How is this? I heard it's a pretty solid Paper Mario clone

How is this? I heard it's a pretty solid Paper Mario clone

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even if gameplay is solid i couldn't get myself to play that because the artstyle and the characters are obnoxious as fuck.

Fuck, this show went to shit. I miss when it was still fun.

Anyone know any other good paper Mario clones? I've heard underhero is solid, there's also one themed around bugs which I forget the name of

There are a few good fangames I have heard

The show never changed.

it had more action at the beginning. now it's only feels shit.

The action was never good though. It was never really supposed to even be an action show. Fighting monsters was just a trope made to be subverted in later seasons

At the start of the show, Steven wasn't a little bitch boi.

Gameplay is slow as hell, it takes years to finish a random ecounter because there are no turns and you have to wait forever for your skill points to regenerare. You don't even have the option to do a weak normal attack, no, you just stand there and have a staring contest with your enemies. Just look it up on Youtube and you'll know what I'm talking about.

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>The action was never good though.
I bet you can do better. right?

At least there WAS some action.

I wasn't ring to imply it SHOULD be better, just that it was never meant to be the focal point of the show and isn't very good because of that. I welcome the lack of focus on action in the later seasons because it means they can prioritize the shows strengths like character progression.

this monster of the week felt comfy, it had so much potential but the crew is just brainless
don't be dense the fights were way WAY better at the start

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Not him but I personally could do better than any fight scene in SU by myself. Aside from Rebecca Sugar and the occasional guest animator, all of the storyboarders on SU are basically amateurs grabbed off tumblr with zero animation expertise. I still love the show though.

By far the best fights in the show were in the last few episodes, especially the fight against Blue Diamond, so you're wrong and retarded.

>character progression
Yes, I love Garnet's character progression of just becoming "muh fusion" and losing all former mystery behind her.

the bug one is called bug fables but it isn't out yet

Vs Lapis is definitely a good one I'll give you that.

Whenever I think of SU fights though my mind defaults to something like Smokey vs Jasper which is just a wreck

What are you talking about?

That is in no way garnets character arc

>the shows strengths like character progression.
that's also a load of bullshit too because the proggression is shit and the characters don't actually fucking change, the only one who did change was steven and he became the biggest mary sue in modern cartoons
oh yeah, hitting her a few times on her huge tits until lapis bails them out was "good", fuck off it had build up, not good execution learn the difference.
Garnet became the most flanderized character in the show, her whole character is just about fusions

Steven, Yellow, Blue, Amethyst, Pearl, Greg, Lapis, Peridot, and Connie all have clear and satisfying character arcs. I don't know where you got the impression the characters don't change.

>Literally just flipped the same animation and recolored it
el o el

It was a decently well-animated and complex fight, that is what we are talking about here. There was a period a couple of seasons ago where all the fights looked like shit, but that was just a short dip in quality.

Not that I'm saying SU has ever been truly well-animated aside from guest animators. But it didn't get worse overall since the first season.

Is this the show where sjw bullied a girl into a suicide attempt because she drew artwork where the characters weren't fat?

Yes. The fanbase is a nightmare.

The fat character who they got so butthurt over being drawn skinny ended up being a twig wearing an elaborate disguise anyway. Imagine how they must feel now.

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Yes, I loved it when she got banished to the meme barn. Her progression got butchered after she spoke to Yellow.

Her arc already ended by the time the meme barn became a thing. Going from super loyal to homeworld and hating Earth to trying to convince Lapis about the Earth's beauty despite still trying to figure it out on her own is a good arc

Becoming holy god christ diamond rosado is equal to "good"
Let's never address her issues about greg at all it's not important, she's not important, her arcs aren't important because they barely last an episode, and funny enough she's the only one other than steven that did change a bit
Let's make her move on from rose, except we won't, she's our token lesbian so let's not change her at all, in fact let's make her worse and worse every time we can without ever making her give a shit about anything else
Yes let's make her a mere pawn who literally gets brainwashed into becoming a living shield and that's it, she's steven's fucking knight, no other dreams or anything to life
Let's not do anything at all with the fucking character after he's old
becomes noticeably worse and worse as the show proggresses, to the point where they don't even know how to draw her and she becomes a walking joke
sure, if you're that fucking dessperate i'll grant you the diamonds, they were done well enough for their purpose

>All these non arguments or straight up false accusations

Lars and Saddie too

Do they pay property taxes?

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he's right. show went to shit. it had potential

Glad to see you have no backing argumments, have a shit day

It’s garbage and the source material has to be the most insufferable cancer in western animation.
If you want a good Paper Mario clone play Child of Light. It’s still “California” as fuck but it’s actually a great game with infinitely more tolerable story/characters (even with the forced rhyming)

Am I the only one who liked Peridot more as a villain? I really was hoping she'd pull a 180 and go back to being a villain.

Faggot, Steven "becoming holy God Christ diamond rosaro" isn't his fucking character arc and you know that.
Season 1 Steven is a bratty child who transforms into a competent young man by the end of the series. Starting with such a horrible fucking argument that obviously isn't true to anyone who has seen even clips of the show online almost invalidates your entire post.

It's pretty good.