Ahh the PS4. Where the true gamers belong

Ahh the PS4. Where the true gamers belong.

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One hundred percent correct. Literally every game worth owning has released on the PS4.

>8th gen


I really like it, Cod4 remaster next month, 5honor this month, lots of fun. PC+PS4 is the way to go

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Are we even allowed to have a thread celebrating the glorious triumph of the Playstation or is that considered participating in or instigating a flamewar? I swear I've been banned for even posting in a PS4 thread.

And Xbox, and PC.

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Why the fuck own a PC?

No rising storm, squad, arma, flight sims, race sims, and sim sims on ps4

Niggers can handle that Sony is the king of video games. It's undisputed, Sony has the statistics to back that claim

So no reason then.

Like how 15% of PS4 owners commit 50% of crime worldwide?

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GayStation, GayStation.

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yeah because a lot of PlayStation owners are NBA Niggers or FIFA Spics. and if they arent there probably just Homosexual.

>Still no Ape Escape 4

How many PS4s do you guys own total?

I have 3. 2 basics and a Pro (for the big TV). I've bought a total of 7 I think, but I've given most of them away as gifts.


I only use the PS4 because I'm poor as fuck.
It fucking sucks not having access to mods, my own choice of controller and control over graphics settings. But I can't afford a PC that will play modern games.

RDR2 is on Xbox retard.

I mean come on, you and I both remember going into PS3 online games and only hearing BIX NOOD and poor mexican parenting blasted from the shitty mic attached to the Playstation Eye.
>And Xbox
Read, you half wasted cumsprout.

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I have six myself, and given away two.

Not on PC stay mad & learn to read

Also Bloodborne

ps now

Yeah its on Xbox so its not a PlayStation exclusive you fucking tranny retard, go bring your Degeneracy to another site, i cannot stand PS users here, the most obnoxious fucks to ever post here. everyone else can hold an actual conversation except for you and your dumb golden wojaks.

>ps now
Not the dlc also input lag
Unironically mad as fuck


Bloodborne is pretty much DaS2, but overhyped because it's only on PS4.

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u mean ds3??

This is how the average snoyboy behaves

bloodborne isn't ninja gaiden or dmc, the input lag is completely tolerable
you're right about the dlc though. t. played it on ps now before buying it + the old hunters

That's a bingtendie falseflag

No. I said two didn't I?

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>before buying it + the old hunters

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I love playing on my wife’s boyfriend PS4!



ya but youre wrong and meant 3

It's no wonder we won.

No, 3 at least is fun.

PS4 and PC are the only respectable gaming platforms really. Everything else is for children.

PS4 is for niggers and 3rd-worlders.
PC is for fedoralords and genuine need-to-be-bullied nerds.

The only real gaming console is Switch.

>still bragging about a ps3 port

Stop trying to ride off PCbros, your brick is literally just a shit PC. Fuck outta my face.

Hey lads, is the PS4 Pro worth it? Planning on buying a 4k tv with the console

Not really.

Serious question, how did sony manage to concetrate all of the gamer cancer in one single hardware

Do you guys think the PS4 will be the peak, or will the PS5 be even better?

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Maybe wait till e3 and make your decision then. I only got one because I initially thought my original ps4 was going out, turns out it was my tv.

My brick allows me to play sports games and everything else with my friends. I can play my favorite/more serious games with my PC.

You can enjoy both, you know?


>My brick allows me to play sports games and everything else with my friends.

Just wait for the PS5 if money is an issue. If not just get a used PS4

i recently picked up a used one and i like it.
only have zero horizon dawn but its a fun game

>implying any console this gen is superior to the other when every game worth a damn is multiplat

At least previous gens had some real exclusives

>he doesn't have friends

Depends what games you like and care about.
If you want the best framerate, graphics and ease of mouse control in multiplayer? PC way better.
If you like Jap games, no cheat in multi, and mainstream singleplayer games PS4 is way better.
Although Consoles are catching up with the amount of Indi trash on PC, PC still has a waaaaay better and bigger selection of niche games, so PC wins in that category.
If you dont care about any of that and just want to play games quick and ez I'd choose PS4.

And to anyone whos thinking about making a PC, plz dont spend 1000+ on a PC only to play f2p games, plz.

Looks like you got brain damage.

>he's a fucking normalfag

Bloodborne is on pc though.

I do just fine playing sports games with my friends using PC. Whether it's talking over voice chat, having a LAN party or just setting up the monitor to the living room TV, not very hard to do.
Get off me, secondary.

Imagine being this mad about people enjoying video games

Definitely a pkek

No dlc and input lag so it's dogshit. Pkeks will never play real Bloodborne

trannies are not people.

No, you'll feel like a retard when the PS5 is announced and it actually supports 4k.

>he's fucking nerd that has no friends
lmao. Is Yea Forums your only social interaction too?

Non of my irl friends play PC. I can just fire up my PS4 and play with my buds as well as being able to play exclusives. I don't understand why you're so upset at people having console and PC systems.

y though?

Not him but I got a PS4 and, yeah Horizon isn't very good, my dude.
I mean if you're into Ubisoft open worlds and all that then by all means, have at it.

Yeah I play anything I want on my pc but I wanna play P5 and GoW for example, and I can't do that on my pc.

>none of my irl friends play PC
Are you by chance friends with kids?

i can see why people wouldnt like it but i enjoy it so

>if you like braindead shit open worlds you'll enjoy it
Good advice.

xbox is trash, every xbox game is on pc so there is no fucking reason to play inferior version of those games on cuckbox.
I got PS4 and PC and this is the best combo, because there is no games to play anyways

>not on PC
I'm confused.

some people prefer not to pirate

No. Grown adults who like the PS4


You don't have to pirate. You can buy the PS3 game, slap the disc in your tray, rip it, and play.

Lmao it’s on pc and there’s nothing you can do about it. You’ll just have to cope.

No one does this though.

No nigger, PlayStation is better than Xbox and PC

I do :^)

It really depends on how you're posting it. If you're just going to brag about sales then a mod is probably going to delete your thread.

lets not pretend RDR2 was good

Ah yes, commence the brappening.

In what ways? I can almost guess it won't be better in the realm of Playerbase, Skill level, Online Service, Controller, User Interface or Quality of Life.

I gamed on PC my whole life (I did play on my friend's PS1 a lot as a kid though), and I bought a PS4 several months ago since I had literally nothing to play on PC, and PS4 was getting RDR2.

It feels nice and refreshing not to worry about settings/fps/cheaters etc. And I happen to enjoy using a controller more for some reason (maybe because I started gaming on PS1, and it feels nostalgic in a way)

I guess I'll switch to PS5 completely since my PC won't probably be powerful enough to run next gen games.

1, because I'm not a shitposter

Traded OG for Slim and then sold slim on ebay to help pay for a pro.


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Nice falseflag, im a PC refuge. Everything worth playing on PC is dead, no point.

btw fuck those who told me to get a slim because I don't have a 4k monitor.

FPS is so much better on the pro in most games

>wow this one with a faster clock speed runs games faster
>lol why didn't i buy that

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The only thing beside Bloodborne worth playing on the PS4 is PC multiplat and I'd enjoy those a lot more with a mouse and a stable framerate.

I thought I'd use the slim only for exclusives and play the rest on PC. Also I thought the PS5 was coming soon.

But then I tried the latest COD, and it is super bad on the slim. Unacceptably bad


Games mah boy, games

buying the pro right now depends on when you'll be getting the ps5.

I'll probably wait a year for a stable revision + more games to come out/get cheaper

What games? I wanna hear what you say before I mock it.