Kingdom Heart III

New information from today:

>Free and paid DLC coming out this year
>Critical mode will be free DLC and change the game balance, probably nerfing attractions thank darkness
>New story content fleshing out the final battle and explaining stuff like Xion better
>New phone game update shows the world start glitching out, something is about to go down
>Nomura has another side game in mind before KH4

I'm pretty hyped, KH3 has great foundations but desperately needs more endgame content and a rebalanced skillset with less OP magic and attractions.

Anyone else notice the purple Organization chairs underneath the logo and world map model for the Keyblade Graveyard? I'm going to bet that's the new Garden of Remembrance with data battles.

Also see image for how to deal with Barry. Don't take the bait.

Attached: khthread.png (920x1036, 1.26M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Keep seething

How do we know critical mode will be part of the free DLC and not the paid one?

The interview said that it will be released as soon as it's ready, same for all the free DLC. The reason it's not out yet is that they're actually working to improve the balance.

The paid DLC will all be part of a single huge package, which I assume will be called Final Mix.

If there’s to be another game in between KH3 and 4, it would have to be for mobile devices or the Switch.

Who is best girl and why is it Larxene?

Also where the fuck did these models come from and is there porn with them?

Attached: larxene_by_baka_neearts_dcvgl9i-pre[1].jpg (685x1166, 93K)

seethe and cope

>or the Switch.
I wonder if they'd use the old engine for that or still UE4. Anyways at this point you'd think Nomura would stop making "side" games on different consoles already but I guess it would be too costly to make new assets on UE4, if that's the issue, for a spin-off that will probably be ported at some point.

I love KH too but we have a place for generals

??? ReCOM came out for the ps2 in between KH1 and KH2. Besides it would be easier and faster to make a side game with the new KH3 engine for Xb1/PS4.

100% the Switch. Square Enix can't resist that boomer money. Hoping they'll use the old engine myself instead of making a shitty-looking downgraded UE game.

Honestly, it's a mystery why the remakes aren't on the Switch already.

Anyone else wants to marry Larxene?

So Frozen's Ice labyrinth is killing my Momentum. Have not picked up the game in a week since it feels like a slog.

This isn't a general, it's a thread for the new information released today.

Attached: innocence__by_baka_neearts_dcwar5n-pre[1].jpg (894x894, 116K)

>FF Worlds
That's reserved for KH4

The only thing mentioned about FF characters in today's info dump was that they made a model for Squall, but canceled it. Doesn't seem like there are any plans to add them back in, sadly, and the new content will be focused on the main story.

>The paid DLC will all be part of a single huge package, which I assume will be called Final Mix
Nope, it's gonna be FF worlds

I'm not joking, really

Gods i hope so, but i read something about Keyblade Graveyard scenario DLC, i don't know if he was talking about the paid one or a free update though

Why did you delete your post and post it again?

What? No it didn't. CoM came out on the GBA between 1 and 2, ReCOM was bundled with KH2FM in Japan and released separately here.

Who's the secret boss going to be?
Bets on Yozora

Meant for wtf happened

It's almost guaranteed to be on the Switch.

Took me like 20 minutes to beat that place, you must get distracted easily

KH1: PS2
KH2: PS2
Days: DS
Coded: Mobile
X: Browsers
UX: Mobile
0.2: PS4
KH3: PS4

The precedent is that every game comes out on a different platform from the previous game, but gets remakes on the main Playstation consoles down the line.

>>Nomura has another side game in mind before KH4
switch game
>>New story content fleshing out the final battle and explaining stuff like Xion better
I kinda don´t care, explain terra nort to me. Where the fuck does he come from?

What else I want:
- Add a starwars world, something like the death star
- add some new boss fights
- add costumes, so I can play as other characters

Yozora is all but guaranteed, but there might be another one too that is more relevant to the main story. MoM or one of the Foretellers/Luxu, perhaps.

> Add a starwars world, something like the death star
The problem is that Star Wars licencing is complicated. Disney can't just easily give them the rights. Especially because EA (I believe) has that exclusivity contract

>Especially because EA (I believe) has that exclusivity contract
Doesn´t EA have contract to make disney games? Having star wars stuff isn´t that difficult, look at the credits somewhere they said and thanks for lucas arts for using the name "Star something" The white toy, I never knew we could fight.

>Doesn´t EA have contract to make disney games?
EA is contracted to make Star Wars games. And even if they WERE contracted to make Disney products I don't see how that would matter for Kingdom Hearts.
>Having star wars stuff isn´t that difficult, look at the credits somewhere they said and thanks for lucas arts for using the name "Star something"

>needs a ton of DLC to be complete.
Literally XV all over again.
How can anyone defend this?

>Also see image for how to deal with Barry. Don't take the bait.
I hate you people so much. Every thread. EVERY SINGLE THREAD. You guys incessantly whine about Barry like he's a real person. He's not. I wish we could have a thread where Barryposters would go back to their Discord and never return
Other than that, I'm super excited for the DLC. I was hoping for more post-game content in the vanilla release, but I'm happy it's coming regardless. Would love to fight all 13 Org. members as separate boss battles with more moves. Hopefully Nomura delivers.

The Terra/Xehanort stuff was confirmed to work the way some of us already figured out. Basically this chart some user made, but with a question mark on that nobody to the left since that's speculation.

Attached: terranort.png (1024x748, 382K)

Not only the data 13 org but wish we could also fight the keyblade wielders from the light side too

>You guys incessantly whine about Barry like he's a real person. He's not.

I can't but i like the series so if that what it takes for it to become good then fuck it

That's not Barry. How do you not understand this? There are more people than Barry in this world who share feelings against KH and use XV as a strawman. You guys ruined all my threads 2 years ago complaining.

Barry would never admit XV was unfinished garbage.

Go to the bestiary, go to not heartless,nobodies etc. enemies. There is a white toy. That thing has the name of something star wars related, which they wrote in the credits and thanked lucas arts. But I still don´t know where we fought it.

Including some random white toy that may be related to Lucasarts isn't the same as having Darth Vader, user.

>Where the fuck does he come from?
Sane inyerview explained that when Ansem and Xemnas got slain instead of terranort reforming Master xehanort and Terra reformed seperately.
But since Terra's will was chilling in the armor and Terra's heart was busy being CUM GUARDIAN, Terra's bod was.just a husk which was ripe for the NORTING.
The terranort was just BBS terranort using Terra husk of a bod to time travel instead of a replica like the other timetraveling norts.

You must be very new here. We have been dealing with this guy for literal years. I don't know if Barry is his name or not, but there is one specific guy with a very recognizable posting style who spams threads with the same buzzwords, images and webms all day. He used to make discussion of FFXV impossible, and now he's moved on to KH3.

That's not Barry, don't use him as a scapegoat for anyone who doesn't agree with you. That's exactly what is saying.

Barry is real though.

Because KH III came out comparatively less unfinished than FF XV. FF XV would have needed about two to three more years of development time. KH III is, all things considered, a complete game that needs some fine tuning.

Is this in KH3? I just checked the credits and didn't see anything like that. Any screenshots?

This seems like complete bullshit.


It needs a complete plot overhaul to be the least bit satisfying.

There's multiple people who do that for fun, but they're just people who are fighting with a different set of Discord users on these threads. Their constant strawmanning and name calling is so obvious it hurts. Person A insults Kingdom Hearts, person B calls person A a speedrunner, and persona A/C then posts webms/pictures to make their point. Barry is just some guy on Twitter who complains a little bit about KH before comparing it to FFXV, but he's not in these threads 24/7. In fact, he mostly just stays on Twitter as far as I'm aware.
Try not to copy what these Discord kids are doing. It's embarrassing and kills all discussion almost instantly. Yes, I realize I'm doing what I said not to do, but it's been many, many threads of this

Wait I am currently rewatching the credits.

