Not even memeing, the original was better. Remake fucked with the characters and is too cinematic.
Heck i'm gonna say it ,THE TANK CONTROLS WERE GOOD helped make the player feel helpless, fight me.
Not even memeing, the original was better. Remake fucked with the characters and is too cinematic
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree 100%.
But, alas, it is illegal to hate the current flavor of season AAA games. Makes you a "contrarian" or something.
u sound old
this thread sux donkey balls
im out dis bitch
I'd be fine with the OTS camera, but the game just feels fucking rushed. It lacks tons of content the original had, including trivializing the A / B routes into literal same shit. The art and sound design suck ass as well.
Tendies still mad they didn't get ReMake 2.
No one got the REmake.
Everyone got a shitty DEmake instead, that appeals to the TLOU fans and nothing else.
Proved 's point
I think the fan base will remain split on this one. The fans who prefer the tank control games will hate remake2 while the other half who prefer the more actiony side of RE will prefer this over the original. I personally enjoy the remake but gameplay wise they are completely different and I ultimately I think it will be subjective as to which is better.
It's not even a "tank controls" issue. It's the general design of the new game, together with its cut corners, that just make the experience more shallow and disappointing in the end. The devs talked about "replicating original's play style with the new frame", but not only does that result a very artificial feeling experience, but they also chose the laziest tricks in order to try and fake the play style.
It's also complete waste that the devs did not utilize the vast library of RE series' material in order to expand and enhance the RE2's experience.
It would not take too much work to fix the game into state that would please both / all three sides. It's such a shame that modding the game is fucking pain in the ass.
>its shallow and disappointing because I say it is
>its a very artificial feeling experience because I say it is
blahblahblah you just sound like a butthurt boomer. Fuck off and get over yourself.
I agree as much as I enjoy the game, if they would have waited another year or at least for an October release to polish it up and make it feel a bit more full I believe it could go from being a good game to a great game.
Welp... it's almost as if I'd be making subjective statements, but purposely omitting the detailed explanations because they are not asked for and tend to get ignored, but also in this case don't matter in case of the conversation.
What you are doing is shooting down any and all criticism without even hearing out or considering its validity, calling others stupid for not liking your highly flawed, wasteful adaptation of a certain highly acclaimed classic game. In short, you're enabling laziness and purely cancerous design philosophy.
I agree. So many features feel not only half-baked, but also like afterthoughts now. Like I'm pretty sure that they added the whole 2nd Time thing within the last few weeks, after their initial statement of A/B campaigns would not making a return got so much flak.
Many areas of the game also feel way less polished compared to others, and lack any kind of actual purpose this time around.
Original RE2 had tanky controls but you never felt helpless because it was by far the easiest RE game.
I've seen this exact same sentence dozens of times in the past weeks. Is this a pasta, a new meme, or some weird hivemind undermining attempt of the original?
>What you are doing is shooting down any and all criticism without even hearing out or considering its validity
I called you out for not explaining yourself. You could have shot back with your reasons as to why you think the way you do, but instead you decide to act like a fucking baby. Sad.
>enabling laziness
Have you ever made a fucking game? It is not possible to be a game dev and be lazy. Incompetent, sure, but lazy? Absolutely not.
>cancerous design philosophy.
Sorry I'll ask nicely this time so as to not hurt your feelings. Care to explain what you mean by this? :)
Maybe most people are saying that because its fucking true? Or is your rotting boomer brain not capable of realizing this?
RPD section of Remake is Extremely fucking good. And if you don't like it I think you don't really enjoy video games in general.
>Le boomer boogeyman
cry more zoom zoom, come play a real game like Doom 3D with your old man :)
Aren't you that obsessed autist who keeps making threads because you didn't like some lines in some of the cutscenes? Yikes. There's a reason you're so obsessed with the game. It's great.
It's people who actually played it after re1 or played all 3 first games at least and 100% reasonably find it easier.
You would know this too if you played classic REs zoomer.
Have to agree.
Pretty much every enemy in RE2Make felt more threatening to me.
A corridor full of zombies would be fun to mow down in the original and you wouldn't really fuss about it but the remake manages to make that scenario as threatening as a boss encounter
It's a great game.
>remake fucked with the characters
? I can agree with Leon being different and annoying players but Ada, Sherry, Kendo, Claire, Marvin and Annette are objectively better written characters in the remake. Claire in the original is religious girl so she cares? Annette is bad guy. Kendo is on guard but has a heart of gold I guess?
Ben's intentions and scene is arguable and Kendo's scene is arguably worse in remake but writing wise Kendo is a more clear character than in the original.
I'm curious what characters were ruined. Leon is a lot more naive and friendly but him and Ada's relationship makes a lot more sense because of it. People probably do prefer his assertive attitude though.
I like Irons in both, they're equally creepy just Irons in remake is a lot more in your face out of the gate which I agree is worse.
I liked the remake way more than the original but I'm in a minority of players that thinks 2 is the weakest and easiest of the original trilogy.
>made players feel helpless
I found hardcore in remake is way harder than any section of re2. I didn't play standard so I have no opinion on it. RE2 original is way too easy. Just finished RE3 today so I'm going to be starting up REmake later and then re2make again soon to give a proper ranking of the original trilogy and remakes but I feel like 2 gets too many props compared to 1 and 3. RE3 especially gets a lot of shit for some reason. The characters are goofy stereotypes and Jill dressed as a hooker makes zero sense but it's an action/tragedy with the most features and best gameplay of the original 3 by far.
I hate this game because it's popular
nah, I liked remake, but that's just you being bad, even the boss fights are easy to cheese for example g2 has a spot where you can simply stand while the arms break the ceiling and he is unable to hit you, right at the left side of the door he breaks, try it out
>I called you out for not explaining yourself.
No, you made yourself seem like an ass by reframing everything that was said in my OG post, not even expecting any arguments. Similarly, you're now claiming that the game is all around perfect.
>Have you ever made a fucking game?
Yes I have. Dozens.
>It is not possible to be a game dev and be lazy.
It indeed is. In fact, it's practically a norm nowadays for people to make do with the "eh, good enuff I guess" -level trash, not even trying to push the limits and outdo themselves.
Sometimes, time restrictions etc play a part, but for a multi-million dollar triple-A game, that's just a bullshit excuse.
>Care to explain what you mean by this?
I mean that the devs push out a bare minimum acceptable product, then spend the next months "fixing" it with DLC and patches, still potentially leaving numerous flaws unaddressed as they'd require way bigger overhaul to the core systems.
>Maybe most people are saying that because its fucking true?
I somehow doubt it's "most people". More like a lonely samefag, who potentially hasn't even played classic RE games.
Even if we'd pretend that would not be the case, it's almost as if people would not experience the games in different ways, thus finding their subjective takes on the games to be vastly different.
While I personally think that original RE2 is pretty easy game, namely because I've beaten it dozens of time now, I can also state that it never becomes a mindless cakewalk, and the atmosphere certainly remains top-tier throughout the game.
>You would know this too if you played classic REs zoomer.
Fuck off, kid. I started playing RE series exactly 22 years ago, with RE1, and still have my OG copies of all the games. The fact that you're trying to make RE2 be like some sort of walking sim w/ guns is just pure bullshit with no backbone.
That’s probably the main issue, game peaks at the beginning sections
The sewer and lab can’t compare
The labs are so fucking disappointing, specially on leon b, I expected at the very fucking least that the zombies and lickers would already be there so it would be harder, hell, even claire has a ivy back at the room where you put the codes, mr x is a joke in that part after you know that you can simply shoot the plants to stun and get through, or simply burn them before, I wish there were more zombies
stopped reading
right here btw
They didn't even use ANY sort of Zapping system in the game either. No weapon lockers (they could've easily expanded this to include the whole room in cop station), no BOW gas, no Culture Room locks ... nothing.
First time around, I stood a few steps forward from there, next to the hole Willy made to the ceiling. He kept spamming thrust thru' it, never hitting me.
Something making you feel helpless in a horror game is not always good. You could also add a shitton of artificial input lag and invert what the sticks do every 10 seconds if that was the case. Tank controls are cumbersome and unnecesary in this day and age, you can make the player feel helpless with other resources: tougher zombies, unkillable enemies, lightning, more interesting attack patterns for enemies, etc., which are all things this remake does. Refusing to see RE games as anything past "tank controls" is retarded.
I don't care about the OP, I just want to vent my frustrations.
>play hardcore
>try to evade dog
>lunge puts me on Caution
>spam inventory key to heal
>inventory won't open up when you're in a stun animation
>before the menu will pop up, dog combos into a rear grab
>half hour of progress lost
Nice game, Capcom.
Take your meds michael
>Tank controls are cumbersome and unnecesary in this day and age
I do not agree. They worked great in RE4-5 and obviously in the past games, and would've been way better choice for balancing REM2 than the bullet spongy super zombies.
All the things you listed are exactly the lazy cop-out ways that make this game so much inferior. Had they made engaging enemies harder, by making you once again stop on your tracks when aiming, making the aim unsteady unless you use a weapon w/ a stock, greatly increase the recoil of stockless weapons, increase the enemy counts and lower ammo pickups... etc, they could've kept the core gameplay intact, not make the gunplay feel like shit, yet still would've inflicted feeling of terror on the players and forced 'em to think smartly for their next move.
