ITT: Cringey Vidya Tattoos

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So did he get another xitpoint or more stamina with that level ?

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Is that not Minecraft-like UI?
IIRC, you get no levels but spend exp for enchanted items.

tricky one but every tattoo is cringey by default

why dont you like tattoos?



wanna be edgy faggots get tattoos. They only legit ones are gang and prison. Especially international mafia. Everyone else is just edgelord memelord

Thats a temp

Because I'am not a criminal.

lmao I sure fucking hope it is mate

that opinion sure has its own edge

Nah I'm fairly sure it's OC.



they look like shit

imagine this in 10 years

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That's subtle, not cringe

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I feel bad for the guy, for real.

Graphic designs look bad. It's like wearing a graphic tee but you have it literally all the time and it stays past your teenage years.


>an artifact tattoo

bless my fuck

You look like a tacky mural.

Yea Forums has always hated tattoos. Not one board has said anything positive about tattoos ever

>Yea Forums is one person

Tattoo's aren't special.

Everyone gets them. Hell, there's even fads for tattoos, remember asian characters and tribals?

sounds like a chad in your life had a tattoo so you conflate tattoos with getting your ass shoved in a locker

thats a stereotype

thats an opinion

this is also an opinion, also, some people get tattoos that hold a lot of meaning to them, so they most likely dont care that its on them forever


wonder why

all tattoos are cringy

my grandpa's brother had his birthday, his wife's birthday and their anniversary tattood on his upper, inner arm because he had a hard time remembering things after ww2

>Everyone gets them
only fags get tattoos

>every tattoo is edgy
>except for the ones that are LITERALLY edgy

You're genuinely retarded.

I would never, under any circumstances, get a videogame tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that "fans" actually have tattoos like this.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like certain videogames will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

We can end the thread here.

Who the fuck designed that H?

my opinions, tastes, mood, general philosophy all change constantly. choosing a symbol is a mistake, you may regret it later. i don't mind mindless art as much, just i hate tats like yin yangs or faces or anything alluding to any kind of sub culture or in-group, it's fucking gay

>vidya tattoos are crin-

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it's fine dude nobody knows what that even is right now, even less so in 10 years

yeah, cliche tattoos are gay
but if holds a special meaning to you then whats the problem?

dump incoming

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Here we go.

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haha wow so edgy


I don't know what is worse the sleeve or face piercings

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help him bros

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10/10 would marry

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>Day of Defeat
You cannot make this shit up

>Mystiq Quest red bone dragon
Damn did not expect that

I already play dod though

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the second you grow out of that phase then the symbol no longer is a fitting expression of you, it's just too permanent, unless you're like a fucking monk or something you're probably not gonna hold those beliefs forever. if i had gotten a tattoo as a teen it would have been the iluminati eye/pyramid, thank fuck i was smart enough not to

I found her instagram, I think she's either a dedicated attention whore or an actual womanchild.
>absolutely everything is about vidya or anime
>still lives with her parents
>spends saturday nights going out with her parents and plays gameboy while doing so

I like my tattoo and it reflects my interests.

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Tattoos are technically permanent, and commitment is scary.

For a real answer, video game tattoos are pretty dumb because video games are a disposable entertainment. Every year better shit comes out than what came out before.
A good comparison would be getting a tattoo of the movie 300. Neat when it came out, but it's far from a timeless classic, and then you would have to live with that for the rest of your life.

What if my tattoo says "I banged your mom". That will never ever change.

Look back at the things you thought were cool 10 years ago.
You'll understand why tattoos are a stupid idea.

>this is also an opinion
This is not a counterpoint, user. You can scream 'opinion' about things all you want instead of contributing but it doesn't invalidate anything and just makes you sound like a grasping idiot.
>some people get tattoos that hold a lot of meaning to them
Almost all of them go into it looking for a tattoo and figure out what to get afterwards. Tattoos that come from the thing first are exceedingly rare.



I have a tattoo of the word "based" on my wrist and it's the only tattoo I regret.


Probably a bit of both.

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Stale pasta

absolute state of rosterfags

Perfect woman for a typical Yea Forumsirgin


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No thanks, already ate

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not a fan of tatts but thats a nice looking sleeve

Shame she has all that degenerate shit all over her body, she's pretty cute otherwise.

I have a tramp stamp, it's not vidya though

>Mario themed
>literally is Mario
They really are fucking stupid

>laser tattoo removal only makes it look more like a pickle
Pickle Rick gets stronger the more you beat him.

I like when people have minimal, nice looking and simple highly personal tattoos. And when people have enough brains to get them on parts of bodies which you can hide for professional reasons.
Now getting a tattoo of a fucking videogame or other "seasonal" favorite is highly immature and stupid.

I have a few dozen more but they aren't vidya

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>Getting a tattoo of meme slang
Go figure.
What other tattoos do you have?

Permanent reminder of a temporary idea. Like circumscison

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woah.. *gets tattoo*

>all that plebshit anime

gamer girl

it's already outdated

Am I missing something?

the nose look like a chode

Yeah, maybe if she didn't have those I would probably date her and she would be my wife. But as it is she isn't up to my standards.

that was probably the best choice since the game is still just as popular after 8 years
imagine someone getting a pubg tattoo

Yeah I mean it’s not like there’s are styles like traditional/new traditional that have held up since the 1930s. Every tattoo is definitely going to phase out in 10 years because things only last a decade according to user. You don’t know shit, swallow your opinion.

