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He's Anakin.
sss tier
How did they get away with this?
Why did Didney try to make Anakins lightsaber into Rey's? Also fuck the nu-trilogy I want more Clone Wars.
>fuck the nu-trilogy I want more Clone Wars
BF2 is literally morphing into a AAA game based on the Clone Wars animated stuff
Good, OT is very, very boring without EU material and Nu-trilogy is fucking dogshit.
Because Anakin hasn't held it for 50 years. It was passed onto Luke and now Rey is using it.
You never liked Star Wars, you liked the EU which is basically an entirely different franchise
It's from the mod, Moviel Duels II
And it's based as fuck
I really do want some OT maps from EAfront 1 to come back though
Fuck off retard. Star Wars has progressed beyond you're shitty movies.
clone content is crazy good. i really like the armored officer update
Idk if I'd say morphing. They've been adding clone wars era stuff nonstop for a while, but it's really only been playing catch up to the other eras in the game.
>1000+ damage attack that can one shot any hero
>500 damage unblockable super force choke
>Force Pull
>Unblockable knockdown strike
Anakin is fucking AMAZING, and Just what the Light Side needed
Lets how we're getting Snips and the Bald Banshee as the next Hero and Villain
At this point Clone Wars has an astronomically large amount of customization compared to other era troopers, 4 maps, and half a dozen heroes, with presumably 2-4 more on the way, with the most likely candidates being Padme, Cad Bane, Ahsoka, and Asajj
Does he have special dialogue with Kylo Ren or Vader?
There's meant to be a new reinforcement type in march called infritrator, I'm really fucking hoping its gonna be the clone commando and droid commando for Clone Wars.
I don't know about Kylo Ren but he definitely has dialouge for Vader.
Clone Wars EU is top-tier setting, but you've gotta admit that the movies were dogshit except for two scenes from TPM and a quarter of ROTS.
>Ahsoka has already been "Leaked" and you cant have her without Ventress
He makes fun of Kylo talking about how he can't even hold a lightsaber. Nu-trilogy characters getting viamently shit on by the real Star Wars characters warms my heart.
He does have some dialogue towards kylo
"Haha, you're no Sith, you barely even know how to hold a lightsaber!"
I've heard him say to Kylo Ren
"What kind of coward hides behind a mask?"
>Obi-Wan bantz Phasma
ROTS was a good movie, only autistic Redditlettermedia fags would say otherwise.
Holy shit seriously? That's amazing, Kylo getting roasted by the very grandfather he admires.
>tfw still haven't gotten to use him and probably never will until after he's nerfed to oblivion
>tfw never going to get a big killstreak as a hero in Galactic Assault
He looks fun ;_;
"It will take more than a cape and a helmet to intimidate me!"
"I didnt know they came in Silver...."
>Phasma has more character in Battlefront 2 than she has in TFA and TLJ
That and Matt Wood recorded lines for Grievous addressing both her and Padme
Yep, and also the "I dont like Sand" line
If there's any xboners here, republic commando is free with gold
>they had Matt Lanter record his own version "I don't like sand"
Yeah thats what I meant in my comment
Plus the trusted leaker also said they're working on her
Good, Twice the Sand, Double the getting everywhere!
is stealth + melee still a thing used by specialists? i ahvent played in a while but that was a really annoying tactic.
Yes faggot specialists with Droideka shield and the melee card are still running about. There's zero counter to such horseshit.
Armored Officers is unironically the best part of the update.
I don't think I've seen a single Navy Officer, and that's unironically a good thing.
Ion shot CR-2
The only people who say the prequels are "bad" are knuckledraggers such as "critics" who know nothing about well developed plots and children who couldn't comprehend the more complex plots and motives present in the prequel trilogy rather than just EMPIRE BAD REBELS GOOD. It requires a more developed brain to understand the complex father like relationships between Obi Wan and Palpatine with Anakin, and also the ethical treatment of the clone army just sent to die as well as the politics of the galaxy and whether democracy really can solve all the problems with society. The prequels were made in mind for a generation that grew up on Star Wars and by the time of the release of Episode 1, could understand more complex and adult themes.
nice pasta
He sounds like such a whiny bitch too, I love it.
Episode 1 had Qui-Gon, pod racing, and Maul, Episode 2 had Dooku and the non-romance scenes were pretty good, and Episode 3 is unironic kino. Only bandwagoners call them bad.
