This game looks way better than I was expecting
This game looks way better than I was expecting
And what game would that be?
>people thought they were actually going to make a BOTW-tier overhaul
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Meh, nothing revolutionary, but I'm glad GF finally caught up with 2006.
Wow THEN i guess you live in 2006 man
The textures aren't great but the world is well designed and visually appealing which is more important than having good textures.
You basically were expecting nothing I guess.
I was expecting LGPE 2 and instead I got Sun and Moon but in the UK
That’s a way better than anything I could’ve reasonably expected from GameFreak
Imagine being a Nintendo fan and having these standards.
Bitch elsewhere
Has nobody working at Nintendo seen real grass before? What's up with the nuclear neon radioactive grasses in all their games.
Expectations really are that low when you find out just how incompetent GameFreak is as a developer. They have a fucking goldmine on their hands yet they keep fumbling with it at every step.
Bitch elsewhere
Are you serious? Big Pokémon fan here and that doesn't look good at all
Bitch elsewhere
I’m not a Nintendo fan. I dislike literally every Nintendo property besides Pokémon which is only their property due to buyout bullshit. I know how shit GameFreak is and I went into the direct expecting the absolute worst and what I got was Pokémon Colosseum made by GameFreak, which is pretty good
Shit doesn't even look better than Xenoblade Chronicles with a slight increase in the internal resolution. It's unbelievable they can't top a fucking Wii game.
The thing about Pokemon and why people have "low standards" for it is that the basic gameplay systems and monster designs are all that really matter. Catching Pokemon is always going to be fun. Leveling up Pokemon and evolving them and teaching them new moves will always be fun. Online battling and the strategy that goes with it will always be fun. That's why even if the presentation and writing is lazy people will still buy it anyway.
>mommy! they are disliking my nintendos again! :(((
Never saw this before now
Up yours, white jackass.
Why is it so pink?
Yes the standard is very low because it's Game Freak. Nintendo graphics get memed on a lot but GF takes things to another level entirely.
This really. It's more like "if it's not broken don't fix it" mentality. I'm more interested in the soccer aspect in the game. I'm very curious on what they're going to do to.
You're not going to convince anyone here because they fucking hate RPGs. The fact that Pokemon is an actual RPG and not some skyrim-esque bastardisation disgusts them
As long as it looks like the anime, which it does, then it’s fine. Who really wants some hyper realistic GTA style Pokémon game? Didn’t we all want a game like the anime when we were kids? What the fuck were you guys expecting, this game has been in development for 2 years.
You want realistic high end graphics? Play Pokken Tournament you fucking fags.
unbased but cope
Its literally an upscaled 3DS game.
I wish they would get rid of the purple color filter.
It looks like a rip of Skyward Swords style with even lower res textures
Atelier Lulua looks pretty good.
Nintendo definitely stopped trying after WiiU
Is this 3d earthbound that would be sick
Looks like a Wii game, maybe upscaled a bit. More than I expected from Game Freak.
If you were expecting it to look like utter shit... it would still be underwhelming.
I mean odyssey looks great as well
I think what happened is they literally went all out in 2017 with BotW, Odyssey and the Switch launch. AMD everything since has been starting from a blank slate so they've rushing out cheaper projects just to have something
I hope that's the case anyway
This looks exactly like what I'd think a Pokémon game should look 10 years ago
Gamefreak just isn't very talented
>Let's Go using modified gen 7 assets is probably just because it's a lazy cash grab, gen 8 won't do the same thing right?
>gen 8 does the exact same thing
Anyone sticking with this franchise has stockholm syndrome
Nice bait.
The game looks worse than fucking LGPE. Not as clean, not as sharp, ugly cel shading, worse unreal-tier cheapshit "realistic" water and bad shadows.
You bitch elsewhere faggot
It was fun, back in fucking 1996 as a kid.
Anyone who claims to like Pokemon should never be allowed to complain about garbage like Fifa or CoD.
I was legit expecting literally a 3DS game with no lighting engine, effects, etc. Surprised they've managed to do more than the bare minimum, basically. They don't exactly have a good track record.
>The fact that Pokemon is an actual RPG
GF has the exact same problem that bethesda has. Their core systems work great but because they have a massive install base that will buy their game no matter how fucking garbage it is, they have zero reason to innovate or fix whats broken in their games. Frankly im shocked that they went this far
With the difference that LGPE at least looks somewhat smooth. Gen8 looks frizzled, like it literally a 3DS game running a little better on the Switch. It's shameful.
If this was a PS2 game I might have been mildly impressed.
One of these looks better than the other
You should be able to solve this
>were you guys expecting, this game has been in development for 2 years.
So was LGPE. And LGPE actually looks more like the anime, since it doesn't try to emulate realistic water or grass. Also, fuck random encounters. I ain't doing that shit again. I'll wait for LGPE2 instead.
>literally the same model
>slapped on cel-shading
Lazy fucks.
Left also looks blurrier in the face for some reason
The one with outlines and without the obnoxious plastic look.
It looks fine, but I still expect SM tier cutscene bullshit.
>Hey Matsuda-kun, just download some free toon shaders from the Unity Store and slap 'em onto the old models so we can head out and grab some lunch already
What PS2 game is this?
Damn... So, this is the power of the number one top grossing media franchise... Woah...
It's not final, still in alpha. They'll fix it.