>old berserk
Absolute pleb taste.

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This is like buying a mansion just to have a bunch of toddlers crayon the walls.
The Nintendo one is the worst, that's literally a fucking corporate logo.
Nice patamon though.

Yeah well, it isn't like it's going on your soul. Or does it? If you were a ghost, would you keep your tattoos? Do you keep them in the afterlife? Regardless, if you don't believe in that, it will also be gone after your body rots. Food for thought.

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Getting a Mario tattoo in general is like having a glass of water tattoo.

absolute shit taste

She clearly has Aspergers/mental issues but it doesn’t matter because she’s hot.

>tfw no womanchild gf

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>plebshit anime
Shit taste or contrarian faggot?


its not too bad

Patrician taste tho

is he implying that his stupid tattoo has more meaning that a stupid video game
they're both retarded

If you believe in quantum immortality, they are indeed permanent.

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>new berserk
>zoomer pleb taste

God is nuBerserk so horrible looking on purpose?

My point isn't that they'll regret it, but that it's trashy retard shit done by trashy retards with no aesthetic sense or plan for the future.

At least she didn't get a sidecut.
Sceneslut hairstyle is nice.

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This one is pretty good. I hope he really likes Mario.

QI is fuckin' nonsense, I'm not havin' it mate

That's one fine body, though

Definitely the kind of slut that likes to be choked and slapped

Look at that list faggot.

That bitch doesn't watch anything besides pleb tier shit.

Honestly, I wouldn't touch a woman that watched anime only. If she was the kind of girl who read manga (besides shounen shit) then she'd probably be a keeper.

This is just some haughty naruto watchin' skank

>all these out of shape losers with tattoos
i have never seen a in shape person with tattoos in real life its always some man boobs glasses and beard having cuck with them especially at the gym i go to ahahahah

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>meme slang
I got it for the sake of lil b. I still like lil b but I regret it because the artist got the "e" backwards
>what other tattoos do you have
I have "תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ" on my right arm. It translates to "formless and empty", referring to the state of the earth before god breathed life into it. The phrase is also the album cover to "Slow Riot to New Zero Kanada" by post rock band Godspeed You! Black Emporer which inspired me to get the tattoo. Ironically I no longer can be buried in a Jewish cemetary because of it. I plan on getting a portrait of Anne Frank on my left arm but I might just opt for a flock of birds. [/blog]

>not appreciating the wonders of korean sweatshop slave animation

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>QI is nonsense yet the idea of a life after death isn’t

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It's stupid as shit
>alien from an alternate dimension that shares genetic code with me is literally me
>literal copy, someone that is closer to you than your best friend or family member, is not worth calling "me"

>that gameboy holder

holy shit is it an actual femautist?

>doesn't know about zyzz
never gonna make it

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hey he could always cover it up and make a syrian flag if he's german

Holy shit, I'm laughiing my mouth

>This feels like the 90-00s

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>Freeza Funko

'geekchic' slut

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Explain me how cowboy bebop is shit, nigger? Or better name me an anime that is not shit in your opinion.

>that fucking hair clipping through the shoulder
>those lifeless, static characters

>that everything

And I thought DBS had bad animation.

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>roided to the gills
>dies in a sauna
what a role model
post your tats

>Yea Forums
fuck off

Isn’t that Scientology?

Fuck are you on about

fucking show feet

QI is just dressing up the hope for an afterlife with pseudoscience. At least religious people can retreat to mysticism.

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yeah we get it guys you hate tattoos, and you hate fashionable clothes and why would a man have more than 1 pair of shoes. Well maybe its one of the few reasons most of the guys here a lonely hating faggots. Also, tattoos are pricey, and most ppl here can't even afford videogames. So just do the maths

I hate her tats but not going to lie I like the fact that she has that jap exclusive Berserk game and all those VHS tapes

>funko pop

>shitskin steroid user
see my point?

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Stop shifting goalposts. You said that nobody with tats is fit. This man was clearly fit and had tattoos. post your cat.

How’s this for mysticism, no matter how hard you try to kill yourself you will always wind up in a reality where you don’t

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>died in his prime
>dies like 80 years past his prime

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Jesus, all this shit takes me back almost 20 years.

Do your shoulders get tired of shifting goalposts?

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tribals arent timeless. Nowadays there are a lot of timeless tattoos/art in general. The general quality and tattoo scene improved a lot since then.

Anime taste is OK, but the N64 hat ruins it. Clearly just a poser with no taste of her own.

my body my rules ;)

I don't think there's any, sadly.


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This is the absolute low of this thread, holy shit.

Ouch. Worst place to get tattooed, IMO.

I'm a counter culture punk rock conservative

Yeah but there is no reason to think that's the case. There is no justification. You might as well believe when you die you get ISEKAI'd irl, for all the evidence there is of either.

would choke, fuck and kill afterwards because she isnt worth shit. But that body needs to be used


I hate everything.

What is it faggot??
You jealous??
I'm least I'm not a coward that goes pointing fingers, you probably don't even have a tattoo in your whole body, and Fortnite is still king, so what gives? I didn't make any mistake

this is actually great

she knows.. she won't post feet cause she knows..they all know..

whos saying anything about getting tattoos as a teen?
you cant speak for people and how long they hold their interests
and its not even just interests and things that express who you are, it could be something like also
>wanting illuminati tat as teen

Tattoos have become cultural appropriation. Soiboys trying to look edgy and tough by imitating criminals, soldiers, warriors, athletes, fighters, rock stars, in the shallowest way possible.