>Switch spinoff confirmed
>Secret ending confirmed to be next game teaser
>The shibuya seen in the ending IS NOT THE ACTUAL TWEWY SHIBUYA CONFIRMED
>Sora and Riku are in the same world, but are separate again

Attached: aku.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Really? I really enjoyed that part. Solid 45 minutes to an hour of uninterrupted gameplay.

>Go to the bestiary, go to not heartless,nobodies etc. enemies. There is a white toy.
No there isn't.

Here, 11:38, my bad it was air droid nothing with star.

Yeah that's because the word droid is copyrighted by Lucasarts, not because they used anything from Star Wars.

It'll be on 3DS too.

>Q: What happened to Lingering Will after the fight?
>Nomura: When Terra came back, it disappeared, as did the armor. However, a Keyblade wielder’s armor, like the Keyblade, will come back to them if the conditions are right.

So LW and Terranort just fought each other, and both decided to fuck off from each other, and when Terranort died and Terra came back, Lingering Will just returned to him with the armor.

This shit is fucking retarded. At least fucking give a true answer, not this vague shit. If LW won but didn't do jack shit and just kneeled again, say it. If LW lost, why was he still there before Terra came back?
I mean for god sake he pretty much saying that LW was still alive until Terra came back. What the fuck Nomura.

This is so fucking retarded.

Attached: 1530424981131.png (847x473, 739K)

If they actually fixed the main problems with DDD it could be good.
>no more Pokemon shit.
>no more forced switching.


I thought it was because of this one. It‘s german, but luft means air.

Attached: 803E7BE4-9514-4F5D-AD7F-212F5C43C1C4.jpg (4032x3024, 2.57M)

>Yeah that's because the word droid is copyrighted by Lucasarts
That can't possibly be real, that's like when Disney tried to copyright the day of the dead.

I think you're simply overthinking a very minor plot point, user.
This would take like, 5 seconds to check on your own

>New side game is Chain of Memories 2
How would you react?

>pay 15$ to play episode lingering, good goyim

Dude what? Lingering Will's entire existence is to fuck up Xehanort with everything he has, you expect us to just accept "he got tired and stopped fighting offscreen" as an excuse?

That's fucking retarded, copyright law is stupid.

Yeah, because that's what happened.
>you expect us to just accept "he got tired and stopped fighting offscreen" as an excuse?
I think you're simply overthinking a very minor plot point, user.

As long as i get to play as Riku again i'll take it.

I wish I could suck dick like you, I'd probably make a pretty penny.

Fuck yeah, is it in 32 bit as well?

I wonder why people everywhere asked this shit
Not just here, literally EVERYWHERE.

Youtube, 4chins, twitter, all those shitty wikis/tv tropes, and yes, even reddit

And then we just having some answer of "yeah he fucked off and then vanished when Terra came back" when literally every fucking other answer would've made sense, he choose the most vague shit

>Getting upset at minor plot points makes you "woke"

>Not just here, literally EVERYWHERE.
This is the first time I've even seen this brought up, don't inflate minor grievances like it's some huge issue

As soon as anyone lets "XV-Kun" leave their mouth and makes fucking IMAGE COMPILATIONS of shit they think this guy said just completely makes me realize they waste too much fucking time on the internet talking about Kingdom Hearts. Fucking losers.
>inb4 someone calls me Barry

Downplaying a characters entire motivation as a "minor" plot point makes you a corporate dicksucker, yes.

Nomura genuinely doesn't care.

>I wasn't part of the conversation so that means it's not important
How 'bout you go read through the archives before being a faggot?

wow XD BASED Nomura not explaining shit and shoveling non-explanations at us

this but unironically

Didn't Nomura say that the Shibuya at the end has nothing to do with the TWETY one?

Fucking stupid. You can't sequel bait TWEWY stuff (you fucking know they did with the way Sora wakes up and the Shibuya building number) and then say it has nothing to do with TWEWY.

Nips called LW not being playable a cocktease and asked the same in twitter.

Nomura is just a retard/saving the answer for a DLC.

There is no hope that DLC can save KH3.

Accept reality.

What hope is there that KH3 can be saved by DLC?

Attached: 1527474627074.png (512x512, 289K)

I think he just means it's not connected to the actual canon of Twewy.

>Shitch spinoff confirmed
Retarded pattern faggotry.

Attached: 182901017180.png (791x702, 630K)

Zoom zoom

Do you guys actually understand the plot?

How ironic that you would claim XV-kun is a bogeyman and then refer to the Discord bogeyman.

It's irrelevant who makes these posts and whether or not they're Barry. The same posts are spammed in every thread, and people have to be told to report and ignore them or they'll derail the thread yet again.

There’s no hope the game can be saved by DLC because it’s already good.

To non-switch owners, will you buy a switch to play the new side game?

I do but 3 was unironically poorly written, like not even from a cheesy schlock standpoint, just actually a terribly written story even by KH standards.


Nope, will probably watch everything on youtube. Until it gets a Re:make on PS4/PS5.

t. not a brainlet


No. KH3 got me pretty unethusiastic about the franchise's future, I can easily watch a walkthrough on youtube and wait for the PS5 remaster at this point.

Nothing is confirmed.
Why do you want them downgrade it to some shitty tablet?

I do, but I guarantee that most people saying yes to your question don't.

Wanting has nothing to do with it, it is simply the most probable route they will go with it going by what they jave done in the past.

>Shitch spinoff confirmed
Why are they so desperate for games?

Attached: 1546215987678.jpg (1305x994, 91K)

About to start Birth by Sleep
What to expect?

Again pattern faggotry.
"Spin offs" have come out on PlayStation consoles.

Star Wars with keyblades instead of light sabers

Where the fuck is my Xbone port of the collection, SE?

Butthurt Yea Forums and/or speedrunnerfags. Go TVA, Terra is the most boring so get him out of the way first.


Don't listen to this fag, go VAT because Terra has the best ending that spoils too much of the other plots.

I went AVT.

Thunder Surge

No they don't, you schizo. You can literally just take your own advice and just ignore them, but you can't because you get off to ruining threads on a Panamanian comic book enthusiast forum. Please do us all a favor and go back to your Discord and take your eceleb crap with you.

Technically still okay, though Aqua's ending does spoil the big reveal in Ven's.


>kairi is put into the fridge again
cool game. You spend all that time chasing her and nomura doesnt even give you the statisfaction of her being important.

Kino in Terra's ending

This guy is feeding you lies. Everyone hates BBS because it sucks. That being said, go VTA for maximum patrician status and stack up on thunder surges.

>go VAT
Finally someone who understands how kino VAT order is.

Attached: 1551090499573.jpg (400x258, 13K)

Wasn't looking forward to playing it, but recently beat it.
Actually one of the more fun KH games imo. Command deck system is weird to get used to. Spamming certain commands and using shotlock, or whatever it's called, can cheese certain fights.
Look up a synthesis guide and spend an hour grinding out abilities like second chance

Order Ventus->Terra->Aqua is my recommendation but the important thing is really just to do Aqua after Ventus.

Funny you should use that word, because I honestly think you have schizophrenia. I made this thread and my OP image saved it from XV-kun's shitposting. There is no Discord conspiracy and never was, there is one guy shitposting and a few random copycats from time to time. No one would talk on Discord about coordinating fucking shitposting on Yea Forums.

Attached: old fries.png (680x697, 335K)

Pence, Ienzo, and Xion were the main people that led to Roxas' revival. Say something nice to them.

>Oh no that's Riku! The bully that beat me up and shoved me up Sora's asshole!
>Wait Namine what are you...
>N-Namine don't you remember we were gonna be together again?!

Attached: Rucksack more like cucksack.png (1176x1664, 2.52M)

Terra's ending doesn't spoil any more than Ventus's. Aqua's ending spoils both of the others and continues past them.

Roxas can now go fuck Xion, Olette and Lea if he wants

While the majority of the posts with seeth, cope etc are not barry, he is very real and is in many of the threads

Lea is fucking Isa, so only Xion and Olette.

