This game came out in 2001 and people are still playing it. I don't give a shit how you feel about the game...

This game came out in 2001 and people are still playing it. I don't give a shit how you feel about the game, but do you really think people will still be playing unbirth in the night exe weebshit fagfest in 17 years? Most of that game's playerbase weren't even alive when Melee came out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Grass root player bases Shits on another growing grass roots player base.
the irony.


Now look at them zoomers that's the way you do it
You play the Swordfag on the Brawl port 3
That ain't smashin' that's the way you do it
Combos for nothing and your physics floaty.

Now that ain't smashin' that's the way you do it
Let me tell ya them zoomers ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your roller finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb

We got to wavedash, powershield lasers.
Messy guessies, Marth on FD
We got to waveshine these Falcon players.
We got to lug CRT TVs

The little faggot with the earring and the make up
Yeah buddy that zoomer is trans
That little faggot got his own hormone pills
That little faggot he's a Robin player!

We got to wavedash, powershield lasers.
Messy guessies, Marth on FD
We got to waveshine these Falcon players.
We got to lug CRT TVs

I shoulda learned to play Lucina
I shoulda learned to play K. Rool
Look at that Inkling titties stickin' in the discord man
We could have some fun.

And he's up there, what's that?
DORYAAAHing noises?
Banging out them smashes like a chimpanzee.
That ain't smashin' that's the way you do it
Combos for nothing and your physics floaty.

We got to wavedash, powershield lasers.
Messy guessies, Marth on FD
We got to waveshine these Falcon players.
We got to lug CRT TVs



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cope meleetard

No and they shouldn't.

He’s ranting on how EVO dropped Meele out of their showings.

So no argument? You know that this literal who weebshit game is going to be forgotten just as quickly as it appeared? I don't have to respect another game for being "grassroots" if it's not going to prove it has staying power.

>The little faggot with the earring and the make up
>Yeah buddy that zoomer is trans
>That little faggot got his own hormone pills
>That little faggot he's a Robin player!

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cope bby

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Okay. I mean if Melee is such a strong community they can keep playing their hot trendy game in their own tournament venues. They clearly have the fanbase for it, right?

For a year. Enjoy getting cucked by whatever FOTM game comes out in 2020.

People are still playing Super Turbo, zoomer. Your game isn't special

We had MONTHS of smashfag spam because their shit game wasnt out
Then we had spam cause their game was out
Now again, after only a few weeks of no smash, we have smash spam once more cause a knock off smash isnt on EVO

/smash/ contaiment board when?

This. Undernight is just a meme game shilled by people too scared to play games with actual competition so they pretend to play dead kusoge to dodge fighting better players. It won't last and registrations will drop off by the time we get closer to Evo.

Under night has been around for 7 years.

honestly it even being on the mainstage is more than anyone who plays or is a fan of UNIST ever expected. If it never shows back up on the mainstage we still got our moment in the sun and not to mention knocking out melee of all games.

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*image of Melty Blood players sitting in parking lots, in bathrooms, and around trash cans playing their game on shitty laptops*
Yeah it's possible, don't know how long UNI will last but I enjoy it so I'll keep playing it, and I'm sure others will too

Then where was Super Turbo at EVO for 10 years? Where was Super Turbo at every major and super major? Why are all the Street Fighter mains playing SF5 instead of Super Turbo? Spineless. Melee is the community the FGC wishes it was.

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you dont play melee get cancer and die

>and people are still playing it
not at evo they aren't

>Still plays Melee competitively 18 years later because it's the only one he's any good at
Pathetic. Take a shower. I can smell you from here.


>Melee gets cut
>Attendance and stream viewers drop by the thousands
>Inbirth, Mortal Kombat, BlazBlue and that gay Samurai game combined fail to generate a fraction of Melee's stream viewers
>Mr. Wizard in panic mode
>Attendance and viewership at dedicated Melee events goes up
>Evo 2020 comes around
>Mr. Wizard adds Melee to the lineup, tearfully apologizes on stream
>No one shows up because there are better events
>Evo withers and dies over the next 10 years
Meleechads rise up

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No, I mean you should be moving forward with the genre, not stay stuck in the past.

There won't be another Undernight in 10 years because nobody bought the first one.


Lmao enjoy your solved format and watch your shitty WWE "god" caricatures abandon your format only to drown in pools of the new, better game.

