It's going to be shit isnt it bros?
It's going to be shit isnt it bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
its going to be absolute trash because streamers and the modern player mentality will ruin everything
keep in mind that wow came in 2004, back then the internet was juvenile aswell and everything was friendly, mysterious and cool
Yeah. Anyone trusting nuBlizz with not a single Old Guard person working there still is deluded.
it was the people who played it back then which made it special
now you got POGGERS zoomers going to gank you on undead rogues
but it will be our shit
It's gonna be ruined because it's gonna be full of these nolife 90000 hours a week PVP faggots camping everywhere in map
yea. classic wow has been around for so long, every single item and "most optimal build/ leveling path" has been 100% plotted out. You'd have tens of thousands of greasy tryhards hitting max level literally within the 1st week.
>be me
>it's october 11, 2019
>classic servers coming up in half an hour
>comfy setup with 2 monitors so i can watch asmongold play while i chill out on my australian server that isn't the one quin69 is one
>fruit salad and water and some dark chocolate, maybe a pizza
>stay up all night
>go to bed
>still can't sleep, shitposting about classic for hours
maybe 2-3 percent of ppl will do this, at most. most people that will play classic, have never tried it. most people that have played classic, do not play on private classic servers
Its gunna be great
>watching that beady eyed freak
the fuck?
I don't care about popular streamer, community, reddit, Yea Forums...
I'm going home
old Wow rewarded time investing and allowed for heroes to be born, skillfull players to win 1v3s
nu-wow makes sure everyone stays on the same level, ignoring skill or time invested
he talks shit and people in chat think he's serious and get really mad, it's funny to me
It's going to be amazing and you'll have more fun than you had 14 years ago. We're going home.
>quit being nerds and go outside
>video games will rot your brain
Nostalgia is a mental disease, It will be fun for a single weekend,
>It's going to be shit isnt it bros?
yes just like the vanilla
wow was never above 4/10
modern casuals will cry on reddit/wow forums and they will try to """""""fix"""""""""""" the game by putting in dungeon finder and rebalancing classes or do stuff like removing ammo/weapon mastery etc
don't forget about the scum streamers who will let you join their guild only if you give them your greens, blues, and epics.
Its ok, they will rerelease them all in time because blizzdrones are suckers.
it was trash 15 years ago so of course it will be trash today.
this is inevitable, we can only hope blizz doesn't capitulate. best to get as much time in on release as possible, before any doomsday patches
Question for any Warrior mains or group/guild leaders.
I'm going to play a warrior because I want to be able to tank dungeons. But I've never played Vanilla past level 20 and the first two dungeons (DM, RFC). Will I be okay tanking dungeons I'm not familiar with? Or will people assume I know the content because I'm the group leader?
I'd rather not look up guides just because I want to experience it myself.
>Or will people assume I know the content because I'm the group leader
Of course they will. Don't lead if you don't know the dungeons. You can still tank, just ask people where to go.
The number of paladins and druids will be insane.
Concerning money, you know what blizz will do to get it.
Of course it is, vanilla was always shit.
>There are people browsing Yea Forums right now who only want to pick meta specs and rush to endgame raiding
Leveling a warrior in Vanilla is suffering, so be prepared for that.
>Vanilla is suffering
I'll be with a friend playing a shaman so it'll actually be kino.
>tfw the retards thinks ww classic is going to be good
>tfw he isn't playing rs and osrs
poor poor child
>skillfull players to win 1v3s
If you played the right class sure.
The community was the best part of old WoW, and it was 100% a product of it's time.
Today's generation and internet culture are going to ruin Classic.
WOW your mom really hit the whiskey every night before she dropped you into the tater bin.
You get your game back but you still have the same shitty community of today.
Not sure what the fuck you are expecting of this.
just say you're new, usually at least perso knows the way. if nobody knows, noone should be complaining about being lost, righr?
You really overestimate vanilla dungeon difficulty, and underestimate vanilla WoW design decisions. All dungeons increase in difficulty as you level up, so you get a chance to learn your class and how to play as you get stronger and reach higher level dungeons. At around lvl 30 you will be required to learn how to properly pull trash and by the endgame dungeons you have to expect to adapt to or be fucked over by stuff you could not forsee.
I played the demo its not going to be shit
>streamer cancer
>method dungeon tools: classic
>warcraftlogs: classic
Going to be a hard pass from me.
99% Chance its going to be infested by metafags and people who all """know""" the right way to play.
I really want it to be good so there might be chance that new mmos take closer look in what made classic so good in the first place.
Hope but also despair.
How did those guys manage to hit 60, get epic geared, then abandon the game all within one month?
I'm calling it right now.
Someone will make a GearScore-esque add-on for Classic. Or even worse, will have a Classic extension.
>light's hope PS, on any given night
it will be glorious, you'll see.
pug raids aren't as big as thing in vanilla, and 5-mans + UBRS are perfectly doable as fresh 60s in shitgreens.
how would work without a public leaderboard?
>tfw played on there but couldn't stomach 80% of the population being chinese
Can't wait to play on a server with people who speak english again.
we're going home, bros
They bought the blizzard instant level 60 boost for $59.99 silly
human mage rolling through here, fuck gnomes, and fuck minmaxing
Delayed until 2020.
>Needs on your ironfoe and gives it to his favorite streamer
psh...nothin personal kid
>sharding the servers
DOA desu. itll devolve into the same shitty community it currently is.
Imagine actually being excited for a zoomer cashgrab when you can literally play vanilla for free right now
It's not going to be as good because there's no recapturing what WoW used to be.
You can't go home again.
We had a pure vanilla experience, and it was beautiful.
>manly beard
>faggot dress
I will never invite dwarf priests to my groups because they're obviously tryhards who don't care about comfy roleplay.
You can, actually, but the family who lives there isn't going to let you crash in the attic.
>he doesn't minmax because its not "comfy"
I cant imagine a dwarf priest would want to join your group since they want to actually clear dungeons.
it was too good for us.
