How true is this image? What would you add or change?
Old Legend of Heroes could stay in weaboo, but the newer one legit should went down one tier.
>JRPG senpai
>when Xenoblade 2 had more fanservice than entirety of Ys
All I know is that dangerously otaku has the best roster.
>waifufag swaps megaten and persona from the original image
holy yikes
I also don't see Resonance of Fate on that list.
>SMT in weeaboo
>Persona in jrpgfang
Yeah sure right
>i don't know how the image works
Xenoblade is entry-level
Ys isn't.
Persona is entry-level.
Megaten isn't.
>tfw have only played casual and 40 yo wizard games
Princess Maker 2 is the best one on that list btw
Then put it in 'weird guy'
Persona objectively belongs in weaboo/otaku because it's half dating sim
pretty sure it's an image on accessibility, you don't see normalfags raving over ys.
You don't see normalfags ever talking about Suikoden, Breath of fire or Wild Arms. This image is fucking retarded.
Outside of Japan, Dragon Quest is a dead franchise so slap it on Fan or Well-Knowledged
Rance and Underwater ray romano can be argued as VNs, though the recent ray romanas are exceptions
Drakengard isn't even an RPG
Combine Nep and Moe chronicle and just use compile heart's logo
Just let people enjoy playing videogames and don't be such a flaming homo.
>franchise that shits out some of the best-selling and iconic JRPG games of the last 15 years belongs on the same level as stuff like growlanser or xenosaga
Why is xenogears so fucking overrated?, it's just unfinished, you can't consider a masterpiece something unfinished.
Why did you start talking about FF?
Persona's practically become the face of modern JRPGs in the Western mainstream, SMT's only become something that veterans of the genre play or look back on.
How come that DQ it's more casual than persona?
>OP using weeaboo correctly
Holy shit, is it the end of the world?
Switch Golden Sun and DQ
Most normies don't have the patience to play any DQ from start to end
>Star Ocean
Nigga watt.
move persona up to casual
>critically acclaimed
>circlejerked by e-celebs
>sucked off by journalists
Limp and cuckpilled
Pretty accurate aside from Persona being anywhere but Weeaboo tier. A solid half of the average game in that series is trying to simulate nip highschool, JRPG Fan my ass
I'm a wizard, apparently. It also add up.
This image is flawed because most terms designate obscurity while others talk about how much of a weeb you are.
- Pokémon
- Final Fantasy
- Kingdom Hearts
- Chrono Trigger
- Mario games
- Persona
- Growlanser
- The Legend of Heroes
- Ar tonelico
- Atelier
- Persona
Most of the games in "Dangerously Otaku" aren't weeb, they are just obscure by Pokémon standards.
Games I have played to completion
Casual - 5/10
JRPG Fan - 4/7
Well Knowledged - 3/8
Weird Guy - 2/5
Dangerous - 2/6
Weaboo - 1/5
Iredeemable - 0/3
40yo Wizard - 0/4
weird guy reporting in
>Outside of Japan, Dragon Quest is a dead franchise so slap it on Fan or Well-Knowledged
lmao, DQ isn't dead or else SE wouldn't have put out a bunch of games in the past couple years.
DQ is also braindead so any 'well-knowledged' person would be 'well-knowledged' enough to play something more stimulating
YS is the entry level of "obscure" RPGs
im a 40y/o wizard huh, you never know..
Friendly reminder that Elona is the thinking man's Japanese roleplaying game and should be given its own tier altogether
basement dweller tier
>tfw not autistic enough for elona
It should be right up my alley because I love stupidly convoluted crpgs and roguelikes but I end up just getting confused
>Dragon Quest
>barely known outside of Japan
>pioneer of the genre
>Golden Sun
>dragon quest trivialised with flashy infinite summons
>babby’s first RPG on GBA
>not casual
Lol. Stopped reading there. Nice thread OP.