Enjoy losing to the same 5 spics playing literal who clone swordsmen because Sakurai can't balance a game to save his fucking life.

> I don't give a shit how you feel about the game, but do you really think people will still be playing unbirth in the night exe weebshit fagfest in 17 years?
As a man who grew up with Melee and liked it enough to pick up Rivals of Aether:

Do you not know that people are still playing Melty Blood? You're being ridiculous and only giving shitposters more ammunition. If anything, you should be celebrating Under Night getting in: The game is good and Capcom has showed themselves to be unreliable. There should be more options for fighting games, not just SF, Mahvel, and Tekken.

Here is an example of a man who knows little but speaks freely. He doesn't know why he does it, all he knows is that he is compelled to by some higher power. He doesn't understand what he's saying, but that doesn't bother him. It would bother him more not to say it. Pray for this man, my fellow anons.

Under Night hasn't proven itself like Melee has. If it sticks around for years after release, sure. But for now it might as well just be a fad that may or may not last in the long run.

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Melee was at evo in 2007, why are you complaining again?

>a fad
>released in 2012
are you always retarded or just today specifically?

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Because people keep comparing apples and oranges. Did Under Night get a sequel that shit on everything it stood for to appeal to an audience that didn't care? Did the creators of Under Night make efforts to choke the life out of its competitive scene? Are Under Night players bringing fuck huge hardware on hours long trips just to support their game?
>Wasn't at Evo until 2019

user, UNI first came out 7 years ago. 5 if you're just looking at console releases.

so it ain't a fad you retarded faggot. It's been underground with a solid fanbase and now it's finally breaking through to the mainstage

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I'm just saying if Melee didn't have Nintendo characters people wouldn't give a fuck. If you cared about the genre, why haven't you pushed Slapcity for Evo? Checkmate, Atheists.

this but unironically

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The entire point is that it's hilarious to see Smash fans insult Under Night when nothing else has had more of a grassroots, melee-style increase in popularity than the game in recent memory. The creators of UNIST never sabotaged the game's popularity like Nintendo did for Melee, but they released the Western port very late largely killing off its chances of a good reception, and they haven't had the money for any real promotion either. The game making it this far is show of passion, and it's really dumb of you to go "Weeeell they haven't proven themselves yet" when this is basically the ideal situation for a niche game that is almost dead on arrival.

Slap City isn't finished. Why would I push a game for mainstage Evo that might be completely different by the time it's in? Make sure you always consider every single possible move before declaring a checkmate.

No fucking shit. Do you think people would care about DBZ Fighterz if it wasn't a DBZ game? Why do you think people play Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Tekken? Why do you think literal who shit like Guilty Gear is getting cut? Characters are the most important thing in any fightan.

Whether UNIST is 'established' or not is irrelevant. The modern popular fighting game "image", at least to me, consist of people playing games that they're nostalgic for.

Street Fighter V is running off of its past prestige, Mortal Kombat is literally fueled by nostalgia, as is Dragonball Z. MvCI literally died because it was missing nostalgic characters on top of being ugly, and SamSho is getting put on main stage because the organizer is nostalgic for it. Only Tekken seems to be in for its own merits, and even that can be questioned. EVO only deals in the absolute most popular franchises, a game actually being solid and playable at a high level is actually less relevant than one would assume.

Melty Blood, Guilty Gear, King of Fighters, and other games are well established and known, but Americans aren't nostalgic for them, and the companies behind them don't have infinite funds, so of course they're not going to be put front and center if it can be helped. That's the rub I have, and why I'm personally happy to see Under Night in, even if I don't personally play it.

>This game came out in 2001 and people are still playing it
some people on /vr/ are still playing Atari 2600 games

That's like ten people out of the hundred some who post there, user. Why even post something that you know is disingenuous as hell?

Slap City isn't nearly as good as Melee.

So they haven't proven themselves, gotcha. Don't worry, when you're playing grand finals in front of an empty arena you'll wish you listened.

I don't seriously believe this sort of fanbase war is actually real and it's just shitposters having a field day.
Meleefags always felt like they were spectators instead of competitors, at least here so I can't take it seriously even if they were trying to start a war, which I still don't believe is happening.