>internet was juvenile
underage detected
>not choosing race/class combos that are RP appropriate AND minmaxed
I'll be sure to dab on you with my orc warrior.
>tfw genuinely more nostalgic for nost than I am for vanilla at this point
Hope no one here wants to pick any Black Lotus.
Did you say....Brack Rotuuuus?
300 ping, no permanence, not up 24 7, playing with people on other side of the world in pvp via an EU proxy, no ty
>ilvl taken into account
>dungeon finder addons
>managed by Activision-Blizzard
>running on the modern bloated and unoptimized WoW client
it's gonna be shit
>not shit
choose one and only one
Help me bros,
Nelf or troll
Human or undead
Help me choose you fags, I love the class fantasy of both with the edge going to hunter. I just worry about being shit dps in the last half of raiding.
Yes, you didn't stop playing at vanilla. There are going to be a lot of things that you thought were in vanilla that was actually in bc or wrath and you're going to miss them.
Best version of wow would be the wrath pre-patch with outland and northrend closed to players and the level cap set at 60. You know I'm right.
i kind of like being an underdog so i'll most likely play hunter. ppl won't expect much from me, i can be super annoying in pvp, and i have to work hard to stand out from the other hunters. also hunter is stereotypically the dumb easy class, and i think that's not true in vanilla, a lot of noobs are gonna get a shock when they learn about minimum range
i played undead rogue in vanilla as a kid, i did a lot of not much it seems. i don't remember getting exalted with anyone except arathi basin, i never finished mc or saw beyond it. but i played a lot and i have good memories of controlling a tower in AV, or ganking alliance while they are sitting down for the 100% chance crit on ambush for 2600. best dagger i got was the aq20 one from the centipede. i'm tempted to go rogue again, and do it right, see it through to the end of naxx. should be easier now as an experienced player
Wrath power levels render the content utterly meaningless, and lvl 60 balance with Wrath talents is god-awful.
was meant to be a paragraph split there..
is there anything actually wrong with doing this?
god that's disgusting
the cure is worse than the disease
It was shit the first time.
Not for me, im just gonna chill and enjoy my way to 60 without any rush because i know that i dont need to be a tryhard nigger to do endgame content as it's very easy.
>Server immediately crashes because DDOS or overpop.
Even if people rush, it wont mean shit.
I look forward to a Trade Chat full of activity and LFG, not autism and reddit memes.
Not only is raiding very easy to do, even with suboptimal comp and specs, but it's also very overrated. Why is max level the only metric by which people judge an MMO when there's an entire game that happens before that?
legion and bfa launches were quite good for me, i don't expect issues
Fuck it’s a difficult decision, I also contemplated warlock but decided against it. I like the idea of hunter because they have a really solid class fantasy and awesome utility for wpvp and battlegrounds. Also great for solo play. It’s unfortunate they fall off so hard after bwl. The idea of a female night elf hunter is very appealing to me because they fit the class fantasy so wel but so do trolls.
The idea of playing a rogue sounds awesome because I love the stealth mechanic and I also love that they get so many cool rogue only things like lockpick, pickpocket, and poison making. Lots of them around though so stiff competition for gear unlike the hunter where only other hunters roll on your shit. Undead always seems to be the best fit even though orcs are a better fit by racial slur.
And then I have to decide on what faction/race to play and it’s just so fucking hard to make a decision.
i'm going horde cause i was horde back then, even though i'm alliance now on retail (unsubbed atm)
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf
Played horde mage back in vanilla, kinda want to do alliance this time around but I want to do a warrior and horde have vastly superior racials and animations for warriors. Might just end up rolling orc warrior.
Played Troll Shaman and never got past lv 50, i did somehow grind out a mount though, was so hype to get muh Raptor
No idea if i will bother with classic though
indeed sir well said
you honestly believe those faggots wont be in nu-classic?
night elf hunters get stealth with shadowmeld, so i'd go with that
i hear you though, the decision is tough
It's a solved game where people will bitch you out for not picking the correct race/talents/BIS gear while simultaneously moaning about how easy the endgame content is as addons do 70% of the bossfights for them.. This shit isn't "vanilla WoW". I'll play it with my bros to have fun, but I'm not deluding myself that it's 2006 anymore.
>needing on loot
>giving it over after
Yeah that’s not how it worked, there was no transferable window like modern wow has
Warcraft was good enough. Wow always was a big pile of shit. They should have been punished for making that abomination, Like a senile grandparent we all love but we know Blizzard should have died.
Leveling a warrior as your first character without an already established group is a bad idea.
It would be better if you leveled any other class and then bought full sets of gear (most importantly a weapon) for every 5 levels from 20-60, you don't know how much a good weapon speeds up leveling for warriors and if you're just leveling without a good weapon setup you're going to hate yourself.
As for tanking in dungeons its no like WOTLK where AOE tanking is possible by facerolling, people will expect you to pull and mark things for CC, its a slower experience so you'll have time to learn the dungeon inside and out unlike live where you faceroll through the normal and heroic modes then get 2 shot by a mechanic that only works on mythic.
they added loot trading like modern wow.
you guys are fucked.
So it’s not vanilla then, so why even bother playing it?
I will not play wow again. BFA was the end for me.
For the record user, I think it’s fucking dumb anyone wants to play classic again. It will NEVER be like it was back then
It won't be shit but it won't have the same magic as it did in 2004-2007. The game isn't a world-wide phenomenon anymore with millions of kids playing and discovering things for the first time. The modern equivalent of WoW is Fortnite, with it's new seasons being analogous to WoW's content patches and expansions.
Original zones, music, class design, dungeons, etc
you just proved you didnt play
yes there was chinese spammers in chat but they consisted of almost non existent % of population, its just looked like a lot cause of the spam
>the absolute state of classic fags
>free to play game has a large pop
>dude streamers
just dont play on their server retards almost all of them will be on pve ones so it should be easy
Private server is a big hump for normalfags to get over. Classic is going to beat any private server population immediately.
Then die out.
take your shitty wojaks and get the fuck out of my thread
It'll still beat any private server for years, even after subs drop off.
What's YOUR favorite zone to level in?