World looks ok, character and pokemon assets are reused as FUCK
It's literally just Gen 8
No massive console pedigree
Super disappointing unless they show us more otherwise
>Good idea Ohmori-san. The suckers will buy anything with the pokemon name on it. This year’s bonus is going to be meaty.
>people are actually insulting people for thinking the first big console pokemon game would actually have some effort put into and not just be an uprezzed sun and moon
yeah fuck people for having expectations i guess
Are Pokemon fags the biggest cucks in all of gaming?
At this point even the fucking Bioware trannies have more self-respect. They make fucking Anthony Burch look like a chad stallion in comparison.
There was a time this wasn’t so though. Gens 1-5 constantly added enough content wise and mechanically to be actually different. It only started being truly stagnant with XY
They're not. If you think they are gonna fix anything at this point you're dellusional.
It looks like a handheld game that got ported to console.
>actually seeing people on twitter say
>wOw YoU aCtUaLlY eXpEcTeD tHeM tO rEmAkE aLl ThOsE mOdElS
I fucking hate people so much, yes I fucking expected a full on console Pokemon, not this lazy bullshit
That’s exactly what it is.
With what? I don't think people know what cope means.
Just like Link's Awakening.
What upsets me is just the fact that we've already seen the Switch capable of delivering so much more.
Otherwise they could blame the platform. But they can't. So many other Switch games look SO much better (AND have better fps).
Gamefreak devs are just bottom of the barrel trash.
The one with cell shading looks better. It looks like it’s out of the anime. Who the fuck would want that plastic shit that LGBT had?
It looks good but not buy day 1 good. Might pick it up on sale if it has good reviews
You're joking, right?
The cel shaded one looks like ass in comparison with a blurry face to boot.
Terminal shit taste.
It still amazes me how people defend Gamefreak like their sticking up for the little guy despite the fact that their at the helm of a multi billion dollar brand. Not even indie devs get that kind of treatment.
look at all those buzzwords
Yeah except links awakening is a remake with an art style meant to be evocative of the original game, where as Pokemon is a series that's supposed to grow and look/get better with every upgrade/generations
Every gen has looked the same since 6, and this makes it even worse because there should be no excuse for this on Switch
Is there any chance at all the graphics will be polished up before release. It happened with Mario Odyssey, it can happen with this too, right?
Sword and Shield are literally GameFreak's first time developing an HD Pokemon.
Let's Go was just an upscaled 3DS game.
>if I don't understand what a word means I'll just call it a buzzword
Post yfw they STILL won't be able to maintain a consistent 30 FPS.
The Switch is also a handheld.
Honestly, id could swallow the laziness with shading and reused models if the game also wasn't going to be the same old
>8 gyms/variant with area leaders
>elite 4
song and dance again, like, fuck, how fucking lazy
Looks like they are actually pumping money into developing the graphics, makes sense because they would need a good base going forward on the Switch for the next 6 years.
Where is based? Just replace the unbased
There’s no first time here. Sword and Shield is an upscaled 3DS game.
Yes. Obviously. They’ve done this before. Hell in the Pokémon X and Y reveal trailer, Lumiose City looked almost completely different than the final game.
>tfw lets go honestly looks better than this shit
At least the art was consistent all the way through, this looks like the backgrounds and worlds were modeled in a different engine or had the wrong filters put on them and the character and pokemon models were just slapped in, it screams reused assets
Polygonal complexity aside, which is nothing special in this game, I feel the level of detail in color, environments and textures and the more dynamic camera that usually lets you see far ahead and part of the sky makes this game much more visually interesting than any previous Pokémon game (barring Sun and Moon which did also have this kind of camera some of the time). LGPE looks cleaner, but also excessively more simple, cramped and mundane, you're never allowed to even catch a glimpse of the sky.
Not just the helm of a multi billion dollar brand. The helm of the single most profitable media franchise in all of all recorded human history.
Next time you see someone defending GameFreak for making lazy as fuck games that look like they should have come out two generations ago, they are defending a franchise that is worth more than 3 times as much as the Marvel Cinematic Universe and almost double that of Star Wars. That is how fucking pathetic they are.
How come Let's GO looked better, then?
I don't care that much about graphics and stuff
I just want there to be 6v6 single battles in the Battle Spot, fuck the mindless 3v3 shit where everything drops like chess pieces in a minute
>looks worse than lets go
>Looks like they are actually pumping money into developing the graphics
I wouldn't exactly call throwing 100 bucks at the interns to shit something out in a weekend"pumping money into developing graphics".
The moment you saw the linear region, masuda, ohmori and those garbage ass pokemon designs you should've known gen 8 was dead on arrival
Yeah, as proven by the comparisons in this thread.
Three of the things you mentioned apply to your beloved gen 5 just the same, retard.
No, it doesn't. Let's Go looks like plastic garbage, which low poly models and squared looks.
Judging a game from fucking youtube screencaps is maximum retardation.
Yeah that looks better than Sword and Shield without a doubt. And I don't even like the games, just saying they look better.
pokemon is only owned by nintendo not made by them. that's why its so shit
no one said lets go looks good, i said it looks better and it does, because the character and model art is consistent with the art, no matter how bland, of the world you're wandering around it
This looks way worse for Sword/Sheild because the model art contrasts super hard with the art of the world and backgrounds which are going for more complex and almost earthy tones, it looks worse
Couldn't they at least have kept following pokémon and overworld pokémon for SWSH?