>what's all this noise up here son, you playing your weebshit game again?
>it's NOT weebshit Dad, it's Melee! It's a serious fighting game - watch for a second
>looks like a bunch of little girl jap cartoon characters fighting each other son

Slap City is fire don't diss it!

This is why no one wants to share a community with smash.

>Melee gets to be at evo because Nintendo punished us!
>French Bread is not trying to kill UNIST so it didn't prove it's self!

how has it not proved itself when it's risen up from obscurity over the years to the mainstage at evo? Are you being a faggot on purpose?

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based, inb4 smelly melee niggers

It is mostly shitposters.
Seriously, if you read the twitters of actual melee players most of them are happy that UNIST made it in.
A lot of them are pissed about Samurai Shodown though.

I don't mind them cycling out melee for new games especially since hbox would've just won anyway but Samurai Shodown (2019) isn't even out yet.

Melee's rise to the top is real and organic. Nintendo went out of their goddamn way to murder the game because they were scared it would damage sales of the newest game and they failed three times. Melee players carry around heavy as fuck CRT television sets and ancient hardware that isn't even sold in stores anymore. Under Night's "rise" comes from being shilled by ArcSys and having characters appear in BB CTB. Nobody played it until a bunch of people started randomly showing up parroting "play UNIST, play UNIST!" Most people have never heard of the game until it became a meme late last year.
That game is the same shit as Under Night, filler garbage that only got in because of shills.

One of those is a fighting game that belongs in a fighting game tournament. Thank you Melee for the autismobucks though it paid for the arena.

Let SNK have their chance, Smash already has Ultimate

People are still playing Super Turbo (1994) too, and it hasn't been a main event for years.

Why pissed about one but not the other? Both of them are blatant shill picks that nobody outside of Japan will play. If you're going to shill a new game why not just pick DoA6 instead?

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I know this is bait but
UNI players did actually carry around their consoles with the JP release of the game in their PS4s and brought monitors to play in the side during bigger tourneys before they were added to official side tournaments. This continued even with the PC release were people brought their own set-ups.
I'm a tourney goer so I know this, and I know for sure people knew and played the game before CTB and the twitter shilling because I despise the latter.

Because the number of people playing Super Turbo doesn't compare to the number of people playing Melee. If the SF scene had a spine it would support Super Turbo or 3rd Strike instead of Shill Fighter V.

>a father knows these terms
Do you always live in a fantasy or just when you post on Yea Forums?

Because one is out and the other isn't.

Oh no, they carried around their PS4s and monitors which the tournament would be using anyway? They're so passionate!
>Because I despise the latter
You know what? You might be alright user. Most of the faggots shilling the game won't even play it, they'll stream monster and jack off to waifus.

>he thinks people weren't screeching play melee back in the day.

He thinks people in the real world play Under Night so definitely a fantasy.
Sam Sho will be out when Evo comes around, that doesn't mean that it and Under Night aren't both blatant shill games.

French bread was Litterally forced to acknowledge it's growing western player base

People still play Pacman and shit from the 80s.

And how did they acknowledge them? Did they invite their top players to E3? Did they hire their top players to play test the game? Didn't think so. Next.

>comes from being shilled by ArcSys
>Most people have never heard of the game until it became a meme late last year
I get that you're butthurt about melee being out but you don't need to lie and talk out your ass like this user. It's honestly embarrassing.

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Not too many consoles would have the game when it was only released in Japan for half a year. I remember Defend the North in 2017 didn't have the game in any capacity but had a bunch of guys in the corner playing the game together.
Don't get me started about twitter shills, they'll spout "play x!" and then I check to see any replies and they all say the same thing about "oh I'm no good but I want to support the game" and I respect the courtesy but jesus christ practice what you preach. It's why I don't do twitter outside of collecting fan art

>Sam Sho will be out when Evo comes around, that doesn't mean that it and Under Night aren't both blatant shill games.
Is this a false flag? It has to be: This man is talking about UNIST as if it's Koihime or Blade Strangers.

Can't speak for them, but putting a game in EVO that isn't out yet is honestly stupid as fuck.
I thought the exact same thing when SFV was announced for EVO before it came out. And I get that the new SF is practically a requirement for EVO, but I'd much rather have seen one more year for USFIV.

