Unbalanced hitboxes

>unbalanced hitboxes
>unbalanced weapons
>weapons and ammo scarce at drop
>inconsistent hit registration

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git gud faggot lmao

*double dabs*

I'm sure you will change hearts and minds with this post op!

Reminder that game file changes suggest a wallrunning and double jump mode. Get hype, Respawn is all about pleasing the audience.

seething fortnite player realises he's out of his element when he has to manually control recoil / cant build a fort when he gets scared

still better than Fortnite.

To be fair, ammo is scarce in granite too depending where you land. It's all about being smart with your shooting and rationing what you have.

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maybe energy ammo but the other ammo type are abundant

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What isn’t?

Ammo isn't scarce, but weapons sure are. I can't even begin to count the times I've been fucked just from dropping in, running into SIX (6) houses and getting diddly squat, jack dick, and fucking nothing. Nothing but weapon attachments, white helmets, and knockdown shields. Meanwhile some fag who happened to pick the right house and got a peacekeeper first try one-taps me and my squad.

Oh. Oh that explains a lot. Ooohhhhh

I doubt she was bullied.

100% this

just buy some lootboxes.

still fun

game is objectively trash, zoomers will eat anything

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>muh balance muh esports incompatible
fuck off
It is great fun to play and crybabies like you ruined enough games already. Tghis is the first game that just is fun playing (not only fun winning after a chore) for ages and you won't ruin it no matter how much you cry about shotguns, revolvers or tiny and fat characters.

This game needs universal ammo, prove me wrong

Hard to put pinpoint data like that and it really doesn't matter if the game itself is shit.

Is there non-team gameplay yet?

and yet it's still so fucking fun to play that I can't help but play a few hours every day.

at the drop, it is. I can't tell you how many times I have landed, gotten a decent gun with one magazine, gotten into a skirmish and realize halfway thru I am out of ammo.

pretty much this. there are TOO many times where entire supply bins, multiple buildings, and houses without a single gun, and several squads in the area. it makes zero senss

Stop telling the truth

>Yes, why is mozambique a thing?
>Don't drop in middle of field. Fight for your ammo and weapons
You know what the answer is
git gud

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I’ll gice you hitboxes, but that’s been stated it’s going to change anyway. How they plan on doing it I don’t know. I imagine they just give Caustic/Gib more health/armor/resistance. You can’t really change the hitbox without the model being misleading.

>characters proven to have hitboxes that vary by model size, giving small characters an advantage
>shot registration proven to be the worst out of any popular shooter
>consistently reported issue of landing in named locations and finding only attachements and support items before being gunned down
>says git gud

You faggots that can’t admit that any game you like has any problems are the worst. The game is flawed get over it.

>TTV_xxJAyden1998 locks Wraith
Do you just disconnect? Is the round even worth trying to play?

how is having the hitboxes the size of the actual characters bad? would you prefer your shots to miss or hit on some arbitrary invisible shape instead of what you're seeing?


You'd best not be shitting me

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>characters proven to have hitboxes that vary by model size, giving small characters an advantage
Of course they are different sized? Are you blind or just baka?
>shot registration proven to be the worst out of any popular shooter
Don't have any problem with that. I just suck at fps games
>consistently reported issue of landing in named locations and finding only attachements and support items before being gunned down
You gotta have really shitty luck if that happens to you. I have played like 300+ matches and only once my whole squad didn't get any weapons when landing
>says git gud
Because insulting/being rude is the only way to get replies these days on this shitty board
Still. Good players win more than bad players. And it's always going to be like that

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Quite a bit has been datamined. While obviously not for sure, it is very much suggested, along with solo, doubles, and 12-team mode.

I love the game and spend several hours playing it and I agree with everything you said here. Idk why shitters can't accept the game is flawed and inconsistent. There are games where I can rack up 12-13 kills whereas other games where I will empty an entire R99 mag at close range and enemy will still survive.

>Rando passes you jumpmaster for the 14th game in a row

>go ahead and land somewhere
>that rando goes off on his own and dies
>disconnects immediately