I'm actually surprised they never used RE3-style randomized enemy mobs anywhere. The dogs especially were VERY underplayed, appearing only in one, very open space during Claire's route, and only a couple times more as Leon.
>Refusing to see RE games as anything past "tank controls" is retarded.
That's not what anyone is saying.
However, at this point, RE has become a mirror image of all the generic 3rd person console shooters of the 8th console generation.
Handicapping the player dosent make the game scary.
Actually, it does. That's the whole thing of horror gams: underpowering the player.
Not to mention if you truly think that, then you should absolutely despise RE2m for making the player's attacks so weak and enemies so OP in comparison.
No it dosent, and i take the trade of tougher enemies and also being able to move freely and dodge + stunning enemies them being a sitting duck because the devs thought that would be scary for some reason.
of course it is better.
Then you have completely missed the point of survival horror.
Good day.
new game is for fags & niggers. so, basically 4/v/
Only to stupid fuckwad Crapcels. I swear Capcom's "fanbase" is the most autistic group of retards there are. More so than Nintendo fans.
>No it dosent,
But it does. You cannot just pop heads off with ease, no matter that the same bullets can still rip off entire limbs off the foes, and without defensive items you no longer can even shake off zombies.
>i take the trade of tougher enemies and also being able to move freely and dodge
You could move freely in past games as well.
I can literally run from the beginning of RE2 to the cop station without firing a single shot, outside of the basketball yard and the bus, dodging all enemies.
Got the unlimited handgun for hardcore playthourghs, haven't touched it since. One of those games that you beat once and most likely don't touch again for another 2 years so you forget all the stupid cinematic setpieces
And that is?
What I liked about remake is that, just like the original, after you know what you're doing the game turns into an action game since you always know where ammo is, you can mow down everything in your way with no regrets later (my biggest regret was finishing the game with enough ammo to kill all the rpd zombies again on leon b and cucking myself out of blowing them to kingdom come)
You cant side step or 180 on og re2.
Nintendo fans aren't beaten dogs. They can agree when a game is shit and not pretend that it's the best like with Star Fox. They don't overhype the latest entry to every fucking game released. Capcom retards think Remake 2 is the best and call every RE game before it shit, think DmC 2 is the best and call every game before it shit, think Mega Man 11 is the best and call every game before it shit, etc.
Pretty much this.
Old RE2 at least was fun to replay thanks to its kinda different A and B campaigns and unlockables, but the new one is practically the same to the end.
I would like if it was indeed like that, but the Auto balanced difficulty can totally throw a wrench in your gears if you get too gud. All the sudden the bullets do less than a BB gun, and 2x big powders just grant you maybe 10 shots, all while a single bite takes you to Danger from max HP.
>and without defensive items you no longer can even shake off zombies
but you can mash and basically negate damage if you're fast enough
What’s the point you’re polluted zoomer reddit mind can’t even comprehend it
>You cant side step or 180 on og re2.
you either kinda OR literally can do 180-turn in RE2, depending on your version and whether you exploit the auto-aim.
Besides, why'd you need to sidestep ?
You’re in the minority.
Nintenshills just spam the cinematic meme. They are crying in DMCV threads now. Just remind them that Xenoblade 2 is a censored product and they will shut the fuck up
>too cinematic
What does this even mean?
>getting hit
>but you can mash and basically negate damage if you're fast enough
In nu-RE2, you cannot.
Prove it.
This. Zoomers will never know the true golden era of gaming.
And you think there's only one way to make survival horror apparently.
Are you going to say ir or you going to vomit overused memes?
To dodge enemy attacks
Kek NO, nintendofags over hype every shit that comes to nintendo. If REmake 2 was nintendo exclusive they would be praising it over and over
its not the only place, you can also stand a bit from the terminal on the other side and he will swing the air
Yeah I misread your post, thought you were talking about og
Ugh... The defenders of this shit game are such a vocal minority ffs, why can't you just go back to resetera already, take your shite opinions back there with you and stop polluting our board
Take a nap michael
Jesus fuck why are people so fucking insecure when it comes to Nintendo? You have retards seething about them in almost every single thread that has nothing to do with Nintendo
Lay off the meth michael
Why are nintenbros so insecure about games not coming to their console? Are you that afraid of people liking Capcom games more than nintendo?
Nintendo fans don't like or want cinematic last of us shooters you fucking retard. Nice try though. They are probably the only fanbase that still buys actual "video games" instead of wannabe interactive movies.
I hope Capcom just ports over RE2 n64 version in the future.
You have Nintendo in your head 24/7. Seek help for your autism, faggot.
>never played on HC
lmfao @ ur life.
>To dodge enemy attacks
Why'd you need sidesteps for that? And what kind of attacks can you "dodge" in RE2M with sidesteps anyway?
Also, do you need the games to have linearly rushing foes that may be avoided merely by couple steps side ways?
Fucking /thread
>Prove it
Seemed cooler when it wasnt out.
After it released I just stopped caring because I remember I dont care fort the over the shoulder style games of today
Make your shit stand out if you want it to do well, dont just copy a fucking PS2 game with less features
You didn't even youtube this game, nintentoddler
Keep crying nintentoddler
Even in fucking Anthem threads you have dipshits bring up Nintendo for some reason. It's more fucking annoying than people complaining about /pol/ all the time.
How am I supposed to understand this graph?
It definetely helps since the game forces you into vombat situations
It is doing well, dummy
>REmake 2
>interactive movie
What? The game is a lot harder than the original and barely have that much cutscenes.
>he thinks I even thought about playing on anything other than hardcore, ever
lmao please man, this is what I finished leon B with and that was only my second run ever on this game
>It definetely helps since the game forces you into vombat situations
I never used sidesteps for any sort of avoiding of attacks. You're constantly doing the same shit you did in OG games' bossfights: running around wildly, until you get to a decent vantage point and can take some shots at the foe.
Friendly reminder that Demake poster is the reason for anyone with legitimate criticisms being written off as a raging autist. Retard basically gave the game a criticism shield.
Nintendofans just buy everything that's on nintendo. If REmake 2 was on switch it would suddenly be a hard game and not a cinematic game
You are the biggest hypocrites in Yea Forums
If remake 2 was exclusive to Nintendo Capcom would have made it an actual RE game instead of trying hard to be a wannabe western TPS.
Just like Revelations 1 right?
But still side step or run to the direction you want instead of just turning the running like in og and that helps a lot in combat
So its only RE when it is an alone in the dark clone?
A friend of mine paid top dollars to import the american version of RE2 to France because it wasn't going to be out for a long time. We were really into the game for months. It was the first time something really scared me in a videogame. I bought the OST, usually listen to it at work and everything.
The remake was still better.
I still pirated it anyway.
>western tps
Are you retarded? RE4 was the one who brought the whole tps to a new level and that started in game cube. Just admit you just want to suck nintendo's cock
Reset era trannies and zoomers over hype it and think it's the best. Most real RE fans know it's fucking shallow compared tot he original. The trannies love it because everyone is ugly and that is "realistic" to them. Zoomers are fucking retards who can't into "old" games so they need to play the remakes of every franchise.
You do know you can run and turn at the same time in OG?
And if anything, the more "limited" movement brings weight to the gameplay, demanding more tactical planning than the simple binary "now run - now shoot @ weakspot" combat in remake.
when was the last time you played RE4 ?
I have a switch and I enjoyed tlou, fuck off poorfag
back to plebbit with you
This is how you point out a fucking retard who has never touched RE4 and then played something like dead space or uncharted game.
The game wouldn’t have over 6,000 years of playtime if most people only touched it once.
i played the original r2 for the first time in preparation for this game and i have to say that i prefer the original as well.
Tank controls are archaic garbage and you all no it
stop letting nostalgia control you
imagine being delusional enough to think you’re a spokesperson for “real” RE fans.
This is literally the same retard logic Cliffy B and Randy used to say Lawbreakers and Battleborn were a success.
>Look at how many hours people have played!
Maybe try out Five Nights at Freddy’s it might be more your speed kid
I said good day sir
RE4 is when RE started to stop being RE, retard.
He's pretty on point. If you like RE7 and said that the series moving forward should be FPS, you aren''t a real RE fan.
From a stand still you cant you slowly turn while moving also og and remake boss design is pretty similar since you can cheap out bosses by shooting them from distance and moving out of the way when they attack.
>parrots literal shit by retards who have never played re4
>The game wouldn’t have over 6,000 years of playtime if most people only touched it once.
You do know that the game sold over 3MIL copies ?
6000y = 52,560,000 hours |: 3,000,000 = 17,5 h
Some people / YT e-celebs have spent that much on their FIRST playthrough alone. For normies, it's not uncommon to spend over 7-8 hours on the first playthroughs, meaning that average comes up with just finishing a single A and B route + fooling around a bit in the 4th Survivor.
Social engineering user trying his absolute hardest.
It is RE, retard.
What's wrong with Dead Space?
I'm just playing RE2 actually and unless something crazy happens in the Lab section, i gotta you guys are full of nostalgia shit.
Reminder only Switchlets hate this game because they don't get to play it.
I felt disappointed after the initial honey moon of good graphics, facial animations, acting and sparkle.