No, the NA players pooled money together to host an all French Bread tournament back in November with a cheesy sounding name to honor French Bread's weird engrish naming traditions. The western community flew out two of Japan's strongest players Lamp and Senaru, as well as few other japanese players and they had a good time. At the end of the finals, he series battle planner and spokesperson plus the OST genius raito acknowledged the western fanbase and promised to deliver more content for their devotion
Yes because 7th most player counts in Frosty and having the largest side tourney at anime evo doesn't count right? Not to mention the devout following Yea Forums has either which also got the attention of NA's pro scene too.

I think you overestimate how big your poverty circle jerk is. Go watch the Evo reactions from anyone in the Street Fighter, NRS, Tekken or Smash scenes. Nobody knew what the fuck Inbirth or Sam Sho was at all.

Well shit, that is pretty impressive user, I'll give you that. But will they keep this up for every year like Melee players have? Maybe then you can compare the two.

>Nobody even knew what the game was until it was shilled!
>But also nobody knows now cuz muh e-celebs never heard of them
Make up your mind.

The community is growing and the EVO spotlight will surely increase the numbers even more than it is now. I can't say much about the series future and whether it'll be like Melty and still have people competing but I can vouch for the game's actual tournament dark horse status because I was fucking there and competing and interacting with he community physically despite my complete aversion to discord.

>The scene works so hard they get the support of the developers, making it easier for them to keep going
>The scene works so hard they get the anger of the developers, but they keep going anyway
Do you see now why this comparison fails?

blade strangers is actually a really fun fighting game.

fucking this , seriously, what is your argument? Just be glad your shitty game got so many years on the mainstage. Can't you be fucking happy with that? You smelly fucks made everyone else suffer your special brand of faggotry over it for years. Your time has come and gone. Fuck off already

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I entered the thread with post so I'm not going to defend that point since it's irrelevant to my argument since I didn't make it.


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Whatever fag, just admit that EVO hasn't been about what the community wants for a long time. It's all just a commercial to get people to buy whatever flavor of the month new weeb fighters are out this year.

>I don't give a shit how you feel about the game,
I know you have the habit of making a shit in your pants when you're playing the game.

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It is and I'm hoping that mentioning it as the go to obscure no-name game will make it stick in people's minds.
Speaking of which: Rivals of Aether, Slap City, Koihime Enbu, Chaos Code, King of Fighters ;_;

the least funny part of the entire post

Melee community is one element of what the FGC used to be. (inb4, then it had a shower). Just playing the game because they like it, not because it's new or what Nintendo wants everyone to play. I don't even like the game, but I'll give them that.

Now you understand why cutting it from EVO is such a problem? It's the final nail in the coffin for the era where people played what they loved and didn't give a fuck about esports. From here on out you can expect every game on the EVO stage to be some watered down esports pandering garbage like SFV. There's no room left for passion in the era of business.

>EVO hasn't been about what the community wants
Yeah I'll admit that. The very fact that EVO keeps letting smash in at all when smash isn't a fighting game proves that evo isn't about what the community wants. It's a fucking shitty party game masquerading as a fighting game with downsyndrome that a legion of autist keep touting as some great spectacle. It's shit, I'm glad it's gone, take ultimate next and get the fuck out of the fgc.

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Is this accurate?

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>He thinks Melee players give a fuck about Ultimate
Ultimate is the cancer we don't want, but if we have to deal with it so do you. It's the scourge of both Smash and the FGC.

The fact EVO let Smash games in proves they don't have actual passion for fighting games. They're only concerned about the money. And melee had enough autists with money in their pockets and shit in their pants that EVO was willing to humor their children's party game.


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That's because Melee was the last true old school scene that was willing to show up cash in hand and support. The FGC were supposed to follow suit but somewhere along the way they lost their spine and sold out their old arcade culture ideals in favor of esports money.

lmao what a dumb faggot ahhahahaha

nothing chad about playing a kids party game

Based and fightpilled
UNIST still sucks though, play Tekken instead

Who do you think the target audience for anime fighters is user? I'll give you a hint, it's not grown men.

>The best UNIST player in America is a fraud who waifufags a character he doesn't even play
This game deserves better.

I actually really like that game too. Tekken and UNIST have been my main go to games for a long time and now I've added SoulCalibur 6 too.

Squish came out saying Redblade is better than him though

Yeah man all those kids playing BlazBlue and GG right? Look at the little tykes throwing out dust loops!

