This new fire emblem better not suck ass

this new fire emblem better not suck ass

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What will you do if it does?


be upset that it sucks and replay an FE game I like. Its what I did for Revelation

Who knows? But I bet she and Edgewife take it up the ass.

For your sake I hope it doesn't. I don't think people can digest windows.

Well, it remains to be seen. It's one thing to replay games out of sheer enjoyment of them, it's another to almost feel forced to, or out of spite for what a series has become.

Its not really a spite thing, its just that I’m left “wanting more” if the game doesn’t live up.

That's what I meant be 'forced to'. As in, a new experience is so lacking that your driven back to an older title.

Yeah i getcha

>huge red flags in character design
>minor story red flags so far
>visuals are way behind the rest of the industry, even for a game with an "anime" artstyle
>gameplay looks fine from what we've seen so far

the character design is way too same-y and thr characters just don’t seem as expressive as they should.

I'm hoping its good, but all the red flags in the trailers and their current track record has me worried.

She fucks her students

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Hoping for decent gameplay to save it. I would rather them port the older games and delay this one.

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Most FE are fucking garbage but this one actually looks good for a change

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I doubt there’s any more delays

Could be for the best; wrap this one up, then move on to the next.

There has never been a good Fire Emblem game.

I have a feeling it's going to be the opposite of Echoes: bad artstyle and presentation but good maps and gameplay


i better be able to marry my students

>looks good
user, it looks fucking atrocious. It's Berserk '16's visuals in vidya form.

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And maybe not have garbage writing too

this new fire emblem better not cock block Anna again.

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Not at all, seeing how absolutely comfy the school appears to be. A majority of the game appears to be running around the school, meeting students, and getting side quests from them, often in order to recruit the student and the gameplay actually looks good for a change
>will have more depth then any of the previous games combined with reclassing customization for loads of builds and playstyles
>assign students to specific training. this way that units, including the MC, improves over the course of the game seems so organic and is far more advanced than simple stat distribution during leveling up or a singular skill slots
>combat arts take away durability for your weapon, for a series first it is a good mechanic than a pointless one and if they actually properly manage this the game will have resource management
>amount of options each unit has, way more than in previous games with attacking, arts, items, and gambits
>everything from "subjugation" (seize) to defeating bandits (rout)

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He's talking about the artstyle and models, not the gameplay mechanics you bloody idiot.

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cock block her from what? You could still marry her in Fates, couldn't you?

God I hope so

And no one with a above 70IQ gives a shit about that incel

It matters because that's clearly what makes a first impression, and all the revenue IS earned with the newer series surely means they can put more effort into the visuals. But they're going down Game Freak's route where they just use minimal effort and know it's okay because fags like you will lap up whatever shit they put out.

>He's talking about the artstyle and models, not the gameplay
But why isn't he talking about the gameplay?

It doesn't matter at all because you fucking retards would reject anything that's good if it's not pretty in the first place just like how you jerk off bad games like Echoes, nevermind only that autistic dipshit started talking about graphics.

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Ask him yourself or a visual style can be a important factor in a games first impressions which this game obviously failed at. It sure as hell left that bad impression for me because what I'm looking at doesn't look like Fire Emblem with a awful school setting that doesn't even fit the series not one bit. I also can already predict how the story is gonna go

>3 school house fight for points like Harry Potter
>some big threat comes
>the 3 houses unite to fight it
>it's another fucking dragon

That's how it's likely gonna go.

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Yeah but got rid of her in echoes despite changing up a lot of stuff from the original. But that's just nitpicking on me.

I don't like the visuals either, but I don't see much point in chiming in and going "the game looks bad!" whenever someone says they think that the gameplay looks good.

Also didn't see any sign of her anywhere in the trailer so I getting kinda worried.

>got rid of her
She wasn't in the original in the first place. And it makes perfect sense, Echoes takes place in Marth's world and Marth's Anna lives in Archanea so there would be no reason for her to be on Valentia.

>This is the current state of the FE fanbase
Echoes was a fucking mistake, worse than Fates and Awakening, jesus christ.

>how you jerk off bad games like Echoes
Three Houses really will be the inverse of Shadows of Valentia, won't it?
Poor visuals but great gameplay. Versus great visuals but poor gameplay.

I'll have to play a different game. A truly terrifying possibility.

I wouldn't put any faith in FE as long as it's run by IS.

I'm chiming in because that user made a big comment that has absolutely nothing to do with what the user he's responding to was talking about and calling out the fact he didn't check his comment to know what he's really talking about and changing the subject.

I've never even played Echoes so don't loop me in that shit

>I also can already predict how the story is gonna go

Not really an issue, if you can't guess the main bullet-points of a FE game after all this time you have some fucking issues.

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Then maybe they should do something different that doesn't end with the final boss being some dragon, at least Sacred Stones had something different.