>almost no Leon/Claire interaction
>A/B scenarios almost the same
>breakable knives
>zombies not as scary as REmake in looks and sound
>cut city parts
>sponge enemies
>Ivies look dumb
>Mr. X on A/B scenarios instead of B only
>remake OST is almost non-existent
The aftertaste of this demake isn't very good.
Of course it's fucking shit compared to the original. The original had fucking soul as seen by it's music. The music alone shows you why it's better.
They are just crying in dmc5 threads now
Nah its boring.
RE is fun but had shit controls,now thats not a problem anymore.
>From a stand still you cant you slowly turn while moving
It takes around a second to do a 180 turn without the instant-turn function, and you can indeed run at the same time. Knowing the limitations and possibilities also helps you visualize the set of rules the game sets on you, within which you can plan out smarter tactics. It's a bit like everyone now knows to go for the legs of the zombies instead of the heads in the REmake; in classic RE's you had to keep the room layouts and camera-angles in mind, all while remembering your 3-directions of attacks, how the weapons behave, and how the enemies act.
You mean with all those quicktime events and press buttons to suplex infectados? With all those bullets?
The tendie shows himself. Proof that it's only obsesssed seething tendies who hate this game.
Nothing really. It's an okay game but it has too much over the top dramatic movie presentation. But you are a larping retard if you think dead space plays anything like RE4. It's like saying Sonic 1 is the exact same game as Mario 1.
Take your pills michael
>i gotta you guys are full of nostalgia shit.
You are again just proving right.
I guess you have never played the original game either.
I hope they go back to fixed camera angles. It's unique nowadays and they already put the zoomer non-tank controls in the 1 and 0 remasters.
Opinion discarded.
>oh no! You said the eeevul word! Now I can just ignore ur arguments! :^)
Revelations is just re4, retard.
You’re a fucking moron because the developers of Dead Space said that Resident Evil 4 was their biggest influence. They directly retooled the game because of how much they loved it.
This game is great.
I'd be fine with the 2D controls, if they had any sort of weight and actual animation for direction changing. Still not a fan of them; they pretty much ruined SH4 and were god-awful in N64's RE2 (always used D-pad for that reason).
>it's OTS shooter
>they are the same thing!
Any second in combat is difference between taking a hit or not and the and being to move frelly helps in combat.
>I guess you have never played the original game either
How about you actually read my post this time? Word by word i said i'm in the process of playing the original (RE2) game, otherwise i would've said "RE2R" or "REmake 2".
>no original voice actors because MUH UNION
>paid dlc superior soundtrack and classic SFX sounds >inb4 b-but it's 3$
>completely butchered the scenario system, B scenario doesn't even exist anymore and both characters have a mish mash of A scenario events that happen at the same time but neither is even canon because both characters kill the same bosses and this fucks up the story with characters dying and reviving later or bosses getting killed multiple times in the same area whereas in the original each scenario had specific bosses
>no zapping system, shit you do in A run doesn't carry over to B run and you do the same puzzles again for no reason while the A run character is magically ahead
>reduced interactions between leon and claire, they don't even talk over the radio and don't logically divide and conquer objectives like the original, now they just stumble on things and get railroaded into them no matter what
>the entire ada section and the god awful batman scanner shit and the stupid """""boss"""" fight with it
>alligator boss fight got turned into a fucking on rails piece of shit
>moved city street section at the beginning to the middle of the game for petty reasons that don't showcase how dangerous the streets really are which makes you question why the characters go out of their way to go to the sewers to escape
FUCK the remake
Using the analog stick to move is the best way to play it on n64. Only way you can quick turn in the game.
>g embryo splits people down the middle
>g embryo just chest bursts
for what purpose?
>THE TANK CONTROLS WERE GOOD helped make the player feel helpless, fight me.
Your argument is literally "this game that was worse was better because it was worse"
I love how this post btfo of retards in this thread
They really dont play that similarly.
Go see a doctor michael
>implying you wouldn't be sucking nintendo's dick if this game was exclusive
Tendie seething so hard he samefags his own post.
Why do you keep mentioning Nintendo you fuckwad?
Sure michael
This. The one guy obsessed with this game and shitposting it is mentally ill. Not surprising coming from tendies.
re2 had tons of ammo pick ups because of kamiya's fetish for action, here's my endgame item box, shit's easy
>no arguments
lmao faggot
>still no arguments
double lmao, you faggots and your persecution syndrome, seek medical treatment you insecure bimbos
>Any second in combat is difference between taking a hit or not and the and being to move frelly helps in combat.
That is why you learn to move and engage in combat smartly, rather than just playing it by the ear. Past RE games had enemies clearly signal their attack attempts, and the behavior of foes was indeed fairly easy to master.
And are you implying it isn’t a success?
Because that second quote hurt you. We know how bad it is for a non nintendo game to have attention in Yea Forums
I agree. But I feel that the plot of this game is one of the biggest weaknesses of the game. If you start to compare it with the original you can see all the flaws, but as a standalone game, its really really good. As I said, the plot is where the game stumbles a little.
I think this man speaks the truth, anyway i kind of enjoyed the remake.
Based Reggie putting cinematic retards in their place.
They're the only ones who can't play this masterpiece. This thread proves how salty they are.
based reggie poster
Seek help michael
Nice pasta.
It bombed in Japan and sold less than the shit that was 7 that now Capcom has to pull the "Look how much we Shipped!"
>Le michael boogeyman
Fuck off Kazunori your DEmake is shit
keep going loser, truth hurts eh
>not a list of mostly nitpicks
Based nintenfag supporting a game with censored conversations
Seek medical advice michael
>cinematic last of us shooters
Confirmed for not actually playing RE2make
its as gamey as games get idiot
based and reggiepilled BTFOing fag enablers
k mike
>playing RE games for the "plot"
Mentally Ill.
>175 posts 42 IPs
Nintendo fags are almost Hitler in Ardennes levels of desperate seeing ow RE2R is a huge HIT and DMC5 will follow it later
Get some treatment michael
>literally the same fucking person giving random (You)'s to anyone who dares have a different opinion
We all know it's one mentally ill tendie obsessed with this masterpiece.
You have bad taste OP and also get good.
Obsessed and coping.
>Playing RE games for the horror
>censored game
Oh no no no
Seek help michael
Well, no. I dont play Resident evil for the plot. I still think its a great game despite the plot holes and contradictions because I really dont care. But Its kind of a shame because, of all the Resident evils, 2 has I think the best and most interesting plot of all of them
It's cancerous to think REmake was followed by something that isn't a remake, but a shitty reimagining.
Too bad KH3 is old now, they were distracted opening like 200 threads crying about it and now they are targetting dmcv and remake2 threads
>Playing RE games for the puzzles
>single-handedly BTFO every argument with just a few words
Has anyone unlocked the Hadouken power up yet?
Take a nap michael
I'm still on it.
Original was better
Still a damn good game.
>hating what everyone else likes makes you "contrarian" or something
Thats LITERALLY how it works.
Having gone back and played through the original again recently I actually have more of an appreciation for the remake. I'd forgotten just how much the game falls short once you get into the sewers and the lab in some ways worse than the remake. The remake actually has a more interesting Sewer and Route A Lab (Since a unique chunk of the lab in the original is B only). The Remake lab has less backtracking since the important areas are moved to the one wing and loop rather than a back and forth between the wings in the original. I'd say the RPD is more interesting as well. It was cool realizing just how similar they'd kept the RPD but just expanded upon it so it flows better. Mr.X is just objectively improved in the remake as well. He's a complete joke in the original since you just run past him and leave the room, that's literally all you do every single time he shows up. He's just a minor scripted set piece moment and failed jumpscare each time. Having him actually follow you around the RPD helps create some nice dynamic challenge and forces you to adapt your routing on the fly which keeps things fresh.
>tfw got OG 2 on launch and love REmake 2 as well
Get fucked
>What you are doing is shooting down any and all criticism without even hearing out or considering its validity
>purposely omitting the detailed explanations because they are not asked for and tend to get ignored
You don't get to make vague points without backing them up and then get mad that people shoot them down for being fucking worthless.
>but also in this case don't matter in case of the conversation.
Clearly it does considering you're whining that someone shot down your points because you didn't explain yourself.
>too cinematic
Please, just stop playing video games.
>>Have you ever made a fucking game?
>Yes I have. Dozens.
The funniest part of this entire thread
Sorry, but I play games for the whole experience, in which the plot is one key figure. And just like practically all other factors in the game, the plot too is very poorly written and implemented.
>mostly nitpicks
So what were NOT nitpicks?
Also, I dunno about you, but if a game is full of "nitpicks", it ends up being a pretty damn broken and shitty experience.
What is so funny about it ?
Oh no no no
i argue that the remake is harder yes there are cutscenes oh shit call the cops a game has cutscenes. better character interaction. and overall better game play.
the original is too cinematic, it has fucking unskippable cutscenes. You watch a speedrun and half the game is cutscenes.
>Heck i'm gonna say it ,THE TANK CONTROLS WERE GOOD helped make the player feel helpless
take your small dick out and try to smash it on controller in order to control your character, now THAT will make you feel hopeless
resident evil was never scary unless you played the first few as a kid which I did
As someone who played RE3 recently, classic RE is overrated (except REmake) in terms of its survaval horror design. I used to think people were valid for criticising RE4 for being an action game and I accepted that despite thinking it is almost a perfect game but after playing RE3, I don’t understand how RE4 gets all the shit. RE3 pretty much has no tension except for Nemesis parts because the amount of ammo thrown at you. There is no excuse a survival horror game requires less thought about ammo conservation than an action game like RE4.
