>a Japanese mech game that not even Yea Forums cares about
How do you fuck up this badly?
Left Alive
>Yea Forums bitches and moans that AA games dont exist anymore
>AA game gets announced
>Yea Forums barely talks about it and shits on it
it's not a literal movie like Metro so it's bad
too much gameplay, fags can't handle it
>mech game
Citation needed.
Yea Forums only cares about the latwst western AAA shit
It looks like it's worth $25-$30, I'll check in about 4 months when the price has collapsed
>mech game
I am really excited for it though. It actually looks great.
Doesn't have Denuvo either, so the PC version will likely be good for once.
DSP is kipping it, that should tell you to get it
>more than 50% of the game is outside of a mech
>mech game
It looks great I agree but I'll wait till price drops, also I think that russian storylines should absolutely not mix with weaboos which is exactly what this game is going to do, i only care about gameplay
Come on. it's a Front Mission series game
Its a wannabe MGSV clone with mech segments.
Fucking this. I'm actually excited about it.
That sounds great
i do love front mission but this looks more like metal gear of solid
It can't be worse than Dirge of Cerberus.
>also I think that russian storylines should absolutely not mix with weaboos
WRONG! Square noticed a gap in the market and capitalized
main guy's voice actor seems like a miscast, really
sounds like they just picked some random kid up from the street
Would be great if it played like MGSV. Game looks stiff and clunky as fuck.
>wannabe MGSV clone
it's not open world so it's already better
I might buy it when it’s cheap but maybe not even then. It looks jank. The music sounds pretty good sort of mgs1 and 2 like.
>that HUD and UI
They arent even trying to hide the MGSV influence, are they?
launch trailer got me hyped up, but it releases so close to dmc5 so that most likely hurts sales.
Fuck her, Yulia is better
Only because I didnt bother buying a ps4 because i hate AAA so much
It is open world.
That jap looks like a mongoloid brother of Dewey Crowe
I still want to play it tbdesu
I hope it's difficult. MGSV was way too easy. You had to gimp yourself for any challenge.
yea this looks like a sad low budget jank piece of shit
even the cool mech aspect gameplay looks boring as fuck
who is gonna buy this at full price?
definitely only worth $10 or less
Kashin, the enemy is approaching
Watched some Jap dude stream the game last night, he died like 20 times in an hour. Not sure if its difficult, or if he was shitty, or if the game is just shitty. Though at one point he died because he accidentally melee atacked a gasoline drum with a pipe and it exploded, which was pretty retarded.
>Japanese mech game
where are the mechs
Looks interesting. I'll have to pirate first to see if it's actually good.
It looks like absolute shit. Wouldn’t even play that garbage if they paid me
It seems alright. Quality is definitely not the best butt it seems like a fun random game. I'll get it because I like to support random titles butt sadly I think most people will refuse to pay more $10 for it.
I'll buy it but not until it lowers in price. That disembodied voice constantly warning you about everything, the tacked-on crafting, the terrible animations, quite a few things have me worried.
It's a stealth game with a few robot sections.
And the stealth doesn't look great.
Why aren't the graphics better?
I bet you like Metro and other movie shit
It's an AA game, I'm surprised it looks this good if anything, they should have given more effort to the animation instead
This game is out in japan right? what do the japs think about it?
There are a handful of stages in the game that all 3 character playthroughs use, each is a contained open world like Ground Zeroes. Its not a full open world sandbox like GTA or MGSV, but its not linear either. Though much like MGSV, you can take multiple aproaches to finish mission objectives in the stages. Also should explore the stages for gear, items and crafting suplies; yeah theres crafting in the game. Theres a lot of articles about the game out there, and a bunch of gameplay videos.
Haven’t played Metro and this looks like a janky trash walking simulator. Kys
>ps4 only
lol eat shit
Its on Steam too you retard.
>Platform(s): Microsoft Windows; PlayStation 4
>horrendous voice acting with none of the wit or charm of mgs
>terrible animations with non of the humor of mgs like box shenanigans
>obnoxious "two steps from hell" ost with no creativity at all
>typical retarded japanese dialogue that no human would ever say
I'll pass.
>that game description
>Not sure if its difficult, or if he was shitty, or if the game is just shitty.
I can't tell you about the first and the third, but I can guarantee you that if it isn't a retro/arcade game then he was shitty.