That's not very nice
post yfw classic has more players than retail
The last time I played on a private server I really enjoyed Hillsbrad.
Why aren't you dead from heart disease yet?
hype is keeping me alive
wow 200 people per shard instead of 100
It should speed up your death, actually. Hype is adrenaline, and that increases your blood flow. So you'll be dying faster the more hype you get. I agree though, hype is good for you
>you need to minmax in order to clear dungeons
I think I'd actually want a competent player instead.
Peak autism
>sharding and phasing in your MMO in 2019
dead on arrival
Alliance or horde?
You'll ring the gong, won't you Yea Forums?
>People are going to give us $15 per month AGAIN just to play a 15 year old skinnerbox MMO
Alliance is Darkshore or Redridge
Horde is STV
The universe is a Skinner box
troll rogue
For a week at most, if they even decide to do it. Nothing has been decided.
Literally not in the game. Phasing and sharding are not the same thing.
>ilvl taken into account
By whom. Nobody ever gave a shit about ilvl in Vanilla, and they still don't on private servers.
>dungeon finder addons
Blizzard already said they're removing certain add-on capabilities if that's what they need to do to prevent dungeon finder addons.
>managed by Activision-Blizzard
>running on the modern bloated and unoptimized WoW client
Modern WoW's client runs well, and got massive performance upgrades in 8.1.5. Even then, the only zones that can chug are modern ones, old zones give hundreds of FPS.
If you're going to complain about Classic, at least complain about shit that can actually become a problem, such as Loot Trading.
I will always cherish the 40-50 experience.
Feralas, Hinterlands, Tanaris.
Zul'Farrak, Maraudon.
Lots of quests, lots of travelling, all tied together in long chains and you just got mount so it's a fresh experience. It might be slow, or you can grind it out, but it's memorable.
no hm tauren
no buy
That was only for the demo, if the devs are to be believed
wrong retard it was plotted out on private servers with bugged and estimated values on spells, abilities and in game mechanics. hell all private servers have bugged rage generation that causes warriors to gain far more rage than they should
on top of that there are private server veterans who talk about people still finding and making new builds to this day
classic is going to be crazy for theorycrafting once people have true blizzlike values to work with.
Said no one ever
imagine being this retarded
luckily i cant.
it wasnt pure vanilla though, it was much better than vanilla and that's why it was good
you won't hop on a zep and not be able to see the floor because there's so many people on it in Classic
>loot sharing
>mid maxing tards pouring from retail into classic
>ppl wont talk ingame just group up fast to do the quest and leave again
>anti social behaviour spilling and killing the community
>you can switch between todays grahpics or classic ones
>legion client
ye its over.
troll hunter undead rogue
how is that even a choice
>it's going to be shit isnt it?
Well, it was already shit 15 years ago.
All you need to do is be able to coordinate with the CC people, make sure the healer can handle what you're pulling, and keep an eye out for when DPS goes full retard in some way. Not if, when.
Until you start hitting the 40+ zones, tanking mobs is significantly more difficult that tanking bosses, and by then you'll be up to whatever tasks the individual bosses require.
Just tell people you're new to vanilla and don't be afraid to ask for help. People will be willing to tell you the strats and where to go because it's easier than finding another player to replace you.
Shamans > Paladins
Horde > Alliance
But yeah it will be horrible.
>not having 2 seperate characters for hardcore autism and casual playing
>>ilvl taken into account
congratulations, you just outed yourself.
The top players in vanilla would be considered scrubs by today's standards.
No it wasn't. It was buggy, laggy, and had 5x the maximum amount of people on one server that vanilla was designed around.
>brainlet mid maxing ADHD kid gonna be max lvl in not even 1 month because of privat servers, guides
>will not care about anything besides mid maxing his retarded char
>gonna be anti social and annoying
cant wait for the typical modern wow player.
>ummm actually being worse at the game means im smarter
Why are casuals so elitist?
>playing WoW for the gameplay and lore
Imagine being this retarded.
>>brainlet mid maxing ADHD kid gonna be max lvl in not even 1 month because of privat servers, guides
>end game wow
Want to know how I know you never played end game vanilla?
the internet came out in 2002, user.
No, it's going to be absolute trash because nublizzard can't make a decently designed game to save their lives anymore since most of their talent has been replaced by corporate drones and diversity hires. Their recently released games failed and the incompetent fuckwits also screwed up their old games that have been working automated perfectly for over a decade, introducing new desync issues to Diablo 2 battlenet and fucking over custom games in Warcraft 3.
>no chinks
>2k player cap
Its good
i dont mind wanting the best char, but the reality is
>he wont do any RP or ATLEAST be social at all
>will cry and sperg when someone fucks up
>gonna be annoying overall
>will leave as soon the dungeon/ group quest is done without saying bye
>wants instant invite and teleport
what i want to say is that wow community doesnt exist anymore since they killed it off on retail.
No, quite a few of them were not scrubs like Raggok and their capability holds up even today.
you forgot
>invite to group for dungeon
>half way he suddenly leaves group without saying anything
>everyone else has to go back to city again.
You mean the players who had to figure everything out themselves and were playing suboptimal builds and strats aren't as good?
>the nostalgiafags who have cried and cried about how great vanilla wow was are going to get blown the fuck out when classic is released and everybody remembers how shit the game was
>the game will be a ghost town after a month
>the nostalgiafags will try and pretend that wow classic only failed because of some negligible difference
>b-b-but this blade of grass is a slightly lighter shade of green! this isn't REAL vanilla wow!
We are going home
The development silence from Blizzard and Brack's opinion on vanilla just scream me to that they're making some major revisions that if leaked, would make everyone bail on it months before launch. They're going to reveal the changes at the last plausible moment to keep the hype train alive for as long as they can. They know that after blizzcon last year that they can't afford any more outrage from their playerbase.
Also classic its likely plausible is a scheme to gain leverage over the private servers and they never had a real intention to deliver a true vanilla game.
Every hardcore guild is going to have their own guild runs for maximum efficency. Stop being a sperg.
