Chicken-chan is shit
Chicken-chan is shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>Challenge Shield-chan to a battle
>Get glassed
She'd buy me a drink?
we get it, there's a girl in pokemon
can we talk about the boy now?
God i love pokesluts.
There's a boy!?
Why? The male trainers are always bland and boring. Wait for some gym leaders if you want actual hot guys.
>saving stuff from patreon ebeggars
If you don't mind the drink in you eyes along with glass shards then sure, she'll get you one.
he's CUTE and it showed him in football kit!
this is literally just Chicken chan with a jacket
wake me up when the pokemoms are shown
She fucks paki guys
Fuck off back to
She’s Scottish not English
I just saved the stuff being posted on Yea Forums,
Oi what are the lookin at?
I'll glass ya ye wanker.
>Shield-chan uses a potion
>Sticks a heroin needle in the pokemon's arm
You fuck off back to the calalogue, we are allowed to discuss video games. You aren’t a mod and never will be
I want her to get drunk as hell and abusive and then force me to my knees to piss in my mouth while she talks shit about me in psuedo-scottish accent.
That's amazing.
fucking laff
Kill yourself you fucking moron newfaggot there are +10 Pokemon threads up there's no need to make a new one, use your own advice and go to the catalogue before making a garbage thread
But steels heaver than feathars...
i dun gettuh
Can some drawfag make her looks like more british?
Put some Burka
Go make your own thread you wannabe policeman
>look at this slag thinking she's smart shit
What is the most quintessentially Scottish pokemon team you can think of?
i want the chocolate thief skit in pokemon
>they both actually weight 2.0 kg
requesting picrelated but with shield-chan
6 pack of beer
New Lass is shit. Kalos Lass still top tier.
being an american and watching Limmy's Show has conditioned me to think of the scottish accent as almost entirely comical.
Those are just English immigrants to Scotland
He really thought it was coming home.
honestly this one too
5 Spindas and a Swinub
A Scrafty, representing a ned.
An Emboar, representing a haggis.
A Flareon, representing the fiery readheaded vixens that don't actually exist but are romanticized by other countries.
That's all I can think of.
She got turned into scorbunny
Pracitcally same pose and the mouth is copy pasted
Sorry lad, can't beat pantyhose.
>she got turned into a snow bunny
how does a scrafty represent a nerd? what do nerds have to do with scotland?
kay is such a stupid american.
I mean, both are cute, but the female one has at the moment more personality.
i like it
>such a stupid american
she cute. How do I get myself a dumb blonde american wife bros?
>likes to dislikes
>never even made tv
>openly racist and bigoted with my colleagues and classmates
Its all on paper, thats it mate.
We had a girl who moved town cause nobody would touch her after she dated a paki. Good times.
>Scottish slag
>set in Uk
>lil monkey fella
Gonna name him Pilkington
God I love the OC coming out for this
Funny innit
Look at this lil monkey. Why is he so darn happy?
>Even caring about that shit
Drop dead.
Very nice artist chan
I'm just going to call him monkey
Thoughts on this cute chav?
t. faggot ebeggar
get a fucking job dumbfuck
fuckin mint
I’d put a wedding band right on her finger and take her right onto on the platform
based monkey
at least you tried
The britbong posting made her jump into my favorites already.
Not enough minge in porn to make an educated opinion
idk, im still trying to figure it out too.
chav is just european for slut, right?
These alone were worth going into this thread.
yes and no
No you fuckin mong. Chav is an English slur. Ned is Scottish.
You made my day. Have a glass of wah
I dont get it. What reference is this?
none of your fuckin business
>GAMEs preorder £54.99
>shopto £39.99
The fuck is up with games prices?
Can't wait for the Tamagoro doujins
she needs some ned-be-gone
You need to learn how to use pixiv
Sounds like you're just jealous to me.
literally no quality difference
If shied gets into the anime she should be voiced by Nia’s voice actor
you fucking people
If you keep saving pictures wrong, you'll start saving pictures that are smaller than the actual size. Break the bad habit.
why are UK people so ugly
At least my mouth ain't fuckin' orange
>implying Shield-chan wouldn't be drinking scotch or Irish whiskey
She'd definitely be the type to enjoy a wee dram of a nice Lowland like Auchentoshan or Bladnoch or an Irish single malt like Midleton or Bushmills.
Lass on the other hand probably drinks tawny and sherry like a sophisticated scholar.
