Are you ready?

are you ready?

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It's been so long i honestly don't really care anymore

I'm ready for Randy Bobandy get thrown into jail for CP lmao

When's it coming out?

Borderlands was never good.

the pre-sequel had such shitty writing, there's just no way I could be hype for 3.

Wasn't there supposed to be a press event yesterday?

this is the real issue. what is going on with this?

every one of these games has been trash

I'm ready for something.

t. incel loners with no friends
the game is maximum kino if you play with irl friends

the games are worse with friends for anything other than raid bossing

All I want is a Borderlands 1 Remake that plays like 2 and PreSequel



>I want BL1 with Slag and Overpowered Levels
Please god no.

I've been ready for years, now show the goddamn game already

27 days

BL1 but with their engine, BL1 is slow as fuck and runs like shit, optimize it


pax east and a 1 hour reveal show with gearbox

I might just pirate it out of curiosity.

They should just go all out and make it PS4 only because that's the only console that sold any units for Battleborn.

How can I not be ready

I wanna fuck Maya

That sounds stupid as hell. There's no reason to play 1 when the sequels exist.

Oh I see.

based Mayabro