Try your underarm near the armpit, that’s super fun.

You faggots can say what you want about tats and piercing, but I would absolutely bang all the geek out of her.

>implying human augments wont be a thing in 10 years
i will live forever

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>bloodborne rune
My little brother is going to get a bloodborne rune tattoo. Did I fail as an older brother, Yea Forums?

Where's that from? I saw it again today on another guy that had a Kingdom Hearts tattoo too. He's also a gay pornstar but that's irrelevant.

win or fail?

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She has sucked at least twenty dicks.

I don't hate tattoos, but I firmly believe that 80% of them are shit, especially "meaningful" ones

i have a tattoo of a triforce and i know for a fact that my feelings for that game will never change

I like symmetry...and clean white skin.

>criminals, soldiers, warriors, athletes, fighters, rock stars are the only people allowed to get tattoos

Soooooo basically wife material?

>heres you tattoo bro that will be 20$

so you dont hold any interest in things past 10 years?

why the fuck do you care how people plan their future or what tattoos they get?
that is the most beta mindset you have there lad

>two right hands

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Shit, that many people still play DoD? I should reinstall.

Well it’s wrong so what do you think?

>filling a fantasy roster with clones

the absolute state

its the berserk rune but miyazaki has made a living off ripping off berserk so i can't blame you for the confusion

>implying a singular symmetrical dark tattoo doesn't stand out and emphasize the pale skin
You don't have to be covered in them

Class: Faggot

Without it being cringy, yes.

Ahh i see, thanks user. One of the few FF that i haven't played.

And what justification is there for religion? Tradition? Ancient books? An excuse for people to behave as they will because they’ll be forgiven in the hereafter? What makes my view on immortality any different?

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As if you wouldn't like to be 21

I don't prefer tattoos, but I've always felt that a girl with a lot of tattoos looks way better than a girl with only a few. Like it's better to get an impressive artistic sleeve tattoo that has a lot of personal meaning than it is to get just a ugly little thing on the ankle, wrist, or worst, the lower back and abdomen.

I guess in general it's better for a woman to embrace her edginess than to pretend that she's an angel with a "naughty" side. Like you're not fooling anyone. Just accept that you want to be an edgy slut and embrace it.

My sister is kinda like that, although she's 20 and she doesn't keep much attention to her hair like that one.
She does play too many games or watch too many anime, but the few she does she gets obsessed with it.
Oh well, at least it's nice to always have someone willing to play Siege with.

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>so you dont hold any interest in things past 10 years?
Sure i do, i still watch brood war and play D&D. I don't feel the need to display my hobbies to the world, and spend money doing it.

>muh cliche chinese tattoo has meaning cause of war and stuff

Thanks mario!

does she fuck

>jerking off with your right hand
enjoy your dirty mouse smelling like dick

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It's not even that edgy, her tattoos are pretty tame shit like Roshi and the dragon balls.

the new witcher anime looks sweet

you have a silly thought process

Whole arm piece like that runs a fucklot more then $20. He probably paid at least $200 for that shit

>why the fuck do you care how people plan their future or what tattoos they get?
How much care really is there in calling something retarded on Yea Forums?

everyone gets tattoos
its not a mark of how cool you are

Post your ass

Why do women with tattoos look so ugly?


>work out enough to get decent abs
>cover them up with a huge dark ad for a videogame

>ITT a bunch of incels who are afraid to have meaningful art on their bodies

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Thanks doc

>I don't feel the need to display my hobbies to the world, and spend money doing it
great, good for you
here is your medal for outstanding self-righteousness

thats a really nice belly tho

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That must have paid the tattoo artist's bills for that week

it's not wrong, you read it top to bottom because it's a vertical tattoo.

I think he sees the price based on skill, I had to pay 400$+ for mine in total.

atleast its well made

For me it's psychological, tattoos scream degeneracy and mental illness

>slim build
>decent looks
>berserk fangirl

You just know she has rape fantasies.

Because it tells me you're a vapid cunt with no personality.

She might have, dunno.
But for a few years she hasn't gone out too much.
The few times she goes out with her friends she ends up coming back after 2 or 3 hours, says she gets bored.

>so you dont hold any interest in things past 10 years?
That's not even remotely close to what I've said.


Yeah I know, she just really really likes that stuff and that's okay.

Isn't all attraction technically psychological?


A whole arm piece would be about 5 hours minimum for black work. Prob more like 8 with a lot of colour. Decent artists charge around 70 an hour so more like 350 - 560 if not more.

>Hypocrite that you are

if i wanted meaningless sex i'll just masturbate

>implying his tattoos don't actually say soup and wonton

do this people just improvise while making a tattoo of what?

>slim build
>fake tits
>gamur tats

Sign me up for those holes.

>this is what LoLcucks actually believe

Pro tip user: if someone starts a sentence with “so x” they are baiting or disingenuous about what they’re arguing

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uhh, im pretty sure this is 4channel you dumb fuck

I don't know what you are trying to say

Tattoos are normie crap, even grannies have them. Scarification is where it's at now.

lmao, when I was in the military I also got tattoos.
Ended up cutting them out, in the end I didn't feel like killing a bunch of muslims with poorly mantained weapons was worth getting any marks.

It’s a reference fren

jesus christ

>He doesn’t flagellate himself daily

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what are you insinuating then?
you said so if i thought something was cool 10 years ago, i wont find it cool 10 years later?

