Congratulations, Guerrilla Games and Sony!

Congratulations, Guerrilla Games and Sony!

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Took them a while, huh?

A $10 console game sells millions? What a surprise.

>sell highly marketed game for sub 20$
>it sells



BotW BTFO. I always knew Horizon Zero Dawn was the better game.

Attached: 9E4CC8C3-A6FD-4168-A67A-452F0D64B6AA.jpg (125x125, 9K)

About as long as it took some decades old IPs, so pretty good for a new IP!

Ass blasted at the truth, I see.

>a decade old IP not selling 10 million in a year when there weren't as many people int he market is 1:1 comparable to a game released today with a AAA budget

>very bad writing
>very bad characters
>average story about self origins
>features the most basic “””””””rpg””””””””” mechanics ever on a game
>becomes rather repetitive, once you know how to deal with the machines, there are no twists nor changes to them so it becomes a chore to deal with them
>human ai is extremely laughable
>literal ass creed tier “”””stealth””””” mechanics. Hiding in tall grassesis somehow acceptable
>ubisoft towers
>very disapppointing arsenals, an upgraded weapon of the same weapon still feels the same
>worst bow feel in a game ever
>shit character designs
I regretted getting a platinum for this overrated shit. I had the expansion since day one, never touched it

I didn’t mention any names user, how do you know which games I’m comparing Horizon to? They could be AAA and in development for 4+ years too, maybe even released on more than one console for all you know

yeah its pretty much botw

I never mentioned anything specific, dumb ass. You specifically said decades, so more than 10 years old (you do know what a decade is, right? and that you uses plurals?) Game and marketing budgets are far bigger now and the market has far more users now than is did 20+ years ago. Comparing the two without taking certain factors into consideration is fucking stupid.

Be careful op. You're going to trigger Yea ForumstendoGaf.

decades old IP is different than decades old game, you know that right?

Zelda Link to the Past is a decades old game, but Zelda is a decades old IP, for instance, you fucked up

This game is great.

It could have been better in some areas, like human enemy AI, and have better sidequests, but I enjoyed it too. Looking forward to see what a sequel does to human v robots combat

So much less than botw !

how many copies did BotW manage to sell?

>suicidal man
>Aloy comes and she says “the only voice that matters is mine” to a suicidal man
>somehow the shit line helps the man and doesn’t want to kill himself anymore
The shit writing they got away with is crazy to me. This is YIIK tier shit


Yeah that was my mistake, but how many of these decades old IP's had the same marketing and budget as Horizon did?

The good guys won in the end
Bless you Sony, and God Speed with the PlayStation 5, the gamers are with you


I’d argue that any triple A decades old IP gets that kind of push.

Yeah, that quest is dumb as fuck, which is an example of what I said earlier in this thread, that they should get better with the sidequests. Thankfully, the main quest is much better.

This game is fucking trash and I'm still upset at myself for spending $20 on it

It's not fair since the game has been selling for like $10 almost since release and is bundled everywhere. It's not worth more than a COD selling 6 millions.

Yeah same here, it's really fucking bad and feels cheap and glitchy.

could be worse you could have dropped 60.

I legit don't get the appeal of this game, is so fucking average it hurts.

She's basically the reason why my hunter in MHW is a readhead with freckles.

Took them long enough. The game has been 20€ for few years already.

>sell a AAA for cheap
>It sells
Why don't other companies do this? Do they hate money?

Fuck off tendie.
Take your bing bing wahoos back to r*ddit.

It reached the 10 million mark 3 months after BotW (Zelda #12?) did, which released in the same time frame (around March of 2017) on two consoles, so I’d say it did remarkably well for a new franchise

And following several price drops and bundles. BOTW is still full price. It's iconic.
It's remarkably good for a new IP, but why compare it to the granddaddy?

Dude, I just said it did well for a new IP when compared to a classic IP, settle down, I’m not taking anything away from Zelda buddy, yikes

Sequel when

Well yeah it's not bad by any means.
Lets just hope the sequel will be all around better and that it will not be quite so basic as the first game. They need some unique hook because the first game didn't really have one.

My guess is that it’ll be a year 1 title for the PS5. An open world exclusive on the PS5 should help drive early sales, specially since it’s a sequel.

If they do this with Final Fantasy 7 remake in the same year the PS5 will have already won.

Attached: 1516579057480.gif (244x156, 616K)

I was thinking about that. FF7 isn’t a lifetime exclusive, but they did announce it will come first to Sony platforms, so it’ll definitely drive sales too.

If we’re counting on a mid to late 2020 release for the PS5, a God of War (2018) sequel and a Spider-Man sequel could also arrive in the launch window, between release and 2021. Imagine that.

Loved it tho

>Botw fags trying to cope with the fact this game had better combat without the Nintendo bonus.

you know lying on the internet gets you nothing. you dont have to pretend that you played the game just so that your negative points have any sort of validity.