Attached: xion and olette.webm (1432x804, 369K)

>No one would talk on Discord about coordinating fucking shitposting on Yea Forums.
This. This right here is how I know you're so full of it. Absolutely delusional. Please do us all a favor and never talk about Barry/XV-kun/Bazztek again unless you know beyond a shadow of a doubt it's him who's posting. I wanna see timestamps, an IP, and a picture of him posting as proof before you derail yet another thread with your eceleb drama.

chain of memories came out on the gba in between 1 and 2. reCom on the ps2 didnt show up until the japan only final mix for 2 and we got it as a standalone after that. next time do a simple google search so you don't look like a fucking idiot

>olette is banging hayner
>lea gets on with xion
>isa skullfucks skuld
Roxas can be gay with Pence if he wants

Roxas only cared about Namine in KH2 because she deleted his memory while helping to ruin his life. They met for about 10 minutes total. Once he got his memory back he had no reason to care about her.

Terra's ending completely spoils Ven's while Ven's doesn't spoil Terra's. Aqua's only spoils Ven's but has no big reveals specific to her to spoil so doing her after Ven is imperative.

>ever playing games in German

You are the one trying to derail this thread you absolute fucking faggot. Aside from the OP post, no one even mentioned XV-kun here before you did. Kill yourself.

Pence is a bro. Without him, Ienzo, or Xion, Roxas wouldn't be a complete person.

Attached: Pence.gif (342x320, 831K)

He's not on these threads and unless you can prove it I suggest you stop trying to shill your eceleb crap on here.

>delusional Xionigger headcanon

>Forgetting Vexen and Demyx
Poor guys, always forgotten.


Do you think Isa feels ashamed that he's a 25 year old man hanging out with a group of literal children?

Even Nomura forgot about Demyx

>Replika Riku and Sora fell in love with Namine cause she fucked with their memories
>Roxas forgots about Xion cause of Namine's fuckery in the first place and then falls for her
Fucking witch, DiZ did nothing worng.

Oops, forgot them. All Demyx did is drop off the vessel since he's someone they'd least expect and for all Ienzo knew, Vexen was still evil.

What part of this is a headcanon?

Nah, you don't see anything of what's happening with Ven and Aqua in Terra's ending. You only know that the X-Blade was formed, which was obviously going to happen anyway. The other routes spoil what Braig is up to though, which is a spoiler in Terra's route. They also spoil what happens with Terra and Eraqus. You'll lose plot twists from other routes whichever one you do first, so there's no definitive order other than doing Aqua after Ventus.

>When a troll has become such a monumental problem that the OP pic has become about ignoring him
wew. You know you've gone too deep if you've become a cartoon villain with a metaphorical Wanted Poster and everything.

this might be a good spot to find some ingredients

>New phone game update shows the world start glitching out, something is about to go down
oh boy Daybreak Town is a data world isn't it

Fuck Nobodies and fuck Xehanort

Attached: images-11.jpg (200x200, 5K)

>Aside from the OP post
Fuck off.

And FUCK ____!

Attached: olette cheers.png (327x364, 78K)

Did you forget Terra's entire motivation for doing the Skywalker no no? Xehanort straight up explains how the sword is formed.

i actually really liked it. once you leave the level becomes pretty lame honestly

So when Skuld gets back, it will be
Who will be the new cool dude to round out the last trio?

How does Terra spoil Ven? All you hear about Ven's plot in Terra's story is his line at the end about being "some kind of χ-blade", you don't even know what a χ-blade is yet and you haven't met Vanitas except for the ending

>Vexen was still evil.
Read the reports, ever since Saix approached him and got him back to the orgy he was only working for the good guys.

I don't want to give him any credit, but it pretty much has gotten to the point where steps need to be taken to avoid every thread being shitflinging centered around him or people pretending to be him.

Why did he have Demyx drop off his vessel?

The part where he only cared about her until he regained his memory, it all came back to him after he rejoined Sora except that walking retcon.

>oh boy Daybreak Town is a data world isn't it
It's a time-traveling data Replika of the original Daybreak Town.

You are right, DLCs can't save a bad game, just look at FF XV, after all these patches, blood is still seeping through a bare bones core. KHIII at least good already, so DLC don't have to save it. It will give a better endgame content, though.

Ventus cause Terra and Aqua get married and get a new house in Daybreak Town raising the next generation of Keyblade masters

i'm hoping they give us Master Eraquas again but now with good gameplay, just like how we got a proper Vanitas and Young Xehanort fight out of this game. his armour and theme are kino too

Attached: Armor_of_Eraqus_KHBBSFM.png (714x1388, 1.06M)

There is no 7th, only 8th.

What all came back to him? Just the Organization? He still never met Namine in Days, so he did only know her for 10 minutes.

>I'm going to ignore the past decade and a half worth of interquels which were all Nintendo exclusive before the collections were made

>Nomura has another side game in mind before KH4
I'm hoping it's a console version of Backcover. The story in that game can be delivered so much better if we were to get it on console.

Did Aqua win the Terrabowl

I know what you are talking about and it is not star wars related as searching for the name of it brought up nothing. I believe it may have been a toy Lucas Arts made

Cause Demyx was benched from the beginning, meaning no one was paying attention to him while the Xehanorts still kept tabs on Vexen, considering his replicas were so vital.

what the fuck

She was the only one running for it

People may shit on BBS all they want but it had a really nice OST.

Doesn't matter, he wanted to be with her regardless because she was the only one trying to help him while DiZ was forcing her to do to him what Marluxia forced her to do to Sora.

So how did terranort shave off 10 or so years of his life in 3? I'm pretty sure he aged before splitting into Ansem & Xemnas.

Attached: Xehanort version 2.1.png (400x749, 179K)

Pence: Worked with ienzo most of the game with his networking and computer skills to change permissions of the old mansion computer to give Ienzo access to the data Twilight Town so Ienzo can extract data Roxas' memories. Attempts to distract Ansem SoD.
Olette: Saves Ansem the Wise, works with Scrooge to save munny up for the beach
>Jobs to Ansem SoD after attempting to dropkick him; Successfully distracts Ansem SoD, something Pence tries to achieve; Saves munny for the beach by working part-time with uncle scrooge.
Why is Hayner the least useful of the trio in KH3?

Attached: hayner pence olette.png (2000x2000, 2.7M)

Playing KH2 it gets good after you finish playing as Roxas right?

>not knowing about the japan exclusive one-time concert event that held crucial canon plot elements confirming Naminé was after the armored dick.

Because they're too stupid to understand that lingering will probably just transferred it's conciousness into the guardian and disappeared in the middle of the fight.

>pointing out the Saix "fight"
No You for you.

Terra won the Aquabowl, Ven won the Terrabowl. Reminder that Terra only cried when he talked to Ven.


Attached: 1521279633918.webm (960x540, 2.86M)


Pretty much

I thought updates were monthly, why'd we get it so early?

How did it transfer its consciousness into the Guardian? That doesn't even fucking make sense, and when the Guardian flies in when they're fighting Terranort, it was elsewhere entirely, not attached to Terranort.

A little later, when you get cool abilities. But it will never be as kino as Roxas' story.

>Nomura has another side game in mind before KH4

Attached: 1374647845789.gif (250x187, 1.98M)

Has anything come of Invi seeing Mickey come from the future and talk about some impending darkness?


The body is affected by the heart (Replicas getting the correct gender when they're filled with a heart, Ven not growing old while his heart was missing) so when Terranort's heart time-traveled to the present and went into Terra again it shaped his body. Obviously.