I didn't think this was a personal belief and I didn't mean to come across as attacking it, sorry. You're absolutely right that the foundation of religion is built on sand. Maybe my criticism comes from a place of ignorance, but I can't understand what prompts the idea of QI in the first place. It comes off like one of those weird Scientology type of things where people loosely use modern science and tech to justify weird occult beliefs. Frankly though, I can't say why I give religion a break but get annoyed about this.
>An excuse for people to behave as they will because they’ll be forgiven in the hereafter
Unrelated point to the rest of my post, but I'm pretty sure most religions don't have a whole lot of forgiveness going on in the afterlife itself. Quite the opposite really.

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Either 30 or none.

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protip: you're a moron

I learned to jerk off with my left hand so I can easily navigate between videos with my right hand. Every time you touch your mouse your hand is gonna smell like dick user (assuming that you're right handed like me).

>Yea Forums user calling anyone a degenerate

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>Every time you touch your mouse your hand is gonna smell like dick
if your dick smells you should probably see a doctor

>every year better shit comes out
kill your self zoomie


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>not "sure you can"
epic fail

Of all the things girls could copy from men, and they decide to copy the bottom of the barrel and be manchildren too.

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or just shower

I learned to navigate with my left hand. It's way easier.

Wtf bros she's perfect

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Post your fav tattoos you have. This is mine.

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you have silly drawings on your skin

your dick shouldn't smell any different from the rest of your skin

I want to marry her

As a tattoo artist, and i can confirm that 90% of people who get tattooed dont realize that shit is permanent and ask for the more lame and stupid things (like fads), have to comfort them telling that in one part of your life that is what you wanted even if is stupid now, it gets some kind of meaning to them. but still it is a stupid choice.

> Xitpoints

i'd rather have silly drawings on my skin than a warped perception of reality

I’m kinda stunned, I was expecting a more abrasive response than that. Truth be told I wasn’t convinced QI might be a real thing until I began to think on how many close calls I’ve experienced in my life, primarily the nearly self inflicted ones. Every time I goofed up hard in something(very inexperienced truck driver), by some miracle I’d ungoof it without dying or hurting someone else.

It compounded a profound belief that I’m either an incredibly lucky person or it is physically impossible for me to get myself killed

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What’s her IG?

If you think your dick doesn't smell, everybody has been laughing at you behind your back.
Every time your mom walked into your room after you finished jacking off, she could smell it. She knew.

Wasn't me. Merely pointing out facts and I have no cats. Post tats fag. You won't because you know they look like shit

Real talk I'm thinking of getting a hunter's mark from Bloodborne to add onto my sleeve and think a Dark Souls equivalent next to it would be nice since I like both series. Anything from Dark Souls you think would fit with it?

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I fap with the same hand I handshake people. Problem?

>that horrendous font

No way, fag. It's just a sulfur alchemy symbol with some nice calligraphic flares to the sides because I'm an edgy little satanist.

Dick smell (mostly ball sweat) and cum smell are completely different
Fucking take a shower

She looks like she smells terrible.

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This is my fav coloured one. Also I’m now unappealing to cannibals which is nice.

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Two right hands

I bet she smells cute. CUTE!

It's all alright as long as you don't praise Moloch.

I have difficulty remembering passwords so I might get it tattooed, not like anyone else is going to see it

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Horrible fucking bait, try again
Admitting you're a Jew here is one of the easiest ways to get free (You)s.

planning on getting this done next week Thoughts?

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This one is actually pretty neat.

Retropickle. Also learn to use reverse image search and you would have found it in seconds like I just did.

They used to be a mark. Of course they lost all meaning when all bearded manginas and women decided to get one.

I guess the obvious answer is the darksign

Yeah, nice tummy but the ink makes my penis shrink.

Get a Jacobs ladder to complete it

>he thinks you can't smell his dick until the cum actually comes out
If you touch your dick and think it doesn't leave a notable smell on your hand, you're the one who needs to shower more, guy.

As long as you take one shower a week it's fine.

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Is it possible to have a good Darksign tattoo?
I've been thinking about it but I don't see it ending well.

A bear eating lettuce?

Does nobody on this board wash their hands after touching their dick?

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>>he thinks you can't smell his dick until the cum actually comes out
Not even close to what I said


>all this expensive stuff
>mostly likely has a bf with money
A girl like this won’t be making a lot of money on her own unless she makes a living selling her ouwn nudes

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>Sonic shit
That moves it more towards her being slightly autistic.
Fucking no one pretends to like Sonic to look cool or even "nerdy" unless you are trying to get Chris-Chan's attention.

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its literally just a black circle with fire around it, you just need to find a tattoo artist that can do that

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I have heard after getting tattoos you can't donate blood, if that's the case than its really selfish.
otherwise to be honest I really liked tattoos and wanted to draw them, specially those calligraphic tattoos, but then I found out, it was the calligraphic part which attracted me most so I kinda went on that side, but these things are hard to keep up.

I plan to get a purple star on my left trapezius. You guys think that's subtle enough?



She had so much potential...

Hmm. When you think of it like that, it's a little eerie. I was in a really bad car accident recently, t-boned at 55mph, bent my van in half life a horse-shoe and smashed every bit of glass in every window all over me. All that though, and I didn't even break a bone. I had one gash on my arm and bruised ribs. When you think about it, that's sort of the best possible outcome, the bare minimum damage, if you will. Is there some fucking universe where I got turned into raspberry jam right in front of my own house? Kind of chilling idea. Life sure is funny and scary as fuck, holy shit.

