This is so sad

A Gamestop employee was working when a couple of kids came into the store. What happened next broke his heart...

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Please after me no one respond to this post.
It’s just designed to make you “bait” you into hating a shit website you already hate. Don’t participate in a shit thread

Thanks for the update on what's happening on r*ddit you complete and utter faggot


What the fuck did call of duty do to these hipsters

You just shoot people I don’t get the hate maybe with the newer CODs. However even back in the day it was the same.

Why does COD make these gaming intellectuals seethe?

It's an anti-microtransaction post that exposes how companies like Activi$sion prey on young children and pressure them to give them money.

Please don't tell me you guys are going to become pro-microtransaction just because Reddit is against them.

>cosmetics are a bad microtansaction system

I’m going to continue to not care about it, in fact.
I mind my own business. A fool is born every minute, can’t fight nature.

Very good goy... don't be like those Reddit goyim who refuse to accept microtransactions...

There I saved you from having to read this.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised. I close my eyes and see Yea Forums becoming hyper-libertarians for the next three years in order to justify it

The difference is that BO2's microtransactions were actually worth it. You got your money's worth for them, unlike the shit kids are paying for nowadays.

What's the difference between buying micro transactions and buying a pack of trading cards as a kid?

The post isn't even fundamentally against microtransactions, it looks more like shilling for fortshit.
>oy vey don't you want some v bucks instead
The guy should've refused sales for adult rated products and stop being a faggot

>"the glory days of BO2"
Underage retard laments younger underage retards

>Buying any microtransactions
>Even playing any COD in the first place
As far as I see it you're all equally retarded with your money.

Don't diss BO2, bro. That shit was the highlight of my teenage years.

Daily reminder that it is ok for companies to take advantage of retards.

Gamers deserve companies like EA and activation.

There kids. Of course kids are gonna act stupid, but that doesn't make it okay for billion dollar corporations to exploit them.

fuck you and your teenage years, faggot

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You have to be 18 to post here.

Kys you'reself

Kids using their parent's money most likely. Consider this financial waste a punishment for bad parenting.

BO2 came out over six years ago, retard. Even if I got it literally on my first day of being a teenager I would still be old enough to post here.

>It's an anti-microtransaction post that exposes how companies like Activi$sion prey on young children and pressure them to give them money.
Oh man, it's not like we've known about these kind of practices all along while we've been protesting against shit like microtransactions and day 1 DLC proven to be cut from games and people datamined said games and found the DLC content already in there and just toggled a switch to access it for at least the last god damn decade. Activision, EA, Ubisoft, practically ever AAA publisher out there does it and we're all very quite fucking aware you god damn simpleton.

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I know, it was a joke based around the fact that despite being an adult, your tastes are still so unbelievably shit that it makes you look like a child.

It's another kids' fad, there have always been those and always will be and companies are ready and willing to ride the wave for money. You all losers are acting like it's some new predatory corporate strategy that has only happened in the video game era.

Come the fuck on. Back when I was in elementary school there would be a new fad every few fucking months, from Coca-Cola yo-yos to Super Soakers. If you didn't spend your pocket money on one fad you'd spend it on the next one. Kids aren't going to be sensible with their use of money and if you can't deal with that then the only solution is to not give them any money at all until they're at least 16 years old. Not retarded parents know the only way for your kid to save up for the future is to do it for them with a savings account you deposit money into and only hand over the keys when the kid is in the university, earliest.

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based AAA publishers exploiting dumb normalfags and their kids

arguable better than being forced to spend 200$ on an awful pair of shoes every 6 months or getting bullied if you didn't.

and yeah it pretty much happened to my cousin when he was 14.teenagers will always find a way to blow money to gain status in the most retarded way; i'd rather see western companies capitalizing on it than chinks gaining millions by making our children buy clown's clothes.

At least kids can't buy garbage food and energy drinks when they've blown their bank on harmless DLC cosmetics.

>kids are spending microtransactions on Game A instead of Game B
What is this employee's point? Doesn't Fortnite have a cash shop with skins too? Is the employee getting paid by Epic to shill Fortnite or something?

At least the shoes will protect your feet.

tl;dr - and also
fuck off and kill yourself nigger

You have any idea how much money we made our parents waste on Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards? Dumbass kids buying useless shit isn’t new

Only a dumbass parent lets their kid have whatever they want.

Who the fuck cares what it's about. Stop posting your reddit cancer here you retarded nigger.

I bet in this moment, he was simply euphoric too wasnt he?

This is about as reddit as one can get. [Spoiler]Go back[/spoiler]

so will 50$ ones.

>too retarded for spoiler tag
Kill yourself newfag. You better go back.

>compared to the glory days of BO2

, f80t9yipu sr\m'odti89gocpt

sorry had to wipe a keyboard after I spat my drink all over it

I know but even expensive shoes are always going to be better than microtransaction skins or any other sort in the long run.

If reddit is against it, I'm for it.
I don't care about predatory practices like microtransactions. I simply don't buy the product. I will never get involved into activism bullshit and lobby to regulate shit, I just don't have the time or give a fuck to begin with.

I'm so sorry, but no one knows about "dont feed the trolls" anymore.

From console wars to doc/cosmetic wars

I wish I knew when I was in the good old times so I could appreciate it more

he's complaining about kids spending money on microtransactions while he is reminiscing the "good old days" of equally money predatory game

this is literal definition of a "boomer" meme

you keep the cards

I've never spent more than $70 on a pair of new shoes. Normally around $40 for me but I don't buy much unless my current pairs are starting to fall apart, and I have the full intention of using them regularly. Materialism is for schmucks, I'd rather spend money on travel than acquiring objects.