I strongly like this image.
fucking kek
The Scottish government are queers and steers, even fat cunts from Glasgow and Edinburgh don't care for their faggot government outside of the SJWs and foreigners. They just vote SNP because the hatred of the English outweighs the hatred of SJWism.
whasernam myyat?
so close but so far. Nice try though
shut the fuck up
Why is she so popular? Is it just because of the hype of the new Pokemon game or the funny accent maymay getting traction? She looks like a fusion of Onodera, Ochako, and the gen 6 tourist girl. Really safe and generic.
Fuck you m8, ill smack you in the gabber i swear on me mum.
She's not a fuckin chav ya daft cunt
Oh god I hope GF takes advantage of the accents.
Holy shit I can tell you're a fat bitch just by reading this.
kill jestah
>Tfw can't discuss pokemon now without muslim rape gangs, and muh 1984 UK memes being brought up
But I have a penis.
She probably goes to the bar after class, undoes her tiny tie, and probably orders the hardest liquor and passes out
Have you ever seen a girl that was really cute to the point where she made your dick turn hard as a rock?
she's a posho or "psoh totty" if you're gay that way
>Northern Monkey
What pokemon do YOU have, southerners?
Oi ya bloody wankas!
That's brilliant.
I love every simgle thing about Shield, I really do.
does she watch footie tho
Americans just learned the word "chav". Expect it used wrong from now on.
Aye, but at what cost?
Good, maybe /vp/fags will finally learn to go back to where they came from.
Why would they learn it now years after everyone stopped using it?
Why are you being mean? Are you having a bad day?
why don't englanders, irishmen and the scots type the way that they talk?
Bugger off, Boco, you fuckin' wanker
He said ned not nerd, its scottish slang. Might be used in england as well but as a scot i dont tend to spend enougth time down there to find out.
Scots are miles more left wing and welcoming to immigrants than either England and Wales. Theyre essentially the California of the UK, except with more poverty.
Wait, this is the Gen8 girl?
holy shit I just saw that. What a fucking mongo bastard.
Also the English tend to use chav.
I wonder if game freak is trying the FE Awakening technique of having waifu sell the game.
Goddamn just killyourself dog rapist
because theyre yanks mate
yiffparty to bypass ebeggar shit
Hardly. They're left wing but they're not accepting. Outside of the big 3 uni towns (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen) they're racist and sexist as fuck but the women give as good as they get
it is working on me
Sod off, cunt. Ah love the bonny lass an' there's nah' a bleedin' thing ye can do abou' i'.
I think he has a job and it's called drawing porn for money.
>suddenly gets hard upon scottish accent jokes appearing
I know your game, fucker
Some accents/dialects are incomprehensible to Americans anyway, writing them down would only make things harder.
Nah mate as a scot i can tell you that its only our govenment thats a bunch of left wing wankers, the general populous has a lot of right wingers and even the left wing people thing the gov is a load of shite
>not making your own code to fuck with burgers
lost opportunity desu
I want to bury my face into her clean soles so hard
>Theyre essentially the California of the UK
That's London though. I've been to Scotland and its far more conservative in the backwaters then most assume although only those who stick in their villages are alright with newcomers because they don't go to the countryside and when they do they immediately want them gone. My buddy in Inverness knows some older chaps who said whenever they have Asians around they always have issues because they refuse to speak English to get around and act posh and demanding.
They've been doing that since Crystal introduced girl players.
you're an idiot
No fuck you, you got a scottish bitch already
>Kalosian whore vs Galarian harlot
Irish and Scots do but its mainly contained to social media
Well, damn.
But don't y'all vote for the government? Or are the right wing parties in Scotland trash?
we do it when we're shitposting m8
Okay fuck it I'm getting the game just for her and the general aesthetic this time around, I just fucking love old school Western renaissance style architecture so as long as it's not Pokemon Go-tier then I'll be fine.
Listen 'ere you fuckin' bloody cunt, get off ta bloody board or 'least remove yer stupid tripcode
'an SHUT UP!
As a daughter, silly. I love Shield as a daughter. (Frankly, I like the name 'Mary' for her.)
please keep /pol/ in /pol/ desu senpai
Requesting her as Demoman's adopted daughter or some shit. Maybe her leaving home with a Voltorb and he gives her advice on how to fuck a bitch up if she gets hurt.
Note to Burgerclaps:
When people from the UK say "Asians", it means Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi etc, not Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino like in the USA.
the fact that she doesn't wear a skirt is just IMAGINE tier
I want to see her in the anime just for the sheer amount of gravity defying shirts we'll get
>Or are the right wing parties in Scotland trash?
