Matthewmatosis Breath of the wild

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Other urls found in this thread:

based and breathpilled

>it's like the original Zelda (not really but I'm not going to go into serious detail so just accept the narrative originally pushed by the marketing)
>muh freedom
>this is a flaw but not really because it's okay when Nintendo does it
>look at the clouds!

There I saved you 55 minutes.
That potato NEET should stick to reviewing Zachtronics games, unironically better than listening to his bad opinions on modern games.

actually seething

ecelebs go in

Fuck off


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His comparison to zelda 1 is just wrong.

Écelebs are gay and so is this autist over analysing bullshit. It’d be easier to just call and interview the devs about why they did X,y, or Z.

What was wrong about it?

No it's not lol, it does what Zelda 1 tried to go for but the execution was a lot better.

The developer intention and the actual product are out of sync, BotW is closer to Wind Waker than zelda 1.
He repeatedly has to make concessions about Zelda 1 doesn't fit the narrative he is trying to mold through the review. At some point in your iterative/writing process, you should question if your thesis was even strong in the first place.

>He repeatedly has to make concessions about Zelda 1 doesn't fit the narrative he is trying to mold through the review
Such as?

Okay so say why it's wrong.

You can access dungeons 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 (1, 2, and 4 in the second quest) as soon as you begin the game. The other dungeons are easily accessed as long as you have a combination of the recorder, stepladder, bombs, or a candle depending on the level. And there's nothing stopping you from entering a dungeon, getting its vital item, and leaving without completing it. The only dungeon that actually forces you to have finished previous dungeons is dungeon 9 — as the last dungeon, it requires you to have all 8 Triforce pieces before you can go past the second room.
In BOTW they skip the need to grab an item and leave and the need for the Triforce pieces, but the overall ability to do things at whatever order you please is the same.
Actually it isn't quite the same because where Zelda 1 failed, BotW succeeded, but at a cost.

E Celeb trash

Got to bed Hbomber

So Matt‘s points (and thesis, basically) on how this game excels at providing so much intrinsic motivation and seems to actively devalue extrinsic factors to the point of seemingly intentionally downplaying or even discouraging them is amazing to me, and quite eye-opening. This difference is exactly what made this game so special for me. Not, for example, the chest you got at the end of a shrine, or the intended way of beating it, but thinking of ways to beat it that stray from the intended path; to decide for myself what a point of interest would be, plan out a path to that point and get distracted a dozen times along the way.

Wind Waker was tremendously more railroaded than BotW.

Shut up dude, that doesn't fit the narrative he is trying to mold through the comment.

>mfw Yea Forums ETERNALLY BTFO
>mfw Yea Forums will pretend to have never liked Mitosis
>mfw Yea Forums will desperately try to rationalize why he's wrong and is bad at analysis

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>"You simply couldn't have connection between combat and world interaction if the combat was a deeper and better system."

Is he retarded? First time I listen to him. Why is he a thing?

Man this review was way too out of place.

The man the myth the legend

BOTW is GARBAGE compared to OOT/MM/WW/TP. There is no debate.

>youtube videogame essays

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There is no debate that you have abhorrent taste in games.

The cope from Joseph Andersons paypiggies is off the charts. Back to your discords trannies!

Take out WW and I agree.

Wind Waker is the only real garbage here.

It really isn't like the original Zelda. I don't know why people try to push this narrative. Zelda 1 still has some sort of linear progression. BotW really doesn't, and it suffers for it.

if you want a actual good review (and it is good because i actually don like this lefty fool) watch this and dont be scared away because of the title its the running title for all reviews "*is the best game" etc,

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poor joseph anderson he just can't compare


Shit taste.

WW is an unfinished game that’s only hyped because of the artstyle, everything else about it sucks.

>i listen to the opinions of other people instead of forming my own

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>calls WW unfinished
>praises BOTW
Absolute brain cancer.

>>>praises BOTW
Never did, numbnuts.

>praises BOTW
He didn't though, you moron.

I wouldn't go that far. The soundtrack is great too and I loved the sense of adventure. I do agree that it's an unfinished mess but there's something about it that's magical to me and makes me happy. It also makes me depressed too when I remember that it could've been so much more.

That's alright then. WW still shits all over BOTW. WW's comfiness is unmatched, even today.

>i can't enjoy a video of someone else explaining their viewpoint on something without it affecting my own

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nice buzzword

>Zelda 1 still has some sort of linear progression
Only just.
Up until BotW, Zelda 1 offered by far the most freedom and nonlinearity with little to no guidance of any game in the series.

>advertising your youtube

I enjoy how he sidesteps all the nitpicky bullshit Anderson came up with without ignoring it, but still choosing to focus on new concepts and topics that haven't been beaten to death by every other "analysis" video on the game. I don't think I agree with him on everything (especially his take on the music), but he was definitely interesting.

>doesn't know how to hide a thread

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HRTguy and Hamster Anderson

Shut the fuck up. You’re nowhere to be found when a dobson, dsp, avgn, etc thread pops up.

You sound mad.

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lol threads are alright
>dsp, avgn, etc thread
get your eyes checked

I want to fuck that duck

What makes BotW unfinished?

lack of dungeons

Divine Beasts, the shrines, and Hyrule Castle. And don’t say they don’t count because you don’t like it.

>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.

This will never not be hilarious

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Its is like the original Zelda but not a copy of it.

What a fuck are you even trying to do dog user?

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How was it wrong?

nah man the divine beasts and hyrule castle are great but i would easily trade 60 shrines for 2-3 more dungeons. With a game like breath of the wild it would have nice just to stumble upon a dungeon

He means in the resource part. Having a deeper, more complex combat system implies more focus on that aspect and probably less in other regards.
Given how "broad" BotW is doing that could've meant to lose a systme like lightnings, some areas, etc. You're given a lot of different tools and approaches so Nintendo saw more value in having more alternatives at a given time than a deep one that wasn't the central pilar.

BotW is mroe a base that needed a ton of assets and code to start and went for a mroe simplistic approach, rather than a deep one.
As he mentions the best outcome of this is another games that re-uses these mechanics and system on a now grounded core that can be expanded further beyond.

I can agree with this.

>Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.
But Skyrim shits all over it in every single way and Skyrim is nearly 10 years old.

>Skyrim shits all over it in every single way and Skyrim is nearly 10 years old.

lol really?

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I legitimately believe Matthew is only truly decent vidya critic in the world, his BOTW review just continued to prove that fact.

He "gets" games in a way retards like Joseph Anderson and your typical youtube critic/game journalist don't.

The worst part of the review was the music section, i can agree that an st needs to know when to step down to let the enviroment or the scene tell their story sometimes, but even WHEN the music got the actual spotlight it was really mediocre at best compaed to previous games.

Otherwise its a fine assessment, i feel he gives a bit too much leeway to the developers then he usually does (possibly because of the whole "new game philosophy" thing and because he is a nintendo fanboy ) but overall it was what i expected him to say.

BotW sequel needs to be what MM was to OoT, smaller in scale but a fresh everything else, hopefully the people on Nintendo understands that.

This reminds me of another article where Todd saw his son playing BotW and nudged him to play Skyrim instead. It's a funny read that's enhanced thanks to Toddposting.

>Todd Howard: My youngest, I got him a Switch, and he really got into Zelda. And he hadn’t traditionally played those games, and he was too young to play Skyrim when it came out. Then when Skyrim came out on Switch, I said, ‘Well you’ve played a lot of Zelda, I think you might like Skyrim.” And I want to do it as the father, like ‘Please, play this game, and see if you like it.’ And the short story is: he got obsessed with it

They put Skyrim on the Switch. Of course he's going to kiss their ass.

What makes the environmental music not "real" music?

matt is THE youtube autist, beloved by other autists

MM was an accident, we are never getting anything remotely close like that, for me I hope they don't do a BotW 2.0, lets go back to a linear Zelda and then we go back to a open world entry

It's sad but it is what it is. The west has fallen to DLC + lootboxes shit and don't even care anymore

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>moving the goalposts when called out for retardation

This is honestly a pretty shallow review that is outright wrong in many places.

For example, at some point he says that the systems in Breath of the Wild were always what the Zelda series was trying to do. Except that's outright false. Zelda was always arcadey, the opposite of simulation. The tools you acquired in the previous games always had one very pre-defined use, you could only jump in contextual hotspots, rooms would reset their state if you left and returned (even broken pots would somehow respawn).

Breath of the wild marks the first time the series has delved into simulation-type aspects.