Ephemer and Streletzia are gonna come back

Probably the same fucking way Xehanort put his heart in Terra in the first place who really gives a shit it barely matters.

that's because BBS was the last game where they actually composed *new* stuff. everything since has been rearrangements, which is why everyone complains that it all sounds the same. it's true but by design. i'm obviously not including world themes

Maybe he looked like Xemnas when that happened, Xemnas is an aged Terranort

Until it an explanation actually happens in-game, the Guardian is Terra's heart. I don't give a fuck what lame as fuck explanation Nomura gives, trying to contradict it.
Also >making a side game the beginning of your new saga

Attached: 1497754666598.gif (204x204, 3.84M)

Holy shit KH fags are so fucking obsessed, the barry boogeyman lives in your heads rent free. It's sad.

Why do you hate BBS?

But that only works with replicas specifically because Vexen designed them to do that.

It does matter, though. Plot holes actively harm my enjoyment of something.

magnet/ra/ga and thunder/ra/ga for normal enemies, thunder/fire surge for bosses

Both of them are forever dead.

Only tasteless plebs hate it

>it pretty much has gotten to the point where I need to autistically mention him in every single thread that I make, only to inevitably draw more attention to him

I don't. Its just that some bosses & the majority of superbosses are absolute garbage due to the lack of hitstun. Other than that I had fun.

Attached: Mysterious Figure01.png (709x1201, 232K)

DDD had some nice tunes too. LA LA LA

Still, it also explains why Ven didn't get older either.

There is nothing that says he can't have just merged his conciousness with his heartless just because you didn't see it.

Go TVA, but save T's ending for last.

>It's autistic to tell everyone to try and ignore the bat on the ceiling who is sending annoying sonar all over the place

I don't, i just never expected it to be on par with a console game. Also multiple scenarios, styles and some of the stronger commands were pretty nice.

excellent taste my friend

Attached: 1501548934023.jpg (600x600, 35K)

It said they had permission from Lucasfilm to use the "droid" in Air Droid, a heartless.

You silly billy this is a Kingom hearts game

The bosses are actually pretty good, fuck the haters.

All people do is bitch about shit being to easy but no no no Vanitas and MF are too hard :(((

Not really, if hearts shape the body like you said he would have aged when his heart was put back. He didn't age because he hid his heart in Sora.

"Consciousness" isn't a tangible object in KH like Hearts are. The only other thing we've ever seen happen like that is when Master Xehanort controls YX at the end of DDD, but YX was willing for him to take him over. The Guardian wouldn't have been willing.

I dont like the characters, story, and gameplay

I thought it was confirmed they were in the realm of sleep, did Nomura just get bored of that idea and decide to retcon it?

Fine his soul which is a tangible thing in KH.

>Blocks your light

Attached: True_Organization_XIII.jpg (4406x2589, 1.06M)

>who is sending annoying sonar all over the place
>annoying sonar
Your analogies are almost as bad as your paranoia.

The thing is, LW clearly was sentient and had Terra's conscious with the LW-Namine talk.

Attached: 1534600052635.png (622x528, 32K)

Still no. It isn't a tangible object like hearts are. Name one other time someone's soul has possessed someone unwilling in KH.

It works with every body. This is the reason Roxas looks like Ven, because Ven's heart was in his body, shaping it instead of keeping Sora's shape.

I already believe that. I just don't know how LW could have taken over the Guardian. It just isn't like anything we've seen in KH before ever.

>Me, myself, and XI.

>We had evil sora, riku, and kairi as darknesses
>No part where they fight the real ones 3 v 3

Have you been in the same room as a bat? That shit pierces straight through your brain like a needle.

>5.5 xehanorts
>2 soras
>1 riku
>4.5 others

Souls/minds are a thing in KH and separate from hearts.

Show me one other moment where something like Lingering Will even exists in the first place, he is an anomaly in the series.

Who in their right mind would be in a room with a bat?

>New story content fleshing out the final battle and explaining stuff like Xion better

That's... not really what most people were asking for. The final battle was fleshed out enough, nobody fucking cares about autistic shit like the Xion stuff, and what most of us wanted was story content to be fleshed out for everything PRIOR to the final fight. Some postgame content wouldn't hurt either.

Because he tried harder.
Kinda the whole point of LW, its star wars logic.
>oh now our ship/walker is going down
>no today its not
>through sheer force of will and pulling the controls really fucking hard the ship/walker gets back up and keeps moving
Shit dont gotta make sense

user, LW is the only thing like him we've ever seen in KH too

To get that bitch out of my house because he flew in through the dog door.

I want to play with Aqua and her spats.

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Guardian is Terra's heartless. We know Heartless lose consciousness, they are controlled by instincts. LW is literally Terra's consciousness. I guess he just went home, as in went into his heart easily, since that is where it belongs.

dlc still can't fix the story, shit pacing, no FF, no radiant garden or new world etc

Ah, yes, in the series with talking gargoyles, sentient brooms and mirrors, talking cats, a sentient suit of armor is the anomaly.

kek touche

>cant walk around mysterious tower
I just wanted to pall around with Yen

Exactly none of these things sound even remotely appealing to me. KH3 needed more worlds, better game design, and some kind of cohesive midpoint to help the pacing feel more consistent, not just more shit stuffed into the final hour of the game. That's gonna make the pacing even worse.

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I'm glad you're finally understanding, user. Took some time but you're getting there.

It also keeps everything Terra related a complete secret which makes for a superior experience when you finally learn what the fuck is up with him when you finally reach his route

>can't walk around the Dark World
>can't walk around Scala Ad Caelum
>can't walk around Twilight Town
>can't walk around the Twilight Town mansion
>can't walk around Elsa's Ice Palace
>can't walk around the Kingdom of Arendelle

The main fucking problem with LW is the fact that he's sentient, but not just sentient - Terra's memories, Terra way of acting and talking, his voice, all of his abilities - The whole shit in 0.2 and Namine. All of it make it "clear" that the conscious lies within the armor.

I guess it works like this -

Terra can control his conscious from within his heart, or to the armor.

yes, that's a valid complaint because those boss battles are poorly designed. they had to nerf those bosses in final mix because trying to beat those bosses with terra was straight up completely luck dependent while ventus and aqua basically had to spam dodge because every single attack brings you down to 1 hp if you have second chance and once more. regular attacks are useless on MF because he just stops time and reverts the damage you just did, so there's only really one method to fight him. vanitas remnant can just be cheesed with set damage attacks like tornado, but only ventus gets that

Game's already fine and complete story wise, DLC is just icing on the cake

>Xion DLC
>not Lingering Will DLC
Why is Nomura such a hack?

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>KH3 needed more worlds
this right here

Should have had radiant garden since we dont need traverse town this time and moved Olympus towards the second half.
Add a GMD world to find little chef in properly and I would have been pretty happy

I'm okay with not being able to explore the real of darkness, had that with other games.
>didnt get to explore Akuma Island in BH6

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He's adding Lingering Will arena mode.

Darkness bad
Light good

Those have hearts LW doesn't.

There was a little bit cut though.
Xions return and the mysterious tower were cut and the result of LWs fight is unclear as whether he won and overtook heartless or lost.

>Lingering Will DLC
>They remove the cape while you play as him but return it to him at the end

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I watched 10 hours of shit and played two handheld games to get caught up.

>Add a GMD world to find little chef in properly and I would have been pretty happy
I don't think that the creative team behind Ratatouille would have been very ok with that

LW fought Terranort. Terranort run off and summoned a demon tide for him to fight.

Welcome to "Episode Lingering" Dlc final boss. Another fucking Demon tide.

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>can't walk around the Dark World
>can't walk around Scala Ad Caelum
You can
>can't walk around Twilight Town
You can

Is anyone else reading this Sleeping Realm Theory

Its in the name user.
Lingering Will

Its the will of terra, he doesnt need to control any of it because his will was always to re-unite with the others and defeat nort.
LW just took a different road than the others and it worked pretty damn well

Fuck those overated shits, I want Riku and Mickey exploring Realm of darkness and playable Axel and Kairi

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It's just a cutscene that explains Xion's revial better, not Xion DLC. There will be many cutscenes in the DLC, including when Xehanort and Ven first met.