There's actually some interesting theories about the game now that got me more interested. For example, Byleth's name comes from a demon in the Book of Solomon. And this demon can change genders into either a man with a cold personality or an emotional woman. So maybe the reason why the game asks you for your form instead of gender is because you're actually playing as a demon. That'd be fucking sick.

>that last point

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Characters look like shit.
Writing's probably still going to be shit. I have no doubt that it's going to be yet another avatar fellatio-fest.
More robust unit customization looks promising but the gameplay ultimately hinges on the map design, which we haven't seen much of.

I still don't understand why this is even a talking point. Everyone knows exactly what kind of story they'll be getting in this new Fire Emblem game because they've been rehashing the same "dragon bad must kill dragon with friendship" plot points for years.

IS aren't suddenly going to come out with some deep, multilayered storyline any time soon. The gameplay is what really matters.

>Then maybe they should do something different that doesn't end with the final boss being some dragon
They already did with Holy War, Thracia, SS, PoR, RD, and CQ. That's 6 of the 15 games in the series, 12 if we don't count remakes.

Sure the gameplay would be good but the school setting really just turns me off from ever touching it, it just flatout doesn't go well with Fire Emblem.

I've never seen Holy War and Tharcia, SS has demon which was cool, PoR had a evil king as a final boss, RD was a goddess. CQ honestly doesn't count since Takumi was possessed BY a dragon

Don't expect anything from the story and you'll have fun.

How does the setting not go with Fire Emblem? Ever since 4, you've been playing invisible matchmaker mid-war, that expanded in the rest of the series with supports or class changing mechanics.

Being a professor at a military academy facilitates that well enough, and is an interesting setting that's already existed multiple times in the series (FE4 with Sigurd/Quan/Eldigan making their oath of brotherhood at one, Eliwood and Hector becoming friends through it and making enemies with Laos). Also gives a good reason why you can get involved with different kingdoms.

But war school exists in FE, Sigurd, Quan and Eldigan went there, same with Eliwood, Hector and Erik. We just never saw it.

>but the school setting really just turns me off from ever touching it,

>Sigurd, Quan, and Eldigan all mention attending an academy together
>Roy and Lilina were studying at an academy under Cecilia
>Ephraim, Eirika, and Lyon were studying at an academy together

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>war school
None of them went to such a school. They were forced to pick up a sword, lance or axe just to protect their kingdom from a threat that appeared suddenly.

An academy being mentioned once in FE4 in 1996 doesn't mean that making an entire fucking game about it is a good idea or that it fits in any way.

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How not? It it something different them the nasty shit you been eating for the last 20 years you can't accept something else?

The setting CAN work in theory, but I have no expectations that current IS is going to handle it in any other way but shoveling in highschool anime tropes.

So I should accept any piece of turd that is "innovative",just in virtue of being new?
Guess what shithead,I love recruiting a bunch of random fucks,going against some misguided empire and having to end up killing dragons.

Do I want more of the same thing they've been doing in past 20 years? yes I fucking do.Give me more of the same.

You accept something new when it's you seen it is good. Guess people love eating dogshit daily you can really have the same shitty games ISIS rehashes over and over again.

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>I love recruiting a bunch of random fucks,going against some misguided empire and having to end up killing dragons.

Its a FE game user, do you honestly believe a school setting is going to remove that stuff? You're obviously gonna find some people out on the field and add them to your class then fight the evil church to get to the evil dragon.

I'll eat super glue if that doesn't happen.

You shouldn't have expectations from ISIS at all

Nice,except that I'd like all that without the school setting part.Or the characters looking like they're from the 1900s,in a medieval fantasy game.

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>it's okay because fags like you will lap up whatever shit they put out.
The fucking irony

>People are tired of Game Freak rehashing.
>People are tired of IS changing things up.
How can two companies be so polarizing with their respective fanbases?

My concern is that like awakening the numerous systems might be completely unbalanced and worthless

Hoping they have numerous playtesting involved. Though being unbalanced is a series staple.

there’s unbalanced and then there’s Awakening-tier unbalance.

She wasn't in any trailers for Awakening or Fates either. Also

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it doesn't look like this so it already sucks ass

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So the same level of shit. Okay

>le comfy

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Which is nothing compared to Geneaology or Ike tier unbalanced, unless you buy DLC and grind for actual hours upon hours.

At which point it's as bad as arena scumming.

>it's okay when trash like geneaology is comfy!!!!!
is it just me or the jerky head movement really bothersome?

at 3:33, when they zoom in on petra

Ike is mediocre in PoR. Genealogy at least attempts threatening enemies later on, just struggling with low difficulty overall. Awakening can literally turn into End Turn emblem

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>Hoping for decent gameplay to save it.
>I would rather them port the older games
Shame the two aren't synonymous.

I'm very much glad it looks nothing like Heroes.