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I keep reading posts about how Matt didn't bring up anything other reviewers didn't talk about, but he did. The intrinsic vs. extrinsic rewards was basically the underlying theme of his whole review, and he delved into it more than anyone else ever has. It's also the whole reason Yea Forums is so divided on the game, so he knocked out two birds with one stone by addressing it.

>54 minutes of eceleb opinion
I feel bad for any npc that watches this kind of shit. He's only doing this for money because youtubes payout requires minutes I bet he doesn't even believe in most of the shit he says.

It felt plain rushed. Not mentioning the castle, barely talked about the island, doesn't understand any references in the temple

>Zelda was always arcadey, the opposite of simulation.

I have to ask, what was your first Zelda game?

I find it weird how much he gushes about and describes things like being able to cook food by placing items near a fire, or being able to beeline to the final boss, as 'revolutionary' considering how many other games have done things like that.

Does he not play a lot of games or something?

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lol good joke user

He returns!

Uhh, you do realise that using big words doesn't actually make you sound smarter, right?

>game has lows but also really high highs while not being shit

hes right you know

It's innovative when Nintendo does it
Must be because its on a console modern open world game, i remember Arx Fatalis having a rather interesting cooking system

What big words?

>implying a shitposter who does it for free is somehow more trustworthy

The free exploration and ways you search for and uncover caves is very much like BotW's free exploration and ways you search for and uncover shrines. Which have heart pieces and orbs respectively.
Hyrule Castle is also like the first 3D Zelda dungeon that's like a Zelda 1 dungeon.

Most games does the things automatically, RDR2 for example, so having feedback for the player for just moving food near fire is actually neat. Wouldnt call it revolutionary tough, but is done better at least for that specific case since recipes are still automated.

Because it's not standard, it's not hard to understand, user. Most AAA games like RDR2 or GoW are really dumbed down and linear



He raised a lot of good points


he never acts like it's anything new, though, just that it's execution is good in botw and he felt the need to mention it.

So did you not even make it past middle school?
The only thing that will never not be hilarious its how insecure BOTW fanboys are

I remember being interested with the cooking with all the possibilities and finding the most effective recipe... till they introduced Hearty Durians on the Gerudo Desert and you could cheese the fuck out of them


Why do you pay attention to reviews of games that are a year old ?

good b8

Except GOW won GOTY last year so yeah

Isnt that better than trusting reviews that are hastily pushed out day after the game comes out?

tlou clone. Don't see how that's supposed to be a good thing

funny how you don't post this in giant bomb threads

>TLOU clone
I dont get what people mean when they say this
>Don't see how that's supposed to be a good thing
TLOU was one of the better games of last gen, sorry if that fact hurts you

> Except that's outright false. Zelda was always arcadey, the opposite of simulation.
Do you even know what you are saying or are you just making noises with your mouth

>I dont get what people mean when they say this
It's two words, it's not exactly rocket science

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>Zelda was always arcadey, the opposite of simulation.
Do you even know what either of those words mean?

Should you even post youtube videos or not?

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given TLOU clone its not a coined term no i dont get what you mean

>t. American

>>Zelda was always arcadey, the opposite of simulation.
He went on to quote Miyamoto himself about striving for reality instead of realism in Zelda games. Whether BotW is a simulation or not or whether the previous Zelda games were is irrelevant. The simulationist systems in BotW are a result of trying to strive for that idea of freedom found in the first Zelda game, not necessarily the whole series (which are known for becoming increasingly more linear and restrictive over time)

I think he was referring to the fact that GoW had no microtransactions or dlc.

american education everyone
yes they are all this retarded

Because discussing vidya is fun and intellectually stimulating. Not that Yea Forums would know about discussing vidya...

or fun
or intellectual curiosity.

He said that? Fuck, I've been arguing that since the game came out and now people are going to think I'm an NPC.

>The tools you acquired in the previous games always had one very pre-defined use

Woah. Play Zelda 1

It's not rocket science but it's world class mental gymnastics

You're pretty fucking retarded then. I really hope you're trying to say
>I understand what that means but I don't see how it applies to GoW
and not
>I literally cannot understand what "TLOU clone" means.

It takes a lot more effort to see the good in design decisions you don't agree with or don't necessarily stick the landing across the entire duration of a game. I appreciate this kind of critique way more than "game good" or "game bad"

Has Yea Forums really become a part of the demographic that lets Youtubers spoonfeed them opinions? Wht happened?

>GOW its a TLOU clone
>you heard me
>I dont see what that entails
>well whatever shut up


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Fantastic review.

I don't agree with everything he said, but Matt is pretty much the only "analyst" type reviewer to actually assess this game as holistically and objectively as possible, and also get down to the nitty gritty of why so many people are split about its exploration; it depends entirely on what motivates them.

If you want to make him mad tell him to run a circle, gets him every time

I already held most of these opinions, and I still disagree with him on some.
But all things considered the video is great, and I would much rather have this video or its contents spammed on Yea Forums, than daily "it's le empty xD" threads.

user, this is really fucking pathetic. Common fucking sense should tell you that if someone says Game A is a clone of Game B, then they are saying Game A is incredibly similar to Game B in style. I'm not even that guy, GoW has ten times the gameplay of TLoU, but at least I understand English.

Imagine being the only reply that agrees with the frogposter

>BotW contiunes to live rent free in the heads of the typical Yea Forumsirgin.
>In the same mental cul de sac as The Witcher 3.

Still guys? Still?!

I dont see how GOW its a TLOU clone outside people talking during gameplay and taking care of a kid during the story and even then you dont have to babysit Atreus

I don't have any opinion on the game, but I didn't enjoy the review to any particular extent. Due to the game being completely non-linear, the review lacks enough cohesion to be engaging without playing the game beforehand.
I felt similarly non-engaged watching the Zachtronics reviews (before playing the games). Many of his other reviews are well constructed enough to be of enjoyment even without having tried the game though.

>I dont see how GOW its a TLOU clone
See, maybe if you responded with that to his first post instead of saying
>I don't understand what the words "TLoU clone" means because I'm a native Chinese speaker.
then you wouldn't look so retarded. But you'd still be illiterate because you think I said GoW is a TloU clone when the post you're responding to explicitly said the opposite.

>The tools you acquired in the previous games always had one very pre-defined use, you could only jump in contextual hotspots, rooms would reset their state if you left and returned (even broken pots would somehow respawn).

Yes, but those aspects were always a limitation of Zelda's design rather than a full realization of what it was trying to achieve. The way it approaches its overworlds, NPCs and villages shows that the series was always striving for reality.

so how is it a clone then?

They're angry that they don't have a PS4.

Watching thorough analysis videos on games you haven't even played typically kind of ruins the games though, or don't you agree?
Matthew even takes this assumption for granted and puts disclaimers under each of his videos where he urges people to play the games first.

dumb frogposter actually a fucking mongo dungbrain

was his comment about a touch screen inventory a sly dig at how the Wii U failed to implement something like that?

>so how is it a clone then?
> I'm not even that guy
If someone posts an opinion you think is retarded, acting like an even bigger idiot isn't doing you any favors.

No, Matt legitimately forgot the WiiU existed.

He's just confused. Anderson makes his videos specifically for people who haven't played the game, he doesn't know any other way.


jesus, are you that user that claims that the hardest difficulty is the developer intended difficulty?

>Zelda was always arcadey, the opposite of simulation.
He never implies the original Zelda games tried to be simulations. BOTW is an arcade way of simulating realism, something the series always wanted to do - like with his example of burning webs in OOT. BOTW just made it on a worldwide scale.

And how the fuck do you take "arcade" to "it means you can only jump in certain spots and use items in certain ways", what the fuck.

>Original user posts something stupid.
>You are illiterate.
>Someone else calls you out.
>Ask that person to defend a statement he never even said.
>Original user is long gone and everyone involved is autistic.

To be honest, I did too

Will Matthew ever learn to edit his videos or is he just in love with his voice?

And not a single person replied to your actually well written and well thought out post. Proof that they are coward shills and that they fear your valid point too much to reply.

What games use a worldwide working system that allows you to start a fire pretty much everywhere, in any place, and cook something there and then? Not a pre-determined fireplace or spot you have to start a camp in, but a sudden explosion burning some grass and also cooking stuff in it?

There are games that allows you to go to the end level boss, but you only mention these two, as if that's the only thing he mentions BOTW has. Everything he said is tied to freedom and how well the game does it, the full package, and no other game had such a well thought out and made open world package that tries not to hold your hand, while also not making you absolutely lost.

BotW is 50% climbing and gliding, and 30% shrines.

He understood this but weasled away from any conclusion. That the game is fucking boring.

>Oh the enemies react to fire so realistic, and you can throw boulders at them!
Yes, this was moderatly amusing for the first level of Far Cry 1 fifteen years ago.

