Why does Nintendo hate kids?

Why does Nintendo hate kids?

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>implying Nintendo doesn't have a cheaper more portable Switch ready to come out right alongside the new Pokemon
They're not stupid.

Kids prefer playing Fortnite on their phones anyway. Pokemon is now a boomer franchise.

I used to think thins but then LGPE came out and still sold around the same relative ball park as other entries, so I guess parent's are spending that extra hundred and fifty for switch console either way

>Implying children still play Nintendo

nintendo stopped making games for kids after mobile gaming switched to smartphones.

explain pokemon evee/pikachu

Why kids such broke niggas like get a job you little shit

Meant for casual adults and normies.
The people that made Pokemon Go a success.

Parents always have been spending hundreds for consoles for kids i don't understand what the news articles are saying. the switch is the new new 2ds/3ds is years old how many gens have we seen this happen? are zoomers writing this? their first console was a wii or something?

what about it?

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>kids running around with $500+ iphones
>cant afford a Switch
i dont even

Aren't there rumors about cheaper Switches that focus on the portability?

Fat anglo men.

phones can be used to make calls text whatsapp, browse the internet etc. parents bought their kids one so they wont lose them

No its because the Switch needs game attachments to avoid the drought they had with the wii u. Developers are pumping out games for the switch so there arent anymore dry seasons. They dont have time for the 3ds anymore.

They don't. It would be a PR disaster.

((( )))

Nostalgia bait retard.
Why specifically anglo?

Do people get paid to write these shit?
The title reads like a shitpost on Yea Forums

>tfw you sleep well knowing no child will fuck up their childhood with the steaming pile of shit that is LGPE
all is well bros

LITERALLY what they did with XY and 3DS

>parents wont lose them
>expensive iphone
more like to babysit the kid also

Why would kids lose out?

it only sucks if you have a sibling the same age
it's stupid to market the switch as a home console you can take with you and then treat it like a handheld that every kid in your house needs one of their own of
more than one switch per house is pretty stupid but of course nintendo wants people to buy as many consoles as they can manage

>the fortnite generation giving a fuck about pokemon

You can always just move out of the house.

no im talking about keeping track of the kid. if you cant find your kid while youre in a mall just call his phone and problem solved.
500 dollars is a small amount of money to pay to make sure your kid is safe and sound.

Why the fuck don't you is the better question.

literally every kid i know that owns a 3ds owns a switch. retards don't know what they're talking about.

Kids can play Pokemon Go or whatever else they'll cook up in the future. Believe me they're not going to leave that market untapped

Nintendo said the usual shit to cover their asses, but the moment they announced their handheld-only or mostly-handheld franchises would move to Switch, it was obvious that it's also the successor to the 3DS. Pokémon, Fire Emblem, 2D Zelda and so on.

okay assuming a household with 2 11 year olds and one switch, and they're releasing a mainline pokemon game on the switch but like every handheld iteration there's two versions

Is it really that hard to keep track of your kid?
He is your fucking kid after all.

I wish

there's only manchildren

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i kinda wish they also continue to release actual portable handheld gaming but with less hardware power and cheaper price point.
maybe something like the ds but just continued support.

nintendo? more like no ten year olds

why wont kids play pokemon? i thought the games are aimed at them?