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She lives with her parents, and she has plenty of pics with them, so I think it's them who buy her all that stuff.

>went for a work fap one time
>when I came out, female co-worker said, "ew did you just put on some perfume or something?"

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>after getting tattoos you can't donate blood
People with tattoos can present to donate blood if their tattoo was applied by a state-regulated parlor using sterile needles and ink that has not been reused. Those who receive tattoos in a state that does not regulate tattoo parlors must wait 12 months after receiving the tattoo to present to donate blood.

and redpilled

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How about this.

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>he fapped at work

I thought I was the only one.

>Fucking no one pretends to like Sonic to look cool or even "nerdy" unless you are trying to get Chris-Chan's attention.

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whats her name

>hiding her nipples as if she isn't a giant slut

wow user that increased my knowledge

Emos in denial.

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w2c sweater

It’s supposed to be green smoke haha, like you see in some of the Japanese prints e.g the fox with smoke coming out its mouth

That’s the idea behind QI user. You’re currently in the universe where you didn’t get turned into jam, just like I’m currently in the universe where my brakes didn’t fail and throw my car off a cliff.

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Different user here and desu you guys are activating the fuck out of my almonds. There have been tons of times where I should have been a corpse but I'm not, also use to have a mild heart issue that just fucking disappeared. (Might have been due to weight loss tho.)

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>MUGEN tattoo
very based

She looks like she fucks autistic trannies.

Sounds cute

One of her Instagram posts talk about her playing game boy while waiting for lunch with her boyfriend. She’s clearly autistic

>"cum on my tits!"

The only time you should even consider a tatoo of any kind is if the thing you want to get tatooed has consistently been a part of your life in one way or another. If you played a game for like 20 years consistently than hell yeah get a tatoo of it, but anything less is just gonna make you regret in the future.

Never, Moloch is a gay ass hipster deity for out of touch rich fucks. Nothing beats good, old-fashioned Lucifer. I am never going to get tired of temping people to sin.

>just like I’m currently in the universe where my brakes didn’t fail and throw my car off a cliff.
That's funny because you are.
Don't drive tomorrow.

This is making me want to go back to my bad habits and I don't like it

she looks insufferable

>If you played a game for like 20 years consistently than hell yeah get a tatoo of it
Fuck off degenerate

>What makes my view on immortality any different?
You don't have much control over it. In most religions you get what you deserve based on what you did, but In QI everything flies for as long as you are alive. Although your life still might be better then what most will get in the afterlife they deserve.
Ain't trying to start shit, I just think entire concept of being immortal is kinda scary and who knows how far QI can go: you can wake up in the utopian far future due to advanced revive technomagic, so you still die but "get better", or end up in alien's zoo after Earth invasion.

Everyone make sure to remember what the anonymous retard on a vietnamese fruit floating website thinks before you do anything.

Fapping to guro ?

Goddamn what a way to ruin a beautiful body. Woman with tattoos look fucking stupid. Getting a tattoo means you're a brainlet with no foresight.

RIP all the dead we's who payed for our mistake

>If you played a game for like 20 years consistently than hell yeah get a tatoo of it
i've jerked off for the past 20 years
i don't plan on getting a tattoo of my dick in hand

>if the thing you want to get tatooed has consistently been a part of your life in one way or another

I've been on Yea Forums since 2007.

>throw my car off a cliff
haha just like that leftist couple who adopted a bunch of black kids and they abused their kids, then they drove off a cliff with them in the car and killed them all haha

Fuck no

Seriously bro?

I've been using computers since I have use of reason but I would never get a tattoo of a computer, or a tattoo of any kind for that matter.

Nice story, sauce ?

>Getting a tattoo means you're a brainlet with no foresight
what did he mean by this

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In a way this idea negates any possibilty of choice or free will, if there ever was any anyway. If every possibility exists, each choice possible a separate co-exisitin universe, then we didn't choose anything, we are literally on a set path, we are the version of us that went this way instead of that way, but the other exists also, if every choice exist then we are not making choices. Nah I'm not having it

From what I've seen, tattoos are an indication of low IQ.

It’s absolutely scary. And it’s something I couldn’t even kill myself over if QI is ultimately real.

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He's true and probably speaking from experience.

He's right, you know.

i don't have any tats myself, mostly because i am too much of a pussy, but if someone seriously wants a tatoo, it should at least be something they wont regret a few years down the line.
that's not what i said now is it?

I'd hope so, they cost enough

>he still clings to the idea of free will

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If you’re not having it, then you’ve already made your choice

Hell yeah, time to reinstall DoD

>beautiful body
Not a huge tattoo fan but in all honesty aside from having nice looking skin/a youthful complexion still at 26yo everything else about her is very plain and unremarkable... if anything the tattoos help her standout when she would have otherwise looked incredibly average

> that's not what i said now is it?
> if the thing you want to get tatooed has consistently been a part of your life in one way or another
> then hell yeah get a tattoo of it
that's exactly what you said

Saying that doing something you enjoy that doesn't harm anyone = brainlet is dumb.

i played jazz for over two decades now and have performed in half time shows for professional sports teams (the ones where people pay good money to watch) and i would never, ever get a music-related tattoo. of anything, i like being bare. i don't need any sort if marking to indicate that i do x thing

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why not channel your need for self destruction into sex?

