Artifact - 548 In-Game - Mostly Negative (526)

>Artifact had Richard Garfield, extensive playtesting and research for all skill levels, and it's still failing


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Other urls found in this thread: had Richard Garfield, extensive playtesting and research for all skill levels, and it's still failing/

>people dont know what they want
>WE know what people want

why are you spamming these threads you brain damaged retard?


Fornite and Epic Games does not have this problem.

to spite all these artifact shills who literally posted for 3 months about how great this game is

It can't be hard for Valve to throw a couple darts in the dark and maybe hit the next bing thing. Why follow trends instead of setting them?

The only things that will save this game are if it's free to start and if they add new cards. That's it.

the game is simply not fun
nothing can really save it

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>making the game cost even more

yeah im sure that'll solve everything

You're far more obnoxious than any nonexistent artifact fan, you have been spamming this thread and your usual rotation of shit threads for a long time now.

>"Artifact is going to kill MTG!"

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How does making it free cost more?

>this game gets more attention from valve than TF2

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so you're just going to hand out the entire library of cards for free and just make people pay for another set?

nobody thought artifact was going to be great, what the fuck are you talking about

Do you even understand what a "free to play" business model entails?

what do you expect? TF2 is ancient, it's had a good run

Why are you faggots this obsessed with a card game?


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It's a 12 years old game, it's a miracle that they even did a major update less than 2 years ago.

stop posting retard
buyfags will have to pay for the free players server costs, which is a minimum and it never bothered them

I'd like to give Artifact a try, but i'm not willing to dish out $$$ on a card game.

it had all that AND a bad (for the current state of gaming) monetization scheme that works for MTGO only because MTG has 25 years' worth of expansions. the gameplay is solid (even if a bit lackluster), but the thing that killed the game is not connected to the gameplay at all

Don't you still have to pay for packs in artifact? I don't see how free to download hurts the p2w model.

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>retard calling other people retards

Can they just shelf this game and the VR meme in general and just work on TF2? Please?

Valve needs to stop chasing fads and go back to just making fucking games.

Also needs to fire all of these retarded fucking hipster employees I keep occasionally catching wind of. I don't have the source, but I once read that a large chunk of the devs are a bunch of assholes with a superiority complex that treat new devs / project ideas like they're not worth shit or not even worth taking up, despite it having such a horizontal development and team structure.

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normal refund rules apply if you don't activate the starter package, and you can play free draft (the most fun mode) without activating the package.

>only a few thousand concurrent players

>paywall just to play and get cards
>not an established TCG franchise
>expecting people to treat it like one

They really didn't know what they were doing, they should have researched their market first instead of making the game retard proof.
Guarantee if this was free but had microstransaction booster packs, this would've been way more popular. (See: Gacha-esque mobile games)

most of Valves games are just chasing fads


you're doing god's work, keep it up

The whole point of F2P is that you lower the barrier of entry enough to bait more people into playing it and hopefully the dolphins/whales spend more on the game than they would if it had a barrier of entry, Artifact is less of an infinite money pit like HS since you can just directly buy the cards you want and the upfront cost gives you $20 word of packs anyway.

I still find quite fucking incredible that Valve could actually pull a more infamous title that Ricochet in their collection.

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Valve is literally gonna hire the dota autochess guy and give up on artifact

do you actually think people did that and meant it

This, and they are right to do so.

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I don't own Artifact but its business model is the last thing you should complain about, it's one of the least cancerous one out of the relevant digital card games.

I played the game for 50 hours when it still had "many" players.

I had a sudden burst of fun when I got into it probably at the 20-30 hour mark and I was consistently winning in the draft mode when it clicked.

It is a good game. I can think things that put off many casual players but I can't point out exactly why I , who had fun like I said, stop playing like many other who liked it.

Everytime I start talking about it I'm getting confused in a "It's a good game BUT..." and it's not only about missing features.

Artifact only failed as hard as it did because of the retarded payment model.