Why would you NOT want those?
the game already struggles with 25 fps, having more models on screen would destroy it
But user, that would take like 2 days to add. That dosn't fit with GameFreaks development schedule of two weeks per game.
Unironically looks like a ps2 game
Not memeing
anyone know what japanese initial reactions to sword/shield are like?
Give me an example instead of just idly saying it.
But that would mean Gamefreak would have to model another 100+ pokemon for the new gen. You can’t be such an entitled manbaby that you expect Gamefreak to put that much work into this game. Grow the fuck up, and just buy the game.
Not him. I haven't even played most of the pokemon games. But gen 5 was a handheld title, right? This is console.
Why can’t Nintendo just rein them in man, make them put in a little more than the bare minimum
>talking to my friends
>someone brings up the new pokemon
>say "yeah haha holy shit it looks bad. why is pokemon so low effort for how much money it makes?"
>friends all begin to rage
>"low effort" they shout incredulously
>they all begin to explain how pokemon has a moving story since gen 4 and is actually super high effort
>despite the fact that literally none of them play any JRPG's besides pokemon they insist it isn't shitty outdated gameplay
I had no idea people felt so strongly about pokemon, I don't even think a single one of them own a DS either. meaning they're defending something they don't even play
PSAS confirmed for worst than LGPE.
If you were expecting nothing then that's no surprised.
Is there even an interview where they've asked Game Freak why they don't include walking pokemon in newer games? I really wanna see their answer so we can add it to the compilation.
Holy shit are you me? I had a similar thing happen to me! Can't believe how hard the damage control is for the Fallout 76 of Pokemon.
They don’t need to. Game Freak has mastered the art of putting little to no effort and budget into their games, and getting maximum profit in return.
Considering Pokémon makes more money than any other media franchise in the entire world including Star Wars, anything Disney, Mario, etc. you'd think Nintendo would make sure the games are as good as can be and tickle out every last bit of the console they're on.
Poketards are all raging autists that despise anything even somewhat resembling Pokemon and will lash out at anyone that dares to insult their child. Pokemon has become such a coddled franchise that you're not allowed to say you dislike it or people will try and fucking hunt you down.
Wait, we're getting an MMO that has nothing but the gameplay left? Where?
what the fuck is "unbased"
yfw pokemon have had running and walking animations since SM but Game Freak refuses to use it
I never thought people here now like let's go wtf
Its really just a look
Lets Go doesn't look amazing but its art is consistent all the way through, and the fact that this isn't, the fact that it screams uprezzed, reused assets for their first actually big mainline pokemon console game, is just really bad
colosseum and xd were way more impressive back in the day
hell even shitty battle revolution made more of an impression
It's the reverse. They don't make good games BECAUSE the IP already makes a fuckton of money even with shitty games.
>linear region
not to mention there are train tracks everywhere so we don't even know for sure that it'll be south to north
People saying lets go looks better than s/s doesn't imply that they like lets go, its just a comparison
A small stool looks better than a pool of soft diharreah but its all shit at the end of the day
The only people that like the legendary shit game are those mindlessly defending Gamefreak. Saying Let’s Go looks better doesn’t mean it’s liked.
Not seeing the sky in LGPE actually bothered me so much. I think it keeps you from feeling like part of the world, it's more like you're looking down into a diorama. It's hard to make a 3D-graphics-but-2D-gameplay game without evoking this feeling, I think, which is one of the reasons I'm hesitant about Link's Awakening
>what I got was Pokémon Colosseum made by GameFreak
hahaha, delusional prick. Colosseum had much better camera than SS
>tfw not a blind Pokemon cuck
Is there a better feeling the the world?
>pokemon assets are reused as FUCK
that's because when they developed the 3D models for XY, they made them ridiculously high resolution to future proof them.
Its all about the merchandising to be honest. How does anyone think they got billions of dollars in revenue otherwise?
What could have been if gamefreak didn't know autist will but their game no matter what shit they put out.
PSAS is not just the Fallout 76 of Pokemon, it's the Anthem of Pokemon. It's that bad.
I'm fine with the Link's Awakening remake because they fully committed to making it look like a diorama, it wouldn't make sense for it to look like a sprawling world in the artstyle they chose. LGPE just used the usual artstyle for the series so it doesn't have that excuse, especially since they borrowed said artstyle from ORAS in particular, which had soaring and let you fully fly over the region.
+Great color theory
+Great looking world
+Fantastic design
-Wii era textures
So...It's an MMO with no story, Monster Hunter-esque equipment customization with a card-based leveling system published by a company that squeezes every drop out of the game by hiding all the worthwhile content behind microtransactions?
probably gonna be a new EV training system
so you've played PSAS?
No one said that.
I don't like Let's GO. But I do think that visually it looks better and more pleasing to the eye than SWSH. SWSH just uses horrible cel shading and pisspoor unreal water with bad shadows to boot.
oooh, I hope so. I liked the mini game from X&Y. Wondering how the soccer is gonna be played as. I'm not hoping for Inzuma eleven style of gameplay but a man can dream right?
By making the girls too damn sexy.
No other video game series has so many ultra sexy girls.
I don't know how they get away with it...