>nostalgiafags who have cried and cried about how great vanilla wow was are going to get blown the fuck out when classic is released and everybody remembers how shit the game was
>what is private servers
well world of warcraft was always shit so yeah?
The lack of information they've put out about Classic is worrying. They've stated repeatedly how they know how shit their reputation is as a company currently (and how Classic can atleast start their renewal process) and for a summer release surely they'd of announced more specifics by now to stop the disinformation from deterring people from playing? People are already confused with what limited information they've put out on sharding. I'm optimistic but I don't know why the FUCK Blizzard aren't blasting Classic news left, right and centre since it's a well-loved product and even a 10 minute update video would clear alot of confusion and get people hyped. Even Diablo's Switch release was shilled everywhere yet it's radio-silence for Classic
m8, people with no patience flat out didn't get to end game vanilla. The attunement time, potion, repair and reagent cost, basic dungeon length and time for raids were natural methods of gatekeeping them. To add to this, you couldn't just pug a raid; you had to have a guild, and if you repeatedly flaked, you got kicked out. If you do it with multiple guilds you got blacklisted.
The reason Wrath was the beginning of the end was because it enabled the casuals to get far into raids, whereupon they became a fucking blight because they couldn't be relied on.
Now autistic people, they could be a pain if you got them on the wrong day, but on good days they were an absolute blessing because they flat out refused to quit, which helped keep raids falling apart.
>look up videos of world first guilds
>they're keyboard turning, 100% default keybinds meaning only one bar even has any keybinds
>consumables are barely used
you're right they're just as good as players today
It means the game is getting delayed. Especially since it was supposed to release in the Summer which is the same time as FFXIV Shadowbringers the MMO competition Blizzard is afraid of.
The devs are probably arguing with Activision every day to try and not jew the players out 100% with "quality of life" changes.
Shut up, Ion doesn't afraid of anything
I only started playing in wrath. Are warlocks good in classic? I'm thinking of running an undead demo lock
It's almost like the game was brand new and current players have 7 expansions worth of game knowledge backing them.
>of all the millions of accounts registered and played over the years, the current most popular private server only has 1400 players
wow thats super funny that vanilla wow was ***so so so amazing and perfect*** yet vanilla servers have have the active players of the dota 2 Artifact card game
Warlock were always good, good choice friend
I don't think we'll see the first 60 before the two week mark, and most will take over a month. It took 200-250 hours to level back then depending on your class. Even if you played 15 hours a day it'd still take two weeks.
Ok so how does that somehow go against my original post?
You'll be a valuable asset to any guild with summoning and soulstones, but they aren't amazing or anything. By the end of Vanilla they are PvP gods assuming maxed out gear.
yes they are good
Spell values are correct because they are from client's cached databases. Some implementation details might be wrong (say, binary resists not working despite spell being supposed to work on binary resists, or that kind of details) and there are some other possible issues like NPCs using incorrect spell IDs, but if for example Defias Pillager has Fireball dealing 74 damage then those values are not a guess, it's exactly right.
As far as physical damage is concerned however, that's wrong on every single mob unless it's correct through sheer coincidence (Trinitycore for Wrath has reverse-engineered formula Blizzard used for mob damage so it's correct for maybe 70%+ of world mobs that don't have a special modifier, and most of those could be corrected by grabbing values from World of Warcraft Bestiary the authors of which appear to have received a DB dump from Blizzard, but neither of those things apply to any vanilla server).
Moreover, theorycrafting tends to be conducted using retail sources, or is just post-vanilla retail understanding of unchanged mechanics brought back (say, aside from maybe using the Pummeler, figuring out how to DPS as feral cat isn't a novel discovery on vanilla private servers: powershifting was discovered and widely utilized in TBC, and while usage of Wolfshead Helmet was obscure and not really known, not even being mentioned in Elitistjerks feral thread, you can find TBC-era discussions on Ownedcore doing the math and demonstrating it's a DPS upgrade). Certainly, there are discoveries of "stuff that works on private servers", but people tend to be well-aware of how things are actually supposed to work, and theorycrafting is pretty much complete and known even for correct implementation that can't currently be put to practice.
>he unironically thinks that "blizzard devs are our bros"
That's because private servers really aren't all that mainstream and there are dozens of them. viper dont shitpost at me
joana did it in 116 hours /played with no assistance from guildies
and this is BEFORE the game got minmaxed to death by private server players. the first 60 will happen in the first week.
They should be afraid. FFXIV is taking full advantage of WoWs downfall right now. Between the Twitch promo, FFXIV official Twitter trashing WoW, and 5.0 preorders selling out.
But Chinkdale have 5k players right now.
I doubt it's because of FFXIV, despite how silent Blizz has been about Classic most of the mmo community (and for a short period of time the majority of gaming media/streamers) will be focused on Classic when it launches. If both games launch at the same time it'd hurt FFXIV considerably more than Classic since that'll steal all of the attention.
they'll announce last minute that its a mobile only game.
if you have friends or make friends it will be ok
not great like everyone is hyping it to be, but you might enjoy it
otherwise garbage
Vanilla WoW servers were mainly a success because they are free to play and have no region lock or DRM launcher like the Blizzard app.
Telling people they gotta pay $15 a month for a 15 years old MMO and get it from a region locked DRM program already cuts a ton of the appeal away.
According to Google search trends, FFXIV Shadowbringers has way more attention than WoW Classic.
Why were vanilla servers the most popular if the supposedly better versions also had private servers?
Classic is going to focus on all the negativity and differences between vanilla client and nu-classic client. Meanwhile FFXIV is going to be Stormblood/Heavensward all over again where it gets tons of positive reviews and awards but then dies out in the media once the content drought kicks in.
>The most popular
That belongs to wrath servers according to warmane and the next big pop
Warmane's listed pop is a straight up lie
why is this video flagged for 18+ "inappropriate" content
it contains lots of graphic rape scenes.