All nintendo games nowadays feel like lite versions of real games. They're like mobile games, but not quite. Probably all because they refuse to put out any decent hardware.

I agree, this shit is only for when you're high and want some shit in the background when you're sleeping. Can't be taking them serious

>BotW is 50% climbing and gliding, and 30% shrines.
>He understood this but weasled away from any conclusion.
Except the part of the game he criticized most definitively was how non-interactive the climbing is, and how many other aspects of the game it detracts from.

Yet another Anderson video dethroned.

no, it's because they strip away all the unnecessary padding/grinding aspects like skill trees and just let games be games

No, Yea Forums is a place where people can agree with a youtuber and discuss why, while you cry like a little bitch

He streams with his little sister?

does it contain spoilers?

Your comment is as logical as saying a shooter is 60% walking and 30% shooting. Yeah, maybe, who knows, but it in no way means it can be bad. Celeste is 90% about jumping and 5% about running, and yet it's still one of the best platformers made in a long while.


Oh my fucking christ he's been at his shilling for an entire month, probably longer though. All the posts are identical. Nintendo babies are fucking children.

>The only thing that will never not be hilarious its how insecure BOTW fanboys are

BotW is one of the most acclaimed video games ever made and drowned under a truckload of awards. Why would they be insecure? Answer me.

Not him, but I'd say the climbing is at its most interactive before you get a second stamina gauge, because then you have to think about how you're going to navigate and maneuver through all the verticality.

I wish he'd talked more about that.

>Yes, this was moderatly amusing for the first level of Far Cry 1 fifteen years ago.
The fact that no other open world game in those fifteen years has that level of detail says way more about the state of gaming as a whole than it does botw.

I can already see Todd in a flowery dress and wig and make-up using a high falsetto voice, "SON LISTEN TO YOUR FATHER AND EAT YOUR VEGGIES AND PLAY SKYRIM"

>And how the fuck do you take "arcade" to "it means you can only jump in certain spots and use items in certain ways", what the fuck.
Because that's what arcade means. It means abstract mechanics. This is the opposite of simulation, where the game tries to provide as much interactivity as possible.

The attached image, while about a completely different kind of game, illustrates the difference between simulation and arcade somewhat.

Attached: 13994393232.jpg (2000x2412, 741K)

Saying "game is 50% [activity] and [activity] is boring" is not the same as simply saying "game is 50% [activity]".

>for fucking botw
what is there to spoil?
big bad ganon is back at it again after the calamity [100 YEARS AGO] and the mighty hero link steps in and saves the world again


>suddenly jumps into conclusion that a single person represents an entire group
Maybe you should leave Yea Forums, you alone make all of us look stupid

HBomberguy btfo

>discord tranny paypigs absoloutly seeeeeeeeeeeeething that based matty blew them the fuck out

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You do realize that spoilers don’t exclusively refer to story, right?

Yes it tells you a good chunk of the plot and the ending. I don't care much about the story and there's only like 40 minutes worth of cutscenes but still I wouldn't watch it before playing the game.
BotW's spoilers are of a different kind, you really DO want to see and find stuff on your own.

all the idiots posting ITT are really casting a new light on the average Yea Forums user who disses mattosis offhand. next time I see a post like that I'll probably just assume it's from a retard thanks to this thread

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Actually, arcade means something that puts away simulation at times for the game to be more fun. BOTW does enough of it, while also simulating stuff in a very arcade way - it opens up possibilities, the world, but not too much to make it boring. You don't have to, for example, have a knife to open a fruit or even care at all about how the cooking works besides "throw in a pot/fire". Just because BOTW changed some of the arcade elements, doesn't mean the game is suddenly worse.

jumping and running are platforming though.
There are, fortunatly, relativly few walking sim fps. Imagine if TLOU was 60% ladders and walking.

The intrusion of gargbage elements is one thing. When they compose the overwhelming majority of the game is another.

Crysis. Fuck, tonnes of games have gravity and fire. It's a lame pointless feauture that in the end means nothing. Get the more powerful weapon. Maybe chuck a bomb.

You never use a tree to cross a ravine after the tutorial. And that is BotW in a nutshell.

The road to the zoras domain, the beasts, the forrest and the ninja palace are very good. But they are such a small part of the game.

He also criticized gliding for being so powerful that it supercedes other methods of travel like shield surfing and for reducing the amount of interaction with the environment needed to get anywhere.
And he effectively criticized both climbing and gliding for allowing you to effortlessly approach practically any area from any angle, and suggested it might be better if you were more restricted so you had to take more circuitous or clever routes to avoid challenges.

If its so acclaimed why do they need to constantly reminds of this fact? You dont see daily threads of TLOU or Witcher 3 fans making threads about how many awards those games earned

Just because you find adventuring and discovering things garbage doesn't mean it actually is that. Apparently what you want in a Zelda game isn't what Zelda games are all about. You people seemigly hate on Pokemon for introducing more plot elements and story beats, asking for more freedom, but shit on BOTW for being too open and not hand-holdy enough?

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>You dont see daily threads of TLOU or Witcher 3 fans making threads about how many awards those games earned
Are you joking?

>this is a flaw but not really
When does he ever say this?
He'll often provide reasons as to why a mechanic might be there, but he never says that it excuses it.

> You don't have to, for example, have a knife to open a fruit or even care at all about how the cooking works besides "throw in a pot/fire".
That's literally how simulationist games handle cooking.

Simulationist doesn't mean true realism, it only means realism in the context of a video game. Of course, the mechanics are still abstract by virtue of being a video game, but its a far cry from the largely absract mechanics of previous Zelda games.

Answer my question

>You dont see daily threads of TLOU or Witcher 3 fans making threads about how many awards those games earned

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I mean, it's the same image and the same format reposted multiples of times... but I mean if it's a collective sharing that same format, that's even more pathetic. They are all forcefully shilling.

>What? You don't like playing Dark Souls in the surface of the moon?
>That's what Dark Soul 2 is, it's all on the moon, deepest lore, watch some videos you'll get it.
>It's on the moon it was conveying story trough it's animation, that's why all fells weightless, cause you're in space.
>That's the sci fi souls game everyone been asking for.

>Utterly destroy everything about the game while playing around with his girlfriend
>Actually uses accurate criticism trough the joke so there isn't even an argument against

How can a Irish dude be so based?

>It's great, and here's why
>But it's not perfect. Here's some suggestions for how to improve it, but even then none of these suggestions are easy to implement and have their own pitfalls
That's more accurate

I like adventuring and discovering things.

I dislike watching a climbing gauge slowly dissapate. Thats most of your time with BotW.

And this claim that he has in the video of "intrinsic" vs "extrinsic" motivation is terrible. Very few people complained about the Lost Woods because its good content, regardless of motivation.

A mokogoblin fortress is sub-ubishit teir garbage content. Regardless of whether you complete it by smaking them with a metal bar (something that got tired half way through Half Life 2 in 2004).

Based good poster

I think it's worth noting that he wasn't saying people SHOULD have an intrinsic mindset, but rather that BotW simply appeals to people with intrinsic motovation much more than those with extrinsic. He also mentioned that climbing and gliding should be nerfed if not removed entirely, and that 100% freedom is not the way to go forward. People want limitations and constrained situations even in open world games, they just don't know it.

Literally who?

not everyone is a Discord tranny. some people are just fucking retarded

>Fuck, tonnes of games have gravity and fire.
Not enough games apparently

gear treadmill in botw was one of my least favorite aspects

>I dislike watching a climbing gauge slowly dissapate. Thats most of your time with BotW.

Then you agree with Matt? He spent most of the video talking about how shit/overpowered the climbing was and how it devalued the best parts of botw.

I agree with you for the most part

but surely you'll agree the hyrule castle theme was kino

my point was

>He understood this but weasled away from any conclusion. That the game is fucking boring.
A shit sandwich is shit, ragrdless of how nice the bread is.

Yes, I agree. But this assumes that I have an interest in playing the game in the first place. As an example, I would not have played MGR if I was not spoiled on the final boss. I am grateful I was, it is a very fun game.
Other reviews might not have caught my attention enough to warrant a purchase, but have a least been enjoyable by themselves.

He sure glossed over the temperature system and how poorly implemented it is in the game.
It's really just 9 temperature levels with specific clothes giving you one resistance each up to 3 and then needing food to get to the fourth level or as a replacement, and the "this place is so hot you will spontaneously catch fire" condition of Death Mountain, but that's not really a temperature level because you can only negate it with one specific armour set or potion and neither will do anything about hot temperatures.
The only punishment for being in a temperature level above or below your resistance level is that you slowly take damage, regardless of if it's heat or cold. They should've made it so the temperature was more dynamic, all clothes had temperature modifiers as secondary stats, and give different effects to temperature, like say, being cold making you slower and being hot making your stamina wear down quicker, with both only dealing damage to you at the highest levels. That would make the temperature system have impact without forcing you to negate it or die. Though of course, by the time you're a few hours in you can already make a million meals to counter-act any temperature situation, so that would need to be adjusted too.