I have never seen a Jap that was good at a game that wasn't some kind shmup, old platformer or fighting game.
What are you talking about? Its MGS Mech Edition.
Yea Forums is just full of virgins, weebs, and edgy teens. Yeah and 5% normal gamers who are called casuals here...
Jeez I hate most of Yea Forums
>$60 game
They can't be serious, right? PS3 tier graphics with PS2 tier animations...
Yep, that's a Square Enix game.
and yet fighting games with zero content and effort are $60
>that boss fight in the first stream
Worrying. Music is nice at least.
christ on his fucking throne what is that awful music?
Are you sure that's a boss fight?
Also I looked at the other streams and the loading times are horrendous.
>What are you talking about? Its MGS Mech Edition.
No, it's Front Mission Evolved: Yoji Shinkawa Edition. No one asked for this.
I imagine so, the dude had a ton of HP and there was a streaming-blocked cutscene right after he died.
the guy is in the trailer
yea dude tekken 7 is totally not worth full price tell me more
>there are small sections of mech combat in the trailer
still counts as a mech game I guess
Do russians really drink gasoline?
it doesn't look open world, just an open non linear map
The mech gameplay looks boring, D-WALKER played better than this, their machine gun like any impact.
Even their design are kind of eh as well, looks like some guy fused boxes together imo. I do like the character's clothes though, but that's a given.
Maybe I'll buy it when a sale happens.
A Molotov cocktail is a breakable glass bottle containing a flammable substance such as petrol, alcohol or a napalm-like mixture, with some motor oil added, and usually a source of ignition such as a burning cloth wick held in place by the bottle's stopper. The wick is usually soaked in alcohol or kerosene, rather than petrol.
The required components in the picture list vodka though.
you can make molotov just with alcohol faggot
buy it faggots
I'll probably get it when it goes on sale in a few months. Maybe it'll be a sleeper hit but from what I've it looks okay but not great. The kind of game I'd try when there's nothing else to play.
I'm too busy playing last year's games because yea.
>mech game
Do I spend 90% of the game in a mech?
>that origami dude who's barely playing the game and just running past everything and tanking damage
why are people like this?
They don't even look like PS2 animations, every way the characters move reminds me of CGI ads for 2D mobile games that come up on youtube from time to time. It's telling my brain the gameplay is all fake and pre-rendered even though it's not.
It looks bad. Id love a mech game but this will no doubt be a subpar MGSV ripoff with a few mech missions sprinkled in.
they made the mistake of using yoji shinkawa art so every retard thinks it's related to mgs and gets disappointed when it isn't
>last video gets disliked to hell cause the game looks trash
>SE brings in the developers to explain themselves while being forced to watch their shit game
Wrong, I can't wait for it.
AA games should be focused entirely on gameplay and making it fun to play despite everything else being goofy
the absolute trash animations tells you everything you need to know about this shitty game
You know, something like this would have been fine 5-10 years ago when renting games was still a thing, and if it was reasonably priced at around 40 bux or so.
But the thing is, if you buy this game you have to keep it forever, and its probably 70 out of the gate with another 40 or so in dlc in order to get the full experience. This is a 2011 game debuting in 2019. Also, weak MGS4 clone
>tfw proper Front Mission never ever
At least it looks better than Evolved
It doesn't.
this shit is priced like a low-end AAA game
I could justify giving this game a shot if it were cheaper to reflect its very obvious low budget
>caution the enemy is approaching
>caution the enemy is approaching
>caution the enemy is approaching
>caution the enemy is approaching
>Yea Forums
>playing game????
>"every choice matters"
>choose stealth or action approach
>awkward voice acting
>third person shooter
>>last video gets disliked to hell cause the game looks trash
>focused entirely on gameplay
>the absolute trash animations tells you everything you need to know about this shitty game
you aren't very smart
This looks like the kind of game I would have played the shit out of towards the end of the PS3-era, except it's been filled with PS4-era crafting cancer
also why are all the enemies marked by default like I performed my standard video game detective crutch vision
Evolved was an utter abomination, my dude. You literally killed wanzers faster on-foot with a rocket launcher than you could with a wanzer of your own. And don't get me started on the story.
>let's take a strategy game and turn it into a TFS
fuck off
my attention is on REmake2 and gearing up for DMCV
I'll likely get it later, but there's no point at the moment.
