Is Dark Souls a WRPG?

is Dark Souls a WRPG?

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From software is Japanese idiot

It's a FPS with swords

It's an action RPG.
"WRPG" and "JRPG" are not genres. They denote absolutely nothing about gameplay, only where they were made.


There's no role-playing in it and the devs are from Nippon. It's just a hack n slash adventure game with "metroidvania" world design.

it's a VN with numerous quick time events.

Its a ring toss game

notice how many people started saying this ever since souls games came out

So it's a Nintendo without Nintendo

JRPG still kinda makes sense but ''W''RPG has to be one if the most retarded video game term English speaking players invented.

It is not an RPG so it can't be a WRPG.

>It's an action RPG.
>"WRPG" and "JRPG" are not genres. They denote absolutely nothing about gameplay, only where they were made.
"action" tells you nothing about the gameplay either besides the fact it's not tactical. It's also not an RPG, there's no role-playing. Also, WRPG and JRPG DO suggest gameplay styles, WRPGs are usually action-adventures, descending from the early CRPG games that were more tactical than action. JRPGs are more like early CRPGs, they are completely tactical adventures.

It's a Medieval RPG, Western RPGs are things like RDR and R2D2R that have cowboys and injuns.

It has a lot of jap reference, but the setting is western centric

No trannies, mudwalkers, faggots or any other Talmud bullshit so no it isn't. Not to mention it isn't poorly programmed like WRPGs which is a requirement for them.

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JRPG and WRPG was coined by cRPG fat nerds who tried to dissociate themselves from cringe console games featuring colour haired strong womyn and stopped using these terms the moment tables have turned and Japan started making decent RPG games while western mainstream RPG games quality took a nosedive

>WRPGs are usually action-adventures


It doesn't matter, they'll never make another game in the series, or anything comparable again. They've moved on, and you should too. Fuck souls.

dumb zoomer

W/JRPG is zoomer terminology, it wasn't used in the 90s.

It's not even an rpg. Soulsfags need to kill themselves for being so autistic.

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Define "roleplaying".

>It's just a hack n slash adventure game with "metroidvania" world design.
having pointless stats doesnt make a game an RPG

You roleplay as a class, for instance a thief sticks to the shadows, pickpockets and pilfers valuables and then sells them to a fence for profit. What do you steal and sell in Dark Souls?

That is absolutely not true. Spoken like a true zoomer.

yes it was

Souls :^)

>Berserk the ARPG

You can't steal in KOTOR, Mass Effect or The Witcher. You have even more gameplay limitations than in Dark Souls. Does that mean those aren't rpgs either?

this, so its a JRPG

Action adventure with RPG mechanics

how is this so hard for people to understand its like one of the most common types of games

It was CRPG and JRPG (i.e console style RPGs) back then
WRPG is the zoomer term

No, Dark Souls is actually a good game. Meaning it wasn't made by westacucks.

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Can you provide evidence? I've been looking through the old usenet archives and I just can't see it anywhere. I've only found posts where "WRPG" means "Web Role-Playing Game".

It's a JRPG

Its a WRPG because its a RPG set in the western style.
Some genres names are based on where they're from, you don't give games genres based on where they're made because then that isn't a genre making it the most useless piece of infomation when describing it to others.

All you have to do is remember Western (style) RPG and Japanese (style) RPG. This should be obvious with a little thinking but there's a lot of people here who are more than just a little slow.


it's an action jrpg, an action wrpg would be DMoMM or arx fatalis

this but unironically

>produced in japan
user, you aren't this stupid, are you?

No its an actual good game.

>no story that are affected by your choices in both dialogue and action
>no dialogue at all really let alone dialogue choices
not an RPG buddy. just because you can level up and get better gear doesn't make it an RPG. that's only half the featureset that make up the definition of an RPG.

Action infers real time combat.

Retarded newfag.

It's an action rpg as opposed to a turn-based rpg.