The story will revolve around Xion, but LW is playable. The DLC will be about LW, what happened to him after fighting Terra-Nort. Roughly 4 hours with explorable new areas, and buffed versions of all the norts for him to fight. Can fight all of them at once if you unlock it.

Its confirmed that all the disney worlds in KHUX were data worlds projected from the book of prophecies and its also pretty much confirmed that the dandelions were dropped into another realm after the keyblade war so that they wouldn't die. So Daybreak Town being a data projection as well and in reality being a destroyed place is not that far fetched

This is probably the dumbest defense I've ever seen.

It's is not a Xion DLC, why are people so illiterate? He said the DLC may explain how Xion came back, not that it will be about Xion only
Which one?

Twilight Town and Arendelle being so locked down seemed fucking stupid

Especially with Port Royal literally being "You can go anywhere" town.

He has memories that make him hate Xehanort. Therefore he has a heart.

>not allowed to have disney characters cross into other worlds
A rat stowing on a ship to escape the heartless and ending up in a mouse world would have been great since tiny sora and ven are great


lmao Vanitas is such a manlet like Sora

Sounds incredibly retarded

Don't try to make sense of it. Nomura doesn't care about internal consistency.

>I want Riku and Mickey exploring Realm of darkness
Its literally just the stuff aqua saw that we played in 2 different games
RoD is the weakest contender for added worlds imo

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>wanting to play as jobbers of light

>missed the entire point of KH
EVERYTHING even a pebble can grow a heart user

>another fucking demon tide

oh for god sake.

It'll be there for brainlets who really want everything shown and explained rather than just inferring

>playable Axel and Kairi
Spending 6-8 hours hitting moving furniture while not leveling up (forced zero exp) and eating ice-cream doesn't sound like an interesting game. Give some Lea/Isa though.

Then just use another part of it to explore and have them save Aqua at the beginning without soras help
Everyone jobs, the writing is shit, whatever

>A rat stowing on a ship to escape the heartless and ending up in a mouse world would have been great since tiny sora and ven are great
I'm not confirming or denying it would have been cool. But if you read interviews with Nomura it's fairly obvious that Disney doesn't want their properties crossing over with each other too much. It's the very reason why Aladdin doesn't world hop with you for example. Plus some of the creative teams behind these movies are a lot less ok with the concept of Kingdom Hearts in general, the IGN interview really shined some light on KH3 in this regard.
Plus on a more practical level, why advertise a movie over 30 years old that wasn't even a big financial success? Just seems silly.

Out of the 2, which would you never like to face again?:
>Demon tide

Attached: Darkside_(Kingdom_Hearts).jpg (422x564, 66K)

Demon Tide

Gotcha, yeah that makes a lot of sense.

>why advertise a movie over 30 years old that wasn't even a big financial success?
Because I like it, a lot

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Basically this. LW is also connected to Terra's Keyblade which are stated to be somewhat sentient anyways.

Or just have the tutorial being playing as them training sorta like Roxas and Seifer

I like the aesthetics of Darkside but Demon Tide has a bitchin BGM, hard choice.

Demon Tide/Tower has a really boring design and was reused so much during 0.2 and KH3 i don't know what Nomura was thinking. I like the moves but a clusterfuck of shadow is just boring

Lea has some pretty cool moves if you watch him fight in the saix/xion battle, same with Kairi. She does some rising eagle launcher combo and pearl attacks which is alright

Darkside at least has seniority and is iconic within the series as the ultimate Giga Fodder.

Would have been way better with how we were teased about her training before.

>demon tide
>doesnt even have waves

They won't use the darkside nobody thing from KH2 ever again will they? Too difficult to animate that squiggly dude

I mean, I would also like some of the older Disney movies to get more representation. Some of them even have some potentially great boss fights, but I think with KH3 at least it's clear where their priorities lie. It's not even unreasonable in my opinion, since with 3D models you can make the games look nearly as good as the movies themselves. But it is a shame we'll never see some of the crazier oldschool shit in KH.

They should bring back the olympus coliseum tournaments

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They were gonna use him in a future game (I forget which but there is unused models for him) but I think they didn't do it because that was kind of Roxas' thing.

You might be surprised. They planned on using it for DDD until that was scrapped in favor of Dream Eaters.

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Riku has the best idle battle pose and you can't change my mind

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>last boss for LW is a fucking demon tide

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I feel you man

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>has a scarf like dark inferno

Plot Twist! It's a Nobody Tide instead.

>that Panic
>if you only knew how bad things really are

What is his deal?

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You know who else has a scarf? Ephemer!

something something Kairi means sea

apparently there is now a free KH3 VR thingy to download as well.

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A mystery.

Well, according to Nomura's comments from Ultimata, it appears like he fights this guy AFTER the events of KH3. So it's probably just on the cusp of life and death

But you're right? Those biceps hnnng.

Considering it was fought in The Final World which was revealed to be the afterlife, it was probably a Darkside that died for real and you put it down for good in his boss fight.

Will Larxene pee on me in it?

Which article said there was another side game in mind before kh4?

Nah, LW DLC is like this:
>mini tutorial to get used to LW's moves is the KH2 secret boss fight from his perspective. You practice your moves on KH2 Sora, Donald and Goofy
>wander aroundthe graveyard killing heartless
>Terranort as first boss, shoving how the fight went.
>explorable dungeon under the labyrinth with a few orgy 13 bosses here and there
>all the unexplained shit is explained via "LW kicked the ass of a nort and good things happened"
>last boss is Terranort again, now inside the Guardian, struggling for control
>if you find every treasure, you can fight all the norts at all in one clusterfuck of a secret boss battle

Sexual innuendo. Sora means sky and Kairi means sea.

I liked how the non character nobodies got some attention, and how Sora calls them wet blankets

If Sora gave into the darkness while in the final world would his heartless look like this?

>the only other Heartless with a big heart shaped hole in it's chest has been the guardian
>the guardian turned out to be Terra
Obviously the Darkside is Sora's dad

So that Darkside is Sora and Kairi's secret darkside if you know what I mean?

I think the Lich, Dark Inferno and Invisible also have heart shaped holes

Just watch, you might be surprised.

They, in fact, all do.

>Only one game between numbered games

I agree

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Hopefully we get some XIII Remant fights like the Data Silhouette fights from 2.
Also expect a Mysterious Figure 3. Empty vessel or something stupid like that.

I guess it's just a thing for human shaped pureblood heartless then because Dark Thorn and Hide don't have it.

Yeah imagine how crazy it'd be if there was only 1 game between KH1+2 pfffft

Side games are an unfortunate necessity at this point. It would be impossible to integrate stories like X and BBS into the narrative of the mainline games.
That said I do hope he's learned a lesson and will tone it down dramatically in future sagas.

Just noticed you can actually see Xehanort's face inside Goat-Xehanort's neck, i thought he transformed in some kind of disfigured humanoid but it really is just an armor

If you look at the journal entry for Dark Inferno it's obvious that it was supposed to just be KH3's version of invisibles, but got upgraded to super boss because they didn't have anything else.

I thought it was tied in some way to the Power of Awakening or Sora starting to die. It couldn't maintain its form like Sora after he went to the Final World.

I'm hoping that they'll use the mobile game as a means to avoid having so many spinoff games.

If I prefer XV over KH3 does that make me XV-kun or is it a specific user? I never quite got this meme because I avoided the XV threads.

I wonder if the rest of the foretellers will have an armor version or if we'll fight them in their robes.

KH3 bad

Nomura kinda took a step back from the armor concept after BBS, personally I think they'll just fight in their robes.

lmao Axel has 1 higher magic stat than strength, I thought it would be the opposite

Attached: axel stats.png (671x894, 1.12M)

Holy yikes

I mean, during his boss fight especially he constantly uses magic so it makes sense to me.