>Yea Forums playing videogames
If that was the case THQ developers would have made an ama here.
>shit, annoying AI
>mediocre graphics
>bad voice acting and scripting
>wanzer gameplay looks lame as hell
>not cinematic enough to receive any sonybucks
This will flop pretty hard
It's not that Yea Forums doesn't care. It's that Yea Forums doesn't know about AA games when they release.
There is zero money being put into announcing this game. If Yea Forums knows about a game, it has literal millions invested in advertising it.
Yes, that includes your """indie""" darlings.
I will keep tabs on how it's received post-launch, and maybe I'll pick it up when it's half off
and only if I can turn off that fucking enemy is approaching voice
you are a homo and need to kill ys
And it still looks better than this.
user are you ok
who is ys? why does OP need to kill him?
holy shit this is literally MGS4 down the god damn black guy with white hair
It at least has actual gampelay and looks difficult unlike the hyped cinematic pieces of shit like Metro or RDR.
Why do you keep spamming these fucking threads? No one cares.
It doesn't look that bad, but will bomb hard, especially with DMC5 this close.
will this be 2019's Devil's Third?
watching the streamers constantly dying is a bit refreshing
What was the last truly great game Squeenix has published? This looks like it will be the second major flop in a short period of time. The other being The Quiet Man.
Its being release too close to DMC 5, Yea Forums has its priorities straight.
>get to pilot mechs
the fuck?
feels like aside from KH3 they haven't even launched a financially successful game in forever
>MGS "stealth"'
>dozens of boss fights and unavoidable combat setpieces in every game
Why would you be surprised about this?
It's kinda adorable how bad japs are at aiming in shooters.
>here's your AA game
>it looks like a stripped down, pre-alpha AAA game
what ever the fuck faggot
but this is not MGS.
>release - Trash game. Blunder of the century. Not worth the pirate
>3 months later - why did you not buy her game?
>6 months later - Left Alive is underrated GOTY
>12 months later - why do normies not buy AA games like Left Alive?
Animations are shit but so fucking what, animations != gameplay
the director sounds like he at least tried to make something a lot like MGS4 but with less stealth options and more freedom
I'll let other people bite the bullet, but I might get it down the line if it ends up being a cult hit.
Gotta respect those janky melo-dramatic PS2 era dialog, I love it
>that fade to black when the woman kills herself
fucking kek
can I play this?
I want to care about it, but it looks bad.
I honestly get Ace Combat 5 vibes from it all.
Will he be right?
(didn't mean that as a reply btw)
>Priced at AAA
There's a translation version up somewhere. I've played through the whole thing with it.
sadly it got copyrighted and pulled
That's a pretty bad sign.
The translation for FM5? It's still on up on the translation team's website.
I wanna play it but :S its priced pretty poorly.
But fuck me do I love mecha, especially when its somewhat portrayed realistic.
Any reviews for this even from japan?
>hey let's make an AA game
>ok considering it's far less polished than a AAA game what should we price it as?
>idk lol charge the same as a AAA game
>60 dollarydoos
left alive
more like
left for dead oahdaodhaihafuhefoafpaw
I miss this too user
>left alive
more like left for dead amirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ra
Speak for yourself I pre-ordered it
Also going to buy Mechwarrior 5 and a switch for Daemon X Machina
All of them look like shit, but I'd rather shit I like than gold I don't
>looks shit
>fucks up another franchise that people liked
Yeah, typical
>Lost planet isn't a mech game
Get fucked and stay fucked
Any way to fix the buggy shadows in an emulated FM4/5?
Literaly 0 publicity. I didn't even know about the gamr before seeing it on steam and I taught ot was a mgs expantion from the cover
It isn't, it's a game with mechs in it.
Same way Jet Set Radio isn't a painting game just because it features graffiti.
>Crates, barrels and pipes
Holy shit I learned these old basics in my first 3 weeks of my environmental modeling class 6 years ago. These guys are stuck in 2005, they can't even fill out a world without resorting to the most basic CTRL+Duplicate filler props for their maps.
Animations are really poor now that they manually key frame and don't have the mocap to fall back on either. The UI is so archaic seeming like a cheap imitation of MGS3/4 and worst of all the "hold for action" button presses that even Apple had to admit were a mistake and drop for two button mice.
Japanese can't act by western standards so their posing is completely awkward like Sentai rangers, too exaggerated so it appears phony and with the dialogue it doesn't matter how good the voice actors are.
