here is the chat between toby and yoko taro
Here is the chat between toby and yoko taro
>yoko couldn't get through undertale without getting plastered
what did he mean by that
That was so short it feels like nothing. Shoyld have called it "tobyfox ask stuff to yoko taro and he kinda answers"
Also, Taro called his game "amusing". Taro gets that its nothing but a gigantic piece of shit so he got shitfaced in order to get through the ordeal that undereditt is.
When did Toby Fox learn moonrunes?
Hard to tell when he's being facetious, but that's his approach to a lot a lot of things.
probably in his early 20s or something
taro must have been intimated. Toby is far more talented and has more money
He has his ways.
probably while he was in college.
>it's fucking nothing
According to his Twitter he's been learning it after Undertale came out
Le meme man said it's one of his favorite game in another interview
He can do anything
They only translated the fucking preview, the actual interview is huge.
Just wait for Famitsu issue to come out.
>undertale put him to sleep
>his first instinct while playing the game was "get drunk"
>toby spends the whole time talking about how he put aside time to play Nier when he didn't have that time and how much he loves the game
big oof for toby
Taro is legit one of those self loathing memelords that calls everything shit and is contrarian just to ease the pain of existence
Brilliant man, swell guy. That’s his style though
The guy called it one of his favorite games, and he's doing an interview with Toby in Famitsu
Taro is always shitfaced. He shilled Undertale long before this and even buys merch, so I don't think he's just pretending to like it.
He also furiously shilled Danganronpa, despite it being relatively unknown franchise.
In his mind, Danganronpa is as big as Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Yakuza and Persona, which obviously isn't true.
He just loves these epic meta games.
it's a joke
He stole most of his ideas from Japanese games, but he does have more money than Taro that's for sure.
>Inspiration = stealing
If you want to be like that the japanese practically stole everything from the bible.
why did Toby start doing the "hide your face thing" and why is he doing the cardboard cutout method? I'm sure with his millions of dollars he could by an actual dog mask that looks like his fursona
Toby Fox is an odd creature.
He was very open about his face pre-Undertale but I guess he didn’t like the hyper popularity
Can you blame that though?
He thought it was cool.
Well he doesn't look like a Chad so not really.
He doesn't have a fursona, he just uses the dog as his signature. He's not like sonicfox who has to proclaim hes a furry to the world, he just likes being a cartoon pixelated dog.
I mean, there are devs far more notorious than him, especially in Japan(where he does this thing more than anywhere else). You don't see ZUN hiding his face with a picture of Reimu or a giant beer mug
while living in Hussie's basement he had to write all the Damara lines
>he likes being a cartoon dog
>it's not a fursona though
It isn't? Fursonas are those two legged anthromorphic humanoids that mirror the artist for the sole purpose of sexual roleplays. How is a pixelated dog even remotely that?
There's having a mask and then there's just dressing like a retard.
ZUN can be proud of what he's created, providing waifus and making mad bank.
Well he's running out of that inspiration, the writing in Deltarune chapter 1 was pretty bland compared to Undertale.
Deltarune is leaving some loose strands about everything going to shit in the future
To be fair it's still a demo so things may change in the future.
I guess Togashi has a fursona as well.
read the whole thing, not just the trannyEra bit and HOLY SHIT
based full moonman dabs on autist fox and his shitty game
Not with the current setup, unless he flips everything on its head in the next chapter.
Is he a furry though?
This is just your run off the mill self insert, almost every author does that. Just because it's a dog doesn't mean it's a fursona.
Did they fuck?
Toby fox isnt a furry though. His whole fucking fanbase are based on the characters he wrote.
In essence, it's genius. He created a diverse cast he knew would appeal to everyone, which is why undertale got so popular.
>Undyne - Trans/dykes, Tough/muscle girls
>Alphys - Fat/otaku anime nerds and weebs
>Metatton - Dreamy/girl wishing
>Metatton EX - Gay/feminine femalegasm
>Papyrus - Cool guy/ comic relief
>Sans - Straightman/comic relief
>Toriel - Furries/mother lovers
Etc. He hit every demographic he could possibly exploit. And look at the payoff? Dudes a fucking marketing genius even if by accident.
wait till he dies and people start going through his stuff like Tezuka. And there's more to suggest Toby is a furry than just the dog self-insert
is that a snake with tits
yes, he was ahead of the game there
Uhh? Those are literally just baseline drawings. Theres no nips or sexual organs present. Have you never taken a single anatomy class?