>I like adventuring and discovering things.
>I dislike watching a climbing gauge slowly dissapate. Thats most of your time with BotW.

You're contradicting yourself. If you liked discovering things, you wouldn't have spent most of your time climbing since it's not required for most of the content on the map. Even Matthew's video acknowledges that a ton of points of interest are hidden away in smaller nooks and crannies on the ground.

>at how the Wii U failed to implement something like that?
Not quite. It was a dig at how Nintendo show to strip the Wii U game of its exclusive features in order to not have the Switch version come across as inferior and unappealing.

>He sure glossed over the temperature system
He LITERALLY said everything you just posted including the suggestions to make clothing more dynamic. Did you even WATCH the video?

Based and retardpilled

That would just make it worse desu.

>It seems the only thing Link can't mount is Mipha
Goddammit that got me.

>y-you're playing it wrong
every time. I guarantee you spent the majority of your play toime in the overworld, and a vast amount of that time climbing, or walking through empty nothingless. Most points of interest in the overworld are shrines btw.

>was his comment about a touch screen inventory a sly dig at how the Wii U failed to implement something like that?
Why the fuck would you want such a dumb feature?

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I guarantee you I didn't spend most of my time doing that because my eyes were constantly guiding me towards things on the ground. Shrines, environmental puzzles for shrine quests, Korok puzzles, sidequests, resource collecting etc. mostly require a considerable amount of time on the ground. Most of my climbing was done when I needed to glide somewhere for convenience.

The only thing he said was that the temperature system was an annoyance because you just swap out your clothes when you get somewhere, and he proposes being only able to change your clothes at an inn or equivalent place so you have to plan ahead. He completely neglects mentioning food removing this decision, nor does he talk about how the temperature gauge is really only 9 notches and how lazy it is that being above your temperature resistance on either side only has the single effect of dealing damage over time. The closest thing he says at all to anything I said was that certain clothes could have had a stamina penalty if worn in an unsuitable area.

He was outdone 2 years ago

>guarantee you I didn't spend most of my time doing that because my eyes were constantly guiding me towards things on the ground. Shrines, environmental puzzles for shrine quests, Korok puzzles, sidequests, resource collecting etc
delusional. Game is fucking empty.

Stay seething.

Nice bait post.
You call other people retards but worship an e-celeb for his opinion rather then forming your own. It's fine to use other ideas to validate your own, but for me, this video has helped validate my own reasons for why I think the game ultimately misses the mark. I think Matt's perspective on player motivation is interesting, but it helps me see where the combat system ends up faltering over time. The combat being driven by intrinsic fun built into the game's system and your tools is fun, but after trying all sorts of methods of tackling your combat situation creatively, there's only so many things you can do at a given time without it becoming a chore to pull-off. Thus why it ends up devolving to the games base combat mechanics in the end which aren't that great.

enjoy far cry 6 bro.

>People want limitations and constrained situations even in open world games, they just don't know it.

I enjoyed his review, but that was a super patronizing remark on his behalf. I liked the way BotW distributed its freedom and its constraints.

>why would you want the ability to quickly use and switch out items in your inventory in a game where you spend a lot of time doing exactly that?
I can't tell if you're just eager to disagree with anything a person on youtube says no matter what it is, if you're dickriding nintendo so hard you'll defend them not using a feature to make another version of the game seem better, or if you think any gimmick they use is inherently the devil and can't be used to any good end. The wii u pad was used to great effect for wind waker HD and it would have been damn useful for botw too.

Matthew "Autism Speaks" Mattosis absolutely BTFO by this Yea Forums CHAD-GOD.

watching the video made me want to play botw again but I already found all the shrines and only have a handful of sidequests left that I don't want to meticulously try to find, but I don't really want to do a master mode playthrough either because the regenerating health is dumb
what do

>implying Anderson ever had a throne to begin with

>but worship an e-celeb for his opinion rather then forming your own
I don't do that. I disagree with mattosis on lots of points, which has led me, in the past, to give posts like "mattosis is shit, his videos aren't worth watching, cancer e celeb sage sage sage" etc at least some degree of the benefit of the doubt as to the person writing them. but due to a lot of the posts I'm seeing ITT, I'm considering discontinuing that practice - not on account of them disliking mattosis but rather on the basis of them being blatantly retarded. If you doubt whether or not there are retarded posts ITT, I could point them out to you

Not really.

I run a lot of PnP games (/tg/ stuff - dungeons & dragons and the like) and probably the #1 thing i've learned is that if you give players too many choices, they'll just sit there and do nothing, paralyzed by the amount of decisions they have to make. The vast majority of players need at least a nudge in a certain direction via constraints and events, but if you actually ask them, they'll never tell you that. They'll always say they want freedom of choice, full sandbox, no "railroading". But that's always a lie. They want direction - a lot of good design is tricking players into thinking they aren't really being directed when they actually are.

>The vast majority of players need at least a nudge in a certain direction via constraints and events, but if you actually ask them, they'll never tell you that.

But the game already does this, and Matt even alluded to how points of interest are placed in a way to guide players along.

What I disagree with is the idea that more constraints were needed, at least when it comes to navigation. The beauty of games like BotW is that it gives you that crucial choice: you can travel along the path on the ground and face the challenges ahead, or you can just glide over them if you'd rather circumvent any challenge. The map design always makes it clear which is which, though, because you'll almost never encounter any hazards in the air.

>Matt even alluded to how points of interest are placed in a way to guide players along.

Thats just clever design. But that user has a point. BotW just tells you to beat the bad guy and save princess. Thats it. Now how you're gonna do that is up to you. Get the fuck out there and figure it out.

Most young teen players these days cannot wrap their heads around free-form gameplay like that. They need led by the hand and have the titillation of cutscenes every 2 minutes.


>takes two years to say shit everyone else already has at this point
thanks matt

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GoW and TLOU are both incredibly slow linear walking simulators where telling a story comes first and foremost, and presenting an objectively good gameplay experience comes last. Now the way action and gameplay is handled is far better than TLOU, but it still has a ton of flaws since it's more defined to tell a story. Though with that said, it isn't like anything else released last year to really dethrone GoW from GOTY, even if I'd argue Spider-Man was better.


>Hyrule Castle is also like the first 3D Zelda dungeon that's like a Zelda 1 dungeon.
in what capacity

But GOW has always been linear

You don't get views if you play unpopular games.

I suppose he means "99% combat no puzzles"

Zelda has always had mediocre music. TP and SS couldn't even muster that. At least in the rare occasions when BOTW has music, it's pretty good.

>Those are big words
It's burgers like you that make me ashamed to be one myself

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Should I replay BOTW on my Switch or on CEMU?

CEMU unless you really value playing it on your bed which is too far from the computer.

what causes a person to talk like this?

>What games use a worldwide working system that allows you to start a fire pretty much everywhere, in any place, and cook something there and then? Not a pre-determined fireplace or spot you have to start a camp in, but a sudden explosion burning some grass and also cooking stuff in it?

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This video made me realize that we haven't gotten another game on the same level of quality as BOTW for 2 years and the realization bummed me out.

still shit

Hyrule Castle is practically a combat gauntlet that revolves almost solely around navigating the dungeon while besting or navigating past the many combat encounters spread throughout the paths of the dungeon, which serves as the obstacles. With the occasional puzzle like a destructible wall or pushable block, thrown in for novelty's sake.

Which is exactly how the dungeons of Zelda 1 were.
In what way does that sound far fetched?
>in what capacity
makes it sound like my claim almost shocked you or something.

word wot too big me not like

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He isn't a big RPG guy.

To be fair, Arkane games were years ahead of everyone else. They're the king of immersive sims.

Attention everyone. I have an important announcement to make. I'd just like to say...


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This videos got pretty much no value at all. It just uses the exact same talking points you hear in every other botw video. This is why its a waste of time talking about games that everyone and their mother has covered, unless youve got something actually unique to say.

>hate reviewer
>posts his threads all the time
Stop this Yea Forums, just post youtube people you like, at least stop giving these bigger ones more views

Quite literally who?
Why do you worship these people?

BotW is a glorified tech demo, that's all it is.

Arguing the game was meant for intrinsically motivated players was a pretty unique thing to say.