This game's going to fall on its face without western influence on its game development, the work of top tier engineers/artists and a preexisting following for the franchise.
Kojima was probably like "I want this and that to happen" Asian developers are not ones to innovate, so we're back to PS2 systems and gameplay with modern software and engines.
It looks really janky
Might be fun still but i'm not buying it to see if it is
This looks fucking awful, holy shit. I can't remember the last time i've seen a third person shooter from a big publisher look this bad since the fucking PS3 era.
looks great.
reminder that survive really wasn't a bad game at all, but youtubers who didn't get past the first hour knew konami hate gets plebbit points
>small open map missions
>reach objective however you like
So its a good Phantom Pain with mechs?
This is not a mech game or front mission 3 redone like armored core. Disappointing.
Yea Forums has never cared about mech games though?
>Set in slav land
The setting alone makes me want to play it - we need more games in post communist Russia. It also has 10/10 waifus. But $60? Really? Probably just going to end up pirating it.
I guess if it's an actual Front Mission game with all the mechporn shit people love you would get daily threads here and on /m/.
Since mech games, for some reason, don't get made anymore we must wait until FromSoftware comes around with another Armored Core.
Holy shit nigger calm down, this is just an AA game from a new team, you generalizations are pathetic.
Front Mission was already fucked up. Did you forget about Evolved?
What's pathetic is that there are student graduate portfolios more polished than this game. This is being sold by its brand, not by what it has to offer as a game.
>This is being sold by its brand, not by what it has to offer as a game
Unfortunate that it comes out in march. Mid April and I would have the time for it.
what really? i still have translaed iso i can uploadit
This, teens of today don't know how to do research. They need to be fed marketing from their influencers.
If you have no money for an advertising campaign you're at a severe disadvantage.
Right. Sorry, forgot about that
i'd say even sooner than 4 months, squeenix put tomb raider on 20% sale after 2 weeks
I miss the old Front Mission. We'll never get another one, at least not until SE gets out of this "every game must be action" phase.
>They still make PS3 games, awesome!
>Looks pretty good for mobile game!
>I watched 30 seconds of the trailer and was thinking, "oh boy, this looks generic as hell." Scrolled down to the comment section, wasn't disappointed.
>Poor man's Metal Gear Solid.
>Yay! Welcome to 1999! Oh wait...
>looks outdated & cheap. This game shouldn't be released.
Who told me to look up YouTube comments...
The series ended well over a decade ago. Enjoy the old games, stop begging for more of the same and move on.
Have fun shitting your pants in impotent rage then.
Turds without denuvo are still turds.
I won't do that either since the setting is alive so FM proper could easily return after that.
What the fuck does impotent rage look like to you?
It looks like a budget PS3 game.
>FM proper could easily return
Easy. All you do is hire a director who doesn't give a flying fuck about the series beyond making his own spin on it.
Even nips are calling this shovel ware
I feel like the Wanzers will control like shit and ruin the entire game for me, because that's all i care about.
this, fuck Yea Forums and fuck shills Im buying this. We need more AA games in this world.
>let's make a front mission game, but it's a tps and you don't control the wanzers for half the game
woah square this is literally all I wanted, maybe include some cyanide pills in the deluxe edition so I can also end the pain already
>I don't know what AA means
>blatantly shitty game
>lots of effort gone into the collectors edition
What the fuck is SE doing?
DQXI and Builders
>make blatantly shitty cash grab AA game
>sells it for AAA price
Not any less retarded, retard.
The game looks cool as hell, but the gameplay looks terrible. Seems like they ripped the ui from metal gear survive
endless fuckups, same as always
I like the UI, it's very diagetic.
>AAA price
Again that's not how it fucking works retard
No matter how you want to slice it this game is shit and price isn't helping, if you want to point at good AA game and fair price look at Hellblade.
No one is going to buy this shit at AAA price and that's the point.
how can you call it shit its not even out yet you moron
Hellblade wasn't even the length of a full game my man. There are walking simulators that are 4 times as long as it.
>how can you call it shit when you haven't even test shit yet?
>what are nip stream
I honestly think the name fucked it up. "Left Alive" sounds like a zombie survival sim and nobody wants to play those anymore. People tune out the instant they see or hear the name.
How the fuck did we go from Gun Hazard to this? Fucking how?