There is an imposter in this thread, and he touched my ass.
tits apparently
The client issues are overblown since that's the only current information to discuss about the game, people will not stop playing classic just because it has integration. Outside of the current FFXIV community who'll be discussing that expansion? Once Classic launches an influx of new players and people who've been begging for classic for years will be playing and talking about it. I can't see somebody avoiding Classic because they'd rather play an FFXIV expansion, it's two different audiences
Actually, now that I bothered to actually check Wowhead comments, ferals being able to use Manual Crowd Pummeler was known in retail TBC as well (it's just that it was no longer good at level cap with feral attack power weapons being a thing and more of your damage coming from yellows). So at least in this perhaps even a bit extreme case of feral cat playstyle being thoroughly different and being capable of doing more than twice the numbers anyone did in retail, there's no novel private server theorycrafting here, just TBC-era retail understanding applied back to vanilla.
How can you tell other servers are legit? They could easily lie with player numbers. Players have no way to tell just like how you can't tell how many subscribers are currently on retail.
FFXIV and WoW audience are most similar to each other. They both have a lot of common in terms of what game design they want and what both games offer.
I can tell that you're not actually in the pserver community all you did was google "wow private server populations".
Once 5.0 launches for FFXIV a huge influx of new players and people wanting to jump ship from WoW will happen. The devs are already anticipating it by bolstering their server infrastructure and preparing more preorders since they sold out.
Oh I'm not involved in whatever argument you were having, I just know that warmane's reported population isn't correct and I saw your post on the front page. I think that most of them lie.
They're similar on the grounds of being an MMO but Classic is much more accessible and has a much bigger reputation than FFXIV in the wider gaming world. I'm not saying Shadowbringes won't be a success but Classic has a much larger potential audience and will be in the bigger spotlight if both release at the same time. If anything I want FFXIV to keep growing because Blizzard will have to start improving their games to keep up, I could see it being a threat to BfA and what'll continue to be main-line WoW in the future but not for a vanity project like Classic
>potential audience
You drank too much Blizzard kool-aid.
Druids > Specialized Insectoid Subhumans.
>Classic is much more accessible
Lmao, isn't that the opposite of what Classic is supposed to be? It's supposed to generate a ton of inconvenience both in mechanics and player communication in order to make the game more time consuming to inflate playtime numbers.
What on earth are you talking about? vanilla wow and tbc were the only ones that actually encouraged communication. That aspect being stripped away in wrath is what lead to it slowly dying
I think the most extreme thing I've seen done on private servers recently is Warrior tanks being specced into fury/prot with for example 0/31/20 and just dual wield tanking everything but a select few bosses. The idea is that it maximizes threat done and allows for more DPS by the raid than just deep prot (for example 17/3/31) with the cost obviously being that the tank takes a lot more damage, but just enough so that healers can still keep up. And this is apparently done all the way from MC up to Naxxramas.
Will such a thing be possible in Classic? We can't know for sure because the data might be different.
>Want to make a guild on an RP-PVP server and focus more on lore and fun than minmaxing, with the goal being that whenever other people are online you group up with other people your level and adventure together in character. No female characters to prevent tranny and ERP drama.
>Also want to roll a cute night elf druid girl because male night elves are ugly as fuck.
It only encouraged communication if you were absolutely new to MMOs or you played a non solo friendly class.
Aside from those the game is completely solo and lonely from 1-60. Dungeons , quests, and raids are optional. You can reach 60 just by mob grinding areas as mage or hunter.
>legion/bfs build can't even handle 40vs40 AV without game breaking lag
>2005 wow could handle 100 vs 100 with minor lag
In comparison to FFXIV? Yeah. You have people who've played Classic and those who've played nuWoW and heard about how good the game used to be. Yet Classic will also have the normie streamer audience which now exists. Most of the largest streamers became popular through WoW and will be playing it, that trickles downs into sales and whilst most of those will only play it for a couple of weeks it's a much larger reach than what FFXIV will get. FFXIV can only leech off of other MMO's, while both games may differ in quality WoW has a much wider appeal and obviously has the bigger potential audience
No it wasn't. Mobs were deliberately placed and had respawn timers to make grouping up a more appealing method of playing, especially in cave or indoor areas, and doubly so for enemies that fled. Each zone also had at least one elite area and elite quests designed to attract groups.
Did you even play it? Or are you trying to say that the mere ability to play solo means that it's the intended route? Because that's retarded.
>RP-PVP server
>night elf druid girl
>druid girl
Consider suicide.
It's objectively correct because shield blocking is fucking pathetic.
Historically, Wrath was definitely the most popular expansion on private servers, and while it's nontrivial to asses the exact popularity due faked (Molten/Warmane being the prime offenders) or absent population counters and the difficulty tallying up population from all servers (aside from a handful of major servers, Wrath private server scene, more so than vanilla, has plenty of national servers or old low-pop servers that combined do add up), I'm very confident it has reclaimed that status if it ever lost it in the first place at height of Nost craze.
It's just that, for one reason or another, Nostalrius (despite not being in any way a standout server, at least mechanically) became a big media phenomenon and that brought a lot of new people to private server scene... or vanilla scene specifically. If vanilla servers get indirectly advertised in mainstream media like the BBC while this audience has not been exposed to scene for other expansions, it's natural for it to receive an anomalous surge of popularity, a situation that has now begun to normalize.
TBC is another question given the sorry state of open source emulation. At the end of the day, no vanilla server is substantially different from that least common denominator (some individual disproportionately important components like anti-cheat might have received attention yes, but on most counts they're basically stock, which turns out to be "good enough"), while delivering an actually decent TBC server takes a lot more investment by the developers. And of course, for this reason the fans of the expansion have been burned countless times already.
There are reasons to believe TBC might also have greater unrealized popularity than vanilla (for starters, it was rated higher than vanilla in Nostalrius' own post-mortem survey), but that's conjecture. However, when we're arguing over private server popularity, Wrath is the number one.
The game is so fucking unoptimized it's unreal.
as much as i hate the whole concept and will not play this garbage i get the feeling that this is gonna be BIG
gonna be top game for a while boys get ready
Is it true that pirate servers have dumbed down difficulty. Everyone on them farming Naxx but isn't in classic it wasn't so easy?
