Literally impossible

Literally impossible.

Attached: ancient_leshen_mhw.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

how long does this shit run for? I've been lazy and not run it at all yet, it seems like fun

Witcher is permanent just like Behemoth

One more week I think.
Witcher is, Ancient Leshen isn't.

oh dope, guess I can just continue being a lazy piece of shit and start playing the game again a month out from Iceborne
I hate "Games as a Service" models and the idea of actively playing trickle fed content is exhausting to me
just release all this bullshit at once in some massive update fiesta so I have a real reason to jump back in with everyone else

That's how I feel about all the new monsters I face. Then I practice and keep fighting them and get better. Once I mastered it they seem easy. Just keep working at it.

You don't get it, do you? It's an online focused monster, doing him solo is extremely hard. And in online people just keep carting to some random bullshit one shots.

>still playing this farming simulator

You know every event festival brings back all the old event quests, right?

same, i've been busy recently and i never got to finish the Bayonetta Dx2 crossover event and now i'll have to wait a year for it to possibly come back (if it ever does)

Does it have p2w during the events? It sounds exactly like gachashit.


sort of, though they did give you 122 free 3-5 star summons during it

wait for the nerf they already announced


I used to be autistically obsessed with fighting every monster in this series. Even the mhfu variants, mhfz and even explore. World killed that desire. Why in the fuck is a Witcher creature in this?

why don't you go farm for a life you useless little faggot

They already did. Now Igni is a bit more effective against him and he supposedly teleports less in the 4th are. Doesn't help though, people still manage to die in the first area.

I have in the past. It is actually a lot more satisfactory and fun than fighting the same videogame enemies over and over or wagecucking in a cubicle.

The Witcher 3

Nothing to do then. Behemoth is much more of a pain in the ass imo.

How hard is it compared to Behemoth EX?

PlayStation 4

really easy If you bring a defensive build with healing and shit.

I'm yet to beat ex Behemoth. Tried it a few times and damn what an annoying fight. Leshen isn't bad once you have proper healing. The problem though, his moves are hard to read and he has a lot of tracking attacks. A lot of people just getting KO accidentally. Doesn't help when some people just acting retarded like instead of waiting for whole party they just yoloing against the monster and quickly die.

why capcom nerf him

The ancient Leshen is super easy as long as you and your team remember to have a flashpod on the ready.

Extremoth is fucking unfair by comparison

Literally impossible.

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Flashpod won't help with random carting.

Randoms just need to remeber that its better to drop that attack charm and put a health charm if that means you wont get oneshotted as often

I've got a big theory about why mhw has so many issues like thiis, it basically boils down to them having to overcompensate for their "core" playerbase who is stacked to the gills from grinding the same content for over a year now and justify their grinding with monsters that absolutely demolish even well-geared hunters through sheer numbers and goofy, borderline unfair mechanics

they're basically just gear checking players in annoying ways, which leads to outcry from players who haven't autistically grinded out several dozen tempered elders for their marginally stat-boosting items

>angry little gay baby upset that someone insulted his favorite video game
uh oh, do I smell soiled baby diaper?

>*causes your gpu to explode*
nothin personel
it's a baby-tier boss that hits like a pillow the fuck are you talking about

But that's a Leshy, a slavic Wendigo.

Grinding tempered elders is where the real game is, I dont get you

oh oh! little poopoo in kaka pants?

It's much easier because you can bully it as much as you want with Flash Pods, including cancelling his super move, and it doesn't require a tank. Extremoth had a lot of people who obviously didn't usually play HBG/Lance trying to tank and struggling. I beat Ancient Leshen after a handful attempts on the first day and Extremoth took several days.

listen kid just shut the fuck up before i rape you ok bitch

I feel like the endgame in World is a massive disservice to the franchise's roots as a whole
It's one thing to fight G Rank Silver Rathalos a hundred times because that's what I WANT to be doing
It's another to fight Kushala Daora a hundred times because that's what I HAVE to do