Gun Hazard is one of my favorite games, and to see this...this low budget third person shooter with needless stealth elements because the AI is so fucking terrible blows my mind. Front Mission deserves better than this. Square Enix sucks fat fucking dick. Worthless, piece of shit company. The assholes that okay’d this are motherfuckers.
I want to get this because I'm a sucker for Yoji art but what does this game play like? I can't find any good footage?
It's by Square right? What is this game? DMCV is already my new game this month
is that the same artist that did the mgs cover art?
they should use it more
god i miss metal gear solid games
They published hitman 2016 and that wasnt an action game
And they got rid of the IP shortly after, but I was talking about SE as a developer.
>walking simulator about 'muh emotions' and shit combat
>"""good AA game"""
respectfully kys
To be fair. I'd probably okay this too. Nabeshima has had hands on literally every Armored Core. Where things went tits up is them not just doubling down and making it an SRPG or a full blown action game.
Square ACCURATELY predicted that there will forever be a Metal Gear sized hole in the gaming community. And this game could have done well when you have one of the grandfathers of mecha on your side. But just because you have the grandfather of mecha does not mean you're guaranteed to a TPS. And just because you have a good concept does not mean you can invest less into it in both money and time than the average MGS
Fuckups were had on literally all parts.
>also I think that russian storylines should absolutely not mix with weaboos
For me the biggest problem is reading Japanglish in Cyrillic induces headaches.
sorry user i was trying to give you hope
it hurts
Yes. They also drink the windshield cleaner fluid from jets, cars, and other official vehicles. And cleaning solutions.
Honestly Russians who can't afford vodka will drink literally anything as long as it's not water and is slightly alcoholic.
>pronounces it ROOS-lan
Never thought id see the day that youtube comments btfo a Yea Forums thread. This game looks like absolute diarrhea and its comical you guys are trying to shill it.
Yea Forums never liked front mission
Good point, was there a game before to set the precedent?
It's honestly a good thing this game will bomb. All that fluff and padding needs to leave.
pretty much every jap game is AA
I understand their reservations on making this a strategy game, because the genre is a very hard sell in today’s market if you’re not Fire Emblem. BUT, they apparently consigned to make this a low budget game regardless - something that wasn’t gonna sell well, just like srpgs - so why not make a game for fans? This shit, from everything we’ve seen, is not gonna sell. There’s no possible way it could hit it big.
It appeals to neither the casual shooter fan because of the low production values, it doesn’t appeal to strategy fans because of the terrible AI that literally stands still whilst you unload an entire magazine into their skull, and it’s a slap in the face to Front Mission fans.
This is another perfect example of the trademark SquareEnix bullshit that kills series. You make a shitty game that no one would buy, say it takes place in a universe from a dormant cult game in an attempt to appeal to that following, and it sells like shit regardless and fans hate it. See also: The Third Birthday and Thief 4.
ah yes the wildly popular Left Alive brand
>This is another perfect example of the trademark SquareEnix bullshit that kills series
Are you retarded? FM ended back in 2005.
If this was a game for the fans it would be called Front Mission
The only thing that looks good about this is Yoji Shinkawa's art.
There’s literally no reason to set this in the FM universe except to attract the interest of fans of the series. This isn’t a strategy game or a mech combat game despite the snippet of mech gameplay you might have seen, so there’s no reason. Literally none. But if this didn’t take place in that universe, then what you have is a new IP that appeals to precisely fucking nobody.
So was Evolved
Front Mission has an interesting setting. Not everything has to revolve around toy robots.
I love AA games in general but feel nothing for cover shooters
>spend time and money coming up with an entirely new world and new robots
>just put it in the front mission universe
hmmmmmm hard choice there. be glad they respect front mission enough to not put its name on a game that has almost nothing to do with it gameplay wise
Guy on /m/ got it and it’s shit
This looks really, really bad
Animations, shooting, the UI, the constant pestering and warnings that "enemies are nearby"
It's like they followed some shitty flowchart on how to make game for zoomers especially with
Octopath Traveler gave me a little hope, but it's clear SE views turn based games are for handhelds now.
>Still charge 80 canuck bucks for it
I'll torrent
>Blends mech game, with shooter, with stealth
I've never played a multi genre game where the gameplay in all fields was lacking. I'll get it when its on the cheap. If you're going to make a mid range game, dont charge me AAA pricing.