Kids literally grew up with ChuuniBlue, what are you talking about? Guilty Gear is the game for hardened old men.

I can smell you from here smashfag

>He doesn't know that the best BB player in the world is a literal Japanese teenager playing his husbando

Justicefags are hardcore

I don't know the tune this is supposed to be to because I'm not ancient.

Are people referring to Samurai Shodown as "that" or "some" samurai game ironically or do people really not know what samurai Shodown is?

>The last game in the series is older than Street Fighter 4
>The new game has been marketed like complete dog shit
You tell me

didnt melee get booted out of EVO because they wanted best of 5 in top 16 and Mr. Wizard said if they kept fighting for it they wouldn't be back at EVO

>Did Under Night get a sequel that shit on everything it stood for to appeal to an audience that didn't care?
smash never fucking stood for anything retard, a bunch of autists decided years later to pull out everything that made it fun as a party fighter and create what is essentially a shitty barely balanced game mode inside a game that didnt ask for them

It's been a dead series for a long time, and Smashbabs don't give two shits about games that aren't Smash, so why would they even know it ever existed?

Are you surprised people don't know about SNK games? You really should not.
As a Smash fan, I'm well aware of how the game attracts turbo-casuals kids to itself. The type who wouldn't even know who Terry Bogard is, much less Samurai Showdown.

>Stop playing the game the way you enjoy reeeeeeeeeee!!!!
If we did this for every game then your only modes would be arcade and training.

Am I not allowed to like smash and other fighters?
I don't like melee all that much either but these threads make it seem like it's one or the other.

Tekken is for fat ass neckbeards

Hilariously enough the only people following Under Night in any capacity that mattered until last year as still the devout japanese fanbase so they were completely in touch with what their audience wanted. Balance issues aside slightly less so but when you got the dev team playing with pros to create the tutorial/mission modes coming that from experience as well as their own experiences in a decades worth of fighting games, you really can't ask for a better team to make a fighting game than actual people who play fighting games.

dont kid yourself, every potmonster playing melee only started in 2013 becuase of that gay documentary

Some young, so-called fighting game fags on here genuinely do not know what Samurai Shodown is. These are homosexuals who erstwhile claim to be in the FGC, yet are unaware of one of the top 5 most influential fgs in fg history. The entire scene got too big. Too many poseurs. It's a joke.

>implying SamSho is an anime fighter

fucking idiot lmao

And this folks is why you don't smoke crack.

>Too many poseurs. It's a joke.
Especially on Yea Forums. Board hates casuals but an overwhelming majority are casuals themselves.

thats not the point
do whatever you want but why bitch about nintendo "shitting on everything it stood for" when it literally never stood for competitive melee fags.
if anything NOW is the time nintendo is attempting to bridge that gap and you still hate it so just keep playing your dead 20 year old game with the rest of the smellies

Melee is out because the players refuse to shower. It's that simple.

People shitting on Unist and Sam Sho are just non fgc players trying to troll. Don't listen to them.

Don't take it too personally: Most people who are crowing about Melee dying are just shitposting and don't actually care either way. Remember that Yea Forums is still the place where we had constant "Fighting games are dying because of inputs" threads for a few months.

A few dedicated neckbeards stuck in the past when they were less of a loser in highschool are not a valid 'active' player base. I would say a active one would have new players coming and going not the same stale dorks that you can smell down the street if they would open their door

Absolutely based

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I've said this before and I'll say it again. Nintendo could release Melee HD with the only change being a light upscale in the graphics and meleefags would STILL fucking hate it with a fiery passion

This game became retroactively as popular as it is because of brawl.

Ultimate outclasses it in every way, except for tech skill, but even then the few thing that were removed from melee were for good reasoning, lagless wavedash made jumping non-committal, and L-cancelling was put in for no good reason, as there was never any reason not to do it, save for the sole purpose of increasing apm

You're right, it did come out in 2001, why tf has it been at EVO this long? Get outta the way GRANDPA!

You can, you just have to camouflage yourself depending on where you are. Among Melee fans? Mr. Wizard is literally genociding Melee players and SNK paid billions to get Samurai Showdown in. Among the FGC? Mr. Wizard is simply making sure that chemical weapon from killing millions in Los Vegas.

