I work at Bioware. You decide if you believe but there is a lot happening

I work at Bioware. You decide if you believe but there is a lot happening.
1. First of all the media keeps saying that investors and EA aren't worried or scared with Anthem. That's a lie. Many investors are questioning EA's current decisions. No one has pulled out but this brings a lot of tension on EA to fix this quickly to keep them on board and will cause many things to start changing

2. EA is not happy with Anthem and sales have been terrible. Devs are being worked to death to get the content for the game out fast . EA is thinking at best this game will last maybe a year or two which doesn't matter cause they care more about Apex Legends

3. DA4 is being put on hold. Yes EA wants to rush out DA but with current sales and quality concerns at Bioware they don't want another Andromeda on their hands. I've been hearing a lot of talk regarding them cleaning house to "get Bioware back to it's glory days."

4. Despite many people here thinking EA is gonna shut down the studio they're not. At least not yet. If anything Austin studio will be the first to go. EA sees Bioware has their "A+" studio or like their Rockstar studio. Nonetheless they are on extreme thin ice and are gonna shake things up. If DA4 becomes a dud then EA will get rid of Bioware. Already heard some rumors that they're looking into buying another studio or two as back up in case development goes bad or sales drop off even more.

That's all I got for now. Keep your eyes open for more

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more like BYE-oware xDdd


seems fairly legit. none of what you just posted is surprising to anyone, though.

you’re bullshiting. I know because BioWare will release a jade empire game before da4

All that is pretty believable. I wouldn't be surprised if they just stopped supporting Anthem after a year


well that something i can believe
how do you like working in bioware?

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based as fuck

>says he's bioware
>refers to bioware as them and they

at least be consistent in roleplaying nigga, you're """bioware""" after all

>3. DA4 is being put on hold. Yes EA wants to rush out DA but with current sales and quality concerns at Bioware they don't want another Andromeda on their hands. I've been hearing a lot of talk regarding them cleaning house to "get Bioware back to it's glory days."
On hold for how long though? I would assume they'd wanna strike while the iron hot

EA swings in money.
Shutting down their big SJW company would be a bad PR move.

Maybe Bioware should have focused on the ACTUAL fans. Instead of puting their focus on the people who DONT play their games.And i think you know VERY well who im talking about.

>I've been hearing a lot of talk regarding them cleaning house to "get Bioware back to it's glory days."
lol No suit at EA talks like this. I doubt they even are familiar the studio's history and reputation. Bioware made a name for themselves, started drawing in a lot of cash, and EA wanted in on some of that action.

>a+ studio
>filled with the refuse of the games industry
>clean house
>bring back glory days

They would have to fire everyone and start over to get anywhere with that piece of shit of a subsidiary.

I used to work a part-time job with one of BioWare's management staff when I was 15, and he didn't act like he was part of the team developing things. He referred to BioWare as them and they.

It's pretty chill but many devs just half ass here. Some cool people
Yes EA wants to cash in quick. They were originally aiming for Fall 2020 or Summer 2021 since a small amount was already done for the game but because of the bad sales and people not trusting the Bioware brand anymore they're taking a step back. Investors honestly want them to just get rid of most of Bioware since they are losing them money but EA was stupid to tell that we are the "high quality" studio and that DA4 will be a sure fire hit so now they not only expect good sales but good reviews as well

How in the fuck are they gonna go back to glory days

>a year or two
Highly doubt Anthem will have enough playerbase to justify supporting it for so long. There's barely any content now and with the first raid coming in May people are going to get bored in a few weeks. Hell, I bet numbers ale already dropping like crazy. Game's dead on arrival.

>EA sees Bioware has their "A+" studio or like their Rockstar studio
Even if someone at EA told you that, why would you believe them?

>now they not only expect good sales but good reviews as well

sounds like these are some of the most gullible morons given bioware's recent track record

They aren't, that's the joke

All of this seems likely but Anthem as a year at most. Playerbase is gonna drop hard

That's a shame cause I'm not buying DA4 until all of the DLC is released and it goes on sale.

I will never forgive them for locking best girl behind DLC.

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Well maybe you lot should focus on making a good game for once instead of retconning shit out the ass and putting a flaming faggot as your creative director. I can't wait for EA to finally put that bullet in Bioware so you can stop shitting on the memory of your betters.