If I spam my stream and youtube on Yea Forums can I get more yous and views without losing my humanity?

It just seems like a weird comparison to draw, the vertical nature of the dungeon combined with how many entrances it has doesn't really work with a Zelda 1 comparison and could just as easily be attributed to ALTTP, plus Zelda 1 dungeons often had enemies exclusive to them whereas BOTW Hyrule Castle incorporates most of the enemy types already found everywhere else in the game. If your only criteria is "this dungeon is mostly about combat with little puzzles" then that seems pretty basic

>2 years later and people are still seething
Based Nintendo

Daily reminder to unsubscribe from Halitosis' channel and report his videos for hate speech just to fuck with him. Also double your Joseph Anderson's Patreon donation.

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No it isnt, thats the exact same as saying that it allows player expression/freedom or a "make your own fun" style approach which is one of the most obvious observations about the game and has been made since it came out. All sandbox games are like this its literally the idea the genre is based on

>had to edit out the "/fa/ and /fit/ as fuck" from Hamderson

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It's not about what it allows, it's about who gains enjoyment out of it

The vast majority of the Zelda 1 dungeon enemies were shared across dungeons. They may have been exclusive to dungeons, but most of them were shared between dungeons.
And even with BotW's relatively limited enemy variety, Hyrule Castle does actually have the Guardian Turret canons that are unique to it. Unique weapon encounters too, but I guess that doesn't really count.

The one thing that sets it apart are the multiple points of potential entry. Otherwise it's just the same thing but in 3D space. Complete with rooms that lock behind you with enemies you need to beat to progress. Enemies that stand in your way that you very well might want to beat in order to progress easier. Or enemies that you might want to run past. Blocks and walls that hide hidden rooms. Mini bosses.

I would hold onto my assertion that they feel pretty damn similar all things considered, and my claim that it's hands down the one 3D Zelda dungeon that's the closest, the only one that has ever been close in the first place, and one that is pretty damn close.
If you disagree or find my comparison odd, then fine. But I genuinely believe this.

>that's why all fells weightless, cause you're in space.
Has he even played DS2 for more than few hours? If you compare rolling, weapon animations (and how it feels when they hit an object), running etc. to other souls games, DS2 probably has the most weight on it's animations.
If he wants to complain how a Souls game protagonist has no weight behind him/her, he should complain about DS3.
Since you can roll 12 times with 50 stamina and spam lighter weapons multiple times with fast animations, it makes the character feel like a machine or something, plus, those design choices kill the game balance in PvE and PvP.

Does he talk about "it"?

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>If somebody else has an opinion on something you're not allowed to express your own

Stupid, sexy Zelda...

no, he complains about how Mipha is the only thing Link won't mount in the game or something like that

>"seems like the only thing Link can't mount is Mipha"

>thats the exact same as saying that it allows player expression/freedom or a "make your own fun" style approach

It's not like saying that. His point was that there were very tangible rewards in the game, they were just all intrinsic.

He even gave examples of this, like the dragons you stumble across being fully interactive instead of just being empty setpieces. His point is that the content is deliberately designed to derive enjoyment from what you're doing rather than whatever random trinket you end up getting from it.

Bad choice of wording on my part should have said "encourages" but the point remains. This isn't an interesting or unique observation at all besides him using intrinsic/extrinsic motivation to group the players, the core idea is that sandbox games appeal to people who want to fuck around with game mechanics more so than people who are goal oriented. It's also a good idea to avoid using the intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation distinction to demonstrate what you mean, it breaks down as soon as you start thinking about it and how it applies to games

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I don't think his intention was to imply that BotW is particularly similar to the original. He only used it to provide the context for the stuff BotW would choose to emphasize, like the mostly hands-off way it introduces the player to the game.

In general the games are radically different on almost every meaningful level and the comparisons are unfounded, but I don't think his video made that mistake.

Tangible rewards cannot be intrinsic because intrinsic means coming from within, you either have one or the other. You getting this confused is actually a good example of how easily this distinction breaks down, what you and he meant is that the extrinsic rewards are there to structure and encourage intrinsic enjoyment rather than being the end in itself. This is the key to the vast majority of games, extrinsic rewards are there to clearly structure play and give focus, which in turns allows the player to get intrinsic enjoyment more easily. The two are very deeply connected in games and you can't really have one without the other. Well, you can have only extrinsic rewards but then you end up with exploitative mobile trash, or you can have only intrinsic enjoyment and you end up with toy software rather than games.

Looking at intrinsic and extrinsic motivators clarified for me why opinions are SO divided on this game, and why I felt like the detractors were playing a completely different game than I was.


>They may have been exclusive to dungeons, but most of them were shared between dungeons.
Interesting fact about this, Zelda 1 actually had "dungeon enemy sets". The design documents had clear guidelines in the style of "Dungeon can have enemies from sets A and C or B and C, but NEVER A and B". So technically yes, some were shared between dungeons, but they didnt just slap them in randomly.

his remark about the fire is just "it makes you wonder why every game doesn't work this way"
his observation about the open progression was with regard to how drastic of the a break it is with the pattern set by the 12 or so Zelda games which have been made since LttP
both statements are basically uncontestable. I'm not sure why you elected to write "revolutionary" in quotation marks; I'm pretty sure he never used the word with regard to either feature.
I'm sure he's played games that you haven't played, as well

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You can explain it more easily with an example.

I play Megaman X because I enjoy playing Megaman X, not to get whatever rewards playing Megaman X would give me. The act of playing Megaman X is enjoyable.

Basically everything you do in BotW is enjoyable in the same way playing a Megaman game is enjoyable. You play the game because the act of playing the game is enjoyable.

no, unfortunately Matthewmattosis did not comment on Gerudo Link

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>55 minute video
>not a word on weapon durability

does he like the game?
if he does then his opinion doesnt matter

That's because you were playing a Zelda game, while they weren't playing a Zelda game because they don't want to buy a Switch.

>55 min review


Just go play the game for an hour and decide if you like it or not holy shit.

But I already played it

>what you and he meant is that the extrinsic rewards are there to structure and encourage intrinsic enjoyment rather than being the end in itself

I think we're both aware of this. You're just phrasing it in a needlessly technical way and getting caught up in the semantics, but the point stands that everything in the game is built around the player's intrinsic sensibilities.

>This is the key to the vast majority of games

But it's not typically the FOCUS, which, again, is the point. Most open world games in particular are far more about the destination (i.e. physical rewards) than the journey because they don't do enough with their gameplay systems and map design to justify the player's intrinsic motivation.

not really a review more of a case study

He gives it a mention which is all the attention it deserves. Only genuinely retarded people were handicapped by it during a playthrough.

Breath of the Wild is not a Zelda game.

It's the second biggest flaw in the game, after Divine Beasts

It's actually called "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild". It's developed by Nintendo, who makes all of "The Legend of Zelda" games.

You might have been confused so I thought I'd clarify.

Like he said, only genuinely retarded people

This is also true for many of A Link to the Past's dungeons and items, though -- at least once you get to the Dark World. The way BotW handles nonlinearity is very different from either game; ALBW is a much closer comparison.

I love the fact that there's 900 korok seeds. It's like openly mocking people who desire extrinsic motivation.

Durability isn't a flaw, it's the bandage used to fix issues that arise from the fact that every humanoid enemy can drop a weapon.

I know what intrinsic vs extrinsic is SUPPOSED to mean, but as I said it starts breaking down when you think about it. What you said is shallow analysis, which the extrinsic vs intrinsic distinction encourages. You didn't say why you enjoy the act of playing Megaman X you just said you do and called it intrinsic enjoyment. But then if you look at the actual game design then what do you see? Clear tangible rewards for things such as exploration via upgrades that give reason to search the levels and engage in exploration or platforming challenges, along with stage order affecting the levels you play. Then you have the idea of challenge and overcoming it which itself is an extrinsic reward of progress and new content that makes intrinsic enjoyment (gaining skill, overcoming satisfaction) possible

It's him and Tim Rogers for me, everything else goes into the trash

it doesn't seem right to call it a bandage either, it's just a different system
it's basically melee ammo, there to make it so you don't bother to fight every enemy just because you see it

No I just like playing Megaman X. The gameplay is fun.

Same thing with Contra 3, Hotline: Miami, Star Fox 64, and Breath of the Wild

The design and flow of the game is enjoyable. I don't "trudge through" Megaman X so I can get stronger white armor for my character. Just like I don't "trudge through" Starfox 64. The game is fun to play.

Please be bait.

Of that I have no doubt. Too many posts are of retards shitposting per-usual. That being said, what are your thoughts on Matt's vid? What do you think of BotW in from his pov and your own? I shared my take so I'm curious of yours and hungry for genuine discourse.