>"mech" game
>"you're barely in the mech"
>"most of the time spent playing is outside the mech
>survival shooter with traps and shit ai
"aa" doesn't automatically mean good. square has an actually good aa game coming next month that's had some positive buzz from time to time on Yea Forums. left alive, on the other hand, looks like a shoddy mgs ripoff.
>it’s shit
They need to make a new legit Front Mission again.
Fuck off with this shit, nobody wants this, and third person shooting is not Square Enix's forte.
Front Mission Evolved was trash.
So will this be.
Looks good.
Will play the free version in five or so years.
I know just the person I will recommend it to now tough.
>They need to make a new Mech Assault again
why the fuck do you need more third person mech games, the only turn based one we got was Battletech and as much as I like the game it's still at least two DLCs and a couple of years of modding of becoming a fully realized experience.
>actually good aa game coming
They knew people wanted CD2 and they went with FFFCD because, and I'm not exaggerating, it was cheaper and they had the materials already on hand, meaning they lost the source code afuckinggin.
But before I even start ranting about shit that may be lost, have you ever actually played either CD2 or FFF:CD?
Mmm, yes, the remake that removed pop-up duels because they couldn’t be bothered to balance it and decided fuck it, just remove it. Yeah, the people working at Square hq are cocksuckers.
>Toshifumi Nabeshima, director: “For me, I envision Front Mission as a game themed around war rather than one themed around robots. What makes it Front Mission-like is the depiction of how the protagonist of the game sees war unfold, I believe.”
>Translation: Square Enix didn't think a mech game would sale in 2019 and made me say this to have an air of artistic integrity over this corporate move of turning a mech franchise into a bad human Third Person Shooter with market research driven mechanics.
Basically it's not a mech game at all. So you know what, FUCK AND FUCK SQUARE-ENIX. SUCK MY METAL DICK. Don't you ever talk to me about a new Front Mission unless Wanzers are the main focus and isn't some action garbage because S-E can't do action for shit. SRPG or bust.
Best part is that development was delayed for years so it’s based on 2010 market “research” which was “make a shootbangs that the americans will like” which everyone already knows failed horribly.
chocobo's dungeon 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. and yeah, i heard about how they almost remade that instead. personally, though, if they were going to remake one of the psx-era ones, i think they'd have been better off remaking the first one that never came to the west.
Because all modern mech games are anime mech games where the mechs are as light as air.
Guess who the creator of Front Mission is? The guy that created the Assault Suit series several years beforehand. You might know the sequel, Cybernator. He’s a total mech head. So no, Front Mission isn’t about war; it’s about customizing your fucking wanzer to blow the shit up out of the enemy wanzers. It’s a fucking mech series. This damage control bullshit isn’t fooling anyone.
Nabeshima is one of the Armored Core guys so this is doubly puzzling
>hire famous mecha game guy to work on famous mecha game series
>make it a survival TPS with no mecha
>linking to /m/
SaGa Scarlet Grace.
You're too young to be posting here.
It's kids like you that don't like mechs, so fuck off.
>I want robots in my robot focused series
no shit
You can play the first one entirely fine without knowing a lick of japanese. If we're going to be especially honest, the post game content of CD2 vastly dwarfs CD1 and they'd be walking uphill both ways to fix that in a budget title.
When FFF:CD came out I was besides myself. Because I loved FFF:CT. And while there are many redeeming things about FFF:CT, the lack of a real postgame, the small things like jobs (and by proxy job grinding) the disjointed nature of dungeons and how many of them are wayyy wayy too short for what they're offering, the lack of walls and the entire gameplay mechanic that's lost as a result (digging, bombing, porting, swimming, falling/teleporting). And the fact that Shirma is infinitely worse than Shiroma.
The music is great, the visuals are top notch, the jobs, while they in no way make up for the loss of feathers, books, cards, etc are neat. But the game itself just makes me want to play CD2.
Now with all this said. Don't get it twisted. I'll be buying the game on release. But I still would rather have CD2.
I like mechs.
I also like Front Mission and recognize that the political aspect is more interesting than "wooow dude cool robot punch each other!!!"
>oh no those guys are complaining about lack of robots in a game attached to a series about robots
Well aren't you just adorably retarded.