It's just one specific poster who used to spam FFXV threads and now spams KH3 threads. Leave it at that since this thread has been nice for a change,

No you're only Barry if you use the same copypasta and spam the same links and such. Also if you just say cope and seethe when anyone replies to you

KH3 sucks right?

Armor is for scrubs

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Nah, it's aight.

>Nomura has another side game in mind before KH4
Please oh please be a remake of X as actual game.
best music

Nomura just had an armor phase when KH2 came out because he loved the judges in FF12 which came out the same year. I'm pretty sure the phase had already passed by the time he actually made BBS, since the role of the armors got greatly scaled down and then forgotten after that.

From what I understand Nomura was going to use the Organization robes for the BBS trio, and only used armor because the robes were a little overdone. Like you said, I think he never had much love for them because they really fade away as a concept after BBS

X's plot is so much more interesting than anything involving Xehanort post-BBS. I'd be so down for a X remake.

It's better than most games but worse than most KHs.

It sucks my dick. Feels good man. Can't quite make me finish though. Gonna have to wait for that DLC.

Don't think twice should've been the intro song. Not the retarded dubstep shit

>people actually like this broad-shouldered cunty bitch
literally how

I like it, but I wish I loved it. Felt to me like a BBS or DDD rather than a KH1 or 2.

What are the other characters (especially Roxas)?

I want to be lewd with Aqua!

I completely agree. Which shocks me because I played the KH mobile game when it first came out and I could not get into the story at all. Now I love it though I've never played it for more than an hour.

Explain this

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>he plays kingdom hearts for the plot

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Then why give Goatnort an armor and not some sort of robes?!

HP: 999
MP: 999
STR: 99
MAG: 99
DEX: 99
SPD: 99
INT: 99
GF: 99

Okay guys, what if, keep with me here, what if, okay? What if... Demon tide... made of Darksides instead of Shadows?

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>It would be impossible to integrate stories like X and BBS into the narrative of the mainline games
It would be perfectly doable by summing things up. That's like saying ffvii couldn't integrate the Zack shit into the maingame.

it makes you stupid

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The gameplay was also not much of a step up from 2 but people don't vehemently try and defend that bullshit because they know they're wrong.

I legitimately can't take Goat Xehanort seriously now that I know where his fucking head is.

That's because it dripfeeds you the story between mountains of grindy filler. It's a terrible game but with a story that could be good in a different game where you actually play as one of the relevant characters and not some random literally who.

Don't think that's true, otherwise he wouldn't bother with giving the armors to the players in KHUX

Because robes are the Foretellers shtick

KH3 gameplay - bad
KH3 story - even worse

Fuck off barry, KH3 gameplay shits on KH2

Might get later tonight or tomorrow, one guy on twitter is doing photos and translations. We'll actually a couple of people are

Because you already fought 13 of him in robes just before that. Armors weren't completely forgotten but it's just the middle phases of the final boss after all, like Xemnas.

Darksides haven't discovered the power of friendship like Shadows have.

>garbage game desperately gets bandaids
I like that they're only adding content to the final battle, as if that shitshow mattered. Not the horrible disney worlds, floaty combat, and cutscene battles.

>wanting to play as losers like Ephemer and co
>when they miss out on all the good fights by nature of who they are especially the Keyblade war itself
Fuck off

They have to come up with new cosmetics for a gotcha game, user. And keyblade armors was something the playerbase (especially the whales) were clamoring for. I don't think that automatically means they'll bring them into KH4.

>trying to pass legitimate complaints off onto some autistic scapegoat again
It absolutely does not

Too little too late. As a hardcore Kingdom Hearts fanboy, KH3 left the most rotten case in my mouth.

>More stuff coming later

HOW ABOUT, hmm crazy thing, push back the release date and delay the game, SO EVERYTHING CAN RELEASE AT ONCE! :)

That's because KH3 is more of a sequel to BBS and DDD than it is to either KH1 or 2, as much as it shares DNA with the latter two.

>Person has a legitimate criticism of a game
This is why people make fun of KH fans.

>gameplay was also not much of a step up

that it even managed to be a step up from kh2 which was already among top 10 action games is a achievement dude. They added wildly different keyblades, keyblade weapon switching, air dodge and air guard all in all a good upgrade.

I actually think the mobile game does a good job of making your player character important while also not plot critical.

No Enemy reaction commands, shallow summons/party limits. Keyblade forms are a noticeable step down from drive forms. I feel like every “option” is just a way to kill huge hordes of heartless with AOE damage, it's Musoushit of KH.

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Unironically a decent song, people are just autistic and can't handle simple notes

To add to this, KHfans constantly insist that there are no side games because Nomura doesn't actually treat them like one, so he's technically wrong anyways about not being able to put those plots in mainline games.

Yeah, this is how I feel. I honestly wouldn't have minded if it came out in 2020 if we got a completed game with all of the shit they're going to add. I accepted FM versions back then, but now I'm less likely to accept them because I'm older and it's my fucking money I'm buying these games with.

>Keyblade is called Flame Liberator
>His special attacks are called Firaga Cutter and Firaga Slicer

I love that they have details like this written down despite not showing anywhere in the game.

I can agree with that.
I didnt care for the magic system this time around either compared to the others

It's not THAT bad, just a bit annoying. Worth it if it means we get more stuf like
And a personal favorite although i find its 0.2 version even better.

>left the most rotten case in my mouth.
I don't know about you user but most people 'taste' with their mouths.

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>firaga variants
Shit they arent forgotten?
I thought that was a pretty neat in BBS

>KH3 left the most rotten case in my mouth

Tell me how that is legit criticism

so what are the chances of this actually fixing the game's flaws
i'm not expecting the second coming of 2fm but i'd like for it to be better

That's kind of what it feels like to me too. I disagree with people saying it's the fights that are lacking rather than the core systems. I can't think of anything a Final Mix would add to make the game seem deep. So much of what you can do defaults to AoE damage, so the only really differences between most options come down to elemental weaknesses or how much time an ability (like Attractions) will give you for MP Charge. Meanwhile, the abilities that do have genuine, unique utility like Air Step, and certain transformations completely lack a cost.

Attached: Soul.png (2000x1176, 1.59M)

stop giving him dopamine.

nobody cares. buy it, or don't. then fuck off.

>NeoDemon Tide
>InvisibleDemon Tide

>KH fujos are officially on such a state of damage control that their "general" leads with a damage control image

I feel bad for kingdom hearts friends. Final Fantasy threads are now free from the menace of Bazztek because he's busy shitting up your threads

Easy, none of those are the person you replied to, in fact no one replied to them because it was obvious bait.

Fine, i concede. I hope we see Luxu's Goat robe at least then.

have Sora and Kairi fugged yet?

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Player is plot critical though, considering they sparked the war with their nightmare chirithy and are the whole reason Strelitzia is dead, also minor things like being the one to convince Ephemer mindwiping everyone was necessary

>I accepted having to buy a completely separate physical game to get extra content back then, but I can't accept DLC, including free DLC, in this age where every game gets DLC

You're retarded. Also Kingdom Hearts 3 is a complete game, it's the extra content which is lacking. Emphasis on EXTRA. It's exactly the kind of stuff that should be DLC. Be glad we got a complete core story at release, a lot of games these days don't give you that thanks to the "games as a service" meme.

Im assuming the 'side game' will be a Dream Drop Distance type game with Sora and Riku going through worlds (Sora in 'Dead Worlds' and Riku in 'Living' ones) trying to reunite

gosh darn it kay ree

KH3 is bad

I mean plot critical in the same way as the foretellers or the Union Leaders. Sorry, I thought that was super obvious.

Okay, see

>Be glad we got a complete core story at release
Obviously not considering a bunch of plot points had to be clarified in the ultimania, and Nomura admitted there's a bunch of things he has to add that weren't in the vanilla release.

Everytime I see a post like this, I actually wonder if most KH fans on this website are underage.