Grade-A retard

Fuck everyone that didn’t sage this thread

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I was with this faggot right up until he started talking about playing COD and purchasing microtransactions.

Microtransactions in full priced AAA games should not be a thing, period.



Most i've ever spent is $200 AUD on shoes to go with my suit but in my defence they were custom made Italian leather shoes I ordered from this 70 year old Italian cobbler that barely spoke english. I've easily seen running shoes in sport stores going for the same amount here and probably still made in China/Taiwan/Bangladesh or some other place with dirt cheap labour. So really those shoes were a bargain here, other than that I always spend less than $100 AUD and have bought many perfectly fine shoes at anywhere between $20-$50 AUD

It looks like he really lives in a society.

the 17 year old boomer zoomer who paid for good microtransactions

why si she looking at me like that? what does she want?

based and readpilled

If you're against micro-transactions, you're against capitalism. Simple as that. No ifs, ands, or buts.

V discusses reddit more than reddit discusses V. And yall even steal more of the memes from there too

Yea Forums Is FoR aCtUaL DiScussions /s

This isn't about Reddit, retard. It's about microtransactions.

Bart's People

>were actually worth it
zoomers would shit their pants if they saw the amounts of in-game unlockables in pre-internet console games like Time Splitters.

>Buying COD points with V-Bucks from a Gamestop

I only know what one of these things is.

Because an intellectual on Reddit started the discussion.

Let's be honest, they've done more for gaming than YOU have.

Do you really think EA removed lootboxes from BF2 because a few racist neckbeards on Yea Forums? NO it's because off /r/gaming

end your life

Clean it up, Luna!

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It's money from their piggy bank, they saved up their own pocket money so they can do whatever they want with it.
Also what should the kids do with their saved up money? Pay off bills, buy clothes, fking donate it? I spent so much money on football stickers it's not even funny, wasted money in hindsight but looking back it was fun.
Also fuck plebbit, the cashier prob cried like a bich after they paid

Easily the funniest part of the entire thing.

>It's an anti-microtransaction post
>Back in my day microtransactions were better because the gun cameos I bought could be used on any gun model and where cheaper too. Things have really changed

Get fucked. It's an underage retard that fed into this cancer and is shocked that it grew.

>God isn't real
Explain this image then?

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>My teenage money hungry time waster was better than the current teenage money hungry time waster
Its the same shit, different size and price, at least during CoD2 we had expansions, that you paid 30% less and had a multiples maps, new campaigns, etc.

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The reactive camos are unironically better than the shitty bacon camo from bo2. Still wouldn't pay for either.

games that canonically feature scat fetishes?

Attached: braaaap.png (879x560, 499K)

>twitter retards are here too

Attached: follow your dreams.jpg (900x900, 88K)

>Glory days

Attached: 1538223252646.png (369x423, 162K)

You made this post just to find a way to still disagree with the poster even when you agree?

Is "gam*r" a slur?

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>6 years ago
>if you were 12, you are allowed to post now

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Oh, ok this seems pretty reasonab-

>glory days of Black Ops 2
>having nostalgia for microtransactions in an 7 year old game

Attached: 1499804819647.jpg (246x279, 13K)

this post is actually videogames :-)

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Not him but your comments are fucking laughable.
>Intellectual on reddit started the discussion.
Lol a discussion on a subject that they've been unaware of for at least an entire decade? They're only just realising now the real truth about microtransactions? People on Yea Forums have known this issue since the PS3 days.
>Let's be honest, they've done more for gaming than YOU have.
I uploaded and dumped ROM files of games in the entire 90's of many NES/Famicom Sega, Turbografx and other cartridge games to share and preserve. And I did this on 14.4k and 28.8k modems at my school and library.
>Do you really think EA removed lootboxes from BF2 because a few racist neckbeards on Yea Forums? NO it's because off /r/gaming
Yeah it only took reddit until 2018 to realise EA was cancer and trash. It's true that they had a hand in the change but like any form of change in history it only ever happens when the plebiate masses get upset because they were too slow to realise they were being taken advantage of. Before that they were gobbling up EA's trash with joyful glee for decades.

her left hand must be aching, it's not good

I played team fortress 2 for 6000 hours since I had the orange box at release and never bought any keys or cosmetics.

Fuck microtransactions niggers and fuck codfags

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does she not have organs

I genuinely don't see the problem

If the employee is "upset" then fuck off to a shop that doesn't sell shit to kids

It's the parents fault

is horse dick an organ?

>Corporates are spamming this thread with porn to delete it.

I still won't buy your shit

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I used to buy keys in tf2 and I feel like a fucking idiot for doing so

now I just play the game


Yea Forums - reddit & twitter screencaps


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I don't give a shit because retards deserve to be scammed.

>I uploaded and dumped ROM files of games in the entire 90's of many NES/Famicom Sega, Turbografx and other cartridge games to share and preserve. And I did this on 14.4k and 28.8k modems at my school and library.
Unironically ultrabased

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wtf is this thing?

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>Video games don’t turn kids into gambling addicts!

Pony crossed with a timberwolf

This, instead of focusing on dumb shit and bogeyman like "violent game turns kids into killers", americunts should take care of this problem.


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Yes? That's what was said. Sorry but like the others said, this ISN'T news, and won't do anything it hasn't already done for centuries upon centuries of humankind existence. "Stupid things" happen, nothing about that is going to change, and it being about something as retarded as toys isn't getting people killed over it.

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The Rick face was added as a joke actually. Originial pic was just a green dildo.

Kids will always find something to throw their money away on. I spent hundreds of dollars on Pokemon cards back in the day, and never saw a cent in return on them (I gave them away to my younger cousin).