I get having limited movement mechanics, but limited movement controls is a bit overboard in trying to make something "horrific". You should have as much of a fluent control as you can, but limited options to make you feel helpless if that makes sense.
Tank controls suck. I loved Silent Hill 1-3 but I cannot go back to those shitty controls.
RE2make is amazing, so good I went back to REmake and it's so underwhelming.
Nitpicks as in complaining about stupid shit that doesn’t actually hurt the game.
its the same thing but you can move around while you aim
Who's Michael?
Thats what 90% of Survival Horror games do though. Its true for the OG REs and Silent Hill games. Fuck, even Dark Souls majorly does this and everybody cums all over that game
Can I have some webm?
Those "union voice actors" are all shit. SHIT!
go play an arena shooter retard, you clearly don't even understand the concept of a horror game
>Nitpicks as in complaining about stupid shit that doesn’t actually hurt the game.
Such as ?
the Crapcum shills' scapegoat Nazi-card counter-argument for everything.
These are the same fucking causal fucks who ove saying Mega Man, Castlevania, Silent Hill, or any old franchise has no story and they are just big fucking jokes.
Sure why not?
this tbhq no alyson court no buy and the zoomers pretending her absence makes no difference make me sick and should die in a fire
After the RPD the game falls apart and then it gets pretty bad.
The maze style level is great but it only worked for the RPD part.
Its a solid zombie/monster/sci fi story. I actually wish there was a bit more cinematic to the game, they had some interesting characters that were very breifly touched upon that I wouldve liked to see more of. But everyone here seems to hate cinematic gaming
>get to the sewers
>giant 3 level maze that loops back and forth on itself
>get lost 2 times in it
>have to literally memorize it by replaying just to get through it fast
worst piece of shit in history, it also has the faggot ass arkam asylum ada part which is dogshit
That's creepy.
Oh don't even remind me of the Ada part, literally one of the worst parts ever, if it was long it would ruin the game.
Irons is shif in remake he is just generic bad guy
The game is great. Why are switch only faggots so mad?
Fuck off burl
It makes their RE games irrelevant. They're always insecure.
Fuck off. I'm a PC + PS4 mustard, played through the game 4x now, and for the most part it was nothing but dog balls.
>breakable knives
>sponge enemies
>”I can’t adapt to the game’s mechanics so it’s the game’s fault”
>zombies not as scary as REmake in looks and sound
>implying RE zombies have ever been scary
>cut city parts
>”Oh no, the intro is slightly shorter than the original game!”
>Ivies look dumb
>Mr. X on A/B scenarios instead of B only
>”Why doesn’t the remake perfectly replicate this specific thing from the original?!”
wrong, trannyera didn't like it you faggot because it was too hard and not RE4. fuck off casual faggot, you're never getting another cancerous RE6.
>ever getting lost when you have a map
I never understood why there's no A/B Scenario.
This game is great.
>230 replies
>65 ips
why are RE threads shilled so hard? fuck off micheal you retard.
All characters in the remake suck.
Leon is the generic naive hero.
Ada is the generic shady spy.
Irons is the generic evil old guy.
When Ada looks at Leon and goes "UMBRELLA IS AN EVIL COMPANY CREATING MONSTERS, i just couldn't go on anymore and people have the audacity to claim the remake is better written than the original when it's actually retarded.
>for the most part it was nothing but dog balls.
>had to play the game four times to come to this conclusion
please be bait. no one can be this retarded.
>THE TANK CONTROLS WERE GOOD helped make the player feel helpless, fight me.
Can't debate the evident. A control scheme that doesn't allow for quick lateral movement limits your choices, and limits are a good part of making a horror game.
Having played RE2 and RE3 back in the day (I saw RE1, never actually played it at the time), I can say both games are different, not actually superior one to the other. RE2make is superior at making a stressful scenario, while RE2 is superior at ambiance.
Now, how exactly are the characters worse in the remake?
Also share 's point of view 100%.
That thread is very nick picky.
Loved finding Clare's note in the stars office telling me to get the fuck out.
How is RE2 any better?
>breakable knives
I have never said anything about this.
>sponge enemies
This is a major issue, that could've been easily avoided with just a minimal amount of extra work.
>”I can’t adapt to the game’s mechanics so it’s the game’s fault”
Never said this either. The game's systems are piss easy, but that does not make them enjoyable either.
It's literally a game of artificial difficulty, with no substance explaining or supporting the designs.
>zombies not as scary as REmake in looks and sound
When did I say this? But sure, the RE2M's zombies look very lame for the most part. Their angry groaning is also damn generic and polar opposite of the melancholic, victim-like zeds of the old games.
>implying RE zombies have ever been scary
No one has said anything about this. What's your point?
>cut city parts
>”Oh no, the intro is slightly shorter than the original game!”
That actually is a very valid complaint. A remake of 2 was expected to greatly expand and enhance ALL elements of the game, just like its predecessor, but instead it ended up cutting out lots of sections, not only the streets, and rendering several sections inaccessible, useless, or both.
>Ivies look dumb
They really do. Only reason people are even remotely bothered by them is thanks to their insta-kill nature, which is total BS that makes no sense.
>Mr. X on A/B scenarios instead of B only
Never said this either. However, it does kinda water down his appearance's impact, even more so since he pops up exactly the same way on both scenarios.
>”Why doesn’t the remake perfectly replicate this specific thing from the original?!”
That is a good question. Why can't 2010's devs do what others could pull off 20 years ago? Why is there stuff missing instead of more content to be enjoyed? Why was the most waited remake turned into a whole new game?
No, not baiting, and no - I did not need to play it 4 times for that conclusion.
I simply finished the game I acquired, that's all. And it sucked.
DEMAKE 2, shills BTFO
Yours seems a problem of personal preference (and some objectively valid points like the intro being shorter), and is fine. Except for one thing.
>sponge enemies
Why are you bitching about this? DId you forget how in RE2 you need to shoot the zombies a fuckload for them to drop, and even then they get up more often than not on Leon A?
Besides, the critical hitbox just changes from head to knees, so I see absolutely no issue with this. Crawling zombies are laughably easy to avoid, even in presence of a Licker.
>A remake of 2 was expected to greatly expand and enhance ALL elements of the game, just like its predecessor
Faggot, REmake didn't expand "ALL" elements of RE1. This is why people call you nitpicking faggots.
you posted but the ip count didn't go up. fuck off micheal.
>THE TANK CONTROLS WERE GOOD helped make the player feel helpless
Anyone who makes this claim has never actually played RE. At no point are you restricted or crippled from doing what you want to do. It took some time getting use to but once you were comfortable, they were smooth and responsive. Tank Controls were necessary for the kind of game they were making. Any other method would be an unresponsive mess because camera transitions would fuck you over. Cold fear tried to fixed cameras with traditional controls and it was a mess.
I'm tired of you fucks pretending to like tank controls and making the dumb ass claim that "it's bad on purpose!" when that's not the case at all.
This to be quite honest.
I think og 2 was better too, tank controls are great and so is the static camera. the new remake is still great, though.
>Why are you bitching about this?
Because the reason for having most of the enemies (except dogs, WTF) to be titanium-skulled is ultimately very silly:
The devs realized that the MODERN, manual-aim OTS gameplay made players too overpowered, and they didn't want to spend much time figuring out any other balancing methods. No matter that Capcom themselves had come up with numerous perfectly valid options themselves, already a decade ago.
However, just like RE4 is already getting flak from zoomers nowadays for being "2ugly & clunky2play" (yeah, seriously), it's almost certain that any kind of steering away from the modern twin-analog control style that lets ya move and shoot simultaneously would've caused lots of flak from the more casual crowds, who nowadays hate having to learn how to play a new game ("WAAH! MrX is 2hard!").
>DId you forget how in RE2 you need to shoot the zombies a fuckload for them to drop,
It takes average of 3 pistol shots to drop or stagger them, and another shot or three to kill them. I've played the OG RE2 and its numerous ports dozens of times, so those stats are practically part of my muscle memory. In REmake2, I have seen a single zombie take an entire mag to the face, and merely trip over from it.
In the OG RE games, the characters aimed to high torso section, which explains the relative yet still lesser tankiness of the old zombies.
However, any weapon that allowed you to aim properly to the skull (shotgun, special pistols, boot to the head...) indeed killed them instantly. Not only that, but RE2's opening cinematic shows Leon 1-shotting two zombies with a single 9mm to the head
REmake2 lacks such in-game lore and logic explanations, and actually goes full retard with its rules, as somehow a rotten human skull can take a full MAC-10 magazine's worth of bullets at point blank range, while the obviously sturdier legs and arms just come right off with a mere couple shots. Or how about zombies literally DROWNING in water?
>fight me
I try not to pick fights with the mentally handicapped
>Faggot, REmake didn't expand "ALL" elements of RE1.
But it literally did.
Not a single detail was left as-is, and especially gameplay and map-design, while still very faithful to the original, were still greatly enhanced.
What elements do you claim the REmake1 to NOT have expanded or improved ?