I'm surprised that melee has lasted for that long. It's not even a case of 'the game staled in 2013 and people kept forcing it' or something like that.

why are you lying? to look cool?

Correction: someone who desperately wants to look ancient and experienced.

walugi will be on smash only when a game surpasses melee

It also came out in a different era and doesn't need any patches or fucking DLC. That detracts from the longevity of modern games.

EVO 2019 in a nutshell:

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unironically will take weebs over stinky greasy smash fags any day of the week

The fact that a game from 2001 was still being played on the main stage in 2018 proves that there is some curating being done. They're not just playing the latest releases. Since this is the case, why don't they pick a game a couple years or iterations old so there are some good competitions? Games than are established and people have had time to really learn how to play.

uniel is the best current gen fightan please don't take it out on it it's innocent

based and redpilled

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The difference is meleefags actually supported their game and showed up to shit. It's completely different from people who claim to "love" something on the internet but have the biggest tourny of the year for said game only get like 50 entrants

>Seething this hard
>Shitting on other games in the process
Thank God the fatass kicked melee to the curb, as if it wasn't bad enough already to still carry around fucking CRT TVs just for this shit. You want to play smash at EVO, play ultimate. You don't see 3rd Strike getting special treatments.

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>t. Robin main

>People transitioned from 3s to 4, to 5, no matter how the game was
>Melee players STILL insist to hold on to their corpse of a game
Imagine if everyone was playing fucking Accent Core or Calamity Trigger at Evo. I understand that Brawl was bad and 4 was lackluster, but Ultimate is just fine. Fucking move on, stinky boys.

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>move on from a fun game we enjoy because daddy Nintendo said so


>Imagine if everyone was playing fucking Accent Core or Calamity Trigger at Evo.
That sounds amazing though.

imagine if everybody was still playing mvc2 or umvc3. Maybe then marvel wouldn't be fucking dead

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people still play halo 1 that came out in 2001, what is your point?

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The true answer is that real fighting games are rarely as stunningly nonviable, boring, and generally deficient compared to the previous installments as Brawl and Sm4sh are compared to Melee (MvCI is the closest example, if not for dooberz showing up and being acceptably mediocre we would have UMvC3 at Evo to this day). Ultimate is fine enough to receive the dubious honor of being to Melee what SFV is to Third Strike and that's good enough to trim the fat in favor of a game as based as UNIST. No mainstage goober is the real tragedy, what the fuck is up with that?

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God, imagine if Evo mainstage had 3S, Marvel 2, CVS2, Ultra, Soul Calibur 2, Accent Core, and Super Turbo

What a nightmare that would be
I'd have to sit around and watch the whole fucking tournament

Needs KoF but holy shit that'd be great.

Cross Tag niggers actually think their two button game is any good and apparently Mr Wizard does too

Super Turbo WAS at evo for 10 years, idiot. 12 years even.
1996-2008, only missing 2006.

imagine watching hype shit happening in one game only to miss other hype shit happening at the same time in another game

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absolute madlad

2k2 or '98?


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Melee triggers the zoomers

Imagine thinking you have to move on to a new game just because its new

You know the real reason it's out user

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Reasonable and respectable
Though my mind would have been blown if it were 11

Problem is EVO is just as trash as Melee. Your e-celeb shit hole is gonna bite you all in the ass. It's already happening. The fgc is becoming homogenized and the games are getting shallower and shallower. Devs and pro-shills choose what games make it instead of the majority of players.

I still play SF2 and you don't see me throwing a tantrum that it's not a headliner at a tourney. Grow up.

I'm retarded so I prefer 99, but between 2k2 and 98 I usually lean towards 98.

'99 has the best aesthetics and was my favorite for a while too. If you really want some retard opinions: I think '96 is one of the better entries, even with how stupidly busted it is.

SF2 only has like 5% of Melee's playerbase right now, you can't have a main stage game if no one shows up

It was always baffling to me how the main arguments against Melee and its community basically boil down to:

>Game is old, stop playing it, play new ones instead
>I don't like the community because they love their old game so much that it's still alive in 2019

How the fuck can people be so petty? Just because the community doesn't instantly replace their old game with new ones doesn't mean anything other than they enjoy their fucking game, and everyone else seems jealous that they are THE ONLY ONES that can do this effectively, since literally all other fighting games work on this replacement system of just playing the new one. This includes all weeb games, Street Fighter and even 3D games like Tekken. Every single one replaces the previous, except Smash Bros. Melee. And everyone fucking hates them for it for reasons yet to be explained properly at all.