Monster Hunter is about player freedom within the confines of the game's pre-defined mechanical systems and various avenues of progression, fighting what monster you want, when you want, to get whatever you want from them.
Boiling all of that down to four monsters with a bullshit manner of even unlocking the quests to fight them and praying you get an item from them that isn't even specifically theirs flies entirely in the face of that imo
and I don't give a fuck what you say about however easy it is to get a specific quests for a specific monster, using whatever method under whatever circumstances, the bounty quest system is fucking stupid and extremely limiting to a player's capacity to string their hunter's narrative along in their own head, which is the point of an open-ended RPG like this to me

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first post in thread,
but i'll have you know that:
I think the investigation system is just about the stupidest fucking thing i've seen. The amount of RNG in the end game is absurd. and instead of helping frustrated players out, they double down on it w/ KT. What the flying fuck were they thinking? It's still on of the most fun games ever tho

Stinky huh? I'll show you stinky!
>*rips open my pants and butthole goatse-style*
How's that for stinky? But wait! It gets better!
>*you die*
There. I think I've made my point.

anyone on PS4 want to play with me? i'm up for almost anything

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That's a cute anime but I don't play with people from Yea Forums especially those that post anime because they tend to be mentally ill.

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>I don't play with people from Yea Forums especially those that post anime because they tend to be mentally ill.
fair enough, but then i'd advise you to NEVER go to /vg/. it's got worse teenage drama than /r9k/

The gameplay is absolutely phenomenal, I've never played a game harder than I played MHW at launch. I played more time in-game in the first two weeks than I spent at my full-time job. I was sleeping on the couch in front of the TV because it was less effort for me to just go to sleep when I was tired, wake up and immediately turn the tv/console back on and start playing more.
Literally never have I played a game harder than that, and never have I had so much fun with a game. Honestly just thinking about the special time I had with this game gets me teary-eyed

After finishing everything I found worth doing in the game, I struggled for another week to find something worthwhile to do with the game other than grind for decos and streamstones. I wound up collecting literally all of the fauna available in the base game a few times over just to fill my house out with cool, rare animals.
I sat at the bench in the back of the player housing, admiring my Petricanth, Giant King Marlin and Giant Platinumfish, buffeted by Giant Vigorwasps, Prism Hercudromes, Bristly and Downy Crakes in multiple perches around my home. My chest was packed with all the armor I cared to craft, and all of the major Swords and Shields I found worth crafting. Even had an Odium and Black Diablos Swaxe, just for fun. I heard all the fauna, felt an immense sense of accomplishment and content, and logged off.

Haven't touched the game since, after clocking almost two hundred hours in about a month with a full-time job.
That's how fucking bad the endgame is in MHW
It forced me to stop playing, I would have mined charms for days and grinded out all of the gems and mantles I needed to complete multiple flexible sets of decos, but I am not subjecting myself to randomized rewards from randomized quests with randomized conditions
It's fucking retarded

ironic coming from a Tom Baby poster

MHW's philosophy really bothered me in a way I couldn't put my finger on, but you articulated it well. Thank you user.

retarded crossovers. Dunno why they keep trying to shovel other games cum stains in this.

I've had a lot of time and a lot of incentive to think on it, the core design of progression in World just pisses me off so much and I don't want the sentiment to spoil my time with the game
All I can really do is articulate it in a way that lets me separate it from the time I had with the game, and hope Iceborne can refresh the game by returning the way things once were with quests that actually challenge the players to hunt their asses off and engage monsters on their own terms rather than necessitate bloated stats acquired through genuinely mindless grinding and fundamentally flawed progression mechanics that exist beyond the core pleasure of crafting a monster's skin into an apparatus to rend another monster's skin from their soul ad infinitum

yeah that's about right. I dont like hunting the end game monsters because its literally forced on me. If I dont fight 1 of these 5 bullshit elders then I dont get a random streamstone or deco drop that doesn't have jack shit to do with said monster because RNG is fucked.

i got the platinum very quickly, as well. it was at like .5% or somethign

He looks like he's about to do something lewd

>Grinding 4 monsters eternally is the game

Raise your standards, every other game in the series has a G rank with a plethora of monsters and decent builds

All about padding playtime.
GU did a similar thing too, with only quest hosts getting credit for 16 quests per deviant(apart from GU-exclusive deviants which had 6 quests) but at least that was only mandatory for a few non-essential weapons/armor sets or pigment/bragging rights for EX deviants.