Okay so from reading the thread, people don't like the game design because it doesn't have the a and b route. But people don't like the gameplay because it lets you walk around while aiming instead of just standing still?
Sex scenes with Jill and Rebecca
>he doesn't know
I still fell helpless. What the FUCK is hardcore mode?
How do I aim for their head/legs if they move that fast? Seems impossible on a controller.
If you were presented the opportunity to keep either RE2 or RE2 Remake in 1998 after a man in a time machine brought you both games and let you play through each once, you would pick the Remake in a heartbeat and you know it
>What the FUCK is hardcore mode?
The "normal" mode for anyone who ever played RE1-3+CV.
>How do I aim for their head/legs if they move that fast?
you just do it?
>on a controller
My condolences.
it also didn't remove any of it's elements so your argument is trash
So the remake sucks because it didn’t bring over every single minor nuisance from the original? Dude, that is the epitome of nitpicking. And the remake is already longer than the original game, so how can you say they cut lots of stuff out?
>Why was the most waited remake turned into a whole new game?
Because people could just play the original RE2 if that’s what they wanted. Why do you want a glorified port with just better graphics and QoL changes?
>a piece of impossible-at-time tech is presented to you in the past! What would you do??
So now you succumb to history alteration in order to defend this turd?
Sorry, but I played RE2 for the first time only after REmake's HD port had come out, and I still greatly prefer it over this reskinned Dead Space.
Played all 4 scenarios of OG RE2, it was never this difficult.
>not rating things objectively instead of adding or subtracting arbitrary points based on release date
>The "normal" mode for anyone who ever played RE1-3+CV.
You guys crack me up with this nonsense. Only a toddler would find the original games difficult.
>to be titanium-skulled
First off, lets agree to disagree. Now, "titanium skull" is a silly argument in the RE universe, where entropy and other biological principles are thrown out the window (no issue with this btw). I hold that changing a focus to limb destruction instead of free-kill headshots is just fine.
> it's almost certain that any kind of steering away from the modern twin-analog control style that lets ya move and shoot simultaneously would've caused lots of flak from the more casual crowds
Yes, but tell me how it would make sense to have two (moderately) trained gunmen just standing still to shoot? I could agree a crosshair to appear while standing completely still, while getting it to disappear in motion. Otherwise, why move away from it?
Hunk's mission not being a cakewalk from the first attempt is an excellent benchmark on how zombies are not a pushover and still a danger, and yet easy to dismiss if you intend to survive and go forward.
Zombies, as they are in the remake, are just fine IMO. Not perfect, mind you, but they work good enough.
>So the remake sucks because it didn’t bring over every single minor nuisance from the original?
No. Again, that's not what I said. And what "nuisances" are you talking about?
>the remake is already longer
But it's not.
>how can you say they cut lots of stuff out?
Because I *KNOW* what content original RE2 had, and what REmake2 does not have.
Not only cutting stuff, but the remaining material is very underwhelming compared to the overhauls REmake1 provided.
>Because people could just play the original RE2 if that’s what they wanted
But that is not what literally millions of RE-fans wanted, waited for, and thought they were promised back in 2015 with the "We do it!" reveal.
We wanted the RE2 to get the "REmake treatment"; the wet dream of practically any fan of tad older game since 2002 : a truly faithful recreation of the classic title, making smart adjustments and extensions where ever possible, all while still providing the same core gameplay and story people had come to love.
>Why do you want a glorified port with just better graphics and QoL changes?
Why do you want to trivialize one of the greatest games, the 2002 REmake, into a mere "glorified port"?
And are you claiming that people would not be happy with just better graphics and QoL edits? Last time I checked, the recent HD remasters of many PS1 and PS2 games (SotC, Crash, Spyro...) have sold like hotcakes, partly because they were just that, and nothing more. I also know that many people nowadays have huge prejudices towards classic 1990s / early 00s games, simply because "lol so bad graphix!"
There's nothing objective or logical bringing in theoretical "what if" situations.
I am sure that FF13 would be the absolute god-tier game if taken back to 1995, but does that make it any superior experience now, in our current timeline, in its actual context and frame ?
Which version?
Absolutely correct. RE2 is easy as balls, even more so with Claire and the OP Grenade Launcher.
>Windows / DC
You didn't play this version, thus why you're confused.
Nobody played the fucking Windows/DC versions.
I can't believe SEGA shills are still breathing. I though they went extinct.
Imagine unironically believing this. gb2 RE6.
No just no.
unironically yes
To an alien who's never seen a videogame who is a completely blank slate, they could clearly see that the remake is the superior product
>not even memeing
>muh tank controls
this, and fuck jannies
>Actually, it does. That's the whole thing of horror gams: underpowering the player.
New Claire is best Claire.
Fight me.
>First off, lets agree to disagree.
No. That practically same as saying "Lets stop talking about this matter. It makes the game look bad!".
>Now, "titanium skull" is a silly argument in the RE universe
But it is not. And it has nothing to do with the "RE universe", just pure gameplay and logic.
A man's skull is one of the most brittle bones in your body. The 9mm ball does not just bounce off from one's face like that, especially after some literal dozen shots at point-blank range. It's even extra moronic considering how easily you can amputate the same specimen's limbs with the same weaponry.
>Yes, but tell me how it would make sense to have two (moderately) trained gunmen just standing still to shoot?
Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely yes.
Have you ever shot a gun? Have you ever been in the army? Practically whenever you shoot, you do it stationary, because you generally risk hitting jack shit if you run around.
Even in IPSC competition, you are practically DEMANDED to be stationary + have the barrel pointing at the very strict, pre-determined "target zone".
In this matter I have 125% confidence in my knowledge, first-hand experience and thus statements.
>I could agree a crosshair to appear while standing completely still, while getting it to disappear in motion.
I'd prefer the whole crosshair to be removed in favor of an in-game aiming device, like the laser in RE4 was. The characters wave around their flashlights most of the game, so why not turn those into constant aiming aids? Bump up the light's center area's brightness, dim the surrounding cone a bit, and there ya go: a crude crosshair.
Even better if it'd tremble around a bit, like in RE4. Maybe have it wave more extreme for a moment if you run around and make a quick stop to aim.
>Zombies, as they are in the remake, are just fine IMO
I kinda agree. They're merely "fine", which is disappointing after the history of RE establishing THE best zombies, design-wise. Their numbers were tad low though.
>To an alien who's never seen a videogame who is a completely blank slate, they could clearly see that the remake is the superior product
Which aids both FF13's and REm2's case... how?
Hell, even the creator of Silent Hill 2 realized the silliness and issue of such mentality when the notorious "HD Collection" was revealed to the world:
the newbies with no prior experience with the original will not be ABLE to tell the difference, and realize how butchered the new version is.
Shotguns in old RE games were the go-to mid game weapons, with more limited ammo pool than your basic sidearm.
While you could just hip fire with them and potentially know down bunch of enemies, the most effective tactic - the upwards head shot - required the player to take a risk by letting the zombies come very close to them.
>being impartial is a bad thing
Goblina-Creeru was so UGLY, that they made the new statue out of the classic Claire.
Being ignorant is only OK to a degree.
Using ignorance to boost and praise a faulty product is just stupidity caused by ignorance.
I would stop arguing with the alien autist unless you want to pop a vein in your brain trying to comprehend crazy
holy shit these capcom janitors damage controlling ITT
imagine getting so mad when someone doesn't like the game or agree with you.
imagine being so insecure when people say things could've done differently.
imagine liking this game just because you're obsessed with goblin looking americans and jerk off to their 3d rendered meshes.
it's not a bad game, but neither a perfect one. 7/10 tops. get over it and stop pretending to like something just because it's popular and over hyped..
>git gud at RE2make
>try REmake
>get shit pushed in fucking crimson heads and ran out of ink ribbons
>required the player to take a risk by letting the zombies come very close to them.
They don't need to be that close. Bundling them up would guarantee you could take down groups with one shot. You guys are seriously overselling RE2's difficulty.
but no one actually does that, and if you think they are doing it it's only because you are impartial on the subject already.
What the fuck are you smoking?
>A man's skull is one of the most brittle bones in your body.
How wrong you are on this.
>The 9mm ball does not just bounce off from one's face like that,
Neither can a virus invade all cell types, nor can any living thing change its bone and muscle mass so drastically in a month, no matter if the cells are constantly in G1/M state, much less in an hour. So, since that actually happens, let's just assume it makes the skull hard as titanium. Don't like that? All fibers to the neocortex are severed, and movement is delegated to red nucleus control / paleocortex, Pretty sure you're not hitting the medulla every shot.
>Have you ever shot a gun? Have you ever been in the army?
Have you? Have you been in live fire areas and not just shooting ranges? You should stand still (hence the crosshair argument) if you want to be accurate. If you want to get the fuck out of dodge, you go for center of mass. You get rid to the crosshair to simulate this.
>The characters wave around their flashlights most of the game, so why not turn those into constant aiming aids?
I agree, you could better this. Since they didn't focus as much on aiming, then the zombies being what they are work well with the current gameplay dynamics.
I'm just disagreeing on why zombies should be bullet sponges where you expect it, due to how the game is by nature and how it complements the gameplay as it is right now , not because it is a smart decision.
