Game freak hate thread

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I posted it again!

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Fuck Game Freak
Fuck nu-Pokemon
Fuck the Pokemon GO audience
And fuck the feMC! (literally)

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That's a picture of someone that sucks nutendo cock though

Will this game have the Mega cancer??

>flat TV and electric lanterns
That's quite the progress for 10 years if you ask me champ

>Colosseum came out 15 years ago

No one cares about nintendo
if you care about it to fanboy it/hate it you are both a fucking retard basedboy

What game is that

Literal who game? Also >emulated and upscaled

Doesn't count

Fuck gays and trannies tho

it has to be bots that post the same threads over and over, right? either way, i'm glad i'm not whoever is behind it.


Pretty pathetic when a 10 year old game looks better just because you upscaled the the resolution rofl

>Literal who game?
Hi underage, go play Fortnite

Even worse. High functioning autistics.

$90 billion grossing

No why would a bot post it
Also how does that work
Asking for a friend haha..

That house in the background in the third Pokemon picture is literally out of an N64 game

Damn pokemon looks almost as good as a Tales of game from 9 years ago

>LG looks better
>plays better
>has pokemon on the overworld and feels a lot more alive

sad to see them backtrack hardcore like that with the mainline

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I'm 26 and I have no idea what the fuck it is.

Almos no one knows about last story, and it wasn't even a good game.

To be fair that's more from merchandise and not really game sales. Game freak has almost always been shoe string budget devs

I mean I don't know why they don't put more money into the games, I'm just saying

>just because you upscaled the the resolution rofl
It's not like gamefreak did a lot more than just upscale the game from 3ds to switch lmao

*makes the same game for 23 years with minor tweaks*

It's a great game with its biggest flaw being the low difficulty which doesn't make it necessary to do anything with the otherwise great combat, except for the very last mission.

When you don't know the operation rainfall games you are either underage or the biggest casual in the world.

The OST alone already made it at least good.

It got pretty boring really fast, very repetitive with little combat freedom (yeah, you have those elemental things but it's still not that good)

I don't know about you but nobody I know has ever heard about Pandora's Tower if it wasn't from me.

basically still bots tho

No one cares about normies.

why does it only look slightly better than SM
why is gamefreak selling a literal 3DS game for $60 in late 2019

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my nigga, Last Story was kino as fuck.

Or it's shit that no one ever talks about because no one gives a fuck about it :)

> Nintendo still rehashing the same damn game from 23 years ago

We will never have an actual AAA Pokemon game; will we?

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I heard they are going to make a Pokemon like game on the cryengine for PS5

What a high IQ comeback.

Because it's literally all they know how to make.