Well there's not gonna be much of that here either, probably. The dialogue so far all seems like japanese trying to awkwardly write an american action movie, and without the stupidly weird charm of Resident Evil or Metal Gear.
looks okay might buy it when ps5 comes out and it's backwards compatible
>that appeals to precisely fucking nobody.
Why? The game's problem is the quality it seems to have, the concept however is fucking amazing.
It’s badly translated nonsense. Guy says his buddy got killed in nip text, sniveling american voice actor dialogue says “the body exploded” like seriously what
>the concept however is fucking amazing.
>dude what if last of us but instead of zombies we have soldiers that see through walls and stunlock instakill you and you you have no partner and no weapons
The point is that screaming about "muh robots" is retarded. It's the same kind of pathetic whining that MGR got.
What concept? The freedom of choice they’ve been touting? Yeah, maybe in theory it’d be interesting, but these guys don’t seem to grasp that choice means more than one viable outcome. Watch the video OP posted. Guy literally walks into a group of enemies and dies, then the director goes “now watch as we stealthily get past this. Oooh, look at this other choice we have.” That’s not a choice. That’s common fucking sense. Not only that, you don’t have two options, you have one. The direct approach will never work because ammo is scarce and the enemies are too large in number. Nothing about this game is okay, even if you take it at face value as a generic third person shooter.
>The freedom of choice
No, I don't give a fuck about that. What's great is fighting smartly against an army and fucking mechs without having one yourself
But of course I'm not saying it'll be well executed.
The guy who actually played it in the /m/ thread pointed it out, it’s actually all corridors just with invisible walls made of enemies that will instakill you.
The problem isn’t the lack of robots; it’s that the gameplay is trite and formulaic. Rather than adhering to what made the series popular, and offering a game that would be a breath of fresh air in the current generation, they insist on keeping with a genre that the series already attempted and failed spectacularly at.
i'd love cd2 too, but what i really want is a brand new chocobo's dungeon game and a chocobo racing game. i'm hoping the remake sells well enough to convince square to keep making chocobo games, because it's an underrated series with a lot of charm.
>What's great is fighting smartly against an army and fucking mechs without having one yourself
That’s not the game’s concept, retard
>The point is that screaming about "muh robots" is retarded. It's the same kind of pathetic whining that MGR got.
People are screaming about "MUH ROBOTS" because the last game in the series had on-foot segments, and that game was a pile of garbage. Every other game had, you know, Wanzer to Wanzer or Wanzer vs. Vehicle combat as the main focus. And while stories will always be a major part of Front Mission, no one wants a dodgy third person cover stealth shooter trying to rip off MGS at the cost of the franchise. This isn't a hill worth dying on, turning the Wanzers (the series' central gameplay focus) into cinematic setpieces that play like absolute clunky ass is a fuck up plain and simple.
That sounds almost exactly like Binary Domain.
I feel bad for not giving it a chance when it first came out, there was some good shit in there both in terms of gameplay and characters. But then what are the chances of Left Alive being that same kind of game, a modern game with all of the popular features of the time which also doesn't look like much?
I'd be more interested in this if the animations weren't worse than a ps1 game
What part of the video shows you fighting in the mech?
Except it is?
>they insist on keeping with a genre that the series already attempted and failed spectacularly at.
Front Mission Evolved didn't fail because it was a TPS, it failed because it was a BAD TPS. There's literally nothing wrong with the idea of a Front Mission TPS, the problem is that they keep making shitty ones.
Nah most of you losers are bitching about robots.
>dude metal gear solid was always about stealth none of this action game nonsense
>nevermind the fact that this is called metal gear rising it sucks cuz it's not stealth
indie $10-20
AA $20-40
AAA $50-60
I'm interested. I'll talk about it when it comes out. Kind of tired of jerking off over games that aren't even out yet.
Why do you keep using Metal Gear Rising as some weird counterargument? Left Alive's using a poorly-conceived and braindead stealth focus and gameplay like mainline MGS games, but then the actual gunplay is probably some of the worst i've seen this entire generation. There are boss fights in MGS, and at least one forced alert section, but this is plain and simple a shooter trying to lure in Metal Gear fans that doesn't actually understand the series it's basing itself in.
You want a better spinoff comparison? Gun Hazard. And that still had a political storyline intermixed with action and a linear plot.
Idiot. Explain how you're not fighting against some baddie army who own mechs. That's literally what that game is. Stop trying.