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EA deserves to die.

Apex Legends can eat shit too and WILL be ruined by EA's meddling eventually

this guy is based

>3. DA4 is being put on hold. Yes EA wants to rush out DA but with current sales and quality concerns at Bioware they don't want another Andromeda on their hands. I've been hearing a lot of talk regarding them cleaning house to "get Bioware back to it's glory days."

all bullshit, new dragon age will be shown at E3 with a fall release 100%

It is almost impossible to make game that is both
faggotry agenda pushing and that makes normalfags like it like they loved Skyrim.

Who cares I'm taking my money to Division 2. I really enjoyed the first one and it can't be worse. Anthem had a huge chance to be great and they fucking blew it. They have no one to blame but themselves.

how are they gonna shit out a DA game that quick?

Nice LARP faggot, but no EA exec wants to GO BACK TO THE GLORY DAYS. Fucking dumbass faggot retard nigger, ive had it with weak Yea Forums lies, the bethesda guy was much more believable

The game is probably done and they are busy tacking on shitty multiplayer to it rn

asset flip of Inquisition

I would unironically be ok with this, inq was ok except for the boring gigantic areas of nothing. The more bioware deviates from old formulas the worse they get.

it makes sense for them to wanna have slightly better quality after Andromeda and now Anthem

OP is legit, my dad who works at Nintendo can confirm.

post the chocolate bars OP and we will believe.

>I've been hearing a lot of talk regarding them cleaning house to "get Bioware back to it's glory days."

Is that woke capitalism doublethink for hire more brownies and females?

game has been in development since the last one shipped mate

>inq was ok
In what universe? They couldnt have dumbed down the combat any more save for letting the game play itself.

Anyone thinking they can still make a decent game is deluded. Especially with that one lead faggot bragging on twitter how he is going to shit up DA4 with even more leftist vomit.

>I work at Bioware. You decide if you believe
Stopped reading right there.
There's a dozen different ways you can prove you work at Bioware whilst remaining anonymous.

You're a lying faggot, fuck off.

That sucks man, oh well, hopefully some of the good devs can go to obsidian or join indie companies. RIP Bioware, it seems to be the next casualty from EA.

Fucking nailed it lol.

But the workers at bioware now are the types of people that they're catering to. That won't change unless there's a massive overhaul of workers. But you can't fire incompetent trannies without having an sjw lawsuit on your hands.

>.EA sees Bioware has their "A+" studio or like their Rockstar studio.
EA has never been sentimental about studios. Maxis had way more merit than Bioware and they didn't hesitate to kill it.


Tim Cain works at Obsidian for years and he referred to it as "they" 8n the acquision video.

>Devs are being worked to death to get the content for the game out fast
They had 6 fucking years. One area. No loot in a looter-shooter. Worked to death? Doing what diversity dance training?

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Nah, you're jus a DA faggot desperate for a fix

I think its pretty clear they restarted development at some point. Otherwise they produce at slower pace than a fucking patreon porn game.

Serves you right for not protesting against the diversity training bullshit.
Clean house? That's actually a great idea.
Also make MDK3 already.


They weren't working on it for 6 years you dumbass. Usually when they're taking that long it's because they fucked up big time and essentially had to restart development

You write at a 5th grade level, and because of this I 100% unironically believe you work for BioWare.

yea whats up with that OP ?

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Yea and Andromeda made by their who? team was done in 18 months, has a higher score and only cost $100 millions compared to Anthem's $200 million. Sprinkle on top Bioware had two(2) seperst fucking games in the same genre to take notes from on what not to have your launch consist of. Hey at least it looks shiny and pretty though!

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did you just fucking assume BioWare's pronouns you shitlord?


my uncle sweeps the floor at Nintedo HQ, he says Reimu is in.

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Is the Austin Studio not the main office?


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>Devs are being worked to death to get the content for the game out fast .

This I do believe. I wonder which is worse; game dev work environment at triple-A studios (particularly during crunch or these post-release periods where expectations are not met and management et al are scrambling for a plan B), or CGI work for movies

this. my thoughts as well.

>Hey at least it looks shiny and pretty though!
As long as you are instanced in a smaller area and not the freeroam, sure.