It's just raw jealousy of their raw passion and dedication to a game they love. So since nobody else can do it, they decide to gang up on their community and throw shit at them because their own communities don't give a fuck about playing older, arguably better designed games.

Maintaining enough Wiis and CRTs for a mainstage event is a pain in the ass. Blame Sakurai and his team for not just making Ultimate better, Melee's death of old age was inevitable no matter how passionate you are. Also see

If anything, the melee community make themselves hated by others, and not because of the reasons you've stated.

No, people hate melee precisely because of the reasons he stated. Any time I ever see someone complain about the community they can never back it up with proof, they just stick to calling melee players entitled and elitists.

>Slap city isn't finished
All the roster is playable the only thing missing is just some casual appealing story mode because now it need a big jump for getting audience, I hope some autistic fag will not stick to a dead broken game and try something with a lot of care.

I'm pretty sure the Melee people and TOs are the ones bringing and managing the setups

If there's an exodus to any game, Slap would be it, since it's popular everywhere. Rivals of Aether has its own scene going that's well supported, but I think any growth there will be slow. Funnily enough, there are a decent amount of major Rivals players that are unfamiliar with Smash, if you can believe that.

You're really not going to admit the melee community is toxic as fuck and continues to spread itself away from everyone else?

Yes, the melee community is nowhere near as toxic as some people claim it to be.

Slap city is actual dirt

>Be the Melee Community
>Acknowledge Melee has a bigger community than the others and will live forever
>STILL shit on everyone else's games
>Want the EVO slot at all costs
>Don't care about destroying more fragile communities as a result
I love Melee but have you all ever thought about how much more meaningful it is for these communities to get a slot?

Attached: TjLNxtB4wb-10.png (300x250, 25K)

As a guy who's literally played Melee at Evo multiple times, I kind of agree.
The problem is that the main stage games this year are fucking whack.
2 games that aren't out, SF5 which barely anyone actually likes, then DBZF, SC6, and BBTag which are all basically dead. There's really no room for Melee and Guilty Gear?
When Melee has been like top 3 entrants and viewers every year?

I'm hype for Unib but fuck all that noise

There were constant displays of pettiness and uncivility from the Melee crowd during Brawl and Smash 4 tournaments

and how do the 3S and Ultra communities treat SF5 players?
Like trash, as they deserve

They actively boo'd a Guilty Gear finals and chanted for Melee because Melee wasn't on yet.

Pretty sure one of these threads linked a forum where a melee pro was banned from events due to petty toxic behavior.

What tune is this to?

I don't care if Smash is in Evo, but I'll be sad if Squad Strike in Ultimate doesn't become a major tournament format. The King of Smash is great to watch.

Street Fighter II has been going on forever and will continually go on forever. Now shut up and take your shower.

Lin is not a pad player!!

Just make a containment board for Nintendo. They already did it once for Pokemon and look at things now.


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Are both of you illiterate? I'm not even that user lmoa.

UNIST >>>>>>> Melee

Its more like: the meta has been stale for years and the game is not fun to watch, but my latter complaint is just a part of smash's dna

If you really want to know it's dire straits, money for nothing.

It is finally dying, good riddance.

doomp eet

>This game came out in 2001 and people are still playing it
Yes, a dozen of people
Everyone else is just watching it

Oh no I can't watch hbox win with puff in a 7 hour gf again!

The last SS game came out over 13 years ago, and most people nowadays associate SNK with KoF and perhaps give a passing glance at Fatal Fury.. I'd imagine most people who have heard of it know about it via osmosis since CvS2 had some character reps and the Rage mechanic.

t. zoomer

DBFZ is still quite big and Japan still plays BBTag. Being dead never stopped games from getting main stage. Just ask Killer Instinct and Injustice 2.

Fuck off Melee autists

Melee was just as dead as any other game until the Smash Documentary + Project M lured all you eSports children in.

I guarantee none of you underage league of legends asian cockslurping faggots gave a shit about comp melee pre 2013.

Most of you all are god fucking awful at competing and just exist to fill top player pockets. You are all posers and an embarassment to the FGC. End your lives.

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