They're trash for one and they also don't exist unless they're English based and the Scots detest anything that isn't Scotland. The Scottish Conservative Party is for pro-unionism so they're automatically hated by the vast majority of Scots and for generally good reasons.
Aye sir...
This is /int/
>Asians around they always have issues because they refuse to speak English to get around and act posh and demanding.
I see so many chinese people around that cant speak english so fuckin often that its honestly a load o shite. I dont have issue with them being here but learn the damn language if your gonna stick around. If i went of to japan for instance i wouldne keep talking english the whole damn time, i would learn some fuckin
I'm talking specifically about Chinese Asians, specifically Hong Kong types. I know what about the whole BBC bullshit saying that Asian==Mudslime but my buddy doesn't follow that propaganda bullshit.
You crack me up, little buddy.
I hear that
>work in supermarket
>store manager is English
>guy kicking off about phones, phone shop not open
>Store manager says he'll deal with it
>guy eventually leaves as shops getting busy
>Store manager says to Deputy manager "Ha! Thats [town] for you!"
>customer hears him, stops, looks at him and says "Yeah and if you dont like it you can fuck off back home!" in front of large crowd
>laughter ensues as he escorted out the shop
>team leader is English
>team leader is hated, hes a cunt
>marching around the store one morning trying to find a storage cage
>gets a few new starts to help him
>woman from the cafeteria shouts at him "away and find it yourself you English bastard!"
>"You can't talk to me like that!"
>reports it
>nothing done
outside of the cities they're offensive as fuck
Where are the chicken-chan pics? A mention and no pics wtf?
Why is she called shield-chan and not sword-chan?
Very nice
It's just a button up dress, there's a word for the style but I can't remember it right now. They're pretty common if you live somewhere women actually dress like women. Doesn't stop the IMAGINE factor though.
Cuase penis
same its East Asians = Asians, everything from Morocco through the middle east to Bangladesh = paki bastards
>The Scottish Conservative Party is for pro-unionism so they're automatically hated by the vast majority of Scots and for generally good reasons.
Yet the SNP suffered huge losses to the Scottish Tories in the last Election, mostly because wee Krankie and her chums wouldn't shut the fuck up about a second Indyref and everyone outside of Glasgow and Dundee is sick of it.
We want to protect her.
this posh slag decides to pick a pokemon fight with you
what do you do?
>pokemon go tier
Did we watch the same trailer?
Sword is a penis
Shield's color is closer to pink
You fuckin wot mate?
Yeah cause thats gonna be accurate. You do realise the BBC is losing license fees and views faster and faster since Indy and Brexit after folk saw clear bias?
Check Tommy Robinsons "documentary" it exposes clear BBC bias
she's boring and busted. old news
cute conservative waifu with the accent is the new hotness
I think the manga shaped the tradition that the girl is named after the second version and the boy is named after the first.
I love this new meme
Confuse her with my understandable dialect
>Tommy Robinson
Why would I take anything this guy says seriously?
British Broadcasting channel. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Never trust the BBC. It's just Tory and sometimes Blairite propaganda.
I want to get out of london, backwater towns and cities that aren't london sound nice.
Except swansea. Fuck swansea
post ae th fockin year here
cheers m8
the right word is "shite", you dummy.
ask her why her tie is so tiny
Because he's too much of a pussy to even use his real name and that makes him based and redpilled!
Because traditionally the dudes are named after the main version, girls/rivals after the second.
learn how to properly save images on your phone
absolute unit
I know what it stands for ya daft yankie, im sayin its a load of shite
>pubic hair
my fucking dick
>Tory and sometimes Blairite propaganda.
Make that entirely Blairite. Current Tory party are just Blue New Labour.
I was waiting for the Irn Bru
The female trainers are always traditionally named after the second version either literally(Shield, Moon) as a holdover from the rivals always being named after the second version(e.g. Blue/Green or Silver). It's not really official since the girls often do get "canon" names later(Moon is Mizuki or Selene, both moon-themed names), but it is useful shorthand for talking about a character or tagging them up till we get an actual name.
>tfw if you pick the dude you won’t see the girl in the game again
I really hope we don’t get another autistic rival like Hau. Just give me Serena 2.0 except without her being a pathetic whore.
Slap the cheeky cunt'n show'er ow ta really busta pokeball if ya catch me aye?
what happens when somebody informs twitter / tumblr that pokemon characters are essentially all children?
niggers lol
Oh my fucking god
The sources are there. You're more than welcome to investigate. Get off the /pol/ koolaid. The BBC is flawed sure, but it's still the least biased and most trustworthy news source available. It's telling that the left wing accuse the bbc of being tory led and the right wing accuse them of being socialists. Their documentaries are where you get the shady shit.