>being retarded
no weapon durability is so you can enjoy powerful weapons early on and not be retarded op.

you have designed a video game before right Yea Forums?

He will ask "What makes it fun" next

That's the point though, remove the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation terms from the equation and you have the same argument being made.
>Most open world games in particular are far more about the destination
They aren't, by their nature open world games are designed to offer a unique experience and choices to the player so that playthroughs aren't the same, but they also have various systems that add layers on top of that like wandering AI, events based on stats/type of progress in the game or even random events. Even things like gear are used for the purpose of making the journey unique, have you never heard people talk about how they found x item early through clever play in a western RPG or stumbled upon some awesome weapon in Skyrim? That's not just an extrinsic reward. Though with that said it's also worth noting that not all open world games are sandboxes, so while you can get the odd game like Dark Souls which is skewed towards extrinsic rewards in the open world genre, sandbox games are ALL designed with the mentality of BOTW.

BotW's soundtrack really is the ultimate pleb filter

Yes it's a system, but why was the system implemented? The easiest way to figure it out is by removing the system and observing how that changes the game (player ends up getting too many weapons and have no real reason to use any of the weaker ones)
Yes that's another part of it, but it's easily fixed by just not giving OP weapons early on like every other game that exists? Or simply taking it away from the player after he's used it like Darksiders and other spectacle fighters like to do at the beginning. Creating an entire durability system just for that would be retarded when there are much easier ways to fix it.

>sandbox games are ALL designed with the mentality of BOTW.
Yet so, so few succeed at making the act of going from point A to B enjoyable or challenging.

>the game should have more permanent upgrades in shrines as opposed to equipment
>enemy and boss variety isn't great enough to cover the world
>game has a problem with menu overuse
>koroks aren't engaging content for the overworld
>special discoveries can become tainted when you realize that the reward was simply a shrine and a spirit orb
>calamity ganon is a let down
>but the game absolutely shines by the sheer attention to detail and the many different ways objects can interact with each other
I got what I wanted out of it.

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>Zelda has always had mediocre music

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Would you explore the levels thoroughly if you knew the game had no heart tanks, subtanks or upgrades? Can that be removed from the game entirely without impacting your enjoyment? Would you still play it if the game had no real progression, that is you'd be given all stages and upgrade from the get-go and you wouldn't "beat" anything per say but only worked towards improving your score in levels? All you're saying is that fun things are fun. I guess you're referring to the game feel of it.

>Matthewphimosis really enjoyed BotW
the absolute asshurt this is causing on this board among some faggots is insane

please be bait.

Ok Joseph

>Can that be removed from the game entirely without impacting your enjoyment?
Seeing as I also like Megaman, yes.

> Would you still play it if the game had no real progression, that is you'd be given all stages and upgrade from the get-go and you wouldn't "beat" anything per say but only worked towards improving your score in levels?
That's how Star Fox works. Hotline Miami too (though there are masks to unlock, but that just changes how you approach levels).

The fuck? GTA for instance fills up a massive city with npcs, emergent systems like AI interacting, police, gangs, etc. that make for unique scenarios and a large variety of vehicles along with little details to discover. And it's PACKED with detail, it has very little empty space or padding and tries to minimize downtime. Minecraft has a world where every single thing can be interacted with, turned into a resource and used which naturally makes for a lot of these mini navigation puzzles and shit. Ofcourse it assumes you give a fuck about any of this but if you do they achieve their goal really well. As for challenging yeah no sandbox game has challenging navigation as far as I know but neither does BOTW. Would be great to get a Spiderman/Just Cause style game but with actually challenging swinging mechanics that require a lot of practice instead of being effortless.

>All you're saying is that fun things are fun.

Not him, but yes, that's what we've been trying to tell you.

Exploration is fun in Breath of the Wild because of the chemistry systems, weather acclimation, climate hazards, navigation options and general environmental interaction that all make it fun. Not sure why you're having so much trouble grasping this.

Moving from point A to point B in most other open world games is nowhere near as involving.

GTAIV did it well. GTAV felt sterile and uninteresting.
Minecraft was also fantastic. I sunk many hours into it back in the day.
Just Cause 2 was fantastic at it. JC3 fucked things up.
I'm not saying BOTW is the only good open world game. It is, however, the only one I've played in ages where exploration felt organic and gratifying.

>frogposter is retarded
Every fucking time.

>Zelda 1
>nearly every item only has one purpose or the 2nd alternative purpose is combat oriented
what did he mean by this

Was it autism or ESL?

No that's not what you've been trying to tell me, and that's not what you told me immediately following that statement. You went into specifics and explained what makes the game fun to you, he did nothing of the sort the only thing he said is that he isn't playing for the armors and rewards. Though this itself is doubtful, that's why I asked if his enjoyment would be impacted if the devs removed those things from the game.

When it comes to what you're saying it's true but the larger point is that without the goal of having to move from a to b which is done with extrinsic motivators like the promise of content or upgrades or whatever, these things would lose a lot of their value. Why use clever convenient navigation options if you don't have a clear goal for where you want to be? Why explore if there is nothing to find but a barren landscape? Intrinsic motivation exists within the context of extrinsic motivation in games, and not just some games but pretty much all games with the only exceptions being as I mentioned exploitative mobile trash/gambling which is all extrinsic or toys which are all extrinsic.

Which items don't meet that description? Off the top of my head I can only think of the candles, the whistle, and maybe the magic wand.

Spot-on. Waiting for the inevitable sequel on the same engine which I assume will be a more focussed Zelda experience with the same mechanics.

Call me when Halitosis reveals his MechaGamezilla face.

I responded to you faggolini
Nobody plays Megaman X because they like the armor upgrades, by the way. That would be idiotic.
I didn't play Hotline: Miami three times in a row because I loved all the upgrades. I played it because the high-speed, nail-biting, ultraviolent murder sprees set to sweet techno music was fun as fuck.

I think I agree with basically everything he said. I did notice that he never comes out and says something like "botw is really good" or anything like that, which suits his style. in fact, he goes so far as to say "it may not be inarguably great", despite assigning that praise to LttP.

if there was a thesis to the video, it was probably just "BotW rejects the conventions established and repeated since LttP in favor of the open-ended exploration of LoZ (NES), even going so far as to surpass the original's degree of freedom. In the process, some mistakes were made but the high points in the game are some of the highest we've seen in the series. this approach deserves to be iterated upon in a future title that applies the lessons learned from BotW."... or something to that effect. I agree for the most part - I would argue that he underemphasizes the flaws in the game, yeah, but he does mention them. there's too much climbing, the shrines should probably have been folded into more / bigger / more complex dungeons, world is too big, lots of inventory problems, etc. but I also understand why, since those points aren't central to the point of the video.

for instance, we can probably agree that 60% of the game is uneventful climbing, and probably agree that that's bad. but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to devote 60% of the video to talking about it. that would just be belaboring the point, JAnderson-style. he discusses it succinctly and moves on, because he's got plenty to talk about in the rest of the vid.

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really the only multi-purpose tool in Zelda 1 is the bomb

Sounds like the town made YOU stupid, Janderson.

God i want to fuck link

Yeah and it's yet another non-substance reply avoiding the question and saying shit which isn't even true, both Starfox and Hotline Miami gate content until you beat the previous levels, HM has unlocks and Starfox has routes which gate you from levels depending on choice. Scoring itself is "extrinsic" if you buy into this divide too so remove that.
>Nobody plays Megaman X because they like the armor upgrades, by the way
JUST because of it? Obviously not. But people love the progression in the series, they love slowly building up and getting upgrades, they love filling up subtanks or buying etanks, they love slowly working through beating each level and they love how bosses can be trivialized with weapons. There's a reason people hate the cyber elf system in Zero games, because it effectively makes those clear extrinsic rewards not rewards at all. All this shit is a big part of the series, remove it and the games wouldn't even have the fraction of their popularity.

True wisdom is understanding that BotW is the only game that ever understood why Skyrim was so popular and fun and tried to improve upon that formula.

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user pls

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>without the goal of having to move from a to b which is done with extrinsic motivators like the promise of content or upgrades or whatever

I don't play games with those things in mind. Extrinsic motivators matter very little to me.

I have no idea why this is seemingly impossible for you to grasp. It's like you can't fathom the idea that a game could exist purely to encourage its players to interact with its systems for intrinsic enjoyment.

>Why use clever convenient navigation options if you don't have a clear goal for where you want to be?

The map is designed specifically to give you a clear goal of where you want to be.

>Why explore if there is nothing to find but a barren landscape?