All of Vanilla raiding is "dumbed down difficullty" compared to today's boss fights.
Yes. Private servers fucking nerf raids.
It wouldn't surprise me to hear TBC being a popular concept. While it did introduce many concepts that later span out of control and killed the game, It had by far the best balance of retaining gatekeeping vs alleviating busywork at end game.
My only major issue with it, in terms of gameplay, is the Arenas and welfare loot.
Back in 2006 everyone had shit internet and computers
Naxx was 1% of players. Everyone else was a casual fuck and you weren't allowed to bully.
The people who play pservers are elitist fags that require you to have prebis to do any raiding whatsoever
Mostly bugs that make shit easy. Look how pserver babies unironically believe that warrior is the best DPS for MC and BWL.
Guys play on a RP-PVP server with me
No faggy or weird ironic names allowed
Comradry and brotherhood
ERP if you're a nerd
Great leveling and fighting in world
>b-but the keyboard-turning top guilds who ignored consumables until naxx were just as good as the average player today!
Saying nigger and insulting trans women is bannable in classic wow you have been warned
> FPS 10.7
That isn't even related to my argument, tardo.
Contemporary players enjoy a TREMENDOUS advantage. There's numerous factors that make players today advantaged, and they stack multiplicatively.
>Experience. Some folks have 10k+ hours of personal experience, but there's also billions of hours worth of WoW know-how accumulated by the community and by accessing it through cultural osmosis, even first-timers will reach effective experience levels that wouldn't have been physically possible during retail. Take a look at some world first videos from retail for example: people click and keyboard turn. Virtually nobody does that, nowadays.
>Theorycrafting knowledge. The methods to figure out what's actually optimal evolved throughout retail, and by implementing 2007- methods, turns out people used to play wrong.
>Culture. Over the years high-end guilds have had to figure out ways to gain an edge over their competitors, and all sorts of things have been added to a list of "things high-end guilds do" (such as min/maxing raid compositions instead of simply playing with a group of friends, using every possible consumable, distributing loot in mathematically optimal way, not hesitating to bench players to optimize setups for specific bosses, etc), ending up overwhelmingly more tryhard than what would have been conceivable in 2006. Not only that, in this day and age of guides and wikis and walkthroughs, low-end players have a habit of emulating the elite, so nowadays even mid-end guilds are more tryhard than world first guilds of the yore.
And so on. Even the fact that virtually everyone can play the game at 60fps is a big deal.
Now, private servers aren't necessarily correctly implemented. However, the margins are actually ENORMOUS: even if we suppose all flaws are in the direction of making things easier (say, by 20%), it doesn't really matter when they are dwarfed by modern min/maxers having 200%+ performance.
This is the guild that got the world first four horsemen kill.
The first video you linked has the player running the game at 10 fps.
Your arguments will be "its hard because it was considered hard back then", while completely ignoring the actual mechanics and tuning of the raids.
>try to barrens chat bants
right click report
>tell the hunter he cant come cos you want mage cc for dungeon
right click report
>somebody wins a roll that causes butthurt
right click report
>tell the tank to stop trying to pull like its not vanilla wow
right click report
>pk any lowbie
right click report
>try to banter on chats like it was 15 years ago
right click report
Yeah its gonna go great. I'll be using the end of my subscription time to right click report as many people as possible on popular servers with alts in the right locations.
Its what nublizz wants, afterall.
I never said it was hard, retard. You can't even read.
>FPS 10.7
Isn't recording shit was pretty problematic these days for majority players? I only started to play on BC launch
You could use a Shaman for all trash and some bosses the same way and it works really well until AQ, our guild did that. Their threat stops scaling well among other things by that point, but DW Warrior tank keeps getting stronger, especially with windfury.
*fires your report recipient*
Warriors were actually fantastic in MC era because weapon normalization wasn't implemented yet and spell damage was close to not being a thing. If 1.12.1 mechanics were present with MC itemization, though, you might be right that warriors wouldn't be best.
WoW still uses 1 core/thread today. This bottlenecks hard in modern WoW because they add so much bloat stressing a single core instead of spreading the load across multiple. It's not optimized for quad cores or hexacores like FFXIV is which is pretty hilarious considering that MMOs benefit greatly from being multithreaded.
>its going to be absolute trash because streamers and the modern player mentality will ruin everything
i dont think so. they'll propably leave once they have to get a enchanter staff to kill lvl 7 ghouls as priest
Damn looks like reaching Rank 14 in PVP will be very hard or even impossible
problem solved.
Smart steamers play in PvE servers.
FFXIV is multithreaded? No wonder it runs better than fucking WoW does. It baffled me I could run FFXIV on high constant 60 fps while WoW on medium at 60-100 fps makes my PC run hot.
It's also worth noting that, while this generally doesn't happen in vanilla, private servers for other expansions often feature custom tuned content and in some cases by huge margins that go well beyond what patch difference and possible errors in implementation. And not just in terms of Naxx25/TOC and the like that were easy to begin with and desperately need those buffs, but also when it comes to notoriously tough bosses like Yogg+0 or heroic Ragnaros-25. And, as it turns out, top private server guilds manage to clear the raids anyway, even though their advantages over 2007- retail players is obviously less than the advantage they'd have over 2005 players.
The disgusting bottom feeding retail players that remain can't fathom that nuwow has lost so many players, they seriously believe it still has like 7+ million players
I believe this is another reason blizz refuses to announce official numbers, if current players were forced to acknowledge the pitiful numbers from just how many people fucking hate bfa and current wow in general they would legitimately have a break down and subs would drop even more.
How many bots are going to be sniping farm and gold spots on day 1?
How many times are the servers going to crash on the first week?
How many people are still going to continue their subscription fee for WoW Classic after the first month?
>Most of those people are probably jobless now
plan b then,
>flag yourself with pvp
>stand in their mobs and wait till they accidently attack you
The big streamers are all going to be rolling in pvp servers on launch. Im making a rogue on the opposite faction and having a blast
please, griefers were dealing with easily.
