since the first trailer revealed. For some reason instead of being moved to /vg/ mods have decided that the constant spam of dmc threads were okay. Seems biased, but fuck who cares. 8 more days nerds.

smash threads were and still are ten times worse
theres a max of 3 dmc threads and they get deleted when theres more than one. but with smash there is always at least 6 and on release day there wss way way more. so kys


He derails FF threads to talk about how great XV is.
He shitposts in KH3 threads to talk about how "superior" XV is.
Calls anyone that says anything negative about FFXV, no mater how true, a "KH fanboy that has never played FFXV"
and other shitposting fanboy remarks.

Hell, he got permabanned from Resetera because of his fanboyism.

Imagine Nero on the ground surrounded in a pool of his own blood after his arm has been cut off and all he can see is this:

Attached: DtcZEKHUUAAkM2l.jpg (577x675, 32K)

Imagine how it is for a non Nintendo fan. Every hour there's at least 3 Smash threads, Zelda shitposters, and /vp/ shit. It's even worse whenever there's a Direct, the whole day is fucked then.

As opposed to the hourly RDR2 threads? Or the hourly "chris gets leon to fuck claire" threads? DMC threads were banished to /vg/ and /vg/ moved them back here. This is a video game board and it honestly confuses the fuck out of me when people come into a video game thread and bitch about it being on the video game board. But I guess Yea Forums prefers E celeb faggotry and constant "OHNONONO" threads over actual discussion about a beloved video game franchise.

>theres a max of 3 dmc threads and they get deleted when theres more than one. b
wrong sweetie

>They have my trust despite how poorly they handled MHW

salty nintendie


>it's okay when we do it!!
Come on, man. You know how silly you sound?
>actual discussion
9 times out of 10 it's just (You)izen posting.

Fuck you.

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you can't seem to control all that rage that's inside you

I'm not saying it's not okay when they do it though. It's perfectly okay to me as long as there are not 5 ongoing threads at the same time (which admittedly happens sometimes just before bump limit). I don't have any other expectations bc when I go to a video game based basket weaving forum I kind of expect the newest games to be discussed. I don't go into RE2 threads and complain about them because I'm not a dumb fucking faggot.

Fuck OP post ricardo

Attached: Kjisacuck.gif (56x56, 194K)

jesus christ man calm down the game is not even out yet


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He’s one of the DmC fans.

Attached: (You)rizen.png (825x450, 322K)

they literally cant. fuck even this shitposting thread got turned into a DMC thread

>reviwers were paid
I doubt dmc5 will score well with reviewers who can't play these kind of games. I'm guessing an 85 at best

>what DMC fans think detractors hate DMC for
as far as strawmans go, this is really cute. hell, no one outside the fandom even know the whole Subhuman thing happened

No way. They saw how much they got shat on for praising DmC. There's literally no way they can repeat history.

newfags need to learn how to filter.

Reminder that Lady is for Nico
t. yurizen

Regardless of what fandom you're part of, the minute you unironically start discussing review conspiracies among vidya "journalist", you're in too fucking deep and need to go outside for once


>Nico wants Kyrie to call her "bitch"

Attached: 1547050290930.gif (300x169, 2.66M)

Want to bet on that?

devil may cry is like one of the few games where shitposters start a thread and the fanbase just hijacks it into the next general kek

Who fucking cares if its good or not, we now have really high quality models of Nero Dante and Vergil to produce endless amounts of gay SFM content to feed and satisfy us for years to cum

They’ve already complained about it not being DmC 2.


I rather fuck Eva then trish tbqh

Attached: eva.png (1352x693, 1.37M)

You've probably had brain damage longer than anyone in this thread you retard

Get out of here, Dante.

Nah, you're probably a tribab which means eternal shit taste.

It is literally our last chance for a good DMC game. It might not look ideal stylistically but at least the gameplay and character voices are all there and on point. So graphics artstyle aside it looks like a good DMC game as of now.

What is this again?

DMC 5 prequel novel preview

Attached: 1541639396525.gif (250x250, 2.01M)

It's the last game in the "sons of sparda" storyline. Basically any new game is gonna be a completely new story that doesn't need to rely on "tying up loose ends". Kinda like KH3 is the end of the Xehanort storyline.

I don't give a shit about this game but i hope this sells overwhelmingly well so i can finally get Dragon's Dogma 3

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this is what really confuses me. That people really NEED something to fail to feel better. I think the worse examples were the smashfags who felt joy in X not getting in the game. It's so weird, can't you fags just find something you like instead of moping around others? Even when you "win" you still lose by wasting so much time on things you don't like.


yo aight white boi

I legitimately enjoy shitting on the constant trash that EA and Ubisoft put out. I don't see any reason to shit on most other AAA games in general though.

Some fandoms are just that bad