Actually I would expect some form of real-time strategy minigame tied to it because you'd probably create teams using your own Pokémon and I doubt it could all be real-time with you being able to control them. The disappointing alternative would be it being mostly automated with you only reacting to situations while the Pokémon you chose play the game by themselves, a la those side modes in the recent Mario & Luigi remakes.
CUte and fuNNY
>in 2019 a "town" is a handful of houses, pokemon centre, and a presumed gym
it's 1995 all over again
Based is a compliment. All those words have negative connotations
Both screenshots come from youtube, dumb ass.
Even PlayStation 2 games looked better than this.
>Nintendo definitely stopped trying after Gamecube
Little bit different, "looking" better and actually being better. The new Pokémon game is better than your pic, it's just not flexing as to be impressive.
Are the graphics that important if the game is fun?
imagine typing something like this
no one plays pokemon for fun user. the gameplay is unchanged for 35 years
No but right now both graphics and fps are so mediocre that they might dampen the fun a little bit
Imagine having no argument for it.
Maybe they haven't had to change it because it is fun
Look at that PUSSY ASS water starter, he's so scared of his own shadow, probably would job to charmander in his final evolution. Compare him to the confident and defying bunny, who's ready to courageously defend his home, and secure a future for his brothers, while he unconsciously attracts females the entire journey. How is this even a debate?
If it's a full priced game. Yes
no user. pokemon has what's called an install base. Notice how every other developer has abandoned jrpg gameplay? It is clearly not what audiences want.
pokemon fans would buy anything that they are told is a pokemon mainline game.
>no argument
you said nothing of substance. Certainly not something that could be considered an argument.
It's why what you typed is an imagination experiment for people like me, the mindset is baffling.
to defend something without any knowledge, talent, insight or a single clue of what you're saying. Well simply put I cannot imagine typing something like that.
I could prove you wrong, but no one in Yea Forums deserves the effort it'd take for me to pop open a game in a 3D Modeling program and discern the work put into models in FF10 compared to Let's Go.
>Bethesda's core systems work great
Not arguing that they're similarly complacent and lazy, coasting on their former glory, but Bethesda's fans are actually starting to acknowledge the problems and turn on them after their last few fuckups. Pokemon normies will never stop eating shit.
No. While those two are fun, they cannot make up for everything else. I've done this so many times, I don't need to play anymore because the progression, scenarios, and the mechanics are so similar that after three games I don't need to play them anymore. I have a hard time comprehending how people can buy game after game and be excited for a new game which provides a similar experience.
>heh I could but I won't
you are aware one game also came out 13 years ago? and that's why the fact that they even look remotely on par is pathetic? especially when the switch is capable of a game like mario odyssey?
also that's FF12 you absolute philistine. why even post if you're just going to BTFO yourself?
Not him but holy shit this is either max retardation or the worst bait ever
jfc that was easy.
>gens 1 through 5
>every game had each pokemon drawn in a new style with a unique, dynamic pose
>gen 6+
>pokemon use the exact same static model in the same neutral pose with the same dull animation every single game for the rest of ever
3d was a mistake. Like I get the wanted to make high quality models they could use from game to game, but couldn't they at least pose or animate different from game to game?
>Great color theory
Why is everything pink? Why is the tall grass so ugly compared to LGPE? Why are those matte paintings so low resolution? I feel like the concept art for this game was probably good, but the execution in actual 3D is awful. I know the Switch isn't the most powerful thing in the world, but games like DQXI seem to hold up fine on the system with much larger environments and better lighting.
It looks cute and comfy, that's what matter
inb4 shill
All that wasted space
who's the champion in this game?
So you were expecting literally nothing at all?
They were expecting Pokémon Let's Go.
based small brained waifufag
Except that a bunch of the textures in these are distorted. Not to mention that the complexity of any model that isn't your character drops considerably. Look at the Pokemon screens again. Very little AA, and things like depth of field, draw distant, and even the water all have a high level of fidelity. I'd love for them to jump up and make a proper open adventure game, but these things happen in small steps for Gamefreak. We've known that all along. not to mention the tremendous amount of character models they need to produce. We're going on more than 1000 unique models that all need bones, multiple animations, textures, etc.
>>every game had each pokemon drawn in a new style with a unique, dynamic pos
gen 5 already reused gen 4 sprites
>Except that a bunch of the textures in these are distorted
What do you mean, that they're low res?
Dark cloud 2 looked better.
And it still looks better than a 2019 Switch title.
Only 8 more months of this shit
>level of detail
The fucking trees are literally copy and pastes of each other only with different coloring.
The grass on the ground is a pixelated, stretched messed.
The stone fence in the back is blurry even though it's relatively close to the camera.
Yeah. Especially the ground textures. They're stretch and clearly pixelated. Look at the plants in that screen too. Those ferns looks awful. I love Rogue Galaxy, but that entire area is really obviously low poly.
>They're stretch and clearly pixelated
Do you think ot was even remotely noticeabe on a 480p output?
How low were your expecations?
This is just literally an upscaled 3ds game.
Rogue Galaxy released toward the end of the PS2 lifespan. It's a great game, but it's also a forgotten one. I'm not even arguing that Pokemon looks as good as it should. What I'm saying right now is that the SnS looks better than the screens so far posted.
