What attracts you most to buy a game?

For me, it's an anime artstyle. Anything with anime is an instant buy for me.

Attached: rin wink.gif (500x730, 2M)

Gameplay - I'm not a fucking faggot.

Anything with anime is an instant no buy for me.

fpbp and /thread

mi negro

my dick

Attached: mage warrior archer.jpg (640x361, 51K)

autistically intricate and plain fucking stupid character builds
If I'm going to be breaking open excel to plan shit, and have the possiblity to make something that'll earn a "why the fuck would you do that" while still pulling my weight I'm going to play it.

That's my wife

Attached: [RH] Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan - 08 [7F204AC0].mkv_snapshot_05.02_[2018.08.26_22.39.58].jpg (1920x1080, 774K)

A defenseless anus can be a pretty strong argument.

Attached: Rin 3.jpg (1000x900, 272K)

Don't make me say it.

Attached: 1549583392675.jpg (1440x795, 76K)

How can she afford all of those magic crystals anyway?

same here
won’t play a game without cute anime girls regardless of how good the gameplay is

What do you think?

Attached: 1401690405700.jpg (543x419, 49K)

I don't know, she never said anything about having a job. Seems to be free during the day for the most part, as well.

Through hard work.

Just what are you implying here?


>gold teeth
she in the mob or something?

Pretty girls

I bought Furi because I saw the fight with The Edge and something about a boss that gives you genuine compliments and encourages & wants you at your very best really speaks to me.
I play fighting games at my local and that's basically how everyone treats each other, encouraging everyone to learn and try their best, it's pretty great

More like the mob is in her, at irregular intervals.

sounds gay

Multiplayer, because I can pirate everything else

I love fapping to my wife Rin's fat ass!

Attached: Fate_Stay_Night_Heavens_Feel_I.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

Umm, sorry sir. Don't impersonate me and don't pretend my wife is your wife. Thank you.

Also, everyone should remember it was Rider's anus, not Rin's. Canonically.

Good gameplay


I mean she works hard to get her pay.

Wow very very based good sir lmao I see you are a based negro like me good sir a tip of my hat to you and your dick which I also rub to Gook made porn cartoons and a good fap to you good sir ;)

If you're number one reason for buying a game isn't gameplay you're a faggot

Any other answer is a redflag for casual nigger that's just passing through and doesn't really like vidya.


He’s still right

Pretty much anything featuring cute anime girls is instantly discarded, and it hasn't been wrong so far.

I'll give him that
Good thing no one controls my purchases

Honestly, this. A game could have the best story/world building/art style etc ever but If the mechanics and gameplay gimmicks don't hook me I almost always end up dropping it.

Reviews cause my dick dictate my decision.

You're gay

OP reminded me it's been a while since I've read that smut where Sakura ntr's the fuck out of Rin by fucking Saber before proceeding to fuck both at the same time

Attached: maxresdefault (10).jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Anime games that actually let you look up the skirts. Unfortunately such activities are forbidden in most games
and also the girls having animal ears.

I think only children care about gameplay

Attached: 9fe159ad3e9b0d6c2a64f08ab7ab3674.jpg (1144x1376, 390K)

>Unfortunately such activities are forbidden in most games
you can do that in Death end re:Quest

>and also the girls having animal ears.
one Party member has that. Image is a spoiler due to violence and a bad ending.

Attached: Death end re;Quest_20190226125530.jpg (1920x1080, 330K)

If a game looks interesting, i look what people online think of it
>Yea Forums praises it = circlejerk shitty meme game
>normies praise it = open world cinematic game in 4k with garbage gameplay and story
>very few people talk about it= goty confirmed

Thanks but dont have a ps4

it will likely get a PC port at some point