Step 1: /pvp
Step 2: follow them around until they accidentally hit you
Step 3: proceed to corpse camp
Alternate Step 2: have a pvp flagged friend buff them and see if they buff back.
Recording shit back then wasn't like now how you can just fire up open software like OBS and capture a decent 480p video of your gameplay on a toaster. You had to probably buy or pirate some video recording program like Fraps which would then eat away at your CPU like crazy, slowing any game you recorded to a halt. You likely also recorded your video to the same harddrive as your OS and game installation, slowing the game speed down even further. You would probably need at least a mid-range gaming pc of the time to even get it to record a 10fps video at 240p.
It was possible to record stuff well but you needed a fairly meaty pc to pull it off iirc.
No dranaei no buy
Out of all the changes they could do to Classic I can see them reworking Rank 14. The top 0.1% for the first 3-4 months will turn out to be account sharers/botters. They could just bump it to the top 0.5% at a maximum until they discover how to clamp down on exploiters
I am sure there are still some around but 800 is a big number if you are aiming for termites I guess. The named people were some of the biggest termites they had so thats a positive.
Yeah maybe I will play classic properly IF there is no sign of them affecting the game.
But I cann't help but feel everyone will try to be min maxing faggots when our guild used to farm anything below naxx with just about half a raid.
Wouldn't mind being huntard again but warlock in vanilla was very fun for open pvp while lvling.
>PvE servers.
Do they do this while sipping their decaf coffee and non alcoholic wine?
Only the thinnest skinned babies play in the hugbox pve servers, and this is coming from someone that sucks spectacularly at pvp.
Taking out the pvp aspect just defeats the point.
>tfw stocking up on the pto days
65 hours lads, by the time classic comes out I'll easily have 2 weeks.
It'll be fun for a few weeks as a novelty but you'll never get that part of your life back no matter how hard you try.
i think i am going to make a druid since you suck no matter what and i wont have to play all day to farm consums
im going to build an entire guild around killing popular streamers. I want to make some neckbeards rage on twitch
Changing up the R14 system is one of the few things I could see them possibly doing, and probably should.
People don't understand when they defend it by saying "but it's supposed to be a time investment".
This goes far beyond a time investment.
Those stories of farming honor for 18 hours a day for three months straight aren't an exaggeration.
It's literally soul crushing work.
So fucking what
i'd say count me in but gonna play on german server and i dont know a single german wow streamer
Don't forget to coordinate with their faction.
Nothing is funnier than baiting them into combat by making them think they have backup, only for their "allies" to sit back and watch them get demolished.
the lag in that video has nothing to do with the game only supporting single core CPU usage though. It's entirely server side. That's because since the introduction of sharding, WoW has moved over to a cloud based system to handle their client. The "servers" are much, much less likely to go down thanks to this, unlike the physical servers that they used before, but it can't handle as much stress locally. That's obviously not a problem 99% of the time thanks to sharding usually kicking in before those levels of stress are reached. So it can't handle a 40v40 battle, but it won't crash, whereas the physical server could handle a 40v40 and more but much more easily crash.
I'm responding to a post that says 200 hours is the minimum. Why are you so upset?
was gonna quote
* headslam *
I'm going to call it "Mein Kampf" and my goal is to eradicate the twitch scum from society
All the twitch streamers are going to be playing on pve servers.
>I'm going to call it "Mein Kampf"
>right click => report
Then you will get right click reported into oblivion.
I imagine nublizz will also protect their cvckboi streamers
>getting banned for using the German language
>liberal fags in 2019
I will psyop bait them into pvp servers
report me for what? literally translates to "my fight"
Actually, Classic won't get GMs and you can be mass reported for anything. Isn't that awesome?
How are we supposed to know?
what class should I make?
This is also the biggest reason Blizzard are adamant on denying they will use sharding for Classic WoW. They know that they can't have sharding for Classic because it'd completely ruin the point and integrety of the game, but the unfortunate truth is that the modern server infrastructure used for WoW doesn't support the game as it used to be. Their top priority is preventing servers from crashing, and the starting zones on release would without a shadow of a doubt be unplayable on their low performance cloud infrastructure without sharding.
Unfortunately for Blizzard, the starting zones on release won't be the only big event that will gather hundreds, maybe thousands of players together at single points in the game world. Events like release of Blackwing Lair (attunement quest requires you to kill a single mob in Blackrock Mountain, meaning hundreds of players from both factions will camp that mob on release day), opening of The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, or even spontaneous player made PvP raids in bumfuck no where will also cause heavy server lag without sharding technology.
Hopefully, Blizzard will upgrade their server infrastructure for WoW Classic to combat these known issues beforehand, but why would they spend money doing that instead of keeping sharding and avoid all that trouble?
mage is best for everything
sounds like blizzard is trying to recreate american in 2019 not vanilla wow
lets just abuse the system so hard, they have to change it
but casters are boring to level with no damage gear
I'd say warrior, mage, warlock, or priest/pala/shaman if you want to heal. All classes have their perks, but those are objectively the best.
Then pick your own class
Feral bear is arguably optimal as secondary or tertiary tank, or perhaps even as main tank if threat concerns you more than survivability (read: speedruns). They do more threat than fury tanking specced warriors never mind prot, doubly so when offthreat is concerned, contribute more to raid DPS than a fury warrior would if player of that interchangeable class spends more time tanking than DPSing (which would often be the case as #2 or #3 tank, probably not as #4), and T3 gear aside (at which point you've already beat the game anyway), the difference in tankiness actually isn't that gear. At T1 gear levels bears actually are MORE survivable than warriors in addition to doing superior threat. And then there are some individual encounters where ferals' bigger health pool and armor is favorable (like soaking Hateful strikes on Patchwerk).
Besides, content is easy so you can pretty much do it whatever.
every class in vanilla is boring to level except hunter.
just go dungeons and find groups
I was a bear druid on nost and nobody wanted me in raids or dungeons because druid.
The devs said it'd be in the first few weeks of Classic launch.
Blizz themselves are to blame.