And your explanation is, "well they didn't have HD textures when HD wasn't even a thing"
Well, yeah. That be like posting SNES screenshots, and when I point out the obvious grid that everything on screen is represented by, you'd just argue that the technology didn't exist. That doesn't make Rogue Glaxy/FFXII/DQVIII look any better. You're actually just admitting that I'm right, and ignoring all of the other points I've made.
I miss actual discussion. It's just a constant ceaseless wave of hyperbole and "seething". The word "seething" has lost meaning entirely.
According to your argument, no game from an older generation can look better than a game made later, which is as retarded as it can get
a lot of words have here. I think pokemon discussion became next to impossible post Gen 6. When Gen 7 came out, /vp/ just wasn't having it. Now LGPE was the final nail in the coffin for this site.
You're the one who brought up technology. This is me: I cited all visual evidence for why the Pokemon screens look better. You just said the technology didn't exist. Why is this even a discussion?
What were you expecting? This looks worse than a phone game.
Get better material. This is clearly emulated and not the usual jagged mess PS2 games were.
>I cited all visual evidence for why the Pokemon screens look better.
That's the problem. You seem to assume that a game with antialiasing and high res textures can't look worse than a game made for older hardware.
Huh, what indie game is this? Doesn't look too bad for a indie game if they price it at 15 bucks. That being said, even stuff like Bloodstained looks better.
Why do people always resort to this fucking retarded argument when shit like old Tales games look better than this trash? Even Ni No Kuni 1 looks god tier compared to this.
Then we're at the point of subjective opinion, and no reconciliation can be reached. 'Cause apparently better textures, draw distance, lighting, particle effects, and water don't equate to better visuals. If you want it to be more, just say it. Don't point at blatant bullshit and pretend that you have the high ground.
Many PS2 games had better models/details that the console itself could show, but we aren't discussing hardware here, we're talking about software.
what does this mean?
It absolutely looks better than XB1, don't even front.
>Then we're at the point of subjective opinion
Only your opinion can be considered subjective, as it's dealing with absolutes. You seem to believe that a game with some unspecified amount of modern graphical enhancement can't look worse than a game that lacks some/all of them, without even remotely considering stuff such as artstyle, color composition, rendering technique and so on.
I'm just stating that it's not true
>look at the map
>barely anything of note and what is there looks fucking boring
>and on top of that, knowing who the director is, every "dungeon" is guaranteed to be a fucking joke
I don't even give a shit about the linear shape.
>I imagine some zoomers will actually think this is an unedited ps2 screenshot
Everyone wants to jump back and dig up something ancient to point out, when really they could look back a half step. XCX definitely looks better than this.
Do I really have to say that I still think Pokemon looks better. Why would I be arguing otherwise? The pallet that they decided on is really easy to look at, and compliments the intrinsic fantasy elements. DQVII stuck out with the primary colors and overtly cartoonish monsters that often clash with the backgrounds. FFXII is a fantastic game, but one of the most overdesigned in existence. Rogue Galaxy almost has a nice balance, but quite a few of the alien races are just awful, and too silly in a bad way. All three games are good, but the design philosophy in the mainline Pokemon games has always been fantastic. Better?
It's a screenshot of a PS2 game, yeah
Or you're saying you also want 800x600 screens when discussing Age of Empires 2?
When discussing graphical identity and visuals? Yes. That'd be like posting cutscenes or E3 bullshots. You're essentially posting mods, by using emulators to upscale things which still don't even prove your point.
this looks like ass
Some retard thought "what's the worst possible acronym I can come up with for Sword and Shield" and that's the result, apparently.
No one would mix up SS with Soul Silver since the latter is always mentioned right next to HG. Straight shota complaints are even more stupid considering CP is an official ingame term in GO.
Who else playing like a bad motherfucker and boxing their starter
Starters are too strong and make early game easy
>Do I really have to say that I still think Pokemon looks better.
I understand you believe that, but as you've put it, it's nothing more than a "subjective opinion".
Still, nobody was trying to prove that Pokemon looks worse (how would that even work?), the original user was simply arguing that it reminds him of a PS2 game.
And indeed, some screenshots could easily pass for an upscaled/emulated 6th generation console game, or an early 7th generation game
this board really is just one giant game of rock paper scissors, but with stupid meme words.
That FF XII picture definitely looks far better than the new Pokemon in my opinion, but you got tricked, because it's from the remaster made in 2017.
This is how the original looks.
And why is that?
Some games are built to run on a specific resoution, and are broken when rendered on better hardware. Some visuals (or entire titles) are meant to be enjoyed on a specific resolution, and look worse when upscaled.
Some devs, instead, went over the original hardware limitations, at the point their games look genuinely better on a type of hardware that didn't even exist when they were developed. Some games have a degree of detail that simply can't be enjoyed at its fullest on their original hardware.
Why are older console limitations supposed to be considered when discussing the efforts a development team went througt?
This is a satanic sigil, don't save it.
The Switch has PS2 hardware so it makes sense
Masuda's usual answer to such questions is "Haha I don't know"
Which makes the "this looks like PS2 graphics" meme make all the less sense.
Here's how the remaster looks when compared to the original (upscaled to the same resolution)
>Not memeing
But you are. You're parroting a retarded opinion made by kids who weren't old enough to play a ps2, and therefor think anything looks like it.