>at least one forced alert section
per game I meant
Because complaining about this game not having enough robots is just as stupid as bitching about MGR for not focusing on stealth.
You're not proving anything with this
>dude metal gear solid was always about stealth none of this action game nonsense
You can quit using this shitty strawman of an idiot's argument to defend this game.
That's not even remotely comparable and you should be ashamed for trying to use that as a means to try to tell people to fuck off. MGR put you in the shoes of a cyborg ninja and bills itself as a spinoff with no real attempts to tie itself down to anything besides playing fast and loose with the canon. Left Alive doesn't even use the Front Mission name (which is already a bad first step), but throws itself headlong into the on-going wars of the universe, does have pilotable Wanzers, and probably has a fair amount of references in store for fans, yet isn't trying to be some tongue-in-cheek parody, satire or weird spin-off.
The FM series has been dead for a very long time due to how badly Square-Enix fucked it up, fans are more concerned about continuing to bunker down on this direction rather than giving the fans what they want.
MGR was actually good and not part of a dead franchise
left alive is bad and a spinoff of a dead franchise that was killed by a shitty spinoff before and has been killed again by another shitty spinoff
No, it's exactly the same. Watch.
>Don't you ever talk to me about a new MGS unless stealth is the main focus and isn't some action garbage
>So no, MGS isn’t about war; it’s about using stealth to sneak through enemy bases. It's a fucking stealth series.
Same retarded complaints, different series.
It also got a ton of retarded complaints even after release solely because of "muh stealth, this isn't real metal gear" shitposting.
people shitpost anything, no surprise there. the difference is that left alive didn't even do anything good by straying from the formula and people are mad that we basically got evolved 2.0
You are a lost cause, my man. Maybe one day you’ll take the crayons out of your mouth and learn how to form a cogent rebuttal.
It’s nothing like evolved and people are being retarded though
it's obviously doesn't play like evolved, but it's like evolved in that no one asked for this and it turned out to be shit anyway
That's right, because Evolved was better than this besides the graphics.
>Don't you ever talk to me about a new MGS
Except MGR isn't MGS. You said so yourself . Drop the MGS bullshit. So are you saying Wanzers aren't a central thing to FM?
whoa... it's almost like... left alive isn't called front mission or something... damn...
It's basically Xenoblade, where they show mechs, but they're such a non-issue that you can avoid them entirely and miss nothing. That pisses me off.
So the game has nothing to do with Front Mission?
At least it's not daemom machina or whatever it's called, what a disappointment.
>tokufags posing as /m/ are still mad about XB2 even though they were totally wrong about it not having mechs
>MGS art style
I'm sold.
It looks a little low budget and has no marketing whatsoever, probably solid game and might pick up later
it's a spinoff from front mission and you do pilot mechs as well
It looks REALLY bad. Like REALLY REALLY bad.
I would call it a little more than an asset flip honestly.
>trailers look good
>actually watch some gameplay
>it's a B-grade TPS that looks at least 10 years out of date
The cutscenes look respectable besides the awful voice acting, which is still unfortunately part standard for many jap games with dubs. But yeah, the moment you get into the game itself the whole thing falls apart at the seams.
I wouldn't care about the graphics if the gameplay was like mgs4 and the mecha parts like armored core arena.
Just fucking IMAGINE
They made it so that the first Front Mission game in years, and after the last entry being such disappointment, looks like a fucking stealth game. Maybe a few wanzer sections, but no customisation. It's like if Valve made a new entry for Half-Life but instead of HL3 you get a turn-based team management game a la XCOM featuring the resistance. And all this, I could forgive but the gameplay looks s fucking mediocre. That's probably where they fucked up.
Man, I'm kinda disappointed. I was really looking forward to it. A jap mecha game set in a russian setting, what could go wrong?
S-E thinking they could make a TPS.
This looked like a huge game when announced at E3 and then it just disappeared until people started making threads about it a week ago.
Is Half-Life 2 a car game?
Is Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena a mech game?
What about Halo 4, is that a mech game?
Fuck you cunts are retarded, no, it isn't a mech game.
I'd kill for a proper new Front Mission. Battletech was such a let down.
Amd it's better for it, mechfags are retarded, give me all the half cooked AA stealth games you can
>evolved failed
>hey lets make another action oriented game but this time less robot
I'd play it but got a backlog
>playing as russians killing nazi fuckos