I agree with your points, though I was talking about togashi
the article isn't going to show the actual porn dude, and I'm not gonna post it either... beside you can clearly see the snake girl getting railed on the right
left I mean
That is quite literally the exact same case as with Toby...
Tell me it's not.
Either you're baiting or underage, in the top left corner is a goddamn textbook example of a transformation fetish.
Not making assumptions about toby, but those are obviously sexual drawings.
Well you can't inflate Toby's ego and make him seem more important than he actually is without making it sound like they're chatting as equals.
Again, you prove you know nothing about anatomy. Stop projecting your sick fetishes onto something that clearly was a test sketch.
You know things can be sexual without showing nudity right? Are you 12?
How the fuck is that any different with Toby, you actual goddamn mouthbreather.
>creates a game with several waifuable animal girls
>betcha he's into anthro
Not that I mind MHumanFAnthro is patrician
>the snake clearly making an o face lying ass up on the ground while sweating profusely that is conveniently getting cut off by the camera ISN'T porn
>Trying to work on the hottest indie game of the decade
>Man with giant lips keeps pestering you to write lewd Japanese dialogue for his weird webcomic
I like the mental image.
>big oof
I don't really know much about undertale or toby, but it seems harmless. Nowadays as soon as you use a cat or dog avatar you get branded as a furry immediately.
based and mauvepilled
I'm not the first guy, I'm saying it's not a fursona in any of those cases
why do you have this image saved?
>I know how snakes reproduce and you don't
I don't know about Toby, but you are definitely a furry.
>He doesn't have a fursona, he just uses the dog as his signature.
Do you know the difference between a puppet show and a fur suit?
The difference between acting like you're a dog and acting like you're a dog.
>that alpha stride
I want to show this to anyone saying Toby Fox isn’t genuine
>Being a major in biology means you're a furry!
How low will you move your goalposts next user? I'm eager to see.
even tho yoko said that undertale is a masterpiece filled with love and he bought merch but ya he hates the game
He was being ironic.
Hussie's basement is a magical place and it is where dreams are made
That was CHINESE google translate
Hussie died tragically after finishing Problem Sleuth and everything else has been a ghostwriter with nowhere near as much quality.
Watching videos of snakes fucking on Youtube doesn't give you a college degree.
Why are Japenese so rude?
>i buy merchandise for things i hate but just as a joke haha
This is getting kind of sad
so ironic that he went to a japanese orchestra that played the whole undertale soundtrack and said it was great
Take the L already you retard. He liked it.
ZUN is the ultimate indiechad. Made lots of games pretty much by himself, had hundreds of chances of selling out yet he never did, and lets people sell games and music based on his creations without asking for a share of the sales.
Why does Undertale make people seethe so hard? There have been hundreds of threads like this and every time it's full of people going "H-HAHA SEE UNDERTALE REALLY ISN'T SUCCESSFUL THEY ALL LIKE IT IRONICALLY TOBY IS A HACK HE'S GONNA FAIL SOON JUST WATCH SOMEDAY MY GAME IS GONNA BE THE BIGGEST GAME IN THE WORLD I SWEAR"
It was a joke
No he is still alive just too busy fucking his cosplaying gf
I really don’t know. And the best part is people will always try to find shit on Toby fox when he’s like one of the most clean devs I’ve seen and only flaw is being openly cringy.
Hell I’ve seen people say he’s only acting this way as a facade for money
Whoa, Yoko Taro really is losing it huh
Well it was a nice run guys, I suppose he'll start going full George Lucas now as is inevitable
>We should’ve probably put a note on the Japanese version saying “Play time 50 hours (Only if you get drunk and sleep in the middle of it)” [laughs]
what an unfunny piece of shit
When was Yoko Taro ever not losing it? I thought that was the point.
>raise two and a half million dollars on kickstarter to make a game
>outsource the whole thing
>the company you paid to make the game runs off with the money
>need to get a different company to quickly slap something together
>half a game out several years late
>no one even cares at that point
>while all this was happening, the sound guy who lived in your basement made a game by himself and it sells over three million copies
I'm assuming because of the fandom, reddit, or gays and furries.
Aside from that there's really no reason to hate the game.
>Tezuka was into mouse girls
Based as fuck
He has sold out now, but is so far past the point where he truly deserves to do so that people are simply happy for him.
He wears a fucking moon mask. He lost it a long, long time ago.