They should just put in Tsubasa 2 or something
The colour and painterly feel are where the graphics really shine for me. I like the clouds and water and that sort of thing in LGPE, and I hope they've included that in SS by the time it launches, but other than that I think the style is great.
Technical limtations =/= graphical quality
A 3DS game sure "looks better" in 4k, but it still looks like a 3DS game
The neon blue/green grass does stand out. If you want vibrant grass, it should look more like this.
It's funny how much better the game looks with it. The 3DS games made the colors pale for some reason.
I wish monolith soft made a pokemon game and that game freak would focus on marketing.
I hope I enjoy gen 8.
The art direction looks good,
didn't finish sm
didn't buy usum or lgpe
I'm tired of hating pokemon.
Wow, it's slightly deeper green. What an improvement.
it's a significantly warmer green you colour-blind mongoloid
>people unironically wanted Pokémon to follow in the footsteps of a SINGLE PLAYER FRANCHISE become empty, aimless and repetitive
Is let's go worth getting for like 35 bucks?
Never seen unbased before, should have oof there instead.
>lower resolution than the dogshit that was Let's Go
Utterly pathetic, how can anyone legitimately defend GF in this day and age.
Pokémon is already empty, aimless and repetitive
It's literally the same model, just with a more cel-shaded approach to lighting and the addition of a outline.
He's right, it's rendered at a lower resolution
It's better than LGE/LGP, I'll give you that, but they could do just.. so much more, you know? I'm not mad, just incredibly disappointed.
For the highest-grossing video game franchise of all time Gamefreak sure doesn't treat it like one. Why can't we have it look amazing?
I don't think moving from the 3DS to the Switch is a valid excuse. They can do much better than this.
Just imagine what it COULD be. So much damn wasted potential.
>each route and city is full of pokemon to catch, items to grab and trainers to find
>has a clear goal of getting to the pokemon league by overcoming gyms/trials
>also always has an evil team to take down
sure it can get repetitive but it will never reach the level of entering a trial to put another ball in another hole for another grandma soul before walking across 2000 miles of fucking nothing grasslands to go do it again.
I've never seen 80% of those remarks here you fucking faggot
the truth is
seething < cope < yikes < cringe < oof < bluepilled
>enhanced port with post processing out the ass
THIS is how the game looked faggots
color palette looks like a lucid dream
same model
different shading
ehhh it's a matter of which style you prefer, the one on the right is more uniform and might be appealing but the one on the left has actual collision shadows which look a bit weird on pikachu but they make sense logically and make him pop out more
>dynamic camera
lol he doesn't know
Looks about the same as Sun/Moon running at higher res on an emulator
>people citing “SAME MODEL BUHUHUHUH” when pokémon have been using the same future proofed models since XY
>just blur my shit up senpai
amazing remaster
Sure it's not aimless, you just have a very clear path to follow and a saturday morning cartoon plot to sit through
You don't really have to take down shit, it will spontaneously happen anyways with a few poorly written lines you'll get from a handful of shallow anime-tier characters after a series of extremely easy, similar and repetetive turn based battles designed to challenge a 5-6 years old at best (probably the age half the audience started playing this shit)
Scattering around a few consumable items and mandatory fights on the overly linear road (filled with "random" encounters) you're forced to follow sure was an innovative way to make it look like your game had content, in 1995
>Not pissing down
I know this is a meme that gets posted every time a Nintendo game is announced/released, but Nintendo games look so much better in motion since Wii U. This is true for literally every first and second party game on the system.
This will look great on PC. Can't wait to emulate.
>says this and then probably goes and defends the new Zelda
>let's slap a few buildings and call it a town
>ground texture looks too muddy and bland? time to add a few grass blades
>uhhhh here's 5 or 6 mountains in the distance to have the game look big when it's really not
>there we go that should do it
>Why are older console limitations supposed to be considered when discussing the efforts a development team went througt?
Because it's the original experience regardless if it was forced to accommodate different hardware and it's disingenuous to compare a game currently to those standards. The game was never experienced in such a manner and is only achievable by going through an entirely different system and manner unofficially. I can upscale Megaman Starforce to use textures and graphical features that are way better than anything the DS could ever handle, but that doesn't mean that I should compare a 360 game to that and say "DS games look better than 360 games", it just makes no sense. It's the same as if you installed HD texture mods for Oblivion and went "Why can't PS4 games look like this".
>5-6 buildings "town"
>a single road you can follow, surrounded by a big world of nothing that you can't explore anyways
>elementary school drawing-tier "mountains" with absolutely nothing on them
Well I'm glad the series finally reached Fable levels at least
>Because it's the original experience
And? It's literally the same exact game, the same product the original devs worked on - it's just running on different conditions. I'm not even talking about adding filters, upgraded textures, new shaders, a modern overlay or something similar (that wouldn't be fair, and it wouldn't be the original game).
Just the same product on a better resolution, bringing it to our current standards to avoid compromising possible comparisons between the title and recently developed games with hardware limitations the original dev team wasn't responsable for.
>it's disingenuous to compare a game currently to those standards
That's why, if you really need to, you'd compare a modern game with an older title running on modern hardware at least
What's disingenuous is taking a badly captured 480p PS2 shot and saying "look, it looks blurrier than this game made 15 years later"
>The neon blue/green grass does stand out.
it's supposed to
This person gets it. Why are so many people intent to jerk off all over upscaled PS2 stuff? There are games from Nintendo's own previous console that would be an amazing fit for comparison. The problem is probably more of a core one. The team for Pokemon has really only made handheld rpgs. They've been slowly raising the bar, but are clearly incredibly hesitant to do anything that might shake things up to much.