>lvl boosts
>casualisation of all aspects
>bending too far for casuals
>xpacs being too 'seperated' from azeroth
>lfg changes
so theres a chance i wont find teammates to enter oger caves due to sharding?
All classes have their perks. However, druids are not really a high-performing class in serious raids (serious guilds will probably only take ~2). In pvp they can be powerful, but they don't have the insane burst damage or totally broken heals/dispels of other classes. They do have a lot of cool shit they can do, however. Such as flag carrying, bear-tanking, and other random fuckery. The thing is, mages/warlocks/warriors can also do cool shit. Mages and warlocks can solo a lot of content in interesting ways while also being desirable for raids, and warriors of course are the most awesome class possible if you have a good guild.
These are all the major offenses for sure, flying mounts also fucked everything up as well. Also timegated content is gay too.
If there is sharding (still not confirmed) it will only be for starter zones and for a limited time
Well, just because the game is solved doesn't mean everyone knows what that solution is.
Mind you, bears are only "arguably" optimal. As secondary tanks they definitely are good enough if your goal is to just beat the content effortlessly, but given that there's no progression raiding to be done in vanilla, the definitions of "optimal" comes down to speedruns and at that point it gets weird. Nevertheless, there's definitely an argument to be made for ferals over fury warriors: they're good enough to not be obviously inferior.
>never had Alliance character
So how bad things for Alliance warlocks in vanilla? Without resilience and against 999999 undead rogues this class looks especially bad for Alliance. Any top PVP Alliance warlocks from vanilla time?
It sounds like something Hitler would say you fucking Nazi
This, people are retarded if they think the original ranking system functioned at all. It basically assured that skill was not involved in reaching r14 and only people who nolifed/lived in mommies basement could do it. Not to mention all the top pvp guilds worked together to guard the title so only the players they wanted to reach r14 each week would. There was even cooperation between alliance and horde pvp guilds. It was a bullshit system then and it is now. It’s the one thing I could handle them changing but nooooooo all these retards who have never played vanilla will swear up and down that it’s a perfectly fine system and “HUR DUR IT AN MMO!!!! IT SUPPOSED TO BE MAJOR TIME SINK!!!” Thats true to a point but the fact that the system was so easily controlled by a single group of people completely overrides any validity that statement holds. It was like a mafia back then and it will be like a mafia this time around.
Warlocks tend to do alright against Rogues if gear is equal and specced for pvp.
>tfw all my private server bros are going to splinter off onto different factions/servers/regions
>never have all my bros in the same place again
Have to stack stam. Have succ or void out
Warlocks are usually rogue food
Laughingly bad in bfa pvp i hear.
Welcome to the live Vanilla experience just sped up.
this, modern players will ruin classic
We had plenty of druids but the hot overwrites were cunt but healing touch spam and innervate is godly.
Rogues were always the archillies heel of locks but it wasn't so bad. But a engin rogue would stun lock just about any gear level to death.
Druid is a great levelling class. My druid also tended to have best heal efficiency in raids but then I was also the only druid allowed to innervate myself cos I wasn't a shit cunt.
By the time mages need +sp you can get it with tailoring gear. Its worse for locks, their lvling is quite slow dmg wise until they get into that shadow weave set in the 30's and 40's
>Hopefully, Blizzard will upgrade their server infrastructure for WoW Classic to combat these known issues beforehand, but why would they spend money doing that instead of keeping sharding and avoid all that trouble?
Considering they dont even call Classic a "Major Blizzard Release this year" i would doubt they are going to give classic anythign special from a server stand point. Hell if numbers are low i bet instead of merging servers they just use there magical Cloud to pair people together cause they already have that solution.
Pretty much.
There is definitely some people who like Vanilla WoW, love it even but the vast majority of people are going to get turned off by the missing QoL and the eventual content ending or being recycled continuously.
What I do hope is that when the cycle of Vanilla is over, they'll not only restart but make a TBC server for you to copy a character onto from Vanilla.
>this picture contains all the people who were laid off last month.
Sweet sweet victory
>What I do hope is that when the cycle of Vanilla is over, they'll not only restart but make a TBC server for you to copy a character onto from Vanilla.
They should just designate a progression server so people who want to play deeper into the game can and people who want to stick with Vanilla can stay there. Until they reset in like 3 years.
If we are going for rp then you need to make that Druid a male nelf. Lore is male nelfs are druids female nelfs are archers.
It's like you didn't even go to Yea Forums in 2004
>be me
>its october 11th 2019
>classic servers are delayed a few hours because people managed to connect before they were up which forced the devs to reset everything and there's an issue with the sharding which is preventing mobs from spawning properly across all instances
>spend 3 hours repeatedly clicking log in with my troll shaman until it finally works
>there server is supposedly high pop but I can only see 30 people in the starting area
>distinct lag but it's not unplayable
>start overcustomizing my UI with DBM/Grids/Damage Meters/Custom Bars despite only having 2 skills immediately
>start going through my predetermined grind path and realize there's nothing I don't know about the starting areas or maps
>realize that this is going to kind of suck for the first little while
>make it to barrens and people are asking where the memes are and trying to force it to be some secret club for horde because it used to be funny at times
>order a pizza and when it arrives they forgot a dipping sauce (I ordered two)
>come back downstairs and the servers are down again
>click log in for 20 minutes until it comes back up
>the guy I was talking to before about the old game who I didn't friend isn't there anymore because of sharding still, pm him
>tells me he never got logged out and is now 30 minutes ahead of me in progress
>get to the first dungeon about 6 hours in
>not only could we not find a 4th but the option to fill the "PUG" is given and we find one using LFG
>people are treating it like a raid and start inspecting me/describing how long its been since they played this dungeon and that I should be using an Orc Shaman because of a better racial or some shit
>proceed to wipe on mobs because they actually don't know what they're doing (just like the original game!)
>finish dungeon an hour and a half later and continue grinding
>finished about half my pizza at this point and its starting to get cold
>start to worry I've made a terrible mistake
I hope so but there is still many more termites to remove until its pic related