I'm in the very small minority that hate Crimson Heads. As a concept, they annoy the fuck out of me.
Worst game of the year,I mean decade confirmed?
not impartial*
now we're talking
kill yourself
>THE TANK CONTROLS WERE GOOD helped make the player feel helpless, fight me.
Tank controls meant most of your decision making boiled down to spending health or ammo to get through a hallway and the fixed camera became an annoyance anytime it obscured your aim on a target you know is there, but can't see. These two factors combined to boil your decision making down to spending health or ammo to get through rooms.
RE2 remake is more difficult thanks to juking/shooting requiring more mechanical skill while also being less immersion-breaking thanks to your control being arbitrarily hamstrung less often through shit camera angles and poor movement. RE2 Remake recreates a feeling of helplessness by:
>limiting visibility by dimming the lights and giving you a flashlight
>making zombies more competent at grabbing you
>making enemy movement more jerky and erratic to make aiming more challenging
These changes ultimately make a game that feels more helpless when played poorly without the helplessness feeling artificial, AND more fun to get good at.
It's hard to name anything that the remake does worse other than B routes and the classic Capcom stilted dialogue.
I just 100% the game. Can I get some praise Yea Forums?
seething capcom jannies. as usual these empty replies, never being able to defend the actual opinion of theirs.
>imagine dedicating this much of your day to this masterpiece
Literally OBSESSED
Neh, I dunno. It's kinda fun, if not a big baseline argument attempt.
>They don't need to be that close
In originals, you pretty much did have to let them up to a grab-distance.
It's true that you can still decently mow down a group down with normal shots.
>You guys are seriously overselling RE2's difficulty.
Notice how I've not even implied RE2 to be difficult? Some literal 10yo girls used to play the game just fine on their own, back in the days.
Similarly, people are greatly exaggerating the nu-RE2's challenge. It's actually EASIER to learn, and if you've already spoiled yourself of the legs being the new hot targets on enemies, you've already won.
Lickers were also nerfed a great deal. At least in the OG, you had broken glass and shit that could alert them to your location.
I was kinda spooked by the dogs ... until I realized that 3 pistol shots is all that they take to die for good, even on HC.
Yosh yosh, lil' user.
Gross midriff.
>goes on a autistic rant about goblin looking americans
>says others are seething
Wow you're really mad at video games
Ha! GAY!
I just miss the loading screens from the originals
While I am not too hot on the door opening videos, after beating the remake, I do think that those segmented rooms made each area feel more unique and memorable. Not to mention enemies following you from one room to another was made that much more "OH SHI-".
>mention it once in one sentence
you average v poster everyone
Eh that's fine. Shotguns have that nice horror atheistic. I like it.
>In originals, you pretty much did have to let them up to a grab-distance.
Don't talk to me like if I don't know. I'm replaying RE1 and 2 right now and have used the thunderous voice of God himself as my ammunition for my long barrel of death. I know the exact length I need them to be at for a headshot and there's still plenty of safe distance to score it.
>game is 98% gameplay and never wastes your time sans cutscenes (which are all skippable
>too cinematic
Literally has ReMake 2 on his mind non stop. LOL. This great game has broken this autist.
that reminds me... why the fuck's there no Bow in the remake??
This game is great.
I have 2 big problems with the game. New Run is useless and shouldn't exist. The weapons sound and feel like absolute trash. Sound like toys and have no recoil making them feel like water weapons.
One who laugh at frogniggers
umm sweetie, you're the one with 20+ posts defending it ITT. talk about obsessed...
>my long barrel of death.
the Super Shotgun has way bigger blast radious than the stock shortie.
Also, in RE1 (original), you can easily fail the 1-hit kill and just push the zombie back.
She's not goblin looking!!!
how do i git gud at REmake? i ran out of ink ribbons and have 3/4 masks the last one is in the plant room. i fought the coffin guy but he beat my ass
>shitty story
>shitty voice acting
>shitty controls
>shitty gameplay
Maybe you could give it the edge with puzzles? I haven't played for so long I don't remember how good the puzzles may have been.
But the original is inferior in every other way.
>New Run is useless and shouldn't exist.
It tricked the RE fanbase pretty well though, they're still claiming the remake has A/B scenarios.
what motivates a person to spend hours of their day every day having the same arguments about a video game they don't even like
No one cares what you feel about a game you played a week ago so you can do homework to shitpost on a new one.
You're not a classic fan, you're a fucking poser and a tumor
>"lack of lore"
I blame dark souls for peoples shit taste in video games now.
Yeah, the puzzles are decent.
Remake fucked with the characters
By giving them a semblance of a personality?
>too cinematic
That's rich considering the original used fixed camera angles.
No, they were not. That's called artificial difficulty. Same with hiding zombies behind fixed camera blind spots, even though they're in clear line of sight of the character.
Why were the zombies naked?
>how do i git gud at REmake?
You take your time, plan your each move carefully at the safe rooms (safest or fastest route to destination, necessary defensive items and ammo, lighter + fuel or not, save now or later...), and then try to execute your strategy the best of your capabilities, improvizing if SHTF.
The first game and remake are kinda front-heavy when it comes to difficulty, but definitely not some sort of "Dark Souls hard" HC gayming experiences. I'm still shocked that people can run out of Ink Ribbons in that game, especially if playing below the Normal (Mountain Climbing) difficulty.
The story was better in the OG, same with characters.
VA was fine, and gets big thumbs-up for not dropping tons of F-bombs just to appear "mature".
Controls are literally fine. Git gud.
Gameplay was way BETTER in the OG. The new one is just a shooter.
>A remake of 2 was expected to greatly expand and enhance ALL elements of the game
No, you do not need to literally expand everything. That’s an awful idea because you run the risk of bloating the game with needless filler.
It's "poseur" you mongoloid.
You clearly don't have a grasp on the type of crippling autism tendies have. They obsess over any games not on their fisher price tablet so much they can't think about anything else. This thread proves it.
Is Claire a goblin a meme?
I'm not British
Test subjects.
Nekkid zeds were a stable re-occuring foes in the original games. They cut them out from the remake, probably to avoid any sort of controversy. In an M-rated game of all things.
It'd be fun to play with in the remake to fuck with Lickers, but that thing was a piece of shit otherwise.
>The story was better in the OG, same with characters.
No it wasn't
>VA was fine
lol. yeah it's just "fine"
>Controls are literally fine. Git gud.
No they weren't. They were literally shit. It has nothing to do with how good the player was. They were just shitty artificial difficulty
>Gameplay was way BETTER in the OG. The new one is just a shooter.
>i only played on pleb difficulty
>hiding zombies behind fixed camera blind spots, even though they're in clear line of sight of the character.
this never happens in any resident evil game with fixed camera.
The remake is soulless.
You dumb as fuck boy.
Does this piss people off that can't afford games?
I hope it does, you poorfags think buying a few 60$ games being taxing is fucking hilarious, try collecting guns or clothes, and realize you're literally strapped over a cheap as fuck hobby like gaming, absolutely disgusting
>No, you do not need to literally expand everything.
REmake 1 did just that, and it was tasteful and glorious.
That game literally spoiled an entire generation for being so damn good, rising the standards very high.
>you run the risk of bloating the game with needless filler.
That just means that you're an incompetent, lazy developer.
That's what they all say.
>i never played the old RE games
>and it was tasteful and glorious.
No, please tell me what new puzzles or rooms were as iconic as the original.
The added rooms and """"Bosses"""" were very poorly designed, especially the new """"Puzzles"""" I'm shocked the jewel box """"Puzzle"""" made it into remake 2
It'd only piss me off if you were buying shitty games.
I'm psyched for DMC5 but preordering is cancerous so I'll sit on it until release day
They could've improved and expanded its uses in so many ways in the remake if they wanted.
>shots would stick to enemies and hinder their movement
>rare AF ammo, but individual bolts could be picked back up from downed enemies (they'd break w/ repeated use, or if shot into hard surfaces)
>mix arrows w/ gunpowder to make explosive bolts
I have literally personally been in 5 threads that were on topic criticizing this game without shitflinging that have been deleted. It's worse than gamergate but because no politics are involved no one gives a fuck. I also got a warning for participating in one of them.
Pre-ordering is fucking retarded. Good for you m8.
>It has nothing to do with how good the player was. They were just shitty artificial difficulty
This has nothing to do with controls.
name re game where it happens then you retard. you always know where the zombies are either cause of the sound or slight hints of them and how the game taught you about them before.
I demo'd both games, don't give a fuck.
I get muh special GMG pre order coupons so I save money buying early, and I get the pre order goodies, can't lose
>No, please tell me what new puzzles or rooms were as iconic as the original.
The fake-key one?
The art room one?
The V-JOLT one?
The Sun / Moon / Crest one?
All of them in fact?
>The added rooms and """"Bosses"""" were very poorly designed,
I can only say that you're very much alone with those hot takes of yours.
Only reason to play it is the Claire/ Ada nude mods.
Besides that, it’s an average horror game at best and a poor recreation of a cult classic at worst.
ive died a shit ton of times. i cant manouver around zombies for shit. i also never burned any bodies and those dogs are impossible for me to kill
Yes. That and bad lighting sometimes
>ive died a shit ton of times.
That's quite sad.
>i cant manouver around zombies for shit.
Just kill them.