$60usd + tax
xenoblade looks like shit and they ruined zelda, fuck off
>it's just running on different conditions
Which is the problem. This isn't an official upgrade, this is you using an unofficial mean to upscale the game when it was never intended to be even if it is able to natively because of better models in the game. Comparing it to a modern game is completely disingenuous when trying to speak of advancements or comparisons because the game was never like that originally. It was 480p or whatever resolution originally and should be compared to as such. The blurry image is how it originally was and there is no wiggle room here, the developers intended for you to see it in that manner and so you have to accept that. Unless there was a remaster done it's not an appropriate comparison whatsoever.
Again, it's like upscaling a DS or 3DS game and then comparison it to a current Switch title then asking why the Switch title looks worse. It's not even remotely a sincere discussion, if you're going to post 3DS screenshots you post the 400x200 picture compared to the Switch's 720p or 1080p picture. Just because it upscaled via an emulator doesn't mean anything, that's not how it originally looked officially.
>This game looks way better than I was expecting
You weren't expecting anything then.
XCX not 2
>The game was never experienced in such a manner
It's being experienced in such a manner right now
>and is only achievable by going through an entirely different system and manner unofficially.
So your argument stands on the questionable legality of emulation? I don't fully believe it, something tells me you wouldn't be ok with official upscaled ports anyways, even if they weren't touched outside of the resolution
>I can upscale Megaman Starforce
>but that doesn't mean that I should compare a 360 game to that and say "DS games look better than 360 games", it just makes no sense.
Why not? Retarded strawman aside (nobody is using emulation to prove an older gen console library looked better than a modern one), here's a screenshot of an upscaled, early DS fps and a 360 shooter.
It would be surely retarded to compare a 720p xbox game screenshot to the blurry mess you'd get on DS, but a higher resolution can actually make you enjoy the levels of details, the geometry and the textures that the original team made for the game.
Why should I be forced to avoid any possible comparison between the development process of the two games? Remember the point of the discussion was basically the laziness of modern devs that are riding on the weakness of their console to release products that could almost be compared to games from generations ago, instead of pushing their hardware limits to deliver something that can look even better in a few years.
It has nothing to do with player-added content/improvement.
>It's being experienced in such a manner right now
Again, by means that were unintended and will only be experienced if you emulate. The original system is still what you need to go by if you're trying to make any sort of reasonable argument when comparing games because otherwise, again, you're comparing using stronger hardware than it was originally on. Going to a 3DS doesn't magically make the DS gain a resolution bump for example.
>So your argument stands on the questionable legality of emulation?
No, my argument stands on the fact that it's not a version sanctioned by the developers. It's emulation allowing you to experience something the developers didn't intend originally by forcing an upscale.
>Why not?
How many times do I have to say it, it's completely disingenuous. You're not showing the game in its original state, you are showing it in a modified state via emulator settings.
>Why should I be forced to avoid any possible comparison between the development process of the two games?
People were complaining the new Pokemon games look like PS2 games and then showing emulated game screenshots rather than the original screenshots at their 480p glory. You are not even remotely doing a fair comparison, you are doing a comparison using modern hardware, forcing the upscaling using emulator hacks, plugins, and features, and then passing it off as if that's what the game originally looked like and should be compared to when that's completely wrong.
The game WAS withheld by its hardware and because of that it was designed around it. Just because it has higher resolution models that have been downscaled for the worse hardware doesn't mean the higher models were what was intended to be used originally.
>by means that were unintended
Doesn't matter if they let you make the most out of the developer's work
>The original system is still what you need to go by if you're trying to make any sort of reasonable argument when comparing games
On the contrary, it would be extremely disingenuous to consider the hardware limitations of the first console a game was sold on when comparing the graphical/visual/aesthetical achievements of an older dev team to a newer one
The old team is responsable for their low resolution as much as the new team is resonsible for the high definition of their game
>Going to a 3DS doesn't magically make the DS gain a resolution bump for example
The 3DS wouldn't be powerful enough to support higher internal resolution for DS games
>People were complaining the new Pokemon games look like PS2 games and then showing emulated game screenshots rather than the original screenshots at their 480p glory
That's fair, 480p screenshots wouldn't be able to show the similarities between old 3D assets to the stuff we're getting.
Nobody is claiming the PS2 games were in 1080p, people are just complaining about the fact GameFreak puts the same amount of effort in modern game as an older AAA studio did for 15 years old games.
>post some PS2 games then
Good Lord, Pokefags really are retarded.
>Doesn't matter if they let you make the most out of the developer's work
Yes, it does matter in an argument where things are being compared. You're taking things that aren't the original game played on the original console and comparing them to the original version of another console rather than the emulated version of that console. It's not a fair comparison in the slightest.
>when comparing the graphical/visual/aesthetical achievements of an older dev team to a newer one
Absolutely not. If the graphical/visual/aesthetic achievements were something to note then it would be grasped regardless of the resolution and you could make the argument regardless. Having to show an emulated version to make your argument means you're not offering a fair comparison (Comparing the games when they were released in the state they were released) to make your point. You're giving the older game way more advantages it never originally had by abusing emulator features (Which the developers of the game never accounted for) while leaving the newer game with just its base state.