They're not barren if the content within them compliments and builds itself around the gameplay/chemistry systems, which is inherently an intrinsic motivator rather than an extrinsic one because it's more about what you do rather than what you obtain.

>Intrinsic motivation exists within the context of extrinsic motivation in games

Not really, and even if it did, games absolutely distribute them differently.

You completely ignored the Megaman games which I also enjoy.
You're weird and uncomfortable to discuss things with. The way you forcefully try to ascribe what other people enjoy is a little "rapey".

I think BotW is a great game, I just enjoy any opportunity to shit on his shitty channel.

His avatar and name alone makes me think of a pretentious white weeb I wanna strangle.
Same with that guy with the anime persona looking avatar.

>I don't play games with those things in mind
You do, otherwise what's this "a to b" you're talking about? Where is it coming from?
>It's like you can't fathom the idea that a game could exist purely to encourage its players to interact with its systems for intrinsic enjoyment.
It's not that I can't fathom it, it's that "games" like that exist but they're called toys.
>The map is designed specifically to give you a clear goal of where you want to be.
Extrinsic motivation. If you are trying to progress a story, trying to find a new shrine or trying to find items, those are all extrinsic motivations. You want a pure intrinsic take on the BOTW style? Just take the map, remove all the reward-like content like shrines and items, remove the nice looking visuals making everything look uniform, and arguably remove forms of punishment like health loss and death entirely. Basically remove anything that gives a clear goal to you, or forces one on you (like death).
>Not really,
lol come the fuck on literally anyone discussing extrinsic vs intrinsic motivation or even self determination theory acknowledges it, even Matthew himself isn't dumb enough to overlook how deeply the 2 are connected

Vast majority of what I listed applies to classic MM too
>that second half

oh okay you're one of those.
Bye weirdo.

pretty much this.

If you want a proper analysis you need to watch Joseph's video.


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BOTW is an imperfect game with many flaws, but the amount of effort put into it is almost unparalleled and really showcases what modern gaming could have looked like if it hadn't been hijacked by microtransactions, forced multiplayer, always online, games as a service, release early then patch later, and of course worst of all political bullshit being shoehorned into every game.

Imagine if every AAA series had the level of quality of BOTW. Imagine Metal Gear Solid like this, imagine Final Fantasy like this, imagine Dragon Age or Mass Effect or Elder Scrolls or hell, imagine fucking Call of Duty like this.

But no.


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I had more fun with MGSV than I did BotW, honestly.

>Imagine Metal Gear Solid like this
MGSV but Snake has a HL2 gravity gun
>imagine Final Fantasy like this
FFXV but Noctis can manipulate objects with gravity magic

that's apparently his girlfriend, that cunt is living the dream

I meant more as in, actually completed worlds and not obviously rushed/cut chunks of the game. MGSV and FFXV both have massive amounts of things that were obviously meant to be, but unfinished. Hell even FFXVs DLC is unfinished. BOTW is a complete game with no glaring compromises. Baffling design decisions in places, sure, but nothing that screams "they wanted to do X but had to spend more time on figuring out ways to milk people for money"

>Extrinsic motivation

No, because I want to find new areas purely for the sake of what new interactive contributions those areas could make, not for the fancy trinkets and upgrades that don't actually mean anything within the scope of minute-to-minute gameplay.

That's intrinsic motivation. If it's not intrinsic in the way you're distinguishing them, then it's certainly intrinsic in the manner that Matthew was attempting to.

Why did it take Matthew to say the game is great, but flawed for there to be civil discussions about this game again? Here's how the timeline went?

>game comes out
>several comfy threads and countless post saying "this fucking game" in a positive light in the first several months
>game wins GoTY
>shitpost threads posted ad nauseum "Can we all agree this game sucks", "what went wrong", "Why is it so bad?", etc etc. for a year.
>anticipated review brings it back to what threads were saying in the first few months game was out. "Great but flawed".
>threads aren't cancerous shitposting anymore.

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>best open world game ever made
That's Gothic 2 though.

If a Zelda game with such pathetic dungeon/boss/enemy rosters is "a complete game with no glaring compromises" then I guess MGSV and FFXV are too
>b-but BotW is like Zelda 1!
Zelda 1 has more dungeons, more unique enemies and the same amount of bosses
Zelda 1 is focused on combat and exploration instead of being a walking sim with puzzles scattered everywhere

Shitposters have moved onto the next thing

I wish the sheikah suit got more attention instead of all the fanart being only Gerudo Link

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In that case that soulless crap version I described would be just as appealing to you and it isn't is it. You can even make up your own goals in any open world sandbox game and make them challenging and interesting like I dunno setting a time limit for yourself, but you don't really care about doing that either do you. It's a fantasy that people just play for trinkets anyway, even in loot based shit it's a mix of the trinkets being new and shiny and giving new abilities, enhancing existing ones or just letting people kill shit better.

Got I want to bend Zelda over and pound her pussy.

>and of course worst of all political bullshit being shoehorned into every game

You are only part of the problem now.

I mean you have a content creator who just discusses games and is watched by people who like discussing games, so make a thread about that and what do you have? Oh right game discussion. These threads are unironically the best places to get your fix of this on Yea Forums outside of the odd thread for niche/competitive games

You are being too transparent now Matt, get the fuck out.

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I remember thread couple weeks ago that started with Matt's thoughts on souls combat and evolved in actual game discussion

do you know what sandbox is retard, world isn't designed like Zelda 1 but obviously thay gave you all the tools to have fun and do stuff like you could in Zelda 1, if you can't see the connection you should have your brain examined

Nah it's not just matt, even fucking extra credits vids provoke actual game discussion and those guys are grade A mongs


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He totally nailed it with that line about wanting to cross chasms by chopping down trees

>tim rogers
muh nigga

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too feminine, doesn't look much like Link

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Because shitposters can't shitpost when Matthew preemptively btfo any pre baked argument they usually come with and the only other angle of attack would be to denounce Matthew himself which won't work cause he's too popular on Yea Forums unlike, say, Anderson.

>that part where he pulls out the mental gymnastics to argue that the random piano key mashing while you ride a horse sounds good

he should've put that part earlier in the video so I wouldn't have to watch the rest, waste of time

You're god damn right.

getting there

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imagine thinking this and not realizing how stupid you are.

>hurr ur dumb
nice argument retard

>doesn't have an argument either
Mr Black Pot is that you?

Matthew doesn't know much about composition and doesn't pretend to, but he's right that the triplets are supposed to sound like hoofbeats and also right when he says it suits the mood of the game
Continue posting

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>zelda good
>god of war bad

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Hbomber liked BotW

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>are supposed to sound like hoofbeats and also right when he says it suits the mood of the game
hoofbeats do not make for good music and it absolutely does not fit the mood of the game, it just sounds stupid
the worst part about this is that there's other "simple" music in the game that actually DOES fit the mood of the game and sounds decent while doing it, like the music that plays outside shrines

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>Has he even played DS2 for more than few hours?
More than once, his review goes trough the entire game, with his own footage from more than one play trough.
He release his review on month after the release of the vanilla version.
He didn't review the DLC tough.

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I'm retard this was for

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lol 2 hours of nothing. Only thing he does is prove shrines are shit but everyone knows that

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>hoofbeats do not make for good music and it absolutely does not fit the mood of the game
You say that like you have any idea what you're talking about.

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>You say that like you have any idea what you're talking about.
You are right, oh great one. I am an inferior being, I do not understand these complicated topics.
Please, enlighten me with your superior knowledge. I eagerly await.

And that's all I have that can be posted on a blue board.

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Have you read this thread?

People are already trying to frame Matthew's review as "one of his weakest videos" and "e-celeb shit" because they couldn't stomach him having an overall positive opinion on the game.

>It seems the only thing Link can't mount is Mipha

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Skin-thigh clothes are literally the hottest thing

I don't hear any sister in this video can you elaborate?

God of war is this gen's B:Infinite

Kinda bold of him to assume that his streamlined, casualised garbage game with linear dungeons is worthy of getting his son into it.

Argument: hoof beats do not make for good music
Counter argument:
Now shut the fuck up brainlet

>have no background in
This game wouldve been shit if not for the Xenoblade X devs

>This game wouldve been shit
but it is shit

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>counter argument
>literally just a link to the shitty """music""" in question without saying anything
I don't even need to say anything, you're doing a pretty good job of making yourself look like a retard.

But is it a masterpiece?

Is Todd the most based game director?
Japan has a lot of cool guys as well, but he has to be at least the most based western director.

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No, Durability and too much focus on shrines and seeds when it should have went to the four beast dungeons and side quests.