>buy the game for $20 and then give us more money if you ever want more cards

>b-b-but that's how REAL trading card games work!!11

Yeah and how many of them have failed over the years? The only one that is a success that isn't tied to a popular anime or game series is Magic and that's because it was the first.

Might be true, but I feel like their horizontal "free to develop" company structure prevents actual project ideas from gaining wind and taking off.

The whole idea is that you're free to break away from whatever project you want to start your own. Your only challenge will be getting other people on board.

Problem is, this system turns everything into a clique-fest. Even if your project is decent, (and I'm sure many people in-house have tried to push for shit like HL3 and so-on), if nobody cares about you, they're just gonna stick with their friends working on shit like Dota2 or CS:GO.

I read somewhere a few years ago that the older members of the company were mostly assholes who had seniorirty and job security, and were partially why many people were leaving, aside from the fact that no worthwhile content was being developed that actually justified them remaining in their position (writers, designers, etc).

So you bought it? Hahahha, what a fucking idiot, everyone with a brain avoided it just based on the payment model.

nah, it's just a shit game with no depth, after 20 hours of play you've seen everything

Valve has NEVER NOT chased fads. Outside of Steam it self and probably Portal, its the only thing they've ever done
Half-life was casing the fad of FPSs in general being huge in the late 90s
TFC+TF2 were both casing the fad of online class based mods that were super popular for other games
Day Of Defeat came out when Medal of Honer made WW2 FPSs big
Left 4 Dead was basically ripping off tons of mods and other games like Killing Floor.
DOTA2 and Artifact, don't need to explain those

Don't get me wrong, I actually like all the games I mentioned. Valve makes good games, but they're a trend follower to the core unlike what all the press says.

Stop being a retard that unironically thinks F2P skinner box grind whale baiting models are somehow good, you're the cancer killing games.

You're describing a Valve from many years ago when they actually worked on games
Nobody has a clue what they're doing now

holy fuck, go back to plebbit or stop hitting return twice every time you shit an inane sentence out of your retarded head.

cope valvecuck

>proper sentencing and paragraph structure makes me a ledditer

Crawl back into your basement you fucking NEET.

based and redpilled

>I actually like all the games I mentioned.

Shit taste. Imagine actually liking valve games. If I see a Valve game in somebodies top 100, even my favorite Valve game, HL1 Opposing Force, they just have shit taste.

but the game is fun and great.

>look at first info
>three screens
>I have no idea how this is supposed to play
>watch stream
>everything is washed out brown
>assets are recycled from dota and pretty bland
>some pixar things fly around
>still have no clue how the game is supposed to work
>lose all interest
>correctly predict, that others will have a similar experience

It felt a lot like there was an early consensus of this falling flat on its face
It would be something to talk about, if fans correctly predicted a big studio being wrong with their "expert" opinions if this wasnt the nth time this has happened
I would love to see the faces of the people who thought it would work and in particular the people doing market analysis (I mean, considering the size of valve they had someone do some research, right?)

>nu/v/ trying this hard to fit in

Yeah, you're right. I guess that I wish they'd go back to making moderately worthwhile games, rather than chasing all the e-sport shit garbage we keep being flooded with.

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based contrarian poster had Richard Garfield, extensive playtesting and research for all skill levels, and it's still failing/

If Valve were smart, they'd quit fucking around and make a decent RPG or action game or some shit, instead of esport trash.

>proper paragraph strutcture

should be one paragraph you retarded nigger, not four.

If you bought the game I'm laughing at you.

You can just search by MD5 and see he's also the Steam vs Epic consolewar spammer.

Why is OP so obsessed with Valve?

>they'd quit fucking around and make a decent RPG or action game or some shit
how is that smart exactly

You can actually watch the threads keeping count of the downward player count.

Opposing Force is their best game and they didn't even make it

Suck it

Keep it up, fuck all these salty valvecucks

That won't save it.
Core mechanics are boring and there's more RNG in a single turn than some entire games of hearth stone.