Guess nips really like that place
Can you imagine if your rival is english? That combined with the fact that your playin as a scot goin through england and beating up all the posh cunts that get in your way makes this game rather based if i do say so myself
Made in Galar from Magnemites.
why does gamefreak even bother with a male pc if they're just going to make him boring as fuck
Fucking christ could you just enjoy some fucking fanart without picking imaginary fights
Oh god yes
The cottage that was the basis for the bongland sequences in Kiniro Moasiac frequently gets overrun by crazy nip tourists.
based lunch lady giving that prick the business
i feel that hatred of the british should be bringing a lot more communities together than it currently is
How many bar brawls has she won?
I'm going to be very disappointed if there's no Henry pokemon
who cares?
The girl this time around looks older than a literal kid
She's more likely a lefty-centrist Edinburgh girl judging by the outfit.
>Hullo ye whiskey manic malt-monkeys
>Alfie here wi' anotha Whiskey Review
>Tudday we got a real Flamethrower offa malt
>Et's distilled frum a speshul distillery tha' adds Rawst berries prior to distillashun
>There's a real Bellossom on the Nose pass
>Ooh, an' a slight Ember aftertaste of Rowan and Juniper
>Easeh drinkin' won't even need to water thes down
Of course, if they weren't being led by a fucking massive dumbfuck they'd probably have 90%+ of the votes but they don't because Sturgeon is a fucking dumb cunt.
It definitely seems so.
Lass is pure 100% Briton and not some some dumb slavshit.
I mean in terms of if the gyms and caves will be easier and more handholdy then past games and if there will be a serious lack of post-Elite 4 content.
I haven't heard about Swansea in a while but census says its about only 2/3rds white now. What happened?
>The BBC is flawed sure, but it's still the least biased and most trustworthy news source available
>state news is least biased
I'm in fucking Canada now and the BBC is even worse then our CBC and the CBC fucking sucks.
The Gen1 boy and Rival were first given the names Red and Green in the Pokemon Adventures manga, which the games later adapted for the Gen2 games. Because America had Blue as the second version, the rival likewise got localized to Blue as well.
>Nicely clothed lads
Very nice.
Honestly, I was getting tired of the skimpy clothed girls, at least this one gets more used for humor and fun stuff rather than lol lewd.
>not saving stuff from e-beggers so you can repost it for free, triggering them forever
What are you, stupid?
sorry user i'm not the one waging a war against imaginary characters
Head to the North, you'll probably be poorer but a shit tonne happier
Yeah but this is a rare instance of Foreign countries showing an interest in England outside of London. I'm very happy to see that the first major city is basically Manchester. I'm not a fan of being lumped in with southerners.
i am just waiting for those doujins
>look at fanart of the flavour of the day pokegirl
>it's all patreon whore shit
Yeah nobody actually cares about this character. It's just people going through the motions because they feel like they NEED to like the latest pokemon female
Goddamn when did Waifu culture become so dead and soulless?
*adopted the names, I mean. If only the manga was truly adapted...
Weren’t the colors in the gen 1 games the first options for Mc/rival names anyway?
>mingeposting given a second wind
chicken was a joke too, where were you at?
Would lass or shield be more into enjo kosai?
has anyone drawn shield chan as the 'u wot m8' kid?
Never met a Scottish person but judging from this thread Scottish people are angry violent drunks?
>ralfy reference on Yea Forums
My niggah! Even though I don't like his scores his commentary is super good and helped me get into trying scotch that I can't really afford.
You spelled "Whisky" wrong you stupid fuck.
Australian region when?
>”Getin da fookin ball u cunt!”
The name of the island is Britain. The Scottish are also British, as are the Welsh and the English.
>not just looking at nippon's art
meanwhile in reality
So Yea Forums. Pokémon Norf or Pokémon Saaf?
Hopefully by the time the successor to the Switch comes out.
That is a prevalent stereotype, yes.
Australia's a British colony, what's the difference?
Only in the same way that Texans like to shout "yeehaw" while they shoot their pistols in the air.
someone get on this
>Waifu culture
Literally just stick with jap art, instead of talking about this gay shit.
>Nobody is calling her Sheila
That is just Britain in general but the stereotype is mostly to do with Scots or Irish
Everyone in Britain is an angry violent drunk
Don't tell the Japanese. They'd be horrified.
>Waifu culture
>dead and soulless
Alright, Yea Forums, time for bed.
No? She looks to be about the same age as any other protag.
Hilda still looks older, even.
