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Hippos are fuckin weird. Look at those teeth wtf... No gums...just a handful of weird wooden stick looking teeth poking out... Do they even have tongues? So fuckin weird looking.

That things mouth is fucking huge

hippos kill way more humans than sharks do per year right?
shit's crazy man

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Hippos are so boring at the zoo they just sit under water


Brushie brushie brushie.

Attached: Hippo brush.webm (854x480, 2.71M)

pretty sad when the most exciting thing you can see an animal to is take a shit

Damn that's a patient hippo

Not even a hippy, im very right leaning but I fucking gate zoo's and would abolish them all if given the power. 70%of the animals look like their spirits are destroyed. Its awful living conditions compared to the their natural habitats

its like a cat with a hairbrush
it feels good for the hippo so it wants more keeping its mouth open

don't hippos stand around with their mouths open so birds can come and pick the leftover food off their teeth?
it's natural to them

Hippos are real life monsters.

did he died?

Zoo staff - Tranny janny
Hippo - Pepe posters (based)
Dirty teeth - FUCK NIGGERS

Whats that, you have a pet hippo?

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Sharks are not like mammals, like hippos and lions get territorial and agressive about stuff but sharks are mindless fish that only attack people accidentally unless genuinely starving to death


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This gif has it crushing the watermelon just by swinging its jaw down, so they don't really seem to need teeth exactly.

Get that killing machine AWAY from me.

Gay ass hippy liberal Trudeau voter
Go back to worshipping your idols gay ass Papist Queerbecker

The nigger spills half of it out of its mouth and the chink creatures clap like drones

>The common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), or hippo, is a large, mostly herbivorous
>mostly herbivorous

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Attached: Hippo v lion.webm (888x500, 2.87M)

V-Video games?

Eat lead nazi

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I unironically agree, I don't mind smaller animals like capybaras and birds and shit but seeing predators like lions and tigers lie around all day in a 10 foot cage pumped with sedatives is just sad.

doesn't need them
Just crushes anything between it's jaws with pure strength. Dunno what the fuck nature was thinking giving one creature that amount of power

a wild based post out of nowhere

Do you think mammals have enough INT to be able to hate someone?

Let's be honest, is there even a single thread on Yea Forums right now thats not shitposting and genuinely encouraging healthy video game discussion?

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the fuck kind of question is this

No one mam' should have all that power

right here what fucking country is he from?

Years ago I was at a zoo in down state newyork and there was this bear in its enclosure that just kept mindlessly pacing back and forth with its tongue out and a thousand mile stare and it bugged the shit out of me and from that moment on ive hated zoos.

Well, respond the man. Do they?

Yeah if you abuse a fucking animal long enough it'll kill you. Also I saw this thing were these villagers killed a baby elephant in africa and days later the herd came to the village and destroyed a bunch of shit.

Been watching this gif for an hour, and it's barely budged.

Eat my poopy and I might


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Holy shit.

Hippo Island in the south pacific. Duh

Do people look like that over there?

That's because Hippos branched off of the same animals that whales evolved from during a transitional period where they were amphibious. Hippos just stuck to amphibious life style while whales became dedicated to being fully aquatic.

look at his cute little balls haha I bet they are incredibly soft and kissable lol.

girls gtfo

imagine this fat fucker charging you at full speed, what would you do?

Attached: pepe_fucking_dies.webm (460x258, 738K)

Imagine if that was your head and he killed you instantly, releasing you from this mortal coil.

accept my death
not much more you can do really