Agree botws soundtrack, even when it was trying to be "subtle", was just grating and repetitive. Silence wouldve been better than the dogshit regular fight music or the horseback jingle. This is the first zelda game Ive played where I cant remember a good track off the top of my head. Theres the rito village one but thats not even completely original and apes an already good zelda song.

>joseph is still mad that the GoW devs gave shoutouts to matt's review instead of his

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>Matt calling ALTTP in-arguably great
I finished it last week, for the first time, and found it to be mediocre and mostly dated.
Meanwhile, I'm now playing Link's Awakening and I'm fucking loving it, it may end up as one of my favorites.

t. ESL retard

>mediocre and mostly dated.

he included "thinking". I'm hoping it was just some kind of attempt to troll

Link's Awakening was my jam when I was a kid. Also loved Oracle of Ages/Seasons and (much later) Minish Cap.
I'm glad the remake is happening so newer folk can try it out.

presumably with more posts like yours instead of ones contributing to the discussion of the game which is the subject of the video, faggot

Meanwhile Matthew...

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Not him but nothing you said warrants a response above that level.


Sounds to me like you don't actually have an argument beyond "hurr ur dumb lol"

it's actually him, he posts on instagran every now and then

Right back at you, mate.

big kek

Joseph Anderson is literally fucking retard

Oh wow he's an Author, let's see here, "The Wizard and the Dragon", gee that sounds like a great piece of literature

post broofs

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Cute desu. For some reason I always imagined him having a shaved head.

Hey that is my windows login screen pic

>Since Legend of Zelda is a video game, I thought It'd be the bee's knees to cum inside every version of Zelda.

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>overworld is lifeless, there is none of the zelda charm.
I know it's the third game and was made before LA (the one that introduced the charm), but it still made have no interest in talking or exploring because everything felt so generic (again, for today's standard. but the thing is that so many older games still feel unique)
>Hitboxes are broken
>Dungeon's are either linear combat gauntlets or really easy puzzle dungeons
>literally no hearts drop (casul complaint)

Mediocre was too much, I still think that the game is good, and some part were great. But I woudn't call it a must-play game.

Man, imagine if Nintendo made Runescape

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just here for the cute Links


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>not a redhead

>all irish are redheads

it'd probably be in a worse state than it is now knowing how they handle online

Neither do you

>redhead avatar
>talked about being a ginger before

Listening to other people’s opinions can help you better formulate your own. This applies to every medium. Ur fucking dumb kiddo

But if you better formulate your own opinion you can more easily contest mine and we can't have that happen.

who dis

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>look at this decades old obscure game that has similar mechanics

Very cool user



Autistic sonygroes aren't people

I know right? not to mention he totally misquoted the video

It is a masterpiece in game design

the shrines were fantastic so it really was a masterpiece

No. We haven't had a masterpiece in gaming since Demon's Souls.

Demon's souls was garbage compared to uncharted 2

But what if I like gameplay?


are these both mattosis

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Yes, confirmed last week

>intrinsic motivation matters and extrinsic motivation doesn't
So are you saying that Breath of the Wild is a bad video game but a great Lego set?

japan good: the reviewer

because Japan > shitty sjw western crap

this guy is gettign worse and worse. first the awful god of war review and now he sucks this shitty games dick

I don't believe this provide proofs

I don't have it, evidence was deleted.


Then why would you even want clunky trash like demon souls when uncharted 2 provides fast and fluid gameplay

>me luv Japan based nippon steel folded 1000 times

Stay seething snoyboy

The whole dichotomy between extrinsically motivated and intrinsically motivated is a bit of a red herring. The thing you've got to understand is that most people don't actually understand why they feel the way about something, which is why the Mr. Plinkett Star Wars Prequel reviews were so popular. When people say
>BotW has shitty rewards
what they mean is
>BotW feels unrewarding
In other words, they don't think the game is fun enough. They focus on the rewards because as the punctuation at the end of the task they are what stick out the most.

To put it another way, The Kafei and Anju quest isn't so beloved because of how useful the Couple's Mask is.

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game got boring after 20 hours

Why do all UK based video game "analytics" look like fuckbois?

>I don't have it, evidence was deleted.
Then at least tell me a convincing lie about how it's him

t. soniygger

He posted it on his Fetlife profile but then deleted the whole profile. Everyone who had a copy of the image was mysteriously hacked and had it deleted. I even had a print out and I come back to it the next day and it's ashes.

it's not like we can clearly hear him in the video or anything
we needed a boot licker like you typing out his entire statement 1:1
fucking faggot

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Wait, we can shill our videos here? Epic.

Based. BOTW is a masterpiece


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because demons souls provides actual gameplay as opposed to babby's first action adventure sprinkled with fancy cutscenes it would probably be terribly interesting to actually play

It is an important point, its the entire source of the divisiveness BotW has produced. A common complaint about MM back before it attained retroactive revered status was that it was incredibly unrewarding to play. Since the rewards you got from most sidequest content wasn't very useful, and the time travel mechanic entirely undid the story impact on the game world each cycle.

>Yea Forumseddit unironically shilling MAX OVERDRIVE for an e-celeb potato nigger
based and redditpilled
this shithole had it coming

TL:DW - The game is about freedom. Mostly that's good, but sometimes it's bad.

Not really, he lists more flaws of this game than for god of war yet still says it like nintendo did a good job beacause they did something new with a long running series. So did Santa Monica but he was way more negative in that video and didn't spend multiple minutes sucking the games dick because of the sound effects.

T. Weeb who didn't even play uncharted 2. Back to plebbit with your soulshit fag.

I don't think so. Think about the stars in Mario 64. Why do you collect them?
>to open doors
But you don't need all of them to open all the doors, so why is it so common for people who play Mario 64 get all the stars? Mario 64 never had the divisiveness that MM and BotW had.

good argument, you really convinced me you're not a complete drooling retard who consumes nothing but cinematic garbage

updooted :D

I said I wanted a convincing lie, my dick doesn't buy this

>"Back to plebbit"
>likes Uncharted

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>so why is it so common for people who play Mario 64 get all the stars?
I'd say that is outright false, so your premise falls apart right there. The vast majority of people who complete Mario 64 probably get the bare minimum number of stars, maybe a handful more. Now nevermind the fact that the vast majority of people who have played Mario 64 has probably never completed it.


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>The vast majority of people who complete Mario 64 probably get the bare minimum number of stars
Fuck off. You can't back that statement.

Sorry I bothered you by trying to be helpful.

I never claimed it was the vast majority of players. I just said it was common, which it is. I've never heard anybody claim Mario 64, or Galaxy, or Galaxy 2 or 3D World was too boring to complete, but I constantly see people saying they dropped BotW after the second divine beast.

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>Imagine Metal Gear Solid like this
2 and 3 kind of were, just seemingly more limited by their linear nature, but there was a bunch of off the wall crazy shit you could do in those, especially 3.

No you fuck off. You can't back your statement at all, while mine would be supported by the fact the one look at any game's achievement data will tell you that most people who play video games aren't completionists. Most people don't finish, and most people who do finish don't do even close to all the optional stuff.

look at the global achievements on steam for any game. the majority of people who beat a game don't 100% it.

damn you really pissed a bunch of people off with this one huh

That's the spirit. Man's got to know his limitations.

>I never claimed it was the vast majority of players.
Yeah you did though.
>But you don't need all of them to open all the doors, so why is it so common for people who play Mario 64 get all the stars?
Saying this is common is to imply that most people do it, otherwise it wouldn't be common.

Jesus christ I have never seen so much dick sucking on Yea Forums before

>You can't back your statement at all
>your statement

You're making a much more concrete claim with "vast majority" than that other guy was by saying "common," which is extremely vague.

>170k subs
>100k views in a day

Someone sure is shilling their video essay hard, huh? Literally fucking who?


patreon shills

It's almost as if people feel the need to correct someone when they are wrong and smug about it.

You guys do know this is just this guys opinion right? It's not a fact, you should develop your own opinion on the game

A concrete claim backed up by over ten years of achievement completion rates. Its right there for anyone to see. Look up any game with a large amount of side content and you will see the same exact patterns.

pointless video.

Let's see your stats on Super Mario 64.

Why do you think Super Mario 64 will be a magical exception?

A magical exception to what? All the guy said was that getting all stars rather than just 70 of them is "common". That is well within the realm of possibility and you have done nothing to prove otherwise.

>A magical exception to what?
Over a decade's worth of objective data that points to a very clear pattern that spans across every platform and across every game genre. Is it within the realm of possibility that Mario 64 is an exception? Sure, but that is a pretty extraordinary claim so needs some evidence to back it up. There is none, so it was a pretty silly statement to make.