Just kidding I'm actually the one considering the tattoo. Time to kys myself.

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Jesus how did this person go so many years having never seen a human face?

you're a great big dumb dumb you said exactly that

Why do people cut themselves?

Rape is a crime


> Look up instagram, see this:
> Pickle Oh no, she is retarded.jpg

Weird looking goatse.

Attention seeking.


Exactly. If you want to show you're into something get a t-shirt or something. No need to ruin your own skin with something you might regret / change your mind about down the line.

Emotional trauma

it's a sin to fap to stranger's ass pics, so post it

i fail to see how i was encouraging anyone to get a tatoo. If you had more than two braincells you would realize that my post was aimed at people who are actually considering getting a tatoo.

I already have a tattoo that reminds me of my best memories, fondest memories, of the people I've met in my life. It's my skin.


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they give you cancer

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They're degenerate

My anxiety is too bad for me to have sex, the mere thought of it gives me a heart attack

J. Geill?

Same reason why I bite my nails until they bleed. It feels fantastic.


I'm black and I hate tattoos. I lose a lot of respect for NBA players who never had a tattoo, but then got a tattoo after years an years of not having any. Like nigga u ain't need that shit.

What correlation is between those?
For drugs for example, people tend to use drugs to distract themselves and not think of whatever traumatized them, but what does cutting do aside from physical pain?

>hurr durr tattoos are only bad because you might regret them later
Fuck off degenerate

why is this so appealing to men?

Guys i grew up loving DBZ, What If all I got was a Senzu bean tattoo'd on my wrist sitting under where my watch normally rests?

>if anything the tattoos help her standout when she would have otherwise looked incredibly average
Makes her stand out to brainlets, yes. Any high IQ person would avoid her like the plague. You're obviously a girl with tattoos.

Christian is looking good! I'm glad he chose to live the life he wanted

I find it amusing to think of all these dumb young roasties with sleeves and shit when they hit the wall in 10-20 years, or the fad passes and they regret covering themselves in shit. I would recommend investing in tattoo removal business

This is something i don't get. Same with the people who take photos of everything. Is your memory not working well enough to remember everything ?
I don't take photos and have nothing of the sort to remind me of the past, I don't need that.

I just meant standout in a general sense not to any particular person m8

Because childishness implies innocence.
Not a strange quality in itself, but in a world full of obnoxious feminists, simple things like girls being girly and cute stand out more and more.

That's a man with a wig, idiots

Oh god, just go see for yourself what I mean.

Cutting off all your hair or piercing your entire face also makes you stand out

Back to discord, you stupid fucking tranny.

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No, it's ok, it's just that you didn't know how the mark of sacrifice looked. But yeah Hidetaka Miyazaki pretty much ripped it off

let's take a step back for a moment and realize that people are telling young girls to get a tattoo so they will stand out. they are "unremarkable" without them is what they are telling young, impressionable girls. holy shit.

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>Someone defending tattoos on Yea Forums calling another person a degenerate

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>Because childishness implies innocence.
You'd think that kind of thinking would stop after spending enough time here.

In 50 years time there will be an entire generation of tattooed wrinkly old sluts


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I'm not even sure what you are talking about, i'm just calling you out for unironically using arrows in Yea Forums.
Go away, reddit.

These wigs take me back to 2004-06


You are correct lol

>Someone defending tattoos
Learn to read, degenerate


When you experience strong physical pain your body releases adrenaline. It feels good, and for people who has malfunctioning good feeling brain parts, or who have bleak lives, this feel stands out a lot against the otherwise grey or black emotional landscape of their lives. The same forces drive all masochism, until your brain even learns to reinforce the good feels hard, often by giving you some dopamine before or during the pain, until you develop an emotional attachment and comfort to that particular kind of pain. The type of pain you're into is specific to your circumstances usually. I'd guess cutting just got popular because of it's intensity and ease.

It's something ingrained into our psychology.
Childish behaviour > innocence > needs protection.
It's programmed into us to make us protect kids since they can't defend themselves.

I have one with a crocodile and ill get another one of a chameleon.I work with animals and plan to specialize with reptiles once im done with studies.

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Tfw realizing15 years too late that scene girls were real anime

I know more girls with tattoos than without, I dont think any girl is being told to do it to standout it seems like they just like to do it lmao...

>Not having your favourite Suikoden rune as a tattoo
I shiggy diggy

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It's not a wig.
It's not particularly hard to get that kind of hairstyle, you just need to let it grow long.

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My girlfriend is a lot like this, except she's blonde, doesn't have tattoos, and she's not an attention whore.

That is so uninspired it actually hurts.

As long as you don't end up with a forked tongue in 5 years from now i guess.

>Not an attention whore

Why does everyone in here seem to hate women


you don't need a tattoo to stand out

just be beautiful. it isn't hard being beautiful

if you can't be beautiful, it's probably best to just shut yourself off from the world instead of getting a tattoo and becoming uglier

never thought of that? the majority of people get uglier when they get a tattoo

so just start getting beautiful, okay? irlt really isn't hard

i'm especially talking to you, fat, ugly girls, and trannies

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Oh fuck no that shit makes me shiver.Also no piercings.

I actually want to get a small mark of sacrifice on my neck, I think it'd be cool

enjoy your aids, cuck

Yeah, we bullied them away and they were replaced by something much, much worse.

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Well, it is true that most people don't stand out, and attention whores do all kinds of things to be more visible.

literally the opposite for me. the vast majority of them do not have tattoos

nice cuts faggot

This picture is older than some of the posters on this board and she's probably married with kids by now.