>The 3DS wouldn't be powerful enough to support higher internal resolution for DS games
My point was that there's no official way to do this and it requires more than just upping the resolution to achieve your results, just simply having stronger hardware doesn't get what you need, you need to go roundabout ways to do all the things an emulator can.
>480p screenshots wouldn't be able to show the similarities between old 3D assets to the stuff we're getting.
Oh for crying out loud, how can you miss the forest for the trees here, the point is that not using the 480p screenshots means you're not comparing the games fairly. If someone wants to call the game "Worse than a PS2 game" graphically then they have to post a PS2 game at the state it originally was and compare it to the modern game. Not to the PC 1080p upscaled 16x AA and AF version.
C'mon user, it looks decent, but not "way better" than expecting. It's just a small improvement from lgpe
What is even your point? That the education system failed you, and that sentence structure isn't something that you're capable of?
Nice ps1 game LOL
isnt it just upressed x and y?
>Yes, it does matter in an argument where things are being compared
Thing is, nobody's comparing the original output, this isn't a console war thing where the capabilities of the hardware is supposed to be the main point. We're discussing development and the product that's created by developers, not the way it's supposed to be enjoyed.
I can very well praise Rage's megatextures and the way they look on 4k, despite the fact the game was sold on 720p consoles. Their mere existence are proof that the developers put more effort, care and love in their product than what was actually needed, and that's exactly the point of the discussion.
If rendering a game at a higher resolution means we're able to witness in a clearer way the work of the developers, then it's disingenuous to pretend they didn't put that specific amount of care in the game by hiding behind a blurrier standard from more than a decade ago.
>If the graphical/visual/aesthetic achievements were something to note then it would be grasped regardless of the resolution
Wrong, many games are built around a specific resolution, high or low. Some games allow for a better output when subjected to the simplest upscale. Other games are awful or straight up broken on higher definition.
You know what I like when I see a big open space? 90% of it being unreachable.
>and you could make the argument regardless.
Sure, but people unfamiliar with the game wouldn't comprehend the amount of work behind the product (not with an overgrown thumbnail at least); it's way easier to compare the content of two games you're unfamiliar with (from textures to models) when they're rendered to a simpler resolution.
Which is, again, the point of the discussion, because nobody claims early 2000s games were in 4k
>You're giving the older game way more advantages it never originally had by abusing emulator features
Not "abusing" any feature, and it's an upscale at best (or it stops being fair in my opinion). The newer game also has an advantage of several years and it's built around modern hardware, it should look way better regardless; if it doesn't, you know there's something wrong, which is exactly the claim here.
Of course, on a 100% fair comparison both games would run at the same resolution, but we're doing the best we can right now (which is bringing the old game to the new one's res)
>My point was that there's no official way to do
Absolutely irrelevant
>and it requires more than just upping the resolution to achieve your results
Wrong, it's literally just higher resolution
>the point is that not using the 480p screenshots means you're not comparing the games fairly.
On the contrary, hiding the content of a game behind old ass console limitations to prove a newer game is better is extremely unfair
>"Worse than a PS2 game" graphically then they have to post a PS2 game at the state it originally was and compare it to the modern game
Nobody claims the game looks worse than a 15 years old game running on PS2 ona CRT screen.
People claim its assets are comparable to the stuff we're getting from a big company 15 years later.
But that's WiiU.
In 5 years...
I don't understand where this idea that developers aren't allowed to make their games have a PS2-era look anymore. This is such a stupid arbitrary rule people are placing on Gamefreak. Why not extend this complaint to Capcom for making a new NES-styled Megaman game, or to any indie dev going for a more retro look in a modern game?
who cares, it's just an aesthetic choice. if you don't like it then you don't have to buy it. but it's really stupid to act like it's some kind of insult to the gaming industry to make some art that doesn't push new technological boundaries.
thing is, they aren't really aiming for a retro aesthetic
they're just doing something modern in a very poor way, so poor it looks older than it should
is this a ps2 game
You can't possibly be arguing that Pokémon is anything better than Breath of the Wild. There is limits to the cuckoldry.
it objectively does
Imagine being this venomous, youd call someone delusional over a fucking camera.
>lets remake all 800 pokemon models for every game
>especially after we dumped a ton of money into making high poly models specifically to continue to use across future titles
Entitled fuck.
Literally everybody was expecting it to look like Let's Go and now they're bitching it sucks anyway. Yea Forums is way too fucking negative.
This looks like a wii game
Nobody fucking says unbased
>Blastoise never even uses his cannons
>Golurk got cucked out of a unique animation for Fly
>things like Xatu and Salamence are stuck floating in the air for the rest of eternity because of a shitty gimmick battle you only saw three times
why is this allowed
>they're just doing something modern in a very poor way, so poor it looks older than it should
but that's EXACTLY what a modern game that is going for a retro PS2/GC era aesthetic should fool you into thinking. why is that a bad thing?
no, they aren't literally going "hey remember the PS2? doesn't this game remind you of that?" but they are definitely going for a certain stylized look that is reminiscent of the PS2/GC era.
>but that's EXACTLY what a modern game that is going for a retro PS2/GC era aesthetic should fool you into thinking
Not at all