Its hard to say what went wrong. Maybe they realized that all the trannies they hired cant actually code and the spaghetti they produced in 4 years wasnt worth shit.
If we are lucky enough, EA will finally take them behind the shed and blow their brains out.

holy fuck based and definitely redpilled

As a gamer who has liked most of BioWares stuff, I really don't care about Anthem since it was geared towards a low-iq tier of people anyway. Hard too blame them for trying to $$ in on that group of people, it's not like they tried too pull another Dragon Age Inquisition on their long-time fans.

I really hope DA:4 goes back too the roots and at least can be some hybrid between DA:O and DA:2. I will buy it if it looks / plays like a more classic era Bioware game.

Bioware are nothing but a handpuppet studio who are only lauded in name only, it’s best developers left.
The studio will never close but it’s staff will just easily be replaced.

upvoted XDDD

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I started playing SWTOR for the first time recently and have been enjoying it, dlc worth la?

>B team's game was better

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>Devs are being worked to death to get the content for the game out fast
the content already exists, but they won't put it in the game until atleast a month or two


>Devs are being worked to death to get the content for the game out fast .

how the flying FUCK does a AAA game 6-7 YEARS in development cycle have so little content?

>all guns in same class reuse the same 3D model
>2 out of 3 strongholds is reused content from campaign
>campaign only has about ~10-15 hours of playtime
>no melee weapons
>only a few distinct "world bosses"
>only 2-3 armour pieces for each slot
>elite mobs look the same as regular mobs but resized
>no pinging or waypoint system

these corporate drones should make threads when they have something atually interresting to report.

Add romances. Why the fuck didn't you have romances in Anthem. The Freelancer is a pathetic beta male virgin no one wants to play that.

Has there been any other input on the game being lambasted by reviewers other than hand waving it away due to the bugs and shitty performance? I'd actually love to see them own up to their mistakes rather than just repeating 'we're listening guys' on a loop. Especially considering they managed to repeat the same mistakes that games from 4 or 5 years ago invented.

>Devs are being worked to death
How would you explain this then?

op is a lying faggot

>he actually believes what shills present at e3 is gameplay

Fool me once, shame on you, but at this point you'd have been fooled dozens of times if you actually believed that was anything but pre rendered footage.

he cute

you're alright, white boi

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>you are Origins Warden
>you get the calling
>head into the deep roads to find a way fight it
>rogue mage or warrior
>melee combat would be like For Honor just more action heavy
>ranged combat would be like DA3
>you are already at the peak of your abilities
>the more you kill the longer you are able to stave off the affliction(level system in disguise)
>special weapons give your special abilities/moves/spells
>you get one after every bossfight
>you body will get scars from suffering especially hard hits that you survive
>on your journey you will meet the typical characters in the deep roads and they will slowly bring you closer to solving the secret
>you can rest in their camps(2-3 per level)
>no battle companions because this is an action RPG
bioware has proven time and again they can't bring back RTwP so don't try and make that argument.

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>I think its pretty clear they restarted development
it pretty clear they made this shit in 2.5 years, 4 year andromeda had x10 more content

get woke go broke

>made this exact joke post in another thread a day or so ago
>got zero (You)s
>this guy steals my joke and wins fpbp award

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Based, Press S spit on Biowere

I appreciate the info, OP.

But I don't get this EA strategy. Why buy talent when you can promote good ideas? Aren't they aware of the fact that better games are more positive in the long term than more sales in the short term?

Also, for how long have you been working for BioWare?

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I've have been inside the Bioware Austin offices, won't say what I do since professional reasons. I will tell you that it is just as stereotypical as you would think a workplace in Austin, TX loaded with millenials would be. It is not a professional environment, not even by game developer standards.

Many place are like that in Austin, though. It's the culture there, it's not really very "work" oriented. That's why they go there for those sweet Texas tax breaks instead of Houston or DFW. People in those areas expect you to work for a living.

>"get Bioware back to it's glory days."

No company talks like this This is just a fanboy fantasy.


anthem is really sad. the art direction and concept is pretty cool. but they bungled everything about it.

>how are they gonna shit out a DA game that quick?
>what is Dragon Age II

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Fuck trannies

ship of theseus. the real bioware died right around ME3.

who says it was EA saying this