Who knows the chances of it, but its always possible. Like with everyone don't expect certain things to happen so your hopes aren't ruined and turn you salty, but realistically it is possible to make a critical mode that nerfs, strips or rebalances some of the extra mechanics. Also the critical mode itself being accompanied with an overall game patch for damage scaling

No point really speculating though, just wait until it releases and see what they decided to do with it

No because Nomura is terrified at the idea of Sora seeing a vagina.
I swear, it makes my blood boil when I think of how insulting Kairi was treated in this game.

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the difficulty/critical mode existing is literally the thing i would care the least about being changed
but yea we'll see i guess

That's how the card Luxord gave Sora will be relevant.

Firaga variants have been in pretty much all the games. CoM on GBA had Firaga Break, Homing Fira and Dark Firaga for example.

>Also Kingdom Hearts 3 is a complete game,
There's going to be content that fills in the literal plot holes such as Xion's revival. It's FFXV all over again with the Brothers Episodes.

What is it with Japs and their weird aversion to romance in video games?

yes they shared their "papu fruites"

>Obviously not considering a bunch of plot points had to be clarified in the ultimania
But user this is still a clear admission that we still got a complete story at release.
>Nomura admitted there's a bunch of things he has to add that weren't in the vanilla release.
He also said that he was pleased with KH3's vanilla release.

It's a complete game, it's just a very obviously rushed one (somehow, despite having triple the dev time of every other game) and has some pretty big issues.
It's not as jewish as the top jews yea, but I don't really think we should set the bar that low.

And a whole bunch of plot points for KH1, KH2 and BBS were answered in their respective Ultimanias. Does that make those games incomplete?

They claim they aren't going to do a FM release, but that sounds like bullshit. I'm not sure if I should sell my copy or not.

Personally I don't even give a fuck about balance or whatever for critical mode, I just want them to finish implementing the systems they did give us. 5 attractions and the paltry sum of link attacks and trinities is worthless, no cool non elemental spells and some formchange copy pastes are downright insulting as well.

>waited 17 FUCKING years just to see them kiss ONCE

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Have you ever played a video game before? All games are "missing" stuff the creators wanted to add but didn't. KH3 is nowhere near as guilty of that as KH2, where like two dozen cutscenes had to be added in Final Mix because vanilla didn't even show the villains interact or what happened to important side characters.

I can't tell if this is real or not and that both saddens and disturbs me.

>Musou shit
Nailed it perfectly. KH3 is a "turn off you brain and mash X" then "press triangle to do le epic flashy finisher to win" kind of deal. It looks awesome and is kinda fun, but there's literally no depth or substance at all.

what will most likely happen is it'll be either a $20 or a $40 dlc for people who own the game and there'll be a FM physical release
that seems to be the trend for updates like this nowadays

What were they? I bet you're all just retarded and didn't understand basic shit spelled out in the game.

so i guess kh2 and its fm version are not complete games either because tehy have open plot threads and in fact start completely in the middle of one with roxas. Damn you are stupid.

KH3 doesn't explain how certain side characters are even there, and a few side characters don't have what happens to them explained.

Xion's revival isn't a plot hole, it's explained in the reports and Nomura said in the interview that people should be able to figure out as it is, but that he will make it clearer in the DLC.

I think it is said in the ultimania that after all dlcs are released they will release a new repack of the game, why would you sell and rebuy it instead of just buying the dlc?

They may as well have.

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what is it with japs and sexuality

>I can't think for myself
Oh no the entire plot is ruined

>Switch Spinoff
Will it use the traditional battle system or the command deck system?

HOLY SHIT our KH3 Kairi isn't real it was just a Chirity

>it had a beginning and an ending
>that means it's technically a complete story
No, no it doesn't. Especially when so many plot points are haphazardly rushed through that there's still a massive section in the game where no one can fucking explain what happened.

>Game doesn't explain things and has characters literally disappear off screen and never be mentioned again
>This is good plot design

Oh so it's an MGSV deal where 99% of the plot details are locked away in recordings/codex. KH3 had a serious problem with plot details all game. Too many 30 minute cutscenes of characters standing around explaining or recaping what happened instead of SHOWING. Really, Nomura is such a hack.

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Meant for

I didn't say shit about the flaws being in the plot, the plot makes sense it's just very badly paced.
Probably my main flaw for the game is the pacing of the gameplay for, you know,the game itself. Biggest example of that is how you finish the 20 minute BH6 world and then immediately go into graveyard with no real world to go through. I think people found something about scala being a full world orginally, would make sense seeing as it's got a full theme but you hear it for like 5 seconds

Maybe if Xehanort tried a little hard, we could have had a norttide


uwotm8? Chirithy's can't change shape.

I mean they could always do it different this time to be kind to fans and their money right?

It's literally FFXV. Entire chunks of the game are missing and fans left wondering what happened so they added in DLC that explains parts of it. KH3 is just taking a page from Tabata. A rotten, dirty, useless page, but a page nonetheless.

Ansem has riku body. Otheriwse this is correct.

>It's not a complete story
>But I can't really explain why
I'm guessing if you listed off things that "aren't explained" people would be able to patiently explain how you're not paying enough attention.


Name ONE thing that isn't explained in KH3.

You not having the IQ to pay attention doesn't mean it's not explained.

See for example, we figured out exactly how this worked before it was confirmed by the Ultimania today. But I bet what happened with Terra is one of the "plot holes" you're thinking of. Roxas is explained, Xion is explained, they're all explained either in cutscenes or the reports.

The only loose end is where Lingering Will went, which isn't really a big deal for such a minor character.

>where like two dozen cutscenes had to be added in Final Mix because vanilla didn't even show the villains interact
That's literally just filler though? It's nothing but fanservice for people who like the characters.
>what happened to important side characters.
Not sure who you're talking about.

Darkside's usually just fought at the start of the game.
Demon tide's all over the fucking place in 3

t. barry

>It's literally FFXV.
No, the game sold well at launch and told a complete story user.

Yes, plot details are locked away in reports, like in every single Kingdom Hearts game since the first one, dumbass. If the reports didn't have plot details in them, what would even be the point in collecting them?

Is KH2 Sora stronger than KH3 Sora?

What open plot threads? List them, and we're talking vanilla here so your BBS setup scenes in FM don't count.
>inb4 secret ending
Non-fucking-canon, just a concept video.

Ventus has the most fun gameplay and bosses, but has the weakest story
Aqua is broken as fuck but is as interesting personalitywise as a block of wood
Terra is slow as fuck but has a kino final boss and is STRONK

People really need to stop deflecting to KH2 with all the revisionism. KH2FM didn't cover any plot holes. In fact most of what was added was just villains repeating what you already know happened. It's not like KH3 where you literally have no idea what the fuck happened to Xion and have to go diving into supplementary material just to figure it out.

>CONSTANT build-up of Kairi becoming a competent Keyblade weilder in the last few games.
>Abducted yet again and "killed" for no reason other than shock value and to shove in a forced as fuck bittersweet ending
>To add even more insuly, her killer gets to fuck off to the afterlife with his BFF while Sora sacrifices her existence for her, thus making her all alone again
At least Kairi finally became a party member for a few seconds, so maybe if Nomura doesn't stay butthurt about Hayden Panettiere not coming back, she possibly has a small chance at redemption?

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We know HOW she was brought back, it's the why that wasn't explained.

I don't know what is happening

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>complete story
So did FFXV according to your logic. But the fact remains that KH3 is now doing episode DLC content to fill in the gaps... just like FFXV!

>Secret reports have been a thing in the franchise since the first game
Tell me user, if they don't have plot details what should they have?