Why are english accents so funny?
Seconding this. I wonder if the kid ever found out about this.
u wot
If you play Blue, Blue is the first name offered to the player character and Red the rival.
These were men wae a trade.
I don't shout yeehaw
this actually happens tho?
what makes gen 8 so shitpost worthy? is not even out yet but it explode
what's this face trying to express?
>Nobody is calling her Sheila
Cos Sheila is Australian. Fuck's sake.
People hate the bbc because its funded using our taxes by the govenment, as such its always going to be bias to whoevers in power, and since its run by england it will be bias against scots as well. In addition the fuckers send people around to your house to yake money off you for tv licenses, charging you extra for the tv channels your already being charged for regardless of if you actually watch them or not. They cant force you to pay but they will harrass you until you do, and then they spend the money on shitty tv shows like sherlock. Also they are undeniably left wing, they dont suport right wing policys in the fuckin slightest.
goin to greggs
ya want somethin
She really doesn’t. Stop looking at fanatics and take a look at the model.
Someone needs to draw this only she gets sassy with an Arab man and the thot immediately gets BTFO with acid to the face. Preferably by shadman.
Available in the UK*
There are no better alternatives.
All the murdoch rags dominate and are corrupt to the bone.
Telegraph is tory pr men in print form
Grauniad new age sjw nonsense
Morning Star is Momentum led commie psychosis
Express and daily mail are yellow press nutters
Independent is clickbait.
There are no good alternartives. The only remotely decent paper is the FT. Our press is utterly fucked.
I'm down for that
If you're talking about "Scotch" whisky, the spelling without the "e" is correct.
Use whiskey if you're talking about American shit.
UK is the shitpost nation
Nat doesn't have a patreon.
Shout out to my ancestral clan.
Mum's side.
>starters look funny
>country it's set in being shitpost worthy itself
>internet in general now
cannae get a wee toff
A cute girl that's also an angry drunk, and Max as a Pokemon. What's not to like.
Yeah. This is proof of it. Nobody has a waifu anymore it's just "look at the latest waifu of the hour you won't remember when the next one comes"
It's so dead and mechanical
I do type the way I talk. Why don't Americans?
why tho
aight cunt
>Aye d'ya take a wee standin up or settin down?
>Are ye a berd or a cock
>they dont suport right wing policys in the fuckin slightest
What's to support? The only legit right wing parties we've had recently were BNP and Ukip, and both of those were a joke.
You were told to stop replying to me, dogfucker
But that's 100% accurate.
But that’s what Texans do. At the very least you separate the city Texans where the culture and money lies that’s like any other civilied city on the coast from the rural ones who might as well be stuck in 1899
Are you gay or a girl?
i thought aussie was the shitpost nation
>tfw waifu is stuck in a shitty cartoon nobody watched or liked
on the plus side it means I have no competition
Is this another one of those armor/armour type situations where foreigners get their panties in a twist about one letter?
I don't get it.
Same desu but it's funny because my favorite pokegirl MCs are Hilda, Platinum Dawn, and now this one.
American's hate the UK for some reason and don't like the attention they're getting
all of this personality is nothing more than memes and stereotypes, as of now she literally has no personality whatsoever
>gamefreak make it so its actually prison island
>fight the wardens to escape the island
they never would, but it'd be cool
we don't think about you at all
Read the thread newfag
For my Yuropoors ( Brit bongs ? ) what's your thoughts on the region of your Homeland
More people just find it funner to meme her up. Not really much anybody can do about that.
Yeah. It's weird that whiskey is the murrican one and whisky is the brit one when storey is the brit one and story is the murrican one
english can fuck off
england is known for their funny accent and ridiculous laws about license for carrying butter knife, not to pol meme of course but there is also that thing about being next to ireland which adds the banter language
Almost, but not quite. Whiskey and Whisky are two unique but similar things based on where they're made. It's not just spelling.
Hey look, I did it again. Ooga booga.
Doesn't matter because the artist can assign whatever age they want to the character they draw. Just like how all of Shadman's drawings are 18 year olds :^)
Love the souf
Love countryside
Simple as
Shut it, Boco
Only problem would be pokeballs circling back when throw
>”Go Kolalala, use body slam. AYE SAID UZ BODAY SLAM YA FUCK!”
>team is just 5 Eelektriks and a Nazi Grotle
They remembered that we have cities other than london, so that's nice of them
Meaningless post.
Brighton is sjw central in England and one of the whitest towns.
I want to see Sword-chan and Shield-chan getting six of the best with the cane like the naughty British schoolkids they are.