If anything, he's becoming less weird over time. I've gotten the strong impression that Nier a tomato has the most mass market appeal of all his games.
I suspect Platinum made a lot of suggestions and he took them at face value.
What matters is that he didn't do it at the peak of Touhou's popularity where he could have very easily become a rich man.
A game where you have to beat it 4 times to get the real full story isnt really mass market appeal
>Toby Fox: I haven’t been able to play any games… Especially around the time I was making Undertale, I didn’t play any at all. I still haven’t been able to play much. I only play games that I really want to play. NieR: Automata was one of the games and I played it thoroughly to the end. So I don’t have much of a backlog. Whenever I hear about a game taking 100 hours of play time, I end up thinking “Nevermind.” If I had 100 hours to put into a game, I’d probably rather put it into reading 20 books… although I’ve been spending way too much time on Twitter instead of reading books [laughs].
Damn, I'm the only one that likes long games, I guess that's what happens when you have nothing but free time.
Is that vore and tf?
game devs dont play games
they pretend they're 'too busy'
doubt it
>people cling to the thought of Yoko Taro hating Undertale even though everything speaks against it
For what purpose?
Reality is based on their opinions.
Or they're just trolls lol.
Yea Forums still assblasted that Undertale was a success instead of indie game #54997
Yoko can't get through anything without getting plastered.
So you didnt play it.
Toby Fox made a multimillion selling game with an amazing OST that is recognized world wide at the age of 23. What have you accomplished with your life, Yea Forums?
>Yea Forums trying THIS hard to deny that Yoko doesn't like Undertale
how does Yoko feel about Square Enix repacking Automata into MUH SUPA SPESHIAL GOTY EDITION without actually fixing any of the issues after two fucking years so you still have to install third party fanware patches to make the game even work?
No seriously who the fuck would buy this shit?
I dabbed on him multiple times on twitter
I fail to see how any of this is important
I play video games unlike that fag who "has not time to play".
Imagine your life being SO SAD you can't indulge in things you love.
If he didn't, he wouldn't have wanted to talk with him.
What the fuck is there to deny? This shit came of fucking nowhere, and the biggest retards latched onto it like always.
People are passionate about it, user. That's all.
>self loathing memelords that calls everything shit and is contrarian just to ease the pain of existence.
so an intellectual, pic related would be what i picture your description.
Taro's an alcoholic. He jokes about it a lot.
but that is literally designs for a character used in an animation, the same poses actually used too, are we going to throw Carl Barks under the bus too for drawing duck boobs? you're being ridiculous user, what we should REALLY be looking forward towards are the art of John K when he passes away
He pushed Dangan because the point of the games was to tell people to fuck off for wanting what they expect. It's something the Japanese side of the industry needs a big dose of in its writing.
posted the wrong file, well fuck it i am not posting the actually one now when i have fucked up and made a fool of myself, search Xerxes and Harem - Carl Barks by yourself
Deltarune's writing was much better than Undertale's in a comparable chunk of the game.
Kodaka's "creative" team got a lot of support from many Japanese writers, I wonder if all of them are gonna do the same thing if Kodaka turns out to be successful. It seems to be very experimental, since Kodaka himself pointed out that he made sure that all members of the team are capable of sustaining themselves even if the whole thing crashes and burns.
None of those appeal to me.
>Is Togashi a furry
Well wow that was fucking nothing
>girls (and boy) in cosplay
>I'm glad you mentioned puberty, because I thought I was going to have to tell YOU a story there
are you guys seriously pulling "i liked yoko taro before he was cool" card
anyways what do you guys think of kingdom hearts legitimately using the same plot devices nier did but framing it in a positive light because the heroes are the ones benefitting
seriously we have a scene where one "hero" forces another guy out of a replica so a MEMORY ALTERING WITCH can take possession of that replica and this is all viewed as a good thing
maybe that's why kingdom hearts bothers me so much. it plays heroic music when characters do things that at the very least have dire implications
For someone who goes on about how he likes the game, you wouldn't think one's response to playing it would be "this game would be great if I wasn't sober" followed by "time to take a nap!"
Seems a bit off to me.
>and boy
Nefer's an it.
And Hina is literally covered in fur.
And the Bat Chimera is less humanoid than most anthropomorphic characters with literal batwing arms.
are you implying that yoko taro might be a bit off
I can't fucking believe Yoko Taro is directing the rest of Deltarune
Just tf
>Platinum games is the team behind the rest of Deltarune
You know, I get it. That's why I write under a girly pen name. I don't want to ruin the illusion.