I think its dramatic and symbolic value also shouldn't be understated.

That pic is from a movie released in 2014, I think.
Have an actual relic, though.

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How old r u?

Which brings us back to the original conclusion, it's just attention seeking.

I'm sure she'll find a hard working Millennial husband to keep her in Japanese exclusive vidya.

She's probably holding out for a Japanese husband, though.

28, got a job, am extremely happy.

Ha, had a tattoo back when I was in the army, apparently everyone in my unit had it, some kind of tradition.
Ended up cutting it out as soon as I bailed out.

I know this man is regretting his life right now and until he dies

but that's hadoken

I don't dislike tattoos per se, I dislike the reasons why people use tattoos
>it reminds me of someone/something
Sorry, but will you forget about that person/thing if you don't have a fucking reminder in your body 24/7? Like, do you stand in front of your mirror in the morning and then suddenly hit yourself in th ehead like "oh, right, grandma died"? In fact, having something permanent devaluates the memory, the same way as repeating a word in your mind makes it lose its meaning, becoming nothing more than noise.
>it symbolizes a concept that is very important to me
read above
>it looks cool
Okay, but have you thought that it may not look cool in the future? Not because you'll be old and wrinkly, but because your tastes and interests change over time. You may now think that a flaming skull is awesome, but maybe in twenty years you'll look at it and say "ugh, lame". Why not make a temporary tattooo instead?
>I'm actually a member of the Yakuza and this identifies my membership to a certain faction in a way nothing else could
Okay, I guess that one makes sense. But the rest is shit.

please kill yourself now.

I agree completely. It's grim, it's gothic, it's primal. Seeing red slashes across your flesh, your own hot blood running out over your skin and staining it, is a powerful and frightening experience, even when it happens by accident. You have to imagine the amplifications of those feelings in the anticipation of the cut being made, and in the act of cutting itself.
Well not necessarily. The dramatic and symbolic value is a value to yourself, not to others. It enhances the emotional experience. I take it you aren't exactly a masochist? I think I might be able to explain it better if I shift gears slightly to different kind of self inflicted physical pain. Take for instance, people who want to be spanked. For them, the symbolism of the act is just as important as the specific physical pain they experience. The feeling that they are being punished, or that they are in someone else's power adds into the emotional intensity experienced by them.

Nah, you don't need to share it with someone in order for it to have value. After all, you don't need to tell people what a piece of shit you are to feel like you're a piece of shit.

Glad for you, but still think if you were genuinely happy you wouldn't feel the need to literally wear your interests on your arm.
Tattoos are for communicating shallow ideas about who you are, literally just talking to somebody for 30 seconds is a far better move.

Okay, now this is epic!

how come they always have dead, soulless eyes? is thatwhy she collects all the vidya merch and gets tattoos?

gf is totally into pokemen and likes to dress up as misty

Attached: pokeballs.webm (540x688, 1.46M)

His has a purpose, a moral reminder of a lesson/epiphany, compared to someone’s fanatical fanfare. The tattoo itself can look stupid because it isn’t for anyone else; tattoos are meant to have personal meaning or tribe/ancestors identification and rites of passage in some societies, I’m adding that one in myself because it still has personal meaning, any fan tattoos are actually not all that great because they’re for everyone else, you’re wanting to tell everyone what you like. His tattoo, as dumb as it sounds, is actually a profound reminder in times when you’re lost in thought or nowhere near thinking of the thing/acts that instigated said tattoo and to have it right there can help you think positively in an otherwise bleak situation. Therefore it’s personal potential is high, so who cares what it looks like. Don’t get tattoos because you like a thing, make your tattoos make you like you. If the tattoo that helps you like you are vidya or fan tattoos then your opinion is discarded before you can get yourself out of the gene pool.

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Well, she plays videogames, so she's obviously dead inside.

I only a masochist in that I live simply and deny myself almost any form of luxury. But I only understand it if you get back something in the end.
I'll eventually hit my financial goals, cutting is scarring yourself physically, limiting the kinds of people who want to get close to you, for a momentary feeling you can get by splashing alcohol onto a hurt knee (which I love so I kinda get where you're coming from)

What Chinese stone fruit is this from

>he fell for the tattoo meme

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What about having a tattoo for the specific purpose that it is attractive, designed to highlight a part of your body to some you love? Alternatively, what about getting a tattoo for social reasons? Polynesia people have strong cultural ties to their tattoos going back centuries. Or what about getting a tattoo because a religion forbids it, as a symbolic gesture?

fat fuck

Well yeah, I wouldn’t like tattoos either if my only choice wa black work and it barely showed against my skin. What’s the point?

Yeah, they were nice.

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Posting the only tattoo I’ve ever liked. I’d still rather just get a nice picture frame and hang this art up on the wall than wear it around 24/7 though.

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I find old tattoos kinda interesting.Most tattoos have a story behind them,even if some are more dumb/boring than others.Its an experience.

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Tattoos stunt your emotional growth. You love it the day you get it and you need to keep loving it, because it's part of you now. You can't grow out of it, you can't start hating it, so you never get past it.
My brother got all that alchemy gothic shit tattod on him in the early 2000 and hasn't changed because he never stopped being Mr cool ice: grim reaper edition.

>Communicating shallow ideas
Isn't that just your opinion? I rather like what i've spent my money on. But thanks for not biting my dick off like every other on this site for having a different opinion than yourself.