This, the prequels are far better once you start dealing with similar themes and gain more complex understanding of topics like politics and ethics
41st elite corp officer looks based af.
It took the rancid sequel trilogy for people to appreciate the prequels
>Played for five hours yesterday
>Never played Anakin
In a game I played he laughed and asked if Kylo was actually a sith.
help a girl just said she wanted to cuddle with me what do I reply back with?
What's his dialogue for Vader since it's him
now all it needs is an era sort so I can actually play as my clone troopers more then once every 3 hours
FUCK the galactic civil war and FUCK iphone stormtroopers
"No way fag"
Why the Swedecucks at DICE make it mandatory map rotation instead of map selection? Really fucking annoying that Geonosis is so rare while dogshit like Hoth, Jakku, Crait and Death Star 2 are seen always.
I've honestly never seen RLM and literally the only things I know about them is that one has a funny laugh and that both share my dislike for the prequels. You could perhaps argue that ROTS was a decent movie in comparison to TPM and AOTC, and were those the only 3 Star Wars movies it would be great. But it's stuck in the same universe as 3 objectively superior movies and suffers for it.
They know no one would play the garbage ass Sequel maps is people had a choice.
they just need to make a battlefront game where clone wars is the only era with in depth visual and class customization
no one wants to play as a dirty fucking rebel or a copy paste stormtrooper
>Hoth and Death Star 2
>Dog shit
104th for me.
That isn't how lightsabers work at all you fucking poser. A lightsaber is owned by the Jedi that forged it. Anakin's lightsaber will forever be Anakin's.
501st, 41st, or Coruscant. I never watched the dumb cartoons so I don't know anything about any of them beyond the 501st, I just liked the looks of these 3.
>but you've gotta admit that the movies were dogshit except for two scenes from TPM and a quarter of ROTS.
212th master race
Watch the Cartoon faggot, it's not dumb at all.
>excited for lightsaber combat rework
>but at the same time know it'll be an even bigger monumental fuck up than what it is now
you can't win with this game really.
shame there's so few maps where you can use them and you can't even select what map you want to play.
Would Episode 3 Anakin be able to defeat OT Vader?
Do you even have to ask
Anons always say that but then they post webms like yours that make the opposite argument.
Coruscant Guard Officer looks sick. They are the Clones with red accents to their armor that escort Palpatine to Mustafar to rescue Anakin.
That looks incredibly fucking dumb
I'd say yes, since the armor has got to restrict his acrobatic capability, in the episode 3 fight with obi-wan the sort of flips and shit he does are physically impossible as OT Vader
I don't think he could.
Vader spent a long time growing and adapting to a severely crippled body. He's not as strong as he could have been had he not been High Grounded by Obi-Wan, but he's still far stronger than he was in Episode 3.
post cool scenes with clone troopers fighting
everything else about that show was dumb
Anyone know if the clone appearance packs are phase 2 only or mixed? I want to buy the 501st but I don't want the p1 armors and the box doesn't say which ones are in it.
Pretty sure they're mixed user
Phase 2 only.
phase 1 are all free and unlocked now
phase 2 you have to buy
You already have all phase 1's by default.
You have every Phase 1 except 501st and Coruscant Guard automatically.
Those 2 are only 5k credits each.
What's the story behind the 181st Armor Division and 87th Sentinel Corps? I don't remember seeing anything about them in the patch notes, they're just there under Phase 2.
Nice that they gave 60k credits for free in the update. i was not expecting that
I already had enough saved to buy Little Orphan Annie so I used that on the 501st. Everything went better than expected.
A lightsaber is just a prop. One that changes its apperance in every movie. Anakins got destroyed in episode 2 and he didn't give a fuck because its just a weapon.
Are they ever going to add galactic assault with bots? I just want to fucking play that mode and be able to be the heroes instead of them being hogged by the same pieces of shit every single match or getting spawnraped by them. I just want to be able to actually have fun with this fucking game for once.
They had an "event" a month or two ago where you could use every hero in the game at once on every phase in galactic assault (while also cutting their BP cost in half) and it was pretty great, I wish it was permanent. Even the lowliest shitter got to fuck around in GA with any hero they wanted.
They NEED to era lock the fucking heroes
I just quit the match whenever Rebels get Anakin, its fucking miserable especially Mos Eisley
They were in as the default for kashyyk and naboo and Lucasfilm decided to make them canon.
Fuck off moviefag.