Pokemon are probably actually illegal in the galar region.
or at the very least someone tried to make them illegal at some point
>mfw slav-themed next gen never because pokemon vidya was never a big thing over here
Platinum Berlitz is cutest girl. She was also somewhat posh.
What's wrong with the image? It's not a shitty screen shot. Is the size to small?
>not dual wielding
the US already had their moment with BW
They've flipped the shape of the UK upside down but I can't tell if they've flipped the actual countries too. It would be really weird to have Scotland be the flat lowlands and London be in the snowy Munros up north.
Brum Pokemon when?
But we do do that.
We have our bud in one hand, the gun in the other and DEFINITELY can't do it without your 10 gallon hat on.
>t. texan
didnt know that was a real place
They'd just add slavs in Galar
here are your bug typ Pokémon of this region
It's a smaller version of the original denoted by the m. You can fix it by opening the image's url and deleting the m which will give you the original size.
>Brum Pokemon
So a Paki rapist?
Good to see ya again. Btw anyone else expecting to see any well designed grunts in the game?
I'm sure someone is drawing it as we speak.
Dawn has always been the most conventionally attractive one, but I think Shield might be cuter.
It's an american imageboard and as such, the resident's second most familiar country is the UK . A game set there attracts country wars shitposting like wildfire.
I more meant this Brum, but ok.
>tfw nobody likes the Midlands
I see didn't know that. Thanks for the tip senpai.
I like Dawn's hat. I think it is the cutest hat with Hilda's ballcap being right next to it.
Hello annafag.
I hope so at least. Pokemon has good track record with them.
>I'm sure someone is drawing it as we speak.
They fuckin' better be, it's too good of an opportunity to be wasted and I know I'm not the only one to think of it.
On Yea Forums, it's considered good ettiquette to post the best-quality version of an image that's available. On some boards you can even be banned or warned for posting low-quality images. You should lurk a while without posting, just to get an idea of the culture here.
oi, thfooks me toff m8? dunnae take moren 15 minute tae pop off tae greggs, djae get loast ye daft bastard?
Midlands are nice, shame about the people who live there. Boring cunts who only live to be shitstirrers in norf/souf arguments.
>getting six of the best with the cane
what does this mean
I fucking loved Brum.
But yeah sorry fuck Birmingham.
I hope all the locations have silly English names. It really is like harry potter land over there
When I was on the train in England I went past a place called "Horton in Ribblesdale"
Dawn's hair, the face, the various skirts...she's the one that most embraces being feminine, I think. The rest all have a tomboy thing going on.
fook off mate, get yar own sheit I went to spoons with the lads
Midlands here, I disagree. Most people I come across here are pretty much north supporters. Frankly, what the midlands has is a bit of the best of both worlds.
I was born and raised in Texas user, we don't do that
Just kidding we do. Don't mess with Texas.
There is a village about 15-20 minutes away from me that's called "Wigwig"
>Lapras (loch ness monster)
>Metagross (literally has the Scottish flag for a face)
Get in my office and find out.
That hat reads pretty tomboy though.
Also there is literally nothing wrong with tomboys.
I apologize. I'm a mobilefag so I couldn't tell.
I like the North more as the people are much more personable.
GF, where's my James Bond pokemon? better be a James Bond pokemon in SS.
What bass is that
>chicken's real name is Selene
I can't get into that
We have some fantastic road names too.
I live near Bell End
Why is Scottish?
I hate /pol/ but God damn is bong posting fun.
>soon someone will make licence OC
I'm guessing you've never been to Total Network Solutions.
I'm still surprised they didn't show them off yet in the first trailer. Don't they usually do that for every game to build up tension or something idk?
There's a station at the end of one of the tube lines called "Cockfosters". Had a right good chuckle at it during my time in London; every time you got on it the announcer would be like "this is the Picadilly line towards... Cockfosters".
Hofner violin bass.
Because the region is literally just an upside down UK so if you start at the southmost point she would be from the Pokemon universe equivalent of Scotland. Plus she got the little tam o shanter hat.
English girls hate lezzers
>I would threesome with them lasses
Looks fucking ridiculous. Sky is blue, grass is green, no homeless people high on spice, no knife crime, no returning isis fighters. I grew up in the british countryside and what i've seen of the game does a decent job of looking like the one nice village that exists surrounded by housing estates full of illiterate incestuous ukippers.
oi you got a license for that mega stone
Fucking eromane, always with her (?) Yuri.
I hope the fat "TECHNOLOGY IS AMAZING" guy in the hometown is just tango man going on about how he can watch Match of the day on his phone.