>i also never burned any bodies
>dogs are impossible for me to kill
lemme guess... you've not even picked up the shotgun yet?
I hope you at least keep and cycle through multiple save files?
>Actually includes puzzles that were in the original game
>Spider boss and Lisa Trevor were good fights
Why do you GameCube weenies even fucking bother trying to speak to me, it's fucking pathetic that you faggots think that your opinion matters
>name re game where it happens then you retard.
>you always know where the zombies are either cause of the sound or slight hints of them and how the game taught you about them before.
I like how you say it doesn't happen, and literally admit it happens in the next second
You are so stupid, your stupidity is actually making me fucking angry.
>Actually includes puzzles that were in the original game
...uh, yes? Why wouldn't I?
They are literally part of the REmake, and even if similar in appearance to RE1's counterparts, they're still different in one way or another.
>Spider boss and Lisa Trevor were good fights
Eh, they're just "fine". No more or less insulting than anything in the OG or RE2.
The Yawn fights were improved a ton.
except there wasn't any admittance. there's only your inability to post my request where it happens. also stop being so mad you gonna pop a vein in your head. take ur meds and stop being such underage.
just do this bro
Reminder that Steve sucks.
If anything you're proving to me you never touched RE1, I could see why you'd suck REmake's dick, because you weren't given a fucking texture update for 60$, you were actually handed a new game, but I actually played REmake before it was out and it wasn't worth the price.
Not even mentioning the fact REmake supersedes RE1, making playing it worthless now unless you're doing it for novelty, RE2make doesn't do this and people who can't see the merit in that are fucking retarded.
And no, playing RE2 on an emulator 5 days before RE2make dropped doesn't make your hot take on it worth a fuck, it's objectively the better way to handle a REMAKE
Not him but nice cheats user.
oops wrong game, ignore me
those aren't cheats, they have to put their magnetic hands on at least one of your shoulders during the active frames to count as a grab
im at the point where ive got all the masks, am i a good way into the game or should i just restart?
>But, alas, it is illegal to hate the current flavor of season AAA games.
it is illegal to be a small brained "its popular now it sucks" as if you were some damn scientists whose IQ is so far above the masses that you can afford to stand above them and say you are absolutely right over all of them
that's what a contrarian is
someone who hates popular things becuase he knows people get riled up when you badmouth stuff they like
>Besides that, it’s an average horror game at best and a poor recreation of a cult classic at worst.
Says the gay discord ops that constantly needs to make thread after thread declaring their hate for RE2's remake.
>And no, playing RE2 on an emulator 5 days before RE2make dropped doesn't make your hot take on it worth a fuck
This, don't know how you can equate the perspective on an actual 2 decade wait and pretend the original is better because you need to fellate retro games for e-points. RE2 was good but "I prefer the original" quite obviously was because you played the original for free 2 days before the 60$ remade version released, it's fucking retarded
what kind of bullshit that is then? zombie clearly touching you. is this some 400fps only trick. because when i played it didn't matter if the zombies even touched you. if you happened to be close by they just triggered the qte and locking me in place. it definitely looks like the player turned off collisions for the webm or just got lucky and the ai's messed up.
by ugly you mean she doesn't look like a generic anime waifu
I just don't get why they literally changed the why make both scenarios literally the same? There wasn't anything wrong with it, so why change it? That's honestly my biggest complaint. The music being left out was annoying, but the atmosphere almost made up for it.
this is true. watch the shills go wild as they can't come up with any counter arguments. instead they use one word meme replies further proving that they are dumb cunts.
I enjoyed both.
this user gets it
instead she looks like a generic anime uguu
Its objectively better in every aspect. You only think this because you have deep nostalgia for the original
same. they are both good for different reasons.
I think it's because the hitboxes are shifting invisibly with her direction while her model is frozen in the turn animation. It's just a ~100 degree turn, not a quick turn
Now makes even less sense
>wants to see nekkid girl buts
>If anything you're proving to me you never touched RE1
Sorry kid, I beat RE1 for the first time long before most of nu-Yea Forums was even born.
I still own 2 versions of it on PS1, and the superb Nintendo DS port.
It might be impossible for a contrarian nu-retro maniac like you to realize, but REmake 1 blew people's minds, was globally acclaimed and loved, and is literally the peak of its series and genre.
>Not even mentioning the fact REmake supersedes RE1, making playing it worthless now unless you're doing it for novelty
Yeah many people do have that take, but I still highly recommend even newbies to at least consider giving the OG RE1 a shot before jumping to the REmake. They are both great games, play quite similar, and are still different enough to warrant checking the true roots of the series out this day and age. And to my delight, quite a number of rookies have done this in recent months.
>RE2make doesn't do this and people who can't see the merit in that are fucking retarded.
That is true, but I do not count it as a merit of any sort, for two major reasons:
1) It still carries the "RE2" name, implying there was "1" at some point, and potentially more. This even when it barely has ANY connection to the OG trilogy at this point.
2) I waited 17 or so years for the REmake 2, was finally promised to get it, only to get a wet slap in the face from Capcum, turning the game into a generic 3rd person shooter instead.
>And no, playing RE2 on an emulator 5 days before RE2make dropped doesn't make your hot take on it worth a fuck,
It's cute when ya zoomers think you're some hot shit now for defending a shitty soft-reboot.
I was literally counting days to OG RE2's release back in the days. I was goddamn hyped for the planned movie adaptation. I even got the N64 port later on, just to see that amazing technical feat in action. At age of 15, I was already speedrunning the game like a champ.
Stay mad.
probably budget reasons for the most part.
how much damage deos the knife do? I've seen weapon damage charts but they never say how much the knife does
>am i a good way into the game or should i just restart?
You are not even a quarter into the game yet.
Up to you, though I guess restarting could make your life easier.
>Took 17 minutes to have the resolve to make up that he played the originals on release
Nah dude, you're a snot nosed brat pretending you got clout
It varies on the difficulty and the auto-balancer's score.
>get rekt'd :3
You just outsed yourself fag lol
You should be sterilized. You are so fucking stupid.
I feel sorry for your mom
>Took 17 minutes to have the resolve to make up that he played the originals on release
No, it took me 17 minutes to go snap a photo of my little trophy and then write an actual reply to your b8'ng zoomer faggot.
keep pushing on, user. it won't be easy, but it'll be fun as hell. you're in for a ride.
Oh, I argued with you before, you had the same date on your timestamp too, mind updating it?
Having no ammo on hardcore makes me feel far more helpless than poorly designed controls.
>No, it took me 17 minutes to go snap a photo
Don't you mean a month and 15 days?
Are you a time traveler?
Do you have any idea how much work it is for me to dig out all these games from my numerous shelves, cupboards and even boxes, lie them out in the open for a few seconds, only to put them all back where they belong?
I'm still mad that I forgot to put the Deadly Silence and Gaiden there. Dunno if it's worth taking a photo of my PS3's digital games list too.
>failing at this base level reading comprehension.
son, I ...
imagine buying games and taking pictures of them all because you're afraid of people questioning the validity of you actually playing them.
You quite literally said you needed 17 minutes to snap the photo.
What about that is poor reading comprehension?
Are you lying to us user?
you're being so ironic it's not even funny anymore. kids like you who didn't get proper schooling from parents really makes me cringe.
Imagine having actual evidence and arguments when zoomer-shills try to take over your old favorite IP.
>You quite literally said you needed 17 minutes to snap the photo.
To 1) write the reply, and 2) take a photo of , ya dickweed.
This nigga on god lyin to us on the internet lmao.
Get exposed lmao
stop posting user, you got buttblasted and you're just embarrassing yourself
Why is it hot when Claire is injured?
Get out of the closet, stealth fag. :^)
Why did the crows were killing and eating people?
I don't get that meme.
OLD GOOD NEW BAD is not an argument
slow down and re-type your post, user.
go to bed grandpa no one missed the tank controls
re2make brought back the important elements of 2 such as actual survival horror and item managment not just shoot everything
>contradicts himself in his "point"
>can't stand being called stupid
>I am twelve and what is this
>Heck i'm gonna say it ,THE TANK CONTROLS WERE GOOD helped make the player feel helpless, fight me.
Bullshit. Once you're used
to them, they allow for precise movement in an environment relentlessly re-orientating itself due to the fixed perspectives. From chaos, order.
Meanwhile, see the people complaining about no dodge button and failing to evade Zombies, Mr. X, and the bosses, even though they all have either ridiculous wind-ups to telegraph their next move or have even been redesigned to better fit the limited movement options, like Super Tyrant still having his left arm kept from transforming by shreds of its limiter coat so he has a harmless side the player can sprint past, like Birkin 1 and 2. Birkin 4 still tries to keep himself upright and only goes down on all fours for a devastating sprint you need to run away from at a 90 degree angle or bring the train carriage between him and you or he'll fuck you up.
Who's helpless now?
>Why did the crows were killing and eating people?
Because they too were infected from eating the infected meat.
>I don't get that meme
you are too pure for this world.
>no one missed the tank controls
I did. Wat now?
>re2make brought back the important elements of 2
Except it didn't.
Shame that you faggots can't be like .
>types random things
you're so stupid go kill yourself and your family
The tank controls are much more precise. The wall geometry is much better too, because you get stuck on too many things in RE2make. RE2make's movement is really floaty and feels a lot like Witcher 3 and RDR2. Shitty realism movement.
