Have you bought/considered buying any eroge off of Steam, and if so why?

Have you bought/considered buying any eroge off of Steam, and if so why?

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I have someone I work with on steam so that's a big no go

No. I have self respect.

I only play /weg/ trash and they're all in eternal alpha because lmao patreon

What if he likes to wank to anime girls too ?

I don’t need people seeing me play this shit. And even if I wanted to I never get any kind of satisfaction from playing these things. Why don’t you fags just go watch hentai?

I have one, don't remember why I bought it though
actually had fun reading through it, porn is okay, but nothing above that
Lucy has pierced nipples, which is quite a turn off for me

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CGs on this are ridiculous. I couldn't get off to them even if I tried my best. But then again I'm a vanillafag. Light femdom and stockings/pantyhose is as wild as it gets for me.

Well, I mean, Lucy's got problems I don't know what you were expecting.

Yes, because I'm horny and I'm no coward, my library is public, even my family knows what I play

Bought one for reference, translation was machine made, but the artwork and especially the voice acting lead to fairly decent faps. Worth the 2 bucks I spent on Material Girl.

I bought Seed of the Dead, just for the lulz tho.

I would if you could make private purchases, but you can't because Gay Ben thinks whatever shekels he'll pinch off of people seeing their friends purchases are worth more than probably the thousands of others like me who are too cowardly to buy porn non-anonymously.

>just make a new account bro

I've been tempted many times, but never purchased any.

I have a couple from bundles, but I also bought Maomao Discovery Team because Valve were going to delete it (and they have done so), and Evenicle since I like the Senran Kagura artist.

as if your "friends" care....

reading pic related just last night as a matter of fact, Kira is best girl

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Not yet, most of them still aren't worth it. Put Rance or Kamidori in and I might buy them. Put MGQ in and I'll buy it twice.

Any good eroge with traps yet?

This is as far as I go. Implied sexual content is fine, but actual porn and nudity is a big nono, since my profile is public and I intend to keep it that way.

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The audio only extras about the girls kissing is my favorite.

afraid kids find out you watch porn?

wat game?

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Not really. The eroges I bought have come directly from mangagamer because there weren't on steam at the time of release like Evenicle.

that one game helped push Steam to just say fuck it and allow flat out porn VNs and for that I am grateful

Roll call

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>buying shit game, you will not play anyway, because dev went to Yea Forums to announce it's getting removed for being too hot shit
I almost fell for that too

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You're just jealous you haven't busted the nuttiest nut of all time. A nut so powerful every squirrel turned their heads and thought they were sorted for the winter

As an incestfag, this is pretty much the only eroge on Steam I'd be interested in purchasing. I'm hyped for the sequel as well.

You post here, you have no self respect you fucking faggot.

I played Subahibi on steam. No particular reason other than that it was slightly easier than buying it anywhere else.

Looks like Walkerman, not sure.

are all these eroge and porn games on steam included with porn? Or do you download the game on steam which doesn't include nudity and then have to visit the developers website for the patch?

how does this work

Can I get a source on that boss.

Yes, and I don't give a shit even with my boss on my friend list. The reason is that regional pricing made it cheaper than buying it directly from Mangagamer.

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>are all these eroge and porn games on steam included with porn?
Some of the titles released before Steam started allowing porn might have "All ages" versions and you need to download a patch for the porn

No mainly because all the ones on steam are garbage.

Eroge are no longer welcome on steam.
VR Kanojo just got banned like 2 hours ago:

>having friends
lol ;_;