Boco is here too?
Has there been a more blatant rip off design?
Pokemon universe already all about licenses
>get a trainer number that assigns all the pokemon you caught to you signifying you as the original owner when you trade them around
>badges are basically a license to use HMs and also command stronger pokemon
Do a bit of research into how the word cane and the British school system relate
it's just a drawing bro
I don't think so. But I also don't know so..
I've worked in London for 5 years now and Cockfosters still makes me laugh. I don't know about fostering a cock but some London girls make me nurse a semi.
yuri shadman
>gamefreak makes a pug looking pokemon with a Hitler stache and one arm always raised
Do Ukippers even still exist after Farage fucked off? I haven't heard anything from them
Its all downhill from there. I went on /pol/ because I thought shit was funny...then the redpill happened.
Yeehaw is optional, the gun and ten gallon hat aren't though
>Trubbish but he doesn't deserve a name because he's a fucking bastard he is.
>Wheezing called "Coffin'"
>A golbat called "Batty Bastard"
>Ivysaur called "Pot plant" that when people ask what it is she goes "Yu nae ken yer daftie. Its my fuckinnn pot plant"
> Tentacruel called "Jelleh". " ah love me Jelleh!"
> Toxicroak called "Frenchie"
People spell story with an e? Is that some weird southern thing or have I just never noticed?
>Shozo and Yasuko Mitani told her visiting the four-star farmhouse was "like falling through a tunnel in Alice in Wonderland".
>They returned to Japan with the idea of setting up their own English-themed bed and breakfast where they displayed photographs of Fosse Farmhouse.
>This led to the guesthouse being featured in a popular magazine and Ms Cooper becoming well-known in Japan
Im still kinda confused on how the whole manga was made considering the two japs that found the place arent the ones that made the manga. So the b&b they made in japan inspired someone else?
>anime girl looks like another generic anime girl
I don't live in the UK anymore but that youtube fag sargon joined them, along with the guy who got arrested for having a nazi dog. They'll get a boost of support again when brexit doesn't happen.
I took the black pill user. /pol/ is still shit
what makes pol special is their memes, like comedy, they don't have boundaries and most are a reflection to events happening right now like the license for tv
Nobody spells story with an e
correct answer
Outside rodeo week, 10 gallon hats are only worn by Dallasfags
My dad asked me about that shit and when i found out it was kiniro mosaic i fucking lost it. Son, please explain the blonde hair fetish loli anime to me.
That's just because all our lesbians are short fat cunts that are only dykes because no man would want them.
>Hofner violin bass.
Thanks user
how long until they develop england syndrome? they already have paris syndrome
will the grunt team be brexiters or arab immigrants?
Farage was the only thing they had going for them. I doubt that Sargon of all people could fill that hole.
The countryside areas look nice
storey as in building, not as in bedtime
fuckin hell, the woman on the left looks like my mates mum it's uncanny
>"Wot's that? You se' you wonte shag me port reel lyff lyke? Weel wot arhye weegh'n fer ya pansy?? Threw me yer mum's hamebatch!"
Bong posting was going on looooong before /pol/ was even a board.
Brexiters but they're literally trying to harness a legendary to literally rip the country off the continental plate and float it somewhere else.
this is a 10 in bongland
from /vp/
I’m an American and I learned the word “chav” from Doctor Who when it was uttered by that one chick Billie Piper I think her name was back in 2005 or so. It was explained to me back then by Brits that chavs are basically the wiggers of Britain.
user that isn't even a joke. Texans actually do that and would get angry if you ever implied they don't to their face.
If they're going off pokemon their expectations wont be too far off the mark, excluding the rain.
It was nice to recognise it was England in the trailer without them showing off all the overplayed tourist spots.
This might be the first time outside of game of thrones that the North has ever been acknowledged.
Not even a bong, but I'd love to see her look up at me with those frog eyes while nobbling my knob
God I wish she had at least some ass or tits.
Don't worry, their new leader is a guy who was kicked out of parliament for taking bribes to ask questions and once smoked hash on television.
Realistically, faggage is going to come back once he realizes his grift in the US isn't working out.
Which pokemon's stomach is the best to make haggis?
bööls a wa'ah
>tfw your country will never be a pokemon region
It's funny as jokes, but I don't think you really want Pokemon writers trying to do accents.
Feels good. Get out of here, pokeshitters.
wouldn't it be mareep since its a sheep
The UKIP leader is Gerard Batten you fucking dumbass
That's because you're a brainless retard
>tfw my state is a pokemon region
I wish Orre wasn't forgotten
>tfw Canada is so milquetoast there will never be any interesting vidya levels based on it other than snow and polar bears
Mareep of course.