>game is good to have drinks to and fall asleep with
Sounds pretty comfy if you ask me, Ive had similar experiences with va-hall-a
But if I say "I enjoyed this game" that kinda means I got into playing it, not that I got smashed and left it running to take a nap. I would've enjoyed the beer and nap more than the game.
You think his hambeast gf fulfills his obese Vriska fantasies? God I hope so, poor guy
The game doesn't have scripted cutscenes, just dialog boxes. You kind of have to be at least partially participating with it in order to progress anything. I don't understand how he pushed it to 50 hours though, I only ever managed about fifteen and that was also with a meme corruption run I did
He's trying to copy Taro.
Dude is never original even when putting himself out in public.
>Each chapter is based on a different era of RPGs, ending in a hack and slash action RPG by Platinum Games.
They probably did it for the photo because taro always hides his face
Those are monstergirls though. Still isn't my furry in my book until someone goes full anthromorph autismo, but then again I don't know anything about that artist.
>Taro is legit one of those self loathing memelords that calls everything shit and is contrarian just to ease the pain of existence
I can see why Yea Forums likes him
>I'm sure with his millions of dollars
is toby fox really that rich?
I'm sure with all the money he has he could just buy a dog to hold over his face
the article that revealed these drawings said that these were original art not used for animation and its purpose was unknown
but Toby has been doing it for every interview since Undertale came out
undertale was made by a small team(and even then 4/5 of the people that worked on it were artists and we have no idea how much they got paid), and Undertale is estimated to have sold around 5 million units. Toby's networth is estimated to be around $3 million
>tfw want to be a vidya director
>somehow landed a finance position that pays really well
.......i can make my game in my free time right Yea Forums? I don't wanna be in finance all my life. I wanna be a vidya director, but fuck im 27 and i need a stable job too, so i can't let this opportunity pass.
I already started too, i have a very rought demo with shitty assets on unity.
wtf i hate yoko taro now
The game has sold between 2.5 and 5 million copies on steam. Even if we assume that only the first million bought the game at full price, and that steam takes 30% of it, Toby's made anywhere from 7 mil to 35 mil on steam alone. This was a terrible estimate, obviously, and furthermore doesn't take into account the ports, translations, merch and soundtrack sales.
I don't wanna shit on your dreams, but most people aren't gonna make it to where Yoko and Toby are. Or even someone widely considered a writer or "ideas guy" like Hideo Kojima. They're are, but most people in the industry are treated like replaceable parts more than anything. I'm not saying you can't make vidya, I'm just saying that you're more than likely gonna stay in finance for life when reality hits.
However, I wish you luck, user. Keep at it if you're really passionate. Vidya needs people like that to stay alive and well.
How the fuck are you a rebel vidya director once you made millon? Once you made 3 millon you can't say "brooooo im totally gonna make game full of soul, im totally sad man now here is my millons of dollars brahhhhh"
Yeah, a 17 years old
I played all of the game drunk on my first playthrough, and enjoyed it a lot.
A year later I played it sober, and it was almost unbearable
It would have to be all, if not most of your free time spent if you're going to make a decent game at a reasonable pace. It would be up to you if you want to work for the majority of your life instead of having some time to relax here and there while still holding a decent job.
Honestly, Undertale only got this popular because of the times. Consumers on the internet appreciate meme culture more than anything else meaningful. Of course this means Undertale will eventually come to the point of aging poorly.
You become a mad auteur, like Yoko Taro, obviously.
It will not. No video games with stories as focus will. The game has very little replay value, though.
It's been three years dude and people to this day still love it. And when Deltarune comes out it'll age like fine wine just like Undertale. You can't stop it.
But there's not much story in focus. All it is is lore that contradicts itself a bunch of jokds inbetween and some rushed exposition and a character we're suddenly supposed to care about at the very end. Kinda sloppy for a "story focused game".
And what the fuck does that have to do with what I said? It's not the type of game to "age", is what I'm saying, and that's pretty much a fact. Unless you don't know what people mean when they say that a game has aged poorly.
Well I mean this game's style of humor. The lolrandumb spazzy internet style of humor. It's a sign of the times and it will definitely age.
I seriously doubt that.
It means hes a depressed alcoholic.
It's been more than three years already, grow up. Undertale is a classic at this point and it'll be remembered as such