I really wish World had GU's transmog system, it made fighting every single monster worth it even if the armor had bad skills or stats.
That system alone added many hours to my time with the endgame.
Layered sets are a piss-poor replacement with more annoying timegate shit.

to be fair, G Rank is added in the Ultimate title updates for each game
I wasn't too mad that G Rank was absent, this is the first time since MH1, to my memory anyway, that we've gotten the initial release version of a Monster Hunter entry released Stateside
We're just used to G Rank being in the game at launch when it is generally absent

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This. The game is mechanically great, and is a great way to spend 150-200 hours, which alone makes it worth it, but I quit after the platinum. To what end would I be grinding the same monsters and quests endlessly? Other games had G ranks with a tonnnnn of quests and monsters, so even if you ended up repeating a bunch of stuff, it never felt old.

Leszy to chuj

I only did the basic leshen and not interested in doing the ancient one if it's timed. Fuck games as a service.
Btw the witcher mission is pretty good. Makes the dogshit monster fart sniffing gameplay actually bearable when there's some dialogue and barebones investigation mechanics added to it.

>>We're just used to G Rank being in the game at launch when it is generally absent
are you the same guy who's been overly verbose this entire thread?
get your head outta your ass. That sentence doesn't even make sense, and i've been letting you slide so far, but now you've crossed the line!

Get out sometimes Yea Forumsirgin

>The game is mechanically great
Poor man's Souls games.

>hate anime
>tim bradly poster.

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ironically enough, it's the other way around.

alright I'll budge, that was me
I'm talking about Japanese launch versions of games, look at Tri (which I forgot about) versus us getting 3U on 3DS a few years later
no G Rank in Tri, G Rank in 3U
same goes for MH4, except we didn't get 4, only 4U
of course most people started playing on 3DS in America, that's when Capcom started actually marketing the games here instead of just roughly translating them every now and then and dumping them into stores stateside, so most people assume Monster Hunter is supposed to have G Rank when it's always a selling point for an upgraded version of the game that comes second in Japan

It's like how Pokemon works, sell Ruby and Sapphire first, come out with Emerald later and double dip. Capcom's been doing the same shit with MH since the beginning, we've just been a part of the second dip rather than being double dipped on if that makes sense
it's always food analogies isn't it

Jesus fucking christ, another party clear. Retarded IG user just kept fucking jumping holy shit this is so fucking stupid.

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The worst part is how I'm running IG myself but I almost never jump.

Gen was the last game we got before World and that game had no G-rank.
I think the western branch would have waited for GU if they knew it was coming(Capcom claims that Gen wasn't intended to get a G-rank version) and I think this is the reason why GU took so long to localize, along with Capcom not wanting it to interfere with World's launch.

A good IG user should only jump to quickly add status effects or to get out of danger/closer to the monster in a hurry. All the time you arent on the ground mashing your combos and building your bug spores is time lost

Playing 4U now, 100% accurate
Except I play CB like half of the playerbase and trip everyone so I can't complain and pray to not be kicked

Sometimes you can actually do more damage in the air. For example against Lunastra since her weakpoint is her wings and you can't really hit those on the ground. But it's a rare exception.

why wouldn't they? one big idea of world is to bring people into the fold who previously didn't give a shit about MH


Have always been quite happy to bang my head against hard stuff, it just would have been nice to get something that was at least designed with a single player in mind for ancient leshen. I long since accepted I suck at this series I love and have hunted solo on my own scrubby terms since the 3ds games. Please let the lone hunters hunt again capcom.

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guess I'll have to wait 6 months to fight it because Capcom loves to fuck PC with their games as a service bullshit. Is it the same frontier style AOE spamming garbage we've been getting for all the post-release content so far?

It's always fucking asian players. They can't fucking stay alive. If I see hiragana in their names I may as well just quit the fucking hunt.

this. Thank you for putting it well.
I gave up on mhw after only 100 hrs or so and thats a damn shame for a mh game.

>want to play MHW
>no one to play with
feels bad im on ps4 btw

but that doesn't mean they have to ruin the integrity of the franchise. They never forced monsters from other series into the games before. It made more sense to theme the event based on existing mons with a twist or gimmick. even new players could appreciate that.

It is a chink timesink. It might as well be an MMO.


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>need to hit her wings or tail
>use a lance
Fall over you whore

Also, Gen.

fucking nice