Yeah but to an outsider he looks like any dime a dozen twat with Chinese on his arms and it doesn't get much better if you can read what it says. So who's to say that what he deems a stupid tattoo isn't also extremely meaningful to the owner?

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>she will never be your gf
It hurts, it hurts so much bros
Why is life so unfair? We get one chance and some of us just have to suffer

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Hah i was in that thread
Incredibly cringe

This, but unironically my right arm reads Iustitia and my left arm Veritas. There's an accounting of friends I've lost in stars on my right shoulder in the form of the constellation Draco.

I would *never* put a corporate product on my body. No matter how much I loved it.

free will is just an excuse for God brand god passing judgement on his creation, where he created the rules, the field and the players with perfect clarity and accuracy, without being considered a psychopathic tyrant that punishes others for his own deeds

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>I only a masochist in that I live simply and deny myself almost any form of luxury.
Well, that's just being frugal. I think the easiest thing to tell you is, there are extremely powerful emotional forces at play that would be hard for you to empathize with, or possibly even comprehend. You simply can't compare the mild pain of sanitizing a wound to the emotional and physical sensation storm that is ritually cutting yourself, or being strapped until you're sobbing. People got brain problems, my man.

Can you not wash your dirty, dick smelling hand after a fap?

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what if i'm ugly? like extremely fucking ugly...

Do you know where you are?

Lucas Leon (and yeah, the "Leon" part is KH-inspired)

This is the kind of SFW I like.


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Remember that a lot of the attractiveness comes from having a physically fit body.

Why in chinese, though? How does it relate to the army? He didn't even mention fighting alongside or against chinese people.
Also, needing a reminder imprinted in your skin so you don't forget that you can do good and bad stuff is pretty stupid.

I don't think his tattoo did that bro, some people just stagnate.

A classic.

Attached: You never know when you will run into a Metroid fan.jpg (2048x1490, 281K)

Ah I don't mean they prove you're a shallow person or anything, I mean they only communicate something you like. You can wear an iron maiden t-shirt, but now that I'm over 15 I no longer instantly think well make good friends, yknow?
I just think tattoos just hint at something the person likes, but not who they are, and the two are often confused, particularly when people talk about tattoos having a meaning.
Its like a graphic tee you can't take off, it can give you a bunch of reasons to avoid people but not many to approach them.

I understand what you mean user, and I feel the same way about tattoos as you.
The other anons are probably just being dense for the sake of it

Attached: future amputee.webm (320x580, 2.15M)

I'm sure I've seen a better resolution of that gif once.

>What about having a tattoo for the specific purpose that it is attractive, designed to highlight a part of your body to some you love?
Tastes change, it may feel weird in the future. It's the same as "it looks cool". Make a temporary one instead.
>what about getting a tattoo for social reasons? Polynesia people have strong cultural ties to their tattoos going back centuries. Or what about getting a tattoo because a religion forbids it, as a symbolic gesture?
All of those I don't mind. They actually fullfill a purpose and they have to be permanently on your skin for others to see.

ONE funko and you've lost your mind

If she is the deliverywoman waiting for his signature, why is she between the couch and him? Either they walked around it with her going first or she went in first and the couch is immediately behind the door
Both of those scenarios are insanity

You'll have to watch to find out.

Your real gf looks a lot like her, but she doesn't take pictures of herself, just like you don't. She's out there now, living with her parents and watching anime, swearing she'll get a job tomorrow.
You'll meet her in the back of a craft store on the last Saturday if July this year. Don't be late, user, you only get one chance.

Where the fuck do you get that berserk x black flag shirt?

I'd pay so much for that.

>forgetting that strength will decrease with age

Attached: image.png (540x718, 360K)

Use ur off hand. Feels better.

>God brand god
I love this
>without being considered a psychopathic tyrant that punishes others for his own deeds
Why the fuck ain't God brand god just make some people that want to be punished, problem solved

>Lcie and nobody tats


Sounds about right

Hope someone posts it someday.

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>nobody pointing out the choker
She can probably doe a lot of fun stuff with her tongue.

>All of those I don't mind. They actually fullfill a purpose and they have to be permanently on your skin for others to see.
I'm glad to see you're a man of reason. A life of purposeful actions is the best way.

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>falling for memes this badly
a shame

Choker means there's a 120% chance she actively initiates butt stuff

shes perfect

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whats uninspired about that?

>watching some ugly bimbo hiding her face behind 10 pounds of makeup unconvincingly shout FUCK ME for 20 minutes
no thanks

As someone trapped in the American Midwest at that time, scene girls were a double-edged sword.

They loved to go to rock concerts, suck your dick in the bathroom (or in the seats whatever), and then get absolutely hammered on shit-tier gin or vodka and have sloppy sex with you in a car or $29 motel room.

But they were legit nightmares to be emotionally involved with. Their lives were slice of life sitcom anime or telenovela, take your pick, even when you're like "none of this shit matters" you can't say that to them because they explode.

The scenario probably only takes 2 minutes maximum.

Whoa dude got fucked

Funny how it fits, yeah.

Don't lose hope user.

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Who is this again?

I wish to jerk off to her if you catch my drift

Just search in xvideos "blonde emo blowjob".

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Or he can just ask a beta faggot to spoonfeed him

Beautiful. Thanks.

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tell us what inspires you user.


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>not coming on toph
do you have the gays?

Only girl with tattoos I would fuck.

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