Why a flame war?
>3 level building
>map shows it on a singular axis
>can't even rotate it
>dude how can you get lost XDD
fuck you woman
What ?
>arbitrary limitation that doesn't stand in any explanation in a somewhat realistic setting
fuck you and your shit, knives don't break after using them 10 times
>limited ammo pool
>can obliterate the entire sewers and police station and still end up at the labs with this surplus
>there's even MORE ammo in the lab
LMAO you never touched classic RE games
because """""""""""realistic"""""""""""""" videogame with zombies
>posts goblin
Keyword: "Can". A typical first-timer, however, is unlikely to achieve such arsenal on their own.
I was left with hundreds of pieces of ammo + 14 inkribbons in the DEmake2, on my B route. Does that imply that it too is 2easy?
I think she looks super cute like that
I liked the original just got boring after I finished both scenarios. The remake has more replayability imo
>>play hardcore
>>try to evade dog
At least in Claire's campaign, you can simply stare at the sky in the streets between the RPD and the orphanage and the dogs will bark but almost never attack. I played Hardcore through 4 times and as long as I kept the dogs out of my FoV, I was only put on caution once.
Stop talking to me. Your stupid is contagious
>A typical first-timer, however, is unlikely to achieve such arsenal on their own.
I just started playing RE1 last night for the first time ever. I've been using my ammunition liberally without regards to conservation. Just beat the plant boss and I'm not feeling the pressure.
I don't know if I ended up finding an ezmode PC version or something, but so far I've been playing the game like Rambo and haven't ran into any issues. Where's the difficulty everyone loves to claim exist? Still having a blast so far though. Plenty of spooky moments.
>The remake has more replayability imo
But it literally, no joke, does not. It literally cut the replay-value by half, by making A/B campaigns play the same, and by removing things like Extreme battle and Zapping.
This your first time playing a Resident Evil game?
Because from what I've seen, a generic rookie is more akin to: / Still, if you know to play the games smartly, you can avoid lots of headaches.
Anyway, you're barely at half point of the game as well, and Chris is more tanky than Jill.
I still find it more enjoyable than the original anyways. Extreme battle was boring
>all those non-mixed 'urbs
triggers my RE OCD.
Git gud
The only experience I have with the franchise previously is RE5, RE6 and ORC. Neither of those games play anything like RE1.
I'm getting to the point where I'm going to have to start mixing. I'm running out of space.
Mix those god damn herbs you fuck.
Fuck off 28 year old boomers, a remake is not supposed to be an exact copy of the original, it's a recreation.
>too cinematic
And classic camera angles werent?
Not understanding flame war shame.
That's hot.
I never understood why Hunter could kill you when you're at caution.
That's weird, the dogs in RE4 could be abused with the same exploit. I've noticed that Lickers behave in the opposite way; keeping them in view of the camera seems to prevent them from running up behind you and slashing.
>Fuck off 28 year old boomers,
Jokes on you, I'm 31.
And this is an 18+ website.
>a remake is not supposed to be an exact copy of the original
True. And the 2002's REmake 1 indeed was NOT an exact copy, but roughly 70% brand new game. Yet it was a very faithful recreation and expansion.
>it's a recreation.
No. The 2019 game is a very loose "Adaptation", which is certainly not what fans wanted. It also cut lots of essential content, making it an inferior, shorter living experience.
>too cinematic
No one complains about this.
If anything, the DEmake2 cuts so much of storytelling content, that it ends up being not cinematic enough.
>and classic camera angles werent?
Do I also need to explain the world of differences between the visual presentation o of the game being "cinematic" by the use of language of film even during the gameplay, and the modern "games" practically attempting to be interactive films ?
Go to sleep michael
>Ghost Survivors doesn’t exist
can you fags look at anything objectively?
Take a nap michael
>literal non-canon reskins of 4th survivor, with no cinematics, voice acting or any story content, count as "replay value" now
Wow! Kys.
seething samefag.
>I speak for all fans
>hurr durr DEMAKE
your post is worth nothing.
>the modern "games" practically attempting to be interactive films ?
That doesn't apply to the remake though?
Don't get me wrong, I sure as hell am not talking for the post-RE4 and RE7 nu-fag "fans".
yes it does you stupid dumb fuck.
It does add replay value, retard. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it doesn’t count.
Go to sleep michael
>fight me.
Why? it sounds like you're being vague on purpose. Almost as if you didn't play it.
Seek medical advice michael
>It does add replay value, retard
What are you replaying exactly?
The same 5 minute run & gun minigame corridor ?
Go back to Commiefornia, Todd.
Take a chill pill michael
Lay off the meth michael
India pooperpower 2020 lads
Nah re6 was alright
I dont hate tank controls at all, but it does fuck all to make the experience more scary. If anything it's only mildly annoying if you haven't learned tank controls before. Otherwise I agree with you on the fact that the OG game was better.
It doaent make the game scary tho
Too cinematic would be scripted walk and talk segments up the ass which only include two in both campains, and one you can skip entirely just by running to the next area. You can also skip all cutscenes which you can't in the original.
And if the controls made you feel helpless you can go fuck yourself because you are giving fags a reason to call the original controls bad. The controls were fine. I didn't feel helpless. You just suck ass. Both games are great.
>A typical first-timer, however, is unlikely
that screenshot is from my first runthrough of B scenario BLIND where I kept backtracking to figure out what I should bring for puzzles dingus
the only resident evil with survival was the very first one, ever since then we've been swimming in ammo unless you play on hard for e-peen strocking, the remake is shit
>retard comparing a 96OG playthrough with 2 guys playing the bullshit remake that adds retarded artificial difficulty like crimson heads and door knobs that fall for no reason
Nah its alright
Take your meds michael
People really underestimate the value of overseas sales. Especially since the game has received critical praise.
>remake that adds retarded artificial difficulty
Nigga, the REmake is way EASIER than the OG game. And none of those additions are "for no reason".
Never did get your help did you? Good. Fuck frogniggers
that post was just a couple of butchered sentences. don't complain when someone tells you type properly.
>butchered sentences.
Good joke faggot.
>ctrl + f
>Michael 1/20
Who the fuck is Michael and why is he always mentioned in RE2 threads?
Why is Leon a goblin?
Somehow I doubt that.
Super autist that hated RE2make before it even released
It's funny to counter drive by shitposting with counter shitposting.
Ironically enough people that think it's funny to rile people up that like the game become INFURIATED when they get trolled with some spastic's name, so they can't even pretend they're master trolls, they're genuine faggots that think they're fighting some crusade
suck a dick OP,I'm tired of your shit, honestly.
How does it feel to know that RE2make is better and is successful?
He makes that face when his health is in 'Danger'. Leon and Claire look so ethic in this game sometimes.
How did you guys find out his name? Is it basically a nick?
I think he's just some guy, he may very well not even browse Yea Forums, or hell, he could have plugged his channel to shill it.
Either way it's literally just a counter trolling phrase that actually gets nerds asshurt they can't just shitpost and disguise it as criticism
My main complaint about this game is the lazy A/B scenario shit. The original game is much better in this regard.
I missed the city area before the police station (loved seeing it in the roastie’s extra mode), and I felt like the sewer section was lackluster compared to the original version. The alligator fight was a let down.
He's a literal Youtube.
And Crapcum's shills now use his extreme reactions as their go-to counter-argument for any and all criticism the REm2 gets.
In short, NEW GOOD, OLD BAD.
Whoa, calm down mikey
RE fanbase's boogeyman. The RE fanbase claims there is some guy trying to slander the RE2 remake's reputation.
This has been your regularly scheduled RE2 hate thread. Thank you for participating, we eagerly look forward to your contributions in the next one.
>The RE fanbase
you mean the nu-Capcom's defense force?
Literally everything he said and showed was true. Hell, we got tons of real leaks of enemy types and shit before release, and the shills were all "lol fake shaky cam photoshops! :^)".
It's been a month or so and you're still here fighting this battle.
Sweet dreams michael
And you're still here, keeping count.
The whole 2019 DE-make was piece of shit compared to the original RE2 :
>Evolved Lickers
>Moth Boss
>Zombie Brad Vickers
>Ivies turned into humanoid green zombies
>Super Tyrant nu-Mr X isn't even fully transformed during the final boss battle
>cut zapping system
>cut extreme battle mode
>cut arrange mode
>cut most of the initial city section before RPD
>cut explosive grenades type
>cut Bowgun
>Biker Leon
>Baseball cap Leon
>CowGirl Claire
>Standard difficulty autosaves and lets you save anywhere
>Short as fuck
>No new enemy types.
>Plant monsters are just another crappy zombie reskin
>Claire looks like a mutt goblina.
>Over use of swearing that just makes a lot of the dialog fluffy and cheap
>Walking feels floaty
>Guns dont feel satisfying to shoot
>Good chunk of the city portion has been watered down and made shorter
>Auto balanced difficulty that fucks your shit up if you do too good
>Killed atmosphere;Turned into a generic spooky flashlight corridor walker. Not every fucking room in RE2 was a dark hallway you needed a flash light for
>Some good puzzles cut for shitty dial puzzles
>Lack of music
>no fixed camera
seriously, what the fuck?
Take your meds mikey
Take a nap michael