>watch this, you can pinpoint the second Artifact died

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>charging 20$ for a card game
>and still forcing microtransactions
I'm glad it's dead.

>Still jerking it to this game's failure
Don't you have Vidya to play, user?

>dinos, vamps and pirates being rolled out soon
Fuck Standard and fuck the wizards

>we did a great deal of research
more like "we hand-selected a small group of opportunistic yes-men to suck our dicks as we were developing this abortion of a card game, 5 years late to the party"

That's what they get for not making it free. Ain't no one paying for a digital card game.

Valve has always chased trends.
The difference is they used to take risks, dota 2 destroyed the moba genre because it was 100% free to play, even fucking HoN backtracked on their payment model when they saw dota 2.
Story based shooters were hardly a thing when half life released and look at the genre now.
Valve used to take something old and put a fun twist on it.

Artifact is just the physical MTG model but without the depth or trading, only the price.
Literally the worst of both worlds.

>The difference is they used to take risks
>By making DOTA


Valve took a risk..... on adding battle royale to cs:go.....

Valve could have made a "pay-once" get entire card collection for card game and completely changed the entire market
Instead they went as full scum as possible and lo and behold it backfired catastrophically
They completely deserve it, they went out of their way to try and make it as pay 2 play as possible, it was hilarious when they started back peddling by giving "free packs" for level ups and changing cards (thereby changing card value)

You're a zoomer or just retarded if you don't think dota2 being the ONLY free moba didn't boost its success.
Why the fuck do you think fortnite knocked the competition out of the water?

based low iq poster

>dota2 being the ONLY free moba
How much of a zoomer are you? LoL predates Dota 2 by several years.

based dunning-kruger poster

While 95% of them were obviously trolling and taking the piss, that even 5% were sincere is worth it. Carry on lad

Valve is just out of touch with what gamers want, or they try to capitalize on a popular trend but take too fucking long to release their shit and by the time its out nobody cares, nobody was going to jump ship from Hearthstone because of the money investment people have made over the past 2 years, I don't think anything would have changed if artifact was free

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I agree, the LCG model would have worked great for valve since they like to do big rebalancing patches every now and again.
I blame Garfield for the payment model, his paper on card game players matches up perfectly with the payment model artifact launched with.
He pretty much straight up admits you should try rarity to value and bleed whales dry

>Harvard would like to know your location

I don't give a fuck about Artifact but holy fuck its hatebase unironically trying to defend F2P skinner boxes is pure cancer, they're always fucking HS addicts.

the hatebase does it out of desperation, the people who would bother adamantly tearing this game apart most likely don't want people to leave their shitty card game theyve spent 300 dollars in to get the good decks

Getting 5 random heroes a week that rotate out isn't "free" retard.

I cant believe so many people still suck valve's cock

All the pros did jump ship though.
The game just wasn't fun so it died in a couple of weeks and they all switched to auto chess.

It's sad that Valve doesn't make good games anymore but they have been great for other things like Linux gaming and VR, it's like they're slowly morphing into a tech company.

>LoL predates Dota 2 by several years.
Literally one year older

>your shit late-to-market card game was eclipsed by your decade old shooter the day it came out

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You're still stupid for thinking giving away a game for free is some HUGE INNOVATION that only Valve could have thought of

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>like Linux gaming

They stopped doing SteamOS

Dota 2 stayed in closed beta for several years, it was only near the actual release that the beta had a relevant amount of invites.

No they didn't and they hired graphics experts to fix piss-poor Linux drivers, the latest update was 2 weeks ago.

Proton is a variant of WINE, which Epic Store could still Valve's work from and make their own client Linux compatible

So? That's the point of open sores.

Steam is definitely an open sore

I'm actually genuinely sad. I had some fun when it launched. I just stopped playing because other new game releases. I honestly hope this game picks up. It's not a bad game.

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>card game
>takes as long as fucking round of dota

Nobody wants that

You mean it's like a TCG?

A shit one, yes.

I liked Artifact

How long until f2p?

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When it gets its mobile unity port