Cavern of Demontide DLC where you get to fight the data forms of the 13 Demon Tides.
1. Demon Tide but you get to play a shitty rail shooter in the middle of the fight
2. Demon Tide but get to mash triangle while he snipes at you from a distance. If you attempt to form change during this fight you get anti form because fuck you.
3. Demon Tide but it summons a dragon to fire a mega particle cannon at you.
4. Demon Tide but if you stand still for too long your data will be downloaded and Data-Demontide will be summoned to 1shot you. Also Demontide 4 has armor because that is a great mechanic.
5. The powerlevel of Demontide's attacks increases as the fight goes on. This would be fine - if you had reflect. You do not have reflect. You have Hero's Origin.
6. Demontide but Donald and Goofy are books now.
7. Demontide but somehow it gives even less of a fuck when you land a hit. Berserker Paddles are scattered all over the arena but infuriatingly you can not use them because reaction commands do not exist. Attraction Flow exists but in this fight its always the merry-go-round.
8. Demontide but the floor is lava.
9. Demontide but you lose instantly if you fail to kill 100 music notes in 40 seconds.
10. Demontide but you start the fight as a 6-sided die.
11. Demontide but it keeps on putting you in a rose cage.
12. Demontide but it can make up to 5 copies of itself.
13. Demontide but darker and edgier.

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>So did FFXV according to your logic.
No, FFXV had an incomplete story. Your assumption is silly.

Can you name a plot hole from KH1 that needed a secret report to understand at the time, user?

Explain the events from Terranort buttsmashing everyone to Lingering Chad saving them after the non explained time loop.

I'll give you one example. At the start of the game, DiZ tells Riku to kill Namine. The next time we see or hear anything about Namine, she breaks Kairi out of prison at the end of the game. What happened in between is never brought up.

thank you for your input

Check out hairless Monster Sora.

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>FFXV had an incomplete story

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Someone needs to make a version of this for

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>incomplete story
What was incomplete about it? I advise you to word your answer carefully, because we're drawing comparisons to KH3~

I don't even care about the story in these games but holy shit if that wasn't a "fuck you" ending

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see it's from the concert.

go to vg faggots

"Who the hell is Ansem and what's his deal?"

Off you go. Get outta here.

>What was incomplete about it?
I'm still waiting to hear what was incomplete about KH3's story, I've only heard very vague statements saying "it was bad"

So obviously Riku didn't kill her? He was having issues with DiZ's instructions the whole time but did it to wake Sora up, once that was done he saw no need to listen to that revenge addled asshole anymore.

the issue with that is that you presume i anyone cares about kairi become a "strong independant waman" i dont, sorry.

Uh.. well... the bad part was... uh...

The process behind reviving Ventus and Roxas was fairly easy to understand, but how was Xion brought back, and how did she end up in the New Organisation XIII?

The mad king of Hollow Bastion that went too deep into darkness and became Billy Zane.

That's stupid. Clearly the trailer used an older model because even KH3 Kairi artwork has them.

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>The whole game is bad because I don't understand Xion
Vexen made a replica for her, they were even discussing this. Also that's like, 1 minute of plot out of 40+ hours.

Where the fuck did Demyx go?


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Which ansem is the one hidden in the coat that goes back to YX?

>As a researcher and ruler of his world, he studied the Heartless and delved into the many secrets of the worlds. While studying the heart and the darkness within it, he was possessed by darkness and ultimately destroyed his own world. He sacrificed his body to attain great power, and later possessed Riku's to regain a physical presence. Failure to stop him means the end of all worlds.


Why did you skip the cutscene where Riku lets Axel and Namine go.

>Also that's like, 1 minute of plot out of 40+ hours.
user these people aren't trying to be logical or reasonable about their hate. Nobody will give good reasons why the plot is bad.
>tfw had someone at college tell me that KH3 sucked because Sora and Riku didn't get together

Nothing's really incomplete just some loose ends.
The gameplay is pretty incomplete though.

Multiple major characters in FFXV suddenly disappear from the story and often die offscreen, and large chunks of plot were cut out to be sold as DLC later in the form of the episodes. Oh, and the entire prologue was cut as well.

At no point in KH3 does Goofy run off on some secret mission that you never get to hear about. At no point are you told that some of the Xehanorts were already killed offscreen. KH3 never had trailers showing X Back Story in gameplay form as the prologue of KH3 which was then turned into a movie and cut from the game.

There is no comparison between these.

I never said the whole game is bad. Why are you putting words in my mouth? I'm just saying it's incomplete, hence the need for DLC. Just like FFXV.

To the past, to educate 5 retards in the way of the keyblade.

Eat shit smashfaggot.

buy it or fuck off underage idiot.

That's FM only, dipshit.

>More vague statements

Why is she the only one with them? After DDD we know Nomura uses the character's clothes as plot devices. Also why didn't she have a heart when Xehanort killed her? It's a big Nomura ruse

You wouldn't know this by simply playing the game without reading the journal, retard.

>It's incomplete
One confusing detail doesn't mean it's incomplete, user.

>KH3 never had trailers showing X Back Story in gameplay form as the prologue of KH3 which was then turned into a movie and cut from the game.
Not really a good comparison considering you need to play 5 literal-who side games in addition to the gachascam mobile game to understand all the relevant plot points.

So Kingdom Hearts 2, the darling of the series is incomplete garbage too?

Because, you fucking retard, that's exactly what Final Mix added, which is my entire point.

Uh, Leon and the others directly talk about Ansem and who he is. So that's not true.

Actually you would, Leon literally spells it out for you when you talk to him in Hollow Bastion.

Because KH is a series of games with pre-established characters yet XV is supposed to be a standalone game which introduces the entire cast.

That entire chart is just for the Terra/Xehanort relationship. You could expand it massively if you add all the other Xehanort versions.

I already posted what's probably my biggest complaint with the game mechanically in .
It's not 0/10 shit game but it was fairly mediocre.

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I know I was just asking, I couldn't remember.

>tfw had someone at college tell me that KH3 sucked because Sora and Riku didn't get together
To be honest they have better chemistry than Sora and Kairi. This is a joke, in case anyone spergs.

Sorry that you weren't paying attention like an idiot, Barry.

>DLC added in to cover an obscure detail that 99% of people didn't get
Sounds incomplete for me. Also I guarantee you we'll get more DLC or a FM to flesh out the story. Sorry, but it's FFXV all over again.

Just wanted to say that you're completely correct. Congrats on being more right than the people you're arguing against.

No, because

There's nothing about mechanical complaints there, it's just pacing issues.

What a fucking idiot holy shit.

Pre-established characters from secondary games yet most of whom play a minor-intermediate role in KH3. When your game spends hours of cutscenes recapping shit from side games you know you fucked up somewhere.


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>There's nothing about mechanical complaints there
there's no final world equivalent to hollow bastion/end of the world/twtnw
that's my complain

Many of the details about Ansem are only in the reports. You are never told by the story itself that he separated his heart from his body, for example. But whatever, not going to be pedantic and argue this further.

>When your game spends hours of cutscenes recapping shit from side games you know you fucked up somewhere.
Could be worse, you could fail to establish and give resolutions to most of your cast like in XV

XV was complete they just felt the need to purposely cut story content and sell it as DLC
Who knows maybe this was cause Nomura probably wanted multiple spinoffs or some shit when he was jerking off during the project for all those years but kh3 still feels incomplete and rushed
Also lol

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holy fuck this, we could've had another SJW twitter or Donald Trump thread

Why do you call me Barry and then shit on KH3 yourself like he does? Are you confused?

a large number of people hate Kairi and would like to see Sora romantically involved with literally anyone else - even homo end with Riku is preferable to Kairi. stop using spoilers the game has been out for a month faggot

Could be even worse, you could fail to establish and give resolutions to your main characters like in KH3.

>You are never told by the story itself that he separated his heart from his body, for example.
I wanna say this isn't true, but I don't actually know for certain.


Because the details like him finding the keyhole are unnecessary. He was a mad scientist doing studies on darkness of the heart, eventually he became the heartless that possesses Riku. It's all there in the plot, no secret reports necessary.

Because you haven't even played KH1 and are trying to act like you have only to have everyone laugh at you.

So either you're Barry or a literal retard. Pick your poison.