Never again
what was orre supposed to be
>there will always be distinctly separate regions
>we'll never get a pokeworld without borders
South America, Central America, Eastern Europe, Asia minus Japan, or Africa?
>mouth is copy pasted
That's just the artist, lots of shit has that mouth.
I want to see the one in Mexico so Ludicolo gets a mega evolution
mareep probably
American Midwest? Maybe arid Africa?
Do Galarians and Kalosians get along?
Yeah, I wish there was more sword art online.
It stands for council houses and violence. It was basically a way for the media to demonise the working class. Thing is, it caught on even within the working class because is was absolutely true. They're not as much of thing anymore but if you wanna know what they are just watch:
never heard of him, don't care
enjoy your islamic shithole
Arizona. Phoenix specifically, which is my birthplace.
It's a one issue party now and that one issue isn't Brexit, it's hating on muslims.
If flipland ever got a region, it would just be Aloha 2.0
>these guys challenge you to a double battle
I'd love to fight the cartel through pokemon battles
I want the German region first just for the easy nazi memes
Oh Boco, you're so fucking dense
Finland would be full of ice and water types and nothing else.
Maybe few steels for the knifey stabby stereotype
Im happy to be a new yorker
>the closer you get to the London equivalent, the more you notice everyone has darker skin tones
I bet the grunts are going to be madhatters or some bongland shit
Yeah you're definitely Welsh lol
why are English people living in the outskirts so fucking angry all the time?
six machamps for brawlin
As someone who's visited the country a couple of times, I really hate how Britain looks. Both the cities (which are fucking filthy by my standards, it's like there's a layer of soot and tobacco ash on everything) and the countryside, which in the majority of England seems to mostly be plain fields, and only gets so much more exciting in other parts (Scotland and the coasts). Thankfully Pokemon doesn't care about replicating real world geography that much.
They're nimbys.
English cops are so fucking laughable, it really cracks me up. I think it's mostly just in contrast to American cops, who tend to be intimidating and stern and hot
"about the same age as any other protag" doesn't mean a lot when pokemon protagonists range from 11-17. Sun and Moon's characters looked like absolute children. Sword and Shield's look a bit older again, like BW and XY.
Every leak that got the game names right said it was based on Scandinavia not the UK. Good job guys
where are the norf fc trainers
scotch is garbage though. nasty peaty bog juice filled with artificial shit. bourbon is all natural and better and so is rye.
note that the image provided is an example of these drinks, and not my attempt to "1up" you by posting what i believe is the best. however, these are some of the best of the mid range. if youre on a budget, bulleit would do you well, as would larceny/knob creek/buffalo trace/wild turkey 101
these low/mid range bourbons are better than your best glentrashney scotch
Sword and Shield are already the best Pokémon games just for all this OC
I really like the Scottish islands. I'm glad I've got some cousins in the Isle of Skye, gives me an excuse to go over there every now and again.
It’s accurate in every way except the geography
Let's face it
If not for the UK accent meme, shield would be as forgettable as chicken-chan without her retard hat
fuck cityfags country for life
> filled with artificial shit
What the fuck have you been drinking, user? Actual scotch is grain and water, nothing else.
Almost all Pokémon MCs are defined by stupid hats.
>scotch is garbage though
That's like saying video games are garbage.
Gross generalisation. As with everything else, 90% of it is shit and you have to hunt for the good stuff. Bourbon is the same.
Muslims deserve to be hated tho.
I hate traveling through that desert right outside Manhattan.
why are all europeans so drunk
*blocks your path in Spanish*
You MIGHT be right
But UK accent meme still exists, so she's not
your game is shit
Damn I am pretty sure this is an underrated post
Visit Stornoway and get knifed by heroin addicts.
Isn't that the case for literally every MC if they aren't defined by how nice their ass/tits are?
Cops aren't meant to be intimidating and stern. They're meant to convey order and safety. Like a kind uncle.
He just copied it from yesterday's /vp/ thread.
It's fun. No dumb prohibition here.
I dunno, she's pretty damn cute, accent or no.
>implying bulliet of all bourbons are better then similar proofed aged scotch
Also scotch has a lot more variety as a category then bourbon, trying something like Glenfarclas 15 and then having a dram of Ardbeg Uigedail is like your trying 2 completely different spirits. I really enjoy bourbon, especially Stagg Jr., but they don't do the same highs for me as single malt. American single malt still needs some work too, Westland is pretty shite for the price.